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02x38 - Payback

Posted: 04/14/24 17:28
by bunniefuu
- You're gonna pay
for your crimes.

Let's duel varis.

And when I win, I'm gonna send
you right where you belong.

Straight to jail.

Coz you deserve to be
in an orange jumpsuit.

Not that white sweatsuit.

- Sorry, but orange
isn't my color.

- I can't hear what
they're saying boss.

But I'm pretty good
at reading lips.

And they must be making
dinner reservations

because they said
they're about to drool.

- Well, read my lips.

Get your camera prep at
roll and get the expl*sive.

- You're gonna try to
stop this Playmaker

- No I, because it's clear to me

that they have unresolved
issues that exist

between them and this is
something they must resolve

on their own if we're ever to
work together in the future.

- Well, I'm not
holding my breath

because they got more
issues than a magazine.

- Ready. Let's duel!

Ready. Let's duel

I'll go first.

I summon Salaman Great
Wolvie in attack mode.

And next I activate
my spell fury of fire.

It lets me summon two Salaman
Great monsters from my hand.

Soar Salaman Great Parro
and Salaman Great Falco.

And I'll use them
to link summon.

Link three Salaman
Great Heatleo.

Then I'll place this face
down and end my turn.

- He summoned Heatleo
on his first turn?

Soul burner means business.

- Soul burner,

Listen, like you,
I'm no fan of Varis.

I haven't forgotten that

His goal is to destroy every
single AI, including myself.

And I do quite
enjoy being alive.


- But what?

Let's crush this guy so

that we don't have to
see a smug smirk again.

What's the problem
with that plan flame.

- The problem is, if he
has a plan to help us

the least we can do is listen.

- Well, right now I don't
feel like listening.

- Yes, clearly.

And not just to Varis,
but to me as well.

- It's my turn.

I draw.

- So what cards do you
think Varis is gonna play?

- That's the question, isn't it?

Because every time he shows up

he has a new tweak
to his strategy.

- Well, come on, get on with it.

Make your move.

- I'm ending my turn.

- What?

- Well, that's a new tweak.

- What's he doing?

- Nothing from the looks of it.

It seems like Varis
is trying to lose.

- But I don't sense any
deception from Varis.

- What's with that?

You serious?

- Come on, It's your turn.

Make your move, I
don't have all day.

- Am I a joke to you?

Blah !

Fine then, I draw

and I summon Salaman
Great Jack Jaguar.

- Those two monsters have
enough attack points to wipe

out all Varis's life points.

- All right.

You might not be taking this
duel seriously but I am.

Heat Leo

Attack his life points directly.

- Varis can't do a thing.

- One last attack.

And this dual is over for him.

- Okay, I'll attack end.

[Screaming In Pain]

- Hold that.

Why didn't he attack?

- Because it
wouldn't have helped.

- Huh? What do you mean?

- Soul Burner?

Are you okay?

- I couldn't do it even if
I won the duel this way.


What would it actually
get me in the end?

- You'd get a W on your record.

- But is that so important

- No, I guess

- Need a hand getting up?

- I don't need anything from
you Varis, but flame's right.

If you're willing to help, I
can't sabotage it for everyone.

But are we really
supposed to trust you?

We don't even know who you are.

- My name is Ryoken Kogami.

I'm sure you're familiar
with my father, Dr. Kogami .

- What?

- He blurts out
his biggest secret.

Just like that?

Huh, Good thing he
doesn't know mine.

Or does he?

- I think they're
already done dueling.

I didn't have enough time to set

up my camera so I didn't
get anything recorded boss

- Shut up.

It's already on your head.

- So, let me get this straight.

Your dad started
the Lost Incident.

- Yes, that's correct.

But Varis is the one responsible

for ending the lost incident.

Varis was a child back
then, just like us

but he knew his father's
experiments were wrong.

So he alerted the authorities.

- You can kind of
say that he saved you

- Not a chance.

- We both know Varis has made
many mistakes in his life

but this wasn't one of them.

- So what?

I'm just supposed to forgive him

- No, just be mad at him
about the right stuff.

- Listen, Soul Burner

I'm not going to ask
for your forgiveness

because frankly I've done
absolutely nothing wrong.

But, this isn't the time
to argue that point.

Because what we need to
do is work together to

defeat the Light Ignis and
after that task is done

we'll make time to
settle out differences.

- Fine then.

- Now if you'll come with me

there's something
I want to show you.

- Follow you? Huh?

- Is he trying to trick us?

- No. There is no ulterior
motive to his Actions.

- If aqua's good, then so am I.

So then, let's go check out
what Varis wants to show us.

- Aye Aye Captain

- Are you coming along?

Because I can't go without you.

- I know Flame.

If this turns out
to be a trap Varis

I'll crush you once and for all.

- I'm sure that you will.

