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02x57 - Reflections

Posted: 04/14/24 17:47
by bunniefuu

- We're back in Links
Vrains, the real one.

- Yes, Ai. But there's
still much work to do.

[sad music playing]

- Yeah, a lot of
work. And it's gonna

be harder now that all
our friends are gone.

Kolter, Soulburner, Blue Maiden,

Flame, Aqua, Earth,
Windy, even Lightning.

They're all gone.

Why doesn't it feel like we won?

What happened to the
happily ever after part?

- Huh?

[foreboding music plays]


[exciting music]


- Look Playmaker,
they're waking up!

- [Man] What happened?

- [Man] How long was I out for?

- My head is k*lling me.

- How can this be?

- Bowman must have
restored their data.

[remateralizing whoosh]

[Soulburner grunts]

- Soul Burner!

- Playmaker?

I really, really hope
that's really, really you.

'Cuz if so, then that
means we won the w*r.

[rematerlizing whooshes]

[triumphant music plays]

- Well, Playmaker,
you succeeded.

[rematerlizing whoosh]

[happy music]

- Hey boss. Check it out.

It sure does look like

Link Vrains is all
back to normal.

That means Playmaker
must have won.

- Of course he did.

You saw it.

But if you didn't, that means we

might not have any footage.

- Yeah. And no paycheck.

- Right. And no
paycheck, which I should

have seen coming, since
your eyes were shut.

- Wha?


[synth music]

- Sky, you're okay!

- Yeah. And it looks
like you are too.

- Bowman decided to
let all of you go free.

- But why would he do that?

- I'm sure he had
his reasons, and I'm

kind of worried we're
gonna find out why.

[dramatic music]

- [Sky] The other Link
Vrains is vanishing.

- That means the
w*r really is over.

- Yeah. I wish all of us

could have celebrated
it together.

[somber music]

- Yeah, me too.

[inspirational music]

- Two hot dogs, sandwiches,
and a coffee, please.

- That's quite the combo.

- So you're still working
the grill here, Yusaku?

- Yeah. I'm just filling
in for a bit while

the owner is visiting his
brother at the hospital.

- I was just there.

I was visiting a
friend who's been

asleep for a very long time,

but thankfully she's
all better now.

- Soul Technologies brings you

the future with
SOLtis, the world's

first Android made just for you.

For the office,

at play,

or even at home,

SOLtis will take care
of your every need.

- Hey, maybe it can
grill your dogs for you,

but you might be
out of a job then.

At least you wouldn't
have to sweat

away at the grill all day.

- But I like grilling.

- Thank you.

See you around.

[inspirational music]

- She still doesn't know
you're the Playmaker

who saved her life
a bunch of times?

- Does she really
need to, Theodore?

- Hey, I get it.

You're just playing it cool.

I do like your style, Yusaku.

And speaking of style, I left my

wallet and my
other hoodie, so...

- This cups for free.
Kolter's got it.

- Huh?

- He said it's the
least he could do

for helping save his
and his brother's life.

- You're right, it is
the least he could do.

But I'll take it with a smile.

Where is he? Hanging
out with Jen?

- Yeah.

- And Ai?

- He isn't around here either.

And Roboppy hasn't been
functioning at all.

- Oh man, that stinks Yusaku.

Without having Ai
and Roboppy around,

it must be really quiet at home.

- I never would've thought that

I'd actually miss all
of their noise, but

Ai told me he needed
some time alone to think.

And after losing his friends,

I don't blame him one bit.

- I know how he feels.

I still can't
believe Flame's gone.

- I'm sorry.

- Hey man, I didn't
mean to bum you out.

I mean, I'm sad and everything

but you wanna know something?

I'd rather be sad
than never have

gotten a chance to know him.

And who would've thought
we'd be best buds

after the way things
started between us?

I don't know if I
was more shocked

or more scared that day.

- It's about time you dug your

duel disk this out
of your closet.

I was starting to
worry you never would.

We can finally
talk face to face.

- Ah!

- This is no way
to treat a guest.

- Ah! I knew it. I totally knew

I wasn't hearing
or seeing things.

You sir, are a ghost.

- Ghosts are not real, Theodore.

Now if we can
discuss this calmly

[Theodore and Flame screaming]

- If you crush me,
you'll never know

why you were in
the Lost incident.

Now if you would please put down

that trunk, I would feel safer.

- All right. I won. I did it.

- I knew you would
because I saw a fire

in your eyes that could
never be extinguished.

- Oh, you did huh? Uh,
what was your name again?

- Oh, how rude. I never
introduced myself.

I'm Flame.


The F stands formidable.

The L is for lively.

The A is for-

- Whoa, come on. Slow
down there Flame.

You don't have to go and
tell me what your name means

- Wha?

You don't like it?

- Fine. Go on.

- The A is for awesome.

The M is-

- When we first met, I couldn't

wait to get rid of him.

