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03x01 - A Warlike Welcome

Posted: 04/14/24 09:07
by bunniefuu
yu: To protect your home, you all need to work together!

kid: I lost...

kid: One more time! Let's play once more!

kai: You'll pay.

kai: I'm going to make you pay...

kai: Academia!

kai: The Aquaria Project.

kai: In their plan to create an ideal world, the Fusion Dimension's Academia

kai: has driven Heartland City, in the Xyz Dimension, to the brink of obliteration.

sign: Heartland City in Despair

gon: So you still can't get through to Yuzu?

yu: No.

gon: Kurosaki isn't back from searching for the Resistance, either.

saw: I found it!

saw: Water! Water!

yu: Hey!

yu: Sawatari...

saw: Feels so good!

saw: Water! Water!

saw: Water, water... Water—

gon: Get a grip!

saw: Water?

gon: I told you—

saw: No, over there!

yu: Hey!

yu: Hey!

yu: Wait!

saw: Hey, it's okay if we take one can, right?

gon: I thought it was strange that you volunteered to carry things.

gon: So that's what you were after!

yu: No, Sawatari.

yu: Can't you tell how valuable those are by the way things look?

yu: We need to return them all.

saw: B-But...

man: Stop it!

man: P-Please... Spare me!

yu: Someone's there!

yu: Academia!

yu: This is awful.

kid: No! Don't take it!

No... Don't!

mom: Q-Quiet down.

mom: Please be quiet!

mom: Stay back!

mom: Please spare my children!

yu: You have it all wrong.

yu: We didn't come here to hurt you.

gon: We're returning these.

yu: Here, take them.

mom: Please! Please!

mom: Please.

gon: As you can see, we really aren't going to harm you. Calm down.

saw: Don't be afraid. They belong to you, right?

yu: Here.

kid: I can't take it!

mom: Wait!

mom: Come back!

mom: Don't hurt him!

yu: Here.

gon: Stop looking so greedy and keep watch!

mom: If you aren't from Academia, what are you doing here?

yu: We're looking for a friend.

Her name is Yuzu Hiiragi.

yu: She's about our age, and she wears a bracelet on her right arm.

gon: Have you seen anyone by that description?

mom: No... No young people are here anymore.

mom: They were all turned into cards.

yu: But what about the Resistance?

yu: Heartland has the Resistance to fight Academia, doesn't it?

mom: The Resistance?

yu: Unite the dimensions?

ac: This world was split into four,

based on summoning method— Fusion, Xyz, Synchro, and Standard.

ac: Our noble mission is to unite them.

We will create an ideal world!

kuro: That's ridiculous!

kuro: I'll turn you into a card!

ute: Stop.

kuro: Don't stop me, Ute!

ute: Don't that won't change anything.

kuro: Ute!

ute: There must be other ways to restore peace to this world.

kuro: It's all destroyed?

mom: The Resistance is gone...

mom: They were all beaten, every single one.

mom: Even my husband,

mom: my children's father.

mom: Right before my eyes...

mom: It's all because of duels!

yu: Hey, that's...

gon: Cut it out, Sawatari!

saw: I can't stop myself! Let me eat something!

gon: We have to stand guard!

saw: I'm at my limit... Just one bite.

saw: No, just the juice at the bottom of the can!

saw: P-Please!

gon: What a sad sight.

gon: This is when an immovable spirit—

kid: Want some, mister?

gon: A warrior must maintain the highest—

kid: Let's eat together.

saw: Can we?

kid: Yeah!

ac: Found five of them.

ac: I'll finish them off at once.

yu: Stop it!

ac: Oh? You're duelists?

ac: We've been fighting total weaklings lately. It's been so boring...

ac: For the first time, we can really let loose.

yu: Duels aren't tools of w*r!

yu: A true duel brings smiles to everyone!

all: Duel!

sys: Field Spell Crossover.

mom: It's dangerous. Don't go out there.

yu: I'll take the first turn!