- Let's Go.

- They're vanishing
into that portal.

- Yeah, you're right.

- Oh, The portal's
closing up Boss.

- Not without us

[Grunting Sound]

- Get a new travel agent Varis.

- We are here.

- Hey, I've seen that before.

- Same here.

- It's The Tower of Hanoi.

- Then that means we're
in the old link Vrains.

- How unexpected

- That tower's still standing.

- Shh...

They're gonna hear us.

- Unless it's to reminisce
about the battle days.

Why did you, you
bring us here Varis?

- Yeah.

You want us to help reboot
your poor little tower of Hanoi

- That's exactly what I want.

- Are you for real?

- Yes I am.

The first step to defeating
the Light Ignis is to

find the Light Ignis, which
we've been unable to do so far.

But this tower functions
like an antenna

the most powerful one
in all of link Vrains.

So we can use it to
find the Light Ignis

no matter where it
might be hiding out.

- Wait, is that really possible?

- Maybe

if you know the Ignis is very
specific digital signature

- And that's the problem.

I need a hacker
who's more familiar

with Ignis algorithms than me
to actually find that program.

- So then that's why you tried
to get my brother to join

up with you in the Hanoi.

- That's right.

But unfortunately he had to
go and get himself deleted.

- You know what?

You really need to work
on your bedside manner.

But let's say we help
you rebuild the Tower

of Hanoi and turn it into
a scanner like you claim.

I know that once
the tower's fixed

you can easily reprogram it
and turn it back into a w*apon.

The same w*apon that
destroyed Link Vrains.

How do we know you're
not gonna betray us?

The first chance you get.

- Yeah. Cuz let's just
say I have a hard time

trusting people who
you know, erase me.

- If my word's not good
enough, then this may help you.

- What's that?

- It's the program to
reactivate the Tower of Hanoi

but it's only half complete
if you write the other half.

The Hanoi are only in control

of 50% of the program that
makes us equal partners.

Neither side can modify
it without the other.

So I can't transform it
into a w*apon on my own.

- That makes sense.

- Very well.

Let's work together to rebuild
the Tower of Hanoi, Varis.

And perhaps

through this partnership you
may learn to see things my way

that there must be a
peaceful end to this w*r.

- We'll see Playmaker

- Did you hear that?

Playmaker and Varis
are gonna team up.

- It'll be the scoop of the
century of the millennium

- Front page headline.

Here we come.

- You're not going anywhere.

I can't risk having any leaks
until the mission is complete.

[Screaming Noises]

- Let's code this car already.

What's taking so long?

- You. Shall we?

Good? Let's begin there

- You down.

- Sighs

You know, if you told me
a week or even a day ago

that we'd be working
with the Hanoi

I'd say you need to write
more realistic fan fix

- I agree, but it's
a risk worth taking

If there's a real possibility
that we can find lightning

We need to bring this
w*r to an end and fast.

- You're right, but
it's still weird.

- Theodore, do you
have a moment to chat?

Theodore, I can tell
that you are still not

in favor of working
with the Hanoi.

- Well, you're right.

Isn't really that
obvious how I feel.

- Not to the others, but
to me it's quite clear.

- Right.

- One thing puzzles me that
perhaps you can clear up.

- Yeah? What are
you worried about?

- Why did Varis want you
to help with his plan?

He needs a hacker or a
programmer and you are neither.

- Well, I suppose that's true.

- There's no
supposing it's a fact.

Varis needs Playmaker for
his knowledge of the Ignis

and Ghost Gal is a
genius of a hacker.

I can also understand Blue
Maiden for her connections

to soul technologies,
but he doesn't need you.

You are useless
in this endeavor.

No offense.

- How can I not take offense?

Maybe he reached out
to me to get to you.

- No, no, no.

Then he would've
contacted me directly.

He definitely wanted you
to join this mission.

Why is that?

Do you think?

- I have no idea.

What do you think?

- Well, I can only conclude
he wanted to see you

to atone for the lost incident.

- You're wrong there.

He already said that he
doesn't feel guilty about it.

- Yes, but what I have learned

about humans is
that what they say

and what they feel are
entirely different things.

And perhaps that is why he
was so unwilling to duel.

- I'm ending my turn.

- Flame, Sometimes I think

you know more about
humans than humans.

- It is only natural
because my name is flame.

After all, "F L A M E".

The "F" stands for foresighted.

The "L" for loving

The "A" for...

- Oh flame.

The "A" is for amazing.

- Why? Thank you Theodore
and the "M" and "E" is

for you being the
most excellent partner

an ignis can have.

[Breathing Heavily]

- How are you feeling?

- I'm fine.

You never have need
to worry about me.

- It's my job to make
sure you're in top shape

- Your job?

Don't be silly, Harlin,
you and I we're brothers.

