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01x46 - Link to the Future

Posted: 04/14/24 16:55
by bunniefuu
Playmaker's life points
are on life support!

Any lower
and they'd be flatlinin'!


While you only have
one monster on your side,

I have seven.

Which is far more than enough
to send you into defeat.

Your Secure Gardna can lower
battle damage to zero,

but only once.

And like I said,

I have seven monsters
to work with... seven.

We... can... count!

Then you can understand
the trouble you're in.

I admit even I'm intrigued

how you're planning to
survive, much less win.

Using the only
strategy that counts.

I promised that I would
win this duel,

so that's precisely
what I'm going to do.

Because I never
go back on my word.


You talked a good game,

but your skills never lived up
to your mouth.

And it's about time

for me to shut them
both permanently!

I draw!

Playmaker's pinning his hopes

on that one lone trap card
to stop me,

but my Borreload
and Borrelsword Dragons

will put an end to his dreams.

It's time!
Borreload Dragon!

Energy chambers charged!

Arm plasma cannon!

Target locked!

Retract safeguards.

Now fire
Thunder Borrel Cannon!

I don't think so,

'Cause we got a trap card
to stop it in its tracks!

You don't think so?

Well, I don't
think so either!

Borreload Dragon's
special ability activates,

lowering one monster's attack
and defense points by 500.

And you, Playmaker,
can't activate

any card effects
to negate it!

Borreload, use your ability
on Secure Gardna!

Huh? Varis knows
that special abilities

don't affect Secure Gardna,
so what's the point?

Did he get hit
with the amnesia?

No, but maybe you did.


Because you see, Ai,

weakening our monster
wasn't his goal.

He did it so we can no longer
activate our trap.

Why does he have
a counter for every
single nitpickin' move!

It's called tactics.

You should look into it
in your next life!

Secure Gardna's
special ability activates!

Once per turn,
I take no battle damage!

But your monster will still
be destroyed, Playmaker.

Or not,
because I activate

My Protection Wizard's
special ability!

You what?

By banishing it
from my graveyard,

it protects Secure Gardna
from being destroyed!


You may have stopped
my first attack,

but I still have
plenty more monsters,

like my Borrelsword Dragon!

By switching one monster
on the field from attack
to defense mode,

Borrelsword can attack
twice in a single turn.

And you can't use your trap
to negate this either!

I use this ability
on my Magnarokket!

This also triggers
Magnarokket's own
special ability.

It then self-destructs,

and a monster on the field
goes to the graveyard!

That monster will be

At this moment
I activate

Cluster Congester's
special ability!


By banishing
Secure Gardna
from my field

and Cluster Gongester
from my graveyard,

I can summon
a Congester Token

for every Link Monster
you have in play,

for a total of five!

This barricade is
temporary however,

because these Tokens will be
automatically destroyed

at the end of the turn.


But when they are,

you take 300 points
of damage from each Token,

dealing a significant
blow to your life points!

Then it's best I get
rid of 'em.

Borrelsword, attack
and destroy the first Token!


And you best not forget

that Borrelsword can
attack twice this turn!

Go! Destroy
the second Token!

I don't think so!

Because I activate
Transaction Rollback!

By paying half
my life points,

I can use the effect
of one of the trap cards

in your graveyard
as if it was my own.

And, Varis,
the trap I choose...

is Mirror Force!

How do ya like the taste
of your own medicine, Doc?

All your monsters'll
be wiped out!

I hardly think so.



You should never underestimate
the power of my Extra Link.

When my Topologic Gumblar
Dragon is Extra Linked,

its special ability
prevents your trap

from destroying
my monsters!



That's right!
I sensed from the very start

that you'd try to take
advantage of my Mirror Force.

I know what moves
you'll make even
before you do!

And that is why
you'll always be dueling

ten steps
behind me, Playmaker.

And why your defenses
will be no more!


Topologic Bomber and
Topologic Gumblar Dragons!


Borrelsword! Borrelguard!

Topologic Bomber and
Topologic Gumblar Dragons!



You have nothing left
on your field.

Not a single card.

And with that,
I end my turn.

Then Magnarokket's
special ability activates
from my graveyard.

Allowing me to summon
Autorokket Dragon!

