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03x04 - Cleaning House

Posted: 04/14/24 17:54
by bunniefuu
[intense music]
[engines roaring]

[electronic beeping]

[tense music]

[electronic beeping]

- I'm in trouble.

Gore Gal and Shepherd

have the three strongest
monsters in play,

and by the look in their
eyes they're not done.

[electronic beeping]

- Get ready!

I activate Battledrone
General's special ability.

It lets me revive Scud
Drone from the graveyard.

[electronic beeping]

And doing so triggers Scud
Drone's ability as well.

When a drone re-summons
it from the graveyard,

I'm allowed to draw
one card from my deck.

Next, I place one card
facedown on my field.

Then I activate Battledrone
General's second ability,

allowing Scud Drone to
attack you directly,

and that is exactly
what it's going to do.

[missiles whooshing]

[electronic beeping]

Next up, I can use Battledrone
General's third ability

to tribute Scud Drone
and deal you damage

equal to its attack points.

[m*ssile roaring]

[Roboppi screams]

[expl*si*n booms]
[intense music]

[tense music]

[dramatic choral music]

[computer beeping]

[electronic beeping]

- Just great, now those two
have more life points than me.

I really gotta start
to work harder!

- Hm, most
impressive, Ghost Gal.

It seems you have skillfully
used your partner's cards

to maximum efficiency.

- Thanks, hon.

But let's not get
ahead of ourselves

'cause there's still
plenty of duel to go.

As for my next move, hm, 'kay.

Altergeist Hexstia,
attack Vacculephant!

- My Celtopus's special
ability gives Vacculephant

to raise it to 3,000!

- I see, but my Hexstia

still has more attack
points than your monster.

- Yeah, it does, for now.

But I can still
use my Propelion!

Its special ability cuts
your attack points in half,

making it weaker than mine.

[wind whooshing]

[electronic beeping]

Suck up her attack,
and blow it back!

[Vacculephant trumpets]

[expl*si*n booms]

[Ghost Gal groans]

[electronic beeping]

[Roboppi laughing]

I did it!

I destroyed your monster!

[electronic beeping]

[Ghost Gal groans]

- Not bad, Roboppi.

- [Shepherd] Don't
praise that program.

Are you going to let that
thing make a mockery out of us?

- Chill out, Kenneth.

When Hexstia is destroyed,

I can add Altergeist
Kunquery to my hand.

And I'm going to use
your monster again.

I tribute my brother's General

to activate
Memorygant's ability.

She gains all of
General's attack points.

[electronic beeping]

- Say wha?

- Attack Appliancer

- Celtopus, let's go!

Charge up its attack points!

- [Ghost Gal] 3,000 attack
points are pretty high,

but it's still less than
my Memorygant's 5,200.

Go, Eternal Nightmare!

[expl*si*n booms]

[electronic beeping]
[Roboppi groaning]

- They took the life point lead!

Ghost Gal's brought her A-game.

- It's not just her, it's them.

Since Shepherd and Ghost Gal
trust each other so much,

their combined skill is greater
than the sum of their parts.

- Now Memorygant's
special ability activates.

When it destroys a
monster in battle,

its ability destroys a
second monster on your field,

so say bye-bye to
your Propelion.

[Roboppi groans]

And now I can go and
attack your Celtopus.

- Hold up, but you don't have

any monsters left to
attack with, Gore Gal.

- That's where you're wrong.

[Roboppi gasps]

When Memorygant's special
ability destroys a monster,

it's allowed to attack
for a second time.

- What?

That move should be illegal!

- [Shepherd] Take it up
with the judges later,

but for now, this duel is over.

- Nice playing with you.

[Roboppi groans]

Memorygant, attack!

Eternal Nightmare!

- As long as I still
have a single life point,

I'm not giving up!

I activate Appliancer
ability from my hand.

By sending this card
to the graveyard,

Celtopus can't be destroyed,

and I take no damage
from your attack!

[expl*si*n booms]

[Ghost Gal gasps]
- It survived.

- Yep, and all I can
do now is end my turn.

