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02x48 - No Matter What It Takes

Posted: 04/14/24 17:41
by bunniefuu
[logo crackles]

- Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains".

- I can't afford to lose
this duel to Kolter,

but I don't want him to
lose either. [grunts]

- They shouldn't have
been dueling each other

in the first place.

It's all because Lightning's
blackmailing Kolter

by threatening Jin's safety.

- I know that this
is not how you

and me wanted things
to end, buddy,

but all good things gotta
come to an end sometime.


- Ready, Ai?

- Ready for what?

- To win this duel.

Now decode talker extended

attack Codebreaker
virus berserker.

My monster has another ability.

When it destroys a
monster next to its link

it can attack for a second
time in a single turn.

- It looks like game over

- Kolter

- No

Kolter's gone

- Time to see what you made of

- Kolter knew that you
would force him to duel me

so he prepped me for
this to make sure that

if my spirit did break, that
I could forge it back together

and make it more
powerful than before.

- He tricked me?

- But Kolter isn't
holding me down.

He's lifting me up and giving
me the strength to stop you.

- Playmaker

[Theme song playing]

- It seems Playmaker is
in no condition to duel.

- No no, he's in great shape.

He uh. I thought
it would be cool

to fight his next
duel lying down

down with his eyes shut.

- Why does it feel like
Playmaker's the one who

lost when he's the
one who actually won?

- Yeah. It's really
bringing me down.

- With that attitude, it's
no wonder you lost altitude.

Playmaker may be down but
he always bounces back up.

- But he's out cold boss.

- You don't know
Playmaker like I do.

He's still got plenty
of get up and go

now prove me right
Playmaker and get up.

- I knew the duel against Kolter
would take a lot out of you

but even I am surprised
it worked this well.

Though it is a pity
that I didn't get to

crush you with my own hands

- Then hold that thought

cuz Playmaker is
popping back up right


Pss, that's your cue

- He can't hear a
word you're saying Ai

a fact that almost
makes me envy Playmaker.

Except I couldn't possibly
envy his useless husk.

- Back off. You
mess with Playmaker

and you'll answer to me.

At least I can defend myself.

- Playmaker may have
failed but I will not.

- Kolter's hacking
program is 100% complete.

- This is the tool
we need to break

into mirror link frames
and it's time to use it.

- Playmaker will pollute
my realm no more.

Boom erases him please.

- Keep your mits off Playmaker

You try to erase him and
I'll erase your face.

- I have no intention of
erasing him I assure you.

- Oh?

- The course of action you
have proposed is illogical.

If I erase Playmaker,
it will appear that we

avoided dueling him because
we believe that humans

were superior to AIs.

Instead, we should allow
Playmaker to recover.

We can then defeat him in a
duel proving our superiority.

Once they watch their hero fall,

the humans will soon lose heart

and any remaining spirit

- An intriguing prospect!

- Look likes we're in business.

- [Faust] Master
Varis, can you hear me?

- Loud and clear Faust.

I need your help.

Transfer this data
to the light Ignis.

- [Faust] Right away Master.

- And now I have
one more request.

- Strange, I sense a
data storm brewing.

- It seems that someone
has destroyed the barrier

that protected this
world from outsiders.

- Then we can go where we like

if Playmaker ever wakes up.

- We must act quickly.

Let's go deal with
the other intruders

before they do
anything problematic.

- Come along.

This is a message

from Varis.

- Hey boss, they flew the coop.

Should we follow 'em?

Huh? Huh?

- You couldn't teleport us two
inches with those puny wings.

- Yeah, good point.

- Besides, we can't leave
Playmaker and his hour of need.

- We can't if we
don't have any choice.

Lightning and Bohman
are getting away.

- Getting away? Not on
my watch. Hang on Flame.

Time to bring the heat.

- [Soulburner] When
I met Playmaker,

I went from being a loner

to being part of something
bigger than myself.

I might not see
my teammates again

but I'll never stop
fighting for them.

Bohman, Lightning. Wherever
you are, I'll find you.

So quit playing hide and
seek and show yourselves.

- And why do you think we

would ever hide
from you Soulburner?

- So there you are,
Flame you ready?

- To duel? Definitely.

- I'm looking forward to this.

Follow me.

[Bohman laughing]

- [Bohnman] We're here.

- So we're dueling
under the ocean huh?

You think I'm scared
of a little water?

- Water extinguishes fire just
as I will now extinguish you

- In your dreams. I can
beat you here or anywhere.

- Stay calm Soulburner.

- I'm tired of getting bounced

around this world
like a basketball.

- [Pigeon] Yeah, we sank a
three pointer this time boss,

look who's dueling?

- Bohman and Soulburner?

That's like curling a
pile of TNT and a bonfire.

- You guys forced Playmaker
to take out his best friend.

He can't make you pay for that

but I will cuz I
owe him big time.

- [Soulburner] You see,
if it wasn't for Playmaker

I'd be in the same place I
was after the Lost Incident.

