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04x25 - Let it Go

Posted: 04/16/24 08:54
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

♪ Hello, everybody ♪

♪ Welcome to Woodland Valley ♪

♪ -Coming through.
-Oh, it's you ♪

♪ All kinds of
folks to meet here ♪

♪ Come get
something sweet here ♪

♪ -Lots to do
-Hydrants too ♪

♪ And our house of blue ♪

♪ We've got friends
with class here ♪

♪ Stop by when you pass here ♪

♪ Underwater swimming ♪

♪ That's just the beginning ♪

♪ -Whoop-dee-doo
-Moonlight too ♪

♪ Plus our house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open.
-Come on in! ♪

♪ -Now you're here.
-So let's... ♪

♪ Begin! ♪

[theme music plays]

Oh! There you are.

♪ Hey! How you doin? ♪
♪ It's good to see you ♪

♪ You're just in time
there's lot to do ♪

♪ I've got a long list
and a full day ahead ♪

♪ From the moment
I got out of bed ♪

♪ I got to go to the store
clean up the house ♪

♪ It happens when you're
livin' with a busy mouse ♪

♪ A lemur, two otters,
a bear cub too ♪

♪ Did I mention
there was lots to do ♪

♪ But come on in stay a while ♪

♪ Come on in
and share your smile ♪

♪ Come on in I wish you would ♪

♪ And I bet you're
smellin' good ♪

♪ when you're here ♪
♪ it makes me grin ♪

♪ Great to see you,
how ya been ♪

♪ You know you're always
welcome ♪

♪ So just come on in ♪

♪ We can have a talk
we can take a walk ♪

♪ We never go too far
watch shadow play ♪

♪ It's a perfect day
for a cha cha cha ♪

♪ So, come on in and call
this home come on in ♪

♪ My,
how you've grown come on in ♪

♪ And be my guest 'cause I
think you're just the best ♪

♪ We're gonna have
ourselves some fun ♪

♪ And I can't wait
to begin whew! ♪

♪ It's always great to see
you so just come on in ♪

♪ The door is always
open so just come on in ♪

♪ The big blue
house is your house ♪

♪ When you come on in ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

I was - wait a second?


What's that smell?


Ha! It's you.

Tell me,
did you just have an orange?

'Cause you smell
all sweet and orangy.


Or maybe you just smell
this good all the time.

Anyway, I'm just getting
a glass of water! Come on.

♪ Oh, water water water ♪

♪ I think I'll drink you
from the glass... ♪

♪ La la la la la... ♪

Bear! What are you doing?

Pip! Pop! I'm just
getting a glass of water.

Do you mind if we go first?

We need water now!

Well, uh, sure guys. Here,
let me help you.

-Oh, thank you Bear.
-Thank you so much.

Boy oh boy,
I really hope this works!

-Me too.
-'Cause if it doesn't.

Oh, let's not even think
about if it doesn't, Pip.

Oh yeah, problem,
problem, problem...

Guys what exactly is going...?

Can't stop to talk,
Bear. The situation is serious!

-Careful, careful...
-Serious!? But...

-You're spilling it!
-No, you're spilling it.

Pip! Pop! What is...


What's up with
them? Let's go find out.

[music plays]

This ought to hold
her for a while.

Who knows for how long, though.

Yeah... poor little pond-y.

What will we do without you!

Oh woe is me...

Woe is me too!

Woe is us!


Ahhh! Oh it's just you Bear!

Guys. What's going
on? You seem kinda-

We're worried, Bear!

Worried? What are
you worried about?

Haven't you heard?

The Otter Pond
is going to dry up!

Dr... Dry up? But...

That's right, Bear. No
more water in the Otter Pond.

I can't believe it. I mean a
pond without water is like...

Peanut butter without jelly...

A night without stars...

A bunch of clowns without
one of those little tiny cars...

You know... the kind
they all come out of...

How do they do that?

Any way... back to
the problem at hand.

The pond is going to dry up,

Oh right! And it's not
just the Pond, Bear.

All of Woodland Valley is
going to be like a desert.

