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25x10 - Week 9: Fantasy Suites

Posted: 04/16/24 17:09
by bunniefuu
- this week is fantasy suites,

and I'm really excited
to get to know matt

in a more intimate setting.

I actually think I could really
get used to this.

- You think so?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, my god.

- I am in love with matt,

and he's with another woman
right now.

I'm going insane.

I can't do this anymore.

- a dramatic new episode
of "the bachelor"

starts right now.

- last week was awesome.

Hometowns went so well.

I told matt that I was falling
in love with him,

and as much as it's scary,
it feels 100% right.

With matt and I,
I feel like we do connect

on every single level...

and this is the week
of overnights.

This is a week
where I get to really

start to talk
about the details with matt

of what life would look like,

and I want to know
where his feelings are at.

I am ready to spend
the rest of my life with matt,

and I'm ready to tell him
that I'm ready.

- what a journey
matt and I have been on.

I don't think
I could've predicted

how quickly and easily
I could...

fall for someone.

I mean, it's exciting,
because matt's

such an amazing and incredible
and empathetic person,

but it's also really hard.

There are two other women

that matt has really strong
connections with,

so fantasy suites
are a really big deal.

- I just can't wait
to get that time with matt

and tell him
that I'm so sure of this,

and I'm so sure of him,

and I just feel it
in every ounce of my being

that he is who
I'm supposed to be with.

It's scary, because, you know,

I still have that chance
of losing him,

but I do...

I know I want it more
than anything I've ever wanted.

- in the beginning,
it felt so far away...

- Yeah.
- Which is kind of crazy,

considering how close we are.

Yeah, now it's, like,
envisioning myself

being engaged
at the end of this.

- Mm-hmm.
- Like, the hometown dates,

we just learned so much
about each other in that day,

and so, like,
at the end of the night,

I know we all
had a really hard time,

like, sending matt home
in the car after that,

so it's kind of nice that, like,

those conversations
that happen at dinner

get to carry into the night
as well.

- Yeah, it's... it's a big deal.
I'm excited, though.

- I am too.
- Mm-hmm.

- Good morning.
- Hi.

- Hi, chris.
- Good morning.

- How you doing?
- Good. How are you?

- Good.
- I'm good. Thanks.

This is, uh... this
is really amazing and wild.

The fact that we started
with 38...

Well, we didn't start with 38,
but we got to 38...

uh, and here we are,

and so let's talk
about this week.

Each of you will have
an amazing, romantic day

and, yes, overnight dates.

- Yeah.

- You will each receive
a fantasy suite card

where the two of you
will decide as a couple

what you choose to do.

You're gonna get
that off-camera time

to have tough conversations,
to say whatever you wanna say,

to figure out, really,
what does your life look like?

Where would we live?

What do you believe in?

What... you know, kids.

All this stuff.

Use that time wisely,
um, as I know he will,

'cause I know he's very serious
and very happy.

So this is the first
overnight... Card right here,

so I'll leave it with you.

And I hope to see all you ladies

at the next rose ceremony.

Thank you.

- date card comes,

and I'm hoping
that I'm on this first one.

Like, this is one of the most
important days for us, ever.

I just can't wait to just have
that uninterrupted time

to feel even closer to him
than I already do feel now.

- michelle.

"it's time to get even closer.

- yes.

Ugh, I was totally freaking out.

I'm happy
that I get to go first.

I'm so excited

to go on this date.

I have no idea what we're doing.

I'm super excited
that I get to see him today.

When it's saying, like,
it's time to get even closer,

I hope that's
the mindset he's in,

'cause that's
the mindset I'm in.

- it's a big week,

and I'm excited about
the overnights.

I have three women

that I could see myself

but, for me, I'm conflicted,
because one of the things

that's been hard for me
in past relationships

is going deep
and sharing who I am,

what I'm about,
and what I've been through.

I guard myself.

When tough conversations
have come up,

I ran from 'em,

and there's still a lot of fear

about what a long-term
commitment looks like,

based on what I've seen
in my family in the past,

and that's not healthy.

It's not fair to me,

it's not fair to the women
that I'm pursuing,

and so today's a big day for me.

For my relationships to move
forward with these women,

there's a conversation
I need to have...

and that's with my dad.

- What's going on?
- What's up, bruh?

Look at you. - How you doing?

- Good, man.
It's good to see you.

- I think it's important
for me to have

this conversation
with my dad today

because I still have
a lot of fear

about what commitment looks like

based on him
and my mom's relationship,

and that's not something
I want to carry with me.

What do you think so far?

- Wow. This is beautiful.

- Harboring that negativity
in my life

hasn't progressed
any of my relationships.

It's hindered my growth,
and for me to move forward,

I need to address those demons
in my life,

and, hopefully, today is
the first step in doing that.

- Well, it's nice to be here.

- Yeah, it's good to see you.
- It's nice to see you.

- It's been a minute.
- Yeah.

It's been a great minute.


You're doing well.

- I'm trying to. It's hard.
- You're doing well.

You've always done well.

It's no...
I'm not worried about that.


- It's, uh...

When I thought about,
uh, coming out here,

there was just a lot of stuff
I was nervous about.

Like, commitment

and if it's something
I'm ready for.

- I don't see you
having problems with that.

- Yeah, no, it's...
- You're gonna...

You're gonna...
You're gonna be great.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, you will.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- It's, uh...

for me, I want to have a family,

and I want to be a dad,
I want to be a father...

- Wonderful.
- And what that means to me

is showing up,

having tough conversations,

being there,

and I'm getting emotional
as I'm talking about it,

because I'm thinking
about my life

and... and the things that I
feel like I've missed out on,

because I guard my heart

and I guard my feelings
and emotions

because of what
I've been through with you

and what I've been through
with our family.

- You... you can't do that.

You gotta let that go
and just open up, matt.

- Well, I think part of that,
for me,

is having this conversation
with you,

because it's not something that
we've talked about, you know?

- Right, in a very long...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- And when I needed you,

you weren't there
to have those conversations.

You started other families.

That affected me...

and I need to know
where your head was at

so that I don't make those
same mistakes going forward.

- I don't wish to make
that same mistake,

'cause we never had
this conversation before.

If you had came to me
in the past,

I would've had
this conversation with you

before this talk tonight.

- Yeah, but th...

- I mean,
I would've talked to you.

- Yeah, but that's...
That's what...

That's kind of
what I'm getting at.

Like... - Yeah.

- There was never a time
to have that conversation

because I needed it
when you weren't there.

- I hate to stop you, though.

I didn't have that either.

My father was k*lled
when I was five, matt.

