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02x47 - Fighting Promise

Posted: 04/14/24 17:40
by bunniefuu
[regal music]

- I can't afford to
lose this duel to Kolter

but I don't want
him to lose either.

- As much as I hate to admit it,

Lightning has chosen the
perfect opponent for Playmaker.

- Yeah, you got
that right Flame.

And as if this duel isn't
hard enough already,

it's like Playmaker has to take

on two opponents at
the exact same time.

Kolter and himself, and
whoever ends up winning this,

there's only one true
winner and that's Lightning.

I can't watch this.

- Will you stop pouting
and win this duel?

There are more important
things at stake.

- Come on Playmaker,

step your game up
before your time's up.

[triumphant music begins]

[triumphant music continues]

[triumphant music continues]

[triumphant music continues]

[triumphant music continues]

[triumphant music ends]

[regal music]

- Hey boss, clue me in.

Am I like totally seeing things

or is Playmaker off his game?

- Stop your squawking.

You're seeing things,
Playmaker's fine

and is doing as dandy as always.

And I should know 'cause
these eyes have seen more

of his duels than anyone else.

- Uh-huh, I've seen just as many

Playmaker duels as you have.

- But I get a closer
look by like two inches.

- Playmaker, I never
thought the day would come

when I didn't know
the right thing to say

but I'll still say something
even if it's the wrong thing.

And that's what you should do.

Don't worry if you're
doing the right thing

or the wrong thing.

Just do your thing.

- Just do my thing.

- So you ready to duel?

- I sure am, Kolter

and first I'll activate my
Spell Card, Link Satellite.

For every link that
Decode Talker has,

I place a Satellite
counter on this card.

As long as link's
Satellite is in play

neither of us can attack.

And with that, I end my turn.

I'm required to remove
a Satellite counter

at the end of my turn.

Then, when I am all
out of counters,

my link Satellite is destroyed.

- Huh, I thought you
said you were ready

to duel me, Playmaker.

Not just stand around and stall.

- Playmaker can't be
att*cked for two turns.

- Yes, he's safe, for now.

- You're right.

But they shouldn't have
been dueling each other

in the first place.

It's all because Lightning's
blackmailing Kolter

by threatening Jin's safety.

- Look bud, if you don't want
to fight me that's on you.

You're only making
my job easier.

The only way to save my
brother is to defeat you.

And this is one of
those one-way roads

where there's no turning back.

I know that this is not how you

and me wanted
things to end buddy

but all good things gotta come
to an end sometime, right?

- Kolter.

- I knew manipulating Playmakers
emotions would be fruitful

but I could never anticipate
it to work this well.

Humans are such silly,
fascinating creatures.

- Jin, I know you're
counting on me to save you

but all I've ever
done was let you down.

But in the end,
I'll make sure to be

a brother you can be proud of.

Playmaker, you of all
people ought to know

that attacking isn't the only
way I could deal you damage.

I draw.

First I'll summon
Codebreaker Zero Day

and then I'll use it
to code my circuit.

Check this out.

I sent Zero Day and Virus
Swordsman in the Link Arrows.

I link summon, link free
Codebreaker Virus Beserker.

- That monster
doesn't look friendly.

- I don't know about that,

especially 'cause my
Codebreaker can bring

a few friends to join the party.

See, Virus Berserker's
special ability

lets me select up to two
Codebreakers in my hand

or my graveyard and
summon them to your side

of the field next to your
Decode Talker's links.

So Codebreaker Zero
Day, go be a pal.

- You do realize that Decode
Talker gains 500 attack points

for every monster
it's linked to.

- I do.

And you realize that
Zero Days ability turns

that positive into a negative.

- Come on, Kolter's
getting the upper hand.

So you gotta start
doing your thing

before it gets out of hand.

- And do what exactly, AI?

- While you figure that out,

I activate my trap,
Codebreak Backfire.

When a Codebreaker is
summon to your side

of the field you take

- Oh no.

We're down to 1200 life points.

A couple more hits of
that goopy green stuff

and we're goners.

- It doesn't have to be
just the green stuff.

Damage can come in any color.

For every Codebreaker
that's on your field,

Virus Berserker can destroy
your Spell/Trap card

as long as it's face up and for
every card that's destroyed,

you take 600 points of damage.

So say bye to your
Link Satellite

and half your
remaining life points.

- Oh man, Kolter destroyed
his Link Satellite.

- Meaning he's now
allowed to attack.

- You know how I just
told you to do your thing?

You might wanna try
the opposite now.

- You better listen to him

'cause if this is
doing your thing,

then your thing is broken.

And I'm not just talking
about your dueling,

I'm talking about your
everything, Playmaker.

And when I win this duel,
that's gonna make me a winner.

And you, a loser.

- A loser?

- Yeah, you remember what I said

about winners and losers, right?

Don't tell me you already forgot

'cause I know your
memory isn't that bad.