ac: I've never seen duel disks like those.

ac: They aren't with the Resistance?

yu: We're with the Lancers!

ac: Lancers?

yu: Yeah.

yu: The word "Lancers" refers to soldiers

yu: who rode a horse, spear in hand, into enemy lines.

yu: I make this promise to the world today.

yu: I will annihilate our enemy.

yu: We, of the Lancers, are here to stop Academia.

yu: To stop the interdimensional w*r!

ac: w*r?

ac: What are you talking about?

gon: Aren't you invading the Xyz Dimension?

ac: We're just following the Professor's orders and seeing our mission through!

ac: To revive the world, for the Aquaria Project.

ac: To create an ideal world!

yu: The Aquaria Project?

gon: What is that?

saw: Destroying a town, turning people into cards...

What kind of ideal world is that?!

yu: Duels that take things away from people and make them sad are wrong!

yu: Duels bring people happiness.

yu: They make them smile!

yu: Yes... That's what we've been fighting for.

yu: Even in the Synchro Dimension, in City.

yu: Two types of people live here, Tops and Commons.

yu: Put simply, Tops are winners, and we Commons are losers.

yu: Winners get everything, leading lives of luxury.

yu: Losers struggle just to get enough food to survive every day.

yu: And if you resist in any way, security will capture and throw you in prison.

yu: Security always sided with the Tops,

making the Commons suffer.

yu: Roget, the head of security, was plotting to take over City.

yu: And he submitted an evil duelist to City's most popular duel tournament,

the Friendship Cup.

yu: To create a new duel champion, and to assert his power.

yu: Riding duels are fought on D-wheels, which are an evolution of the duel disks.

yu: And through those duels,

Roget did everything he could to crush us.

yu: I wanted to win the tournament,

to show those people how great duels can be!

yu: And I wanted to stop the fighting between Tops and Commons.

yu: Also, for the sake of the allies I made in those battles, Shinji and Crow!

yu: Put another way, Yuzu is a sacrifice to that world...

yu: That's the reason I'm fighting to change this rotten society!

yu: To accomplish that, we, the oppressed Commons, must unite our energy

yu: and overturn the Tops' control of this world!

yu: This time, I will get the Commons to rise up.

yu: But Roget wanted the Tops and Commons to remain at odds.

yu: I thought they'd never get a truly peaceful society that way.

yu: But...

yu: Before the Friendship Cup ended, the Commons rioted!

yu: Revolution! Revolution!

yu: Revolution!

yu: Mama! I'm scared!

yu: Hey, kid... It's okay.

yu: Even if our revolution succeeds,

yu: if Tops kids lose their homes and end up hating Commons, resentment will persist.

yu: This won't change anything!

yu: Attention, all residents of City.

yu: I, director of the Public Order Bureau,

yu: Jean-Michel Roget,

yu: in response to the rioting by Commons in all areas,

yu: and as an answer to the many Tops' requests to restore order in City,

yu: hereby declare martial law.

yu: Then, Yuzu, whom he had captured...

yu: This is no time to be fighting amongst ourselves.

yu: Tops and Commons need to stop fighting and unite right now!

yu: Academia is after the Synchro Dimension, too!

yu: Yuya, if you can hear me, do as I say.

yu: Stop the fighting.

yu: Make everyone smile with the entertainment duels we learned at You Show—

yu: Stop it!

yu: Yuzu!

yu: Then the King of Duelists, Jack Atlas, sent me a message, too.

yu: He told me to fight in the Friendship Cup semifinals with him.

yu: He told me to show him the kind of duel I believed in, with all my heart.

yu: If you're trying to accomplish something,

yu: do not falter!

yu: The words from those two gave me strength.

yu: In the finals, I wanted to prove that...

yu: That duels aren't tools of w*r.

