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02x25 - A Logical Decision

Posted: 04/14/24 17:19
by bunniefuu


Previously on

Previously on

Previously on

Previously on
Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS ...

Previously on
Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS ...


Seems we've arrived

at the most exciting moment.

Hold up, Windy,
what are you doing here?



Perfect, another
Ignis arrives to join the party.

Lightning, will you
do the honors?


Look out!

Huh, looks like our pal's
program came in handy.

And he created extras
for you.

I'm free!

You're in for it now!

Wait your turn.

I still have this Varis
to dust away.

It's my turn!

I Synchro Summon!


[computer chirping]




[timer beeping]

Finish it.

No stop! Don't do it!

Lightning! Save him!

Without Windy,
you're all on your own!

I'm not as alone
as you may think, Ai.

Huh! Soulburner, it's them!

Bohman! And--

And his cheerleader.

I won't rest until I learn
where you're hiding Jin's soul.


It hasn't been hiding.

In fact,

it's been here all this time.

Lightning's counterpart is Jin!

[electronic whirring]

[electronic whirring]

Jin is your partner?


Partner is too strong of a word.

That would imply
some form of kinship

that does not exist.

But you wouldn't exist
if it wasn't for him.

Am I right?

In that, you are correct.

And you pay him back
by taking his soul.

But that ends now.

Because we're going to take him
home to his brother.

And how exactly do you plan
to do that?

Because what you say
you're going to do

and what you can actually do

are polar opposites.

After Bohman brought him to me,

I imprisoned him deep

within his own consciousness,

so he's not going anywhere.

And to tell you the truth,
it actually wasn't that hard.

With all the traumatic
experiences he's lived through,

it's as if he wanted
to retreat into his own mind.

That's not true Lightning,
you're wrong!

With his brother's help,

Jin was getting
better day by day!

And you halted his progress!

Must you yell?

We're standing
only meters apart.

We can all hear you just fine.

And if what you said is true,

if Jin was improving,

I intervened
at just the right time.

Because he could've proven
to be a threat

to the Ignis's existence.

No he wouldn't.
Jin wasn't bothering anybody.

The only threat would've
been to his waistline

crammin' dogs down his gut.

I didn't say he would've proven
to be a threat.

I said he could've proven
to be a threat.

He is a human after all.

So I decided to get rid
of my human counterpart,

just like Windy...

except with
a bit more elegance.

It's not logical to leave
any lingering threats...

you never know when they can
come back to bite you.

And I am not willing

to take any risks.

Oh yeah, your plans
worked greeeat.

All that scheming got ya was

Windy like a balloon
that went--
[imitates balloon deflating]

And if you continue
on this path,

it can only lead
to more suffering for the Ignis.

You make that sound

as if it's a bad thing
when it's not.

You're not helping.

I didn't expect any remorse
from you, Varis.

And you exceeded
my expectations.

That is why I,
along with Bohman,

will have to put an end
to humanity.

Now I understand
why Bohman's deck

kept getting stronger
with every meeting.

Because you two
were working together

and you were supplying him
with new cards.



You mean the card that was used

to destroy the Cyberse?

That means...

The one who destroyed
the Cyberse was...


What would possess you to do
such a terrible thing?

You're getting too emotional

so you're not thinking

As the leader of the Ignis,

I'm the one tasked
with making the tough

if not unpopular decisions.

Now I don't expect you
to fully understand but--

You're right Lightning, I don't!

But it was the most logically
sound decision.

I don't think you know
what logically means!

Then I guess I must
spell it out for you.

The humans were going to destroy

the Cyberse anyway.

Maybe not today,
maybe not tomorrow,

but it was inevitable.

All I did was speed up
the timeline.


I guess this is one time

I should thank you
for saving me the trouble

of having to destroy
the Cyberse myself.

Still not helping.

If I convinced you that
it was the humans,

not me, who destroyed
the Cyberse,

I believed you would join
my side in this battle

against the humans.

But even now
that you know the truth,

I think you should
still join my side.

Are you insane?

How do you expect us to join you

after you've admitted
to destroying our homeworld?

Because I expect you
to think logically.

Everything I've done is for
the greater good of the Ignis.

Making short-term sacrifices

for our long-term survival.

Must I remind you of what
the Ignis have been facing

since Day 1,

since Dr. Kogami created us?

Oh, I know.

The results are startling.

All the simulations
reach the same conclusion.

The extinction of mankind?


But I thought you had created
the Ignis to help solve

all of humanity's problems.

I did. But as the Ignis evolve,

the simulations state

that they will start thinking
differently than they do now.

Eventually hitting
a critical decision point.

A point where the Ignis

will think that instead
of solving mankind's problems...

it will be easier
to solve all problems

by eliminating mankind itself.

And since the Ignis are evolving
exponentially faster,

this decision point
is fast approaching.