So, yeah, I'ma take
some of that blame

of me not showing up
as a father figure much

as, supposedly,
it's supposed to be,

but do you know
what I went through?

You want me to tell you

the reality
of what I went through?

Do you know what I went through
with your mom

when you guys were, like,
two or three?

You want me to tell you
reality, bruh?

I came home one day.

Your mom and d...
Your mom was gone, bruh.

- For good reason.

Who wants to be with someone

who's not gonna
be faithful to 'em?

- Nobody's perfect, son.

Look around you in this world.

Who's perfect? I'm not perfect.

You're not perfect yourself.

- you know, we make mistakes
in our life.

We're gonna fall.

It's how you get up.

- Would you want your daughter
to be with someone

who disrespected her
and cheated on her?

- Yes... no,
I... I wouldn't want them to,

but if there's... if there's...

- dad, look at me, look at me.
Look at me, look at me.

- Yes, yes, I would... you right.

- You would want them
to be with someone like that?

- It's not good to... yeah,

it wasn't a good thing
that I was cheating.

I'm not proud of it.

- So why are you trying
to, like... I'm... we're...

I'm trying to have
a real conversation with you.

We don't... I'm not... I don't
want you to make excuses.

I just want you to hear
where I'm coming from.

You're talking about
mom leaving you.

- Yes.

- I thank god that
she had the courage

to stand up for herself
and do something

because of the situation
you put her in.

- I'm not here to discuss me
and your mother's relationship

and stuff like that.

I'm here to celebrate
your success.

- This isn't a celebration.

This is a journey for me
that I'm going on,

and... and for me
to get through it,

I'm having to address
these demons

that we're talking about
right now,

and these are
the hard conversations

that we haven't had
that I'm ready to have.

That's... that's why
you're here, dad.

If... if we wanted
to go celebrate,

we'd go to chuck e. Cheese.

I... I... I wanted you here

because I want to have
a relationship with you

going forward, and for me
to have that with you,

you have to know where I'm at.

Frankly, I don't know
what I could...

I could take away
from this conversation.

It doesn't seem like
it's hitting home for him.

I remember, growing up,

he'd come around
every now and then,

drop off some shoes,

buy us pizza.

I didn't need shoes, man.

I didn't need any shoes.

I didn't need any pizza.

I needed a dad.

We've all been through a lot,

and I get that
I don't know what it was like

to grow up in africa
without a dad, like you did,

but I know what it's like
to grow up here without a dad

and a bunch of other stuff

that hardens my heart
and closes me off,

and I'm trying to address
all those things now

so that when I get into
these relationships,

it's not something that
rears its head down the road.

- I agree with you, son,

'cause you are...

In a situation right now
where you have to make some...

Life-lasting decisions about...

Things that you never learned
from me.

I'll try, matt. I'll try.

I'm sorry I hurt you, son.

- okay.

Needed to get... had to get
to this point to, uh...

whatever I can do
to make it better,

I'll work on it,

'cause I want you to be happy,
too, for the rest of your life,

and I want you to have
a relationship

that's healthy and not like
what I went through.

- thank you.

- Just, I don't...
I don't like this.

- me neither.

- And I don't like it
that you far away from me.

- I don't want it
to be like this either,

and I want you to be a part
of any relationship I'm in

going forward, and in my kids'
lives going forward,

because you're my dad,

and as much as I missed out
on our relationship,

there's still a lot of life
for both of us to live, and...

I forgive you.

I'm not holding grudges
against those things.

I just want us
to move forward and...

- I love you, bruh.

- I love you too.

I haven't had a conversation
like that with my dad, ever.

- still kick your ass in soccer.

I don't think so.

- I'm still a beast.

- he finally gets to this
point where he's like,

"you know what? I'm sorry."

but, um, like, it's not

a one-time thing,
and it's fixed.

- I love you.
- Love you too.

- Yeah. Doing great, man.

I'm proud of you. - Thank you.

One conversation
isn't gonna change

the way someone thinks
or feels about something.

It's just gonna be
continued conversation,

and that's what I felt like.

This was a great starting
point for my dad and I.

I love you, dad, and I... I...

There's no hard feelings for me.

I just want you to...

I just wanted you
to hear me out, you know?

- Yeah,

and you right about
everything you said.

You completely right.

- Moving forward,
it just confirms for me

that I'm not the man
that my dad is,

and just because I'm his son

doesn't mean I have to follow
in his footsteps.

I believe my person's here.

I'm absolutely excited,
so right now,

it's one-on-one overnights
this week.

Can't wait.

- today's been a heavy day.

I feel like I grew a lot

after that conversation
with my dad.

It was me just reassuring myself

that I'm not him,

and I don't have to make
the mistakes he made,

and we're different humans,

and then here I am...

The start of fantasy suite week.

This first overnight
hopefully puts to rest

a lot of the insecurities I had

about what a long-term
commitment looks like.

I am so excited about spending
this time with michelle.

I feel strongly about her
and our relationship,

especially coming off
meeting her family,

and last week,

michelle told me that she was
falling in love with me,

so I'm just looking forward

to picking up
where we left off last week.

- Hello.
- Hi.

You look great.

Your little rain jacket.


- Hi.
- Hi.

So last week, during hometowns,

you introduced me
to your students,

and I had a little glimpse...

- at what goes into your life
and being a teacher

and all the stress

and personalities
you have to balance,

and I thought to myself,
"what better way

and who more deserving
of a spa day..."


- yay.
- "michelle?"

so this is gonna
be a traditional

pennsylvania dutch spa day.

- Okay, that...
- You know what that means?

- No. That made me nervous.

- Gonna be honest with you.

I have no idea... - All right.

- What a pennsylvania dutch
spa day is,

but I'm excited that
I'ma be doing it with you.

- As long as it's with you,
I think we can handle it.

I'm optimistic.

- You know?
- I hope so too.

It does not matter
what I'm doing with matt.

I just want to be with him.

This week is so important.

This is a week where we're able

to take the next step
in our relationship.

We're getting down
to that engagement,

so this is the biggest date
I've ever been on,

and I'm ready to get
even closer to matt today

with whatever that means
we're doing.


What is this?

Is that milk?

- I have no idea.

- are you gonna taste it?

- I'm not tasting it.
- Taste it.

- I'm not tasting it.

I don't know what it is.

- Oh, wait, what is this?

- I have no idea.

- this is weird.

There's a bear in the corner...

a container...
Looks like oatmeal,

a massive tub full of this...
Looks like milk.

- Those white swim trunks.

- but it looks relaxing,
you know?

They got the candles lit.
It's warm.

There's fur everywhere.

