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18x01 - Week 1: Season Premiere

Posted: 04/16/24 17:19
by bunniefuu
‐ Get ready
for a brand‐new season

of "The Bachelorette."


‐ Whoo, whoo!
I'm the Bachelorette!

I'm a teacher,
and class is in session. Hey!

I'm looking for someone
to take my breath away...

My soulmate,

someone who is going
to change the world with me.

‐ Did someone named Michelle
order a double scoop of love?

‐ Ooh!

This is our journey, Rodney!
This is totally our journey!

‐ She's an authentic woman

with strength and focus
and ambition.

‐ I normally don't get in bed
on the first date.

‐ She's so real and so stunning.

‐ This is a once‐in‐a‐lifetime

for a one‐in‐a‐billion girl.
‐ Ooh!

‐ We found something that was
actually really alarming.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Someone is planning out
their every move.

‐ So manipulative.
It's disgusting.

‐ On the first night though?
What'd he do?

‐ I don't know who to trust.

‐ You are fake.
You are fake.

‐ You keep exposing yourself.
‐ ‐ Wait...

have I met you before?

‐ You think they had
a previous relationship?

I can no longer trust you.

‐ Y'all weak.
All y'all weak.

How you like me now?

This man is really pushing
my buttons!

‐ I just feel unseen.

‐ She feels like
she's not appreciated.

‐ If you keep shoving things
under the rug... ‐ Oh, man.

‐ They don't just disappear.

Did I make the right decision
to come here?

‐ And it all starts right now.

‐ So do you see?

We just turned
that 5/4s into 1 and 1/4.

Is that our answer?

‐ No.
‐ Why?

‐ You have to add
the 7 to the 1.

‐ Got it. We can't forget
about this whole number.

So 7 plus 1 is what?
‐ 8.

‐ And then what is
our new fraction?

‐ 8 and 1/4.
‐ Y'all are so smart.

What other questions
do you have for me?

‐ How many boyfriends
are you gonna have? ‐ Well...

‐ Ms. Young
is my fifth grade teacher,

and I'm super excited

that she's
the next Bachelorette.

‐ Before I answer,
how many do you think?

‐ 8.
‐ Maybe, like, 15.

‐ Closer to 30.
‐ Oh, my.

You're all really shocked.

Is that a lot? all: Yes.

‐ It's weird that she's
kissing, like, 30 boys,

but, like, wow, you just have
to find your love, Ms. Young.

‐ Do you have tips for me?
What do you think?

‐ Don't change yourself
for anyone.

‐ Ms. Young, good luck.
‐ Oh, thank you!

Come give me a hug.

I'm Michelle Young,
I'm 28 years old,

and I'm your new Bachelorette.

I grew up
in Woodbury, Minnesota,

and I would not change
one thing about my childhood,

and I know that I'm really lucky

to have had the childhood
that I did.

I could not have asked
for better parents.

They did not miss
one sports activity.

I was super passionate
about basketball,

but I really didn't date
until the senior year,

and dating hasn't been easy.

‐ Anybody hungry?

‐ Michelle and Mom...
‐ We're just watching.

Wait to be served.

‐ My parents' relationship
is so powerful,

and they're the reason
why I'm still single

because I'm not gonna settle
until I have a love

as powerful as theirs.

Growing up, you guys
never failed to not laugh

with each other
and be understanding,

and you always
kind of were a team,

and so that's something
that I'm looking for.

That's something
that I really appreciated,

and I want those values I want
to put into my own family.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Yes.

I really do hope
you can find that person

that is special to you,
somebody that treats you well.

I want you to have someone
like your dad

'cause your dad
couldn't be a kinder person,

a more giving person.
‐ Now you're gonna make me cry.

‐ No, really.
I mean, he is my everything.

You know, so I hope
you can find your person

that puts you first.
‐ Yes.

In my past relationships,
it's ended up in

me being heartbroken
or just, like,

the relationship not working,
and that's never easy

when you're putting
everything you have in it,

when you're being genuine,
and you actually, like,

care for that person.

To get what I'm looking for,
I have to be vulnerable,

and I have to put myself
in that situation

in order to find the person
that, you know,

it is going to work with.

‐ If they mean a lot to you,
it'll be great for us.

Mom, I'm gonna start crying!

‐ Whatever you decide,
we trust you.

We're behind you 100%.

‐ Bye, Mom.
‐ Bye, sweetie.

‐ This seems so crazy,
but this is my sh*t to find love.

That's why
I'm so excited, honestly. Whoo!

It's kicking in,

the feelings of
being the Bachelorette.

I already feel super special.

Like, how would a girl
not feel special

in this situation?

‐ Unbelievable!

I'm the Bachelorette!

Ten and two, Michelle.

Ten and two.

Arriving to Indian Wells,
I feel like this is

where I'm supposed to be.

I'm looking for somebody
who is genuine and passionate,

completely authentic.


check this place out.

I get to relax,
and I get to fall in love.

I'm the Bachelorette!


It's night one!

‐ I really do feel
like Kaitlyn and Tayshia

are kind of like
this, like, secret w*apon.

‐ DO you think you could end up
with one of these

on your finger...
a little bling, bling?

‐ At the end?
‐ I think so.

I would like to.
‐ Yeah.

‐ I feel like it only
makes sense that I'm next.

Cheers to finding your husband.

‐ Whoo!

‐ I just know that this
will be my last time

falling in love.
I couldn't be any more pumped.

I'm ready to fall in love!

School's out for the summer.
Bring on the men.

‐ Tonight is a huge night.
It's game time. Warmups are over.

You're lacing up your shoes
one last time,

and you're about to step out
onto the court,

but this court
is covered in roses,

and I'm gonna be wearing
stilettos instead of sneakers.

I am hoping that I could
meet my soulmate tonight.

I truly cannot wait
to meet these men.

‐ One, two, three.

Let's go!

‐ Yeah!
‐ It is traveling day.

‐ I am so excited
to meet you, Michelle.

‐ All right, you guys,
I'm leaving.


‐ We'll miss Uncle Daniel!

‐ Hey, I'm Chris.
I am 28 years old.

I'm from New Orleans, Louisiana.

I currently live in Los Angeles.

I'm a California Cajun man.

I'm a Southern gentleman,

so that kind of stays with me
wherever I go.

I'm very confident in who I am
and where I come from,

and got my eyebrows done.

I'm not afraid
to share that about myself.

I'm super goofy.
The goofy will come out.

You can find me at the beach,
floaties on.

Michelle, her and I
have a lot in common.

I'm a bit of a mama's boy,
if you can't tell.

We are both family‐oriented.

‐ She was a point guard
just like you.

‐ She was a point guard like me.

‐ She might take you
on the basketball court.

‐ Yeah, we'll see.

We both play basketball.
We like sports.

Love adventures.
Love helping other people.

I love the fact
that she's super authentic

and genuine, and she wears
her heart on her shoulder.

We're gonna be there
in, like, 30 minutes.

I'm speechless.

I can't wait to meet this woman.

It's so exciting.
It's like, this could be it.

You know?
She could be the one.

And it could happen
right here right now.

‐ What's up, Michelle?
Joe Coleman here.

from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Born and raised.

So I'm a real estate developer.

I do redevelopments
on properties

and put in a lot
of sweat equity into them.

I've been building a foundation

for my next steps in life,

and so I'm looking
for a queen to build with.

Michelle, I'm super excited
to meet you.

Can't wait to get some
one‐on‐one time with you.

Michelle being from Minnesota,
we have just a lot in common.

We graduated the same year,
coming out of high school.

We both played basketball.
She's biracial just like me.

And I think we can
really share those experiences.

Just got in last night,
but the hotel is super nice.

Michelle would be
the perfect partner.

She seems a very genuine person,

and her smile is,
like, top‐notch for sure.

See y'all soon.

‐ I grew up in Missouri.
It's slower paced.

I do kind of appreciate that.
My family, they are my rock.

They are
the most important people.

I have two younger brothers,
and we're so close.

We might as well have been
a mini fraternity.

In college, I played football,
and so absolutely I'm excited

to meet Michelle.

She's a former D1 athlete,
so I think,

being one myself,
it says so much

as far as what type
of person she is,

and I love the fact
that she's a teacher.

My mom's a teacher as well,
so I have a lot of respect

for people that do that.
‐ Hi, Michelle.

I'm Kelly, Clayton's mom.

I think someday he will
make a wonderful partner,

and who knows?
Maybe it'll be you.

‐ I appreciate it, Mom.
‐ Thank you. ‐

‐ My name is Brandon Jones.
I'm from Portland, Oregon.

I'm a fun guy.

I'm into snowboarding,
football, and basketball.

I try to do it all, but now
I'm ready to start a family.

Family means so much to me
'cause no matter what you do,

they're gonna support you.

Oof, you gonna miss me?
‐ Nah.


Growing up,
I had to raise my brother.

I just always
had to be a grown‐up.

My parents
were always gone working.

You know, there's gonna be
struggle sometimes,

but as long
as you got your family,

that's all that matters, so...

This is it.
I'm all packed. I'm ready.

Heart pumping,
gut full of butterflies,

and I'm just gonna be

as original Brandon Jones
as possible.

