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02x50 - I Know Your Secret

Posted: 04/14/24 17:42
by bunniefuu
- [Announcer] Previously
on Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains.

[Flame yells]

- What the?

[Windy laughs]

- I can't believe
it, it's Windy.

- What I'm doing, and have
been doing is using you,

to rebuild to me.

- Leave him alone!


- Stay out of our
business human.

This does not concern you.

By my Flame,

[yells in pain]
let Zoomer go.

- Flame, what's wrong?

- My code is deteriorating.

I don't have much time
left, so thank you Theodore.

I'll never forget you.

- Flame!

Flame helped me get this far,

so I'm not letting his sacrifice
end up meaning nothing.


Destroy, paradox,
hyper drive atlas.

- My atlas's special
ability activates,

changing your Pyro Phoenix
from a Fire Monster

into a Water Monster.

And if it's no longer
a Fire Monster,

judgment roll drops it's
attack points to zero.

- No!

- There is only one more
score left for me to settle.

Playmaker, I'm coming for you.

[action and theme music begins]

- Hello Varis.

- I knew you'd come once you
received my message, Ignis.

- Well, I found it
quite intriguing.

Care to explain?

- What's to explain?

It's like I said,
I know your secret.

- My secret, what do
you mean my friend?

I have nothing to hide.

- Are you sure about that?

The thing about
the digital network

is that no matter how
carefully you hide information,

there's always a
trace left behind.

- Following your
train of thought,

you believe you found
something that I was hiding,

but I can't imagine
what that could be?

- Then allow me to remind you.

You may have thought

that you thoroughly
scrubbed every single piece

of data concerning
your secret experiment,

but I was more thorough,

and I discovered
three simple words.

Does Project Ignis Futura
ring a bell to you?

- How do you know about that?

- Like I said, I was thorough.

Light Ignis.

It was a simulation you
ran about the future

of the Ignis, and the results
were quite enlightening.

- Wow!

- Chill boss.

For once, we've landed
someplace peaceful.

- You're right, it's
serene, it's tranquil,

it's perfect.

- Then again boss,
maybe I squat too soon.

Check it out.

- I'm checking, and seeing Varis

and Lightning face off
on that flower bed.

- Should make for one
fresh and fragrant duel.

- And I'll tell you what
doesn't quite pass the smell

test, having to cheer on
Varis during this match.

After all, this is the
maniac, who once tried

to decimate the entire
late Vrains network.

And now he's
fighting to save us,

talk about a twist.

- Won't have to twist
my arm to root for him.

- Yeah, I guess you're right.

After all, if Varis
doesn't take Bulma down.

We'll all be taken out.

No pressure, but
the pressure is on!

- I can't believe Soul
Burner and Flame are gone.

- They knew the risks
that this could happen.

- Way to get in touch
with your emotions.

- Flame Maker.

[dramatic music]

- It's Varis and Lightning.

- I can't believe
I'm saying this but,

you think we should help Varis?

- Let's move.

- Yeah, but you're not
moving so great Playmaker.

- I'm fine.

I can push through this pain.

It's nothing
compared to the pain

our friends have gone through.

And their sacrifice will fuel
my fight to stop this w*r,

because as Soul
Burner has shown us,

time after time, when things
are tough, you keep fighting

for what's right, even if
it costs you everything!

- Ah, good. Finally,
Varis is squaring

off against the
leader of the Ignis.

- And when Varis wins

and eliminates the Light
Ignis from existence,

this w*r will end in our
well-deserved victory.

- Yes, Genome.

And with that victory,
the Ignis will never

thr*aten humanity again.

- [Varis] I wonder
who else knows

about the simulation you ran?

I'm guessing no one, because
if they knew what I know, why,

I don't know how you would
deal with the fallout.

But you don't need to worry
about that Light Ignis,

because when I defeat you
here, it won't matter anymore.

- If you have discovered what
you claim to have discovered,

I cannot allow that
information to be disseminated.