Yup. Nothing but sand
as far as the eye can see.

Maybe Ethereal be camels.

Oh, that
would be kinda cool, actually.

Yeah. I like camels.

Guys, guys... guys. There aren't
any camels in Woodland Valley.

Well, not lately anyway.
Where'd you get this idea?

Well, we were talking to Ojo and

you guys. That's what we heard.

It might not ever rain again.


Think of how dry
everything will be.


Whoaa - if there's no rain,

that means... no pond.


Never rain again? Well,

I don't know where Ojo
and Treelo got that idea from,

but guys,
you don't have to worry.

We don't?

No! In fact, we're expecting
showers later today.

You mean,
the Pond's not going to dry up?

-Whoa! Phew!

-What a relief!
-We were really worried, Bear.

there's nothing to worry about.

Hey, worry.

Oooh, worry.

Guys, it's just a word.

Ohhh. [laughs]

Worry is a feeling we
all get from time to time.

Even Me! When you worry,

it can feel like the weight of
the world is on your shoulders.

Whooaaa. That looks heavy, Bear!

-It can feel that way.

That's why if you have worries,

the best thing to do
is to just let them go...


♪ Now, if there's
something troubling you ♪

♪ And you really
don't know what to do ♪

♪ Worrying won't see you
though so let your that ♪

♪ Worry go you gotta let it go ♪

♪ It's true that
problems sometime come ♪

♪ You got to solve
them one by one ♪

♪ Worrying won't
get it done so ♪

♪ Let that worry go
you got to let it go ♪

♪ Send your cares away ♪

♪ To another day
let them find you ♪

♪ -As they may
-If they come again ♪

♪ You can solve them
then put 'em all behind you ♪

♪ -You got to let it go
-You gotta let it go ♪

♪ -You got to let it go
-You gotta let it go ♪

♪ you gotta let it go ♪

♪ So, kick it off
get up and shake ♪

♪ Gotta get on your feet,
for heaven sake ♪

♪ It's time to give
yourself a break ♪

♪ And let your worry go
ya gotta let it go ♪

♪ You gotta let it. Go ♪

♪ you gotta let it go ♪

I'm glad we talked Bear.

Yeah, I feel so much better,
don't you Pip?

Oh yeah. Loose, relaxed,
carefree. And...

[gasps] Ready for a...

[water splashing]

Swim in the Otter Pond! Yay!


-Thanks Bear!
-You're welcome, guys.

So... about those clowns...

Gee, I bet Ojo and
Treelo are worried too.

Let's go find them.

[music plays]

[music plays]

Goodbye Raincoat!
Treelo miss you.

It's... it's... It's better
this way, Treelo.

-I know.
-Uh... Ojo? Treelo.

-Oh hey Bear.
-Hi Bear. Goodbye rain hat!

Yeah, bye... bye rain hat.

Ojo, Treelo, what are you doing?

Well, Bear. We heard
that there's not going to be

any rain for a long,
long time in Woodland Valley.

Maybe not ever.

No more umbrellas, Bear.

that's right. Maybe never again.

So we got worried about

what would happen
to all the raincoats,

rain hats and you know,
the stuff that

you use is when
you use when it rains.

-Nothing for them to do, Bear.
-I know.

Yeah. I wanted to talk to
you two about this actually.

Poor umbrella.

Yeah. So we're
sending off all this stuff

to places where
they'll be needed.

-You know, like, the rainforest.

Or maybe Seattle.

You know, places where ethereal

be rain. We want
them to feel useful.

We'll miss you!

Are you wondering
how this all got started?

Treelo? Ojo?
Where did you two get this idea?

-From Tutter.

Uh huh... we were talking to him

Forget about it.
That's what I heard.

No rain!

We're not going to be
getting any rain here for

quite a while. Quite a while!

Ohhhh, no...

Uh huh...

Wonder how Tutter got this idea?

Look, you two,
you can put the rain gear away.

You don't have to
worry about it not raining.

Huh? We don't?

Yup. In fact, I heard on
this morning's weather report

that we will be
expecting rain later today!


