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04x16 - Big Blue Home Of The Brave

Posted: 04/16/24 08:45
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

♪ Hello, everybody ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley ♪

♪ -Coming through
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kinds of
folks to meet here ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here ♪

♪ -Lots to do
-Hydrants too ♪

♪ And our house of blue ♪

♪ We've got friends
with class here ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's just the beginning ♪

♪ -Whoop-dee-doo
-Moonlight too ♪

♪ Plus our house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
- Come on in! ♪

- ♪ Now you're here.
- So let's... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

[theme music plays]

-[bell ringing]

Oh, [chuckles]

Hi, there. It's so good to
see you again. Come on it!

I was just about to drop
Tutter off at Mouse School.

Wait a second? [sniffs]

What's that smell?


Ha! It's you!


Tell me, were you just having
whole wheat muffins?


Or do you smell this
good all the time?

[bell ringing]

OJO: Bear. Bear!

-Hey Bear?
-Oh, hey Ojo!

-Hey Bear.
-I thought I saw you

racing by on your bike?

Wow, you're getting really
good on those training wheels.

Oh yeah, Bear. And guess what?

I have a few new
tricks to show you.

Oh, that's great, Ojo!

Let's drop off Tutter
at mouse school!

And then you can show me.

Okay, Bear. Come on.

Hey, you come too.


Mrs. Bopper is so funny, Luke.
You know they decided to...

-Good morning, class.
-Good morning Miss Maxwell.

Ready to sing the Woodland
Valley Mouse School song?!

A one and a two and
a one two three.

[music plays]

[all clears throat]

♪ O woodland
valley mouse school ♪

♪ To thee we pledge true blue ♪

♪ Although you... may be small ♪

♪ big things come out of you! ♪

♪ So marching side by side ♪

♪ Or standing ear to ear ♪

♪ We raise our tails together ♪

♪ And we give a
great big cheer ♪

♪ we raise our tails together ♪

♪ And we give a great ♪

♪ Big cheer! ♪

♪ Great big cheer ♪

Oh, oh... That was wonderful!

Thanks Miss Maxwell!


And Tutter,

it's a pleasure to see
how much you enjoy

singing the school song.

Oh, it was nothing!
I sing. It's what I do.

Well... uh... you know about
the music recital we are having?

Oh, sure, Miss Maxwell...

Boy, everyone's
really excited about it.

Well, ya know Tutter we'll
be singing the Cheese Chorus

in C minor by Wolfgang
Amadeus Mouseart.

He was a genius!

Oh, yeah, yeah, true, true...

you know, the Emmenthaler
solo is my favorite part... oh,

plus Emmenthaler's one
of my favorite cheeses.

So, you know... go figure!

Well, Tutter, I'm very
glad to hear you say that.

Because, I was thinking

you'd be perfect to sing the
Emmenthaler solo in our recital.


You want me to sing
The Emmenthaler Solo?

-Can I think about it?

Uh, well, yes, certainly.

-LUKE: Oh, Miss Maxwell?


Oh, oh, oh,
wonderful! It looks like

our robes for the music
recital have arrived.

How do I look?

Just wonderful, oh, Luke! Class?

Everyone, come get your robes!

-Oh yeah.
-Yeah, let's get them.

There over here.

Luke! Miss Maxwell just asked me

to sing The Emmenthaler
Solo in the recital!

You? Oh, everybody, everybody!

Tutter's gonna sing
the Emmenthaler Solo?

Wow! You're doing the solo?

-You lucky mouse!

I, for one, think you're
an excellent choice Tutter.

As they say in the music world,
you've got some pipes, cat.

Cat? Where? Where's a cat?

It's just an expression.
What I mean is,

Tutter is a mouse
with a very good voice.

Yeah, that's true.

Maybe you guys are right!

I'll do it. I'll do it,
Miss Maxwell!

O-h, that's wonderful.

You're a brave mouse,
Tutter to sing all alone

in front of everyone
like that... oh.

Brave? Me? I, uh...

Yeah... guess I am...

Come on, Tutter, maybe you
and I should start practicing

the solo while the class
tries on their robes...

Okay, Miss Maxwell.

Why... uh... boy oh boy, [gulps]

what have I got myself into...

Tutter! Coming, Miss Maxwell!

[music plays]

OJO: Weeee! Ready
for my first trick, Bear?

Ready Ojo!

See, see Bear? I'm
waving while I ride. See, See.

[laughs] That's great, Ojo.

And, and you ready
from my other trick, Bear?

Are you watching Bear?

I'm watching, Ojo.

Eeergh! There that's my
quick stop. Nice, huh, Bear?

That's great, Ojo.

Thanks, Bear. The
training wheels kind of help.

You know, Ojo, I've noticed
that your training wheels

were hardly touching the ground!

Really? Hmm... because,
I was thinking, Bear.

About what, Ojo?

Well, I was thinking about

taking my training
wheels off again.

Oh, what a great idea, Ojo.

Wheel on over and I'll
take them off for you.

Oh, no, no, no, Bear. I
was just thinking about it.

I don't know though. Remember
what happened the last time?

Ojo, are you okay?