It's only natural that
we should want to care

and look out for each other.

- Well, you know we're
not really brothers.

Right? Lightning reprogrammed
me to be your brother

because he thought that I
would be the one capable

of keeping your
emotions in check.

It's not like we had the same
parents because we're AIs.

- Even if it's true that
lightning created you

our brotherly bond
couldn't be programmed.

- You may call me your brother,

but I call you my replacement.

Lightning had to create you
because I wasn't good enough.

I would say that hurts
my feelings, but nah

these feelings
aren't real anyway.

They're programmed.

But as long as we
AIs win in the end,

it'll all be worth it, right?

- It will all be
worth it, Harlin

because we will do it together.

- Master, how is your
search for lightning going?

- Well. I'd have
found him by now

if Playmaker wasn't so
slow with his typing.

- Poor master.

- Yeah, when when we find
lightning, it's gonna be an all

out knockdown feather's flying
brawl where no one may come

out alive.

- That sounds fun.

- No it doesn't,

- Huh?

Oops. Wrong emotion program

Launching tear drop app.

- Stop faking it.

You're lying with your crying.

- Wow Master.

That rhyme has the well
said to the hammer.

You nailed it.

- Hey jokes are my job.

Got it?

But Pause, pause, pause.

I'm getting off topic.

If this is going to
be my final battle

I gotta tie off some loose ends.

Meaning you

- Meaning me?

Yeah. Remember how I promised
to improve your intelligence?

Well, now's the time.

- So Roboppi is going
to become smart.

- As smart as me.

- Squee.



- What's wrong?

- The master has made
similar promises in the past.

- True. But this is one promise.

I'm keeping Stare into my
eyes and feel the upgrades.

- Oh

- It's ready now, we can use
this program to find lightning.

- Yep. Once we upload
it into the tower

- You're gonna need
my help with that.

- Well, I'd feel a
lot more comfortable

if you could keep your
eye on us from out here.

- Coz in there me and
flame will watch us back.

- Hmm.

Sounds good.

Then I'd be more comfortable

if you install this in your
duel disk before you go

- Another program!

But I just saved.

- Since our enemies keep
upgrading their tech

we gotta stay one
step ahead of them.

This program creates a
back door through any

security system and
broadcast your location.

That means no matter where
you might be in the network

I can still find you.

- That is quite useful.

- If you're gonna tell me to
stay out here and keep an eye

on you, then that's
exactly what I'm gonna do.

- Okay

- Now go break a leg.

- That's not nice.

- I agree

- It's a way of saying
good luck flame.

- All right then let's get
going and find lightning.

- The new security patches
are up and running sir

- Hey wait, where's Ghost Gal?

- I ordered her to go to Link
Vrains while we came here.

- Wait, you ordered her?

- Okay, Requested

just in case something
bad happens there

because we can't be
in two places at once.

And you know Ghost Gal
can handle her own.

- That is a wise
decision Blue Maiden.

- So Specty, where's
the rest of your Hanoi?

- They're all
waiting on standby.

Ready to back us up if needed.

- There's no time to waste.

Let's begin our search.

Initiating the global scan.

The tower's energized,
prepare for impact.


- What is that?

- Someone has launched the scan
of the entire network, Sir.

- Unreal. What do you
think they're looking for?

- That was weird.

- Hey look over there.

- Is link's screen glitching
out or am I seeing double?

- Is that normal?

- No way.

There are two link Vrains.

- What is that?

- It's a second copy
of Link Vrains layered

Right under the original.

- That's why we couldn't
find the Light Ignis.

It created a mirror
world to hide inside.

- How frustrating The Light
Ignis was hiding in plain sight.

- Yes, but that's
no longer the case.

- The humans have found us.

- Yes, I figured
they would eventually

but this is surprisingly
sooner than I expected.

So Bohman is not yet
ready to engage them.

- You see that as a problem.

But I see that as an opportunity

an opportunity for
me to get my revenge.

They almost took
everything from me, so

at the very least they
owe me an eyeball.

- If you're ready, let's
go kick some lightning.

- Whatever comes now will
be the beginning of the end.

Let's go Specter.

- Bye bye.

Try not to get digitized.

- Wait up.

Varis Take us with you.

- What? are you nuts.

- You're nuts.

It's either this or
filming the brave battler.

- Good point.

- Come on, take us

- Beyond that portal.

It's more dangerous
than a w*r zone

and no one's going
to protect you.

It's much safer out here.

- No it's not.

None of you have sneaked a
peek at our bank accounts.

- Yaha, you know how
people brag about

how many zeros they
have on their paycheck.

We have nothing but zeros.

We need a scoop.

And now

- Stop squishing my face.

- Hmm. Very well then.

But don't say I didn't
warn you of the danger.

- There's the entrance.

- Get ready. It's time.