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03x17 - The Tutter Family Reunion

Posted: 04/16/24 08:31
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear
Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you.
-In the house of blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
To the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
To the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪

[Scottish accent] Highland,
is this the place?

Aye. This looks like
the Big Blue House alright.

But no one is here.

Hm. Hey, let's check the wee
locker in the back.

Come along Billy, We'll be back.

I wanna play baseball.


Oh! [chuckles] Hi there!

It's you! Come on in!

I'm so glad to see you!

It's very exciting today,


wait a second...
What's that smell?

It smells like... [sniffing]

orange juice!




[gasps] It's you!


Ooh, tell me,

were you just drinking a big
glass of orange juice?

Because you smell all
sweet and orange-y.

[sniffing] Aaah!

Or maybe you smell
this good all the time.


Anyway, today is very exciting
here in the Big Blue House!

Tutter and his Grandma Flutter

are having a few relatives
come over to visit,

and, they're getting ready in
the kitchen!

Come on!
Let's go see how they're doing.

Careful, Bear, careful.

-We don't want it to deflate.

Woop! Gently... Gently.

Wow! Boy... Howdy! Look at that.

-Ha ha!

But uh what is it?

Well, it's something
that's been a part of

every Tutter family

The Tutter Family Loaf!

Yeah, thirteen kinds
of cheese to be exact, Bear!

Thirteen. [chuckles]

Ooh, it's a top secret recipe.

Seems like an,
awful lot for just a few mice.

Well you know, we
Tutters may be small,

but we can eat our weight!

[chuckles] Yeah-yeah, and if you
can't finish eating it...

You can live in it!


-[chuckles] Sounds great.
-Oh ho ho, that's rich!

Yeah, Bear, yeah.

You know, I think that this
is going to be

the best
family get together ever!

Even if it is just a few
of the Tutters!

Well, family gatherings are
always fun,

no matter what their size.

Oh true, Bear, true.

Well, Tutter, what do you say

we get started
on those cheesaritas?

The favorite
Tutter family drink!

But, you know what, Grandma?

I think I've got a bunch

of those little umbrellas,
in my mousehole!

-Ooh, great!
-Let's get going.

All-righty! Bye Bear.

See you later, Grandma.

-Oh, um, Bear?
-Yes, Tutter...

I just wanted to say

it sure is nice of you,
letting us gather in your home.

Family sure is
important to us Tutters!

-Oh, my pleasure, Tutter.

GRANDMA: Tutter!
Time's a wastin'!

-Times a wastin'. Come on!
-Coming, Grandma!

Bye, Bear!
This is so exciting! [chuckles]

-Oh boy oh boy oh boy...
-Okay, Tutter, see you later.

Tutter sure has a great family!



There so many different
kinds of families.


In some families, kids live
with their Mom and Dad---

and maybe a pet or two.

And in some families,
kids live with just their mom,

or with just their dad.

And in some families, kids
live with aunts and uncles

or grandma or grandpa

or with
somebody who just loves them.

And even if you don't live
with all of your family,

they're still your family.

[doorbell rings]

-Bear! Bear!

[panting] Bear, they're here!
They're here, Bear!

Well you gotta come on!
Come and meet them!

Okay, Tutter, okay. I'm coming.


Do you want to meet Tutter's
family? Well, come on!

Welcome to the Big Blue...

I don't see anybody here.

Down there, Bear, down there!


Oh, oh!

Well, hello there.

Oh look, Bear. Look.

It's little baby Blotter,
and his Mom, Juner Tutter!

it's nice to meet you, Juner.

Oh, it's my pleasure, Bear.

Tutter has told me
so much about you.


Only the nice things, Bear.


True, but he didn't tell how
big you are Bear -

big, big, big!

But you know, Bear likes
to take care of all of us,

just like
you take care of Baby Blotter.


I know how difficult
that can be on your own.

Being a single mom
with my little Baby Blotter.

Wow! Blotter!

Wow, she's gotten bigger!

Goochie-goochie ­ goo!


it is so nice to meet you, Bear,

but I think we better
get inside-

Nice to meet you too.
Come right in.