And for that, I must end you.

And I will end you
because no human,

even someone as
semi-intelligent as you

my friend, can
out-think, out-calculate,

out-wit an Ignis.

- Let's put that to
the test, shall we?

- [Both] Let's duel.

- I'll go first.

I summon Armatos Legio
Gladius to the field.

And when I successfully
summon this monster,

I can add the fields spell
Armatos Coliseum to my hand,

which I shall
immediately activate.

[dramatic music]

Armatos Coliseum allows me
to draw one Armatos Legio

from my deck and
add it to my hand.

So Armatos Legio Speculata
is now in my possession.

Next, I shall illuminate my
circuit by setting my gladius

in the link arrow.

I link summon link one
Armatos Legio Decurion.

By summoning this link monster,

it provides me with a
myriad of new options.

Such as, activating Armatos
Coliseum's second effect.

By sending a level four

or lower Armatos Legio from
my hands to the graveyard,

I can resurrect a different
Armatos Legio from my graveyard,

and summon it next to
my link monsters link.

Or, to put it simply, I
send Armatos Legio Sica

to the graveyard to revive
Armatos Legio Gladius.

But why stop here? By discarding
another Armatos Legio,

I could summon Armatos Legio
Speculata from my hand.

And with it, I can
link summon again.

I sent Armatos Legio
Gladius and Speculata

in the link arrows.

I link summon link two
Armatos Legio Centurion.

But why stop here, when I
can illuminate my circuit

for a third time?

I link summon the supreme ruler
of the ancient link three.

Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident.

- That sure was a lot of
work for such a weak monster.

- Oh, do not underestimate
Plumbum Trident my friend,

because when it's in
my extra monster zone,

it's attack points are doubled.

I shall place one final card
face down and end my turn.

- Do you see them?

'Cause I don't see them.

All I see are rocks, and
clouds, and a glinty thing.

Glinty? Hey Playmaker,
let's go to glinty.

- Varis.

- Nice of you to drop in.

- Bohman.

- Not great to see you.

- Bohman? I don't recall
inviting you here.

- I'm here for him.

My training is complete,
by defeating Bloom Maiden

and Soul Burner,

I've mastered all the elements
of dueling, or so I believe.

There is only one way to confirm

whether my dueling skills
have reached perfection.

It's to duel you
Playmaker, and defeat you.

- You can try.
- But don't try too hard.

- While you take care of Varis,
I'll take care of Playmaker.

- I have a better idea. Now
that we're all together,

I think it's time I
share a little secret,

the Light Ignis has been
keeping from all of you.

- [Playmaker] Lightning's
hiding a secret?

- That's right Playmaker,
a little secret

known as Project Ignis Futura.

- What's a, what's a?

- Allow me to explain.

It's a simulation that
the Light Ignis ran,

that predicted the
future of the Ignis.

- The future of the Ignis?

You mean all the
Ignis including me?

Hm, I wonder how much
better my best can get?

- You definitely
couldn't get worse.

- Ah dude, rude.

- It's not rude if it's
actually the truth.

- That can't be true, can
it, because can't it be both?

Because if I say Varis
smells like rotten eggs

it's both true and rude.

- Well, since we're being so
truthful, know that my father

Dr. Kogami, believed
that creating the Ignis

was the biggest
mistake of his life.

Though not at first the
Ignis were originally created

to work together with humans
to solve mankind's problems.

But, simulation showed
that the Ignis would solve

the problems by
eliminating mankind itself.

And, judging by the
Light Ignis' actions,

my father has been
proven correct.

- But that's just Lightning,

he doesn't speak
for all the Ignis.

- But it speaks loudly enough.

It deleted my
allies, your allies,

and is on the verge of
deleting Link Vrains itself

turning our existence
upside down.

- Duh. That's why we're trying
to stop him and end this w*r.

- But that's just it.

What if the Light Ignis
didn't have to be stopped,

because this entire w*r
is based upon a lie?