Still lost and always
looking for trouble

Cuz when you're as lost as I was

you can't even see that
your life is going nowhere.

But all that changed one day
when I read about Playmaker

well I was going nowhere fast,

he was doing something
that meant something,

fighting to stop those who
wanted to bring our world down.

I knew that I had
to make a choice.

- [Soulburner] Either
I'd keep going nowhere

for the rest of my life

or I had to pick a
direction and head that way.

So I took off for Den City

and that's when I
met my bud Flame here

and the rest is history.

- Then you're telling me
it is Playmaker's fault

that you are just moments away

from being permanently deleted.

- Aw, come on man. You
can't be that dense.

I'm saying Playmaker save
me from wasting my life.

And so now I'm saving
him from you get it?

Maybe that isn't logical to you

but that's how friendship works.

- Ah friendship
how very touching.

I mean that
sincerely Soulburner.

I may not know as much
about emotions as you

but I am learning.

I have felt the joy of
friendship along with the pain

of its loss as I experienced
when your companions

took Harlin from me.

I once thought
friendship had no value.

But now that I have
experienced it, I see that

it's a great asset because I
can use the pain I still feel

from Harlin's loss as fuel
to defeat you in a duel.

- Nice speech. But
it's gonna turn out

the other way around
cuz I'm more fueled up

than you could ever be.

- Time to duel!

- Roll, roll, roll.

- I'm way ahead of you boss.

- Soulburner is dueling Bohman?

- Soulburner be careful.

His Hydradrive deck
is very powerful,

so powerful that it was able
to defeat Blue Maiden and Aqua.

- They may have lost

but they were able to show
us how his deck works.

Helping me set up the perfect

counter strategy
to use against him.

- I can't wait to see it.

I'll go first and I
summon Hydradrive Booster,

and with it I will now
generate my circuit.

I set Hydradrive booster
in the link arrow

to link summon link
one Burn Hydradrive.

- [Bohman] When you have
a fire attribute monster

on your field, Burn
Hydradrive can attack

your life points directly.

- Huh! Seems you know I
play a lot of fire monsters.

- Let's be honest. It's not
that hard to figure out.

And by summoning this
Hydradrive Bringer,

I can retrieve a Hydradrive
from my graveyard.

I'll follow that by link
summoning once again.

- [Bohman] I set
Hydradrive bringer

in the link arrow to link summon

link one Coolant Hydradrive.

Now observe where my monsters
link arrows point to.

They point to my
spell and trap zone.

And since they do that
means I am now allowed to go

and play a link spell.

- He's playing judgment arrows.

- This is not good.

- You're quite correct and

it's only going
to get worse Flame

because I'm going to link
summon for a third tide.

The summoning conditions are
two Hydradrive link monsters.

- [Bohman] I link summon link
two Twin Hydradrive Knight.

When Twin Hydradrive
Knight is link summon,

it gains the attributes

of the two Hydradrives that
were used to summon it.

Therefore it becomes
both fire and water.

Next, to safeguard my cards
from whatever you plan to do,

I activate the spell
Hydradrive Protection

and use it on my Twin Hydradrive
Knight and judgment arrows.

As long as Hydradrive
protection is in play

you can't use your
effects or abilities

against my Twin Hydradrive
Knight or my judgment arrows.

- His Hydradrive deck
is designed to target my

monster's attributes
to shut them down.

So just like he shut down
Blue Maiden's water monsters,

he's targeting my fire monsters.

- But since we know that's
what he's trying to do

we can counteract it.

- You read my mind.
Let's do this.

It's our turn. We'll
start by activating

the field spell
Salamangreat Shrine.

Whenever Flame and I summon
a Salamangreat link monster,

this field spell lets us
use that one monster to

link summon again.

- So in other words,
you're able to

reincarnate links summon

- You know it. And next
up we summon Jack Jaguar

and we'll use it to
now blaze our circuit.

We sent Salamangreat
Jack Jaguar in the link

arrow to link summon link
one Salamangreat Balelynx.

And due to our Balelynx's
special ability,

we get to draw Salamangreat
Sanctuary from our deck.

- I don't think so.

Twin Hydradrive Knight
negates the abilities

of all monsters it
shares attribute with.

And both our monsters
are fire monsters,

so your Balelynx
loses its powers.

- No it doesn't not when we
have Salamangreat Shrine.

- If your monster
is a fire monster

this spell protects our
Salamangreat from its abilities.

- Ah I see.

So this is what you meant
by your counter strategy.

- Good to see you
keeping up with us.

And since we link
summon this turn,

we get to play this
Salamangreat Mole.

And with these two monsters,
we'll link summon again.

- [SoulBurner] Link two
Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf.

That's not all!

Summoning Sunlight Wolf triggers

Jack Jaguar's special ability

from our graveyard.

It lets us return
one Salamangreat

in our graveyard
back to our deck.

Then we get to summon
Jack Jaguar next

to Sunlight Wolf
link, like this.