Unless you took a few too
many hits to the noggin.

[rumbling noises]

- [AI] What are you doing here?

The super villain
convention is next door.

- Calm down AI.

I only came here to
have a closer look

and a closer listen.

Kolter, what could you two
possibly be discussing?

Playmaker is down to his
final 600 life points.

So instead of chatting,

all you need to do is
attack and end him.

- Yeah, I'm aware of that.

- Here it comes.

- Let's end this.

Codebreaker Virus Berserker,
attack Decode Talker.

Let's end this.

Codebreaker Virus Berserker,
attack Decode Talker.

- Playmaker doesn't have enough
life points to survive this.

- Utterly pathetic.

- It's not over.

I activate Link Cancel,
it returns Decode
Talker to my deck.

And in exchange,
I get to resurrect

the monsters I
used to summon it.

Return to my field, Link
Spider and Protocol Gardna.

- Nice.

Due to Protocol Gardna's
special ability,

Kolter isn't allowed to attack
monsters next to its links.

- But I can still attack
Protocol Gardna itself.

Meaning all those
moves were for nothing.

[loud expl*si*n]

- It can't be.

- And that's all she wrote.

- Indeed.

[Lightening laughing]


- You're still alive?

- No thanks to you, but allow
I, Professor AI to explain.

Once per turn, Protocol Gardna
can't be destroyed in battle

and we don't take any damage.

- Lucky break, huh?

In that case, I activate the
Spell Card CodeBreak Bind.

If your monster that's
linked to a Codebreaker

destroys my monster in battle,

I can send Codebreak
Bind to the graveyard

to deal you damage equal to
my monster's attack points.

And that's damage you
don't want to take.

It's your turn, Playmaker.

- Playmaker can no longer attack

because if he destroys
Kolter's monster

he'll run out of
life points and lose.

- Why is he breathing
as if he ran a marathon?

- Because this duel
kind of is one, Flame.

There's damage you take
to your life points

and there's damage you
take to your actual life.

And having to fight a friend
is taking a lot outta him.

- You need a timeout?

- There's no timeouts
during a duel, Playmaker.

But don't worry,
you'll get plenty

of time to rest once
this match is over.

Like, for eternity.

- Yes, but when will that be?

I would prefer it if
you'd get on with it.

- And I would prefer it
if you get off my back.

I'm doing what you want

so at least let me do
it my way, capiche?

- Argh.

- So before I was rudely
interrupted, Playmaker,

in every duel there's gotta
be a winner and a loser.

That's just how it is.

- You're right Kolter.

A winner and a loser.

- Yeah, remember we had a
nice long talk about it,

right here in this
very spot in fact.

Well, not right here, right here

but right here in
the real world.

- What?

- You heard me.

- Yes, but that doesn't
mean I understand you.

- What isn't there
to understand?

You and me are eventually
gonna have to duel.

- And why exactly do you
think that's going to happen?

- Well our missions
are to one, save Jin

and two, stop Lightning
from destroying the world.

But what if those
two missions clash?

- Go on.

- If I was Lightning and
running through scenarios

to stop you, the best plan
is to turn me against you.

Since he knows I'd do anything
to save my brother Jin,

sooner or later, Lightning's
gonna blackmail me

and force me to duel
you and I gotta accept.

- No offense, but you're not
good enough to defeat me.

- None taken because it's true.

- Then why would Lightning
force you to duel me

when he knows the chances

of your victory
are slim at best?

- Because he wants to hit
you where it really hurts,

your heart.

You may not show
your emotions often

but that heart of yours beats

for the world like no one else.

Lightning thinks
that if you defeat

and erase me that it'll make
you easy pickings for later.

But here's the thing,
even if you beat me,

I don't want you to
feel bad about it.

- Not feel bad about it?

I don't know how that's
possible, Kolter.

- Well get over it bud 'cause
if you do let it crush you,

Lightning wins and we both lose.

That's the thing about
winning and losing.

Losing a duel doesn't
make you a loser

and winning doesn't make
you a winner either.

How you choose to deal
with the outcome does.

You see if the duel breaks
your spirit, you're the loser.

So through good times and bad,

promise to keep fighting, okay?

Because when this
whole journey started

it was just the two of us.

But see now, the whole world's
depending on you buddy,

the hero of Link Vrains.

- I promise Kolter.

- [Kolter] My man.

We made a pretty
good team, didn't we?

- Yes, it's too bad that
whichever one of us wins,

it's all coming to an end.

- Well, if this is the last
time we're gonna see each other

I gotta ask you something
and you gotta tell the truth.

No lies, no wishy-washy,
just the truth.

Can you promise on our
friendship that you'll do that?

- What is it?

- [Kolter] You don't think a
hot dog is a sandwich, do you?

- No, I don't.

- [Kolter] Oh.

- It's a taco.

- Taco?

Come on, no way.

A hot dog cannot be a taco.