- Woo-hoo!

I'm still alive!

Roboppi is so cool!

Pew, pew, pew!

Who is the coolest of them all?

It's me!

- Since you only
have 200 life points,

and zero cards in your hand,

I do not believe this
level of celebration

matches your status
in this duel.

[Roboppi sighs]

- You're right.

But you see, the next card
I draw could be the key

to turning this whole
duel around in my favor!

[dramatic music]

The next card I draw
could be the key

to turning this whole
duel around in my favor!

And that means all I
gotta do is believe.


[ominous music]

Oh yeah!

I activate the spell,
Appliancer Test.

As long as I can co-link them

with the monster in
my extra monster zone,

I get to re-summon as
many Link 1 Appliancers

from my graveyard as I want.

But their attack
points drop to zero,

and they're banished
at the end of the turn.

So come on back, Appliancer
Vacculephant, and Propelion.

Then I'll use Propelion
to plug in my circuit!

I link summon Link 1
Appliancer, Laundry Dragon!

[Celtopus whirring]

- [Shepherd] It summoned
a new link monster?

I have a bad feeling about this.

- Then your feelings
are right on the money,

because my Vacculephant's
ability activates.

When it's co-linked, it
destroys one of your monsters.

Later, Memorygant!

[intense music]

[Vacculephant trumpets]

- Sorry, but no!

I can protect Memorygant

by banishing Battledrone
General from the graveyard.

- Well, if that doesn't work,

I'll just attack with my
Laundry Dragon instead.

[water whooshing]

- [Shepherd] Laundry Dragon
has fewer attack points

than Memorygant.

- Come on now, you know attack
points aren't everything.

When Laundry Dragon
is co-linked,

we both don't take any
damage in this battle,

but your monster
will be banished

and mine stays safe and sound!

- [Shepherd] You annoy me.

- [Roboppi] Then I must
be doing something right!

- No you're not,
because I can activate

Altergeist Kunquery's ability
to summon her from my hand

to negate Laundry Dragon's
attack and special abilities.

[intense music]

- I'm gonna find a way to
get rid of that Memorygant

whether you like it or not!

I activate Appliancer

With this spell, I can
banish all Link 1 Appliancers

in my main monster zone,

and then summon them right back.

[electronic beeping]

- [Pandor] Curious.

- You can sure say that again.

Why would you get rid
of all those monsters

if you're just gonna bring
them back the same as before?

- [Shepherd] 'Cause
it's not the same.

Look carefully at its field.

Notice any differences?

- Hey, you're right!

He summoned them to
different zones on his field

so that they're no longer
co-linked to Celtopus.

But why would he do that?

His Appliancers all power
up when they're co-linked.

- Mm-hmm, that is
totally, totally true.

But what you didn't know
is that my Appliancers

have a different
set of abilities

when they're not co-linked.

[both gasp]

Check out my Vacculephant.

When it's not co-linked, it
can swap out its attachments

and attack your life
points directly!

[Vacculephant whooshing]

[Ghost Gal grunts]

[electronic beeping]

Next, Laundry Dragon
att*cks your Memorygant!

- Ghost Gal, since
we do not know

what that monster is capable of,

I recommend using your
skill, just in case.

- Okay.

Sounds like the right move.

Get set, Roboppi.

I'm using my skill Secret Cure.

We both gain life points

equal to the attack points
of the monster I draw.

Okay, here I go.

[intense music]

I drew Altergeist Marionetter,

so we both get

[electronic beeping]

- I gotta admit, that
was a smart move.

But I also gotta admit

that it's not gonna be
good enough to save ya!

Laundry Dragon's special
ability activates!

When it's not co-linked,

I don't take any
damage during battle,

but the monster
it fights against

will automatically be destroyed,

and you take damage equal
to its attack points.

[Laundry Dragon roars]

[Ghost Gal groans]

- [Shepherd] No, you don't have

enough life points
to survive this!

- Yep, that's correct!

She's all washed up.

[expl*si*n booms]

[Roboppi laughs]

Not only do I finally
get rid of Memorygant,

I finally get rid of you, too!