‐ You road trip ready?

You got the game face on.
I see you.

My name's Nayte Olukoya.

I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba.
I'm living in Austin, Texas.

I really hope that Michelle
likes road trips

because there is nothing better

than a road trip, honestly.

Michelle's gorgeous, okay?
Like, Michelle is a stunner.

She's a teacher.
My mom's a teacher.

I have crazy respect
for teachers,

and knowing that she's
a teacher has me believing,

at least, that she's a person
that's gonna want to have,

like, conversations
that are, you know,

not superficial 'cause
that's what I'm looking for.

I'm really excited to just,
like, finally meet Michelle.

Knowing me,
if she's standing there

looking amazing, I'm gonna just

calm myself down a little bit

and enjoy the very first moment

of what could be my forever.

‐ 4 airports, 3 planes,
like, 5,000 kilometers.

I don't know how many miles
that is, but it's a lot.

Point is, I made it.
I'm here.

And I can't wait
to fall in love.

I'm from Halifax, Nova Scotia
on the east coast of Canada,

and I'm a speaker
with a non‐profit,

So I interact with, like,
thousands of kids every year

and provide opportunities
for them

to think about where they
want to take their future.

I like a lot about Michelle.

Like, fundamentally,
I feel like we see the world

in the same way, and I think
that's, like, really important

for a relationship.
This is stressful.

Tonight is the first night.

I'm gonna meet Michelle,
and I'm probably

the most excited I've ever been

and also, like,
at the same time,

the most nervous.


‐ Hey.
‐ Hello. ‐ What is‐‐oh, my‐‐hi!

‐ Hi!
‐ Hi!

‐ How are you?
‐ Good.

How are you?
‐ I'm great.

‐ These guys
are not expecting us. ‐ No.

We're going in early
to do our due diligence.

‐ I'm glad I cleaned up.

‐ Your room, it's spotless!
‐ What the heck?

‐ We're gonna scout out the guys

and make sure they're up
to Michelle's standards.

‐ This one's more gray.

‐ Oh, gray's good.
‐ Go gray.

‐ I actually
really like the gray.

‐ You're feeling
the gray, right?

‐ I'm just extremely optimistic
and excited

for Michelle to meet Chris.

‐ Bye!
‐ Bye!

‐ Oh, whoa.

Oh, sh**t.
‐ Hello!

‐ How you doing?
Let me get a shirt.

‐ I'm actually really glad
that we're doing this...

‐ Yeah, me too.

‐ Because you never know
who's walking

out of that limo.
‐ No.

‐ I like inspiring the youth

and changing
the next generation.

I think she's
all about that too.

‐ Love that!
‐ Okay!

‐ But we are gonna kick you
out of your own room.

‐ Of my room?
‐ Oh, yeah. ‐ Okay.

‐ You how, like, if you look
into a person's car,

it says a lot about them‐‐

like, the mess,
the stains, the smell.

It says a lot about someone
how their hotel room is kept.

‐ Coconut and coffee scrub.
Wow, this guy has it dialed in.

‐ And it's very organized.

‐ I am very impressed
by this man.

‐ I was born on the same ranch

my family still lives on today.

I come with my lunch pail,
I go to work. Driving tractors,

working with my hands
in the fields‐‐

it taught me work ethic.
I can plow a field, ladies.

All right, ready?

I think Michelle
could be the one, yeah.

She's genuine.
She's smart.

She's athletic.
She's down‐to‐earth.

Michelle wants
to make a difference.

That's something
that I'm looking for

in my partner.
I have this suit.

‐ Yep, we like this.
‐ Love the color.

‐ Yeah.
‐ Love the pocket square.

‐ And so meeting Michelle
and having that opportunity

that she might be the one
is something

that's exciting to me.

‐ We're actually
gonna inspect a little bit.

‐ Oh, so you're gonna
make fun of my stuff.

Okay, go to town.
‐ Yeah, okay, go.

Oh, okay.

‐ There's nothing in there
anywhere, so go‐‐go, so... ‐ Bye!

‐ I feel good about this.
‐ I think he's a great guy.

‐ Yeah.

‐ I don't even wanna know
what they're gonna see.

‐ Whoa! Kaitlyn!
What is this?

‐ He has everything
written out to a T.

Research on how to actually
get more screen time.

Past cast members who he
should try to act like.

How to get a good edit.

"Make it seem
like you're super interested."

‐ It was actually
kind of uncomfortable.

Not gonna lie.
‐ I didn't like it.

What do we do about this?
‐ I don't know.

It's finally here.

Ms. Young's first day
as the Bachelorette.

Class is in session.

I'm ready.
I'm excited.

Tonight is the night
that's gonna be the start

of a really
beautiful relationship

with a soulmate.
And so on that note,

bring on the men!

‐ Whoo!
‐ It's time, y'all!

It's game time!
‐ Cheers, y'all.

‐ Cheers.
‐ Cheers to a good night.

‐ Oh, yeah.

One, two, three, Michelle.

Hey!‐ ‐

‐ Ah, here she comes!

‐ Oh, my God,
I'm so excited for her!

Oh, my gosh, she must be
freaking out right now.


Get on up here.

Oh, my gosh.
‐ Wow.

‐ Stunner.
‐ You are stunning.

‐ My girls.
‐ Oh, my gosh.

You look stunning.
‐ Hi, there.

‐ You are a dream.

The Bachelorette.
‐ The Bachelorette.

I'm the Bachelorette.
‐ Yes!

‐ You feel it now.
‐ I do feel it.

‐ You do.
‐ It's sinking in real nice.

‐ What are your hopes
for tonight?

‐ I want to see a lot
of potential relationships,

and by the end of the night,
really feel excited

about more than one person,
you know?

‐ Yeah, I have a good feeling.

I mean, we did meet
some of your guys.

‐ Really?
‐ Yes. ‐ Yeah.

‐ And they are excited
to meet you.

‐ Mm, that makes me happy.

‐ Well, we are so
incredibly happy to be here...

‐ Yes.
‐ With you on this journey.

‐ Love it.

‐ And the first limo
is pulling up right now.

‐ Oh, my God.
‐ Oh!

‐ Michelle,
let the journey begin.

‐ Let's go!
‐ Game time!

‐ Let's go!
‐ Yeah!

‐ We're comin', Michelle.
We're comin'.

‐ Oh, Lordy lord.
‐ She looks damn good.

‐ Whew!
‐ Oh, my God.


‐ I'm coming for you, baby!
‐ Oh!

‐ Oh, my goodness.
Deep breaths, deep breaths.

‐ Oh, my gosh.

‐ Wow. ‐ Hello.

‐ You look amazing.
‐ Thank you.

‐ Oh, my God.
‐ It's nice to see you.

‐ You are gorgeous.
Oh, my God.

My name is Babatunde Olufemi
Robert Nathaneil Olukoya.

Robert Nathaniel Olukoya.

‐ Nice to meet you.
That's a name.

‐ It's a mouthful.
‐ I love it.

‐ My friends call me Nayte.
‐ Okay, Nayte.

‐ Well, hey, I don't want
to take too much of your time.

You can take as much time
as you need. ‐

I just want to say
I'm, like, so happy to be here

with you right now,
and I'm looking forward

to see if you and I have
what each other's looking for,

and before we start
this journey,

I just want to say,
it's better Nayte than never.

Did you come up with that
all on your own?

‐ Oh, 100%.
‐ I love it.

‐ Come on, come on.
‐ Okay.

‐ Hey, all right,
I'll see you inside.

‐ See you inside.
‐ Yeah, most definitely.

‐ That was a good start.


Nayte, I like Nayte.

‐ Ow, ow!
‐ C'est magnifique.

‐ Hi.

‐ Hey.
How are you doing?

‐ Very intriguing.

I have no idea
what you're saying.

‐ I said that my name's Romeo,
and I hope you'll be my Juliet.

But I assure you
that our love story

won't end in tragedy.

‐ I love it.

Well, it's very nice
to meet you.

‐ I'll see you inside.

‐ Romeo, Romeo.
‐ Yes!

‐ She liked that.

‐ Hello.
‐ Michelle.

It's so great
to finally meet you.

‐ How are you doing?
‐ Great, great.

‐ Very good.

‐ Wow, you look beautiful.
‐ Thank you.

I like it.
‐ So my name's Jack.

‐ Jack, nice to meet you.
‐ Jack Russell.

‐ Jack Russell.
Is it really?

Yes, like the dog.

‐ And like the dog,
I'm loyal and attentive,

but I'm also playful,
and I'm so ready

to play tug of w*r
for your heart.

I love it.

‐ Look forward
to seeing you inside.

‐ You as well.
‐ Talk more?

‐ Yes.
‐ All right, see you.

‐ Michelle.
How you doing?

‐ Why do you have a hand
hiding behind that back there?

‐ I do, and you gotta forgive me

for giving
a one‐armed hug right now.

So to no surprise,
I heard that you're a teacher.

‐ I am, yes.

‐ And so no surprise as well,
I used to be a student,

and from time to time,
I found myself

getting in trouble
due to my behavior.

So in case I do happen
to get out of line,

I brought you something.
‐ Oh.


