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02x52 - Lightning Storm

Posted: 04/14/24 17:43
by bunniefuu
- [Narrator] Previously
on Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains.

- Humans and Ignis
cannot coexist.

This will only end when one
side conquers the other.

- Humans must not be deleted.

And I'm going to make
sure that doesn't happen

by defeating you here and now.

- Please try your
very best, my friend.

- Borreload Dragon, attack
Estrangement Dragon and end.


- What's that portal?

[dramatic music]

[electricity crackles]

- That's Jin, Kolter's brother!

- What's this?

- I Linked myself
with Jin's data.

So if you defeat and delete me,
Jin will be deleted as well.

- This can't be!

- So what will you do, Varis?

Will you continue your
attack? My friend?

[theme song playing]

- So my friend, will you
attack and sacrifice Jin?

- Do you think I care
about Jin's existence?

- Varis, no.

- This is cheating, Lightning!

- I resent your allegation.

Is it really cheating to make
full use of my resources?

Which of course
includes Jin here.

- Uh yeah, it's the very
definition of cheating!

- Let's agree to
disagree as it seems

we're consulting
differing dictionaries.

And Varis, if you
don't care about Jin,

then perhaps you
care about Spectre.

He is, or should I say "was",

your most ardent
ally, wasn't he?

I've also Linked his data to me,

so if you defeat me he
will be erased as well.

Isn't it interesting
how one small change

in circumstance can put
your entire game on pause?

Will you admit that I
have out strategized you

or will you prove me
wrong and attack me?

I've put you to the test.

Now let's see if you pass it!

- This changes nothing, Ignis.

Borreload, attack!

- Don't do it.

Varis, you know that
attacking Lightning

is not the right decision.

It's true that he
has to be stopped

but still, sacrificing
Jin and Specter

isn't the way to do that.

- Spectre understood
the risks he was taking

when he came here.

- I know, but that's no-

- But nothing.

I'll do what I must.

Just like you sacrificed Kolter.

- I did not sacrifice Kolter.

He sacrificed himself

because that was the only
way he could help save Jin

and the rest of us,

humans and Ignis alike.

[laughing evilly]

- Playmaker, how amusing
that it is you who is

trying to convince your foe

to keep your other foe from
being permanently deleted.

- Just because we're opponents

does not mean we're
foes, Lightning.

And though we may
have mistakenly
gotten into this mess,

there's always a way out of it.

- Mistake? This is no mistake.

You still don't realize

that this mistake you speak
of is all of my design?

- What?

- To elucidate, I'll
have to take us back

to the lost incident, an
event that left many of you

mentally and
emotionally scarred,

including our
jittery friend here.

The damage to Jin
was especially severe

and I must confess
that was my doing.


You see, even then I knew
how to invade the network

but I especially
enjoyed accessing Jin.

We played a delightful
little game together.

It was always the same.

Over and over I convinced
him that he'd been freed

from his confinement.

That would make Jin very happy.

But each time he learned that
his rescue was a deception,

and a rather
nightmarish one at that.

As a result, when
Jin truly was freed,

he didn't believe it was real

and he still doesn't.

- Why would you go
to all that trouble?

- Logically for, control.

You might say that I
turned Jin into my puppet.

Through him, I manipulated
one event after another,

until I led you all to
this precise moment.

Now you must choose: attack
me now and Jin will be erased.

A tragic end, yes.

But you might be
doing him a favor.

Then again, if you
refrain from attacking,

you may miss your only
chance to win this duel.

What will it be?


- What will you do, Varis?

Victory could be
yours if you attack,

but by winning, Jin and
Spectre lose everything.

- I'll place one card
face down and end my turn.

And due to Estrangement
Dragon's special ability,

it leaves the field and
goes to the Graveyard.

[laughing evilly]

- You had victory in
the palm of your hand

and you couldn't take it.

That is why you're not
as great as the Ignis

because you don't have
the emotional programming

to make the correct
logical move.

- There's nothing
fair about this duel.

- Why didn't he attack?

If the old Varis had been
given the chance to take

out that Ignis, he
would've seized it.

- You're right.

But it seems there's
a new Varis now,

one with a new way of dueling.

- Let's hope he knows what
he's doing, for all our sakes.

- Varis, you are nothing
more than a farce.

And it's time to put
this comedy to an end.

It's my turn!

- Wait.

- Did you just tell me to stop?

- Yes, but only because your
actions have forced me to.

- What?

- I find your
tactics unacceptable.

No matter who the opponent,
you must show them respect.

[Bohman] When I
dueled Soulburner,

I showed him the respect
that every opponent deserves.

But then, without consulting me,

you had Windy interfere
by hurting Flame.

I won the duel

but my victory was tainted
by your underhanded tactics.

I won't let you do that again.

- How will you stop me?