-We are?

Rain boots! You're back!


Rain boots happy, Bear!

That's my favorite rain
coat. Where's the other one?

Okay... Well, uh, give
the rest of the rain gear the

good news... and, uh... we
should go find Tutter. C'mon.


Okay, Bear! Bye.

Tutter? Tutter? Tutter?

TUTTER: Over here, Bear.

Oh Tutter, there you are.
Doing some gardening?

Oh yeah,
Bear. Not just gardening!

I'm planting a whole new crop.

But I heard that you think
it's not going to rain anymore?

That's right Bear,
that's why I'm planting.


Nothing but cactus in my
garden from now on, Bear!

Oh, I get it. Tutter, about this
whole not raining anymore...

Oh, don't worry, Bear! Don't
worry a bit! I'm prepared!

-See, when I heard about

how it wasn't going to be
raining for such a long time,

I was naturally worried
at first about what

would happen to my garden here.

Plants need water to grow,
you know, Bear!

-Yes, that's true but...

As you may or may not be aware,

the cactus needs very
little water to grow, Bear.

Just a couple of
drops and it's fine!

-Yes, that's true...
-So, it's the perfect plant

for these dry times to come!

About these "dry times,"

I know,
it's going to be tough, Bear.

But now that I have my cacti

I know my garden will be fine.

Plus, they come in such
cute shapes, don't they?

-Well, yes that's true...
-But don't touch 'em, Bear!

They're cute,
but prickly! Prickly!

That's why I have these
gloves on! Oh goodness, yes!

-Yes, Bear?

Where did you get the idea that
it's not going to rain anymore?

Yeah Tutter,
we want to know that too!

Us too!

Huh? It wasn't me!

I got the idea from a reliable
source, Bear! Very reliable!

-Oh, and who would that be?
-Well... you, Bear!


Well, yeah. You and
Doctor Hogg that is...

Remember when you
guys were having tea

and Danish this
morning in the kitchen?

-Well, yeah...
-Well, I was just

innocently eating some
cheese in the cheese drawer -

kind of a little mid
morning snack -

and I sort of um, overheard
your conversation.



Nice weather we're having Doc!

Yes Sir. Hasn't rained in
quite some time, though Bear.

-Oh, now Doc...
-I don't know Bear.

It's gonna get mighty dry
around here. Mighty dry...

Starting to wonder if it's
ever gonna rain again.


See? Doctor Hogg said
it may never rain again.

I heard it with my own two ears,

So that's how this all started.

Tutter, you didn't hear
everything that was said.

Oh Doc, don't worry. I'm
sure it'll rain very soon.

In fact,

let's see if we can't get a
weather report on the radio?

Good idea.

It's wwt-op, your tree

top news station coming to you

from Sequoia
City serving greater

Woodland Valley area. And now...

-I hope it's the weather?
-You got it! The weather.

Get out your umbrellas
and rain boots

all you creatures out there,

there's a storm headed our way.

-A storm?
-That's right, a storm.

We can expect heavy
showers later this afternoon

and on into the early evening.

Ah! See? I told you Doc...
nothing to worry about.


Aw... you're right, Bear.

I do get carried away
by my worries sometimes.


You going to
eat that last danish?


There was nothing
to worry about!

In fact, it's supposed
to rain this very aftern...

-[thunder strikes]

-Hey! Look at that!
-It's raining! It's raining!

I really had myself worked up.

I like cactus,
but this is so much better.


See? Everybody
worries sometimes.

Even me! The
thing to remember is,

you can let worrying
get out of hand.

Whatever you're worried about,

you can always come
to me and talk about it.

Talking to a grown
up always helps.

Okay Bear! We will...

-DOC: Hello everyone!
-Hey Doc!

It's rainin' cats
and dogs out there!

Cats and dogs? Where? Where?

Tutter... It's just
an expression.

Yeah. Uh, anyway,
it's raining hard.


Don't know what you were
so worried about, Bear!

