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18x03 - Week 3

Posted: 04/16/24 17:24
by bunniefuu
announcer: Tonight
on "The Bachelorette"...

‐ Hey.

These guys are putting
their hearts on the line.

Oh, my gosh.

‐ She brings out
the absolute best in me.

‐ Whoo!

‐ This is our journey, Rodney.

This is totally our journey!

I could see myself falling
in love with one of them.

‐ Do you feel like
you can trust me?

‐ Mm. I do.

‐ When we're together,

other things
just don't matter.

It's so crazy.

There's just not really
a competition

between me
and the guys that are here.

‐ How did he think he
would get away with this?

‐ What the [bleep], dude?

‐ I'm gonna keep exposing you.

‐ This man has really
pushed my buttons!

‐ Whoa!

‐ He's manipulating us
and her.

Did you see how hurt she was?

Did you see that?

‐ Trust is something

that makes or breaks
a relationship.

It is absolutely sick.

‐ My jaw is on the floor.

‐ In one instant...

‐ Jamie.

‐ It can come crashing down.

announcer: And it all starts
right now.

‐ Last night
was really difficult.

I am honestly pretty hurt

after the conversation
I had with Jamie

where he brought up the fact
that the guys were talking

about me having a previous
relationship with Joe,

which I know is not true.

It's difficult when the guys
are questioning me.

They're questioning
my character.

And it was frustrating

to have a conversation
about character.

That's not really
what I wanted.

I'm very conflicted
on trying to figure out,

like, who believes in me.

I just don't really know
who to trust right now

and definitely have a lot
to figure out this week.

‐ How do you feel
about everything, bro?

Like, after last night, man,
like, what are you feeling?

‐ I felt bad
that Michelle felt like

her character
was put into question.

‐ Uh‐huh.
‐ It hurts to see her

get hurt like that, and, um,

I'm hoping that we weeded out
all the problems.

Because I think some of the
stuff that was said last night

I think was not right.

‐ Exactly.

‐ I think as a group,

we kind of messed up
last week.

If I didn't think she had
a good head on her shoulders

for sussing out the people
who shouldn't be here,

then I shouldn't be here.

And so I don't want Michelle
to lose faith in us.

But what's still
a big question mark

in everyone's mind
is, "Who spoke to Michelle?"

It seems like there's a rat
in our midst.

And it'll be interesting to see

if that information
ever comes to light.

‐ I feel upset.

I feel bad for Michelle,
'cause she's also upset.

And at the end of the day,
that's who we're here for.

We're not here
to talk about me.

‐ Personally, I've felt like
I was in the best position

because of the fact
that I've already had

one‐on‐one time with Michelle.

And so I think it gave me
a lot of insight into Michelle.

I think it gave me
a lot more mindfulness

in regards to our
conversations with each other.

I was the one
to share that information

about Joe with Michelle.

But no one knows it was me
that had the conversation.

‐ Hi, guys.

‐ Frankly, at this point,

given my relationship
with her,

I don't care.

I'm good.

‐ So for this week,

there's gonna be two
amazing group dates

and a very intimate
one‐on‐one date.

So as always, I encourage you

to make the most
of your time with her.

If you feel like there's
something she needs to know,

tell her.

I have the first date card.

Right here.

You guys have a great week,

all: Thank you.

‐ Hope to see all of you
at the Rose Ceremony.

Okay, bye. See ya.
‐ Thank you.

‐ I really want
to be on that date card

because I want to show Michelle

I have no doubt in my mind
about her character.

I want her to know
that I trust

her decision‐making ability.

‐ Martin.










"I want a man who isn't afraid
of the danger zone."

"Love, Michelle."


Oh, it's that kind of a date.

‐ This could be anything, man.

Could be physical.
It could be mental.

‐ This is a big date.

Whatever the date is,
I just wanna be,

like, 100% in it.

And I definitely
just wanna have, like,

more Michelle time.

‐ "Palm Springs Air Museum."

‐ What?
‐ Oh.

‐ I see jets taking off.

They're flying all around us.

Old‐school plane
buzzing on in.

‐ Look at this plane
coming in.

‐ I don't even know
what's going on.

‐ Oh!

‐ This is absolutely nuts.

‐ Hey!


‐ How are y'all doin'?

‐ Hello, hello.

‐ Get outta here.

‐ Michelle looks great.

She's looking cool as ever.

She hops out the plane,
jumps off the wing.

The whole thing was sexy.

‐ Hi!
‐ Hello.

‐ Hey.
‐ Michelle looks amazing.

She's smiling real big.

I'm, like‐‐I'm so pumped.

I can't wait to do this.

Whatever it is,
I'm ready to do this.

‐ Uh‐oh. Bruh.

Oh, wow.

‐ Hello.


Let's go!

‐ How are you guys doing?
‐ What's good?

‐ Feeling good?
‐ Oh, my God.

It's Jay Ellis
and Glen Powell.

I am in shock right now.

‐ Please meet Glen Powell
and Jay Ellis.

They are two stars
in the new movie,

"Top g*n: Maverick."
‐ Wow.

‐ "Top g*n" was one
of my favorite movies

growing up as a kid.

I don't know if it's
the volleyball scene

or, "I'm running out of fuel!"

I am so hyped right now.

‐ You know, in preparation
for "Top g*n: Maverick,"

we got a little taste
of the intense training

it takes to be a naval aviator.
‐ That's right.

‐ But our movie's
not just about flying.

‐ No, sir.
‐ It's about competition.

‐ That's right.

‐ But most importantly,

it's about love.
‐ Love.

‐ And that is exactly
what we're here

to help Michelle find today.
‐ That's right, fellas.

We're gonna test you guys
both mentally and physically

to see who will put it all
on the line.

But Michelle can only pick
one maverick.

At the end of the day,
whoever that maverick is

is gonna have something
super special with Michelle.

So you guys are gonna get
suited up,

you're gonna meet us back here
at 1400 hours,

and we're gonna get busy.
Let's go.

‐ Let's go.
‐ Hey, let's go!

‐ I'm here for Michelle.

Whatever they
throw at us, man, like,

all I know is that
I'm gonna give 110%

because, hey,
at the end of the day,

I know that I have what it
takes to be the maverick.

‐ She wants to see how we
react against adversity.

After last night,

I'm ready to do
whatever it takes

to show Michelle
that if it's for her,

I'm willing
to hop in the fire.

‐ Fellas, in the Navy,
in "Top g*n" specifically,

call signs are given to pilots.

And a call sign is just
a specialized nickname

that is unique to you.

And it is usually given to you
by your squadron,

or in this case...

the guys
you're competing against.

‐ You're Will.
‐ Yes, sir.

‐ Okay, Will.

‐ Lil' Willy.
‐ Little Willy?

Did I hear Little Willy?

No, no, no, no.

‐ We have our first call sign,
Lil' Willy.

‐ Martin.
‐ I like the frosted tips.

‐ I like it.
I kind of like Frosty.

‐ Let's do it.
‐ All right.

Peter, what do you do
for a living?

‐ I own a pizzeria restaurant.
‐ All right.

What about Dough Boy?
‐ Dough Boy. I like that.

‐ Back in my hood,
"Dough Boy" is, like, a‐‐

it's like a gangster name.

Like, someone that's tough.

And, uh, Peter...

being called Dough Boy? Nah.

‐ All right, well,
now that we got our call signs,

let's begin training.

‐ Let's do some pushups.
Let's go.

Last man. Let's go.

‐ This is a competition.