- By holding on to
Jin and Spectre's data

until your duel ends.

- What?

- [Ai] Ah, you see what I saw?

- How dare you?

Give them back!

- I will not Lightning, I am
no longer yours to command.

[Lightning groans]

You can prove we are
superior to humans

by winning this duel honorably,
without using tricks.

I am confident that you
will do so, Lightning.

- Thank you.

- Now, duel fairly

and let's see who
is truly superior.

- Don't expect thanks.

- I never did.

- It makes no difference.

Either way, I'm still
going to win this duel.

- There will be a winner.

Only, it's going to be me.

- It's my turn.

I draw!

I summon Armatos Legio Sica

and I'll use it to
illuminate my circuit.

I sent Armatos Legio
Sica in the Link Arrow to

Link summon Link One,

Armatos Legio Decurion!

Next, I activate the
spell card Armatos Fulger.

By tributing an Armatos
Legio Link monster

that's on my field, I can
summon another Link monster

from my Extra Deck with
the same number of Links.

Or to put it more simply,

I tribute Armatos Legio Decurion

to summon Armatos
Legio Eques Flamma.

Then, I activate the Link Spell,

Armatos Legio Plumbum
Trident's effect.

By returning one Link monster

in my Graveyard
to my Extra Deck,

I can revive an Armatos
Legio and summon it

next to Plumbum Trident's Link.

So I return Decurion
to my Extra Deck

to summon Armatos Legio
Magnus Dux from my Graveyard.


- That monster again.

- Now let's cut to the chase.

When I attack, we both know
you'll use your effects

and I'll use mine,

so I already did
the calculations.

My Magnus Dux will have

while your Borreloads
will have 3000.

So that's 2000 damage.

And you have 2000
life points left

meaning my victory
cannot be more exact.

- You were a formidable
foe, my friend.

Just not formidable enough.

But as a reward for
your noble attempt,

allow me to leave you with a
parting gift about your past,

before you are gone forever.

- About my past?

- Specifically your
father, Dr. Kogami.

And the truth about
his final moments.

- What?

- When your father told his
bosses at SOL Technologies

that the Ignis would bring
about the end of mankind,

they exiled him and
shut down his research.

That should come as
no surprise really,

because the Ignis
were a valuable asset.

When they created the Cyberse,

the Ignis generated a vast
quantity of data material.

The company came to depend

on that flow of data
for its operations

and they couldn't afford
to turn off the faucet.

So instead of shutting
down the Ignis,

they shut down
your father's work.

But you believe they did
worse than that, don't you?

You are convinced
that SOL Technologies

put him into a permanent sleep

so that he wouldn't
reveal what he knew.

But you're wrong.

During your father's exile,

I ran numerous simulations

to see if Ignis and
humans could coexist.

And it just so happened

that your inquisitive
father was continuing to

run the same simulations.

So I knew it was
only a matter of time

until he stumbled upon a
deeply disturbing fact:

that none of the Ignis
posed a threat to humankind,

except for one.

You know which Ignis
I'm talking about Varis.

Because you reached
the same conclusion.

Humans and Ignis couldn't
coexist because of me.

Well, I couldn't let
that news get out.

So I infected your
father with a virus

that left him silenced forever.

- You what?

- I realize you must be upset

but surely you can understand
it was my only logical choice.

My actions were purely a
matter of self-preservation.

- [Lightning] I felt
no personal animosity

toward your father when I
entered his private server.

I simply made a
few subtle tweaks

to his VR headset.

All this time, you assumed
that Sol Technologies

was the culprit behind
your father's condition,

when it was me.

Just remember this Varis:

I never had to keep
the truth from you

because you kept
it from yourself.

[Lightning] You
leapt to conclusions,

so you never saw that
I was the threat.

You have only yourself to blame.

- So Lightning has been

behind everything,
secretly, since day one.

- [Ai] Day one?
More like day zero!

- By delaying your
father, I bought time

so that I could
prepare for this w*r,

allowing me to muster my
army, such as creating Bohman.

- So then, all this time
I've been angry at SOLTech.

[Varis] I should have
been angry at you!

- Our entire crusade against
SOLTech was based on a lie?

- Against SOLTech maybe,
but not against the Ignis.

- Your anger directed at SOL
Technologies is warranted.

I wouldn't have gotten involved

if they hadn't gotten
involved first.

But let's be honest, nothing
I say to you right now

will change your mind, will it?

So, let's just end this.

Magnus Dux, attack
Borreload eXcharge Dragon!

- I activate Borreload
Dragon's special ability.

And enemy negation

lowers Magnus Dux's attack
and defense points by 500,

lowering its attack
points to 2,500.

- [Ai] But Lightning
already knew you were

gonna do that!

So he's now gonna
use Judgment Arrows

to double Magnus Dux's
attack points and win.

