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01x05 - Plan B

Posted: 04/16/24 14:50
by bunniefuu
- Your mom is really sick.

Type 2 diabetes can be fatal.

- My roommate,
she's an Evangelical,

and she signed me up
for this thing called

- She doesn't even know
what sex is.

I know Gypsy's not
like everyone else,

and I would never do anything--

- I'll thank you
to stay away from--

In order to obtain
a guardianship

over your daughter,

we would need
to convince a judge

that she's incapacitated.

She says that if I walk around

that I'll get sicker,
and I believed her.

Yeah, I think I do have
multiple personalities.

The other one is dark.
His name is Victor.

- What were you doing?

What are you hiding from me?

- I'll just get another one.


- It's as tight
as it can go, sir.

- Then I guess you're ready.

Close your eyes.

Now look at me.

Hello, Victor.

- Hello, Candy.

- May I have some
of Daddy's sweetness?

Please, sir?

- Yes, you may, dear.

- Can you feel it?

You're such
a good girl, darling.

Thanks, Daddy.

Do you think maybe
you could look at me,

like how we talked about?

Eye contact?

Why are you stopping?

Did I do something wrong?

- No, it's just, um...

do you think that Victor
could talk to Ruby instead?

- Um...

maybe another time for Ruby.

It's almost two years now

and we still haven't touched.

You know, like in real life.

Well, absence makes
the heart grow fonder.

- I'm supposed to be getting
this promotion thing at my job.

Maybe I could save up
and come and visit you.

- No, no, she'd never...

accept you if she knew
that we went behind her back.

And I can't get away from her.

I told you that I've tried.

If only you could just
meet her, like, normal somehow.


Like, what if...

what if me and her, like,
went somewhere together,

and then you...

like, you could-- I mean,
you meet both of us

like it was like
the first time.

- Huh.

I'm always amazed
at the smartness

of your ideas, babe.

You just tell me
when and where,

and I'll be whatever man
you want me to be.

- You would do that for me?

You'd come all this way?

Oh, look who woke the sun.

- I had the most
wonderful dream, Mom.

We went to Disneyworld,

you and me, and we got
to meet Prince Charming

in real life.

- Mm-hmm.

- Well, I mean, it kind of
got me thinking...

Wouldn't it be nice
to go on a trip,

like we used to do?

- Oh...

You know, we could--
we could go to the zoo, maybe.

And, oh, you love
those funny little monkeys

with the red behinds.

We could go and see them.

I just--

- Or maybe we can go see
Dr. Harley.

He-- he can change
your feeding tube.

- Mm-hmm, that sounds great.


- Are you sure you don't want
to try the insulin again, Mom?

- No more insulin.

- You could try exercising.

- Help your mama down.

I got to go potty.

Okay, um...


What if we had a friend over
for dinner?

We could invite Mel.

And then we could also--

wouldn't it be so great
to find a new friend

to have for dinner?

- No.
- Wouldn't it be--

No! I said no!

Do you have any idea
all the things I do

to keep a roof over your head?

And food in your belly?


Everything that I do,
everything I have,

I give for you.

Why is it never enough?

Gypsy Rose, answer me!

- It is enough, Mama.

It is.

- Oh, what--

I'm just tired, that's all.

Nobody's gonna ever do more
for you than I do.

Hello, romantic wife of mine.

Are we destined
to be meeting soon?

Reply soon if you can, dear.

We're gonna do 15.

Uh, 20 for a large,

10 for a small.

- Thanks for giving me
a shot at this.

It's so much cooler
than my old job.

Yeah, man, of course.

You graduated to the kitchen.

We keep the oven closed

'cause it takes a long while
to heat up.

And it gets very, very hot.

Guess I'll slide it back
on here.

That's it, my man.

Now, one, two, three.

In she goes.

It's really hot.
- Oh!


It's all good, bud.
Let's try that other one.


I'll get a mop.

Hello, welcome
to Pizza Peddler.

Two pepperonis?

Yeah, we, uh-- our oven
just went down,

so, uh, maybe 20,
25 minutes.