Come in. Yeah! Yeah!

Wow, Tutter, it's nice
to meet your relatives.

Mmm, yeah!

Over here, Tutter! Over here!


Yucker Tutter at your service!

Hey, Yucker, how're you doing?

And Uncle Fez, aah...

Welcome to the Big Blue House.

Hey Bear, you remember Yucker,
he's a real joker!

Did you. see my flower.


A flower that squirts water...

Yeah, that is funny, Yucker.

Uh, come on in.

You too, Uncle Fez.
Come on in, guys.

Well, Tutter, I think you and I
really should get inside now.

[with accent]
Well this must be the house!

It's big and blue!

But I dunna what's this orange
furry mountain in the doorway.

Look, Bear!
It's Grandpa Highland McTutter.

Holy Hopscotch!

The mountain moves!

It's a big big big bear!


Oh, and look.
There's Uncle Jet Setter Tutter

Ciao, Tutter, baby. How are you?

And look at the Bear, what a

big, big bear.

Well, it's nice to meet you two.

Come on in.


So, um...

Tutter, I thought you said
just few mice were coming over.

Yeah. Unfortunately not all the
family could make the reunion.

-Oh yeah!

A reunion.

Well, you know, Bear, where
everyone in your family

gets together for food and fun!

And-and like I said, Bear,

it sure is nice of you
to let us have it here!

Well sure,
Tutter, that's no problem.

So, is that everyone?


Oh, no, Bear, oh no, no!

-No. No.

In fact, look, here's the Tutter

Holler Tutters: There's Shouter.


-Are we there yet?

-Hey th-there, T-T-Tutter.

...and Jim.


More Tutters?

Yeah well sure, Bear. Sure.

You know, maybe you should
just leave the door open?

And, Bear we'd better
get those snacks going.

-You know why?

You don't want to leave a bunch
of hungry Tutters -

they'll eat holes in your walls!


They will? Really?

Tutter! Tutter-where did he go?

-Uh... Hello there... Hello.
-OJO: Bear! Bear!

Huh? That sounds like Ojo.

We'd better go see
what's happening.

Excuse me.

Ojo! Ojo?

Ojo, what is it?

Bear! I was playing
pretend in the living room

and I was going to make a
pretend pillow castle, but

well, look!

Why hello there, my dear,

a smashing fur you're wearing.


The fur,
like-that's just me, I mean...

-W-w-w-watch out!

There're bears around here.

But, I'm a bear and I'm
not trying to scare you,

I just wanted to make
a pretend pillow castle.

Hey, we got some
pillows over here, man.

[cheering] [laughing]

Bear! What am I going to do?

I want to play pretend!

Well I know, I know, Ojo.

But this is Tutter's family,

and they're just visiting
for a little while...

PIP/POP: Bear! Bear!

That sounds like Pip and Pop.

I'm going to go check on them,

-I'll be right back.
-Okay. I'll be here...


Bear, Bear, Bear.
I'm coming! Pip, Pop,

What is going on?

Bear, we wanted to play
in the bathtub because,

you know -we love water!

But uh. Tutter's family everywhere! Look!

I'm king of the world!

I'm king of the world!

I'm king of the world!

He won't stop saying that!

What are we going to do?

Well, guys, I know. But you
see, this is Tutter's family

and they're guests and we want
to treat them nicely, right?

Bear! Bear!

It's Treelo...

I have to go see what's wrong.
I'll be right back...


I just want to play baseball!


Yes, Treelo, what is it?

Treelo want to play
and jump on bed, Bear!

On the bed.

-You want to play on the bed?

I think it's
ok, I mean, it's ok with me.

But Bear, look!


Anybody got any camembert?

-Uh no.
-Let me see...

I don't have any good cards.

Go cheese!


Too many Tutters, Bear!

I see what you mean, Treelo.

I think it's
time I go talk to Tutter.

I'll see what I can do.

Come on.

I still want to play baseball!


Hey! Are we playing
cards here or what?

I bet Tutter's in the kitchen
getting ready for ...

And as we leave the kitchen you
will l notice a big bear...