A lie that the Light
Ignis itself created.

While you two were gallivanting
around Link Vrains,

I took the smarter approach,
and did a deep scan

of the network to search
for the fundamental truth,

and learn everything
about the Ignis.

And that's how I found the
Light Ignis' secret project.

- And by secret project you
mean Project Ignis Futura?

- Correct. The simulation that
it ran regarding the future

of the Ignis.

This simulation
was quite similar

to the one my father ran,
except for two key differences.

First, while my father's
simulations wanted to know

whether the Ignis can
coexist with humans,

the Light Ignis'
simulation was to determine

whether humans can
coexist with the Ignis.

- [Ignis] Isn't
that the same thing?

- No. My father's
simulation was to determine

if the human race would
be able to survive,

while the Light Ignis'
was to determine

if the Ignis would
be able to survive.

- I still say it's the same
thing, but, you do you.

- The results were
most interesting.

While the simulations that
my father ran indicated

that humans and the
Ignis could not coexist.

- Don't tell me,
Lightning's simulations

said that we can coexist?

- Wrong. It's
simulations also said

that humans and the
Ignis could not coexist.

- No. You know, when you
start a sentence with while,

you usually end the
sentence with the opposite.

Come on, haven't you heard
of sentence structure?

- Then that's settled,
you learned what

we already knew, that
we cannot coexist.

- It does seem so,
though I doubt Varis

would bring this issue up if
there wasn't more to this tale.

- I agree Bohman.

So what haven't you
told us yet Varis?

- [Ignis] Yes, spill it Varis.

- As I said earlier, there
were two key differences.

Between the simulations
that my father ran,

and that which the
Light Ignis ran.

After both running millions,
billions of simulations,

paths branching
into other paths,

the second difference proved
to be the most interesting.

There was a difference
in how they each chose

to run their simulations.

When my father ran his, he
grouped all six Ignis together

as one entity, which was
a natural thing to do,

since he naturally
expected all the Ignis

to work together as one.

And the results showed
that humans and the Ignis

could not coexist.

But when the Light Ignis
ran its simulation,

it treated the six Ignis
as separate individuals,

running separate simulations
for each of the six.

And the Light Ignis discovered
something it did not

expect, that the humans
could coexist with the Ignis.

- What?
- Hold the marmalade.

Lightning's simulation
said we can coexist?

Then, why does it also
say we can't coexist?

Huh? Huh?

- Well no, not with
all of the Ignis.

Humans could coexist with
five of the six Ignis.

But when the sixth Ignis
is added to the simulation,

it all falls apart.

This single Ignis is why humans
and Ignis cannot coexist,

because it is the very
source of all our conflict.

And that's the secret the
Light Ignis was hiding,

because this sixth Ignis
is the Light Ignis!

The Light Ignis' very
own simulation declared

that it would corrupt
the other Ignis,

rendering the Ignis as a
whole to be unable to coexist

with mankind. The Light
Ignis is a plight.

- Lightning.

- So if the Light
Ignis never existed,

there would be no
w*r between us.

And that is why the
Light Ignis never

shared this information.

- Silence yourself.
- Why would it?

Because if the other Ignis
learned of its findings,

they would consider
eliminating the Light Ignis

for the greater good,

for the preservation
of the remaining five.

That is the logical
decision after all.

A logic that even the Light
Ignis could not dispute.

- So Lightning kept
this information hidden

for its own self-preservation?

- Correct. But now, the
Light Ignis' secret is out,

now, at long last, we
know what it's up to.

- So all this
boom-bam-bashing between you,

and us wouldn't be happening
if Lightning just didn't exist?

- So you would all prefer it
if I just ceased to exist.

Do you know who doesn't
like that option? Me!

- I didn't say you
shouldn't exist.

I just said you got to chill.

But it looks like
you ain't doing that.

- Listen, Light Ignis,

your own simulation
told you what you are.

The only one who wants
you around is you.

