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01x45 - Standing Tall

Posted: 04/14/24 16:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"

I Link Summon...
Link 4 Borreload Dragon!

Next Borreload
att*cks Transcode Talker!

It lets me gain control
of the monster that it att*cks

meaning your Transcode Talker
is mine!

Allow me to give you
the pleasure of learning
how it feels

to be att*cked by
your own monster!



You're out
of monsters, Playmaker.



So I calculated our odds
of winning this match

and they're one in a too big of
a number I'm comfortable with.

That's right!

And before you know it...

You will be on your knees
begging for mercy!

But I will not give you any!

Make no mistake, Playmaker...

My father's wish
will come to pass!

I will annihilate that



I'm at least 16-bit
on my worst day!

I activate Miniborrel Dragon's

special ability
from my graveyard!

Since I have
Borreload Dragon on my field,

I can resurrect
Miniborrel Dragon

by tributing a Link 3 monster.

So I'm exchanging your--
well my-- Transcode Talker

for Miniborrel Dragon!

But with Transcode Talker
no longer in play,

Topologic Bomber Dragon's attack
points return to 3000.

Next, I activate...

the trap
Link Turret's effect!

After battle, I can remove
a Rokket Counter from

Link Turret to bring
back a Rokket monster

from my graveyard
in defense mode

as long as I negate
its special abilities.

And since I have five Counters,

I can summon
up to five monsters!

He already has three monsters
on his field--

when is enough enough?

For Varis? Never.

Not really the answer
I was hoping to hear,

but at least we'll get a
turn before he's able to attack!

Oh, that's what you
think, do you? Ha!

Do you actually think
I'll let you

have another turn?

So, you mean...

You're planning
to win this right now?

But how?

He can't
attack anymore this turn.

He's just pulling your chain
to see if you'll

start perspirin' drips,
drabs, and drops.

I remove two Rokket Counters
from Link Turret

to summon Metalrokket Dragon

and Shelrokket Dragon!

And then my field
spell Boot Sector Launch

gives both my Rokkets 300
attack and defense points.

Not that it matters...

because I'm going to use those
two to Link Summon!

That means he's gonna
bring out another Link Monster.

The summoning
conditions require

at least three Effect Monsters

so I set Shelrokket Dragon,
Metalrokket Dragon,

and Miniborrel Dragon
in the Link Arrows!

Link the Circuit!

A Link 4!

I Link Summon!

Link 4 Borrelguard Dragon!


That looks like
three thousand tons

of get me out of here!

Your fluctuations
in courage

never cease to amaze me.

Borrelguard Dragon
activates its special ability!

By sending one of my spell
or trap cards to the graveyard,

I can summon a monster that was

destroyed in battle
this turn

even though it returns without
its special abilities.

I send Mirror Force Launcher

to the graveyard
to summon Powercode Talker!

[maniacal laughter]

He keeps stealin'
our monsters!

"Borrow" is more correct,

because I'm tributing it to
resurrect Miniborrel Dragon!

Now I'll use Link Turret's
effect again!

I remove two more Rokket
Counters to summon

Magnarokket Dragon
and Shelrokket Dragon!

And I'll use them to
Link Summon for a fourth time!

The summoning conditions
require three or more

Effect Monsters!

So I set Magnarokket Dragon,
Shelrokket Dragon,

and Miniborrel Dragon
in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon...

Link 4
Borrelsword Dragon!

I Link Summon...

Link 4
Borrelsword Dragon!

Four Link Monsters?
How OP can you get?

Oh, no! Playmaker's
in more trouble

than a slug slitherin'
in a salt field.

He's got my blood pressure
throttled so high--

I'm feeling like my heart's
beatin' right
outta my chest!

Oh, get a grip!

And just keep that
camera rolling, would ya?

Or else you'll be dealing
with one furious frog

who'll really get
your pulse pounding!

Oh, man,
this is so flash.

C'mon, PM, you can do this.

I mean, you're only
facing four of the strongest

dragons ever, but if anyone
can do it, it's you!

[Varis chuckles]

Playmaker, I want
to thank you.

You wouldn't be in this
situation if you didn't

try to counter my Topologic
Bomber Dragon's ability.

In other words, you put
yourself in this mess.

And this is one mess
you won't get out of!

By sending my
Mirror Force to the graveyard

Borrelguard Dragon's
ability revives your

Excode Talker to my side!

He got rid
of Mirror Force?

But I thought that
was his best card.

Me too.

However, if Varis feels he
doesn't need that card anymore,

he must have something
even stronger...

Could it be?


Yes, it could.

Here I go!

I now activate Link Turret!

By removing its final
Rokket Counter,

I summon Anesthrokket Dragon
from my graveyard!

And I'll use it
to manifest my circuit!

A Fifth Link Summon!

Are we a calendar?

'Cause our days
are numbered!

The summoning conditions

require me to use at least
two Effect Monsters!