‐ One...
‐ I feel like the danger zone

can be different
for different people.

‐ 19, 20.
‐ Come on, Martin.

Vulnerability. Commitment.

And after last week
and losing trust,

I wanna see
if they persevere through

or if they quit.

‐ Whew!
‐ High knees. High knees.

‐ Get 'em up, boys.


‐ When I saw Michelle

she seemed very upset.

Can we talk for a little bit?
‐ Yeah.

‐ So I just wanted
to check in on her,

you know,
that she can vent to me.

And just, you know,
give her that space.

I just wanted to see
how you were doing.

‐ I'm feeling good.
I'm feeling better.

‐ What is frosted tips
talking about, man?

Come on, Frosty.

‐ And I appreciated
you were, like‐‐

when I gave you the rose,

you were like, "You got this."
‐ Of course.

‐ And, like,
I actually needed that

'cause it was a rough evening.
‐ Oh, yeah.

‐ But how are you feeling
with everything?

‐ I'm good.
‐ I'm excited you're here.

‐ I'm excited for tonight.

Last night, I really respect

how she handled the situation.

Drama will happen.
People are gonna talk.

But I want Michelle
to trust me.

It's definitely very important.

‐ All right, well,
in the new "Top g*n" movie,

Mav teaches us
to trust our instincts.

And this challenge is, uh...

gonna test those instincts.

‐ Oh.
‐ Ah.

‐ The [bleep] is that, bro?

‐ This is a G‐Force simulator.

While you guys are in there
and your world is spinning,

you're gonna tell Michelle
how you feel about her.

We did it in the movie,
and we constantly had

to convey emotion
while we were pulling Gs.

And that's what you guys
are gonna have to do today.

‐ Anybody get dizzy?
Anybody get sick?

‐ Bro, I literally packed my...

motion sickness pills.

‐ Let's go, Rick.
‐ Man, this is probably

one of my worst nightmares.

I am sweating,

I am turning pale.

‐ All right, let's get it,

‐ Hi, Michelle.

‐ No.

‐ Whoo‐whoo.

This has me shaking
in my boots.

‐ I don't think this thing
is supposed to go that fast.

‐ Whoo!



‐ This is a G‐Force simulator.

Any sensitive stomachs?


‐ While you guys are in there,

you're gonna tell Michelle
how you feel about her.

‐ This is probably
one of my worst nightmares.

‐ Let's go, Rick.

‐ Oh, wow.
‐ No.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ This is the hardest‐‐
‐ What is happening?

Yo, what the
is going on?

‐ This thing is crazy.

‐ Speak from the heart, man.

‐ Michelle,
you swept me off my feet

the first time I saw you.

I'm trying to look at you,

but I see
three of you right now.

‐ Yeah.
‐ And that's not a bad thing.

‐ I actually feel, like, sick

watching these dudes
do this thing.

‐ Do you feel like
you're gonna pass out?

Do you need a puke bucket?

‐ Ooh.

‐ Honestly, I'm feeling woozy.

‐ I'm already very

‐ Oh, no.

‐ I'm just trying
to keep it composed.

‐ Peter, let's go.

‐ Ugh. What is happening?
‐ Yo, what the‐‐

‐ Speak from the heart, man.
Trust your instincts.


‐ Wow, he went full Italian.


‐ All right.
‐ That's impressive. Okay.

‐ So far, that's the best
of the best right there.

‐ Lil' Willy.
‐ Lil' Willy up.

‐ Lil' Willy.

‐ Let me know
if you're gonna puke, okay?

You good?
‐ I'm doing it‐‐yeah.

I'm good.
I'm doing it for you.

‐ Mind over matter.

‐ Focus up.
Trust your instincts.

‐ Mind over matter. You got it.
‐ And go.

Tell Michelle how you feel.

‐ Oh‐ho‐ho‐ho.

‐ Keep the romance coming, man.

Keep the romance coming.
‐ Michelle,

Speak from the heart.

‐ Oh, man,
he's speaking Spanish.

Is that on purpose?
‐ Oh, wow.

‐ He's copying
my [bleep] thing.

‐ Just tell me what you said.
Translate it.

‐ I wanna...

grow old with you.

‐ I feel like I should back up
a little bit,

‐ How you feeling, Willy?
‐ Oh, sh**t.

‐ You need a bucket?

‐ I need you.

‐ Oh‐ho‐ho‐ho‐ho.
‐ Oh.

Solid recovery.

‐ For the win.
‐ What?

‐ For the win, Lil' Willy.
For the win.

‐ Good job.

This is some.

I gave Michelle
my recipe of love,

and then of course,
Little Willy steps in,

basically verbatim says
the same thing that I said,

but in Spanish.

‐ All right, you guys
can line up on this side.

‐ He's fake.

He came at me since day one.

If the dude keeps
running his mouth,

I got something for that

and I'm gonna have to
take him out maverick style.

‐ In "Top g*n: Maverick,"
the pilots we played

had to be skilled
in the art of dogfighting.

‐ All right fellas,
so here's what we're gonna do.

You guys are gonna compete

head‐to head in a dogfight.

‐ All right, first up:

Clayton versus Nayte.

Let's go, fellas.

‐ So far, I haven't
been able to stand out

from the rest of the pack,
and I just want a sh*t.

‐ Keep it clean, boys.

‐ This is a big, big, big day,

and I need to really
step it up.

I gotta make up some ground.

‐ Whoo!
‐ Dang.

‐ Whoa!
‐ Oh!

‐ That's a train.

‐ I think these guys that have
"stronger relationships,"

I'm starting to not believe
that they have

strong relationships.

And I really do believe
that I could leapfrog

any of these guys.

‐ Oh, oh.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Oh!
‐ Whoa!

‐ Wow.

‐ Clayton plows Nayte
way off the stage.

‐ And Clayton is the winner!

‐ Whoo!
‐ All right, Clayton.

‐ The next matchup
is Martin versus Spencer.

‐ Honestly, all of the men,

they're ready to battle.

‐ Oh, oh.
‐ Oh, get him.

‐ Whoo!
‐ Oh, my God.

‐ The winner is Spencer.

‐ They're going at it.

‐ LT versus Rick.

‐ And so I do appreciate
this massive effort.

‐ Oh.
‐ Oh, oh.

‐ Come on, Joe.

‐ Oh!
‐ Oh.

‐ They wanted to work hard,

‐ Oh, buddy. Hey!
‐ Yeah, whoa!

‐ That's a big characteristic
that I'm looking for.

‐ Next up, Will versus Peter.

‐ I already knew, baby.

‐ Lil' Willy versus Dough Boy.
Let's go.

‐ I knew that was gonna
be the matchup.

‐ Fighters ready?

Yes, sir.

‐ Whoa, whoa.
‐ Oh.

Lil' Willy, okay.

‐ Oh, buddy‐buddy.
‐ Ooh!


‐ Okay, Lil' Willy.
‐ Wow.

‐ Let me get up.

‐ Peter. Come on, Dough Boy.

‐ Will is absolutely
embarrassing Peter.

‐ Come on, boy.

‐ Oh!

‐ And the winner is...


‐ Whoo!
‐ All right, Will.

‐ Good job, man.
‐ That was a hard fight.

‐ Good job, Dough Boy.

‐ All right,
we are going to determine

a winner after everything
we've seen today.

I will say there is one person
in particular

that showed physical stamina,

a very bilingual
romantic nature,

and really listened
to his heart.

The winner of today is...

Little Willy.
‐ Willy.

