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02x11 - Bohman Returns!

Posted: 04/14/24 17:03
by bunniefuu

[Mysterious Voice]
Rise, Bohman.

It's a brand new day.

And you are a brand new duelist.

I believe you'd be
interested to know

that Playmaker is coming.

[Bohman growling angrily]

Hurry Playmaker,
your end awaits!


That's right, Playmaker.

Bob and weave through
these canyons!

Just like how we're
gonna bob and weave

when we square up
against Bohman!

My left's named K,
my right's named O,

and Bohman's gonna
meet them both

with the ol' one-two
chin checker!

We're dueling
him not boxing him.


But we're still gonna flatten
him life a pancake, right?

[Playmaker] Yes.

We're here, Bohman!

But where is he?

I'm gettin' the feeling
that the chances

of finding Bohman are cloudy.

Ya think Windy gave
us false intel?

Cuz, you know, he's
full of hot air?

Get it?




Windy said there was
just a chance he was here.

He didn't say he was certain.

Well, I say he blew it.

Get it?

Blew it?


This thing on?


Hey what's that over there?

Let's find out.


Maybe Bohman did catch
wind of our arrival!



Hmm, I see no sign
of Bohman, Playmaker.

[Playmaker gasps]
[Ai yells]

But every sign we
oughta duck n' cover!


We could really use a hand here!



We won't be alive
after this high five!


I've been waiting
for you, Playmaker!


Uh, is it just me, or did
he spring for a new wardrobe?

But shouldn't Bohman
be wearin' a bowtie?


Give me back all the data
that you stole from Jin!

You can have it.

If you beat me in a duel.

But if I win--

Yeah yeah, "your
Ignis is mine!"

Hmm, I don't have
any interest in you.

You don't?

My feelings.

The thing that I want from you

will be made clear
when our match is over.

I can't believe
he doesn't want me.

Everyone wants me.

Even ultra rare cards want me.



A duel field?

Yes, Ai, for a Master Duel.

Let's go, Playmaker.

And be quick about it!


His outfit's not the
only thing's that changed

his whole attitude's
flipped a switch too.

It's like he's a different dude.

New attitude or not
Ai, that's still Bohman.

And he still has Jin's data.

And getting it back
is all that matters.

All right Bohman!

Let's duel!

All right Bohman!

Let's duel!

Good luck bro!

Luck is one thing
that I do not need.

Ha ha! Nice!

[Harlin Voiceover]
I can't wait to see

what Bohman 2.0 can do!

Are you ready?

I am.

Let's duel!

I will be going first.

I'll start off by summoning

Hydradrive Booster
in attack mode!

I can automatically summon
it when neither of us

have any monsters on our fields.

And with just this one monster

I can use it to
generate my circuit!

The summoning condition
is one Hydradrive monster!

I Link Summon!

Link one Burn Hydradrive!

[monster roaring]

And This monster can attack
your life points directly

if you have a Fire
Attribute monster

on your side of the field!

Hey, isn't this
the same strategy

he used in our last duel?


By matching his
monsters' Attributes with ours,

he put us in a pickle,

at least for a bit
'til we kicked his can.

So why's he running back
to a losing strategy?

Because it's not
exactly the same strategy.


Yeah it is.

There's one slight difference.

Bohman chose to go first.


Oh, I get it!

If he let us go first,
he could see what monster

we played and scope
out its Attribute.

Then instead a' guessing,
he could summon a monster

on his turn whose Attribute
matches ours with 200% accuracy.


So why did he choose to go
first instead of second?

Because we're all allowed

to make mistakes Mr. Perfect.

Well, this was
only the first step.

Next, I summon another
Hydradrive Booster.

And I'll use this one
to Link Summon again!

I set Hydradrive Booster
in the Link Arrow!

I Link Summon!

Link one Coolant Hydradrive!

Now Playmaker I'm
going to play a card

that you have never
witnessed before.


What card's that?

It's a new type of spell!

A Link Spell, Judgement Arrows!

And I'm sure you'll
be surprised to know

that when the Link Monster

that's linked to
this card battles

its attack points double!

Why is he explaining all this
as if it's brand new to me?

Why's it called marmalade
instead of orange jam?

It doesn't matter!

But this ain't sweet!

It's worse than you think!

I generate my circuit
for the third time!

The summoning conditions are
two Hydradrive Link Monsters.

So I set Burn Hydradrive
and Coolant Hydradrive

in the Link Arrows!