- Call the Peddler!
He delivers!

Call the Peddler!
He delivers!

Call the Peddler!
He delivers!

- Ruby needed you
so bad today.

She needed you
to come save her.

Look at--
look at my bruise, babe.

Look what Ruby's
wicked stepmom did to her neck.

You can't show Victor
stuff like that.

He might lose control.

- Oh, yeah?
And what would he do?

What would Victor do?

He'll do violent things
to defend you,

and to have your body
all to himself.

- Violent how?

- He'll k*ll whoever
doesn't respect you

and treat you good.

- Like Ruby's wicked stepmom?

Will you s*ab her, Daddy?

Will you cut her like this?

- Do you think that you could
send me something of Ruby's?

Like, maybe the scissors?

I knew you'd like that, sir.

Would you actually be able
to hurt a person like that?

- Do you mean, like, your mom?


like, the good side of me

would never do anything
like that.

But don't ask Victor
unless you actually mean it,

because he might just do it.

He is a trained assassin.

He basically kills
all the time.

But only when he has to.

Like, actual m*rder
is always plan B.

- Um...

I was just playing.

Gypsy, can you get me
my sleepy baby pills?

Oh, honey.

Oh, honey, how'd you get out
of your cage, huh?


Aww, you hurt your paw.

Ooh, you got a splinter.

Oh, shh.

Where's your mama?

I'm your mama now.

Oh, I'm gonna fix you up.

Oh, don't hate me for this.

Don't worry.

Yes, I'll fix that.

I got to hurt you to help you.

I was thinking about
what you said.

About what I said.

You deserve to be happy.

Don't let anyone

tell you otherwise.

Oh, there's that new
"Cinderella" movie coming out,


I thought maybe we could
go see it together.


Oh, thank you, Mom.


Oh, you look
so handsome!

Just like how I pictured you.

- Kind of itchy.

- Well, that's just because
it's new.

- Remind me again
why I need to wear this?

- Well, 'cause it was
your idea, silly.

To come visit me and my mom?

- But that was before
we talked about--

- Okay, don't you want
to make a good impression?

- Yes.
- Okay.

So I booked you a bus ticket

to come down to Springfield
next Thursday,

and the "Cinderella" movie
premiers on Friday.

We're going to the 11:00 a. m.,
and I just--

I think it's the perfect,

perfect opportunity
for you to meet her.

But you have to make sure that
you get to the theater early

because, you know,
I really want to spot you

in the parking lot
before we go in and everything.

And then you can open the door
for us, too,

like a true gentleman.

We can also pretend
like it's our, you know,

like, our first time meeting,

yeah, you can say--
I want you to say, like...

what can you say?

- I could just say hello.

That's funny.

Well, it has to be something
that'll impress her.

- Um...

- Something like--

like, "No princess should ever
open her own door."

Which I believe 1,000%,
by the way.

- No princess should ever
open her-- wait.

- No, "her own door."
That part's really important.

- Her own door.
- Yeah.

- No princess
should ever open the door.

- Why don't you write it down?

- Yep.

Almost ready, Gypsybug?


Oh, what about the dress?

- One adult and one youth.
- What show?

For "Cinderella."

Okay, that'll be $12, ma'am.

Thank you.

Here we go.

Um, Mom?

Do you think we could get
a Dr. Pepper to share?

As a treat?

No, it's got
too much sugar for you.

- Yes, ma'am, I just thought

it was less sugar than a Coke.


can I-- can I just get
a-- a cup of water, then?

I'm sorry,
I'm just feeling thirsty.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- What can I get you?

May I have
a cup of water, please?

Tap will do just fine.

No princess should ever
open her own door.

- Excuse me?

- I mean, don't--
don't you think?


Look, Gypsy!

Oh, we got the whole place
to ourselves.


Ooh, front row seats.



You're a princess
waiting for a princess.

In a world
that is falling apart...

- What do you keep looking
over your shoulder for?

The screen's up here.
- Mm-hmm.

Their love transcended all.

- What do you want?
- I want you.