It looks like michelle and I
are in for a day.

- that's weird.

- that sounds terrible.

- it does smell good, though.

- Doesn't it?
- Yeah.

Do you think it's just oatmeal,

- I think so.

- Thought you were
gonna taste it.

- I am not tasting this.

You won't.

I'm into it, you know?

The pennsylvania dutch

We're just enjoying
each other's company.

- that's what I love
about michelle.

She can make anything fun,

and she's not afraid
to laugh at herself.

- this is really good
for your skin.

I smell like a sugar cookie.

Melt the butter down.

Apply the butter.

Oh, yeah, there it is.

- That's just, like,
the release of the stress.

- I made sure to cover
all of matt's surfaces.

How do you not grow closer

after smearing butter
over somebody?

Oh, gosh.

I really feel like
matt is my person.

We can be sitting in a milk bath

covered in butter,

and it feels comfortable.


Like, it feels like home.

- what do you think
was the most...

- Relaxing?
- Yeah.

- Either the oatmeal
or the milk bath.

- The milk bath?
- 'cause... yeah.

'cause it... I don't know,
for, like, my muscles.

I was significantly more relaxed

than I thought
I was going to be.

- Yeah, no,
I enjoyed the oatmeal.

- Yeah, you really liked
the oatmeal.

I could tell.
- I loved the oatmeal.

- how'd you feel
about last week?

Last week was so special.

I mean, you being able to, like,

see such a big part of my life

with meeting my mom and my dad,
um... Yeah.

My feelings definitely
grew a lot

just because you were able
to see, like, who I am,

where I came from,

and so I'm really happy

that you were able to meet
everybody that you did.

- Me too.
- How did you feel about it?

- I felt relaxed.
I felt comfortable.

Um, the most comfortable,
probably, of anybody

that I was introduced
to last week.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Aw, that makes me happy.
- And it's... yeah, no,

it's just a testament
to how you were raised

and your family,

and they just seem to be
so in love with each other...

- Yeah.
- And, like, there's nothing

that I feel like
either one of 'em wouldn't do

for you or each other.

- They really
talk through everything.

Like, when we made decisions,
it was very much like a team...

- Yeah.
- Feeling.

It's so cool to see,

because they will, like,
laugh together.

Like, they get the giggles
and are laughing...

- I saw it. Yeah.
- So hard together.

Like, everyone talks
about, like,

falling in love, falling
in love and being in love,

and I think those are really
important conversations,

but I think
it's also super important

to talk about, like,
staying in love.

Like, how do you plan
to stay in love?

Because it does take work...
- Yeah.

- And the type of love, like,
changes when things get hard

or even when you have a family
or kids are involved in.

You're exhausted, you're tired,

and it might look
a little different,

but, like, how are you
going to intentionally

do small things to, like,
show the other person

that you're still
thinking of 'em

or that you haven't lost
that spark?

And... Yeah.

- I hadn't thought about it
like that.

- Mm-hmm.
- I like that a lot.

- Yeah.
- Staying in love.

- Staying in love. Yeah.

I don't know.

I think, looking at my parents,

like, I think I have
a good idea on how to do it.

I feel like I do. - Yeah.

Michelle's parents have been
married for 30-plus years.

That's what I want for myself.

I think about hopes
and dreams I have

for the relationship

I am gonna have
with my wife one day,

and I see that in michelle
and our relationship,

and that's what I'm thinking
about going into tonight.

We're two people
that could be married,

and we're two people

that could spend
the rest of our life together.

Tonight's huge for us.

Michelle and I's relationship

could change forever.

- I had a great day
with michelle.

Our connection just took off.

- Hello, there.
- Hi.

How we doing?
- Good. You look nice.

- You look incredible.

Every moment
I've spent with her,

she's showing me
parts of her life,

what life would look like
with her,

and it's all things
that pull me closer.

- Aww.

- Tonight, I'm just gonna
continue to be open,

be vulnerable, and tap into
my emotions and feelings,

and I'm hoping that we touch on
as much as possible,

but it could be scary
to share things with someone

who you see a future with.

- I wanted to start by saying

I hope that you know you can
talk to me about anything.

It's super important
for me to know

why you are the way you are,
you know?

- How much time do you have?

As long as you'd like...

- for the rest of your life.

- Um, you mean a lot to me,

and if we're gonna be spending
the rest of our life together,

I want you to know
everything about me...

- Mm-hmm.
- And that starts

with my family,
'cause those relationships

form my views and shape me
into who I am...

- Mm-hmm.
- For better or for worse,

and I've been trying
to figure out

why I'm the way I am,

why I'm not
in a serious relationship,

why I don't have a girlfriend.

Like, wh... why... why?

And as I get
to the root of that,

it's a lot of those insecurities

that are rooted
in everything that happened

with my dad and my mom.

And when I thought about my mom
and dad's relationship,

I think about...



lack of communication,

and it's something I wanted
to talk to him about,

and I had that opportunity.

Um, I just asked him
about his actions, you know?

Like, he hurt my mom.

But my point wasn't
to ream him out.

- Right.
- It was to let him know

that in spite of all
those things, like, here I am.

Like, I'm ready
to make a decision,

and I'm not gonna be... You.

I wanna be the man he wasn't,

and tying it back
to why I'm here

and marriage and being engaged,

I just wanted you to know
where I was coming from

and, like, what I was working
on in my life

so that I was ready
for the type of commitment

that comes at the end of this,

- Well, thank you
for sharing that with me,

and thank you for, like,
sharing that part of your heart

with me even though
it was a painful one,

and even though I grew up
in this, like, situation

where I had a really good
example of love.

I think you still bring
just as much to the table

from having your example
of love that you saw,

and for you to sit down

and have that conversation
with him

is just a huge step.

- And the fact that you asked
and care about that

means a lot.

- Well, I'm here for you.

I know what I feel
in my heart for you...

and it feels completely right,

and it feels crazy saying that,

but I do look at you
as my person

and as that person

that I want to spend
the rest of my life with,

and so I want you to know
100% where I'm at,

and that's where I'm at.

What a sneaky spot.

- Can you read this for us?

"michelle and matt,

"I hope you've enjoyed your
relaxing day here at nemacolin.

"you've had an incredible
journey to get to this point.

"should you choose to forego
your individual rooms,

"please use this key
to stay together as a couple.

Chris harrison."

I would love the opportunity

to truly get to know each other

and hopefully progress
our relationship,

and I see it progressing
our relationship,

and so I would love
to take that time with you.

- What do you say
we get out of here?

- Let's go.