‐ It's a ruler.
It's a teacher stick.

‐ He's a teacher.
‐ It's a teacher stick.

‐ He's a teacher.
‐ Is he a teacher?

Think he's a teacher.

‐ They could be
teachers together. ‐ Now, listen,

I plan on being
on my best behavior

this entire time,
so hopefully you

don't have to use it,
but this time only,

I will allow one free swing.

‐ You know, I don't think
I ever thought I'd be

spanking a grown man's butt
on national television,

but here I am.

Give me your best sh*t.

‐ I'm gonna be nice.
‐ That's it?

‐ It's your first day of school.

‐ Okay.
‐ I'm gonna be nice.

I want you to come back
to class, you know?

‐ Michelle let me off easy,

and I gotta be thankful for that

because I'm already
a little b*at up

with my confidence
coming in, my nerves.

So she didn't need
to add to that physically.

‐ Clayton.
Clayton is cute.

‐ Hey.
‐ Boys, boys.

What's going on?
‐ How we doin'?

‐ Hey, that did not
go according to plan.

I was kind of hoping
she'd have those nerves too,

but she was confident
and so calm, and I...

I'm still at a loss
for words right now.

I was more nervous,
man, than I feel

like I've ever been.
‐ Yeah.

‐ You almost forget
how to be a human.

‐ No, for real though.

‐ You know, I mean,
you can't prepare for this.

You just gotta hop out the limo
and hope it goes well, man.

‐ Hello.
‐ Hi.

‐ I like the tan.
‐ Um... I like this dress.

Thank you.

‐ You made this look fabulous.
Let's go.

‐ How are you doing?

‐ Yo, that was just fabric
until you brought it to life.

‐ I've never heard
that one before.

‐ Oh, well...
‐ I like it.

‐ Gotta surprise you
with something.

Hi, I'm Jamie.
‐ Jamie, nice to meet you.

‐ Wow.
‐ I'm Michelle.

‐ Michelle,
nice to meet you too.

‐ Wow, Jamie's
got some swag to him,

and he has his positive energy.

He's one
that definitely caught my eye.

I like him.
Jamie. I'll remember that.

So this is a good start.

The first few guys
who have stepped out,

I mean,
they're setting the bar high.

‐ Michelle, you are the one rose

in a field full of daisies,
which is to say

even when everything else
around you is beautiful,

you still dare to stand out.

‐ My cheeks are tired
from smiling,

and I'm kind of blown away
as I'm meeting

more and more of these men.

‐ I'm really looking forward
to this,

and hoping that,
you know, I'm your person

because I really
am here for that.

‐ I love that, Mollique.

They all have these qualities
that I'm looking for,

and so that makes me excited.

‐ You seem like an amazing girl
and the total package,

and I just can't wait
to learn more about you

and get this thing on track.

‐ They're genuine and charming
and, you know, very sweet.

‐ And I have men
who are funny and goofy.

‐ My dopamine
is on fire right now

after seeing you.

‐ So far, I feel like
the people who are here

are actually people
who are looking for love.

‐ It almost feels
like NBA draft night,


‐ And I'm hoping I could be
your number one pick.

‐ I love that.

They get me,
so it does really feel

like they're here for me.

I mean, I feel like these men
have done their homework.

Ms. Young!

‐ Yes!

Didn't you ever
learn bus safety?

They tell you not to stick
your head out the window.

‐ Ooh, I couldn't help myself.
‐ Oh, my gosh.

He has shorts on.
‐ Shorts and a backpack.

‐ I've never been so excited
to come back to school,

but you might have
to take an exam of mine.

‐ Oh, I'll be ready.
I don't mind a challenge.

‐ You might get an "A."
I might give you a D.

‐ See you later!
‐ Diamond, diamond.

‐ See you later.
‐ Diamond, diamond, diamond!

‐ Okay.
‐ What were you thinking?

You were thinking dessert.

‐ Detention, actually.
‐ Oh!

You can put me in detention.

‐ You're definitely
gonna be in detention.

‐ I wanted to do something
that made me stand out

but also be relatable to her.
‐ Pleasantly smooth, Chris.

‐ So I feel like I have
a leg up above everyone.

‐ My family said
that I ought to break a leg...

And I actually did.

I broke my foot
right before I came here.

‐ Oh, my gosh.
‐ Yes.

‐ You think the cane is an act,

or do you think
he actually is injured?

‐ He was limping.
‐ Hm.

‐ Unless it's a swag move.
‐ What is happening?

‐ Can I show you something?
‐ Yes.

‐ Oh.
Okay, ready?

‐ See, this is the thing.

I want to look at you,
so it's not fair

because you're clearly
very distracting. ‐

‐ This is the finest jewelry
in all of Louisiana,

and so this pair
you're gonna have to earn...

‐ Ooh.
‐ By showing me your...

‐ Okay, well,
I'm gonna give you this back.

‐ Okay, yeah, yeah, it's good.
It's good.

Um, you gotta show me
your heart.

‐ Heart, yes, okay.
‐ Yeah, you got it, yeah, yeah.

‐ Oh, my gosh.
‐ It's really awkward.

I'm uncomfortable.

‐ Best tux I've seen all night.

Hub, bub, bub, bub, bub, bub.

‐ The man forgot
his pants, Kaitlyn.

‐ How are you feeling?
Are you relaxed?

Is the anxiety racing‐‐

‐ I'm trying
to maintain eye contact.

‐ Are you?
‐ I will tell you one thing.

‐ This guy is quite ballsy.
‐ ‐ Uh‐oh, what we got?

‐ My guy's got no pants on.

‐ This man.

Dude, you came in with no pants
on the first day?

That's a bold move, bro.
How did she react?

‐ I think she enjoyed it.

‐ So far, there's a lot of guys

that bring different things
to the table,

but ultimately
I'm confident in myself

because what I bring
to her is the flavor.

What is this?

Oh, my gosh.

Am I supposed to go and open‐‐
oh, God, I'm nervous.

Oh, gosh.

This is like straight out
of a horror movie. Okay.

‐ Oh, gosh.

This is like straight out
of a horror movie. Okay.

Oh, God, I'm nervous.


‐ Hi.

‐ I was trying so hard not to
slam it back down in your face.

‐ I appreciate that.
‐ Oh, my God. ‐ You are stunning.

‐ You know,
nobody ever looked better

than you on a head of lettuce.

I mean,
that's pretty impressive.

My name is Rick.

I want to tell you
about the special tonight.

The special comes
from Los Angeles, California.

Perfectly aged at 32 years.

‐ Sweet with a little bit
of spice. ‐ Mmm.

‐ Now, I want you to enjoy
your appetizers tonight,

but when you're ready
for your main course,

come and find me, all right?
‐ Yes.

I don't know what else to say.

‐ Well, save it for later.
‐ Um...

‐ Thank you.

I'll‐‐I'll‐‐ ‐ Stay quiet.

‐ Yeah, yeah.
‐ Okay.

It's nice to meet you, Rick.
‐ Nice to meet you.

‐ Oh, I'm sorry.
‐ Oh, duck. ‐

‐ Have you ever seen
such a clever entrance before?

‐ It was pretty good.
‐ My compliments to the chef.

‐ What‐‐we're getting stuff.
What are we getting right now?

‐ Uh‐‐oh, wow.
Is that for us while we chat?

‐ Yeah, I feel like
you want to take a look.

‐ Can we check it?
‐ I don't know if we ordered‐‐

‐ Probably.
‐ Who's hungry?

‐ Oh, my God!
‐ Oh.

‐ How you guys doing?

‐ Hey, what's up?
‐ Good.

‐ Yeah, yeah.
‐ Send it back!

Send it back!

‐ I definitely think I had
the best idea for sure,

and Michelle loved it.

You know, it's hard to
stand out from the guy

that has his head as an entrée.

Oh, my God.

Yes. ‐ Oh, my gosh, what is that?

It's an ice cream truck.

‐ Did someone named Michelle
order a double scoop of love?

‐ I sure did!
‐ Whew!

Is that Ryan?

‐ Yeah.
‐ Oh, gosh, Michelle.

Oh, no.
‐ My name's Ryan.

Just looking at you
makes my heart melt,

and I heard
you got a sweet tooth

and you liked ice cream,
so I figured

this might be a good idea.
‐ You did your homework.

‐ I think ice cream truck's
pretty good.

I'm a little biased, but hey,
you gotta be,

and I think she
definitely enjoyed it. ‐

‐ It was
a pretty sweet entrance.

He came in an ice cream truck,

so the man clearly knows
what he's doing.

I mean, food is the way
to my heart.

Oh, my goodness.

Looks like one juicy apple
right there.

‐ Oh, Michelle, look at you.

Oh, my God.

‐ So what kind of apple?

Is it, like,
Ambrosia, Honeycrisp?

‐ I mean,
I'm not gonna lie to you,

I'm definitely
a Granny Smith. ‐ Ooh.

‐ But, more importantly, like,

I'm so excited
to be here with you,

and if you couldn't tell by now,

you're obviously
my favorite teacher.

I'm just trying
to be the apple of your eye.