Until an ancient evil...


- Mom?

- Mom, what are you doing?

Where are you going?

You've been lying to me!

I didn't want to!

- Mom, don't you think
that was a little rude?

- Quiet.
I want to watch the previews.

And all hope was lost.


Let her go!

I want to see that.

Against all odds...



Cut it out!

- Mom, what are you--

why are we leaving?

What are you doing?

Mom, no!

I liked that spot!
I wanted to stay there!


- Here.

- Mom, what did you
do that for?

I'm trying to watch this.

I can't see good.
I like to sit right up front.

Well, this time
we're sitting further back.

This summer, love fights back.

I'm all alone here.

My darling,
I won't leave you here forever.

And at the edge of the world,

they have to hang on.

But what if
I never see him again?

I didn't even kiss...

And now enjoy the feature presentation.

- I go to go to the bathroom.

- Okay--
- No, Mom, I can go by myself.

- What? Uh...

- Do you want me to go get you
another popcorn?

- Oh, you're so sweet, hon.

No, I'm okay.

I'll be right back.

- Oh, but hurry back, okay?

Or you're gonna miss
what happen.



The bathroom.
Go, go wait.

Wait for me.

- I don't think your mom
likes me very much.

- Can we please just
forget about her

for one teeny,
tiny second?

I just really want
to appreciate the handsome,

loving man who came
all this way to see me.

- You are the most
beautiful woman

that I've ever seen.

You're even more beautiful
in real life

than you are on Facebook.

- And I always try
to be honest,

so I wouldn't lie
about a thing like that.

- I just want to hold you,
and touch you,

and be the man to give you
your first ever kiss.

- Wait.

Now you can kiss me.

Do they treat you well?

Better than I deserve,
most likely.

And you?

They treat me as well as...

- Oh...

I'm sorry.

It's not so very bad.

- Was it pretty much everything
you dreamed it would be?

- Yes.

Because I dreamed
that it would be...


And it actually is.

We don't have much time.

- Have you seen a little girl
in a wheelchair?

- Yeah, she went into the
bathroom a couple minutes ago.


- Okay, um-- so just--
is it--

- Yep.

- Okay.

Slower, slower, slower.

Okay, sorry.
You okay?

- Yeah.
You okay?


- Did-- did you--
was I good?


- Was I?

You were perfect.

- Oh.



Oh, I missed you.

- Oh, that was so romantic,
wasn't it, Mom?

Oh, my gosh, did you enjoy it
as much as I did?

Oh, yeah, it was good.

- I'm so glad that I wore
my princess dress after all.


- Can we see
another movie soon?


- No princess should ever
open her own door.

- Oh, thank you--

Wait. Mom, wait.

- Um, did you guys
enjoy "Cinderella"?

- What the hell do you care
if we enjoyed "Cinderella"?

- Mom.
- I just, um--

- Who are you?

- Um--
well, um...

- Who follows a mom
and her sick daughter

around a movie theater?

You're a creep!

What's your name?

I want to know,
what is your name?

Stay away from my daughter!

Wait, no, no...

You-- you didn't have
to yell at him like that.

He could just be
a really nice person.

He was-- why don't we just go
back and talk to him and see--

- What? I would never let you
talk to someone like that!

- But we could just see
if he was nice or something!

He's not nice!

- He could be--
- Gypsy!

That is what a pedophile
looks like.

He could be
a new friend.


- You ever see
that boy before?

- What boy?

Oh, um...

no, no.

I-- I don't think I've ever...

met him before.

He seemed nice, but I--

I don't know where
we would have ever met him.

Unless we forgot something.


probably not.

I'm gonna go change
out of my dress.



May I speak
to Mrs. Blanchard, please?

- Who is this?

Well, basically,
I am the man

who is in love with
your daughter Gypsy Rose,

and I have been
for several years now,

to be honest with you.

- What?

- Me and Gypsy don't have
any secrets from each other.

- I'll call the police on you,
I swear to God.

- I am always going
to love Gypsy,

and she loves me back.

Also I'm the father of
her future children, probably,

and there's nothing
that you can do about it.

