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03x14 - Wait For Me

Posted: 04/16/24 08:29
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear
Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you.
-In the house of blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪




Oh! Hi there!

It's you! [chuckles]

It is so good to see you.

A lot is going on today.

Come on.

You see today, Ojo's getting
a surprise package and...


Wait a second.
What's that smell?

It smells like [sniffing]



[sniffing] [gasps]

It's you!

[sniffing] Ooo.

Tell me,
were you just taking a bath?

'Cause you smell clean
and fresh -like bubbles!

[sniffing] Ahh!

Or maybe you smell
this good all the time.



Now, what was I saying?

Oh, right!

Today Ojo is waiting for...

Oh, oh, Bear? Did
my surprise package come yet?

Did it, did it?

I'm sorry, Ojo.
It hasn't come yet.

[disappointed] Oh.

Ojo's getting a surprise
package from her Uncle Koala,

who lives in Australia.

And, [whispering] I think
she's a little excited.

[chuckles] Oh, Bear?

I've been waiting a whole week
for it to come.

I know, but I'm afraid

you're gonna have to wait
just a little bit longer.

Old Jeremiah hasn't
delivered it yet.


Old Jeremiah Tortoise
delivers all the mail

here in Woodland Valley and
he can be... well, a little...

-I don't know... um...
-Slow! Yeah.

Hey, you know what
I'm going to do, Bear?


I'm going out to the porch
and wait for Jeremiah Tortoise.

I want to get my little paws

on that surprise just as
soon as it gets here.

See ya later, Bear.

Okay, Ojo,
but it's gonna be a while ...

Wow. That is one little bear
cub that is ready to wait.

Say, have you ever had
to wait for anything?





Yeah. We all have to wait
but it's just a part of life.

Even though sometimes it can be
really hard to wait for things.

Like, for example,

when you have to wait
your turn to ride the carousel!

[carousel music]

Or when you have to wait
for the cookies to bake.

[sniffing] Mmmm...
I can taste them already.

[tapping lips]

Or when you have to wait

till you're a little older
to have your next birthday!

Now that's something
worth waiting for!



No matter who you are or what
you want,

sooner or later,

we all just have to wait.

♪ Waitin' for
the fruit to ripen ♪

♪ For the pot to boil ♪

♪ For the cake to rise ♪

♪ Still waitin' ♪

♪ 'Til the storm blows over ♪

♪ For those clear blue skies ♪

♪ Keep on waitin'
'Til the weather's pleasin' ♪

♪ Waitin' 'til
it's fishing season ♪

♪ Waitin' for the fish
To take the bait ♪

♪ It might be awhile ♪

♪ But it's worth the wait ♪

Hmmm... shouldn't be long now.

♪ Waitin' ♪

♪ For your bedtime story ♪

♪ For that sleepy feeling ♪

♪ For the moon to rise ♪

♪ You're still waitin' ♪

♪ For that birthday party ♪

♪ To get a big surprise ♪

♪ And if you can wait
a little longer ♪

♪ 'Til you're bigger,
older, stronger ♪

♪ You'll tie your shoes
You'll ride a bike ♪

♪ You'll skate ♪

♪ It might take a while
But it's worth the wait ♪

♪ And by then
You might have more ♪

♪ New things
you're waitin' for ♪

♪ To find out what's in store ♪

♪ Is always worth the wait ♪

♪ It's worth the wait ♪

♪ All you have to do is wait ♪

♪ Hurry up and wait ♪

And that's just some

of the things we have
to wait for.

But, like I was saying,
what do you think?

What have you waited for?


What do you think?

I always wait for dinner.

It's really hard
to wait for my birthday.

I wait until I can
pass out my snack.

I had to wait
and wait and wait...

To go get a drink
and go to the bathroom.

To go to the mall with my mom.

For a carnival
and merry-go-round.

Get popcorn at the movies.

Two hours to get,
just to get a box of pizza.

It's boring. You sit
there and you do nothing.

But I just have to be patient.


when it's gonna be over.

It's hard to wait.

Wow! You sure have done
your share of waiting.