‐ Ooh, I love it.
‐ Look at you.

Yeah, I know that there's
something about me

that captured her eye.
‐ Rodney seems awesome.

He's like
a healthy little snack.

‐ I just want to stand out
any way that I could.

You know, whatever we can do
to just capture her attention

is gonna mean everything
in the end.

‐ Uh, is that supposed
to be pizza?

Something like that.

‐ I know that
she's like a big foodie,

which is great because,
you know,

I change lives
one slice at a time.

‐ I do have a super important
question for you. ‐ Ask me.

‐ Are you actually good
at making pizza?

‐ You know, we're just gonna
have to find out,

maybe me and you together.

‐ I feel good.
I think she's vibing me.

I'm definitely vibing her,

so I feel like I'm in a Ferrari.

My foot's down on the gas,

and all the guys
are just trying to catch up.


‐ You look like you need a push.

Come here.
‐ How are you?

‐ I'm good.
How are you doing? ‐ Good.

So I heard there's a fire,

but it looks like
it's just a smoke show.

My name's Daniel.
‐ I like your ride there.

‐ Oh, yeah, so I'ma find you
when you come in there,

and I can tell you all about
this high‐powered,

fastest fire truck model
on the market so...

‐ Okay, I like it.
I like it.

‐ I'll see you inside.
‐ Nice to meet you, Daniel.

‐ Yes.
‐ ‐ I'm a firefighter,

and my entrance
was definitely unique.

I know there's a lot of guys
here with great ideas,

but I have to say
my fire truck was the best.

‐ Uh‐oh.

‐ Bro, there's
another firefighter?

‐ Bro.
‐ Is this how you came in?

‐ No!
‐ That's not how you‐‐?

‐ I came in on a toy fire truck.

‐ On a what?
‐ A toy fire truck.

‐ A toy fire truck?
‐ Yeah. ‐ Bro! ‐ That's crazy.

‐ Oh, I wonder how
Daniel's feeling right now.

‐ He's hurt.
He's so hurt right now.

Like, that's supposed to be me.

‐ That's crazy.
‐ Bro, who is this guy?


‐ This your competition, bro.
This your competition, bro.

‐ Nah, he's all
of our competition.

‐ You know, there's
another firefighter inside.

‐ Really?
‐ Yeah.

‐ He's not a firefighter
like me though.

‐ Yeah, he showed up
with a fire truck.

‐ Really?
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Another fire truck?
‐ Mm‐hmm. You can compare.

‐ Honestly, he looks
like a good‐looking guy.

He looks
like a good‐looking guy.

‐ Who we got next?
‐ Let's see.

‐ Hey, Michelle.
‐ Well, hello.

‐ Wow, some dude
came in a bed, bro.

‐ I normally don't get in bed
on the first date, but...

‐ Oh, don't get
in that bed, Michelle.

‐ Come on, now.
‐ What are you doing?

‐ Man, I can't be seeing this.

‐ Well, I just wanted to show
you kind of what it'd be like

waking up
next to me every morning

for the rest of our lives.

‐ This is what you'd be
waking up to every morning.

‐ Oh, I'm okay with that.
I feel good.

Yeah, it was
a little steamy for sure.

‐ Ooh, look at you!

‐ But leaving a first
impression is truly everything

at this point, and everyone
is bringing their A‐game. ‐ Ooh!

Let's see those
double ball handling skills.

Give me a crossover.
Give me between the legs.

‐ Everyone is trying to step out

of their comfort zone. ‐ Wow.
A dancer.

‐ And there are a lot of guys
who are really throwing

themselves out there and trying
to show her the real them.

‐ Get rid of the sleeves.
That'd be the first thing.

‐ Okay, JoMarri!
‐ And everyone is so unique.

‐ I want you to take
a deep breath really quick.

How do you like that?
‐ I feel...

‐ Pretty good a little bit?
‐ A lot more calm.

‐ There we go, good.
‐ Okay.

‐ They're thinking
outside the box

and doing whatever they can
to separate themselves.


‐ So I'm like, "Wow,
these guys got it going on."

‐ I got some competition.
‐ Oh.

‐ So I feel like I'm already
flipping crazy about you,

and hopefully
I can do everything right

to make you feel
the same way about me.

‐ At the end of the day,
we want the same thing,

and that's to spend the rest
of our lives with Michelle,

so you want to stand out
from the crowd, you know?

‐ Hi.
‐ Hello.

How are you?
‐ I'm good.

How are you doing?
‐ I'm great.

‐ Step this way.
‐ I'm Joe.

‐ It's great
to finally meet you.

‐ You look really familiar.

‐ I'm also from
the Land of 10,000 Lakes.

‐ Minneapolis‐‐or Minnesota?
‐ Minneapolis, Minnesota, yeah.

‐ Hey.
‐ There you go, yeah.

Well, you know, all these guys,

you probably
have to convince them

to move to Minnesota,
but lucky for us,

I'm actually from there,

and I can't wait
to go back home with you.


‐ I try to be, so...
you look amazing.

‐ You as well.
Nice to meet you.

‐ Nice to meet you.

‐ You‐‐I really
cannot place you.

Have I met you before?
‐ We'll see.

Have a good one.
See you inside.

‐ Have I slid into your DMs?
Is your last name Coleman?

Yeah, that's me. ‐

Oh, my God.

‐ What was that?
‐ What just happened?

‐ Okay, so...
‐ What just happened?

‐ Did I hear something
about sliding into DMs?

‐ We messaged back and forth
about basketball briefly,

and then he ghosted me.
‐ Stop.

‐ His name is Joe,
and he's from Minnesota.

‐ So are you happy
to see him here? ‐ Kind of.

‐ Or are you
kind of caught off guard

and, like, not interested.

‐ I'm kind of interested,
and he's good‐looking.

‐ Oh, my gosh.
‐ Oh, my.

The good news is
is you have all night

to have any type of conversation

with every single one
of those men in there.

‐ This is so weird.
This is freaky weird.

Not one of these men
is, like, the next.

They're all so, so different.

‐ She looks so good tonight.
It's ridiculous.

‐ It's like, you know
how many times

you rehearse your lines...
‐ Yeah.

‐ In the room and everything.

‐ And then it just goes blank
as soon as you see her.

‐ Yeah.
‐ I forgot my name.

I can't even lie.
‐ Michelle is amazing.

People say
they have butterflies.

I had, like,
pigeons in my stomach.

Okay, you know what I mean?

‐ Don't forget,
later on tonight,

there will be
a First Impression Rose

to give out.
‐ Yes.

‐ And the First Impression Rose,

I mean, is a big deal
not only to you

but also to the guys
inside there.

‐ I cannot wait.
‐ And go with your intuition.

‐ I sure will.

‐ So definitely
go have fun in there.

‐ The journey starts now.

‐ Yo, we're waiting
for Michelle, my boy.

‐ Seeing her, and I feel like
just everything went blank,

and now I just can't wait for
her to come down those stairs.

‐ Where's my wife?
‐ Michelle!

‐ The woman of the hour.
‐ Whoo! ‐ There she go!

There she go!

‐ My goodness.
‐ Wow.

‐ Look at you.
‐ Yeah! ‐ There she go!

‐ Whoo!
‐ Whoo!

‐ Hello.

Thank you.
‐ You look so good.

‐ I truly want to start
by saying how excited I am...


That all of you
chose to be here.

Tonight truly marks the start
of an important journey,

a journey to hopefully
help me find love.

You know, I was very fortunate
to have such a healthy example

of love in front of me
my entire life.

My two parents
have been married for 33 years,

and they're still madly in love,

and it's something
that I'm searching for,

and I'm hoping that
that might be in this room.

I can say that,
when I was in your position,

you can feel some
pretty damn amazing things

when you are vulnerable,
when you stay open,

and when you're
your true, authentic self,

and so
that's my challenge to you.

Stay open, stay vulnerable,
and show me your authentic self

because that is what you
will always be getting from me.

I'll raise our glasses

to being authentic,
staying vulnerable.


‐ I'm so impressed
by Michelle's composure,

the speech that she made.

I was stunned.
She's beautiful.

‐ Can I go chat with you?
‐ Hello, absolutely.

‐ Hi, how are you tonight?
‐ Good, how are you doing?

‐ Oh, better
now that you're here

‐ She was just so elegant.
She just had no nerves.

She was extremely confident,
and that shook me.

‐ She looks gorgeous though.

‐ How does
she look from your view?

‐ Stunning.

I just want to
see her again actually.

Like, I'm hoping that she comes
and picks up her entrée later,

and then I get to talk
to her for a little bit.

I'm ready.

‐ I have never seen
so many people

just, like, "I love her.
I adore her."

And I was like, "Yo, I gotta
come and see for myself

"exactly what it is
that everybody's seeing

that just, like,
wins everybody over."

‐ That's really sweet.

‐ And learning
all in one second.

You did it right with the greet.

‐ Yes.

‐ Just, like, how you smile too,

like, you just, like,
smile with your spirit,

and, like, that is
just, like, the best.

‐ There are, like,
no awkward moments with you,

I feel like.
‐ That's my total vibe too.

Like, I would much rather
just have someone where

it's like you just sit
and just riff

and talk about
absolutely nothing.