‐ Little Willy.

‐ We got a bomber jacket
for you there.

‐ Thank you.

Thank you.
‐ Good job, Will.

‐ Enjoy your five minutes,

enjoy your little
bomber jacket.

The kid's a bum.

I'm more of a self‐made man

and not a man that needs
to knock somebody else down

metaphorically and physically

in order for them
to try to shine.

‐ And Will,
now that you've won,

we have another surprise
for you.

Let's go.

‐ I'm jealous.
Since I didn't win,

tonight at the afterparty
I really have to step it up.

‐ Oh, wow.

‐ Okay, so this
is the vintage car

from "Top g*n: Maverick."
‐ Wow.

‐ I'm driving that.
‐ You're driving?

You're driving?
‐ Yes, absolutely.

‐ I guess I just didn't
do enough today.

‐ This is awesome.
‐ It is.

‐ You did a good job today.

‐ Thank you.

‐ Knowing that,
I'm gonna go in even stronger

and put my best foot forward
and make sure

that I really
make an impression tonight.

‐ Today's date was a really
good day for me.

It felt really good
to b*at Peter.

‐ We all here?

‐ Will's getting settled
with his Jacket.

‐ Slide over.

‐ I came home with the jacket,

and now I'm super excited

that I get to spend some time
with Michelle.

And I'm hoping
I get that rose tonight.

‐ How is everybody feeling
after today?

‐ Like a winner.
‐ Good.

‐ Tired.
‐ Good?

That G‐Force machine
is probably

honestly my worst nightmare.

And so it was awesome

seeing you guys be such
great sports about it all.

So cheers to turning the page.


‐ Last night, Michelle
felt that her character

was questioned.

So tonight's a big deal.

I need to stay positive

and just continue
to push forward.

How you doing?

‐ Yellow's a good color on you.
‐ Thank you.

I need to show her
that I can be trusted

and just make the most
of the moment.

This has been a hell
of an experience already.

Which, I just really
wanna thank you for that.

When I first saw you, like,

the confidence that, like,
you exuded, like, that‐‐

I was like, "Man,
I need to take some notes."

'Cause, like, I'm trying
to get to that point.

‐ No, you seem
more relaxed today, and I...

love seeing, like,
your personality come out.

‐ I'm so much more relaxed.

I feel that I've been able
to grow so much,

and that's why I'm just
so happy that, like,

I took a chance.

I do wanna say
that I was a little upset

that you didn't get to go

on that little spinny thing

‐ Okay.
‐ So with that,

I wanted to try something‐‐
have you help me out with it.

You're gonna spin with me.
‐ I'm not good at spinning.

‐ Yeah, all right,
we just gotta roll with it.

‐ I appreciated Clayton

bringing a different element
to our conversation tonight.

Okay. Oh, my‐‐

I'm gonna throw up.

‐ He makes me smile.
He does make me laugh.

And that's a big thing
that I'm looking for.

That feel good?

‐ I'm gonna be able to sleep
now, so that's perfect.

‐ I mean,
it's a great way to start off

a cocktail party.

It feels like
a nice little reset know,

quite a rough last night.

‐ With how easy I'm, like,
catching feelings for you,

I feel like such a little boy.

‐ Well, I'm like a little girl,

like, cheesin' over here
and smiling too.

‐ You know what I mean?
Look at us.

Look at us.

‐ These guys
are doing the work

to build back my trust.

Relationships are progressing

and we're getting back
on the same page.

I'm very confident in trusting

that these guys
are here for me.

‐ I just wanted
to check in on you,

make sure you're feeling well.

And wanted to see
if there's anything

that possibly I could do
to help you out

or make you feel better.

‐ You have this
quiet confidence to you

that I really admire.

You're not the loudest guy
in the room,

and I actually kind of‐‐

I actually really like that.

I feel lucky to have

such a wonderful group
of mature men.

‐ You're a coward.
‐ Did you show up today?

Did you show up?
‐ Did I show up?

Absolutely I showed up.
‐ Hell no.

Hell no, you didn't show up.
‐ Absolutely I showed up.

Because I showed Michelle‐‐
‐ Hell no, you didn't show up.

That's why your ass
was on the ground.

‐ You wanna bully.

Tries to knock somebody down.

‐ That's why your ass
was on the ground.

‐ I keep standing up
and I keep standing up.

‐ And I'ma knock your ass
back down.

‐ 'Cause that's
what a real man does.

You're not a man,
you're a bully.

‐ And I'ma knock your ass
back down.

‐ You're a bully.
You're gonna crumble in life.

‐ All right, pizza boy.
‐ If you keep this up‐‐

Yeah, pizza boy.
‐ All right, pizza boy.

‐ See the checks that I cash‐‐
‐ All right, pizza boy.

‐ And then you call me
a pizza boy.

‐ All right, pizza boy.
‐ You'll be wishing you were

a pizza boy, probably.
‐ All right, pizza boy.

That money
ain't bring you character.

‐ Brings me class.

It brings you a big mouth.

‐ Bro, you hate my mouth
because you wish you had it.

‐ Dude, you talk about
this whole pizza business.

It's not even open, bro.

That's all you been
talking about.

‐ That's how much you know me,
my man.

‐ This whole pizza thing.
‐ I got three locations, baby,

where I change lives
one slice at a time,.

How you like me now?

‐ You ain't changing
nobody's lives, bro.

‐ In as far as what's going on

between, like, Peter and Will,

that's obviously something
that started a few days back.

And it just seems like they're
not able to let it go.

And I hope that
it doesn't ruin

the rest of the night
for Michelle.

‐ You're intimidated by me,

That's why you feel like you
gotta throw these, like,

little chihuahua bites
at my ankle.

‐ Intimidated by what, bro?
‐ That's really what it is.

‐ I'm not intimidated at‐‐at‐‐
bro, no.

‐ Eventually, you're gonna
piss off the big dog

and I'ma have to
kick you down to road.

‐ You're not the big dog.

The big dog has the jacket,

‐ It's a sympathy jacket.
‐ You're not the big dog, bro.

You're not the big dog.

Trust me,
you're not the big dog.

‐ Did you check the pockets
in the jacket?

‐ You're not the big dog.

‐ It came with
a box of tissues.

‐ Bro, you're not the big dog.

‐ I look at it
as a sympathy jacket.

That's how
I look at that jacket.

‐ I look at that jacket
like I earned that jacket.

‐ I look at it
like she feels bad for you.

Listen, just do yourself
a favor.

Just pull the tissues
out of your jacket

and wipe those tears up.

‐ How do y'all think the day's
going, y'all?

‐ I'm really happy
I'm not on this date today.

‐ Yeah,
I'm happy to not necessarily

be in the "danger zone."

I would like to be
in the comfort zone.

‐ Oh.
‐ Oh, knock.

The infamous knock.
‐ Oh, jeez.

‐ I'm not gonna lie,

I wanna be on that
one‐on‐one date card.

I don't wanna be
on the group date card.

It just gives me a chance
to prove myself

and stand out again.

At the end of the day,
if I don't hear my name

on the card,
my hopes are gonna be crushed.

Let's go.

Pick me, baby girl.

‐ All right.


"Love is about letting go.

Heart, Michelle."

‐ I'm really excited, man.

I'm floating on cloud nine,
I can't lie to you.

‐ Rodney's a great guy.

But I don't know,
I don't really see Rodney,

like, well...

As much of a contender.

So I think she's gonna
keep him in the friend zone.

