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03x05 - Smash and Mash

Posted: 04/14/24 17:54
by bunniefuu
- [Narrator] Previously
on Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS

- Someone went after the Queen,

SOL Tech's top executive,

and put her out of commission.

The culprit ex*cuted the as*ault

by hacking one of
SOL Tech's androids.

The culprit stole
the Queen's code key

in order to gain control
of SOL Tech's mainframe.

You see, there are two
code keys that exist,

and the second one is with me.

- And you want us to protect you

so that your key
won't get stolen.

Do you have any clue
who this culprit is?

- See for yourself.

- Hi.

- What's up!

- To think we were once working

on the same team, meat bag.

- On the same team?

- It's me, Ai!

- Those meat bags don't want us

to reach Zaizen.

They have the
entire place sealed

up tighter than a paint can.

- Ah! They split into three,

but I thought we just
had to worry about

Ai and Roboppi.

- There's three of it.

- [All] Let's duel.

- Two new blips on the radar.

- Is that the real Ai?

- It is indeed.

And the three of
us are Ai's decoys.

- No! Emma and
the Shepherd lost!

- I have even more bad news.

I defeated Faust
and Specter too.

- The only one left in
their squad, is Gore.

- [Both] Time to duel.

[energetic electronic music]

[energetic electronic
music continues]

[tense music]

- It's my turn.

I summon Gouki Suprex.

Suprex's ability
also let's me summon

Gouki Guts.

I link summon, link-2
Gouki Heel Ogre.

Since I sent Gouki
Guts and Rising Scorpio

to the graveyard,

I get to draw two Gouki
cards from my deck.

Next, I activate Gouki Rematch.

It re-summons Gouki Guts

and Gouki Twist Cobra,

and Guts' ability activates,

but I can use my Heel Ogre to

stop that ability,

and also destroy it.

However, I get to bring back

a Gouki Link Monster

from my graveyard.

Gouki, the Master Ogre.

- I think it's rude

that you'd bring back a monster

that I worked so
hard to destroy.

- I'm a rude dude.

I link summon, Link-2
Gouki Jet Ogre.

Since I used Gouki Suprex

to link summon,
it's special ability

let's me draw Gouki Diver.

And I'll keep the
link summoning going.

Link-3 Gouki Thunder Ogre.

- Hm. Unlike when I
stare in the mirror.

This isn't looking good for me.

- Ya got that right, bub,

and since I sent Twist Cobra

to the graveyard

I get to draw another Gouki.

Next, Jet Ogre's special ability

activates from my graveyard,

increasing the attack points

of all the Gouki's on my field

by 500 until the end of the turn

and I'm still not done

in fact I'm only
getting started.

I'm summoning a monster right
next to Thunder Ogre's link

Gouki Suprex.

Then Suprex uses
its ability so that

it can tag in its
partner, Gouki Diver

and with it I'll
mash up my circuit.

The summoning conditions
require two or more Gouki's

so I send Gouki Diver
and Gouki Thunder Ogre

in the Link Arrow,

time to bring the power,

and the power
unleashes the pain.

I Link Summon,

Link-4 Gouki The Powerload Ogre.

- What a new link-4 monster.

- And when this powerhouse
is Link Summoned

it's immune to all special
abilities other then its own.

And my divers ability activates

it lets me draw another
Gouki from my deck

and add it to my hand.

Then Powerload
does its own thing,

for every Link Arrow that
my other Gouki's have

Powerload gains

I'll follow that
up with a spell.

Gouki Face Turn destroys
one of my Gouki's

like my Gouki Suprex here,
but in exchange I get

to resummon a Gouki
from my graveyard

come on back, Thunder Ogre.

Now I can use Powerload
Ogres third ability

by Tributing Link Monster
I get to destroy a card

on the field for every
link that it has.

I Tribute my Link-3
Gouki Thunder Ogre

so I can now
destroy three cards.

Starting off with those 2
paint splatters you got there,

and I'll also take
that face down card.

Now all you got left is
that single Dark Templar

and it ain't strong enough
to survive my attack.

- That can't be right, oh wait,
it can be and it is right.

- That's right Master Ogres
chopping down your Dark Templar.

You've got no monsters
left to protect ya.

- True, but you don't
have to attack me right?

- Correct, but I ain't
the type to show any mercy

Powerload end this duel.

Powerload end this duel.

- Gore won.

- Just incredible.

- What?

- How?

- You got smoke and
dust all over me

so tell me Gore you
paying for my dry cleaning

- How? How do you have
any life points left Ai?

- Because I activated
the face down card

that you destroyed
just a little bit ago.

- What?

- [Ai] My face down
card was A.I.'s Hymn

and by banishing it from
my graveyard I regain

for every @Ignister

that is in my graveyard.