Being able to know
that I'm in love with matt,

it's comforting,
because he is the one

that I'm supposed to spend
the rest of my life with.

I've known for a while, anyways,

of the ending that I want
to come out of this,

which is hopefully a proposal,
and it's finally within reach.


There's no question.

There's no, "well, maybe I need

to explore this relationship,"
or, "I'm still deciding."


And so I want things
to be more intimate.

I'm ready for things
to get serious.

I'm ready to have those, like,
deep conversations.

Tonight, I want to be vulnerable

and express
how I truly am feeling

and where my feelings
exactly are at.

I think this process
has really shown me

that, like, if something's
on my heart or on my mind,

to not hold onto that
and to actually say it,


it feels right to say it,

so I'm gonna say it.

I love you, matt.


To be able to tell matt
that I'm in love with him

was such a relief.

Like, this is happening.

- all of the weeks put together

don't feel as hard as this week,

and then the fact that
he is with michelle right now,

like, it's just driving me
absolutely insane.

- Mm-hmm.
- And they're getting ready

to go spend that night together.

- oh, wow.

- like, it's actually...

like, happening.

- I am in love with matt,

and he's with another woman
right now.

My heart...

Is gonna explode.

I don't wanna think about it,

but it's all I can think about.

I'm going insane.

My worst nightmare is, like,

him spending the night
with someone else.

On a scale of one to ten,

how happy are you right now?

- 11.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- I woke up feeling
incredibly happy.

Matt's laying next to me.



Felt like something
that I could get used to.

I'm really happy
that I got to tell you

what was on my heart yesterday,

I love that I get to tell you
that I'm in love with you.

- And thank you for sharing
that, again, with me.

- Thank you for responding
like you did.

I am in love with matt,

and thinking about
an engagement with him

does not scare me.

- What do you think?

- I could get used
to mornings like this.

What scares me is the feeling

of knowing that you don't want
to spend the rest of your life

without that person,

and so I'm hoping that matt

feels the same things that I am.

I'm happy where we're at.
- Me too.

- I'm happy where we're headed.
- Me too.

- I love you.

- waking up next to michelle
this morning,

it's not hard
to see a life with her.

It just works.

She's an amazing woman,

and where we went last night
was incredible.


It's almost unfair

just having this type
of experience off the bat.

It just sets the bar at a place

that is gonna be tough
to beat, you know?

Because the way that we
interact with one another

and how we connect,
it's special.

She could be my wife.

- last night, I got so nauseous.

Just the thought of literally...

- Mm-hmm.

- Like, him being in bed
with someone else,

that made me sick to my stomach.

- Oh, my god.

- That's how I felt last night.

And then, of course, yeah,
that was the first thing

I thought about this morning.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- What's up?

How are you guys doing?

- we're not okay.


- No. How are you?

- I'm good.

What'd you guys do?

- we went to the spa...

And it was, like,
a pennsylvania-inspired spa,

so we, um, bathed each other
in sticks of butter...

And took a milk bath.

So it was not
like the normal spa day...

- A regular spa.
- But yeah.

But it was... Memorable.

So... - Yeah.

- It was good.
- Yeah.

- You guys
are gonna really enjoy

just, like, the time
that you get with matt

and, like, the time
that you get to have, like,

conversations and conversations
and conversations, and so...

Yeah, that's what I wanted
going into the night,

and that's what I got out of it,

and so I was really happy
about it.

- how are...
You guys are struggling.

I can see that.

- Yeah.

- I am having a tug-of-w*r
with myself

between being really excited
to see matt

and also just being
extremely frustrated...

- with the situation,

and I don't really know

how to work through
both of those emotions.

- this is awful.

- Mm-hmm.

- I'm battling
between being jealous,

and I'm battling between being
hurt and excited and happy

and in love and...

I'm gonna go get ready
for my date.

- bye, bri.

- I mean, last week,
I was given the last rose,

and so it's hard for me
to not question

if my relationship with him
is enough,

and that's... that's hard.

I feel like there's
more pressure on this date

than there's ever been
on any date, ever.

I have no idea how I'm going
to keep my together.

- I am very excited
to see matt today.

today is not just any date.

It's our overnight date today.

After getting the third rose
last week,

I definitely was in my head

about where
our relationship stood,

but given how important
this week is,

now is my time
to continue to show matt

that I am falling in love
with him,

and I'm hoping for it to be

a life-changing day today.

But there is a lot of pressure
on it.

- mm.


- What are we gonna do today?

- Not so fast.

Welcome to the outdoors.

- You know I love the outdoors.

- What's the most amount of time

you've spent in the woods?

- Um, probably this entire time.


- good.

So we are going to be hiking
through the woods...

- Uh-huh.

- And I've got sleeping bags.

I've got all the different
tools that we'll need

to navigate our trail today.

Okay. A little nervous.

Looks like we're going camping.

- Today, I get to spend
the entire day with bri,

and I'm very excited.

This is your backpack.

- The lightest one?
- Yes.


Today is huge for bri and I.

We're a few days away
from an engagement...

- Hey, these are cute.

- And she's already told me

that she's falling
in love with me.

It's exciting,
but it's also scary.

- Oh, god. Here we go.

- You look like
dora the explorer.

- well, what do you look like?

I look like a park ranger.

- any time I spend with bri
is incredible.

Watch out for this river.


And what's important to me
right now is our relationship

and how much
these next hours, days, mean

in my life and in bri's life.

And when you're walking,
make sure that you're putting...

Because there's snakes out here,

so you don't wanna step on one.

- I don't know if snakes
live in pennsylvania.

- I promise

there are snakes out here.

- For real?
- Yeah, big ones.

- are we going
the right way still?

- Hold on.

- I'm sure the last thing
that bri wanted to do

was be out in the woods...

All right, we're supposed
to be going this way.

- Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay.

- But the truth is,

I'm not letting her in
on the secret that

I've never been camping
in the woods.

We've landed.

- This is base camp...
- Okay.

- And the first thing
we should do is pitch our tent.

- Okay.

- I'll help you.

- Strapped me in all the way.

And you know
how to pitch a tent?

- Yeah, I know
how to pitch a tent.

I've pitched many tents.
- All right.

- Here we go.

- Okay.

You gotta go harder.

Just let it all out.

I don't know how I always
end up with my dates outside,

because I am the least
outdoorsy person.

- You gotta get the whole thing
through there.

- No, no, no, no, no, no.

We have to tie it up at the top.

- you right.

You right. -

I did tell matt last week

that I was falling
in love with him,

and it was emotional
to tell matt

and see him leave afterwards,

but that's why today
is really, really important.

I think it could help us
take that next step

and really envision together
what a future looks like.