You know what I'm saying?
So I'm not worried about it.

Poor Rodney. Aww.

He's funny, man.

I just can't help laugh
when I talk about Rodney.

It's funny.
But he's a great guy, though.

‐ Hey, I'm happy for you, man.

‐ Thank you all so much.

I appreciate it.

‐ I loved that you came
and pulled me aside today.

‐ Yeah.

‐ That actually touched me,
and I...

like, there was a mental note‐‐
‐ Yeah.

‐ That was made.
‐ 'Cause I know, like,

at the end of the day, like,
every guy is here, like,

"Oh, I wanna
make an impression.

I wanna make an impression."

And, like,
they forget that, like,

sometimes you just wanna
shut down.

‐ Mm.
‐ And, like, that's when

it's time for us
to listen to you.

It's not always like,
"Hey, listen to me.

Listen to what I have to say."

‐ Yeah. Yeah.

You seem like you
got it all figured out.

All right.

‐ I think I always need
a little bit of help.

‐ You don't seem nervous.
‐ Hmm?

‐ You don't seem nervous.
‐ No?

The words aren't trembling?

‐ You just have so many
different layers

and sides to you.

And there's so much depth.

And, like, that's
what I've kind of been missing.

Martin made
a huge effort today

and pulled me aside
to check in on me.

And it was something that I
haven't seen everyone do yet.

You continue to surprise me.

‐ So when are we going on
that one‐on‐one date?

‐ He's just this mature man

who knows what he wants.

I'm very confident in trusting
that Martin is here for me.

‐ How you boys feelin'?
All right?

‐ Chilling, man. Chilling.
‐ Pretty good, how are you?

‐ Jacket.

‐ Peter, bro.

‐ What do you guys think, huh?

‐ Oh, nah, bro.

‐ I think it looks better
on me.

‐ I have to go rock it
for a little bit.

No way.


Oh, my God, dog.
‐ Yeah, you the fool.

‐ Why?

‐ Why, though, man?

‐ Will's hysterical.
He's irrational.

He came at me.

He started with me.

The jacket's a symbol
of the disrespect

that I continue to get.

So the dude's gonna get

a little taste
of his own medicine,

and I had to put him
in his place.

‐ D‐‐what did you do
with the jacket?

‐ What?
‐ What'd you do with it?

‐ Pete, tell us.
Peter, tell us.

What the did you do
with the jacket?

‐ Peter, tell us.

‐ Where is it?

‐ It looked a little dirty,

so I figured I'd give it
a little bath.

Oh, my God.

‐ Real talk?

Maybe he's gonna get
a little taste

of what it's like
to be disrespected.

‐ Peter, you're trippin', man.

‐ Damn.

‐ I was laughing,
but, you know,

in that moment
was when I started

taking a couple steps
back from Peter.

I was a little disappointed
in him.

If Michelle
finds out about it,

it's going to ruin the date.

‐ Oh...

‐ Where's‐‐y'all know
where the jacket is?

‐ Peter threw it in the water.

‐ Sorry, man.

‐ We didn't know what he was
gonna do with it, honestly.

‐ Sore‐ass loser.

Yeah, I've been calling it.

And it's just, like,
this dude has really

pushed my buttons from day one.

‐ Don't even sweat it, bro.

Don't even sweat it.

‐ This whole time,
he preaching respect.

‐ I'm tired of going on dates
with Peter.

I hope Michelle don't
find out tonight.

‐ Will, as long as you just
kind of just sit there,

kick it,
you will forever be regarded

as the bigger man.

I appreciate you, bro,
but I‐‐I‐‐

I'll be right back.

I was hurt beyond words.

I earned that jacket.

That jacket was mine.

Not only because it was mine.

It's the meaning behind it.

It meant that ultimately,
through any obstacle

that Michelle and I
go through in life,

I'm gonna be there
to overcome that.

And Peter had to ruin it.

Like, he really
took it that far.

Bro, this man has really
pushed my buttons, man!

‐ How you guys feelin'?

‐ How are you feeling?

‐ I feel really freaking good,

Something about Michelle, man.
It's like‐‐

‐ Nah, bro,
we don't wanna hear it.

‐ You threw Will's jacket
in the pool?

‐ I got a lot of love for you,
bro, but it's...

don't get involved.

‐ Don't you think it's gonna
get back to Michelle, though?

‐ Are you dating me,
or are you dating Michelle?

‐ Well, all of our actions
impact her.

‐ Well, talk to Michelle
about it, you know?

I'm not stressin', bro.

‐ I just feel Peter is just,
like, so immature.

You're an idiot, and you're
costing all of us,

but he didn't see it that way.

And it's like,
I don't understand

how you can't see it our way.

All right, everybody,
buckle the up.

‐ It was obvious that Will
was really upset at Peter.

If that was me, I don't know

what I would have done
in that situation.

Hopefully, I would have
handled it as well as Will did.

I probably would have
b*at the out of him.

‐ Hello.
‐ Hello.

‐ How are you guys?

Um, today was an awesome reset.

And I feel like we're finally
back on the right track.

And I'm hoping to stay there.


You listened
and pulled me aside

during our group date,
which meant a lot.

Will you accept this rose?

‐ Absolutely.

‐ I want Michelle to be happy.

I decided to not tell her
about Peter.

I didn't want to ruin
her night.

But if Michelle
was to know what happened,

she would have finally
found out who Peter truly is.

‐ Martin, I actually do
have something planned.

‐ So tonight
is not quite over for us.

But goodnight to you guys.

All right, ready?
‐ Let's do it.

‐ All right, go this way.

Tonight was really nice.

I don't think it could have
gone more perfectly.

I feel lucky to have such
a wonderful group of men.

There wasn't negative energy,

like yelling and drama.

With everything
that happened last week,

you know, I think I can
trust these guys again.

‐ I'm just very excited

to have a one‐on‐one
with Michelle.

But I'm definitely
anxious and nervous,

and that's because
I've never been the tallest

in the room or the strongest,
most handsome,

but what I bring to the table

is the biggest heart
and the biggest smile.

She has seen, you know,

that I like
to joke and play around.

But she hasn't really seen
that serious side of me

and that deeper side,
I feel like.

And so my only hope
for this date tonight

is that me and Michelle
connect on such a high level

and she sees
a potential future with me.


‐ Look at you, beautiful.

‐ How are you doing?
‐ I'm good. How are you?

‐ Good.

I'm so excited.

I think in a relationship
it's super important

to be able to give up
a little of your control.

And so you and I are kind of
going into this date

blindfolded a little bit.

‐ Okay.

‐ I'm excited to spend
more time with Rodney.

We are playing truth or dare.

‐ I'm excited.
‐ I'm excited too.

He is somebody who has
caught me by surprise.

He's shown me his goofy side.

He's told me that he
sees himself as the underdog.

So I want to use this time
to explore

whether or not this can be
a romantic connection.

Oh, oh no!

That looks familiar.
‐ What is this?

‐ "Relationships
are all about trust.

"We dare Michelle
to be blindfolded

as Rodney grabs a few items
to feed you."

‐ Let's check this out.

‐ Rodney, just remember who
gives out the roses, okay?

Oh, God, I just got nervous.

‐ All right, you ready?


‐ Do you trust me?

‐ Yes.
‐ Okay.

Here's the first one.

‐ That's gotta be a french fry.

‐ There we go, okay.
We're off to a good start.

‐ Good start.

I am looking for
a man I can trust.

And being out
of your comfort zone

can really help you develop
trust with another person.

