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02x39 - My Brother’s Keeper

Posted: 04/14/24 17:29
by bunniefuu
[intense music]

[Blue Maiden grunts and gasps]

- I've got you.

- Thank you.

Tough riding.

- And it's only
going to get tougher.

After all, once we
exit this portal,

there will be plenty more
obstacles for us to face.

- And heighten your haunches,
'cause there's our exit.

- Okay, everyone get ready.

It's time for us to do
what only we can do,

stop Lightning!

[intense electronic music]

[computer trilling]

[intense music]

- [Frog] Here we are,

- You think, we'll get
seven years bad luck

if we break this place?

- Okay, you two.

It's the end of the road.

- [Both] Huh?

- Relax, I don't mean that
I'm going to terminate you.

Just that you're
both on your own now.

Hope you enjoyed the free ride.

[both yelling]

- [Frog] Free ride, more
like free fall. [yelps]

- Things sure are wonky here.

Wonder how LINK VRAINS is.

- Kolter, status update.

- It's wigging out a bit,

but it's nothing too crazy.

At least not yet.

- [Crowd Member 1] Awesome,
a new event must be starting.

- [Crowd Member 2]
Or someone uploaded

the wrong color patch.

- I don't know, guys,

something just feels a little
bit off about all this.

[ominous music]

- [Akira] Hayami, take charge.

- [Hayami] Going
somewhere, Chief?

- LINK VRAINS, to find
out what's going on.

- Keep us in the loop, Kolter.

If anything changes,
be sure to let us know.

- [Kolter] Well,
here's a change.

Bunch of blips headed your way.

- What?

- [Blips] You hacksters
ain't welcome here.

- Ah, glitch. BitBoot.

- They're closing in.

Spread out.

- [Lightning] Humans
are such fools.

Why would they enter my world

knowing I have every
advantage here?

As proof, BitBoot's
initial att*cks

have already scattered them.

They will now be simple
to pick off one by one.

And we shall start with
this one, Blue Maiden.

- I'll go.

- [Lightning] Are you
certain you can handle her?

Blue Maiden, or shall
I say Skye Zaizen,

is the younger sister
of Akira Zaizen.

- Heh, big deal.

- Correct. He is a big deal.

He is in charge of SOL
Technologies' security.

With connections like that,

she's sure to be
quite formidable.

- [Harlin] What,
don't you trust me?

- [Lightning] Now,
now, I didn't say that.

I'm just concerned
for you, my friend.

After all, now that Blue
Maiden has partnered with Aqua,

she's stronger than ever.

I would prefer to send
Bohman to deal with her,

but, alas, he's still in
no condition to fight.

However, be that as it may,

it's only a matter of time
before BitBoot is defeated,

so yes, seems I have no choice,

but to rely on you, my friend.

- And at the very least,

I can buy us some time
for Bohman to recover.

- Don't talk like you'll lose.

Win, and return safely.

- For sure.

Although, in battle
there are no sure things.

What if Blue Maiden does win?

I mean, she won't, I'll
beat her no problem.

But if for some reason I can't,

then right now would be my
last chance to see Bohman.

[intense ominous music]

[Bohman grunting]

- [Bohman] What is it, Harlin?

- Hey there, Bohman.

Just thought I'd stop by
to see how you're feeling.

- [Bohman] Stronger
by the minute.

As I synchronize
further and further,

I'm becoming one
with this world,

becoming immortal.

- Glad to hear.

- But you didn't come simply
to check on me, did you?

Tell me what's
truly on your mind.

- Playmaker's squad is here.

- [Bohman] Yes, I know.

To stop us.

- Yeah, but I'll
take care of 'em.

- No, Harlin, do
not engage them.

- Why not?

- [Bohman] It's too dangerous.

- But it's not like
you can fight them.

- Now Harlin, you
and I both know,

you're not skilled enough
to beat them by yourself.

- What are you saying,
you don't believe in me?

- If you lose in this
world, you'll be deleted.

So I'd rather hurt your
feelings than lose you.

- [Harlin] Well, maybe
it's better that way.

After all, it's not like you
and Lightning need me anymore.

Once you synchronize
with this world,

you'll basically be unstoppable.

- It's not about
need, it's about want.

And I don't want
to lose my brother.

- Enough of that, Bohman.

I mean, you know we're
not really brothers.

- You're wrong.

Just because we're both AI,

does not mean that
we aren't brothers.

- That's exactly what
it means, Bohman.

Accept it.

From the very start,
everything we did,

we did just 'cause we
were programmed to do it.