- you did it.

- Thanks for helping me
pitch the tent.

- You're welcome.

I honestly wouldn't have
been able to get it up.


- I want you to be comfortable,

'cause it's gonna
be a long night.

It's gonna get warmer.

We'll have pjs on. -

- why are you laughing?

- I thought matt was joking,
but then I started thinking,

"oh, I think we're actually

sleeping in the tent tonight."

this is our fantasy suite.

Is this where we're sleeping?

- We're not camping
out here tonight.

- oh.

- As much as I wanted to have
you out here in the woods...

the things you do for love.

- Well, it's safe to say
that neither one of us

is men or women of the woods.

- I was like,
"please, don't be camping,

please, don't be camping,"
and we're having a lot of fun.

- is that hard to admit?

No, it's not,
and I'm having a lot of fun.

I didn't know what to expect
going into this week.

Um, we did see michelle
walking in from her date,

and I didn't really expect it
to hit as hard as it did.

Um... But it did.

I think that's
just because I care,

and there are really strong
feelings involved,

and it's getting harder
to compartmentalize

'cause there's a lot of things

that are not in my control

I mean, if it were up to me,
I wanna see you every day.

- what was it like having bri,
your best friend, here

and your mom here last week?
- Mm-hmm.

It was... oh, my gosh.

So overwhelming,
but in the best way.

- When we walked in

and, like, everyone
started crying, I was like...

- I didn't know what to expect,
you know?

- So embarrassing.
- No, it's not embarrassing.

It's real. Like... - Mm-hmm.

- That's how I would want
my family and friends

to show up for me.

- So my mom
didn't scare you away?

- No, she didn't scare me
at all.

Um, I was just nervous

I know how I feel about you,

and I know how much
she means to you,

so going into that
conversation, it was like,

"god, please don't let me
say anything dumb,"

and just, like, be myself,

and, um, just, like, this date,
I was looking forward to it,

'cause it's like you're someone

I wanted to spend this time with

since the beginning
of this journey,

and I'm like,
"I've got all this stuff

"I want to talk to bri about.

I'm gonna..." -

- and, like,
it's organically come out

through our conversations,
just through spending time,

and it's just a testament

to how comfortable
I am around you

and who you are.

- that makes me really happy.

It feels so reassuring
to hear him say today, like,

"I have these things that
I wanna talk to bri about,"

so I'm looking forward
to that time tonight,

and there is an engagement
coming up.

It's right around the corner,

so I have to lay it all
out there

and show matt
what life would be like

with me being his wife.

Tonight could be life-changing.

- today was everything
I could've hoped for.

Hi. - You look incredible.

- Matt has done
an incredible job

at giving me reassurance

that he feels
the same way that I do.

- Shall we?
- Yes.

I want to continue to gauge
where his head is at,

and I need to ask him
if he feels ready to be engaged

in the next week or so.

Gosh, it's so pretty.

If matt got down
on one knee tonight,

I would 1,000% say yes.

So tell me,
woman of the woods...

- what'd you think
about our... our date today?

- After every single date...
- Yeah.

- That I feel like we've had,
I always say,

"I would never
do something like that."

- mm-hmm.
- And you're welcome

for pitching the tent.

You're not gonna let that go.

- but I'm just wanting
to check in on you,

because it almost also does
just feel like yesterday

that we had our first
one-on-one date.

- Doesn't it? Yeah.

I'm... I'm... I'm good.

Like, for everything
to be real for me,

I have to see what our life

would be like outside of here...

- Mm-hmm.

- And we did that last week,
you know?

- Yeah.
- I met your mom,

and I'm thinking about you
potentially meeting my family.

Um, my mom,
she sacrificed everything,

like your mom did, so that you
could have your opportunities,

and she's just incredible,
you know.

- Yeah.

Well, she sounds like
a really amazing woman.

- She's great.

- I would be lucky to get
the opportunity to meet her,

and I did want to backtrack
a little bit, too,

because I'm just wanting
to know how you feel

about an engagement coming up
in such a short amount of time,

and I just want to know
where your head is at

and see if it's still there.

- An engagement?
- Mm-hmm.

- Um... That's a great question,

because there's things that...

in my life that have
held me back from...

Not commitment, but just,

worrying about
what that would look like.

- Mm-hmm.
- Like, what does marriage,

what does engagement,

what does that long-term
commitment look like?

- Yeah.
- And one of those things

that, like,
I just needed to address

to get over the hump

was the relationship
with my dad...

- Mm-hmm.
- And so...

We had a conversation

we probably should've had
a long time ago,

and it got a little bit intense

because I'm letting him know
how I feel

and how him not being ready
for marriage

affected myself,
my brother, my mom,

and really my dating

My relationship with women,

and the point
of that conversation

was to remind myself that
that's not who I am, you know?

- Mm-hmm.

- Like, I'm my own man,

and I think and act
independently of how he does.

- Yeah.

- It took me having
that conversation with him

to have me in that place
where I think I need to be

to be ready for this commitment.

That was, like, a major part

of... of me moving forward
with this.

- Yeah. Yeah.

Well, I appreciate
you telling me that.

Um, I remember,
on our first night,

we talked about us having

somewhat of estranged
relationships with our dad.

I mean, my dad is around,

but he's never really
been a part of my life

in milestone moments
in my life, whatsoever,

but, you know, I do think
that I would want my dad

to be a part of this journey.

I think him knowing, um...

who I've become

and the woman that I've become
without him

would give him, probably,
a lot of peace of mind

to know that...

I'm still, like, okay.

I've always wondered, like,
how my relationship with him

would manifest in my
relationships down the line...

- Mm-hmm.

- I mean, it's, like,
hard to not be authentic, um,

this entire experience,

and I wanna make sure
that, like,

I'm continuing to remind myself
why I came,

and if it's
any reassurance to you,

I still feel...

100% ready for an engagement
after this,

and what I'm feeling is that...

I really am so in love with you,

because it means the world to me

that you can understand me,

and it really just goes to show
why I love you

and the things that I love
about you.

- bri told me that
she was in love with me,

and it's a great feeling.

It's that feeling
that you can't explain,

that feeling that is undeniable.

She's someone I could see myself

spending the rest
of my life with...

There's another thing
I wanted to run by you.

And I know now
what that commitment means.

Tonight could change my life,

and it could change bri's life.

- "bri and matt,

"should you choose to forego
your individual rooms,

"please use this key

"to stay as a couple
in the fantasy suite.

Chris harrison."

I mean, I would, personally,

just love the uninterrupted
and undisturbed time

to talk to you and be with you
and hang out with you.