-This way.

Huh? Look at all the Tutters!


They're even
swimming in the sink.


Can you find Tutter?

Bear, I'm right here.

-Oh, there he is!
-[chuckles] Boy!

Isn't this something, Bear?

All these Tutters!

Gee, it's such a pity
so few could make it.


Uh, Tutter actually that's what
I wanted to talk to you about.

The thing is.

I want to play baseball!

I'm sure we'll play later,


Now Blotter...

Hey! Guys no chewing
on my new chair, okay?

Hey look, Bear, I'll
meet you down at my mousehole.

Tutter! Tutter...

Bear, what were you saying?

I'm saying you should make
sure all these mice don't...

Don't get lost.
Yeah, tell me about it Bear.

Besides it's almost time
for the big reunion dinner.

I wonder where cousin Tardy is?

It's time for dinner, Tutter.
Come on.

Ok Grandma!
Sorry Bear, I gotta go!

Hey you guys! Come and get it!

[talking all]

Well, um, okay Tutter.

-We'll uh... talk later.

Wow. That's a lot of mice.

I wonder
what it's like in there...

What a beautiful party loaf!

Makes me weep just sniffing it.

I need a little elbow room here!

[talking all]

Uhm, excuse me
your attention please

your attention... Quiiiiiieeet!

Quite enough.

[demurely] Thank you.

I'd like to welcome one and all
to the Tutter Family Reunion!



Tutter Family Reunion!
Tutter Family Reunion!


And to start things off

this year's toast will
be given by our host...

Tutter B. Tutter.

-What? Me?

You want little ol' me
to do the family toast?

Tut-ter! Tut-ter! Tut-ter!

Oh, well, if I must.

[clears throat]

First of all I would
just like to say

don't worry about spilling
crumbs on the floor,

we can snack on that later!


[chuckle] I love that one.

Now let us all raise
our cheesaritas for a toast,

I would just like to say
how happy and proud I am

to have all you Tutters, here...

I say Tutter

don't we have some
other silverware

that's not bent, perhaps? Hmm?

Um, okay, I can go look. Um...

Finish you're toast dear.

Well, like I was saying...

I want you to know

how nice it is to be part
of this big happy family...

This is taking too long.

My cheese is getting moldy.

You call this a cheesarita?

I say,

this party loaf does not compare
to the one we had in Timbuktu.

Now that was a party loaf, baby!


[talking all]



I know there are a lot
of Tutters here today.

A lot?

Bear, this is more than a lot!

It's well too much!

The bathroom looked like

some kind of Tutter family
beach club!


Treelo stepped in cheese!

Yes, but see,
this is a big day for Tutter.

His whole family is here...

Well yeah, I know it is,
Bear, but we're here too.

I understand, Ojo.

But we're just going to have to
wait to talk to Tutter, later,

-after his family leaves...

Boy, my family's crazy!

Oh, hey, guys.

[hostile] Hey, Tutter.

Tutter what's wrong?

It's my family, Bear!

My family!

I mean, I know they may just
seem like a great bunch of mice

never be any trouble to anyone,

but believe you me,

they can make
things really hard on you!

They really can?

You can say that again, Tutter.

What do you mean?

My family being here has
bothered you guys, too?

Well, yeah, Tutter!

I couldn't even play
pretend in the living room.

Yeah, and we couldn't
play in the bathtub!

Treelo stepped in cheese!


Gee... I had no idea.

Well why didn't
you say so before?

Well, Tutter,
I think that everybody thought

your family was so
important to you,

you just forgot about all of us.


Wow. I'm sorry.


I guess there is kind of a lot
of Tutter's around here today,


-You ain't kidding.

And I don't mind saying,
they can be kind of a pain.

Yeah, a real pain in the...

[gasps] Grandma!

Oh boy, I didn't mean...

Don't worry,
Tutter, I know what you mean.


And I just want
to say to all of you

that we Tutter's
really appreciate

your putting up with our family.

Well Tutter, even though
your family can be difficult,

they still want to see you.

Really, but-but Grandma,

they wouldn't even let me talk!

