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02x30 - Awakened Memories

Posted: 04/14/24 17:23
by bunniefuu
[serene music]


Uh-oh, that look serious.

[Car AI]
Collision ahead,
re-calculating route.

[dramatic music]

Oh no, something's not right!

The AI is malfunctioning!

No, how do you stop this thing?

Brace yourself mom!

[loud expl*si*n]

That was the worst
day of my life,

but I'll make it
worse for the ignis.

I will hurt them, as
much as they've hurt you!

[upbeat electronic music]

[dramatic music]

Sky, is everything okay?

You sounded disturbed
on the phone.

Akira, I saw what
happened to the Earth ignis.


I asked Emma
why SOL Technologies

would do such a thing, but
she told me to ask you,

because she thinks you're
the one who ordered it.


I don't know what
you were thinking,

but two words, not cool!

Why would you do that, Akira?

Despite what Emma
may have told you,

I didn't order Earth to
be disassembled, Sky,

I know this sounds like a cop
out, but it wasn't my choice,

my boss wanted to know
how the ignis worked,

and I couldn't stop her, no
matter how much I wanted to.

But Akira, it's just
not right, it just isn't!

I know Sky, I know!

Well, at least that
clears one thing up,

now I know why you wanted
me to find the ignis

before SOL Tech's
bounty hunters did.

Playmaker more than convinced
me that our two groups,

human and ignis, can
live together in peace,

but after what happened
to the Earth ignis,

I don't know if that's possible.

We may have crossed a line

from where there's
no coming back.

Uh, I hope that doesn't
mean you're giving up,

the Akira I know would
never stop trying,

so neither will I and
neither will Playmaker,

but I wonder how
Ai is taking it.

[dramatic music]

SOL Technologies has
decompiled the Earth ignis.

Oh no, decompiled?

Wait, what does
decompiled mean?

It means that the
Earth ignis was broken apart

into its source code.

Oh, that's it?

Sheesh, you had me
worried there for a sec,

it's no biggy, you can
just take his source code

and build him right back up!

Like how I was just an
eyeball at the beginning,

no thanks to you,

but look at this fine specimen
you see before you now!

That's not possible.


Since SOL
Tech's technicians

don't know your algorithms,

they couldn't decompile
the Earth ignis properly,

introducing mistakes and bugs.

Think of it like an egg,

once you decide to
crack open the shell

and make scrambled eggs,

you can't un-scramble it and
put it back in its shell.

In other words,

the Earth ignis cannot be
restored to its original state.

that can't be right!

You're lying,
you lying liar!

Why would I ever trust a Hanoi?

How would you know what
happens in SOL Tech anyway?

Ai, I'm sure the Knights of
Hanoi have spies everywhere,

even within SOL Technologies.

No, so that's what we sensed?

Earth's gone?

He's really gone?

Why, why did this
have to happen?

He wasn't bothering anybody,

he was just minding his own
business, until they got him!

Until the humans got him!

Hmph, well, see you around.

[dramatic music]

[keyboard clacking]

[serene music]

[girl laughing]

Sky, you wanna slide
down the slide with me?


[girl laughing]

I'll go first.

[girl whooping]

Your turn, Sky.

[girl laughing]

Do you wanna go
down again, Miyu?

[dramatic music]

Miyu, where are you, Miyu?

We're not playing hide and seek.

Come on Miyu, this isn't
funny at all, Miyu!

Hey there, sleeping beauty,

f-y-i, you have
the cutest snore.

It was just a dream.

Was it a good one?

Maybe involving a
certain duelist,

who dresses in black,
who has an ignis,

who fought against
the Hanoi?

If I'm not being clear,
I'm talking about Playmaker.

Oh, you made it crystal clear.

No, it was about this friend
that I had when I was little,

my one and only friend
that I would play with.

So not Playmaker,
never mind.

So, what are you
doing over there anyway?

Well, one of us had to work
while the other was snoozing,

I think I found a way to
track down the final ignis.

You found out where
Aqua is hiding out?

[Emma] No.

[dramatic music]

But if this actually
ends up working,

like I hope it does,
we will.

But she doesn't need
to know that this plan

comes with a lot of risk,

if it fails, there might
not be any ignis to find.

[dramatic music]

Just when we were disusing

whether the humans can
co-exist with the ignis,

they erased Earth.



You wanted to see me?

Yeah, I did.




Because there's something
I want to tell you,

and only you.

Are you going to say
what I think you are?