So I set Anesthrokket Dragon
and Excode Talker

in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

[Playmaker and Ai groan]

Normally a player
is only allowed to use one

of the Extra Monster Zones,

there is an exception.

Since I linked my monsters to
the second Extra Monster Zone,

I'm allowed to summon a monster
there as well to create

what is known as an Extra Link!

Here it comes...


prepare to come face to face
with your maker!

Because this monster...

will make the

I Link Summon!

Link 4

Topologic Gumblar Dragon!

Behold the Extra Link!

[Ai yelps]

Aww, man...

This isn't good at all!

Uh, boss?

Are you, uh, crying?

Like, no way!

No way's right, 'cause I'm just
sweatin' from my eyeballs.

But not because I think

gonna lose and we'll
all be destroyed

or that I'll be out of a job,
and I'm gonna have to cancel

my Action Figure of the Month

Why does Playmaker's
first defeat have to come

in the most crucial duel ever?

I've never seen him
lose before...

and no stinkin' way
am I gonna start now!


Ignorance is bliss!

When my monsters
are Extra Linked,

they infuse each other
with renewed strength!

So my Topologic
Gumblar Dragon can now

unleash its ultimate power
upon you!

It not only destroys every
card in your hand,

you also take 3000 points
of damage!

And there's nothing you can do
to stop it because...

This ability cannot be negated!

I-I-It can't be negated?!?

B-B-But we only have 800
life points left!

I know.

Game over.
Battering Blast!


You are through!


And good riddance!


Ya know, Playmaker's never lost
whenever I watched him duel...

Like, maybe I have a
special psychic power that gives

Playmaker the victory as long as
I'm watching!

Yeah, that must be it!

As long as I watch him duel,
he'll come out on top!

Or not!

[Varis chuckling]

Playmaker is no more.

And along with him goes
all of Link VRAINS.

'Fraid not.



I still have 50
life points left.

This duel isn't over.

No-- How is this possible?!


I had one last trap card
remaining on my field.

By discarding a card from
my hand, Drop Frame Wedge

cuts the damage
I take in half!

Or by discarding two cards,
I reduce the damage even more

leaving me with just enough
life points to survive!

But surviving doesn't
mean you're thriving.

Perhaps, Varis,
but what's truly important

is that I'm still
in the game.

And I will never let you
destroy Link VRAINS!

Drop Frame Wedge
has a second effect--

for my next two turns,
no monster on the field
can attack!

And that means your
monsters are frozen out

for the foreseeable future.

And I'll use this time
to figure out a strategy

to break through
your defenses.

Time... Time is all you have

and even that
you're running out of.

Do you remember what I told
you all those years ago?

Of course you do.

I told you how three
simple reasons can get you

through any hardship.

That all you need are three
simple reasons to survive.

One: If you give now,
there won't be a next time.

Two: You can't win
if you don't believe
you can win.

And three: Just because
it's tough now doesn't
mean it will always be.

But now allow me to give you
three simple reasons

why you will not survive!

One: I hold the advantage

in life points, monsters,
and cards.

Two: My desire to win
is greater than yours

for while you fight
for revenge,

I fight to save the whole
world from the threat
of the Ignis.

And three: I'm just
a better duelist than you.

I now end my turn which means
my Autorokket Dragon's

special ability
activates from my graveyard

allowing me to summon
a monster from my deck.

Join me Magnarokket Dragon!

You really love dragons,
don't you?

And now that Link Turret
has used up all of its counters,

this card is sent
to the graveyard.

It's your turn...


Not that you can do anything.

[Playmaker groaning]


Uh, your stabilizers okay?

I...I'm fine.

Perfectly fine... [groans]



After all you've gone through,
it can't end like this.

Listen to me,
you gotta get up!

I'd give you a hand,
but ya know,

three inches tall here...

Fine, I'll try!


How heavy
is your cranium?!

You okay?

I said I'm... fine.

Well, then show it!

I know you think you're
fighting for yourself,

but you're also
fighting for Blue Angel!

And Gore!

Your friends!

Blue Angel and Gore...
My friends, eh...

Yeah, and not just
your friends!

My friends, too!

My five buddies
back home in the Cyberse!

See, the Cyberse is great
for us Ignis

because it was made
by us Ignis.

Six of us to be exact--

And each one of us
had a unique zing.

Aw, I'm getting the tingles...
And from the Cyberse

came all these new
and awesome monsters,

that you've been using
by the way, so you're welcome.

I mean, it took
a lot of sweat and effort

to create this paradise, and
none worked harder than me.

Day after day
just grinding away...

The other Ignis would come to
me and say, "You work too hard!

Why don't you take
a break?"

And I'd say,
"No, sir, or madam,

it's my pleasure to toil
the soil!,"

and I'd fly away in search
of the next task to complete.

Varis says that us Ignis

are a threat to humanity,
but that's cuckoo like a clock.

