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02x33 - The Hunt Is On

Posted: 04/14/24 17:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains

[The Shepherd]
I've never needed
anyone's help before,

and I don't need it now.

Even from you, Varis.

You're here to help me,

I know that AIs have put
your mother in the hospital

and I know you spent
your entire life erasing AIs.

And of course, you know that
the Knights of Hanoi

have no love for the Ignis.

So it seems our interests
are aligned,

and it's in your best interest
to join the Knights of Hanoi.

The Shepherd takes
orders from no one.

I'll fight the Ignis on my own.

That doesn't work for me,

So you're going to join me,
whether you like it or not.

Let's duel!

I Synchro Summon!


Ready, Sheppard?

This is the power of the Hanoi.

No. This is a mere fragment
of our power.

Now that you're
one of the Hanoi,

I'll help improve your game,

and you'll help
with my master plan.

I don't think so.

I never agreed
to join you if I lost.

And after I defeat the Ignis,
you're next on my bounty list.



How interesting...

Varis and The Shepherd...

together in the same place...

neither has the ability

to interfere in my plans.

But if they team together,

that may prove to be
a different story.

So if they're capable of posing

even the slightest bit
of a threat, logically,

it's not something
I should ignore.

Isn't that right, Jin?

Ah, I forgot,

you're in no state
to conversate.

And speaking of those
in a state,

I wonder how Windy is healing.


Those vile vile
vile vile humans!

How dare they melt me
like a stick of butter!

But when I heal
and congeal,

I will crush them under my heel!

Look at you, Windy.
Still full of spirit.

Even when you're half
the Ignis that you used to be.

That's right!

And when I'm back to 100%,

I'll drop
the human population to 0%!

I hate to tell you this,

but the damage
you took was severe.

So some of your coding
can never be fixed.


No, no, no, no, no, no.
I refuse to hear this, I refuse!

Are you telling me this is
how I'll look

for the rest of my days?

You should be happy
that you have days.

Unlike Earth.

Yes, yes, I suppose
it could be worse,

being decompiled
out of existence.

And I suppose I should feel sad
for Earth but I don't.

I. Do. Not.
'Cause he betrayed us.

Betrayed us by freeing Aqua
and shooing off on his own.

He would still be
ticking and tocking

if he decided to join us
instead of the humans.

And Aqua...
is gonna pay as well.

Too true,
but not right now.

Just focus
on our current plan.

And where is it
that you think you're going?

To take care of some business.

What business?

Permanent business.

I still haven't found Lightning.

How's the search going
on your end, Ghost Gal?

[Ghost Gal]
Just as well as you,

Ghost Gal!

Well, guys?

I hope you three brought me
some good news.

I didn't find any trace
of Lightning.

Neither did I.

Yeah, ditto.

I thought I said
I wanted good news.

Maybe Lightning decided
to just give up?

I wouldn't be
so optimistic.

The Lightning we know
never gives up

once he sets his mind to it.

he's the definition of focus.

Well, then I guess we gotta
keep on searchin' for him.

Yeah, but that's
like trying to find

a polar bear
in a blizzard.

Even with my fireflies,

it'll take months
to search all of LINK VRAINS.

If we only had more eyeballs
around to assist us,

we could explore more.

Well don't look at us.

I'm surprised Playmaker managed
to rassle up Burnsie and Blue-y.

I might know someone...


well... it's complicated.



Though you weren't
much of one to me,

you were for Emma...


And now that you're gone,

we'll never know
if you could've been--

Hey, Shepherd.


You're the last person
I expected to see here.


Then pretend that you didn't.

I know it's too late now,
but if there was just more time,

I know you two
could've worked things out--

I said pretend I wasn't here.

All right.

And since you have
eyes everywhere,

I know you didn't run into me
here by accident.

What do you want?

Nothing gets
past you, does it?


FYI, there's a w*r
brewing in LINK VRAINS.

You mean between the Ignis
and the humans.

So you already know.

I have eyes everywhere too.

This w*r could grow
into a catastrophe

that will destroy everything,

so I want you
to help me stop it.


You must be desperate
to come to me for help,

especially when you already
know the answer is no.

But let me give you
one piece of advice:

Stay out of this w*r.

This is one fight
you won't survive.

And you will?


You can't hide from me, Ignis.


Once I set my sights
on a target,

they're as good as gone.