The Cyberse is
splitting in two,

there are those who believe

that we can co-exist
with the humans,

and there are others who don't.


And I don't know if
we can remain neutral,

the time is coming when we
must decide which side to join,

the humans or the ignis,
and that time is soon,

go to their world and see what
the humans are really like

before you make your decision,

because what you choose
won't only affect you,

but the future of us all.

I can't believe I'll
never see you again,

but you're not
truly gone forever,

because you'll always
live on in my heart.

[tear dropping]

[earth rumbling]

The humans deleted
Earth without mercy,

that means I should hate
the humans, but I can't,

because I know how
wonderful they can be too.

[girl laughing]

[lasers firing]

I found you ignis!

[dramatic music]

[lasers firing]

If you wanted to hide, you
should've picked a better place

than an empty waste land!

I wasn't planning
on hiding!

Oh really?

How brave of you.

In order to capture me,

you have to defeat
me in a duel first,

and it's a duel
I intend to win!

[The Shepherd]
You've got the wrong idea!


I didn't come
here to capture you,

I came here to destroy you!

[dramatic music]

[intense music]


Yeah, bye.





I said you're
not getting away.

And I always keep my word.

I've locked on to your
unique digital signature.

So no matter where you go,

I can always find you.

[engine roaring]


Be gone.


[laser powering up]


[intense music]

Leave her alone.


[intense music]

Let's go.

Grab my hand.

Stay out of my business.


Come on.


That'll do.

You made a big mistake.


No one's ever
escaped The Shepherd.

[intense music]

Hey there, Shepherd.

Ghost Gal.

Get out of my way.

Sure, I mean,
I would love to.

But my partner
wouldn't, so, you know.


But, we can take a trip.



[dark music]

Where am I?

[Electronic Voice]
I regret to inform
you that

I've lost trace of the Ignis.

This location is
blocking all signals.


Ghost Gal.

You dare trap me?


[intense music]

That worked perfectly.

How are you
going to find Aqua

if you don't
know where she is.

Because even if I
can't track the Ignis,

I can track the Shepherd.

So if we follow him,

he'll lead us straight to Aqua.


But the timing will be critical.

Once Shepherd finds Aqua,

we have to save her
before he erases her.

[intense music]

[Aqua groans]

Hey, Aqua.

The Shepherd won't be
bothering you anymore.


Thank you.

Don't mention it.

I'm just glad you're
safe and sound.

By the way,
I'm Blue Gal.

I owe you my life, Blue Gal.

Or should I say, Sky.


I have a unique ability
to see the truth.

So I can see
who you really are.

And I'm glad to see that your

heart is still as pure as ever.

Because this is the second
time you've helped me.


did you say the second time?

But we just met.

I heard Ai say
that all us humans

look the same but I
never believed it.

That's not true.

You actually helped
me 10 years ago.

Or to be more accurate,

you helped me by helping
a girl named Miyu.



Do you remember her?

Yeah, how could I forget.

It was right when
my brother and I

lost our house and
started travelling

from city to city searching
for a place to live.

Anyone want to go on the slide?

Let's go, before
we catch the cooties.

[sad music]

While Akira was at work,

so that we'd have
something to eat,

I was left at the playground.

Not that I did a lot of playing.

Since I was moving all the time,

I never had a chance
to make any friends.

That is, until one day..

You know, you're supposed
to swing on a swing.

Not sit on a swing.

That's why it's called a swing.

Here, let me show you what

you're supposed to do.

You have to pump your
legs back and forth,

and back and forth, like this.

But pump too much and
your mom's gonna be like,

Miyu! Be careful!

You'll fly into the slide!


Come on, it's super easy.

It just takes
a little practise.

Just copy me,
and do what I do.


Let's go!

[bright music]

[both laughing]

I knew you could do it!

[both laughing]

Yeah, thanks.

My name's Sky.

Oh, I'm--


Uh, how'd you know that?

Because you said
that your mom

calls you Miyu.

Wow, you're smart.


[soft music]

From that day on,
we were inseparable.

We'd play together at
the park every day.

Rain or shine.

Uh, Miyu?

Yeah, Sky?

Don't you have
any other friends?

That are like, from
school and stuff?


Why'd you wanna know if
I have other friends?

Well because when
you come to the park,

you only play with me.

[soft music]

I have a lot of friends.


And out of all my friends,

I like playing with
my best-est friend

in the whole wide world.

Wait, do you
mean me?

Of course!

Who else do you
think I mean, silly.