‐ What do you think you have?

‐ According to Michelle,
it's pizza.

According to Rodney, lasagna.

‐ You know what, I'm gonna pay
you back for that one later.

‐ I feel like in a game
of truth or dare,

that requires a lot of faith
and trust

and, like, willing to let go.

‐ Why do I feel like you're

gonna need to go
see an eye doctor?

‐ That's okay.
‐ Are you okay?

I think it's good
to be challenged.

And I'm ready for it.

I hope Rodney's ready for it.


‐ "We dare you to handcuff
yourselves to one another

"and work together as a team
to find the key

in one of these boxes."

‐ What?

Oh, my God.

‐ Oh!
‐ Oh, jeez.

When me and Michelle
are together,

it's so effortless and so easy.

Check this out.
Check this out.

‐ Rodney.
‐ Oh, my.

am I just dragging?

She really makes me feel like

I can just be me around her.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

Okay, teamwork.

I can definitely envision
Michelle as my future wife,

my best friend,
and my partner in crime.

Oh, I found the key!

Look, it's right here.


Whoa! We found it.

I just want to continue
to keep riding this high

and keep this momentum going
and, you know, we got this.

‐ Oh, no. What is that?

A megaphone.
‐ Uh‐oh.

‐ "Taking risks for love
is important.

"We dare one of you to strip
down completely naked

"and streak through the lobby
as the other yells,

'This is our journey.'"

Oh, my God.

‐ I have the megaphone.

‐ Oh, my God.
I gotta take it all down.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Okay, um...

The date has been really fun
up until this point.

Ah, jeez, this is crazy.
This is crazy.

‐ Let's go.

Oh, he's really going for it.

‐ My mom's gonna k*ll me, man.


Ahh, nah, nah, nah.


‐ Go, Rodney!

‐ This is our journey!

‐ Go, Rodney! Go, Rodney! Go!

Go, Rodney! Go, Rodney! Go!
‐ Rodney!

‐ Rodney!
‐ Go, Rodney! Go, Rodney! Go!

‐ This is our journey, Rodney!

This is totally our journey!

‐ Rodney!
‐ Yo, why you butt naked?

‐ Get some clothes on, man!
‐ Rodney!

‐ To add salt to the wound,

you know,
I had my boys watching.

Kaitlyn and Tayshia
popped their heads out.

So you know, it's, uh,
it's pretty bad

when everyone sees you out
in your birthday suit

and it ain't even
your birthday.

So, yeah, it's been rough.

‐ Yes! Risk‐taking all the way.

‐ Can I get my shirt back, man?

Oh, my gosh.

Let's see. What do we have?
‐ Welcome.

This date is going so well
so far.

But I'm definitely ready
for that truth part

of tonight's date.

I wanna see if he's able
to be vulnerable

and open with me.

Tell me something about you
that nobody knows.

‐ That's really tough.
Uh, I think...

something that I don't really
say out loud‐‐

my biggest fear in life
is passing away

before I become
a husband and a father.

What about you?
‐ Mm.


I think my biggest fear‐‐

almost my biggest weakness
at the same time‐‐

is, like, the fear
of being complacent.

But I think also that's
definitely my downfall,

because if I keep...

focusing on the next thing

and don't enjoy
the current thing,

like, that's where life is.

You know?
‐ Yeah.

‐ Like, I stress
about it a lot.

‐ I mean,
to be honest with you,

nothing about you is, you know,

And just‐‐
nothing about you is average.

So I really hope you know that
and you understand that.

‐ I might need help with that.

I got you. That's my job.

Today, Rodney kept, like,

chipping away
at that friend zone

and was able to make it
to the other side of that,

the relationship zone.

‐ It's been so long
since my first group date.

Like, I couldn't even tell you
the last time I talked to her.

Hey, is that the d‐‐

‐ Yeah.
‐ I got this. I got this.

‐ It's an interesting dynamic
right now.

People feeling nervous,
and I'm like,

I have yet to feel nervous.

You know,
I'm in a fortunate position

where I feel comfortable
and confident with Michelle.

‐ I got somethin' for us.

‐ And I know that
we have that trust

and that foundation.

So Jamie's in a good headspace.

‐ Jamie.


Chris G.


‐ Hey.

‐ Chris S.



"I want a man
who can express himself."

"Love, Michelle."

‐ Could be anything.
Express your love,

express yourself.

There's a lot of different
forms of it.

I'm excited for it.
I really am.

I'm stoked.

‐ Facts just being,
anything that's meant for me

will never land
in another man's lap.

It's not a concern for me.

At the end of my journey,
I know I get the girl.

It would be nice
to get the rose at the end,

so I don't have to pack.

That'd be cool.

‐ It's a beautiful night.
‐ It is.

What in the world?

How are you in boats?

‐ You know what? I feel like
I'm gonna be really good.

The date has been amazing
so far.

‐ And dinner is that way.

‐ It's that way?
Okay, let's do it.

I'm just floating right now.

I just really wanna
learn more about her

and just keep connecting
and growing.

Look at this. We made it.

I would definitely
love that rose

for some more validation
and confirmation.

And do whatever I can
to keep progressing.

I just want to toast to you
and to our journey of love.

And I just thank you
for choosing me for tonight

and giving me this chance
to really show you who I am.

So thank you.
‐ Wow.

I think one of my favorite
parts of today

was just the fact that...

you are so playful
and you are so fun.

And for me,

I mean, I've been asked
at times, like,

"Well, like, what do you want
in a future partner?"

And my parents laugh together.

‐ Yeah?
‐ So much.

I love that.
They've never lost that.

And I think that's
one of the things

that I truly admire about you.

You do have
this vulnerable side

and this, you know,
willing to share emotions,

but you also have this, like,

‐ That means a lot.

Like, for me, you make it
very easy to be yourself

and for me to be me.

And I need that.

I never wanna hide who I am.
I can't do that.

You know, I was raised
by a single mom.

You know, my dad left
when I was six.

And, you know, for a good
majority of my life,

that was all I knew was just me
and my younger brother and her.

And I grew up watching, um,
her struggle

and her work three jobs
to put food on the table.

She did whatever she could
to just show us

that, like, with hard work
and with a good heart

you can get through anything
in life.

And, you know, she's truly,

‐ Wow.
‐ One of the most amazing

people I've ever met.
She's my hero.

And I wanna do whatever I can
to make her proud.

‐ My mom is honestly one of
the strongest people I know.

I think one of
the most beautiful things

about my parents' relationship
being, you know,

interracial marriage and‐‐
‐ Mm.

‐ Is that there were
so many times

where my dad didn't have
to speak up

because my mom would be the one
staying in front.

She protected him so much,

as much as he protected her,

that's not always necessarily,
like, a comfort

that I've felt in past

‐ Hmm.
‐ And so that's something

that really resonates with me.

I don't wanna open up
old wounds,

anything like that, but‐‐
‐ Yeah.

‐ Tell me, like,
in your last relationship,

when went wrong?

‐ One feeling that...

You can't really explain
to, you know,

somebody who's not
a person of color is, like,

that first time that someone
uses the N word at you.

‐ Yeah. Yeah, of course.
‐ Directed at you.

There was a time where I was
in a relationship

and happened to be
at the grocery store,

and this‐‐

a woman used that word
directed at me.

When I got home
and was visibly upset,

the response was more of...

how I was giving the woman
more power

because I was upset about it

and because I chose
to be upset about it.

And I had to justify
my emotions,

which I did at that time.
I did. I justified.