And you only have a bond with me

because you were so
helpless at the beginning

and needed me to look after you.

And let me tell you,
it got annoying.

Can I help you with
something, Bohman?

- No, I just enjoy being
in your company, Harlin.

I hope you don't mind.

- As a matter of fact, I do.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

Would you like me to follow
you from even farther back?

- How about just don't
follow me at all?

- But we're brothers, Harlin.

And brothers are
supposed to be together.

- Ugh, just gimme some space.

- Harlin!

- And I'm thinking right
now, I need more space.

- Please, Harlin, don't go.

This is a mistake that
will cost you everything.

- You're wrong.

I may not have all the fancy
upgrades that you have,

but these old parts of mine

still have plenty
of life in 'em.

- Harlin.
[soft suspenseful music]

- Brothers? [scoffs]

Lightning created
Bohman to replace me,

but I'll show 'em that
I'm irreplaceable.

- BitBoot, you're
booted. [grunts]

[BitBoot yelling]
[electronics beeping]

And that's the
last of 'em, Aqua.

- But someone new
is approaching.

- Huh?

- It's the end of
the line for you.

Let's duel!

- Who's that?

- According to
Playmaker's intel,

that's Bohman's brother, Harlin.

- Bohman has a brother?

- A brother that's
taking you down.

- If I defeat him, I
may be able to learn

where Bohman and
Lightning are hiding out.

Are you ready, Aqua?
[uplifting dramatic music]

- [Aqua] Yes.

- [Both] Let's duel!

[electronics zapping]

- I'm going first.

First off, I summon
Hydradrive Booster.

[electronics zapping]

And I'll use it to
generate my circuit.

[electronics whooshing]

I Link Summon Link-1
Coolant Hydradrive.

[digits trill]

- [Aqua] He summoned
a Hydradrive.

- Looks like he's using
the same deck as Bohman.

- Uh, excuse me?

You mean Bohman uses the
same type of deck as me.

I'm the one who taught
Bohman how to duel.

- Seriously?

- Yeah, so anything that he
does I can do even better.

I use Hydradrive Rebuild
to destroy my monster.

[monster zapping]

And by doing so, its
special ability activates

and summons a Hydradrive Token.

[electronics zapping
and trilling]

Then, Hydradrive Rebuild's
second effect activates,

allowing me to re-summon a
Hydradrive from my graveyard.

Return to the field,
Coolant Hydradrive.

[monster zapping]

Next, I activate a
spell Bohman never had,

Hydradrive Utilization!

For 500 Life Points,

I can banish Hydradrive
Booster from my graveyard

to draw out a second
copy from my deck.

Then I'll use my
skill, Marker's Portal!

It lets me play a Link
Spell from my deck.

And I know you won't like it.

Say hey to the Link
Spell, Judgment Arrows.

- No, not that card!

- I'll follow that up,

[card and electronics zapping]

by summoning the Hydradrive
Booster I just drew,

and use it to generate
my circuit again!

[electronics zapping]

I Link Summon a second
Coolant Hydradrive.

[monster roars]

Then I'll use my
Hydradrive Token

to Link Summon for a third time,

Link-1 Flow Hydradrive!

[monster roars]

And I'm still not
done Link Summoning.

The summoning conditions are
two Hydradrive Link monsters.

[monsters zapping]

I Link Summon,

Link-2 Twin Hydradrive Knight!
[monster roars]

My Knight gains the attributes

of the two monsters used to
summon it, water and wind.

And any other
monster on the field

that shares those attributes

has their special
abilities negated.

Lastly, I place one card
face down and end my turn.

- That's the same strategy
Bohman used against Playmaker.

- Not exactly.

While Bohman did summon that
Knight on his first turn,

Harlin has the Knight and
Coolant Hydradrive in play.

He's playing better than Bohman.

- Well, isn't that perfect?

Here goes.

I draw!

I summon Marincess Sea Horse.

[digits trill]

Guess what, Harlin?

You're not the only one
who can Link Summon.

[Marincess zapping]

Link-1, Marincess Blue Slug!

[electronics beeping]

- Marincess?

What happened to
your Trickstars?

If you think changing decks
is gonna help you, it's not.

'Cause my Knight
negates water monsters.

[Marincess gasps]
[snake zapping]

- Not saying that doesn't hurt,

but that's not enough to
put a stop to our game.

By activating the special
ability of a second

Marincess Sea Horse in my hand,

I can summon her next
to my Blue Slug's Link.

And with these two,
I'll build the circuit

that turns dreams into reality.