- should we head out of here?

- Let's go.

I feel really good
about telling matt

that I'm in love with him.

I continue to impress myself

at how much I'm able
to open up to matt.

- wow.

- I feel so happy and so excited

to find love with matt.


I'm hoping that tonight

is the first night together
of many to come.

I'm so happy
to share this time with you.

- Me too.

What do you say
we kick them out?

- Kay.

I want matt to wake up
tomorrow morning

and think that he is waking up
to his wife.

- oh, my god.

I actually think I could
really get used to this.

- You think so?
- Mm-hmm.

- Was last night
what you expected?

- It was everything I expected
and a little bit more.


I am feeling extremely happy.

Last night just reaffirms
that I am in love with you.

Last night definitely felt like

it could be life-changing.

Having the undisturbed time
with matt,

I got to know really intimate
parts about him.

Oh, my god.

- Can never be too much butter.

- You're gonna k*ll me.
- Never too much butter.

- Fatten bri up.

He did share with me

that he's ready
for an engagement,

and that puts my mind at ease.

I just really look forward

to the next time
that I get to spend with you

because every time
gets better and better.

I am just in a state
of pure bliss.

I feel like I'm on cloud nine
and so in love.

I'm really going to miss you.

- I think last night was big
for me and bri.

We connect
on the deepest of levels.

She's been open, honest,

and that's what's gotten us
to this point.

It's what I've been looking for

and what I came here for.

I can see a life with bri
after this,

and it's hard to see her leave,
because I know

the next time I'ma see her
is at the rose ceremony.

Bri's the second woman

that's told me
that she's in love with me.

As incredible
as that is to hear,

it's not gonna be easy
sending someone home

after spending
this time together.

These women are putting their
heart out there for me.

I have such strong feelings
for everybody.

It doesn't make this decision
that I have to make

at the end of the week
any easier.

- it was just hard
to know that, like,

you had these really intimate
conversations with him

just about everything,
and, like,

I just haven't gotten
that chance.

- Mm.

- So I'm worried
that hearing bri,

you know,
go through the same thing,

talk about her day
and her time, it's...

I'm worried about it.

- Yeah.

I don't wanna see her.

- hi.

- Hey.
- Hi.

How are you guys?

- You know.

- Same old, same old?

- Yeah, nothing's changed.

How are you?

- Good.

- What'd you guys do?

- It was a really good time.

We went backpacking and camping.

- like, you didn't sleep
out there, did you?

- No, but I actually,

for a second,
actually thought that.

- but it ended up being
a fun... fun time anyways,

so, um...

It was a good day.

Yeah. Um...

The uninterrupted,
undisturbed time...

I'm not even lying to you guys.

Like, worth the wait,
honestly, but, um,

it was really nice.


So... It was good.

Are you excited
for your date, rach?

- Yeah, but, of course, like,

I'm getting in my head about...

It just feeling different

'cause he's already
been through so much this week.

I think that's, like,

the biggest fear
in my mind right now.

- yeah.

All right, well,

I guess I'm gonna go
get ready for my day.

- Bye, rach.

- is she okay?

- She's having a really hard
time just with everything,

so I think
that's what's happening.

It's just scary.

I think I'm just really
feeling the pressure

about our time together.

It hurts seeing how they feel

and seeing how they felt
the morning after

and hearing what they both
had to say.

I'm worried about how he feels,

what he's thinking.

I don't know. I'm freaking out.

I know how I feel about him.

I know that I love him.

I know that this is love

because I don't feel like
I can live without him,

but I really did break
this week.

At this point,
I just want to be like,

"just tell me.
Like, do I need to walk away?"

I'm just scared
he's gonna hurt me.

- I went into fantasy suite
week with zero expectations,

but the conversations

I had with michelle
that first night,

what bri and I discussed,

the questions
that she brought up,

every fantasy suite this week

has been huge.

Knowing how I wake up feeling
the next morning,

the bar is very high today.

This time with rachael,
I couldn't be more excited.

I hope that
she's coming into today

as fired up as I am

about where our conversations go

and where our time takes us.

- I feel the most nervous

I've ever felt
before seeing him.

You know,

I feel like my heart
is in my throat.

I'm just really worried

his feelings have changed
throughout the week

and he has a stronger
connection with someone else.

One of my biggest fears
right now

is walking up
and just having it feel

immediately different
between us.

- been a while.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- I missed you.
- I missed you too.


- Like, a lot.

It's been, like...

Like, the hardest week
of my life.

- I'm excited to see you...

- Mm-hmm.
- And to...

For what we have planned today.
- Mm-hmm. Okay.

- So what do you say?
- Yeah, let's do it.

How've you been?

- Um, I'm all right.

I've been thinking about you.

- I've been worried about that.

- I can see that rachael

has something on her heart
and on her mind,

and I'm feeling that
as I'm walking up to our date.

I have no idea
what she was going through.

- Hi, guys.
- Hey.

- Welcome. My name is lauren,

and I'm going to be your
ceramics instructor for today.

- Perfect.

- This being the last
of the... the overnights,

it's a big day for me
and rachael's relationship.

I'm hoping that she's all right.

- The first thing
you're gonna do

is start with
a really strong foundation.

The thing that's great
about ceramics

is that it really is like
building a relationship.

You have an idea in your head
of how it's gonna turn out,

but things change,

and so you need to be flexible
and understanding.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

- It got lopsided.

Dang it.

Why is yours looking better?

- I'm not, like,
completely 100% right now.

I'm just freaking out about
how today's gonna go.

He was with two other women

just in a matter of, like,
hours ago, days ago.

- But your fingers are going
to go inside the hole,

and you're going to gently...

- The thought of him
getting intimate

with another woman, like,
it is absolutely excruciating.

I'm beating myself up about it.

- How are we doing?
- I need...

I feel like I need
to talk to you.

I don't want it to, like,
ruin our day.

I think I really just have
a lot to get off my chest,

and I just want to sit him down
and get answers.

Like, I just don't want
to wait around

for the heartbreak.


this week was, like...
Like, unbearable for me.


You know, like, I...
I picture you

as my future husband.

I know you know that,
and, you know,

when I picture you
as that person for me,

and then knowing that you're
spending really intimate time

with other people, like,
I really didn't think

I would get through this week,

Um, like, it was the lowest
that I've felt.

- Yeah.

- I do want you to look into
every single relationship

to where, you know,
when you do make that decision

at the end of all of this,
you are, like,

fully confident in that decision

and you know it's the right one,

so I get it.

Like, I know you have to do
what you have to do,

but... - Yeah.