[dramatic whooshing]

I Link Summon!

Link two Twin Hydradrive Knight!

[Knight growls]

It's a new Hydradrive.

Muscles really did
upgrade his deck.

When Twin Hydradrive Knight

is successfully Link Summoned,

its Attribute can become
the same as the monsters

that were used to summon it!

So now both Water and
Fire are at its command!

Well this is quite new.

Hydradrive Knight
has two attributes.

Next, I place
two cards facedown!

And you should know these two
cards are the ones, Playmaker

that will seal your
fate in this duel!

You cannot defeat me
because I know everything

that you're planning to do.

It's your turn, Playmaker

Go on, do your worst!

I never got that
saying, "Do your worst."

I mean, if he's so
confident in his cards

wouldn't he want
you to do your best?

But he's sure talkin'
the talk for someone

with just one Swordswinger
and two facedown cards.

What do you think they are?

Of those two cards one
must be Property Spray.

He used it in our
last duel to change

our monsters' attributes
and gain the advantage.


But what's the other one?

That's where he
updated his strategy,

so I don't have any idea.

Well, that's
a confidence builder.

I haven't felt this
safe since, well never!

You're lucky you have me
because here's what I do know:

It's gotta be a card that
works with his overall strategy

so I bet it's some kind
of Hydradrive card.

[Playmaker] Since when
did you get so brilliant?

Since forevs!


I draw!

First, I summon Flame Bufferlo!

And I follow that up by
activating Catche Eve L2's

By lowering the Level of
one of my monsters by two,

I can summon it to the field!

So I drop Flame Bufferlo's
Level from three to one!


By doing so I can
create my circuit

because the summoning condition
is one Level one monster!

I Link Summon!

Link one Linkuriboh!


Fear the sphere!

[Linkuriboh chirping]

And since Flame
Bufferlo left the field

its special ability lets me
discard a Cyberse monster

from my hand to draw two
new cards from my deck.

Next I summon Cyberse White Hat!

And with these two monsters,
I'll create my circuit again!

I set Cyberse White
Hat and Catche Eve L2

in the Link Arrows
to Link Summon

Link two Update Jammer!

That monster is
a Wind monster.

[chuckles] I see you
avoided Fire and Water.

Yes, because I prefer to
be more safe than sorry.

Including this, when I
use Cyberse White Hat

to Link Summon all
monsters on your field

lose a thousand attack points!

That means your Twin Hydradrive
Knight weakens to 800.

It's time!

Update Jammer,
attack and destroy

his Twin Hydradrive Knight!

All you've done is
trigger the effect

of my Judgement Arrows!

It doubles Twin Hydradrive
Knight's attack points!

Then I'll use Update
Jammer's ability!

It negates all
other card effects

including your Link
Spell Judgement Arrows

and our monsters must
battle using their original

attack and defense points!


But his monster's attack
points would be lower

if you didn't do that.

Now Go!

Update Jammer!

When Update Jammer destroys
your monster in battle,

it activates the second
part of its ability!

You take an additional

Oh I see!

Even though you raised
its attack points,

you were able to deal
more damage overall!

And I'll deal even more damage

by attacking with Linkuriboh!

[Linkuriboh yells]

[Bohman grunts]

I place two cards
facedown and end my turn.

So, I'm honestly
quite surprised you knew

how to counter my
Judgement Arrows.

But, I will not let
you surprise me again.

It's my turn.

I draw.

Despite your best
efforts, I still stand.

And that is one thing you should
not have allowed to happen.

My trap Property Spray
not only lets me tribute

a monster to gain life points
equal to its attack points,

but it also changes your
monsters' Attribute to become

the same as the one I tributed
until the end of the turn.

He does have Property Spray!

You called it!

You with your big brain!

And I'm prepared
to counter it.

I'm now activating my
trap card Arrow Break!

When I have a Link
Monster on my field,

Arrow Break negates and
destroys your trap card!

So Property Spray
is now no more!

[Harlin Voiceover]
Oh no, what's Bohman gonna do?

I knew you'd do that.

You did?





Oh yes, so I had a counter
ready for your counter.

I activate the trap
card Hydradrive Cycle!

Which I can only activate
when one of my other spell

or trap cards is destroyed.

[Harlin Voiceover]

While Playmaker's
thinking one move ahead,

Bohman's thinking two!

And this card will be the
beginning of your end Playmaker!

I've been ahead of you every
step of this duel, Playmaker.