- Don't you dare.

Oh, and furthermore,
you don't talk to me that way.


Who do you think you are--

Who was that?

- Oh.

Oh, just someone...

oh, calling to sell some crap
and looking for a sucker.


I love you, hun.
Be strong.

We will be reunited somehow.


Come back here.

- Yes, mama.

Are you ready for dinner?

Are you gonna be...

a good girl now?

- I finally let myself accept
that you are my everything.

I will go with you...

and live our dream.

- Are you sure?

- I am 100,000% in, hon.

I'm ready, truly.

She's never gonna let us
be together, she said so.

- That's her choice.
She made that.

- It will be...

an act of kindness.

We just have to do it
like we said.

- Okay, but...

my good side
is still here with me.

You can't ask him
or else he'll say no.

You have to ask Victor.

- Victor...

will you please
k*ll my mother for me?

Because I can't do it myself.

Oh, my feet.

I feel like I'm walking
on pins and needles.

I'm gonna make you
your favorite tonight.

Mashed potatoes.

- Sounds delicious.

I make it...

with real milk.

- Oh, I think I drank
my water too fast, Mom.

I have to go
to the ladies' room,

but I'll be right back, okay?

- Oh, no, wait.

Oh, my feet.

Hey, hon.
You looking to buy a present?

Yeah, actually.

It's, um-- my dad's birthday
is coming up.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

- Is he a deer hunter?

Same here.

- Um, what's the--

the best knife to use
on a really, um...

a really big deer?

Well, let's see.

Me personally, I like to use
a 6- or 8-inch blade.


It doesn't turn
if you hit bone.

So you've still got the option
of a clip point,

which is the perfect shape
blade for penetration.

Or you can get a drop point,
which is better for skinning.

- Probably the penetration one.

That still leaves the
question of fixed or folding.

Fixed is probably better.

It's a little
more difficult to transport.

It's a lot more reliable
for heavy duty work.

And you're gonna need
a non-slip handle.

'Cause you're doing
some serious gutting,

that blade's gonna get
mighty slippery.

You don't want to go
slicing your palm up.


I would recommend
either a Ambush Tundra...

or maybe
a Cross River Mountain Man.

- I want that one.

With the red.

- Honey, that's
a fishing knife.

- He likes fishing too.


- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah?

- That's the one.

Jimmy will ring you up.

- Oh!

What were you doing?

- You weren't in the bathroom!

- I'm sorry, I just-- I had
to tell a little fib.


I saw this
when we came in the mall

and I really wanted
to get it for you.

- You scared me half to death.

- It reminds me of us.

- I love it.

You're gonna have
to wheel yourself.

That was too much.

I'm sorry.

That's for motivation,

- That is pretty great

But basically,
the deed has to wait

until Victor has enough money
saved up for the motel.

Know what?

Just let me worry
about the motel, okay?

You just worry about
getting Victor on that bus

and getting him down here.

Can you do that?

- Uh, yep.

- Tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night.

Tonight is the last night
we sleep alone.

I should ask you this
before Victor has to.

Is your mom a light
or deep sleeper?

- Ow.

Oh, Gypsy, get in your chair.

Someone could see you.

- No one can see us, Mom.

Oh, don't hurt me.

- I'll be careful.

- How about I paint your nails,

Maybe, um...

What if--
maybe a dark pink?

Oh, oh, everything's swollen.

I haven't seen you wear
grandma's ring in a while.



Your crown.

What's the matter?

- I think you might have been
right about my feeding tube.


- Is it too late
to go in today?

- Before you know it,
you'll be a brand new girl.

- Upsies, here we go.

Here we go.


All right.

Ladies, always a pleasure.

Try to stay out of trouble.

Oh, trouble knows
it's not welcome here.

- Oh, I...

I think I owe you an apology.

The other day at the movies...

You asked for a Dr. Pepper,

and I said no.

I should have let you
have a sip.

Sir, will you text me
when you are at the door

with the gloves on?


Did you look up
at the sky tonight?

And what did you see?