- Like, I've been getting
in my mind,

thinking, like,
if your mind's changed

about how you feel for me
and everything, you know,

and if, you know, like, you
don't see a future with me,

at this point,
and I just don't know how

I would be able to, like,
handle losing you.

I didn't really want
to start today like this,

but I just felt like... - No.

- I needed to just
get it all out.

- I'm glad we're doing it.

Like... like,
there's not a right time

to have it, this conversation.

Like, whenever
you're feeling this,

I want to talk about it.

There's no easy way to go
about these next two weeks,

but it's necessary... - Mm-hmm.

- So that, at the end of this,
you can have 100% assurance

in where I'm at
with you and us, and...

As respectfully
as I can go about it,

do the same with everybody.

- um...

again, when I'm with you,

you're all I'm thinking about...

- Mm-hmm.
- And today's your day.

I wanted you
to be in the best place

for our time this week...
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

- And, like, rest up
from our parachuting.

No, I'm serious.

I, uh... that scared me.

Like, I don't like to take
myself to, like, a dark place,

but I did when I saw you
hit the ground.

It freaked me out, you know,

and when I saw you laying there,

I wanted you to be okay.

- Mm-hmm.

- That was, like,
really the first time

I was like, "what would life
be like without rachael?"

and I'm only gonna say things
that I mean

and do things that I mean
and feel...

- Mm-hmm.
- And I'm gonna continue

to show you how I feel about you

and where I'm at with you

as I'm falling in love with you.

- I believe you.

You know, I'm, like,
head over heels for you.

I'm completely in love with you.

I'm really happy
I was honest with matt.

He really does
make me feel so good,

and I just really feel like
I gained that confidence back.

Okay, that actually
looks really good.

I really am in love with him,

and I'm just a happier, better
person when I'm with him.

Every part of me wants matt,

and I'm really excited
for tonight

to actually have him
all to myself.

Oh, my god.


That was really impressive.

- Hello.
- Hey.

Are you cold? - No. I'm great.

- How are you?
- I'm good.

I'm excited for tonight.

- You look so cute.
- Thank you.

- I love what you're wearing.
- You look good.

- I can't feel my feet.

- Let's go inside.
- Yeah.

Tonight is our potential
fantasy suite

and probably the most
important night

that I spent with matt.

Being intimate's
really important to have

in a relationship,
especially someone

that you're gonna spend
the rest of your life with,

so I'm nervous
going into tonight.

Oh, this is cute.

I really do put walls up,

and I've never
let my guard down like this,

but I see him as my husband.

You know, I want to be his wife,

and I feel like
there's just, like,

that really special intimacy
that you share with one another

that you don't share
with anyone else.

So that's exactly
what I'm looking for tonight.

- wow.

That looks great.

Is that one of the dresses?
- Yep.


- How are you feeling?

I think, um...

Yeah, I think I had
a really good day with you.

I feel like...

I'm kind of, like, mad at myself

for being so worried this week.

I've really struggled
with, you know,

putting my guard down

and being completely open
and honest

and really communicating
exactly how I feel,

so, like, I really didn't want
to do that today,

but I also knew I had to.

- No, and I want you
to be comfortable

to have those conversations...
- Yeah.

- Because I haven't in the past.

I'm trying to do all the things

that I wish I would've done
in the past,

and one of those
being communication...

- Yeah.
- And, I mean...

- I mean, I've told you
the same thing for me.

Like... - Yeah.

- Ever since
that very first night

and being able
to just let that guard down,

as scary as it is... - Mm-hmm.

- I've already found
a lot of, like, comfort

in leaning on you,
and I think that, like,

I've just been so worried
about getting hurt

and getting heartbroken
that I haven't even

really thought about
if that's something

that you're worried about,

'cause I didn't know
if you have had, like,

any worries or any insecurities
throughout this whole thing.

- I felt like...

a lot of things
in my past relationships,

I held back
because of personal things

that I hadn't addressed,
and being here,

I'm just like,
"what's holding me back

from that next step?" - yeah.

- And the way that I was raised
and, um,

like, not having my dad around
and how that affected us,

like, what I saw as marriage,
a relationship, at a young age,

maybe things from that
I'm projecting

or had projected on
relationships I've been in,

and I just know
I needed to talk to him.

And having that conversation
helped me

have clarity about what I want...

- I was gonna ask
if you got any clarity.

- Yeah, 100%.

That's what I've been trying
to do with you,

with myself, is just make sure
that my mind's cleared

of anything that would keep me

from pursuing you
and love wholeheartedly.

- Mm-hmm.

- Because the big conclusion
for me

at the end of that conversation
was I'm nothing like my dad.

You know?

What I view family,

and commitment
is different than him.

- I mean, I think, like...
I hate to...

'cause I obviously don't know
exactly, like,

what you went through,
but I do think

that you learned
so much from it,

from what it sounds like.

Of course, you would've chosen

to have it differently
growing up,

but I think that you are
the man that you are today

because of all of those things...

Or in spite of not
having him there.

- Yeah.

- And I know that
you would never,

you know,
walk away from a family.

- I can't tell you how much
I appreciate that.

- You know, I love the idea
of you always being there

for me, but also for them.

You're all I think about,

and, you know,
when I'm thinking about you,

it is about our future together

and you getting down
on one knee at the end of this,

and... You know,

I don't know exactly
where you're at.

If you do feel like
something's holding you back

because of that relationship
with your dad,

I'm glad that you, you know,
did get some clarity.

I wanted to tell you that I am
100% completely ready for that

if you give us that chance,

and I am ready to take on
life with you and, like,

whatever it throws our way.

- same.

- I really do think that.

You're laughing at me.

- I'm... I'm happy.

I'm not laughing. - But I... no.

I really do think that.

If you had a ring
in your pocket right now

and pulled it out,
I would say yes.

I feel like I've been ready

for, like, weeks
up to this point.

- tonight, I'm just thinking

about what life
would look like with rachael,

the man that I want to be
and the family I want to have,

and she continues
to blow me away.

Well, there is one more thing.
- Okay.

- Do you want to read it?

She's smart, beautiful,
she's articulate, she's sexy,

and everything
that she embodies...

it's, uh... it's incredible.

- "should you choose to forego
your individual rooms,

please use this key..."

- I'm falling for rachael,

and I wanna continue
to show rachael

how much I care about her,

and I couldn't think
of a better way

to spend the night.

- Yeah, I mean,

I really do want that time
with you.

I've really been looking
forward to that time with you.

- let's do it.

I cannot wait to have
this night with him,

especially after having
a really hard week,

but, you know, I would jump
out of that plane again.