See while you were playing
checkers I was playing chess.

Uh, hello, we're
playing Duel Monsters?

By returning a Hydradrive
Link Monster from my graveyard

to my deck, Hydradrive Cycle

lets me draw a card
for each of its links.

So I return Twin Hydradrive
Knight to draw two cards.

I can also resurrect
another Hydradrive

from my graveyard by lowering
its attack points to zero.

Now return to the
field Burn Hydradrive!

And Hydradrive Cycle
has another effect.

By paying 400 of my life points

I can choose one
of four Attributes.




Or Earth and I get to
summon a Hydradrive Token

with that Attribute.

So I call forth an
Earth Hydradrive Token!

Aw glitch!

With just one card, he
reinforced his hand and his

And he set up this combo
on his very first turn,

like he totally knew
what we were gonna do!

Are we that predictable?

I hate being predictable!

It makes me feel cheeseburger!

Be that as it may
he had us figured out.

That's the first thing
you've been right about

this entire duel, Playmaker.

And it likely will be the last!

For it's time to
generate my circuit!

I set my Hydradrive Token in
the Link Arrow to Link Summon

Link one Flow Hydradrive!

But it won't stay long

I'm using it to
Link Summon again!

I set Burn Hydradrive
and Flow Hydradrive

in the Link Arrows!

Once again I Link Summon Link
two Twin Hydradrive Knight!

[Knight roars]

But this time, its
Attributes have changed

to Fire and Wind!

Plus your monsters that
have the same Attribute

as my Twin Hydradrive Knight
lose their special abilities.

Such as your Update Jammer

because its Attribute
is also Wind!

[wind whooshing]

[Playmaker growling]

Its ability can no
longer help you.

But it's still best
to get rid of it!

Twin Hydradrive Knight attack!

Slash Update Jammer and
erase it from the field!

Ah, with his Judgement Arrows,

that slash'll have
twice the attack points!

No, Not if I can help it Ai!

By tributing Linkuriboh,

his Knight's attack
points drop to zero!

[Linkuriboh squeaks]


By sending Break Hydradrive
from my hand to the graveyard

Linkuriboh's ability is negated
and you take 800 damage!

Oh no! [yells]


Bohman's ready for
anything and everything!


I didn't even get a
chance to say goodbye!


Nothing you do can stop me!

My Link Spell Judgement Arrows

doubles Twin Hydradrive
Knight's attack points!


My corneas!

Ooh, the throbbing.

I overdid the shock.

[Playmaker gasps]

Take this, Playmaker!

[Knight growls]

[Playmaker yells]

[Playmaker grunts]

I place one card
facedown and end my turn.

C'mon, get up!

That pillar broke your fall!

How did Bohman's dueling get
so much better so quickly?

Haven't you
figured it out yet,

why it is that I'm able to
predict your every move?

It's because I am
you, Playmaker.

And, in turn, you are me.

You're me?

It's true.

And I do actually mean
it quite literally.

No way!

It all started 10 years ago.

A certain Lost Incident?


Bohman was in the Lost Incident,
just like you, Playmaker?

No, not just like him!


Do not compare me to that phony!

That imposter!

You don't know what it was like!

You don't know what I had to do!

I had to suffer everything
to survive the Lost Incident!

Yes, and so did I!

No you didn't.

You never had to suffer, not
even for a single moment.

You think you were
taken as a child,

locked in an isolated room.

A guinea pig for experiments
to create the Ignis.

Of that you're certain.

But here's what you don't
know, that child's feelings,

thoughts and experiences were
constantly being recorded

and backed up in a myriad
of hi-tech servers.

And that backup had enough data

to create a digital
version of this child.

This copy was so much
like the original

he didn't even know
that he was a copy.

And inside the servers
he would've stayed,

until that day when
everything went wrong.

[Electronic Voice]
You lose.

[child groaning]

Due to a glitch in
the system, the digital copy

of the boy and the actual
boy switched places.

Where am I?

Help me!

This can't be.

Yes, it can.

I was the real boy, Playmaker.

And you're nothing
more than a backup

made alive by a freak accident.

No, I don't believe you!

Of course you don't.

I wouldn't believe me
either if I was you.

But wait, I am.

I was unjustly trapped

in those servers for
years, Playmaker.

But now I'm free.

And now I'll tell you what
I want when I win this duel,

my body back!

[Harlin chuckles]

VRAINS isn't big enough
for the two of us,

so only the original
one shall remain!