And thanks
to Boot Sector Launch,

it gains

Well, we survived
this turn,

but the next one isn't
looking as pretty as me.

Way to be a downer.

An honest downer!

Well, then, Ai, it seems

that we've got our work
cut out for us.

Umm, I don't ask
for much, but...

What's wrong?

Can you not do
that smiley thing
with your mouth?

It's freakin' me out!

I've seen Varis
attack my homeworld,

and even that was
less horrific!

Very well.
I'll try not to.

Instead, I'll focus
on this draw.

This one card will determine
the outcome of this duel,

but more important,
whether my fight

for the past ten years
has been worth the struggle!


Get something good?

Allow me to give you
a spoiler... he didn't.

Because there's no way
out of your predicament.

You're hoping for a reality
that doesn't exist,

but what more
can I expect from someone

who spends his whole time
in Link VRAINS.

Your vision is like
this world itself,
virtual and fake.

But when my Tower
of Hanoi is completed,

I'll destroy those illusions
along with Link VRAINS!

Know this, Varis.

I'm more aware of myself
than you think I am.

When you fight alone
that's what happens.

Umm, I'm standing
right here!

And I never wanted things
to be this way.


I never wanted to
watch life pass me by,

always looking
from the outside in.

But it was just a huge chasm
that I couldn't cross.

Because the Lost Incident
broke something inside me.

But I don't need to
tell you this, now do I?

Because you, Varis,
know just how I feel!

And why do you think that?

Because when I was at
my lowest point you tried...

you tried to help me!

[young voice]
You can make it through this.

You just have to always
remember these three things.

Just three simple reasons can
get you through anything.


You saved me back then.

So this time,
I'll save you.

Uhh, save him?
You listenin' to yourself?

You don't save the guy
who's trying

to delete this guy
when this guy's awesome!

I know what I said.




You say that you want
to save me, Playmaker,

but please do tell me,
what do I need saving from?

From yourself, Varis.

Destroying Link VRAINS
will be the biggest mistake

you make in your life,

and it's one you can
never come back from.

I won't let you make
that mistake, Varis,

and I have just
the card to do it.

You're bluffing.

And if you're not,
then you're bluffing yourself.

Look at this army
I have amassed before you

and look what you have.

less than nothing,

except for that one
lone card in your hand.

And you believe
you're going to win?

I do!


You said
the Lost Incident broke you.

Well, lucky for me
your field is just as broken.

But just because
something's broken

doesn't mean
it can't be repaired.

And I'm not just
talking about my field.

I'm also
talking about you.

And there are
three reasons why I know

we can forge a new future
for the both of us.

Really now.

It's impressive how you've
earned a PhD in psychology

during this duel!

One, if you really agreed
with with your father's plans,

you wouldn't have tried to
save me ten years ago.

Two, and knowing that,

I can no longer justify
my desire for revenge.

So if I can change,
so can you, Varis.

And three, if we're both
no longer tied down by our past,

then the future is
wide open for us to create.

I have heard enough!

I'll start by activating

the trap Transaction
Rollback in my graveyard!

I pay half my life points
and banish it!

By doing so, I can now
use the effect

of a different trap card
that's in my graveyard!

Recoded Alive's effect!

By banishing a Cyberse
from my graveyard,

I can summon a Code Talker
from my extra deck

so I'm letting
my Transcode Talker go

to summon its brethren.

Now rise up,
Encode Talker!


All right!

Things aren't good,
but there less not good.

By summoning Encode Talker
next to Gumblar Dragon's link,

you activated its ability
that destroys all the cards
in our hands!

Just another strategical
error on your part.

You're right.

Well, if it wasn't
for the fact
that I wanted you

to destroy the card
in my hand that is.

Say what?

It's a special card
that activates its effect

when it gets destroyed.

When Spam Mail
goes from my hand
to the graveyard,

I get to draw a card.

And I drew the monster
known as Swap Cleric!

Then Spam Mail
forces you to return

one of your monsters
back to your hand.

Flap dem chicken wings
outta here!

I return Autorokket
Dragon to my hand.

Next, I summon Swap Cleric!

Then I activate

Recoded Alive's effect
from my graveyard.

By banishing it, I can
re-summon a Code Talker

that's also been banished
back to my field.