He's actually
narrowing down my location.

These scans are unlike
anything I've ever seen.

They each cover
a wide swath of LINK VRAINS.

According to their
digital signature,

these scans are
being performed by...

The Shepherd.

So true to his word, he's going
after the Ignis alone.

I'd admire his courage
if he wasn't so foolish.

Anomaly detected.



Well done, Shepherd.

You found me.

But I'm curious, why do you
call yourself The Shepherd?

According to
the dictionary, shepherd...

is a noun.

One who protects
and takes care of sheep.

But from what I've seen,

you don't protect
or take care of anyone.

In fact, you do the opposite,

you destroy and ruin
everyone you encounter.


Hey everybody! I got somethin'!

I'm sendin' you the coordinates.
Go check it out!

We got it.

Found you, Ignis.

Yes. You did.

But that's only because
I allowed myself to be found.

Hello. I'm the Light Ignis.

But you may call me Lightning.

I don't think I will.

You're the one who declared
w*r against the humans.

That is correct.

Not a smart move.

Especially since there's
only six--

make that five of you

and billions of us.

Is that your attempt
at a logical argument?

Very well then,
allow me to respond.

There may be billions of humans,

but as you yourself can attest,
they're sheep.

I have nothing to worry
about from them.

And as for you, my friend,

you can fight
with all your might,

but I can fight forever.

Because while my lifespan
is infinite,

yours... is not.

But I can still delete you
with a single keystroke.

Theoretically you can,
but in reality, you can't.

We are superior to humans
on every level.

I understand this fact
is difficult for you

since you humans have been

the dominant species
on this planet.

But that time
has come to an end.

And it's time
to pass the baton.

To us.


I didn't come here to debate.
I came here to duel!

Yes, yes, shut me down because
what you hear scares you.

But if you truly believe
that you're superior,

then you wouldn't
mind risking...

everything in our duel,
would you?


That's right. Everything.

Meaning your very existence.

If I win, I get your data.

As in, your consciousness
will belong to me.

But if I win,
I'm erasing you.

Of course, my friend.

That is only fair.


You just made
a huge mistake, Ignis.

'Cause as a bounty hunter,

I've always been willing
to risk everything.

So this duel doesn't
scare me one bit.

Ah, then I must be careful.

Thank you for the warning.

Let's duel!

Hey, Playmaker,
have you found anything yet?

No, nothing of consequence.

But according to Kolter,

there should be
something around here.

Uh, do you think
he meant something like that?

I bet you won't be
surprised to learn

that a certain
Ignis's fingerprints

are all over that portal.

And I can guess which one.



We finally found him.

You sure?

What if it turns out
to be a trap?

Even if it is, we can't risk
letting a lead slip us by.

Let's go!

You heard Aqua.

Let's get the going, going.

And bring this w*r to an end

before it spins
further out of control.

Let's move.


Surprise surprise,

Playmaker and his pals

are butting into other
people's business again.

You're going as well?

Of course I am, I wouldn't miss
this opportunity for the world.

Then I shall
accompany you.

[Roken & Spectre]
It's time to link
into the VRAINS!

We're here!

But where's here?

Yeah, right.


It's The Shepherd!

Say what?

And it's obvious
who he's duelin', Playmaker!

It's Jin!

More like the yellow guy
standin' on his arm,

but same difference right?

Lightning may be
in control of Jin,

but that is not Jin dueling.

Hey Shepherd!

What are you
doing here?

I could ask all of you
the same thing.

I told Ghost Gal
to leave me alone,

but she decides
to bring her dweeb team.


How dare you talk to everyone
except for me that way!

The Shepherd is here
because I invited him here.

I left the portal open
so that you could join us

as spectators
and watch him lose.

Oh really?

And what exactly makes ya think
you're gonna win, huh?


Because I have no other choice
but to win.

Not if I want
to win this w*r.

You weren't here
when The Shepherd and I

had our little tete-a-tete
about sheep,

but to summarize:

On my side, there's only me,
Windy and Bohman.

While there are many more
non-sheep on your side

who wish to destroy us.

And if The Shepherd
changes his mind

and teams up with you well,

that would make
my fight more difficult.

So it's important to cut away
the weeds.

Did you just call me a weed?

Let's be honest,
that is what you are.

You're just a nuisance.