But now what I wouldn't give for

just one more moment with him.

- Sure.

- Thinking back on
the whole thing,

so much has changed.

I mean, who would've
ever thought

that we would work
together with the

Knights of Hanoi after
everything they did?

- Varris, why did you
reach out and call us here?

- I called you here
for a simple reason.

I request your assistance.

- Hold on a sec.

The Varris is
asking us for help?

- Why would that surprise you?

Though, we are on
opposite sides,

we do have the same goal, which

is to defeat the Light Ignis.

Therefore, our interests
are quite aligned.

So if you help me, you're
helping yourselves as well.

- So long story
short, the big bad

Varris is scared of the
teeny-tiny Lightning.

- You can believe
whatever you want because,

what an Ignis thinks
is no concern of mine.

- I'll never team
up with you, Varris,

after everything you
did to ruin my life.

If it wasn't for
your Lost incident,

my parents would still
be a part of my life!

- Soulburner.

- Sorry everyone,
but this is one of

those times when I
gotta do what I gotta do

or my soul will
never be at rest.

I'm about to take you down.

- Okay, I'll attack and...

[Soulburner screaming]

- Soulburner, are you okay?

- I couldn't do it.

Even if I won the duel this way.

What? What would it
actually get me in the end?

- Listen Soulburner,

I'm not going to ask
for your forgiveness,

because frankly I've done
absolutely nothing wrong.

But this isn't the time
to argue that point,

because what we need to do is

work together to
defeat the Light Ignis.

And after that task is done,

we'll make time to
settle our differences.

- Fine then.

- You know, if it
wasn't for Varris,

we wouldn't have
learned all the secrets

that Lightning was
hiding from us.

- [Playmaker] Now I
understand why Bowman's deck

kept getting stronger
with every meeting,

because you two were
working together

and you were supplying
him with new cards,

like Judgment Arrows.

- What? Judgment
Arrows? You mean the

card that was used to
destroy the Cybers?

- That means the one
who destroyed the
Cybers was Lightning.

- What would possess you to
do such a terrible thing?

- You're getting too emotional,

so you're not
thinking rationally.

As the leader of the
Ignis, I'm the one tasked

with making the tough, if
not unpopular decisions.

Now, I don't expect you
to fully understand, but-

- You're right,
Lightning. I don't.

- But it was the most
logically sound decision.

- I don't think you know
what logically means.

- Then I guess I must
spell it out for you.

The humans were going to
destroy the Cybers anyway.

Maybe not today,
maybe not tomorrow,

but it was inevitable.

All I did was speed
up the timeline.


- So what haven't you
told us yet Varris?

- Yeah, spill it Varris.

- As I said earlier,

there were two key differences

between the simulations
that my father ran and

that which the Light Ignis ran.

After both running millions,
billions of simulations,

paths branching
into other paths,

the second difference to
be the most interesting.

There was a
difference in how they

each chose to run
their simulations.

When my father ran his,

he grouped all six Ignis
together as one entity,

which was a natural thing
to do since he naturally

expected all the Ignis
to work together as one.

And the results
showed that humans

and the Ignis could not coexist.

But when the Light Ignis
ran its simulation,

it treated the six
Ignis as separate

individuals running
separate simulations

for each of the six.

And the Light Ignis
discovered something

it did not expect,
that the humans

could coexist with the Ignis.

- What?

- Hold them Marmalade.

Lightning's simulation
said we can coexist?

Then why does it also
say we can't coexist?

Huh? Huh?

- Well, no, not with
all of the Ignis.

Humans could coexist with
five of the six Ignis.

But when the sixth
Ignis is added

to the simulation,
it all falls apart.

This single Ignis is why humans

and Ignis cannot
coexist, because it is

the very source of
all our conflict.

And that's the secret
the Light Ignis

was hiding, because
this sixth Ignis

is the Light Ignis.

- When Lightning
initiated his w*r

against humanity,
he decided to create

his own AI army to take us on.

- Yeah, no kidding.

And he didn't just
create any army.

He built the most powerful AI
duelist anyone's ever faced.

- Yes, he did.

Bowman would evolve
after every duel.

[Zap, dramatic music]

- Now Playmaker,
I'm going to play

a card that you have
never witnessed before.

- Huh? What card's that?

- It's a new type of
spell. A link spell.

Judgment Arrows.

Take this Playmaker.

[grunt, swords clang]


[life total decreases]

- Come on, get up.

That pillar broke your fall.

How did Bowman's dueling

get so much better so quickly?

- So Bowman, if I am
correct, Lightning

created you to serve
him and do his bidding.

- That's right, but
know that I am an

AI that's superior to the Ignis.

When all Ignis fall
in line before me,

then the other inferior
creatures will as well.

[sh**ting star]

[powering up]

Because I am the
vessel that will

once again unite
the Ignis as one.

I've said before that
Link Vrains and I are one.