Uh, oh... oh... I- I'm fine,

-I guess. I... uh... uh...
-She's okay!

Yeah... sometimes things
don't go the way you want

when you're trying
something new.

Oh, I don't have to take
them off yet, do I, Bear?

Oh, of course not, Ojo.

You can keep them
on as long as you want.

But when you do
decide to take them off,

I'll be right there behind you.

Oh... just let me think about
it some more, okay, Bear?

Sure, Ojo.

-Okay. Bye, Bear!
-Bye, Ojo. See you later.

Wow. It's really brave of Ojo

to want to take off her
training wheels again.

Yeah. Brave!

When you think
of the word "brave",

you probably think of...

A knight saving a
castle from a dragon...


Or a super hero
who saves the day.


But to be brave, you don't have
to be a knight or a superhero.

In fact,

being brave is something
most of us are every day.

♪ Now, learning to walk
must have been kind of scary ♪

♪ Back when you
were two feet tall ♪

♪ It's a good thing that
you found the courage ♪

♪ Or you'd still have to crawl ♪

♪ If every time
the circumstance ♪

♪ Requires you
to take a chance ♪

♪ You decide to give it a go ♪

♪ That clearly shows
you're braver than you know ♪

♪ Like your first day of
school or learning to swim ♪

♪ Apologizing
when you're wrong ♪

♪ If you get the jitters
hey don't be a quitter ♪

♪ Remember you've got courage
and that makes you strong ♪

♪ Every time the circumstance ♪

♪ Requires you
to take a chance ♪

♪ You decide to give it a go ♪

♪ And that clearly shows
you're braver than you know ♪

♪ Hey, it's good to know
you've got experience ♪

♪ Whenever you need
a little confidence ♪

♪ Remember you're
gonna show 'em ♪

♪ That you're not afraid ♪

♪ Come on get
goin' you know that ♪

♪ You're on your way
to lettin' it show ♪

♪ you're so much
braver than you know ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

See you're...

TUTTER: La-la-la-la-la-la-laaaa!
Oh, Hickory, Dickory!

That sounds like
Tutter. Come on.

That's not it.

[blows on pitch harmonica]


Tutter, what are you doing?

Oh, trying to warm up,
Bear. Trying to warm up!

Miss Maxwell asked me

to sing the solo in the... in
the school's recital, Bear!

Oh, that's wonderful, Tutter!

No, you don't understand, Bear.

I'm singing a solo just me!

Up there! Spot lights! On me,

-What's all the noise about?
-Oh, hey guys.

Oh, who am I kidding Bear.

A little ol' mouse like
me singing one of th-the

great mouse classic
solo's? Who do I think I am,

Luciano Havarti
or something? Oh!

-Tutter, Tutter!
-Oh, just can't...

Breathe in... breathe out.


Now, Tutter remember,
you're among friends.


Well, okay. But, I'm not
promising anything, guys.

[clears throat] [blows]

La-la-la-la-la-la... that
sounds good, I guess.

Here goes...


♪ Emmenthaller, oh Emmenthaller
oh, holiest of cheeses ♪

-That's great, Tutter.

Wow Tutter,
are you like just a mouse?

Or some kind of super
music robot?!


Tutter, you rock!

-I sounded okay?
-Tutter, you were great!

Can't wait to see the recital.

Yeah, me too.

Um, Tutter, you don't
sound too happy about it.

And you sang really well.

B-b-but, Bear it's one thing
to sing in front of your friends

and quite another to sing in
front of the whole mouse school!

Tutter, is the Emmen-Emmetha...

is this solo something
you want to do?

Well, uh, yeah, Bear, I do.

I've always dreamed of
singing in "the spotlight..."

I just wish I knew for sure...
that I wasn't going to mess up.

Well, Tutter,
think about it this way,

if everyone knew how
things were gonna turn out

before we did them, nobody
would ever do anything new!

You know, you're right,
Bear. Thanks! I can do this!

That's great, Tutter.

Yeah, b-b-but, maybe,
just to be sure,

I'll practice a little more,

That sounds like a good idea.

And if you need any help,
just let me know.

Okay, Bear, I will.

[blows] [clears throat]

♪ Mommy made me
mashed my mozzarella, ♪

♪ Mommy made me
mashed my mozzarella... ♪

[music plays]

Ah. The classics.

When you're reading a good book,
you could lose track of time.



Do you hear that?

[Shadow laughs]

That sounds like
Shadow! You know,

if we look real hard and sing
our song, she might appear?



♪ Where-o-where-o-where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o-where-o-where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o-where-o-where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be? ♪


[Shadow laughs]

I'm up here, Bear!

Oh, hello there, Shadow!
What have you been up today?

Oh, I just came up with a great
new trick, Bear! Watch this!


Oh, Shadow, you okay?

Oh, yes. I'm fine, Bear. I still
need to work on it, though.

Well, before you do, Shadow,

do you happen to have
a story for us today?

of course I do Bear. Just watch.

♪ Cowboy flounder was his name ♪

Yup that's me

♪ Herdin' cattle was his game ♪


♪ How did a fish ride
with the best of them? ♪

♪ It's because he
didn't want to swim ♪

No, I didn't

♪ Some folks laughed
but only a few ♪

hee hee hee hee...
A fish cowboy...