Tutter, families are one of the
greatest things in the world,

but none of them are perfect.

That's right, Tutter.

Why don't we go back inside
and see how everybody is...

Oh, okay.
If you say so, Grandma.

Oh, and... I'm sorry again guys.

I'll see you later though, okay?

Okay, Tutter. Have fun.

Bye-bye. Come on, Ojo.

Enjoy that party loaf.

Are you sure about this,

Well, Tutter, you might be
surprised at how they feel.

Oh Tutter!

Muy rico cheese loaf, man.

-Very good!

Tutter! Tutter!
I just wanted you to know...

that that was a very wonderful
toast that you made.

-Yeah, yeah!

I don't usually like toasts and
thought that was great.

Uh thanks! Wow, Grandma.

What happened?

Well, Tutter, the funny
thing about family is that

they can complain a lot,
but they still love you too.

That's right!

Tutter's stick together!

♪ Tutters, sound off ♪

♪ Tito Yucker Juner Hopper ♪

♪ Shouter Mutter
Tutter Grandma Flutter! ♪

♪ Mmm... ♪

♪ Tutters, Tutters
Fondly now we pledge ♪

♪ Our loyalty to all
Here in the ring ♪

♪ And though we sometimes
Push each other on the edge ♪

♪ Our little hearts
Are swelling as we sing ♪

♪ As we sing ♪

One, two, three!

♪ Well you might like to eat
Cheese and crackers in bed ♪

So nice!

♪ And you like to walk around
With a bucket on your head ♪

-Hey, hey, hey! Look at me!

♪ Well, some things
that drives me crazy, ♪

♪ You think are great fun ♪


♪ But still, we're all Tutters
Now and forever ♪

♪ Together as one ♪

♪ We're together
Together as one ♪

♪ Well, we have our silly spats
But l gotta say ♪

♪ It's really nice whoa ♪

♪ It's nice
Yeah, it's really nice ♪

♪ To harmonize with this pack
Of loyal ever-loving mice ♪

♪ Lovin' mice, loyal
Lovin' mice ♪

♪ And while you might not find
A fussier bunch of folks ♪

♪ Under the sun oh yeah ♪

♪ Gettin' fussy under the sun
Whoa, we're all Tutters ♪

♪ Now and forever
Together as one ♪

♪ Hear me now as I say whoa ♪

♪ We're all Tutters now
And forever together as one ♪

♪ Oh yeah! ♪


Thanks a lot for helping
me clean up, you guys.

Thanks a lot.

-Sure, Tutter.
-No problem.

Hey, you know, you've got
a pretty cool family, Tutter.

Even if there is a lot of them!

-I guess I'm pretty lucky.

Eve: if they
do drive me crazy sometimes.


Kind of like you guys!

Oh, um...

Not that you guys drive me uh...

What I mean is, what I mean
is that I think of you guys

as my family too...


I think we know what you mean.

-I love you guys.


We love you too.

Uh excuse me,
but could you direct me to

the Tutter family reunion?

Oh no!

Am I late?

You're always late,
cousin Tardy!


Come on back, cousin Tardy.

There's more
than enough party loaf.


Wow! We've had a great day!

Let's go up and tell
Luna all about it.

Ah! Hello, Luna.

Bear, did I see

a lot of little blue mice
leaving your house this evening,

or were the clouds
playing tricks on my eyes?


No Luna,
there were a lot of mice today.

It was the Tutter
Family Reunion!


It's great to be part
of a family

whether you live all
together all the time or not.

Families are amazing things.


I like that there are
all kinds of families.

In fact, Bear,

I like to think of you
and all your friends

as a kind of family, too.

Yeah, huh.

I see what you mean.


Um, Luna, how about singing
the "Goodbye Song" with me?

I would love to Bear,
I would love to.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
Well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
Good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
And the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

♪ To come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

I hope you had fun.



Oh Bear.


And remember, you've always
got a second family

here in the Big Blue House!

Right, cousin Tardy?


[chuckles] Bye-bye!


So, cousin Tardy, would
you like to have some cheese?

Oh, I'd love to, but only
if it's not too much trouble.

[theme song]