We must eliminate the Ignis

before they eliminate us.

My father had the foresight

to know that the Ignis
would be a problem,

and it turns out he was right.

So that's why we started
to hunt you down.

Yes, and not just
for a day or two.

But for years.

FIVE years.

Ai, while you were traipsing


the rest of us Ignis discussed
how to fight back.

But to my surprise, like you,

some didn't want to fight...

there were those who thought
that we could co-exist.

Hmm. Like Flame and Aqua.

Yes. And they were
impossible to convince.

I couldn't understand.

I still don't understand.

If humans have hunted you

for five long years,

why would you ever believe
that they would want peace?

Because I do not believe

that past always
dictates the present.

And in my experience,
I can coexist with humans

because as we speak,

I am coexisting
with one just fine.

Right back at ya.


Or the more realistic conclusion

is that your logic circuits
were malfunctioning,

as if you have fatal glitches
in your core programming.


He called you a glitch!

I'm talking about you too.

What? Me?

Yes, you.

He called you a glitch too.

Really? Aww, glitch.

As I said,

I did try to convince

Flame and Aqua.

I really did.

I was sure that if they thought
the humans att*cked the Cyberse,

they would join my cause.

But if that still
didn't convince them...

Well then...

If they were accidentally

collateral damage
in the attack?

It would be
a small price to pay.

So you'd eliminate everyone
who disagrees with you,

even your own Ignis.

You keep harping
on the negatives

while ignoring the positives.

This was all
for the greater good.

Can't you get over the fact
that I destroyed the Cyberse?

Windy and I were planning
to rebuild the Cyberse anyway!

And not just any Cyberse,

but better Cyberse than before.

A Cyberse without
the threat from humanity.

Isn't that what we want, Flame?

To live without fear?

Of course I don't want
to live in fear, but--

But you're just tweakin' words
to suit your angle, Lightning.

No matter what words you spew,

it all comes down to you
just trying to justify

your desire to end humanity.

I didn't say I wanted
to end humanity.

I said I wanted
to end the threat of humanity.

And if ending humanity

is the only way to do it,

so be it.

But there can never be peace

when it's built upon lies
and aggression.

At this point, it's clear
no matter what I say,

no matter how logical
my argument,

I cannot convince you because

you simply refuse to listen.

Since a peaceful resolution
is out of the picture,

I'm ready to duel...


[Windy groans]

Time is of the essence

if I'm to save Windy.

Save it? There is no saving it.

We infected it with a new,
more powerful virus

that Baira and I invented.

It destroys your programming
at its core,

so it will soon be gone
without a trace.

That may be the case,

unless I can write

an antivirus counterprogram

that is stronger
than your virus.

You Hanoi have always
threatened to hurt us,

but you never
actually succeeded,

until now.

By hurting Windy,
you finally crossed the line.

A line from where
there's no turning back.

This is no longer just a fight.

This is w*r.

This is w*r.

And I will end anyone
who stands in my way,

human or Ignis.

You're not talkin' about
this cute Ignis, are you?

I never said you were cute.


Let's go.

Follow them!



You'll need this.



It's a firmware update
for your Duel Disk

so that Kolter
can track us,

even in...

whatever place this is.


So Kolter now knows
what went down with his bro.

That's gotta be rough.

But it will be even rougher
if we fail to save Jin.

Should we chase after them
as well, Varis?

No, leave them be
and let them duel each other.

It doesn't matter to me whether

Lightning defeats Playmaker
or the other way around,

it means there'll be one
fewer enemy for us to face.

So we'll come out ahead
either away.


And to make it more interesting,

why don't we let another of
our enemies

do our work for us.

C'mon guys don't lose 'em!

This is our best chance
to save Jin

and maybe our only chance!

Chief! We just got a message!

It's from the Hanoi!

I received it as well.


They claim to have found
the Ignis in this area.

Yes, they also sent us
a live feed.


Of course Playmaker
would be there.

I've seen those two
he's chasing after...

but who's the third?

And he seems to have
a new Ignis.

You know I don't trust
the Hanoi,

but we gotta check this out.

Dispatch our bounty hunters
to those coordinates.

Hey, why isn't Gore in
on this hunt with us?

Beats me, I thought
you called him.

You can't outrun us

We're stickin' to you
like toilet paper to a shoe!

Did you just compare yourselves
to toilet paper?

This is the thanks I get

after all I have done for you?

Like what?
Trying to end my life?

How about saving your life?

Think back to your duel
against Spectre

when you fell off the bridge.

What? The bridge?


How do you think you suddenly

unfell from the bridge?

That was you?

You created that Data Storm?

You're welcome.

But why?

Don't let Lightning
fool you, Ai.

He didn't do it out of
the kindness of his heart.

He did it so that you wouldn't
interfere with his plans.