‐ Right, TV doesn't even
need to be on.

‐ I mean, honestly,
this is just our show.

They're here to watch.

‐ Dude, when she
walked down the stairs,

it all came back.
I was like, "Is she walking,

or is she just,
like, gliding down?"

‐ Oh, she was floating.
‐ Like, the gown didn't move.

She's just like‐‐
‐ She was floating.

I know you're a cutie...

‐ And I heard you're
a little bit of a foodie...

‐ So...
‐ What is this?

‐ I set up
a little something for us. ‐ Yes.

‐ So you know
I'm Italian, right? ‐ I do.

‐ What better than some cannolis

that I made for us
and some red wine to hang out

and chill out?
‐ Let's do it.

‐ Let's have a seat.

‐ I've actually
never had a cannoli.

‐ Get out of town!
‐ No.

‐ What?
‐ No.

‐ How have you
never had a cannoli?

‐ I almost called the calzones
when we walked in,

but then I realized
that was the wrong...

‐ Wow, so this is
a special recipe right here.

‐ Okay.
‐ All right, wanna try it?

Go ahead, I'll feed you.
‐ So what is this?

‐ It's deliciousness.

Look at that.

‐ That's actually pretty good.
‐ I know.

It's freaking good.
So good.

And you can use this side.
‐ Are you gonna take a bite?

‐ Of course.


‐ Hey, what's up, man?
I'm Joe.

‐ Joe?
Where you from, Joe?

‐ I'm from Minnesota.
‐ Oh, okay.

‐ Yeah.
‐ Oh, that's where she from.

‐ Yeah, that's where she's from.

‐ That's what's up,
already got the leg up.

‐ That's the only leg up though.

‐ Home town advantage
over here. ‐ That's it though.

She's from Minnesota.
I'm from Minnesota.

When I spoke with Michelle,
she recognized me.

The fact that she remembered me,

I think that's a good sign.
I'm excited. I'm super excited.

‐ Oh, my God, there she is.
What do I do with my hands?

‐ Hello.
‐ Hello, indeed.

Looking fantastic.

‐ Looking for...
‐ Hi.

‐ Hey.
‐ Can we go chat for a second?

‐ Yeah, for sure.
I'll follow you.

‐ Heart definitely
skipped a b*at right there.

‐ I think she
just had her eyes on him. ‐ Wow.

‐ How are you?
‐ I'm doing well. ‐ Good.

‐ I was surprised to see you
step out of that limo.

‐ I wasn't even sure
you were even gonna remember.

‐ I mean, I was surprised...
‐ Yeah.

‐ To get a few responses back
and then...

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ You know?

‐ And then not.
‐ Someone forgot to hit send.

‐ Ah, yeah, for sure.

You know, in that situation,
in that time,

I had a lot going on.

I had a property
in George Floyd Square right‐‐

three blocks away,
and I had a lot of sh**t,

murders, and a lot of things
going on where,

you know, at the time,

it just caused a lot of anxiety,

and I wasn't‐‐
I didn't feel like I was

in a place, you know,
kind of to open up to somebody...

and I didn't know how to express

those feelings with you
and letting you know

that, you know,
I wasn't really opening up

or seeing other people.

It's something that I wish
I could have handled better,

but I'm glad that we're
having this conversation now.

‐ I'm a big
communications person. ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And I'm also
a very understanding person.

And I'm also a woman of color
living right there

when George Floyd
and all these different things

are going on.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ I'm right
in the heart of it too. ‐ Yep.

‐ My students
are experiencing it.

If anyone were to
be understanding,

you would have
just had to say the word.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ You didn't have
to be ready for a relationship.

You just had to communicate...
‐ Right, right.

‐ That you're not
in a good place right now.

‐ Right, right, for sure.
‐ That's it. ‐ Yeah, definitely.

‐ Because, for me,
respect is a huge thing,

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ My hesitation here tonight
is that...

How do I know you're not
gonna shut down again?

‐ Mm‐hmm, it's something
that I've been focusing on,

myself, better understanding,

you know, how my actions
have affected others

and how me not responding,
you know, is lacking

the communication skills
that I‐‐

something that I need
to learn to get better at,

and that's something
I've been working on.

You know, I've even,
you know, gone to therapy,

and, you know, it's something
that I've communicated

with, you know, a professional.

It's something
I'm really, really focusing on.

I truly came for you.

‐ I think I do appreciate
you being open with me,

being a Black man
talking about going to therapy.

Like, I want you to know
that I see you,

and I understand that.

I also need to make sure

that I protect
my heart as well. ‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And want to make sure
that that's

gonna get taken care of too,
so... ‐ 100%.

‐ I have a lot to think about.

We'll see where it goes.
I don't have an answer now.

‐ Okay.
‐ Okay?

‐ Okay.
‐ Thank you.

‐ I think I had a little bit
of a chance to explain.

It wasn't something I was def‐‐
I, like, really prepared

to have a conversation about,

so I think I could have
explained it better.

I'm a little nervous.
‐ How'd it go?

‐ Uh, I don't know.

I hope I at least
get a rose tonight.

I'm hoping for the best,
and, you know,

I've been
the realest I could be.

I hope that she can,
you know, kind of understand

where I'm coming from.

‐ My man can't move over here.
‐ I'm making it work.

‐ Are you rocking that
all night? Is that‐‐is that it?

‐ I hope not
for the whole night.

Tonight, I want
to get out of this table.

But I want one‐on‐one time

with Michelle.
Ow. Also just who knows?

Maybe I'll try
to kiss her tonight.

‐ I'm with a beautiful girl,
and I'm feeling alive.

I'm 'bout to be number one
in her starting...

‐ Five.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Ah, I like it.
‐ Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, my gosh, I‐‐ ‐

‐ Oh, Rick.
Rick has entered.

‐ Rick came in
on a bed of lettuce.

How's it going, Rick?
‐ May I steal you?

‐ This is probably
the most odd first impression

that I've had,
so we'll see what happens.

How are you feeling?
‐ Well, I feel good.

When I first saw you tonight,
it made everything‐‐

all the reasons I thought
I was coming here for‐‐

made it come true, honestly.

‐ And then
once you rolled away...

‐ I got hungry.

‐ I mean, you have
a snack right there.

‐ I know.
I'm trying to reach it.

‐ It's honestly...

‐ It's been difficult
without you. ‐ Do you need help?

‐ I'd like another one
if you don't mind.

‐ What do you want a bite of?
‐ Well, I'm with you.

‐ The fruit?
‐ I like strawberries too.

‐ Okay, ready?

‐ Yep.
‐ Thank you.

‐ There we go.
‐ All right, you ready?

‐ I'm ready.
‐ Here I come.

‐ Good?
Need help? ‐ I think‐‐ Whew.

‐ Ah, you're gonna need
a chiropractor.

‐ Yes, I will.
‐ Hi.

‐ How are you?
‐ It's nice to hug you.

‐ You too.

‐ Have a seat.
‐ Thank you.

‐ Are you happy
to be out of the table?

‐ I am.
I am.

But the sacrifice was worth it.

I mean, I just wanted to make
you laugh and make you smile.

That's big to me.
‐ You did.

‐ I know this journey
can get stuffy.

‐ Yep.
‐ It's gonna be serious.

When you're with me,
I want you to know,

I want it to be fun.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ I also want to be here
with you along the way.

Like, I want
to enjoy this process,

And so anytime you need that,
you come and get me,

and we can just laugh
about nothing,

about the first time you met me.

I can feed you some food
or something and pay you back.

‐ This is my type
of relationship.

‐ See?
‐ This might work out.

‐ I'm all about it.
I'm all about it.

I came here wanting
what you said,

and I want to find a wife.
I want to be engaged.

And I want to have kids.
I want to have a family.

Those are
important things to me.

‐ I'm excited
that Rick is here today.

He was charming, charismatic,

and then there's, you know,
a little bit of chemistry.

My apple of my eye.
‐ Yes.

‐ I feel like I'm connecting
with all these guys,

and so I'm just excited to
continue to get to know them.

Remember when I asked you
what kind of apple you are?

‐ Yes.
‐ You remember what you said?

‐ I said Granny Smith.

‐ You know
what's wrong with that?

‐ What's wrong with that?

‐ It's the only green apple
there is,

and you are a red apple.

You could have said
Red Delicious. ‐ Yeah.

‐ You could have said
Ambrosia, SweeTango,

Honeycrisp, Pink Lady.

‐ You really know
a lot about your apples.

‐ Apples.

‐ So who still needs time?
What are we looking at?

‐ I gotta get my time, man.
‐ You, you, you, all right.

I need that one‐one‐one time
with Michelle.

‐ Ooh, one of these times,
you're gonna drop me.

‐ No, I'm not dropping you.

‐ Of course, another guy
just, like,

completely whisks her off.
Right off.

‐ I'm so excited to be here.
I love how you talked

about authenticity
and vulnerability.

‐ But maybe my milkshake bring
all the Michelles to the yard,

but I wouldn't want
to speak too soon.

‐ So are you bilingual?
Are you‐‐ ‐ I am.

Bilingual, biracial, bicultural.