I tried to explain
where I was coming from.

And looking back on it,
like, that was my sign.

I shouldn't have ever
had to justify my feelings.

‐ Exactly.
‐ Like, whatever emotion

I was feeling in that moment,
I was allowed to feel

and I was allowed to feel it
as long as I wanted to feel it.

And if I have to explain that,

well, I'll also be explaining

that the relationship's
not gonna work.

And that doesn't mean that,
you know,

someone who is white
or a different race

can't understand you.
‐ Yeah, exactly.

I understand.

I just felt that same way
with, uh‐‐

you know, with my ex.

And I think, like you said,
you never wanna be complacent.

You never wanna settle.

I'm just truly
looking for my queen.

And the way that you act,

the way that you
carry yourself,

is so exciting for me.

And yeah, you make it easy
to be myself,

but you also just make it easy
for me to trust you

and trust that no matter what
life throws at us,

that we can get through it,
you know?

‐ Yeah.

Rodney has been so vulnerable.

He makes me feel safe
where I can feel vulnerable.

And the more that I learn
about him,

the more that I can confidently
say that, like,

I can trust him,
and that feels good.

In one of our more recent

you spoke about, like,
being an underdog

and that, you know,
you felt like

you're not the tallest person
in the room,

you're not the best‐looking
person in the room,

which‐‐I can disagree.

But, um, I really do not
see you as an underdog.

I see your heart.

I see how much
you're willing to love

and invest yourself
in a relationship.

So I would apple‐lutely‐‐

‐ You're lucky you're so cute.
Oh, my gosh.

‐ Love it
if you accept this rose.

I apple‐lutely‐‐

‐ Apple‐lutely
accept this rose.

Oh, my gosh.

Thank you.

I felt amazing.

Like, you know,
it's hard for me

to keep my feet on the ground.

I don't know what to do.
Like, I just‐‐

I'm so excited for her
to open up with me.

It's a really big step.

We share so many similarities

in terms of how we act
and our character

and our upbringing.

We never have to apologize
for who we are,

and that's really special
to me.

I'm definitely developing
feelings for Michelle.

Strong feelings.

And I could
definitely see that

developing into love.

And it's scary and exciting

and it's really amazing.

I truly feel like Michelle
could be the love of my life.

‐ This way.

I'm doing great.
Today's a good day.

I want to go
on one of these group dates

so I can compete with the guys.

‐ Ooh!
‐ Ah, man.

‐ There's pressure
on these other guys

to be out
on a group date with me

knowing that I already have
quite a bit of time,

and it's spent establishing
trust with Michelle.

‐ Hey!
‐ Hey!

‐ Hi.
‐ Hi.

‐ Hi.
‐ Whoo!

‐ So last week,
we had an incident

where Michelle
was really upset,

and I haven't
told the guys necessarily

that I'm the person that went
and talked to Michelle,

and that's because
that doesn't matter.

‐ As you know,
communication in a relationship

is something
that I've really stressed,

and so today
our activity has to do

with expressing ourselves.

You ready to get started?

‐ Of course.
‐ Yes.

‐ All right, we're gonna go.
‐ Yes.

‐ All right.

‐ I'm ready to express
'cause in order to start

a great relationship,
you have to let down

your walls and be vulnerable.

I've trusted her
since day one,

and I'm excited
to see what we're gonna do.

‐ My grandmother once told me
that she believes

the average girl begins
to plan her wedding

at the age of seven,
tells me that she picks

the colors and the cake first,
that by the age of ten,

she knows the time
and the location.

By 17, she's already
chosen the gown

and a maid of honor.

By 22, she's waiting
for somebody

who doesn't break out in hives

when they hear
the word "commitment."

‐ Yes!

I cannot believe
it's Rudy Francisco.

He's the poet

that got me hooked
on spoken word.

He's here. I'm here.

Michelle's right next to me.

Like, I think
I was just grabbing Leroy

being like, "I can't believe
this is happening."

‐ When people ask me
about my future wife,

every single time,
she sounds a lot like you.

‐ That was
absolutely beautiful.

Guys, please meet
Rudy Francisco.

He is clearly a very talented
spoken word poet,

and so today
he's gonna be helping us

express ourselves
through spoken word.

‐ Welcome, welcome.

Everybody knows the cornerstone
of a healthy relationship

is how well you
can communicate, right?

And that's what poetry
is all about,

so I want to challenge you all
to go out

and write your own poems.

All right?

And what I
really want you to do

is focus in on your stories.

This is a great opportunity to
really get vulnerable with us.

‐ I've never written
a poem before,

but being expressive
is just being able

to be open, vulnerable
while remaining yourself

and being able
to stand on who you are.

‐ This is
in front of Michelle.

It's an opportunity for her
to get to know who I am,

and so I'm very nervous.

‐ Diving into writing
a whole poem

that, like,
poured my heart out,

I was definitely anxious.
I was nervous.

‐ All right,
welcome, everybody.

We have some poetry
for you all today,

so let's go ahead
and jump right into it.

First up on the stage,
we have Brandon.

‐ B‐Money.
‐ Brandon.

‐ B‐Money.
‐ Let's do it, Brandon.

‐ Oh, I'm coming up there
with you.

‐ I think she needs
to see more vulnerability.

I want to show her
and pour my heart out to her,

but do it in a way to where
she understands, like,

this poem
is truly just for her.

I'm so nervous.

‐ You can start.
‐ All right.

You can't find love
without loss.

You open up and feel lost.

A man in my life inspired me
with might,

a spark that fueled and ignite,

a man you see and light,

of losing not once, nor twice,

three times, he knelt at night

to wife, his love in life.

Michelle, I hope you see
the fight in him

is the fight in me.

You're the one of my dreams.

Don't give up.
Not on me.

Don't give up on eternity.

‐ Wow.

That was amazing.

There is a lot of depth
to Brandon.

When he was speaking,
I feel like I could‐‐

like, I could feel it
in my soul.

Brandon's was powerful.

‐ Romeo, Romeo,
where is your Juliet?

Before the roses,
before the limo,

before "The Bachelorette."

The answer until now had been
that we had never met.

‐ I was blown away
by everyone today.

I'm impressed
with their willingness

to put themselves out there.

‐ Broken home, broken hearts,

broken friends, broken me.

‐ Their personalities,
their feelings,

their thoughts,
life experiences,

all shine through their poems.

It was a really powerful way

for me to learn
about them today.

‐ When I say I like
who I am around you,

I mean we're
in kindergarten again.

I'm the maple leaf.
You're the crayon.

And even though
the paper between us

is the wall we put up,
with every gentle touch,

you're still able
to bring out the best in me.

‐ They just wanted to showcase
what they had,

and I love that these guys

are so all‐in
to being vulnerable.

‐ I lost my book,
so I'm just gonna have to spit

from the heart here
and hope it all comes out well,

but I'm actually gonna leave
everybody with a story,

and so the story
has to do with a girl

who is on her way home
and decides

to take a shortcut
through the woods.

Along the way, she steps foot
off of her path and gets lost.

‐ Jamie didn't
follow the assignment.

He wasn't telling
a personal story.

He wasn't telling
a personal poem.

‐ She wanders further
and further into the woods

more and more,
getting lost and confused

on which way to go.

As she turns the bend,
she sees her guardian angel.

‐ Jamie might be preparing
to be a motivational speaker

slash cult leader
and tells us a parable.

It was odd.

‐ She goes to her angel.
She says, "I'm lost."