[boomerang whistling]

- [Shepherd] Watch out!

- Kenneth, why?
[electronic beeping]

[Shepherd groaning]

- [Shepherd] I just
didn't think it was right

for you to take the hit.

[somber music]

- Oh Kenneth, thank you.

I love you, too.

- Emma.

- Kenneth!

[dramatic music]

- Oh, that ending was so
beautiful and dramatic!

Well, off to my next duel.

- No, Emma and
the Shepherd lost!

- They're gone.

This can't be.

- I have even more bad news.

Ai defeated Faust
and Spectre too.

The only one left in
their squad is Gore.

Guys, ditch those clones
and go help 'em out!

- We'd love to, but can't.

- That's right, you're
not allowed to leave

until you defeat us first.

And every second that ticks away

is one you won't
be getting back.

[ominous music]

[engines roaring]

- You might've taken out
those tenderloins, pork chop,

but I'm gonna stop you.

- You're just the duelist
I hoped to run into.

Out of everyone, you're truly
the one I wanted to duel.

'Cause that means I
finally can get revenge

for what you did to Earth.

If you didn't capture
and delete Earth,

he'd still be around today.

- I do not agree
with that conclusion.

[Ai groans]

According to my analysis, even
if Gore did not defeat Earth,

Omen would have
absorbed him anyway.

- How do you know?

- Because I am Pandor,

an AI created to
defeat the Ignis.

- Sounds to me like
somebody's core programming

is glitching out.

And Gore, one AI chip in
your brain's not good enough?

You need another one
in your duel disk?

- Hey, I had the chip removed.

- Oh?

- Implanting that
thing in my brain

was the dumbest
thing I ever did.

I sold everyone out, 'cause
I only cared about winning,

and I couldn't even do that.

And when I finally woke up,

I was sure I had
nothing left in my life,

but I was wrong.

I may have turned
my back on them,

but they never turned
their backs on me.

And that's when I
realized that all the time

I was chasing after a win,

I already had a bunch
of winners at home.

So I'm no longer
dueling for myself

for stuff that
ain't worth nothing.

But what I am dueling for

is to protect those
that I care about!

And since you're aiming
to truck all over them

with your schemes,
I'm the roadblock

that's stopping
you in your tracks!

[dramatic music]

- Even if you say you've
had a change of heart, Gore,

you can't change the past,

and the past still says

that it's your fault
that Earth is gone!

- Time to duel!
- Time to duel!

[intense music]

- I'm going first!

I summon Gouki Suprex!

[electronic beeping]

- What?

You're playing your old deck?

- Exactly, and you
wanna know why?

'Cause those were the times

when the Gore was
really the Gore.

Now then, by summoning Suprex,

I also get to summon
Gouki Riscorpio.

And I'll use 'em to
mash up my circuit.

[circuit whirring]

I link summon Link

[electronic beeping]

By sending Gouki Suprex
and Gouki Riscorpio

to the graveyard,

their abilities let me draw
two Gouki cards from my deck.

Next up, I activate
Gouki Re-Match.

It bounces both Suprex and
Riscorpio back to the ring.

[monsters growling]

[electronic beeping]

Then I'll link summon
Link 3 Gouki Thunder Ogre!

[intense music]

[Thunder Ogre roaring]

[electronic beeping]

Thunder Ogre's ability
lets me summon a monster

next to its link, so I'm
bringing out another Suprex.

[Suprex grunts]
[electronic beeping]

And Suprex's ability
lets me summon

another Gouki from my
hand, Gouki Twistcobra!

That lets me mash
up my circuit again.

I set Gouki Twistcobra
and Gouki Thunder Ogre

in the link arrows.

I link summon Link 4
Gouki the Master Ogre!

[Master Ogre roars]

[electronic beeping]

Then my Twistcobra's ability
activates from my graveyard.

I get to draw a
Gouki from my deck,

and that ends my turn, Ai.

- I gotta admit, I'm impressed.

The last time you
summoned Master Ogre,

it took you until
your third turn.