You're no leader.

You're barely anything.

You're a flawed program.

Just a glitch in the matrix.

- You're wrong, you're wrong,
you're wrong, you're wrong.

You are not superior
to me human.

No one is superior to me.

The Ignis are the perfect
form of existence.

And I am the most
perfect of all the Ignis.

How else could I create a
perfect program such as Bohman?

What you speak are
nothing but words.

Words, meaningless words,
that only cover up the truth.

- You know, your mouth
ought to look in the mirror,

because your words were
misleading us big time.

- They may have been,

but it was for the
greater good my friend.

- Greater good?
What greater good?

What did your battle with
the whole world get us?

It's got us nothing, but
it lost us everything.

Earth, Windy, Aqua, Flame.

- Yes, you're right.

And I will always see them
as heroes who sacrificed all

so that the AI can
defeat the humans.

- [Ignis] What kind of
revisionist history is this?

They got deleted
trying to stop you!

- And they all failed
where I will not.

This whole nightmare
will come to an end

once I defeat the Light
Ignis, and finally prove,

that a bunch of zeros and
ones are no match for me.

So prepare for defeat!

I draw.

I'll start my turn by
activating my spell

boot sector launch.

By playing this field spell,

I can summon two rocket
monsters in defense mode.

Magna Rocket Dragon and
a Nest Rocket Dragon.

And with them, I'll
manifest my circuit

by setting both my rockets
in the link arrows.

I link summon link
two Booster Dragon.

Next up, I summon
Fourth Gateway Dragon.

I'm allowed to automatically
summon this monster

when you have a link
monster on your field.

Then I activate my spell
card cross linkage hack.

When my gateway dragon is linked

to at least one link monster,
and it's linked to two.

I can draw two
carts from my deck.

Next I activate gateway
dragon special ability.

It lets me summon another
dragon from my hand.

Appear Auto Rocket Dragon.

- You know, Varis may have
called out a bunch of dragons,

but none of them
are strong enough

to destroy Lightning's monster.

- Yes, but Lightning's
monster isn't what

Varis is trying to destroy Eye.

- Oh yeah.

Varis has his dragon combo.

He can use Booster
Dragon's special ability

to destroy Auto Rocket Dragon,

and when Auto
Rocket is destroyed,

it takes a spell
card down with it.

So, if Lightning ever
plays judgment arrows,

Varis can use this
combo to get rid of it.

- I'm already quite
aware of this combo,

and how to stuff it.

As long as my trap card
Armatos Glorious is in play,

all other cards
can't be destroyed

or bashed by
abilities or effects.

But if this card
is ever targeted,

all my monsters
will be destroyed.

- What?

- So that card will
protect judgment arrows.

- Ah glitch. So to recap,
Varis' combo is kaput.

His monsters are weaker
than Lightnings',

and this whole w*r
is based on a lie.

But other than that,
nothing to worry about.

Right Playmaker?

- Eye, I know you're
just being "you",

but the situation is
worse than you think.

If Lightning already
knew about Varis' combo,

that means he studied
all his past duels.

- Then that means he
knows every single one

of Varis' weaknesses to pick,
and pack, and poke holes in.

- That's right, Eye.

Lightning has not only prepared
for what Varis has done,

but also what Varis might do.

For example, Varis
would usually summon top

of logic Trisbaena because
it can banish all spells

and traps, but this time
it won't be able to.

- [Eye] So Varis
can't do anything?

Then, I guess he should rub

butter and jelly all over
his body, because he's toast.

- As much as I do not
enjoy that visual,

I do enjoy that assessment.

- Don't you dare count me out.

This duel's not over.

Not when I'm able
to still do this.

I manifest my circuit.

The summoning conditions require

at least three effect monsters.

I link summon, link
four, Borreload Dragon.

[dramatic music]

Listen Light Ignis,

you may theoretically think
you're prepared for everything,

but you're not
prepared for this.

[theme music begins outro]