Did you hear
that? That sounded like my...


stomach. Here.



Yep. That's my stomach.

Has your stomach ever gone
rumbly-rumbly when it's hungry?

Well, let's see if we can't find

this big old Bear
a little snack.


I'll check inside
the refrigerator.

Now let's see...

-Oh! Oof!

-Oh, uh, Tutter!

-You startled me.

Oh. I'm sorry, Bear,
very sorry, but-but would you,

would you please
close the freezer?

otherwise, my cheesy fruit
pops will never get frozen!



Cheesy fruit pops?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Bear!
You see them?

Right there
in the ice cube tray.

Oh yeah!

You're making
popsicles with juice!


D-Don't they look like
little pieces of cheese?

I just love 'em, just love 'em!

[chuckles] Oh, oh!

Hey, Bear, are they done yet?
Are they?


no, Tutter.
They're still a little... juicy.

[sigh] Okay, Bear.

But I-I guess I'll just have
to wait some more. [chuckles]

Okay. I'll just 'pop'
them back in for you...

Pop them back in!

[laughter] I get that, Bear!

Pop them back in!

Cheesy fruit pops.

Pop them back in!

Oo-hoo, oo-hoo. Ooo. Ooo.
Oh, my side.


Tutter, are you okay?

[chuckles] Yeah, Bear. I'm fine.


Cheesy fruit pops.


Okay, Tutter.

Let's see...
where can I get a snack?




Y-y-y-y-you think
it's ready now?

Well, Tutter, we just looked.



I think you could use a timer.

A timer!
Wow! What a great idea, Bear!

A timer! Who would've thought
it? Look at that.



What's a timer?


Well, you see, Tutter,

a timer lets you
know when something's done.

-You see,

-you just set the timer...

... and then when it goes
"ding!", like this...


That's when you know that

whatever it is you're
waiting for is done!

Ohhh! Okay, Bear.

Boy, that sounds great!

So now, I'll just set the timer.


-...and when it goes ding...

... then you know your cheesy
fruit pops are ready.

Okay, Bear! [chuckles]

Okay, Tutter.

Now, let's see...

What can I have as a snack.


Let's see... honey?

um, maybe some peanut butter.


That seemed awfully quick.

Okay, Bear!

The pops are done!


Gonna have cheesy fruit pops.
Uh, cheesy fruit pops.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Um... Tutter?

Oh yes, Bear?

Did you set the timer
back to zero, again?

Well, yeah, yeah.
I guess I helped a little.

[chuckles] B-B-But you
said, Bear, you said

"when the timer dings"

The pops are done.


you see, Tutter, the thing is...

-... um,

you have to actually
wait for time to go by.


[chuckling] Oh.
I get that now, Bear.

Okay! Time goes by.


So let me set the timer again.


-And now, this time...

...when the timer
actually goes ding...


That's when the pops
will be done.


-Okay, Bear.


excuse me. Tutter?

Uh-oh. Yes, Bear?

-One more thing about a timer.

You don't have
to actually watch it.

You can actually,
like, go off, scamper away,

do other things, play.

-Scamper away?

Whoa, whoa, now, whoa, whoa.
Hold on just a second, Bear!

Do you mean to say that

that I could be over
there in my mousehole,

sweeping up, o-o-or sitting
in my screening room

watching a movie, o-or
just relaxing by the lap pool...

-Lap pool?

Whoa. A-And meanwhile,
outside, here in the kitchen...

uh, the-the-the pops are
in the freezer freezing.

And I-I don't have to sit
here and wait at all?


The timer will tell
you when to come back!

Wow, boy! Howdy!

What'll they think of next, huh?

Okay. Wow! Thank you, Bear.

Boy, I'll see you later!
Boy, what an education.

-[chuckles] Woo. Oh.
-Okay, Tutter.

-See ya, Bear.
-See you later.


[Shadow's laughter]

Did you hear that?
That sounded like Shadow.

[Shadow's laughter]

That's Shadow, all right, and it
sounds like she's upstairs.

Come on. Let's go find her.