And next up we're using
Jack Jaguar to bring back

a familiar feline.

We link summon link one
Salamangreat Balelynx.

And that triggers Sunlight
Wolf's special ability.

When a monster is
summoned next to its link,

we get to retrieve one
Salamangreat from our graveyard.

And with that we're gonna
do something that even

you couldn't do, link
summon for a fourth time.

We link summon, link three
Salamangreat Heatleo.

- [SoulBurner] Now
we've got the most

powerful monster in play.

- Our Heatleo is
stronger than his Knight,

but Bohman can use judgment
arrow to power it up.

- Yeah, I wish we could
get rid of it ASAP

but we can't cuz it's
Hydradrive protection

is well, protecting it.

But that gives me an idea.

I use Heatleo's
ability to return

Hydradrive protection
to Bohman's deck.

- Oh?

- Ah I see! You went
after the protector

instead of the protectee.

- And that now leaves
judgment arrows vulnerable,

I activate Salamangreat
Shrines effect.

Now go reincarnation link summon

rise again from the
valley of flames,

Salamangreat Heatleo.

By link summoning Heatleo,
its special ability

send one of your spell or trap
cards back into your deck.

- And you can do
nothing to stop it.

- So say goodbye to
your judgment arrows,

and now to put the icing
on the cake Bohman.

Every single monster
that was next

to judgment arrows as
links is destroyed.


- Got me for what? If you're
referring to my monster,

you are sorely mistaken.

- Mistaken. How?

- Impossible!

- When Hydradrive
protection leaves the field,

it leaves behind a parting gift.

My monster can't be destroyed

by effects for the
rest of this turn.

- What?

Then how's this?

We activate Heatleo's
additional ability.

It changes your monster's
attack points to become the same

as a monster that's
in the graveyard.

Meaning your Twin
Hydradrive Knights attack

points become exactly the
same as Salamangreat Mole.

- It's down to zero?

- An effect might not
be able to destroy

Bohman's knights,
but an attack can.

Ain't that right playmaker?

- Here goes Salamangreat Heatleo

attack Twin Hydradrive Knight.

Feel the burn of a thousand
raging infernos Bohman.

- [Soulburner]
Feel the burn of a

thousand raging infernos.

- And with that attack
we'll now end our turn.

- Wow. You see that?

- You betcha! That attack
was sizzling it on fire.

- This dudes so hot my
eyeballs are burning.

- Stop roasting your oculars.

- Very impressive Soulburner.

I never expected you'd be
able to deal me damage.

You should feel very
proud of yourself.

- What? I'm the one who has
the life point lead you know.

- He's only trying to
provoke you Soulburner.

- Yeah, I know and it's annoying
that it's kind of working.

But don't you worry Flame

I won't let him throw
me off of my game.

- You may say that and believe
that to be true, but I find

that the actions of humans
often betray their words.

- Now my turn.

- When neither of
us have any monsters

in our main monster zones

I can automatically summon
Hydradrive Booster from my hand.

- Then by tributing
Hydradrive Booster,

I'm allowed to summon
Hydradrive Agent.

- And due to Hydradrive
Agent's special ability,

I can resummon one
Hydradrive from my graveyard.

Return to me Twin
Hydradrive Knight.

- When the monster that was
resurrected is a link monster,

I also get to draw one card.

And now I shall
generate my circuit.

- [Bohman] The summoning
conditions require

at least two Hydradrives

one of which is at
least level five.

I link summon link three
Paradox Hydradrive Atlas.

- I've seen that monster before.

It's the worst of them all.

- What's up with the glitch?

- Glitch? Hmm. Strange.
Anyway, I know that monster.

It's the one that
destroyed the Cybers.

The one that destroyed my
home and everything I knew.

Soulburner, that is
the one monster that we

cannot allow to exist
no matter what it takes.

- What's this? Do I detect
that you are losing your cool?

As much as you preach
to Soulburner about

falling prey to his emotions,

You should be the one looking
in the mirror as well.

As my AI improves, I've
become an expert on emotions.

How they can fuel
you to great heights

or plummet you to great depths
if you cannot control them?

And only I can
maintain that balance.

You're a primitive AI,

so primitive you couldn't
save your home world.

- Yes, you are right.

I could not save the Cybers,

but while I can't
change the past,

I can change the future by
defeating you in this duel.

- Nobody, not I. We will
defeat Bohman together.

- I'd wish you luck, but I'm
not one for wasting wishes.

- Save it for yourself.

- I don't need it as
you shall observe.

When I summon my Atlas,
I get to roll a die.

And what I roll will determine
my Atlas's attribute.

- So you are relying
on luck to help you.

- No I'm not.

Since I am one with
link brains itself,

I control all the
luck in this world.

- Oh man

- There's an earthquake.

- The fate of all creation
rests in the palm of my hands.

Judgment dice.

Witness what destiny
has chosen for you.

[Ending theme playing]