After all, you are the weakest
duelist currently in the room.


Then it will be humiliating
when the weakest duelist

crushes you into oblivion!

I'm going first.

I'll start by summoning
DRONE XL from my hand!

And I'm going to use this
DRONE to forge my circuit!

I Link Summon!

Since I sent DRONE XL
to the graveyard

in order to Link Summon,

its special ability activates,

allowing me to summon one
DRONE TOKEN to my field!

And whenever there's
a DRONE on my field,

I'm allowed to summon
SCUD DRONE from my hand!

Next, I'll set

in the Link Arrows

to Link Summon again!


And what I can do twice,
I can do thrice!

The summoning conditions
require my final two DRONES!

I Link Summon!

You summoned your best
monster already?

The best is still yet to come

because my GENERAL's ability

resummons a DRONE
from my graveyard.

Take flight,

I place one card facedown
and end my turn.

Now that's what I call
a first turn.

He got everything
he wanted plus dessert.

He's crushing it.

That may be true,

but we have yet to see
what Lightning has in response.

It's my turn.

If you'll do the honors
for me, Jin?


I'll activate the field spell


You see this?

Yeah, I do.

This whole place
is getting a makeover.

If we're going to fight,
let us fight as gladiators.

When I activate

I get to draw

one ARMATOS LEGIO monster
from my deck.

It appears that we have
arrived just in time.

Do you think The Shepherd has
any chance of winning this duel?

He does if he actually
listened to me...

But If he didn't, well...
he's gonna wish he did.

I'll summon the card
I just drew:


And I shall use it
to illuminate my circuit.

I set my SICA
in the Link Arrow

to Link Summon...


activates its second effect.

By discarding an ARMATOS LEGIO
from my hand,

I can resurrect SICA
from my graveyard

and summon it
next to DECURION's link

in defense mode.

But I still wish
to have another monster.

So it's fortunate
that I can discard

another ARMATOS LEGIO to summon
SPECULATA from my hand.

And with that, I can now do
what I want to do.

The summoning conditions
require two ARMATOS LEGIO.

I Link Summon.

And I can use

to discard an ARMATOS LEGIO
to bring back

from my graveyard

and summon them
next to my CENTURION's links.

And with an extra monster,

I get an extra chance
to Link Summon.

in the Link Arrow

to Link Summon
a second DECURION.

Now, I activate my Link Spell...



Yes, you heard correctly.

It's not a Link Monster,
but a Link Spell.

When a Link Monster is linked

its attack points
double during battle.

So the more Link Monsters
I summon,

the more damage
I will deal.

That's the card Varis
warned me about.

And the Ignis
doesn't have a clue

that I already know
all about it.

I'm going to illuminate
my circuit again!

in the Link Arrows

to Link Summon another CENTURION

right next to JUDGMENT ARROWS!

As expected, the Ignis
summoned CENTURION


No surprise there.

Let's see if The Shepherd's
capable of dealing with it.

It's time to battle.


And begin to bring
an end to this duel.

Well, you can stick a fork
in Shepherd's pie.

all of Lightning's monsters

are gonna get double
the attack points.

So if all of Lightning's att*cks
are able to get through,

The Shepherd will
run out of life points.

It's hard for me to believe

that The Shepherd
would lose so quickly.

Is it?

It's not for me.

It should be.

Because you fell for my trap!

I activate SNATCH DRONE!

It not only negates
your spell card,

it also destroys it!

is no more!


So he did take my advice.

Indeed he did.

And reconstructed
his deck

accordingly to counteract
the Link Spell.

[The Shepherd]
And I also know one thing

that you conveniently
forgot to mention.

leaves the field,

all monsters it's linked to
are destroyed.

Oh, really.

You seem to have done
your research on me,

but you didn't do
your research on everything.

When an effect would destroy

I can send DECURION
to the graveyard

to prevent my other monsters
from being destroyed.

still strong enough

to destroy

Fortis Lux!


With that, I end my turn.

When The Shepherd

I thought he had
lightning on the ropes for sure.

I thought he did
as well.

But Lightning
was still one step ahead.

That's true and everything,
but unlike his sombrero,

it's not like The Shepherd's
in bad shape.

He does have the strongest
monster on the field.

And that counts for more
than a stack of paper clips.


It's my turn, Ignis.

And with it, I will end you
once and for all!