‐ So my big plan‐‐ it's, like‐‐

it's not planned spontaneous,

but it's definitely
spontaneously planned.

You know, I think I'ma have
a hankering for some ice cream,

so therefore, you know,
hey, boom, boom, boom.

Oh, Michelle,
let me steal you for a second.

Yeah, finally!

‐ So you didn't tell me
your favorite ice cream flavor.

‐ And you might never know.

That's something
that's like a secret.

You have to get
to different layers

before you figure
that out, so...

‐ Oh, my goodness.

‐ Maybe I'll find yours
right now if we have it.

‐ Okay.
‐ They're very tropical.

‐ Can I have a taste test?
‐ You can have a taste test.

‐ Okay.
‐ Let's see.

‐ This man
already gets brownie points.

This is phenomenal.

‐ Phenomenal?
‐ Yeah.

I feel like ice cream
is kind of like

the way to my heart
a little bit.

‐ So I know‐‐I know
so much about you.

Maybe I give you
a little spiel on myself.

‐ Yeah, please.

‐ So I'm from central California

from a big farm,
raisin vineyard.

And, yeah, I do‐‐
I coach. ‐ Coach what sport?

‐ I coach for
Special Olympics year‐round.

‐ Do you really?
‐ Yeah, so when they told me

that you were gonna be
the Bachelorette,

I really connected with
the fact that you're so giving

and so down‐to‐earth...
‐ Yeah.

‐ And I feel like, for me,
that's really hard to find.

‐ Ryan, I really did feel
a connection with him

right off the bat.
‐ Thank you.

‐ Well, thank you.
So nice to...

‐ Thank you for having me.
‐ Thank you.

That was like one of the sparks

that kind of took off
a little bit.

‐ These are so important
'cause it's literally‐‐

we're gonna have both of these
for a long time.

‐ Michelle.
‐ Oh, my goodness.

‐ Hey.
‐ Look who's interrupting us.

‐ We hate to interrupt,
but we have something

we need to speak to you about.
‐ Okay.

‐ Okay.
‐ I'll get to see you later.

‐ It was so nice talking.
‐ It's a pleasure.

‐ After that one‐on‐one, man,
I feel ecstatic.

I hope you guys
get a similar experience.

I mean, I also hope
you don't get

a similar experience, honestly.

‐ So the other day,
we went in and popped in

on some of the guys
like I told you... ‐ Yeah.

‐ And we found a document

that one of the guys had,
and it had a lot of things

about how to act around you...

About how not to be
a "villain."

‐ He obviously did
some research into teachers,

and verbatim
what he had written down was,

"So make it seem
like you're super interested

in that stuff."

‐ Is it somebody
that I've already spoken to?

‐ So it's Ryan.
‐ Ice cream Ryan.


‐ I had an amazing experience,

I did not think
it was gonna go that well.

‐ We're so glad
it turned out positive for you.

‐ Oh, what a mess.

‐ I feel super happy.

‐ You seem a little
overconfident, to be honest.

‐ Here we go.
‐ Here she comes.

‐ All right, here we go, boys.

‐ Ryan.
‐ Huh?

‐ Can we have a chat?
‐ Okay. ‐ We'll go this way.

‐ Did she already talk to him?

‐ I mean, he was on the couch
saying she talked to him.

‐ I'm not sure what's going on
with Ryan right now.

I only talked to him
for a few minutes,

but judging by
the body language,

it doesn't seem like he's in

for a good conversation
with her.

‐ Is everything okay?
‐ I'm not sure. ‐ Not sure, okay.

‐ Did she look happy?
I couldn't‐‐

‐ She‐‐I don't think so.

‐ Oh, you think
something bad happened

that she had to speak
to him about it?

‐ Yeah, I think he's taking up
a lot of, like, time

from guys who still
haven't had that time

who can make that impression,
you know?

Michelle pulls Ryan,
and we're all shook.

It didn't look good.
I still haven't got my time.

Like, I hope this
doesn't ruin the night.

‐ So I was really...
a little bit caught off guard


Tayshia and Kaitlyn
checked in on me tonight and...

said they stopped by
your room... ‐ Uh‐huh.

‐ And when they were there,
they saw... Some notes about...

How to get
the most screen time...

How to not be the villain...

Searching up facts
about teachers...

basically acting like you're
interested in the profession,

and so...
‐ No.

‐ I wanted to pull you aside
because I do want to hear

an explanation, and...

‐ And I'm fully here
to give it to you.

‐ I want this cleared up
very quickly.

So to be perfectly honest...

‐ I'm very new
to "The Bachelor,"

and I haven't seen much of it,

so I had no idea what to expect,

and I wanted to get to know
who is Michelle.

‐ But the notes
weren't about me.

The notes were
about how you should act.

‐ And I'm acting
exactly how I would act

in any other day.
‐ But I don't want you to act.

I want you to be yourself,
and you have to write notes

about how to be yourself?

‐ Those were not notes
written by me.

Those were notes written
by my friend's wife

who watches "The Bachelor,"
and I haven't seen

the show as much
as more than two hours,

to be perfectly honest.

I wrote notes
on the way I came here

just so I can get an idea‐‐

‐ So you wrote them,
or your friend's wife

wrote them like you just said?

‐ Certain sections,
a couple of them, they wrote,

and a couple I wrote about you
like where you're from,

what do you like.
Like, the ice cream.

I looked up to try to find
what is‐‐what do you like?

‐ I'm not worried
about notes about ice cream.

‐ Yeah.
‐ Right.

‐ The notes are in your room?
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ So can we go take a look

and have
an open, honest conversation

up there?
‐ Yeah, open, honest.

Let's do it.
‐ I will follow you.

‐ What do you think
is going on right now?

‐ I don't know.

‐ They just walked out.

‐ I am reading the energy
in the room.

she does not look very happy.

This definitely
can't be a good thing. ‐

So these are my notes.

This is my dream girls
and dating list.

Some things I can find.

You know, you can look
through it all you want.

I'm telling you, the person
you talked to out there

is 100% genuine.

Yeah, I don't know
what they're talking about.

‐ You have no idea
what they're talking about.

‐ No.
How 'bout you look at‐‐

‐ Here.
‐ Okay.

‐ I just‐‐I really, truly
need a minute.

‐ I'm not trying to be anything.

I can get out of the room.
‐ Yeah.

There's nothing there to find.
It's just this‐‐my notes.

‐ I think this is what it is.

‐ When I'm watching
the episodes,

I write stuff about Michelle.

I'm like,
"Oh, Michelle likes this.

Michelle's from Minnesota.
Michelle is this."

There's nothing‐‐
my friends gave me summaries

of what "The Bachelor" is,

and that's what's
written down there.

There's nothing disingenuous
that I've written.

‐ "On watching 'The Bachelor, '
it is hard not to notice

"that these quotes are said
at least every season

"or every episode,
for that matter.

"In honor of the girls
that are left to win over

"Ben Higgins' heart,
here are a few phrases

that have been repeated
over the years."

‐ Everything is true.

I'm not trying to do anything
for the right reasons.

I'm here for the right reasons.

I just never
have seen the show enough

that I have
just written it down.

There's advice
from my couple girlfriends,

but that's about it.

‐ "Ryan"...
Mm. "Your biggest fault is that

"you are
overconfident, arrogant.

"It's a massive turn‐off
to people.

"You come off
as mean and demanding.

"Better to just keep
those thoughts to yourself

and express a positive outlook
to others."

‐ Yeah?

‐ This night really started off
on a great note,

and I fully get
that there is gonna be bumps

in a relationship.
‐ Of course. ‐ But I am not okay

with starting a relationship
on red flags, and‐‐

‐ Just give me one chance
to make it up to you.

‐ You'll need to respect
that I am going to choose

to listen to my red flags.
‐ Okay.

‐ And so, unfortunately,
I will be walking you out.

‐ Okay.

Is there any way
I can change your mind?

‐ Again, my decision is made...
‐ Okay.

‐ And so I am gonna
have to walk you out.

‐ That's fine, okay.

‐ What could that guy have done?

‐ I have no idea.

He hasn't come back yet, has he?

‐ I did talk to Ryan
a little bit

when he first walked in.

He seemed a little...
cocky in a way.

Made some interesting comments

like he's been in
"The Bachelor" pool for a while.

I'm thinking like, you know,
"What was your plan

when you came?"
You know?

Just to show up
and be The Bachelor,

or to come here
and meet this girl?

‐ I mean,
the amount of time is‐‐

oh, there she is.
There she is. And he's back.

‐ Oh, there she is.
‐ He's back too.

‐ They hit the door?
‐ I think they went outside.

‐ I mean, to me,
that can't be good.


‐ Nothing about that
can be good.

‐ On the first night though?
What'd he do?

‐ And the night's still young.

‐ Dealing with
the whole Ryan situation

was incredibly frustrating.

I think one
of my biggest worries

is that people may not be here
for the right reasons,

but I have still have
to continue to trust myself

and figure out
which men are here for me.

If somebody is not here
for the right reasons,

I will be sending them home.

‐ Michelle walks Ryan out.

All I know is
I'm really confused on my end.