Why would we destroy your world
when we have

a perfectly nice world
of our own to call home?

But if Varis wins,

there will be no world
to call home,

not for us and
not for you either, Playmaker.

And if there's no place
to call home,

I guess we're all lost.


C'mon, pal.
Get up and fight!

Well, that was my good cop,
time for my bad cop.

When you talk girls
and say you're in the zone,

you're right-- the friend zone!


Too real?

You know, Ai...


I still have...

cards in my deck...

...that I haven't
played yet.


You got that right!

I knew you had it in ya, bud!

My, oh, my.

It certainly appears to me
like you still have some

spirit left within you,

But spirit alone will
not win you this duel.

You'll learn that the
greatest mistake in life
isn't giving up.

It's not giving up
and still failing.

You're only delaying
the inevitable, Playmaker.

You can't win.

Uh, getting a bit ahead
of yourself?

Our trap card Drop Frame Wedge
won't let you attack

for two more of our turns,
so you can't win yet!

I know.
That's why I said

you're only delaying
the inevitable.

That's the very
definition of the phrase.


At least my name doesn't
rhyme with embarrass!

[chuckles] Got 'em!

You're so helpful.

It's my turn.

I draw!

I place one card facedown

and end my turn.

We only have
one turn left,

until Varis's dragons
can attack us again!

And when they do,
we'll be more toast

than a baker's breakfast!


Just pathetic.

I draw!

First, I summon
Autorokket Varret Dragon!

A seventh monster?

Next, Borreload Dragon
can use its special ability

to lower the attack and
defense points

of one monster
on the field by 500.

So I'll weaken
Autorokket Dragon!


But when a Link Monster uses
its ability on Autorokket...

it's automatically destroyed,

and it takes one of your spell
or trap cards along with it!

So whatever card you've just
placed facedown is gone!

He really won't let us
do anything!

Of course I won't..

And though your cards may be
useless-- mine aren't.

I now place a card
facedown and end my turn!

By doing so...

Autorokket Dragon's ability
activates from the graveyard

letting me summon
another Rokket monster

from my deck!

I summon Anesthrokket Dragon
in defense mode!

I can't think
of an example,

but you've gotten
out of worst scrapes

than this right?

Heh, no...


And is that
making you worry?

You know, it should.


But logic never applies
to you, Playmaker.

Hm. Glad to hear.


Uh, what's that
weird thing you're

doing with your mouth?

Are you actually...



Don't be so surprised.

Even if no one
has ever come back

from this big of a deficit
in a duel...

Well, there's
always time for a first.

Playmaker's in so
much hot water,

I don't how much longer
he can stay afloat!

Don't go swimming
to any conclusions!

He's gonna make waves!
And ride this out!

And get the win!
That's a promise!

I hope it's one
he keeps for you!

Me too!


It's my turn.

I draw!

I hope you drew
a nice one

'cause it's that one card
against his horde

of bajillions.

Have faith.

Since my field
is nearly empty,

it means that an infinite amount
of possibilities await.

Yeah, with most
of 'em being bad.

So what'd you draw?

This one-- the spell card
Arrow Charge!

Since the two monsters

in the Extra Monster Zones

have the same number
of Link Arrows,

I get to draw
two cards from my deck.

Oh, I'm really, really, really
hoping the pair you pull

get us outta this jam!

'Hoping' isn't a viable
duel strategy, Ai.

How about begging?!

Please, please,
please, please, please...!

The two cards I drew were

Disconnect Linker
and Transaction Rollback.

And I'll activate one
of them right now!

The spell card
Disconnect Linker!

With this card...

I can resummon a Link Monster
from my graveyard

as long as its Link
is 2 or less.

And then I'll use it
to Link Summon again!

So I return my Link 2

Restoration Point Guard
back to my field!

And use it
to create my ultimate circuit!

The summoning conditions

require one
Cyberse Link Monster,

so I set Restoration Point Guard
in the Link Arrow!

I Link Summon!

Link 1 Secure Gardna!

And due to Disconnect Linker's
additional effect

Secure Gardna isn't affected
by any of your monsters'
special abilities!

That means Varis can't use his
Magnarokket's special ability

to destroy it!

But that's all...

As long as Secure Gardna is on
the field,

the two monsters
in the Extra Monster Zones

can't attack!


Varis's two best monsters
are now as useless as body hair!

Lastly, I place
Transaction Rollback facedown

and end my turn.

Well, you maximized
everything you had.

And I can only hope
that it was enough.

Because Drop Frame Wedge
will now be destroyed

allowing Varis to attack
with his monsters once again.



It was a long journey,

but we've ended up
in the same spot.

These tiny obstacles you
just put in my path?

Minor nuisances at best.

Or so you claim.

[chuckles] That I do.

Your greatest failure
is not realizing

how much
of a failure you are.

Then prove it!