The summoning conditions require

two water attribute monsters.

So I set Marincess
Blue Slug and Seahorse

in the Link Arrows.

[Marincess zapping]

I Link Summon Link-2

Marincess Coral Anemone!
- Ah!

[electronics zapping]

Then I place one card face down

and activate Marincess
Sea Star's special ability

from my hand.

By discarding this card,

Coral Anemone gains an
extra 800 Attack Points.

- Oh, her strongest
monster got even stronger.

- Now go!

My Coral Anemone is attacking
your Coolant Hydradrive.

- Hold up!

That attack of yours
triggers the effect

of my Judgment Arrows.

When this spell is linked
to my Link Monster,

its Attack Points are doubled.

- So what?

My monster's still
stronger than yours.

[Coral Anemone shouts]

[exploding booms]

[Harlin groaning]

[electronics trilling]

- But when Coolant Hydradrive
is destroyed in battle,

[electronics zapping]

I can summon a Hydradrive
Token to take its place.

- Is that supposed
to impress me?

- Blue Maiden, you're doing
exceptionally well today.

- Thanks, Aqua.

I bet my brother would
be impressed, too,

if he was watching.

- Hmm, your brother, huh?

[Blue Maiden gasps]

But Akira's not your
real brother, now,
is he, Blue Maiden?

[Blue Maiden hums]

Since you two don't
share the same DNA,

that would make you
both complete strangers,

now wouldn't it?

- You're wrong.

Akira and I are family,
and always will be.

- How sweet, I used
to be just like you.

Is my brother going to be okay?

- Brother?

Bohman will be fine
when he awakens.

But every time he reboots,

his code, his DNA, so
to speak, is rewritten.

He becomes a new individual.

So this Bohman is not the
same as the last Bohman.

That's why he never remembers
your name when he awakens.

So if he's an entirely
new individual,

would he still be your brother?

- Well, uh, I guess not, then.

- No, because he is not.

- [Aqua] Harlin, family isn't
about your DNA or your code.

Or your programming.

- You know, Aqua is
really on point here.

What matters is what lies
in your heart, Harlin.

That's why even though Akira
and I aren't related by blood,

we're still family.

And I'll fight in order to
protect the ones that I love,

and defeat any threat that
dares to come in my way.

[ominous music]

- Ha, if you actually think
you're gonna win this duel

just because you have
a family, you're wrong.

I draw!

I'll start by setting
my Hydradrive Token
in the Link Arrow

to Link Summon
Coolant Hydradrive.

[Coolant Hydradrive growls]

Next up, I activate the Equip
Spell Hydradrive Impact!

By equipping it on my
Coolant Hydradrive,

it can now deal
double the damage,

but it's forced to
attack this turn.

Which may sound bad,

'cause your monsters
stronger than mine,

but Coolant's ability allows it

to attack your life
points directly.

- If this attack
hits, I'm done for.

- Got that right.

Because dueling has
nothing to do with family.

It's about who can
play the better game.

So then, bye-bye, Blue Maiden.

Coolant Hydradrive,
go and end this duel!

- Oh no, you're not
ending anything.

I play Marincess Wave!

[card zapping]

This trap will negate your
monster's special abilities.

- Ugh, no way!

- This means your
Coolant Hydradrive

isn't able to attack
me directly anymore.

But since your monster is
still required to attack

it has to attack
my monster instead.

- Fine, then I'll have my
Coolant Hydradrive attack

your Coral Anemone.

And Judgment Arrows' effect

doubles Coolant Hydradrive's
attack points during battle.

- Twice as strong is
still not strong enough.

So your monster's taking a
quick trip to the graveyard.

Along with 800 of
your life points.

[Coral Anemone shouts]

[expl*si*n booms]

[digits trilling]

- But like before, when Coolant
Hydradrive is destroyed,

I can summon a Hydradrive Token.

[electronics trill]

Your guppy may have
been stronger than
my Coolant Hydradrive

but it's not stronger than
my Twin Hydradrive Knight.

Not when Judgment Arrows
doubles its attack points.

[digits trill]
[monster roars]

[Blue Maiden grunts]

- But when my Coral
Anemone is destroyed,

I'm then allowed to retrieve
one Marincess card back

from my graveyard.

And this trap will
come in handy.

It's Marincess Wave.

- But that card is useless
[digits trill]

if you never get to play it.

Unlike my trap
Hydradrive Nightmare.

By tributing my
Hydradrive Token,

I can re-summon
Coolant Hydradrive.

[digits trill]

Coolant Hydradrive will
automatically be destroyed

at the end of my turn.