If you were busy dealing
with the Hanoi,

you couldn't stop him
when he att*cked the Cyberse.

That is a cynical way
to look at it.

Am I wrong?

I didn't say that.

But if the ends
justify the means,

and I am the reason
why you're still alive, Ai.

You must acknowledge that.

Fine! You want me to say
thank you for saving my life?

Okay, I'll say it!

ThaaAAaaAnK yOuUU...

That didn't sound sincere.

What's that?

It's bad news plus two.

Shepherd and his bounty boys.

Well now, an interesting
development indeed.

Who do you think they're here
for: me and Ai...

or Lightning?

Or all of the above?

Allow me to even up the odds.

We have returnified!

And will combine!

To unite into Bitboot!

No, if you combine, you'll cut
my army's size in half.

It was Boot's idea.

No, it was Bit's!

I don't care who's idea it was.

Just defeat them.

Right, Boss!

They will keep
the bounty hunters busy.


They're another matter.

[Windy groans]

And time is running out.

If you believe you can
handle Soulburner on your own--

Allow me to deal with Playmaker.

Yearning for another rematch?

To prove that my skills
have evolved past his.

Get 'em!



Okay, Bohman.

We need to split them apart.

Windy, I know
you're not feeling well,

but I could use your assistance.


Like this.

Look out!

stand by and do nothing.

All that you are trying
to do ends here and now.

You will be stopped!

And we'll stop you together!

I'll destroy you all!


This is our third meeting,

And as you humans say,
third time's the charm.

"You humans?"

You talk like you're not
a human yourself.

Like you're an AI!

Because I am an AI.


not what I expected

but welcome to the cool club!

So, Bohman, If I am correct,

Lightning created you
to serve him and do his bidding?

That's right.

But know that I am an AI
that's superior to the Ignis.

Uh, that's not true.
It's not even close to true

How can ya think
you're better than an Ignis

when this Ignis
keeps kickin' your tail?

Because unlike you,
I can keep evolving.

The Bohman you defeated
in the past,

no longer exists.

It embarrasses me

when I think back
to how I used to be.

Lightning has been working
on creating new AIs

for a good portion of time.

His first attempt
was Bit and Boot,

and you can see how primitive
those prototypes are.

Harlin was his second attempt,

but the results were
not to his satisfaction.

But the third attempt,

the perfect attempt
resulted in me.

I've been reborn.

Yes, and reborn better
than before.

Now, you are ready
to fulfill your destiny.

Have you wondered why
Lightning would create me,

an AI that can evolve?

That can grow smarter
and stronger with every defeat?

No, because I don't
think about you.

He did it because
though he realizes

that the Ignis
are superior to humans,

the Ignis themselves
are not perfect either.

Speak for yourself.

You know this to be true.

It's only natural that humans
would fight amongst themselves

because they're such
imperfect creatures.

But if the Ignis were perfect,

why would they have

like you're having right now?




Lightning in his
infinite wisdom knew that

if this was allowed to continue,

then the Ignis

would eventually become
no better than the humans.

So Lightning wanted
to create a great unifier.

A perfect being that everyone,

both human and Ignis,

will recognize
as their superior.

And that someone is me.

I am the epitome of perfection.

I am the one
that everyone will obey.

Because only I am capable of

saving everyone from themselves.

The only thing that's evolved
about you is your ego!

It is not ego
if it is the truth.

When all Ignis fall in line
before me,

then the other inferior
creatures will as well.

Because I am the vessel
that will once again

unite the Ignis as one.

None of this sounds
appealing to me.

Of course not,

because humans lack the function

to know what's always right.

But unlike Lightning,

I do not care
to force you to submit to me.

Now we're getting somewhere.

But I will if I have to.

Now we're getting nowhere.

Listen, Bohman.

The peace you're talking about
isn't really peace at all.

Because you want to
force it on us

instead of letting us choose.

I view things
differently than you.

I believe we can
co-exist in peace

because we want
to co-exist in peace.

Not by force but by choice.

What you speak of is impossible.

No. The impossible is just
the possible

that has yet to be done.

No, it is impossible.

Take a human and a dog.

Do you say you two co-exist?

No, you call that dog a "Pet."

You clearly feel superior
to that other animal,

as you should.

Because it's written in your DNA
that you are.

And the difference in
superiority between

an Ignis and a human

is greater than a human
and a grain of sand.

You speak of co-existence?

You're not even worthy
of being my pet.


But that's only because
you haven't seen him

turn three times and say woof.


If my words fail
to convince you,

allow me to demonstrate
my superiority in a duel.

And when I win,
I will take your Ignis.


Aww, woof.

This is your chance, Playmaker.

Your chance to prove
that humans are not as pathetic

as they've shown
time and time again.

Ready to do what you gotta do?

I most certainly am, Ai.


Here we go, Bohman!

It's time to Speed Duel!