Now remember, if we look
real hard

and sing our song
together, she might appear!



♪ Where-o where-o where is-- ♪



I've been waiting for you,
my fuzzy old friend!


-Well, I'm sorry, Shadow.

So, um,
what have you been up to, today?

Ah. I was just taking a nap
in the shadow of a tree.


That sounds relaxing, Shadow.


Well, do you happen to have
a story for us, today?

Indeed I do, Bear.

And wait till you hear this one.

Just watch!

[magic fairy dust sound]

♪ She'll be comin' around
the mountain when she comes ♪

♪ When she comes ♪

♪ She'll be comin' around
the mountain when she comes ♪

♪ When she comes ♪

♪ She'll be comin'
around the mountain ♪

♪ She'll be comin'
around the mountain ♪

♪ She'll be comin'
around the mountain ♪

♪ When she comes
When she comes ♪

♪ Well is she coming or not? ♪

Telegram for Tex.

I'm Tex. I'll take that.

'Coming 'round
the mountain next week.

Sorry for the wait.

Love, Mom'

I'll be dog-goned.

Guess we'll have to wait.


Got any cards?

Wow! That was great, Shadow!

Um, Shadow, did "she" ever
come around that mountain?

Actually, Bear, she did.

And she had quite a tale tell.

-But, that's another story!


Well, I must fly!

But, if you can't wait
for another story-


just try and catch me!

[chuckles] Thank-you, Shadow.



Hey, I wonder,

do you think
Ojo's still downstairs waiting.

Come on.
Let's go see what she's up to.


Hey, Ojo.

-Oh. Hi, Bear.
-Still waiting, huh?

[sigh] Yeah. Still waiting.



Will my surprise
package ever come?

Oh. I'm sure Jeremiah will
be here any time now.

It's just that he can be...

-you know... a little...

Heh. Oh boy, do I know.

But, well, do you think that
it'll be here soon, Bear?

Well, it's hard to tell how
long something will take.

But there are ways to make
the waiting go faster...

Oh. I don't want the waiting
to go faster, Bear!

I want it to be over.

The penguin jumps up
and yells "Radio! "


Oh. Hey, Bear!

Hi, Ojo!

Hey, Pip. Hey, Pop.

So, whatcha doin'?


-[gasps] Waiting?


Oh, oh, oh,
Ojo, c-could we wait with you?


This "waiting"
thing might be fun.

Yeah. [chuckles]

Oh well, maybe it will be
fun if you guys wait with me.

-All right!

We love wait-ing!

So um,

by the way, what exactly-

Are we waiting for?

Oh. Ojo's expecting a package-

A surprise package! [chuckles]


a surprise package
from her Uncle Koala.

A surprise package!

What's in it? Ooo.

Well... um...
that's the surprise.



You know, I, uh,

think it's safe to say that
this "waiting" thing is hard.



Heh. Seemed like a good idea
at the time, though. Heh.


Oh. Tell me about it.

I've been sitting here all day.

[inspired] Oh, oh! Hey, Ojo!


Why don't,
why don't we do something else?

[inspired] Oh, oh yeah, like-Oh!

Oh! Let's go
in and play pirate ship!

-Oh yeah!

We could turn over
the coffee table!

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It'll be really...

... really... great!

Yeah. We swab the deck.

And meet you topside.

Argh. Avast ye swabbies.

Shiver me liver.

-Um... Bear?
-Yes, Ojo?

Well, um...

it's just that, um...

Bear, well, um... my package.

I don't want to miss
it when it comes.

Don't worry, Ojo.

When Jeremiah gets here

he'll ring the bell
and I will come get you.


Ah. Gee, thanks, Bear.

Avast ye swabbies!

Captin' Ojo's ready to set sail!


Hey, this sounds like fun.

Come on.



Ahoy, lads!

Weigh anchor!

How much does the anchor weigh?

About ten pounds!


-[timer ringing]

Do you hear that sound?

Do you remember what it is?

That's right!
It's the kitchen timer.

-That means it's-

It's "Cheesy Fruit Pop" time!