Since there are four
@Ignister's in my graveyard

I regained 800 life points
which was just barely enough

to keep me tick tock ticking.

Thanks for destroying
my trap card Gore

or I would have already lost.

- Ai's skills are
greater then I estimated

- I guess I gotta end
my turn and that means

Master Ogres attack points
fall back down to 2800

- Phew, I really thought
you had me there Gore

but I'm glad to know
when push comes to shove

I can still count on you
to make the wrong call.

My turn, I draw.

I activate the spell
card A.I.dle Reborn

it revives an @Ignister
from my graveyard,

come back, Doshin.

- Doshin!

- Now use your ability,

by returning Dark
Templar @Ignister

from my graveyard
to my extra deck.

I get to add Ai Love
Fusion to my hand and then

I play it immediately.

This spell card allows
me to Fusion Summon.

Not just using my
monsters but also by using

your link monster as long
as its attribute is earth.

- That sounds like good
plan but that spell

can't effect my Powerload Ogre.

- That's not the one I'm eyeing.

I Fuse my Doshin with
your Master Ogre.

When tectonic plates collide,

mountains erupt
over the horizon!

I Fusion Summon!

Earth Golem @Ignister!

- You say Earth Golem?

- Yes, that's right.

It's a tribute to
my fallen friend

the one who will end you.

- Since Master Ogre's
not on my field anymore

Powerload Ogre loses

- Earth Golem @Ignister it's
time to attack Powerload Ogre.

And for extra sauce my
Earth Golem attack points

are doubled during battle, Gore.

- That means I'm not going
to survive this attack.

- Oh, so you did do the math,
wasn't sure that you could,

now go Boulder Blast.

- This how it's gonna end?

No way I'm going out like this,

by banishing Gouki
Diver from my graveyard.

I'm not gonna take any
damage from this battle.

- But your Powerload
Ogre's still destroyed.

- But I have a counter to that.

My Diver's additional ability

lowers your Golem's
attack points by 600

and forces it to attack again.

- So then your letting
me attack again?

That means I'll win.

- No that's not
what it means, bub.

Because I can still
use my skill Ai,

Pain and gain lets me resurrect

all of the Gouki's that
were destroyed this turn.

So Powerload Ogre's
back to fight.

- So what, you can
keep bringing them back

and I'll just keep
knocking them down.

- Go right on ahead.

- I will, Earth Golem go
and attack Powerload Ogre

and once again its attack
points double during battle.

- Gore will take 600 points
of damage from this attack.

- Life points that he
can't afford to lose.

- Go Earth Golem knock him out.

- You fell right into my trap.

- Say what?

- I discard Gouki Double
Impact, activate it's ability

by showing you the Gouki
Headbatt that I have in my hand

Powerload Ogre gains
it's attack points.

- But you said Powerload Ogre
is immune to all abilities

other than its own.

- That's not what I said, what
I said was Powerload Ogre's

immune if it happened
to be Link Summoned.

- I see, you didn't
link summon this ogre

you used your skill.

- That's right, so that means
I can use my Double Impact's

ability to power it up.

- That one slight
detail tricked me.

- Looks like it, Gouki
Headbatt has 800 attack points.

So Powerload Ogre
powers up to 3600.

- That is not cool.

- Gore's monster is 200 attack
points stronger then Ai's.

- Which is the exact amount
of life points Ai has left.

- It seems you stole victory
from the jaws of defeat.

- I had you bamboozled
from the start

and caught you in my trap.

So I didn't steal this
victory, I earned it.

- But the thing about victory

is that I can steal it
right back from you,

and once you loosen
your grip for moment

you've already dropped the ball.

I activate A.I.dle Reborn's
effect from my graveyard.

By banishing it along with the
Ignister A.I.Land in my hand.

I get to retrieve TA.I.
Strike back from my graveyard.

- You used that to deal
me big time damage.

- And I'm hitting the replay
button to do it again.

TA.I. Strike changes my
monsters attack points

to become the same
as your monsters.

So my Earth Golem and your
Ogre become equal in strength.

And if our monsters happen
to be destroyed in battle

each of us are going
to take damage equal

to our own monsters
original attack points.

- So that means were both
gonna lose this duel.

- Come on now Gore get real.

Do I look like the type
that's willing to take an L.

So listen up cause
here's the 4-1-1

my tenderized tenderloin.

Whenever I successfully
Fusion Summon Earth Golem

I can't take any damage
for the rest of the turn.

- That can't be right.

- Your the only one who's going

to take damage from this battle.

So not only do I get the win

but I also get
revenge for earth.

- Can't be.

- This was excellently ex*cuted.

- Now pummel him Earth
Golem, Boulder Blast.

[Gore Screaming]

I truly wish the
outcome didn't have

to be this way Gore I truly do,

but I wish a lot of things
didn't have to be this way.