The angel responds, "I know,"

and points her
back to her path.

‐ Jamie had some weird TED Talk
that wasn't to Michelle.

It was to, like, all of us
about a rabbit down a road

or something like that.
I don't know.

‐ Angel, is there anything else
that I need to know

for my journey ahead?

‐ Jamie's insecurities
are showing now,

and that's a trust issue.

‐ We have one more participant.

Yeah, let's give it up for
"The Bachelorette" herself,


‐ To my future soulmate.

There are some things
you need to see,

like finding love
hasn't really been easy for me.

Growing up in school,
I would take a look around

already knowing
there would be no others

like me to be found.

You see, early on,
society coined me

as "the token Black girl."

I was their stamp on diversity,

all thanks to my nappy curls.

As the token Black girl,

I was still able
to make friends.

I got invited
to all the big parties

as long as I followed
the basic white trends.

Dating was
a whole other challenge.

I felt like white
connected with white.

I blamed my singleness
on being a late bloomer,

but I knew that wasn't right.

I was never the girl
invited to cute dates

at the apple orchard
in the fall.

I was the girl picked last
for prom,

but the first for basketball.

I made a promise to myself
to help empower

all hues of black,
white, and brown,

fighting for opportunities
that allow them

to blossom from the ground,

being that role model
young, brown girls see

when looking around.

Hey, soulmate,
if you're listening,

you'll need to understand,

in my heart of hearts,
all I've ever wanted is love,

and I hope you can be that man.

Sincerely, Michelle.

‐ It was refreshing
for me to hear

that she's been impacted
by being the token Black girl‐‐

not only impacted,
but strengthened.

‐ I won't
understand everything

that she's been through,

but I'm willing to listen.
I'm willing to learn.

And I was moved
by how passionate she is

about finding love.

‐ Ooh, someone smells good.

Mollique, I think it's you.
‐ Thank you.

‐ So my first group date
has been so much fun.

I think everybody
stepped up to the challenge

the best that they could...

But I don't feel
any level of competition

with the other men.

You know, at this point,
I've already set the standard

of just being transparent,
and right now,

the competition's
really with myself

and making sure
that, you know,

I'm showing up,
being the best Jamie.

‐ I was completely blown away
by you guys today.

Did you surprise yourselves?
‐ Very much so.

‐ Yeah.
‐ You did?

The effort, the heart
that went into these poems

was truly amazing,
and I learned a lot,

and I think
it's a good base to kind of

go off this evening,
so I'm looking forward

to talking with you all.

‐ Mm.
‐ Of course.

‐ Cheers to that.
‐ Cheers.

‐ Today was amazing.

Reciting my poem to Michelle
made me feel open,

and tonight I plan
to tell her more,

and show her my vulnerability,

which is what
today's challenge was,

and I'm looking
to get that second rose

on a second group date
and set that tone

that our relationship
is immaculate.

Your poem was so beautiful

that it spoke to me, too,
'cause I've been through

such a similar experience.
‐ Tell me about that.

‐ So, of course,
I'm a late bloomer too,

and, you know,
I had braces all five years.

I wasn't
the most good‐looking then.

I was 5'2" all the way up until
junior year of high school,

so it took me a long time
to be comfortable

in my own skin,
and, you know, going

to a prominently
white high school

and being light‐skinned,
they're like,

"Hey, you're not Black.
You're not this.

You're not that."

Or you have to choose a side,
you know?

‐ Right, why do you
have to choose?

‐ I don't know,
but that's why I'm so thankful

for my parents 'cause they
gave me that strength

that, you know,
just be comfortable with you.

‐ I see a very attractive,
handsome man

that has, you know...
‐ Wow.

‐ I mean, I do.

I think for me
to be attracted to somebody,

I have to be attracted
to their mind as well...

‐ Mm‐hmm. Yeah.

‐ And that's something that I'm
very attracted to with you.

‐ You make me feel so good.
You have no idea.

Like, I know people say this,

but, like,
I haven't felt this before.

I truly want you to know that.
It's scary.

‐ It's scary.
‐ Yeah.

I'm crazy about this woman.

She gives me butterflies.
She gives me happiness.

She brings out
the absolute best in me,

which is what I'm
truly looking for in a wife,

and it's just
literally the best feeling

I've ever had
in my entire life.

It's beautiful
just taking that next step

in our journey together.

‐ I feel like I just dropped
on a roller coaster.

‐ Yo. Yeah.

I'm truly falling in love
with this woman.

Oh, my gosh,
I wanna jump up for joy.

I wanna...

Well, 'cause, you know,
this is an amazing feeling.

You know what I mean?
Like, oh, my gosh.

‐ You guys just staring
at this rose?

What are we thinking?

‐ I think anyone could get it.
‐ I agree.

‐ Yeah.
‐ No one was weak today.

Everyone was strong.

‐ I feel pretty good about
my odds of getting a rose.

It's really not a competition.

At this point,
I think it's been shown

that I'm coming in here
with a different mentality

than a lot of the people
that are here.

‐ You match the couch.
‐ I planned this.

‐ I love it.
‐ Some guys like to stand out.

I like to be a couch.
‐ Blend in, you know?

‐ There's not really
anybody else worthy

of her attention.

‐ When I was ten years old,
I wanted to be like Spock.

I wanted to be like a robot.
‐ I'm very intrigued right now.

‐ No one else
really matters to me.

‐ One thing I got for you,
this kente cloth.

It celebrates you
as a Black woman.

‐ I love that.

‐ A lot of guys here are
looking for their opportunity

to kind of have
that spotlight with Michelle,

and everybody hopes to be seen,

but, like, I feel like,
with her and I,

it's just, like, yo,
we just pick up

where we left off,
and we do communicate

kind of on a different level.

‐ How are you feeling?
How are you doing?

‐ Oh, man,
today was a good day.

All the energy
just kind of came together.

I mean, like, my mentality
is that every day

you're earning a rose,
and it's not like

I have one, I'm safe.

And to hear you speak
about your experience

growing up
and to feel like the other,

I saw myself in that story

because those were things
that I've also felt growing up,

and that was really awesome
because it took me

from this place of feeling
like we're from separate worlds

and feeling like,

"Wait, there is
actually a bridge here."

I was like, "What?
What is this?"

‐ Okay, I like that.
I didn't know that.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ Well, thank you.

‐ You're welcome.

When we're together,
it's so intentioned

and so meaningful
that other things

outside of that
just don't matter.

I'm looking at a person
who's staring me back

in the eyes, and I can tell
that she's, like, captivated.

Everything that I set out
as a goal for this date

is exactly what happened
across the board,

and I'm thrilled by it.

How do I feel
about that group date rose?

I've got that in the bag.

‐ There she is.
‐ Oh.

‐ Hello.
‐ Hey, what's up?

‐ Hello, hello.
‐ Hi.

‐ Hi.
‐ Thank you.

‐ You guys
completely capitalized

on today, so thank you.

There is a rose on the table,

and for this person,
it's just somebody

who I connected with,
somebody who

I felt safe with today,
and so...

Brandon, will you
accept this rose?

‐ Always.

It's an extreme privilege

to have a second rose
on a group date,

to know
that she likes me for me.

‐ I'll see you guys tomorrow.

‐ See you, Michelle.
‐ Bye.

I'm absolutely crazy
about this woman.

I'm smitten, fellas.
I'm smitten.

‐ I'm, like,
really competing with Brandon

for a woman's attention?

You're telling me that we're
in the same league,

and I'm like, "We're not
even close."