Oh... yum.

Oh, oh, Bear, Bear!
I-It was just like you said.

I heard "ding!"

A-And look!
My cheesy fruit pops are ready!

Hey, hey, Ojo?

Would you care
for a "cheesy fruit pop? "

Mmm. Wow, thanks Tutter.

-Say, Tutter?

Can we have a "cheesy fruit pop,
" too?

-Sure, guys, sure.

"Cheesy Fruit Pop?"
Treelo want one.

Why sure, Treelo, sure!

There's plenty for everybody!

Yeah. Dig in!

-[doorbell ringing]

Ojo, the doorbell just rang.


I wonder who that could be?

Well, it could be
your surprise package...

-[Pip gasps]
-Ooo. Ooo. Ooo.

My surprise package! Ooo.

It's here? Already? Wow!

C'mon, Bear!
Let's go! Let's go to the door.

Okay, come on.



Gee, there doesn't seem
to be anybody here.

Uh, down... here... Bear...

Oh hi, Jeremiah!

-It's Jeremiah Tortoise!

Oh. Hello, Bear.

A-Actually, I'm looking
for little, uh, oh,


[excited] Oh. Here I am,
here I am, here I am!

Oh, well, hello there, Ojo.

Hi Jeremiah. Ooo.

You know... I-I think.
I have a, uh, special, uh...

Ooo, ooo, a package?

Yes, uh. it's a package.

-Oh yeah. Here it is.
-Oh, oh, oh.

-I'll take it, Jeremiah.
-Oh, oh, oh.

Let's go open it.
Thank you, Jeremiah.

-Oh why...
-Let's go open it, Bear.

you're, uh...
welcome little, uh, Ojo.

I-I think... I must be, um...

-Uh, yes! Going, right... eo!

[chuckles] Well...
it was... uh... good... uh...

Seeing you too, Jeremiah!

Ah yes. Bye... uh.

-Bear, Bear! Right.

[chuckles] I've got some
Christmas cards to deliver.


Oh Bear, please,
please help me open the box!

-Please, please, please.
-Well, of course, Ojo.

Now let's see what's inside
this surprise package.

Oh wow. Look at this.

Oh wow!

-Look at.
-It's a hat!

Look at what Uncle
Koala sent me!

Oh wait! There's a note.

"G'day, Ojo.

Hope you enjoy your Aussie
outback hat, my little mate.

Love, Uncle Koala."



Uncle Koala's the best!

This sure was worth waiting for.

Thanks Bear.

-Your welcome, Ojo.

-Hey, guys!

Look at what my Uncle
Koala gave me.

-Look at that hat.


Wow! This has been some day.


Let's go up and tell
Luna all about it.

Come on.

Ahh! The attic.

I just love it up here.

It's one of my favorite places
here in the Big Blue House.

Wanna know why?

Because there's so much
neat stuff up here.


Like this!

This is my old yearbook from
when I went to Hazelnut High.

Wow, this brings back memories.

You know I was voted "Most
likely to Cha-cha-cha."


The attic is just full
of so many good memories.

It's also where I come up
to talk to my old friend, Luna,

and tell her about my day.

Come on. Let's go find her.


Good evening, Luna.

And good evening to you, Bear.


So, tell me, what happened
in the Big Blue House, today?

-Well, we did a lot!

But it took a while...

and a lot of waiting.


Why was that?

Well, Ojo was waiting for a
package from her Uncle Koala.

And Tutter couldn't wait for his
"Cheesy Fruit Pops" to freeze.

Hm. My goodness, Bear.

That was a lot to wait
for in just one day.


You can say that again.

-Hmm, but, you know Bear-

I wait for a lot of things.

I wait for spring flowers.

I wait for the winter snow...

And every day I wait
for my old friend, Ray,

sun to go down so I can rise.


Well, Luna, before you go,

would you join me in singing
the "Good-bye Song"?

Of course, Bear.

It's what I've
waited for all day.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
And the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

I hope you had fun.



And by the way,
please come back and visit soon.

I can't wait to see you!



[theme song]