But that still leaves me plenty
of time to deal you damage.

Double the damage thanks
to Judgment Arrows.

[digits trill]

[monster roars]
[Blue Maiden grunts]

- [Harlin] How you like that?

- You know what? I like
it just fine actually.

- You did?

- Yes. Because by taking damage,

Blue Maiden is able
to use her new skill.

- Not my new skill,
our new skill.

'Cause we created it together.

[Blue Maiden shouts]

Shape of sea!

When I take battle damage,

I can summon a water attribute
monster from my graveyard

with equal or
fewer attack points

than the amount
of damage I took.

Resurface Marincess,
Coral Anemone!

[digits trill]

- I'm gonna end my turn now,

which means Coolant
Hydradrive is destroyed,

but it also means I get to
summon a Hydradrive Token.

- Do you see now Harlin?

Family can change
the course of a duel,

because without Aqua, I
wouldn't have this new skill.

- So you're calling
Aqua family now?

What a complete joke.

- Family also makes us
stronger because it gives us

something to fight for.

- Gives you something
to fight for?

Oh, is that why I'm
fighting for Bohman?

'Cause he really is family?

- All right. It's my turn.

I draw.
[electronics trill]

I summon Marincess Seahorse
[digits trill]

and with her I can now
go and build my circuit.

I set Marincess Coral Anemone
and Marincess Seahorse

in the Link Arrows.
[water whooshes]

I Link Summon Link-3
Marincess Marbled Rock.

[Marincess roars]
[digits trill]

I Link Summon Link-3
Marincess Marbled Rock.

[Marincess roars]
[digits trill]

And since I used my Coral
Anemone to summon her,

her special ability lets me
regain Marincess Sea Star

from my graveyard.

Next I activate Marincess
Wave from my hand.

I'm allowed to play this
trap card from my hand

when I have a Link-3 or
higher Marincess on my field.

And I'll use it to negate

your Twin Hydradrive
Knight's special ability.

[Harlin growls]

Now my Marincesses can start
using their abilities again

and my Marincess Wave
has another effect.

It prevents you from
using any spells,

traps or special abilities
against my Marbled Rock.

- That doesn't matter.

My Twin Hydradrive Knight
will have 3,600 attack points

during battle, making it
stronger than your monster.

- That's true.

But I can change that
by sending my Sea Star

to the graveyard to raise

Marbled Rock's
attack points by 800.

[Marincess shouts]
[digits trill]

Then I activate Marbled
Rock's special ability.

I get to retrieve a
Marincess from my graveyard.

So my Sea Star is
back in my hand.

And by discarding
Sea Star again,

Marbled Rock gains 800
more attack points.

[digits trill]

- Oh no, 4,100 attack points?

- That's right.

And she's going to use
them all to take down

your Twin Hydradrive Knight.

- But Judgment Arrows will
lower the damage that I take.

[digits trill]

- Go Marbled Rock, attack!

[Marincess shouts]
[water whooshes]

[Harlin shouts]
[digits trill]

- So sorry, but I
still have life points.

- Yes you do, but not for long.

- [grunts] Oh no, now what?

- I'm glad you asked.

I activate my trap
card Marincess Current.

When a Link-3 or higher
Marincess destroys your monster

in battle, then I'm allowed
to activate this card

directly from my hand.

For every Link that
Marbled Rock has,

you take 400 points of damage.

So since Marbled Rock
is a Link-3 monster,

that adds up to 1200 points.

But that's not all.

You also take 500 points
of damage for every Link

that your Knight had.

Put it all together and
that's a total of 2200 points

of damage, and guess what?

That total is more than
the amount of life points

you have remaining, Harlin.

- Oh no.

[lightning zaps]
[power booms]

[Harlin screams]

- [Harlin] Hi
Bohman. My name is-

- Harlin.

- [Harlin] [gasps] You remember?

- Why are you crying?

- Crying? I don't know.

- Lightning may be smart,

but he doesn't know
what's in our hearts.

As long as the sun rises in
the east and sets in the west,

I will always be your brother
and you will always be mine.

- Isn't that funny?

Bohman said that
family's about heart,

just like Blue Maiden.

Maybe us AI and humans aren't
so different after all?

We both fight for those we love.

Even if it means
risking everything.

Bye Bohman.

You were the best brother
anyone could ever have.

[particles trill]

- I can't sense Harlin anymore.

[growls] Harlin!

My brother sacrificed
himself to give me

the time I needed to heal.

And now that I have
healed completely,

I promise revenge will be mine.

[intense music]