Like, I have no idea
what's going on right now.

‐ Here we go.
Eyes up, boys. ‐ Oh, my God.


I am looking
for someone who is authentic.

After talking with Ryan,
there was a lot of red flags

that were brought
to my attention,

and I sent him home.

I am not for a play‐by‐play book

of how to get screen time
and how not to be a villain.

As much as I want to sit here
and be disappointed,

you guys have been waiting,
so we're gonna get

this cocktail party
back up and running.

‐ Wanna go for walk?
‐ Yes, let's go.

‐ Awesome, awesome,
awesome, awesome.

Ryan got sent home.
Probably did something stupid.

I'm just looking forward
to getting her alone

just on some one‐on‐one time
just so I can focus

on my connection with Michelle.

I want to show this girl
that I am genuine,

but I do have
this shell around me.

I do have my hesitations
about being vulnerable.

I really am like somebody

who is a little bit
more guarded,

who doesn't want
to show those type of‐‐

those sides of me
just super early.

There we go.
There we go.

I just want to be real
about that at the end of the day.

I get out the limo‐‐

you said I did
a pretty good job. ‐ You did.

‐ All I remember
was interrupting you.

First off,
I remember I interrupted you

and said something
about your eyes.

‐ You really did not come off
as truly nervous.

‐ That's awesome.
‐ You just came off

like you were like excited.
‐ Yeah, no, honestly.

‐ And being nervous
is not a bad thing.

‐ I was just staring
at you anyways.

I was just like,
"Hey, let's do this."

So how excited are you
for this right now?

Trying to go on your journey.

‐ I'm excited
to learn about you.

‐ Yeah, okay.
‐ So tell me about...

‐ A little bit about me.

I mean, I'm kind of like‐‐
I don't want to go

into, like, family and whatnot
just 'cause you already‐‐

you kind of led with,
like, how, like, strong

and, like, together
your family is,

and my family
just doesn't have that aspect.

You know‐‐
‐ But I want you to go into it.

‐ Yeah, I know you do.
I had the best childhood ever,

but my parents got divorced.

My mom just went through
another divorce

with my stepdad
who's like my best friend.

So what I'm looking for,
too, is, like,

meeting that person
and being able to, like,

bring together
that togetherness.

For example...
‐ Yeah.

‐ I'm kind of
on a tangent right now,

still a little nervous, but...
‐ You're not on a tangent.

‐ For example, I've never
seen my parents kiss.

You know what I mean?

And I'm sure that's something
that you probably saw.

‐ Yeah.
‐ Little things like that,

you know, I want my kids
to be able to see too.

You know what I mean?

‐ I know it's hard
being vulnerable...

‐ Yeah.
‐ And especially here.

It's like growing pains,

and honestly...
‐ Yeah, hey, it is‐‐

‐ You're growing
when you're uncomfortable.

I know‐‐
‐ It's definitely gonna be

hard for me, but‐‐
‐ But look at you already.

‐ Yeah, yeah.
I'm feeling pretty good

so far though.

I'm really enjoying
this experience so far.

‐ Good, well, I'm happy.
You set this‐‐I don't know.

This, like, completely...
‐ Yeah.

‐ Reset the night, and‐‐ ‐ Hey.

Hey, I'm glad I could do that.
I'm glad I could do that.

Michelle is amazing
at just, like, kind of

like helping you open up.

I'm ready to tell her
everything about me,

my family, my secrets,
my fears, when I cry at night.

I'm 100% comfortable
with her. I feel good.

I really, honestly, truly do.

I think I made a really
good first impression.

‐ Oh, we've got a special...
‐ Special delivery.

‐ Hm.
‐ Wow. ‐ Look at that.

‐ Oh, it just got real.

‐ Who's gonna get
the First Impression Rose?

‐ Everybody wants to get that.
‐ Wow.

‐ As soon as we saw
that rose hit the table,

we all knew, like,
okay, time is ticking now.

You can feel the tension
between everyone.

‐ Everybody's getting
to the point

where they just want
to speak to her.

‐ I hate to b*at you guys,
but I kind of like

maybe already got
the first rose.


On that note,
I gotta leave y'all

'cause after hearing that,
I'm like,

"Hey, my boy can't get
the First Impression Rose.

I gotta go
get it myself, so..."

‐ Go get it.
Don't get it though.

‐ If I get
that first impression rose,

it's gonna be really hard
not to smile ear to ear.

I felt like there was
a really good connection here.

It'll be interesting
to see how everything goes

with the other guys.

‐ So where do you fit in there?

Like, are your sisters‐‐
‐ So I'm the baby.

‐ Me too.
‐ I'm very close to my family.

Family is super, super
important to me.

‐ I'm definitely gonna be
paying attention

to see who
my competition's gonna be

and who's really here
for Michelle.

‐ My mom's actually‐‐
she's a teacher herself.

‐ Really.
‐ Yeah.

She does special education.
‐ Okay.

‐ It really speaks to the type
of person that you are

because they're‐‐you know,
teachers are some

of the most passionate, caring,
and driven people that I've met

and made such
a positive impact on my life.

‐ I'm against
a lot of great guys,

but I think the way
I feel about it,

there should be no doubt that I
get that First Impression Rose.

‐ You come off very,
like, smooth and confident.

‐ Well, I like to make people
feel comfortable

'cause you're gonna see
the real me for sure,

and I'm not about to hide that,

and I want to see
the real you as well.

‐ Okay, so the real you.

If you had to, like‐‐
three characteristics.

‐ Fun, truthful, and caring.

‐ Really?
‐ Just‐‐yeah.

Like, when it's someone
that I truly, like,

deeply have
a connection for, yeah.

‐ I like it.
‐ Yeah, so... ‐ I like it.

‐ I can't wait to show you
all of me.

‐ I'm excited to see
the goofy side.

‐ Oh, you about to see
the goofy side.

‐ 'Cause I'm fairly goofy.
‐ Oh, yeah.

Goofy but competitive too.

So my one‐on‐one game is great,

so I don't know about that.
‐ Oh.

That's what they all say.
‐ Oh, my.

You about to see.
‐ Well.

‐ We did bond, and I think she
just saw a glimpse of me.

That's all I could ask for.

I'll walk you inside.
‐ Okay, awesome.

‐ I know that,
at the end of the day,

I have a huge possibility
of getting that rose.

‐ Here she comes.

Here she comes, man.
Here she comes.

‐ It would mean a lot to get
that First Impression Rose.

I feel like I made
a good impression,

and I felt a connection.

It's totally possible that
Michelle could be my Juliet.

‐ Michelle walks in the room,

and you just can feel
everybody tense up

staring at that bright red rose,

but Michelle and I
shared something unique,

and I know I got my name
on the First Impression Rose.

‐ Excuse me.


‐ Nayte, can I steal you
for a sec?

‐ You talking to me?
Oh, wow, yes!

‐ We're gonna go upstairs.

‐ How you doing?
‐ Good.

How are you?
‐ Good.

‐ Ooh, my man
got that rose, boy.

‐ Yeah, bro.
‐ ‐ I...

wanted to start by telling you

how when we were talking
earlier tonight... ‐ Yeah.

‐ You kind of expressed
that it was difficult

for you to be vulnerable
and that... ‐ Yeah.

‐ It might have to be something
that you ease into.

But I truly saw you
push yourself,

and even as you opened up,
you were completely Nayte.

Yeah, yeah.‐

Nothing but Nayte.

‐ So...
‐ Oh, yeah.

‐ That being said, Nayte...
‐ Yeah.

‐ Will you accept this rose?
‐ Most definitely.

Most definitely.
‐ Sneak on this side.

There we go.
‐ Looking good.

You are doing good.

‐ Nayte struggles
with being vulnerable,

but a wall came down,
and, for me,

that's all I needed to see.

I feel what I came here to feel,

and that's sparks, butterflies,

and everything
that you want to feel

when you kiss someone.

‐ So excited right now, wow.

Was not expecting this.
This is...

‐ No?
‐ Such a good first night. Wow.

‐ I feel so lucky
that we've had the opportunity

we've had tonight,
but I won't lie.

You know,
I'm still nervous, right?

'Cause, you know, we can feel
a connection on one end,

but you never know
how it's reciprocated.

‐ Going to the first
Rose Ceremony is nerve‐racking.

‐ Everyone's staring at you.

‐ Everyone's heart's b*ating,
and your hands are shaking.

You're like, "Wow, the b*mb
has starting to tick down,"

and all you can hope for
is that rose.

I just hope that she
sees the good in me,

but at the end of the day,

like, that might not be enough.

‐ Going into the Rose Ceremony,

I'm pretty worried.

Since I haven't talked
to Michelle yet,

I'm not feeling too great.
We can blame Ryan for that.

Meeting her, I definitely
felt a connection,

so let's hope that my entrance
was enough to keep me here.

‐ I did get time
with her tonight,

and I know what I felt
in that moment,

but standing there,
reality sets in.

You're like, "Oh, my gosh, like,

I might not make it
till tomorrow."

‐ You know,
I'm not feeling great.

I had a tough conversation
with Michelle.

I wish it would've went
a little better than it did.