[bright music]

For the first time in
what felt like forever,

I was happy, like really happy.

Because although times
were tough for me

and Akira, Miyu
made me feel like

things would be okay.

But those days
couldn't last forever.



What do you wanna
do today?

Well, Sky, how
about show and tell?



It's my mom's
favourite ring.

It's my favourite too.

Isn't it pretty?



Come on, your turn.

Try it on Sky.

Um, no, I really
shouldn't put it on.

Hey, don't worry.

It'll look pretty
on you, too.

[ring clanking]


Oh, no!

I gotta get it back.


[sad music]

Oh, no!

It's gone!


My mom's gonna be so mad.


[Miyu's Mom]
Mad about what, Miyu?

Honey, what's wrong?

Are you okay sweetie?

You know you can always
tell me anything,

no matter what it might be.


I lost your ring.


You mean, my grandmother's
engagement ring?

Oh, honey,
I know love that ring

but you know how much
that ring means to me.

You're not supposed
to play with it.

Why did you take it?

Because I forced her to.


Miyu didn't lose your ring,

I lost your ring.

I'm sorry.


So, it was you
who lost it?


I told Miyu that
I wanted to try on

your ring and Miyu
said what ring?

And I said your
mom's favourite ring.

And Miyu said
no you can't.

But I said I wouldn't be your

friend anymore if
she didn't let me.

And then my finger
slipped and

I dropped it in the drain.

I'm really sorry.

And please don't be
mad at Miyu.

This is all my fault.

Not hers.

[Miyu's Mom]
And how did you know

I had this ring in
the first place?

Um, because, um I
know a lot about rings.

So, I know who
has every ring.

I see.

I understand what
you're trying to do,

but friends shouldn't
have to cover up

for their friends.

Hold on, mom.


Come along, honey.


No! Mom!

Please let me stay.

I don't wanna leave!

[Ghost Gal]


That same day,

my brother finished
up with his job,

and we had to leave the
city to find a new one.

So I had to leave
without saying goodbye.

And I never saw Miyu again.

I'm sorry Sky.

I know it's hard to
move all the time

and leave your friends but

I know you'll make new friends

wherever we land.

And come to think of it,

since we've lived
in so many cities,

you must have friends
all around the world.

[soft music]

My brother tried as
best to cheer me up,

but let's just say he tried.

I think you'd like to know

that Miyu told her mom that

she was the one
who took the ring.

And she never forgot that you

were willing to take
the fall for her.

That she never had a
friend quite like you.

How do you know all this?

I mean, it's a nice
story and everything,

but it's not one of
those stories that's

in every textbook.



Unless I'm her Ignis.

I'm her Ignis,

and Miyu was a victim
of the Lost incident.

So you're saying
Miyu was also

caught up in the
Lost incident?

Is she okay?

She is, well, she was.

Lightening infected
her with a virus.

Putting her into a deep sleep.

Poor Miyu.

I tried to remove
her virus

but Lightening's programme
was just too powerful.

But still, I didn't stop trying.

And trying.

And trying.

And trying.


but then,

though I couldn't wake her up,

I reached a part of her.

Something inside her

that was too precious for

Lightning's programme
to suppress.

It was a tiny fragment
of her memories,

her memories of you, Sky.

Aw, you're making
me feel like

a third wheel.

You two share such
a special bond.

I mean, you're
practically like family.

Speaking of family,

there's something I
gotta take care of.



[intense music]

You know that no
trap can hold me

forever, Ghost Gal.

It's only a matter of time

until I escape.

Oh, really?

Why are you helping the Ignis?

You have no stakes
in this fight.

So if this isn't your battle,

you should stay
out of my business.

Yeah I know.

But listen up.

That doesn't make
what you're

doing right
in any way.

'Cause if you're
on the wrong track,

I kinda think it's
my responsibility

to put you back on
the right track.


You are my big bro.

Don't call me that.

Fine, okay.

Shepherd, it is.

Since you won't stop
getting in my way,

I'll force you to.

With a deletion duel.

What's a deletion duel.

Whoever loses will not only
have their account deleted,

but will also lose
the right to log into

Link VRAINS forever!

So tell me,

is saving an Ignis
worth this risk?

When you put it that way,

maybe not.

But I still accept
your challenge.

[intense music]

Because it's worth
it to save you.

And at the very least,

it'll buy time for Blue
Gal to escape with Aqua.

Let's do this, Shepherd.

[intense music]

Speed duel.

[intense music]