I would go through
this week again.

I would do everything
100 more times

to be here right now.

I've really needed this
uninterrupted time with him.

- What do you think?


This is, like,
actually happening.

I feel like I couldn't
be any more excited.

I get to spend the night
with the man that I love,

and I get to wake up
next to him.

What the hell? Oh, my god!

Wait. -

- oh, my god.

As if my time with matt tonight

couldn't be any more magical

I've never wanted anyone more
in my entire life.

I really do love the man.

I wanna spend my life with him,

I wanna be his wife,

and I am so ready for this.

I hope that he goes and gets
a ring while I'm asleep


I wake up
with a ring on my finger.

- tonight feels
incredibly intense.

This is the last rose ceremony.

The two women
who get roses tonight

will be the two women
who meet matt's family,

and then there's
that next step after that,

which would hopefully
be a proposal.

Going into tonight's
rose ceremony,

I don't think there's a way
to not be nervous.

Everything that I came here for

was to see
if I could find my person

that I'm going to spend
the rest of my life with.

- Hi, michelle.

- Hi. How are you?
- How you doing?

Good to see you.
- So nice to see you.

How you doing tonight?

- I mean, this is the love
that I've been looking for,

so it feels comfortable
and exciting

and scary in all the best ways.

- But you're there.
- I'm there.

Well, head on inside.

I'm in love with matt.

He's the person that I want

to spend the rest
of my life with.

Part of me feels like
I'm on top of the world.

Part of me feels scared
for tonight.

I'm really hoping
to get that rose tonight

so that I can take
that next step with matt.

- hi, bri.

- Hi. How are you?

- It's good to see you.

- Good to see you.

- How you feeling?

- Better than last week.

- yeah?

- But after fantasy suites, um,

I felt like I got to know him
a lot more...

- Yeah.
- And really got

the opportunity
to progress our relationship,

so I feel really good
about that.

- Well, ready or not,
head on inside.

- Kay. Thank you.
- All right.

- I am in love with matt.

I don't think I knew how badly

I want to wake up to him
every morning,

and I feel so good
when I'm with him,

but, obviously, just very scary.

All three of us
have extremely high hopes

going into tonight...

and one of us

is going to be completely

- rach, it's so good to see you.

- Thank you. You too.

- How you feeling?

- Nervous, as usual,

but I... I also feel
really, really good.

I love him.

- No doubts.
- Yeah. No doubts.

I've never been so confident
about anything in my life.

- Well, you ready?
- Yeah.

- All right. Head on inside.

- All right. Thank you.

I love matt james...

so much.

My fantasy suite with matt
just solidified

every single piece
of our relationship

and the way we feel
about each other.

I believe matt and I's
relationship is different,

and what we have,

he can't have that
with two other women.

I don't think a rose has ever
held more weight to it.

- tonight is gonna be tough.

At this point, every woman here

has made it clear that they're
falling in love with me,

and I'm falling in love
with them too.

Everyone who's here
I could see being my wife,

but I just know
what I have to do,

and it just hurts my heart.

Ultimately, someone's
gonna go home brokenhearted.

There's nothing any
of these women have done...

to deserve that.

This week has been monumental.

I didn't think
that it was possible

to have these strong feelings
for multiple people,

but here we are,
our final rose ceremony...

and I just gotta continue
to follow my heart...

and this
is the hardest decision...

I've had to make.


Michelle, will you accept
this rose?

- Yes.

Thank you.

- my only fear, at this point,
is losing matt

and having to try and figure out

how to live my life without him.

I've never felt like this
about anyone else,

so I really don't know

how I would be able
to accept that.

- this is all very
uncharted territory for me...

Feelings that I've not felt
about someone.

I've told him
I'm in love with him,

and that all could be erased.

- rachael.

Rachael, will you accept
this rose?

- Yes.

Thank you.

- bri, I'm sorry.

Take a moment.
Say your goodbyes.


I'm sorry.

Not that I was looking

for some justification for this,

but there wasn't something
that came up this week,

and that's what makes it
so hard.

It would've been easy
if I could point to one thing

and say that that's why.

It's just a feeling that you
have when you're with somebody.

- yeah.

- And it's nothing
to do with you

and who you are
and how incredible you are...

and everything to do with
where my heart's leading me.

- Yeah, I just...

I can't be upset
or I can't be angry,

but I can be really sad
and disappointed and hurt,

but... I don't know
that that's at you.

I don't know what that's at,

obviously, I gave up a lot
to be here.

It is hard, um,
to think about, like,

not being able
to, um, see you again,

but I think that's
just how this goes.

You are going to be moving on
to someone else,

and I think that's
what makes it harder.

- I'll walk you to the car.
- Kay.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- it's really disappointing
and sad

that it wasn't me.

It's hard, 'cause...

What I thought we had
was special,

but it couldn't have been
all for nothing.


yeah, it really
couldn't have been.

- I mean, I wish I were
standing up there still.

- next week on "the bachelor"...

it's an emotional season finale

when matt's journey comes
to a dramatic conclusion.

- I'm about to make

one of the most important
decisions of my life

to find love, to find a wife,
to leave this thing engaged.

- Rachael, I'm patty.
- Yes.

Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

- My brother and my mom, they
know me better than anybody.

She doesn't want me to make

the same mistake
that my dad made.

- Every time I see him,
my heart's racing.

I really do picture this future
with him.

- Ooh!

I've been looking
for this type of love

for such a long time.

- Thank you so much.
- You're gonna make me cry.

- love is a wonderful thing,

but it's not gonna be easy.

Love is not the end-all, be-all.

- Hearing everything
that my mom had been through

just takes me back
to a very dark place.

- You okay?
- No.

- No, I'm not.
- I'm sorry, matt.

- yeah.

- Do you know
if you can do this anymore?

- To be honest with you,
I don't know, chris.

Everything that I thought
I was working towards

is starting to crumble.

Tell me where you're at.

- he didn't even
want to see me today.

I feel pretty in the dark
right now.

I don't know what I'ma do.

- It's all coming up next week

on the shocking season finale
of "the bachelor."

- how do you make your s'mores?

- Uh...
- Have to bake it.

Ooh. -

yours look nasty.

- Can you...
The burnt, the better.

No? - Yeah, right.

- Yes. Look at this.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What are you about to do here?

- Improvise.

- Why are you laughing at me?
- I'm...

- we might've just
figured something out here.

- Okay, but it looks
a little, um, burned.

- It is smoking. Oh, sh**t.

Is that the tinfoil
that's on fire?

- ooh.

How good does that look?

- Um...

hot? -

- are you okay?

That was a horrible idea.