Betcha feel a little silly,

Huh? [laughs]

Anyway, I was wondering,

you don't happen to
have any more of that

Danish from this morning, do ya?

Been thinkin'
about that all day.


Don't worry Doc,
we still got some.


Anybody else for a Danish?

-Oh yeah.
-I'D love a Danish.

Over to the table...

[thunder strikes]

It was a dark
and stormy night...

[sniffs] Ahh.

There's nothing
like being warm and

cozy during an evening storm.

I just love cuddling
up on the couch with

a good book under
a warm blanket.

[thunder strikes]


Hey... Hey everybody,
what is it?

I thought you'd be
happy that it's rain...

-It's storming, Bear!
-It's okay, it's alright.

Uh Bear, can we get
under the blanket too?

Of course you can.

-Thank you, Bear.
-Oh Bear! I'm worried!

SHADOW: Don't worry little ones!

Who's that? That sounds like...


♪ Mist of the
mountains and sky ♪

♪ Dazzle and dark of the sea ♪

♪ When you are
blue I'll come to you ♪

♪ And dry your teary
eye shadow is here ♪

Yay Shadow!

Hi Shadow! It's so great to
see you on this rainy evening.

And it's nice to see you too,

I see everyone has
snuggled up during this storm.

Yeah, Shadow,
we're kind of worried.

Yeah. At first we were
worried wasn't gonna rain,

and now we're worried...

That it's raining!

I understand.

it's amazing how worries can

twist and turn around sometimes.

Have you ever had a worry
that just wouldn't go away?

But you know with Bear
there's nothing to worry about.

That's right .You're
always safe with me.

But when there's
lightning and thunder

it makes me so worried like

the sky is going fall
right into our house!

It's OK, Ojo.

I know a song that Bear sings

that might make you feel better.
Bear will you sing it with me?

Well sure, Shadow.

♪ Let me hold you in my arms ♪

♪ let me keep you
safe and warm ♪

♪ Let me bring you to a place ♪

♪ Where there is
no harm no harm ♪

♪ And as long as
you're with me ♪

♪ Then we've both got family ♪

♪ And we'll have
everything we need ♪

♪ And there'll be
no harm no harm ♪

♪ No harm no harm ♪

♪ And if you ever
loose your way ♪

♪ And sunny skies
have turned to gray ♪

♪ Just remember come what may ♪

♪ That when things come
tumbling down the world ♪

♪ Still keeps spinning round ♪

♪ And no matter what you do ♪

♪ Even if I'm not there too ♪

♪ There's a place
inside of you ♪

♪ Where there is
no harm no harm ♪

♪ No harm ♪

♪ No harm ♪


I feel a lot better...

-Me too.
-Me three...

Us four and five...

-Thank you, Bear...
-You're welcome.


[music plays]

[music plays]


What a wonderful day
we've had. You know,

I bet Luna will want
to hear all about it.

Let's go up and
tell her. Come on.

Ah, there she is! Hello, Luna.

Hello, Bear. How was your
day in the Big Blue House.

Well, we had quite a storm.

Oh, yes I know. It was
very exciting, wasn't it.

Lots of lightning,
oh I always love a good storm.

Me too but it may have
been a little too exciting.


Why, Bear?

Well, there was a
little misunderstanding

about it never raining again,

and everybody
got a little worried.

Oh my!

Worries do have
a way of getting out

of control, sometimes,
don't they?

Yeah. But we got
it all cleared up.

Then, of course,
once it started raining,

everyone got a
little worried about...

The storm.


Oh... well,
everyone has worries, Bear.

In fact, often,
you can't avoid them.

But I think the one
thing that can help

is talking to
someone about them.

True, Luna, very true.

Well, I'd better get back
into the night sky, Bear.

Of course...

I wouldn't want anyone to be
worried about not seeing you.


But, Luna do you have time
to sing the goodbye song,

before you go?

Oh, I always have time for that,

♪ -Hey this was really fun
-We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey
I say well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon the bear
and the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for
you to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!


Thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House.

And if you're ever
worried about something,

talk to a grown-up. They'll
understand. See ya soon!