And I summon it
where it will co-link

with Topologic
Bomber Dragon!

Aww, glitch!

But that'll trigger Bomber
Dragon's special ability!

No, it won't,
because my trap Shield Handler

already negated its abilities.

So only Transcode Talker's
ability will activate,

raising both
their attack points by 500!

Your move also reactivated
Gumblar Dragon's ability,

destroying all the cards
in our hands.

But I'm the only one
that has any.

Transcode Talker has
another special ability!

It can bring back
a Code Talker
from my graveyard

and summon it
next to its link!

I revive
Powercode Talker!


Transcode Talker also gives it

Now it's time for me to
create the ultimate circuit!

Link Arrows authorized!

The summoning conditions
require at least two monsters.

So I set Swap Cleric
and Encode Talker

in the link arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 4
Firewall Dragon!

I Link Summon!

Link 4
Firewall Dragon!


You've linked
every monster in play.

Sure did!

But I don't see how that's
actually going to help you.

Linking eight
monsters together

is pretty cool
and everything,

but I hope it's not
just for show, buddy.

Since I used Swap Cleric
to Link Summon,

its special ability

swapping 500 of Firewall
Dragon's attack points

in exchange for
one card from my deck.

Now, Varis, let's see what
the future holds for us!

I activate the spell
Zero Extra Link!

Transcode Talker gains

for every monster
that's Extra Linked!

Unreal, boss!

That's what I call duelin'!

equals 6,400
extra attack points!

Now we have the strongest
monster on the field!

So what?!
I play Link Short!

All your co-linked monsters
lose their special abilities,

nor can they attack!

And that includes
your Transcode Talker!

But.. but... but...

I thought
we were gonna win!

You obviously thought wrong.

It's not over yet!

Not when I create
my circuit one last time!


The summoning conditions are
two or more Effect Monsters.

So I set Transcode Talker,
Powercode Talker,

and Firewall Dragon
in the link arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 3 Decode Talker!


Decode Talker gains

for every monster
it's linked to!

And since we summoned
Decode Talker

after you played Link Short,
it's allowed to attack ya!

Go ahead! It's weaker
than my monsters!

Normally, that would
be the case,

if it wasn't
for my spell card

Zero Extra Link's
second effect.

You see, since I used
Transcode Talker

to summon Decode Talker,

Decode gains the same
attack point boost
that Transcode did!


Oh, no!

Attack, Decode Talker!

Decode Destruction!

Attack, Decode Talker!

Decode Destruction!


He won!

you're so flash!

Way to go, Yusaku!


You win, Playmaker...

But know this.

Our w*r is... not over.

Not until the Ignis
are extinct.

You haven't seen
the last of me, Playmaker!

[tower rumbling]

I can't believe it!
The Tower of Hanoi's
been stopped!

It sure has, and that means

Playmaker's saved Link VRAINS
and our bank accounts!

Do ya really
think so, boss?

Our footage is worth
millions, billions even!

We can sell our
save files for big bucks

and get out
of our debt hole!

Uh, I was supposed
to save it?

All the duelists
are now free.

[Colter panting]


Wait, you're
letting him get away?

I'm certain that we'll
see him again.

He won't give up until
every Ignis is extinct.

Playmaker, I just
wanna say thank you.

Thank you for
letting Varis escape

so he can hunt me
down again!

What kind of kid
owns a boat anyway!

Huh? What's that?

I've unlocked
my Duel Disk.


So you're free to go.

Oh... You're...
really setting me free?

I finished my mission,

so I don't need
your help anymore.

So, you actually
found me helpful?

That's not exactly
what I said, Ai.


But promise me
that if you ever need
any dueling help,

or any kind
of help at all...

Contact you?
Me? No!

Promise you'll contact
some other A.I.!

If you insist.

Well, Yusaku,
It's been real.

It's been good.

And at times,
it's been real good.

Wait, Ai!

Don't leave
with my property.

Huh? Oh yeah,
the Duel Disk.

It's been my home
for so long
that I forgot.

Wait, did I say "home?"
I meant "jail!"

Ahem. Toodles!


He's really gone.

You headin' home?

Where is Ai?
I don't know.

I let him go.

Oh yeah?
Are you okay?

I'm good.