They exist to make people smile!

ac: I... I told you everything I know!

ac: So please spare me!

kur: Reiji Akaba...

kur: That's the name of the Professor's son?

ac: Y-Yes! That's all I know!

kuro: Then, if I catch him...

ac: Please! I've told you everything I know!

ac: Spare me.

ac: I have no doubt that our enemy still has Ruri.

ac: But I promise to rescue her.

ac: In order to do that,

I need you!

ac: I see.

ac: You need me for a hostage exchange.

ac: Exactly.

ac: I kept attacking LDS and sent you cards with souls trapped inside

so that I could draw you out.

ac: Even Leo Akaba won't say no in exchange for his son!

ac: I wouldn't be so sure.

ac: What?

ac: I don't think he cares about me.

ac: What do you mean?

ac: Well, whatever.

ac: If you want to battle, I'm willing to accept.

ac: But I have one condition.

kuro: I thought that trusting him would be a shortcut to saving Ruri.

yu: At first, the Resistance's Kurosaki was against us,

but he reconsidered and joined the Lancers!

yu: And not only Kurosaki!

yu: I've... learned the truth.

yu: I know what Academia is really doing.

yu: I don't want to become the servant of a devil!

yu: That's why I really want to save Yuzu, at least!

yu: I don't want Yuzu in the prison that is Academia.

yu: They were both from Academia.

yu: Through our duels, we came to understand each other.

yu: And if everyone works together, we can bring peace back to the world!

yu: It was my duel with Jack that taught me that!

jack: I see! Is that it?

jack: Are these your words, Yuya Sakaki?

jack: Each voice is small. But together, they can create great resonance.

jack: Has your hope, the feelings you believe in, reached all of City, then?

mel: Amazing... This is amazing!

mel: It's a huge rally throughout all of City.

mel: I've never seen anything like it!

jack: Bring it, Yuya!

jack: See your duel through to the end.

jack: I'll oppose it with everything I have!

yu: Swing...

gon: soul's pendulum.

yu: Trace a shining arc...

saw: the sky!

trio: Pendulum Summon!

trio: This is the finish!

kid: Wow.

kid: I've never seen a duel like that before.

mom: This is a real duel...

yu: My duel with Jack filled City with smiles.

yu: But...

rog: But there is no need to run now.

rog: I am dead, either way.

rog: So I shall take you...

rog: no, the whole city with me.

rog: I shall plunge everything into the gap between dimensions!

rog: Fall! Fall!

rog: Fall, all of you!

tsu: Master Layra!

rei: Layra!

kay: Brother!

jack: Roget!

both: What?

toku: What is that?

tan: It's such a bright light.

fra: It's enveloping...

ama: The Public Order Bureau...

shin: It's disappearing.

shin: The symbol of Tops' control...

Security's headquarters...

rog: Yes! Disappear, disappear!

rog: If things won't go the way I want,

rog: this world... all of you... can disappear!

rog: Disappear, all of you!

gon: Is everyone okay?

yu: Let's go together, Yuzu.

yu: What is this?

zu: What? What's going on?

yu: I don't know.

yu: I don't know. But if the dimensional transport is still...

yu: Yuzu!

zu: Yuya!

yu: Yuzu!

saw: All right...

saw: Now I'll treat you to some of the terror you've been dishing out.

yu: Stop!

saw: Hey, how do you use this thing?

yu: Don't do that!

saw: Why not?

saw: If we leave them, they'll come after us again.

yu: Duels don't exist to bring terror!

yu: You know that, right?

ac: Damn!

saw: See? There they go.

yu: What was that?

kite: There are still others?

kite: Are you ready to make your confession?

kite: Wait! You're with the Resistance, right?

kite: We're on your side!

kite: This duel will tell me if you're friend or foe.

kite: Now, get ready!

kite: Sounds interesting. Let's do it, then...

kite: Don't rise to his provocation.

kite: This is no time for Academia's fellow enemies to be fighting each other!

kite: You're invaders from another dimension.

kite: You're enemies of the Xyz Dimension!

Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Eyes of Galaxy

The fun is only getting started!