First off, the
texture of the shell.

And then there's the crunch.

- All right Playmaker, time
to see if you're a winner

or a loser.

Playmaker, you gonna
make your move or what?

- Argh.

- What are you gonna do?


- Oh, mind glitch?

- Playmaker, no.

- Huh?

- Ready AI?

- Huh, ready for what?

- To win this duel.

I draw!

I'll start by
creating my circuit.

The summoning conditions require

at least two Effect Monsters.

So I select Protocol Gardna

and Link Spider in
the Link Arrows.

I link summon link three,
Decode Talker Extended.

- Decode Talker Extended?

- My, my.

- It looks like Playmaker got
himself a new Decode Talker.

- It's about time you got your
head in the game, Playmaker.

- Similar to my
previous Decode Talker,

Decode Talker Extended also
gains 500 attack points

for every monster that's
next to its links.

- But Codebreaker Zero
Day's ability makes you lose

those attack points
instead of gaining them.

- Not again.

- Due to Codebreak Binds effect,

his DTE can't attack unless
it's linked to a Codebreaker.

- But when it is
linked to a Codebreaker

it loses most of
its attack points.

This is what is
called a conundrum.

- I activate my Spell,
Decode Destruction.

It raises Decode
Talker Extended's
attack points by 1500.

Now, Decode Talker Extended,

attack Codebreaker
Virus Berserker.

- Say what?

- This attack seems, unwise.

- You nuts?

Your Decode Talker Extended
has fewer attack points

than my Codebreaker
Virus Berserker.

- That would only be
true if I didn't have

this Spell Card in my hand.

I activate Cyberse Pride.

When your monster has more
attack points than mine,

I can pay 500 of my life points

to make our monsters
attack points the same.

Also, my monster can't
be destroyed in battle

but I can destroy yours.

[loud expl*si*n]

With that, your Berserker
is no longer in play.

- You just caused your
own downfall, Playmaker.

When Virus Berserker is
sent to the graveyard,

Codebreak Binds effect deals
you game ending damage.

- Not when I have
Decode Destruction.

It's additional effect
banishes Virus Berserker

instead of sending
it to the graveyard.

- What?

If it doesn't go
to the graveyard,

Codebreak Binds effect
doesn't activate.

- Even worse, when Virus
Berserker is destroyed,

both my Zero Days self destruct.

- That's not all you're losing.

Decode destruction's
third effect

destroys all the remaining
cards on your field.

- Kinda overboard,
don't you think?

- And now that your
Zero Days are gone,

Decode Talker's attack
points rise to 4,300.

And then, my monster
has another ability.

When it destroys a
monster next to its link

it can attack for a second
time in a single turn.

- This is it.

[melancholic music begins]

[melancholic music continues]

[melancholic music continues]

- It looks like game over.

Good luck, pal.

- Kolter!

- No.

Kolter's gone.

- I didn't,

I didn't get to say goodbye.

- Playmaker!

- Kolter!

- Come on, let's
hurry it up you two.

The sooner we complete
Kolter's program

the sooner we can hack
into Mirror Link Vrains.

- Try to cheer up, Playmaker.

- You ask him for
the impossible AI.

- Do we look like we
need a couple of pennies?

'Cause no one asked for
your two cents, Lightning.

- Okay, okay.

If you don't want
to hear the truth

then there's nothing
more for me to say.

- Good!

- Except for my observation
of Playmaker's failure.

It must be crushing to know

that you could not save
your friend or his brother.

And you didn't just
fail to save them,

you're the reason
that they're gone.

And from now until the end
of time they're just no more,

as if they never existed
except for in your memories.

How sweet that must
be to be reminded

by your own subconsciousness
that you were

the cause of their demise.

How you will live
with this pain?

I do not know.

And this leads to my one
last logical conclusion,

I broke you and a broken
Playmaker cannot win this w*r.

- I'm broken, am I?

- Time to see what
you are made of.

- Yes, I've clearly
broken your spirit.

- You may be right but
a friend once told me

that if I can use these feelings

to come back stronger,
to come back a winner.

- What?

- Kolter knew that you
would force him to duel me.

So he prepped me for this

to make sure that if
my spirit did break,

that I could forge
it back together

and make it more
powerful than before.

- You can do this, Playmaker.

- He knew that I
would blackmail him?

He tricked me?

- Kolter may be gone,
but as you said,

he lives on inside me.

But Kolter isn't
holding me down,

he's lifting me up and giving
me the strength to stop you.

- Playmaker.

- It seems Kolter
wasn't giving you

as much strength
as you believed.

- Playmaker, no.


- Calm down, Soulburner.

I understand your anger, but
you mustn't lose control.

- Don't worry Flame, no need.

I promise to stay in control

and not lose my cool
even for a second.

But I'm gonna use this fire

blazing through me
to burn Lightning up.

[triumphant music begins]

[triumphant music continues]

[triumphant music ends]