Therefore, so is everyone
within Link Vrains.

My neuron link allows me to tap

into their mental
energies like batteries.

- So that's how you were able to

create a data storm that big.

Wow. You must have tapped into a

ginormous number of noggins.

- That's correct.

One individual is not
capable of generating

much energy, but
when there's a source

with millions of
minds I can tap into,

that data storm is
only the beginning

of what I can achieve.

Now you will experience the true

and terrible extent

of my power.

- Can you imagine what the world

would've been like
if Bowman won?

- You wouldn't
have to imagine it,

because you wouldn't
actually exist.

- I guess that's
technically true

because Bowman was gonna
go and erase all of us.

He truly believed
that humans and AIs

couldn't coexist, because
our two groups are

just too distinctly
different from one another.

- And that,
Theodore, is where we

and Bowman disagree
with each other.

At the core, we're
not so different.

We both just want
to exist in peace.

Besides, our differences
shouldn't separate us

they should bring us together.

- Hey, who would've thought that

you were such a philosophizer?

I know. You should
probably write a book

and you can call
it maybe something

like Deep Thoughts
with Playmaker

or Playmaker's Playosophy.

- Whatever you call it, I know

that in the end,
humans and AIs can both

coexist because you
and Flame were proof.

You two were perfect partners.

- Thanks. The w*r may
have highlighted the

struggles we faced to
overcome our differences,

but if Flame and I
can work through them,

we all can.

- [Varris] Is that the
lesson you learned?

Because that's the wrong
conclusion to make.

[Theodore gasps]

- Varris.


- I can't believe he
rolls up the sleeves

of his sports coat.
That's just the worst.

- Please, it's Ryoken out
here in the real world.

Yusaku and Theodore,
you two have fallen

into the same
delusion as the rest

of the fools you see around you.

They've already
forgotten humanity

was on the verge of
extinction, that the

peace they see around
them is a momentary one.

The Ignis threat may be over,

but AIs continue to exist.

So as these people lounge around

taking their selfies,
AIs continue to

evolve and improve,
and they will prove

to be a bigger threat
than the Ignis ever have.

That's why the Hanoi
remain ever vigilant,

because another w*r is coming,

and nothing about our
fight against the Ignis

has changed my mind one bit.

- You're wrong.

- And why is that?

Because you two work
together so well

with the handful of Ignis
and conveniently forget

the thousands of other
AIs trying to destroy us?

Can you say with 100% certainty

that your dark Ignis will
never turn against you?

- I can. I trust Ai completely.

Time and time again
he was willing

to risk his life for me.

[dramatic music]

- Gotcha Playmaker.

- Ai?

- Allow me to give you a hand.

Get it?

I know what you
wanna say. Thank you.

Danke. Arigato. Gratzi.
Merci. Arigato. [3

but in whatever language,

you are welcome.


- You said that you couldn't
leave the duel disk.

- I never said that.
You did. Or did I?

Eh. I say a lot of things, and

I'm saying now that I
can boast your board.

[dramatic music]

I can also form a shield,
but a limited one.

So try not bumping into stuff.

It stinks when a
rocks bam my bod.

- I can't make any promises, Ai.

- Ugh. Can't or won't?

Fine. I'm ready,
so step on the gas.

Ow. Ow, ow, ow. Ow, ow, ow.

Step off the gas.

Step off the gas, please.

- [Playmaker] You're fine.

- You'd give up your own
existence for these humans?

- Ai, you don't need to do this.

- I know I don't
need to. I want to.

Besides, you gotta win this duel

for everybody, and
that won't happen

if Bowman gets his
neuron link back.

- I'll stop you. Stay away.

[energy cackles]

- Remember Playmaker,
this isn't just

our duel anymore. It's
Kolter's Duel too,

And Soulburner's, and Blue
Maiden's, and Zaizen's.

Goregal's, Ugh even
Varris and Specter's.

[Ai grunts]

- Come back.

- This duel is for everybody who

fell so we can make it here.

[Ai grunts]

And I'm not forgetting
Flame, Aqua,

and Earth too, or
Windy and Lightning.

Because even though
it wasn't what

we pictured, they
wanted peace too.

So if we're all gonna
win this together,

I gotta do my part,
even if I gotta

leave a few parts of me behind.

And after all this is over,

if you want to build
a statue of me,

I'm not gonna say no.

So just win this duel.

Later Playmaker.

[dramatic music]

- [Playmaker] Ai!

- Ai may be the last
Ignis remaining,

but know that I will
do whatever it takes to

make sure the Ignis
do not go extinct.

- That's right pal.

- What a joke.

But you were always a joke.

Now that the w*r against
the Ignis is over

there's no longer any
need for us to team up.

If you get in the way
of my fight against

the AIs, I'll make
sure you regret it.

- Really now? You
think we'll back down

just 'cuz you threatened us?

- It's not a threat,
it's a promise.

[dramatic music]