She wanted to make sure
that I was there

for the right reasons,
and my answers

might have not rubbed Michelle
the right way,

so I would say
I'm a little nervous

on getting a rose tonight.

Gentlemen, I want
to take one last minute

to thank you once again
for taking this chance

and being here with me tonight.

I know it cannot be easy
to put yourselves out there,

to be vulnerable, and I truly
appreciate you for that.

I'm very excited about
some of the connections

that I've started to form,
and I also know

that I was not able to talk
to everyone this evening,

and I do apologize for that.

Unfortunately, I cannot give
everybody a rose,

but I am going
to follow my heart.

I'm gonna trust my intuition,

and if you do not get
a rose tonight,

please know
that I appreciate you,

and I truly wish you the best.


Jamie, will you
accept this rose? ‐ I will.



Leroy, will you
accept this rose? ‐ Always.

‐ Martin.

‐ If I don't get that rose,
it would hurt a lot.

‐ Martin,
will you accept this rose?

‐ Absolutely.

‐ I think we connected well,
and I really just hope

I get that rose tonight
so that way

we can take that next step.
‐ Spencer.

‐ I'm coming in this ready.

‐ Spencer,
will you accept this rose?

‐ Of course.

‐ And I'm not sure
if everybody here is.

It's like I'm here
to see if I can find

the love of my life,

the person
I might have kids with,

and I really do want that
to be Michelle. ‐ Rick.

Rick, my lettuce wrap...
‐ Yes, I know, right?

‐ Will you accept this rose?
‐ Yes please. ‐ Thank you.

‐ Clayton.

will you accept this rose?

‐ Absolutely.
‐ My palms are sweating.

All you're looking for
is that eye contact

when she looks at you
and says your name. ‐ Peter.

She's going around,

and she's looking down the room,

and she looks this way. ‐ PJ.

She looks that way. ‐ Mollique.

‐ You're thinking like, "Okay,

man, she's looking
the entire wrong way." ‐ Romeo.

‐ Worst thing
that can go wrong here

is me not getting a rose.
‐ Daniel.

‐ If I don't, man,
I'll just be devastated.

I really want this.
I really want that rose.

Getting to know Michelle,
like, confirms

how bad I really want this.

‐ Brandon J.

Take a deep breath.
‐ Yeah, I got it.

‐ Brandon J.,
will you accept this rose?

‐ Absolutely.

‐ I thought my chances
were high to get a rose,

but now it's like
I'm feeling scared, anxious.

‐ Will.

You know,
she's going name by name.

‐ Chris S.

‐ And I'm just panicking.
‐ Rodney.

‐ My heart is b*ating,
like, ten times as fast. ‐ Alec.

‐ Just telling myself like,
"Oh, just prepare to go home."

‐ Pardeep. ‐ Pardon me.

‐ Pardeep,
will you accept this rose?

‐ Now and always.

‐ This is really difficult

because I met
so many incredible men.

Christopher G.

I feel like
they're very sweet...

‐ 'Scuse me. ‐ Intelligent...


Charismatic. LT.

That being said, I still have
a lot of questions about Joe.

I can see that Joe
really wants to prove

who he is,
but I do not want to be hurt.

‐ Gentlemen, this is
the final rose of the evening.

When you're ready.

The hardest part about Joe
is that

my heart wants to let loose,

but then my mind
is trying to guard.

That guard is a red flag.

Please excuse me.

‐ I think that
the hardest part about Joe

is why now?

Why are you popping back up now?

Why did you wait?

Is it because
I'm the Bachelorette?

I'm here to find
my one soulmate,

and at the end of this,
I don't want my heart broken,

and so I'm torn.

‐ I have no idea
what Michelle's feeling,

what she's thinking,
but there's only one rose.

My heart's b*ating.
I'm definitely nervous.

There's a real possibility
that I might get sent home.

I just hope that I don't.

‐ Joe.

Joe, will you accept this rose?
‐ Of course.

‐ Thank you.

‐ Gentlemen, if you
did not receive a rose,

please say your goodbyes.

‐ JoMarri.
‐ Hi.

‐ Thank you.
‐ Thank you.

‐ Appreciate you.
‐ Best of luck, okay?

‐ Thank you.

‐ You know, getting this rose
means a lot.

‐ It was a pleasure
to meet you, Michelle.

‐ Thank you so much.

‐ It means I have another
chance to be here longer,

to build more of a connection
with Michelle.

‐ Great to meet you.

‐ And I'm excited
for what me and Michelle

can build together.
‐ All right, boys.

You made it through
your first night! ‐ Oof!

‐ I'm really happy
with how tonight went.

Like, now I know
what I'm looking for,

she has, and what
she's looking for, I have.

‐ How we feeling? ‐ Whew!

‐ Smiling ear to ear.
I don't want to wait.

I'm so excited
for that next step.

‐ All of you are here still
because I see something

in you that I want to explore.

‐ I'm just thrilled to my core.

Like, I just want to move
full steam ahead with Michelle.

Let's go. ‐ Cheers to really
beginning the journey.

‐ That's right!
‐ Whoo!

‐ Cheers!
‐ Cheers to that! all: Cheers!

‐ Coming up on this season
of "The Bachelorette"...


‐ We're here for you,
Lady Michelle!

Let's go!

‐ I'm ready to fall in love!

I'm looking for my soulmate.

‐ Who has what it takes
to be the last man standing?

‐ You ready?
‐ Are you ready?

‐ Michelle is
the most genuine person.

‐ I truly care
about the small moments

that you can make.

‐ This is a
once‐in‐a‐lifetime opportunity

for a one‐in‐a‐billion girl.

‐ I've never let fear
hold me back.

I believe it's "eat my dust."

‐ I want someone who's gonna
be playful with me.

I'm not sure who's gonna

get sick‐‐me or you. Oh, my God!
‐ This is Michelle's journey.

‐ This is what I came here for.


‐ I gotta know my place,
and the basketball court

is not it.


These guys are like
the best guys

I've met in my entire life.
‐ Every time I see you,

it's literally
a breath of fresh air.

‐ I could easily see
a life with Michelle.

‐ What more
could a girl ask for?

‐ To the greatest catch
of my life.

‐ That was the hottest kiss
of my life.

‐ I just want to stand
next to her and be with her

and hold her.
‐ Ooh! This is our journey!

‐ When I'm with him,
I feel fireworks.

‐ The more time
that I spend with her,

the more I realize
she could be the one.

‐ I'm in love with this man.
You have to make a wish.

‐ What if it already came true?

‐ I just have this weird
feeling anything could happen.

‐ A lot of the guys
are questioning

that you might have known him
before here.

‐ Do you think they had
a previous relationship?

‐ He said he doesn't know her,
but there's something

he's not telling all of us.

‐ I just don't see how
we can trust one another.

‐ Nayte is a player.

‐ You're an actor, and you've
come on a reality TV show.

‐ What are you talking about?

‐ It seems like there's a rat
in our midst.

‐ I'm gonna keep exposing you.
I'm gonna keep calling you out.

- You're a clown.
- You're a clown.

And you need to keep
your mouth shut.

‐ Not the big dog.
The big dog has his jacket.

‐ Just took his jacket?
‐ How do you like me now?

It looked dirty, so I figured
I'd give it a little bath.

This man is really pushing
my buttons.

‐ I just feel unseen.

‐ She feels like
she's not appreciated.

‐ They need to show you
that they're gonna fight

for your attention.

‐ I can't keep giving and giving

and not getting it back.

Finding love

hasn't really been easy for me.

I was never
the girl invited to dates

at the apple orchard
in the fall.

I was the girl
picked last for prom,

but the first for basketball.

It was like
there was nobody like me.

‐ Oh, man.

‐ Therefore, there was
nobody to see me.

I can no longer trust you.

Hey, soulmate,
if you're listening,

you'll need to understand,
in my heart of hearts,

all I've ever wanted is love.

And I hope you can be that man.

‐ I see a bed!
You've got more guys to meet.

We gotta get rid of this bed.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Tayshia, you just‐‐
you know what, girl?

‐ Just sit back, relax,
and watch the show go down.

‐ We know who the diva is
in this relationship.

‐ Something tells me you're
gonna need a little help.

I'll get you started.
‐ Yeah. I'ma just...

I'ma just sit right here, yeah?

‐ I mean‐‐oh, the brakes.
‐ Oh, the brakes.

‐ Duh, yeah.
‐ The brake's on.

‐ Kaitlyn, the brake!
‐ Well, that makes sense.

All right, Michelle.

‐ Oh, we're good‐‐oh, God.
‐ Oh, my God.

Go have fun, okay?
‐ All right.

Do your thing, girls.
‐ Go find yourself a man!

I'ma go take a nap!

Kaitlyn, where‐‐

Kaitlyn, where are you going?
‐ Is that gonna fit?

Why won't it turn?

‐ Maybe go this way.
‐ I'm so out of breath!

‐ Get on the bed!
‐ Get‐‐you see how‐‐

‐ Let me get you
turned around here.

‐ Okay, Paul, you're pushing.
Oh, my gosh, you guys, you‐‐

‐ Oh!
‐ Whoa!


‐ Oh!

‐ Have fun tonight!