Sorry there, flounder,
I didn't mean it's bad. Bye!

♪ The rest knew it took guts ♪

He sure has a lot of guts

♪ To be the you that's true ♪

yup a fish's got to do
what a fish's gotta do

♪ And crazy as this
story may seem ♪


♪ He was the best cowboy ♪

♪ When it came to
crossin' a stream ♪

hee hee what's the
matter with y'all...

'Raid to gettin' your feet wet?
Hee hee

just be yourself little
partners, that's real courage.

Wow, what a great story, Shadow!

Why, thank you Bear,

and if you need another
story just try and catch me!

Ha ha!

-Bye, Shadow!
-Bye, Bear.


Well, this bear can
use a good night's sleep.


That sounds like
Tutter. Come on!


-Hey, Tutter,

-Still practicing?
-Yeah, yup,

I'm still practicing,
Bear. Practicing,

[yawns] Practicing, practicing!

Um, Tutter,

maybe you've practiced
enough for today. In fact,

maybe what you could use right
now is a good night's sleep.

Oh, right. I getcha. Rest the
pipes. Rest the pipes, Bear!

Exactly, Tutter. Yeah...

Bear, um...

you'll be there tomorrow,
right, Bear?

Oh, Tutter, I wouldn't miss it.

Thank you, Bear.

You're welcome,
Tutter. Good night.

Good night.

Ah, they grow up so fast.

[music plays]

We're just in time.


Friends and Family
of the Mouse School.

Welcome to our spring concert!


May I present to you...

The Mouse School
Chorus featuring soloist...

Tutter T. Tutter!


This is so exciting.

It's like being
at a real concert.

-It is concert.
-Oh, no wonder!

♪ Emmanthaller! Emmanthaller! ♪

♪ Emmanthaller! ♪

♪ Emmanthaller, emmanthaller,
holiest of cheeses. ♪

♪ Whether, shredded,
sliced or cubed, ♪

♪ Your flavor always pleases! ♪

♪ Providence upon us shined ♪

♪ when it formed
thy salted rind ♪

♪ Crowning Jewel
of all mousekind! ♪

♪ Eh ehhhh ehhh- ♪

♪ Ehhh- ♪

♪ Mmanthaller! ♪

-That was amazing!

Is it over! How did it go?

Great Tutter, take your bows.

Bravisimo, Tutter! Bravisimo!

Hey, Bear. Hey
everybody. I did it! I did it!


You rock Tutter!

Boy, you know,
Tutter that was really brave.

How did it feel, you know...
doing something like that?

Oh, well, Qo. I was
kind of nervous at first.

But as soon as
I started singing.

I felt better and better!

Okay, everyone,
we're serving a sampling of

all the cheeses mentioned in the
Chorus out behind the school.

That's great.

So, what did you think Bear?

You've never sung better
Tutter. I am so proud of you.

Come on, Tutter,
your fans are waiting!

-Yeah, come on, Tutter.
-You're the mouse of the hour!

-Go on, Tutter.
-Okay, guys! Let's go!

Bye-bye, Bear!

Bear, um... I was thinking,

later I might try to ride
without my training wheels.

Well, only if you
think you're ready, Ojo.

I am. And uh... you'll
be right behind me, right?

You can count on it, Ojo.

Oh, good!


Okay, Ojo,
the training wheels are off.

Now you just let me
know when you're ready...

Oh, okay,
on the count of three...

But, you're going to push me and
hold on for a while, right Bear?

I'll be right here, Ojo!

Oh, okay... one, two, three...

-Keep holding on, Bear!
-I'm right here.

Oh, okay, Bear. Let go, Bear!


That's it, Ojo! You're doing it!

[bell ringing]

[laughs] Bear I did it!

I'm riding without
my training wheels.

And you're doing it
all by yourself, Ojo!

Oh, yeah...I knew I could do it,

I knew I could do it.

Hey look at me...
I'm doing it again!

Go, Ojo, go!

[laughs] Weeee!

[music plays]

Wow, so much has happened today.

You know, I bet Luna
would love to hear all about it.

Come on! Let's go tell her.

Hey, there's Luna now!

Hello, Luna. What
are you up to tonight?

I was just watching the world

turn under the glow of my light.

Oh and we're glad
you're up there Luna.


So how is everything
in the Big Blue House?

Well, Ojo and Tutter
were so brave today, Luna.

Ooh, what did they do, Bear?

Ojo rode her bike
without training wheels.

And Tutter sang a solo!

Oh, my, my...

Yeah, they're doing so
many new things now, Luna.

Well, doing new things
is a big part of growing up.

I wonder what they'll do next?

Well, Bear, it's hard to say...

but the sky's the limit ...and I
should know... I'm the moon!


True. Well, Luna,

would you sing the
Goodbye Song with me?

I'd love to, Bear.

♪-Hey this was really fun
-We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey
I say well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon the bear
and the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for
you to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!


I almost forgot. Thanks for
visiting the Big Blue House.

And next time you want to
try something new remember.

I believe in you and so
should you! See you soon!