- Not if I have anything
to say about it.

I activate the Trap
Card, Borrel Ring!

By tributing Borreload Dragon,

Borrel Ring gains a counter
for every one of its Links.

My Borreload Dragon is
a Link Four monster.

So Borrel Ring
gets four counters.

Furthermore, if I use one
of Borrel Ring's counters

during this battle, my
monster can't be destroyed.

And your monster loses

for each remaining
counter on Borrel Ring.

- Magnus Dux's attack points
have been knocked down to 2200.

- Hm.

This feels like a last ditch
effort on your part, my friend.

I use Judgment Arrows to double
my monster's attack points.

Even if I can't destroy your
monster, you still take damage!

That ends my turn.

- Looks like you failed
to defeat me, Ignis.

- True, but you only have

That's an amount that
I will easily eliminate

on my next turn.

- That's if you
get another turn.

And I can assure you,

that's one thing that I
won't allow you to get.

- Varis sounds pretty confident.

Why would he sound confident?

This doesn't seem to qualify
as a confident-esque situation.

- So you think he's
behaving irrationally?

Because past history
wouldn't prove

that assessment to be accurate.

- True, irrational self
confidence is my bag, not his.

- It's my turn.

I draw!

I activate Borreload
eXcharge Dragon's ability!

I use one of its overlay units

to lower your monster's
attack points by 600.

And then, I get to
resurrect Borreload Dragon

from my Graveyard.

[Varis] Rise!

Time to battle.

Borreload eXcharge Dragon

attack Magnus Dux.


I also now activate for
Borreload Dragon's ability

to lower your monsters
attack points even further!

- 1400? Now even if Lightning
uses Judgment Arrows

to double his monsters
attack points,

Varis' is still stronger.

- This attack will
deal Lightning

And next, if Varis'
Borreload Dragon att*cks

and destroys Eques Flamma,

Lightning will run
out of life points.

- No! I refuse to let you win.

I activate Magnus
Dux's special ability.

For every monster that
it's co-Linked with

I can return a card on the field

or in the Graveyard to my hand,
such as my Armatos Gloria.

And by doing so, it's
effect activates.

When Armatos Gloria
is the target

of a special ability
while it's on my field,

all my monsters in
play are destroyed.

And when Eques
Flamma is destroyed

while it's co-Linked
with another monster,

we both take damage equal to

that other monster's
original attack points.

Meaning we both take

which is more than enough to
wipe out your life points!

And mine.

- No way.

- I refuse to lose to you human.

I refuse to lose to any human.

And if that means
sacrificing myself,

so be it!

- I refuse to lose to you human.

I refuse to lose to any human.

And if that means
sacrificing myself so be it!

[expl*si*n crashing]

[Varis shouts]

[Lightning shouts]

- No way, Ryoken!

- I can't, I can't believe it.

- The Light Ignis was
willing to destroy itself

if it meant taking
Varis down with it.

- Varis, no!

Varis wake up.

- I didn't expect that the
Light Ignis would destroy itself

after it tried so hard
to survive for so long.

I should have taken
that into account.

- But if you look on the bright
side, you stopped Lightning.

- I guess I did.

I never thought
the day would come

when an Ignis would actually
be attempting to cheer me up.

This isn't such a
bad place to go down.

Takes me back to when I was
a kid, when life was easy.

I could just lay in
the grass all day

and stare at the clouds.

I'm afraid life won't
be as simple for you.

You have one opponent left.

Good luck Playmaker.

You too, Ai.

- He called me by my name.

- Ryoken is gone.
He's gone forever.

[both gasp]

- This means only
Bohman is left.

- [Lightning] Wrong.

I am still here.

- But how?

- How does he still
have one life point?

- Because of Jin.

When I took Jin's data from you,

you were able to hold onto a
small portion of his energy

which you then converted
into a single life point.

- Yes. But do you
know why, my friend?

It's because I'll do
anything to succeed.

That's why I need
you now, Bohman.

[Lightning coughs]
Give me your energy.

I gave you life.

Now return it to your creator.

- After all the treacheries
you have committed Lightning,

the only decision
that I am left with

is to deny your request.

- Uh, what?

- You claim that you wish
to create a perfect world,

but I know that
you cannot do that.

Only I am capable
of achieving that.

And it is not a criticism.

It is, as you say, logical.

It would therefore not be
logical to give you my energy

but allow me to fulfill your
goal, by you helping me.

Instead of energizing
you, energize me

to even greater powers.

- So be it.

- Bohman has absorbed Lightning.

- Ah! Now Bohman has
five Ignis inside him.

All of them except me!

- But that will soon change.

When this is over, you will
also become a part of me.

It is time, Playmaker.

Time for our final duel!

- Right. And I've
never been more ready.

Let's duel!

[ending theme plays]