- Oh no. Gore just got K.Oed.

Now Ai has a straight
shot towards Zaizen

and you three are the only
ones left who can stop him.

- We have no time to waste,

Cyberse Clock Dragon,
attack him directly.

- Violet Chimera, go.

- Attack, Borrelsword
Dragon, end this.

- You may have beat
us but we did our job.

You won't get there
in time Playmaker.

- Let's Hurry.

- Uh, huh? So you sure
were in the right place?

- Yes I am but I kind
of expected this.

- Do you think they got
scared and logged-out.

- Maybe, but I really don't
believe that's the case.

There's more places
to hide in the network

then there are out in
the real world, unless.

Unless it's a location
in the real world

that no one can get to.

Too bad that I'm not no one.

I know where they're hiding.

[tense music]

- What gives no ones here.

This place is empty did they
all vanish into thin air.

- I can't speak for the Ignis
but Zaizen and Blue Maiden

were never here to begin with.

- Say what they weren't?

- They were digital holograms
sent from a secret location.

- Then where are the real
Zaizen and Blue Maiden.

- Somewhere safe where
no one can reach them,

- You mean an airplane?

- There's no place more secure
then 39,000 feet in the air

above Den City.

I developed a special algorithm
it cuts Zaizen from all

exterior networks so the Ignis
can't digitally infiltrate

the aircraft so there's no way
the Ignis can get to Zaizen.

- Unless he boards
the airplane itself.

- And what program
can actually do that.

- I found you Zaizen.

- As the crew chief
on this flight

I not only have to make sure
my future fiancé is safe,

but that his every
need is taken care of,

but I forgot if he prefers
pretzels or peanuts.


Report what was that?

- [Crewman] The cargo
hold has been breached,

intruders aboard.

- What intruders?

- Me.

- Hey your the guy who
att*cked the Queen.

How did you find us.

- With just a
little bit of logic.

When I hacked into
the airport database.

I learned that a plane
owned by SOL Technologies

took off a mere hour

before I launched my
attack against Zaizen.

So I put two and two
together and here I am.

- I've been waiting for you.

- Hey your the AI that
was in Gore's Duel Disc

except your a jumbo
sized version.

- I am Pandor an
Ai created by Varis

- Did you say Varis
created an AI?

When I woke up this morning

that is not what
expected to hear.

But hey if I've changed
he can change too.

Speaking from one AI to
another why don't you...

- Speaking from
one AI to another

it is in your best interests
to leave immediately.

- Seems that Varis forgot to
program you with any manners.

- Varis placed me
here to protect Zaizen

and that is what I will do.

- Is there really nothing I
can say to change your mind.

- Negative, absolutely not.

- Then it seems your
giving me no choice

but to defeat you in a duel.

- I anticipated that this
would be your thinking.

That is why I have
analyzed every single piece

of data about you.

- So you're ready for
anything and everything, huh?

Then what are we waiting for?

Let's take this outside!

[intense music]

be sure to enjoy the fresh
breeze while you can.

It's a long way down Pandor
and you don't have a parachute.

- I can say the same for you.

- [Both] Time to duel.

- I'll go first.

I summon Pikari @Ignister.

It's special ability allows
me to draw Ignister A.I.Land.

I use Pikari to Link
Summon, Link-1 Linguriboh.

Next I activate, Ignister
A.I.Land, it summons a level 4

or lower @Ignister
that's in my hand

here's Achichi @Ignister.

- Your opening moves are
similar to what I observed

in your battle against Gore.

So none of these moves
can catch me off guard.

- Well if it ain't
broke why fix it.

So I'll keep it rolling by
summoning Hiyari @Ignister

if I have a monster in
the Extra Monster Zone

which I most certainly do.

I can summon this turquoise-ian
tear drop next to its link.

Now I'll build my circuit.

The summoning conditions
require three Cyberse Monsters.

Finally, it's time!

To unleash a monster forged
from the darkest depths

of the shadows, striking
fear into all who witness

its majestic might!

I Link Summon! Link-3
Dark Templar @Ignister!

- I expected you to summon that.

- Then it's time for me to
throw you some curve balls.

First Ignister A.I.Land
summons Bururu @Ignister

then Dark Templar's
ability activates.

Since I summoned a
monster next to its link

I can summon additional
monsters from my graveyard

next to its other arrows.

So Hiyari and Achichi
are back in play.

But there not sticking
around for long

cause I'm using them
to Link Summon again.

Rise up from the flames!
Link-3 Fire Phoenix @Ignister!

Next I activate the spell
card A.I. Mine from my hand.

For every @Ignister on my
field that's Link-3 or higher

I draw a card.

Then I'll place these two cards
face down and end my turn.

- Hmm.

- What's wrong? Your not
smiling anymore which is good

because this duel
was never a joke!

[intense electronic music]