But this time, you
nailed it on your first.

Looks like you've been
training your mind,

and not just your biceps.

I'll start by summoning
Pikari @Ignister.

[Pikari @Ignister whirring]

[electronic beeping]

When Pikari is
successfully summoned,

I get to draw @Ignister
Island from my deck.

- Slow your roll there,

'cause I'm putting
the brakes on that.

When my Master Ogre
is linked to a Gouki,

I can return that
Gouki to my hand

to negate your monster's
special abilities.

So I call back Suprex
to negate your Pikari.

Ya like that?

- [Pandor] It is clear
by his facial expression

that he did not like that.

- You're right.

However, I'm sure
gonna like this!

I link summon Link 1 Linguriboh!

[electronic beeping]
[Linguriboh squeaks]

And doing so triggers
Hiyari @Ignister's ability.

When I have a link monster

relaxing in the
extra monster zone,

I can summon Hiyari in
my main monster zone

next to its link.

[electronic beeping]

And since I now have
an @Ignister in my
main monster zone,

Doshin @Ignister's
ability activates,

summoning itself from
my hand, like this.

- [Doshin @Ignister] Doshin.

- That gives me the
three monsters I need

to create my circuit.

[circuit whirring]

Finally, it is time
to unleash a monster

forged from the darkest
depths of the shadows,

striking fear into all who
witness its majestic might.

I link summon Link 3
Dark Templar @Ignister!

[metal clangs]

[electronic beeping]

I link summon Link 3
Dark Templar @Ignister!

[Dark Templar growls]
[electronic beeping]

- Link 3?

I gotta admit, that
monster ain't too low

on the shabby scale.

- I know, I place
one card facedown.

It's time.

Dark Templar,
attack Master Ogre!

- Yeah, what are you up to?

'Cause your Dark Templar
has less attack points

than my Master Ogre.

- Yes, you're right, Gore.

That totally means I'm up
to something, but what?

- I don't know what
you're planning to do,

so I'll plan for everything.

Now, I activate Gouki Iron
Claw's special ability

from my hand.

By sending this card
to the graveyard,

Master Ogre not only
gains 500 attack points,

it also can't be affected
by your cards this turn.

[electronic beeping]

Go, strike 'em down!
[Master Ogre roars]

- As if!

I activate my spell
card, go TA.I. Strike!

This spell makes my
@Ignister's attack points

become the same as the
monster it's battling.

[@Ignister growls]
[electronic beeping]

- What?

- And when our monsters are
destroyed, we each take damage

equal to our own monster's
original attack points.

That's gotta sting.

- You're willing to
get hurt to hurt me?

[monsters roaring]
[metal clanging]

[expl*si*n booms]
[intense music]

[electronic beeping]

[Ai chuckles]


Why isn't your
monster destroyed?

- Easy.

It can't be destroyed
by a monster

with the same attack points.

See, I don't need to
hurt myself to hurt you.

I mean, why would I do that?

That's just all sorts of crazy.

But there's nothing
crazy about my next move.

When Dark Templar destroys
your monster in battle,

I can revive an @Ignister
from my graveyard

and summon it next to its link,

so welcome back, Pikari!

[Pikari squeaks]
[electronic beeping]

But it's looking
a little lonely,

so I'll invite another
friend back to this party.

When a monster is summoned
next to Dark Templar's link,

I can re-summon level four
@Ignisters from my graveyard

by negating their
special abilities,

so say hey to Doshin!

[electronic beeping]
- Doshin.

- Pikari's ability lets
me draw @Ignister Island

from my deck.

With that, I end my turn.

Feeling salty 'cause
you're losing,

like that bead of
sweat on your cheek?

- You keep yapping that yap.

Just because you're ahead of me

doesn't mean that
you're winning!

- [Ai] Actually, that's
exactly what it means.

[Gore growls]

- Whatever!

Then I'm rewriting
the dictionary!

And you'll see my
face right next

to the definition
of champion, rah!

[intense music]

[tense music]

[dramatic choral music]