Like, I gotta wait
for six weeks

to get to the end of this?

I really felt like it would be
a stronger group of guys.

How's that nationwide search?
Where they at?

I think that
the challenging part

with Michelle right now
is that she's

basically just in
spring break mode.

It's a little bit
of a turnoff.

If you genuinely thought
that your husband

was in the room, like,
do you go spring break mode?

‐ Going into
the Rose Ceremony,

Martin, Rodney, and Brandon
all have roses,

and it's obvious to everyone
that Michelle

has a connection with Jamie,
so those four people

must be feeling pretty good.

‐ The last Rose Ceremony,
we were totally blindsided

by this serious situation
where Michelle's character

was called
into question about Joe

and the possibility
that they had some sort

of prior relationship,
and we still don't know

who spoke to Michelle,
feeding her lies.

I don't mind a little bit
of fireworks tonight

because I think,
when the pot gets stirred,

the rat will get exposed.

‐ For me,
I don't have pressure

on trying to make sure I have
a moment with Michelle.

For me, it's just about
maintaining the momentum

of Jamie being Jamie.

I'm gonna make sure
that, you know,

she has the opportunity
to see that as well

when I talk to her.

‐ I'm feeling good.

I'm excited to see Michelle,

and here she comes beautifully
coming down the stairs,

and let's welcome her in.

‐ Wow.
‐ Hello, there.

‐ Like a diamond.
‐ Thank you.

‐ Yes.
‐ Damn.

‐ How are you guys doing?
‐ Wonderful.

‐ Better now.
‐ Very good.

‐ Good.

This week,
I was pleasantly surprised

by some
of the connections I made,

and I think that goes to show

that when you
truly dive into this,

it can work.


all: Cheers.

‐ Ooh, hello.
‐ Cheers, cheers, cheers.

Did everybody cheers Michelle?

'Cause I'm about
to steal her really quick.

‐ Oh.

‐ Realistically, it's like,
"Yo, this is the girl

that I genuinely
have feelings for."

Like, of course I want to have
some more one‐on‐one time

with her
'cause every single time

I have one‐on‐one time
with Michelle,

I mean, I'm over here.
I'm loving every second of it.

How's this week been?

I feel like it's been
a long one for you.

‐ It has been a long week.

I mean, it's crazy to, like‐‐

we have a conversation,
and then, you know.

‐ Don't see you for, like...
‐ Then I can't talk to you.

‐ A week, I know.
‐ Yeah.

‐ I'm just liking, like,
every moment of this, honestly.

‐ Yeah?
‐ I can't lie.

Every single time I'm with you,
I want to just run away.

‐ So you want to run away?
‐ Let's get it.

We could do it right now.
‐ Sure.

I'm running.
You're taking your shoes off.

I'm literally ready to go.
‐ Said you were a track star.

‐ Oh, yeah.
‐ So you're fast?

‐ Yeah, I'll pick it up.

Three, two‐‐you ready?

‐ Go.

‐ That way.
‐ Run!

‐ That way?
‐ Run, run, run, run!

Go that way.
Go that way.

‐ Oh, I love this.
I love this.

‐ Okay, wait, no,
actually, take a‐‐

‐ Wait, which?
Over here?

We're gonna‐‐

Oh, my God, all right.

‐ Let's go‐‐
let's go over here.

Let's get it.
‐ Let's go.

‐ Let's get it.
I'm always down for adventure.

I feel like we have, like,
the perfect foundation set.

It's just, like, two people
who clearly, like,

seriously vibe for each other.

‐ I feel like we balance
each other out nicely.

‐ You feel like
you can trust me?

‐ I do.
‐ Really?

‐ I do feel like
I can trust you.

‐ Good.

I love it.
‐ I love it too.

‐ Oh, man.

‐ I mean, the rose
is everything for tonight,

but there's always
surprises here.

I had no idea we were gonna
have that curveball last time

at the Rose Ceremony.

‐ Last Rose Ceremony,
some guy in the group

told Michelle that people
were questioning her character

about whether or not
Joe and Michelle

knew each other,
and for the information

to be presented to her as if we
were questioning her character,

I think is insane.

Someone is trying
to put themselves ahead,

while putting others
under the bus,

but I do want Michelle to know
that I'm here for her,

and I want to protect her.

I care about her, and I
don't want to see that pain

on her ever again,
especially if it's coming

from misinformation.

I mean, I've been able
to tell you

I would always be
100% honest with you...

‐ Yeah.
‐ No matter what.

‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Whoever came to you
about that information

about, like, people were
questioning your character,

that couldn't
have been anything

farther from the truth
because I've gotten close

with all the guys here.

None of them was ever
questioning your character.

I feel like that person
could have done it

for a few reasons,
like trying to earn your trust

and also trying
to up themselves

and put other people
under the bus.

‐ I guess I'm surprised,
because it was Jamie

who brought
the situation to me.


said that this conversation,

it was completely
taking on a life of its own.

‐ This is tough
for me to swallow

just cause he seems
like the type

who would own
something like that.

‐ I think it's, like,
kind of sinking in

because I feel like
I'm now seeing a red flag,

and there were a lot of things
that were brought up

in that conversation

that I still
have questions about.

‐ Jamie manipulated Michelle

with the intention
of earning her trust,

putting other guys
under the bus,

and just making them look bad.

I just‐‐it's sick.

It is absolutely sick,

the level of‐‐like,
how did he think

he would get away with this?

So tonight I had a talk
with Michelle,

and Michelle made it sound like
Jamie had said to her

that the people in the house,

they were questioning
her character.

‐ I have never seen
anyone in this house

question her character,
so when she came down

and made that revelation,
I was blindsided.

‐ Michelle came down crying

and was in a ton of pain
that we all visibly saw,

and he sat there silent.

‐ The fact that Jamie
was manipulating the situation

and then additionally
not owning up to it,

it's really shocking.

‐ Let's get the guy here
because I don't want

to be that guy
who's saying anything

without getting
the other side of the story.

‐ I agree.
Confront it head‐on.

‐ Jamie.

‐ Oh, there he is, yeah.

I'm absolutely shocked
what's going on

with Jamie right now.

For him to create
this mistrust between Michelle

and everyone else in the house,
it's conniving, manipulative,

and I want to hear what he has
to say to defend his actions.

I think his time is limited.
‐ What up, what up?

‐ What up, what up?
‐ How you doing?

‐ What up, big dog?
‐ Doing well, doing well.

‐ Yeah, no, so we were just
talking about a situation.

‐ When I just had
the conversation with Michelle,

she told me
that the message was

that we were challenging
her character,

and then she let me know
that you were the one

that kind of presented
her information, so...

‐ What did you say
to Michelle, I guess?

‐ Yeah.

‐ So my comment to Michelle

was that‐‐well,
it wasn't necessarily

even my comment to Michelle.



There's been conversation
going on

the entire day
throughout the house

about speculation
between whether or not

Joe and Michelle
knew each other before,

and my comment to Michelle
was that, hey,

all of this speculation
that's been going on

has essentially created, like,
this character in the room,

and so‐‐

‐ When did that happen?
‐ I'm sorry?

‐ When did all the speculation
create a character in the room?

I feel like nobody in the house
was talking about it.

‐ Agreed.

‐ I wasn't really involved
in a lot of the conversations

throughout the day
'cause I had been in my room.

‐ weird, dude.
‐ How so?

‐ It's weird,
like, 'cause, like,

you keep on saying like,
"I have no clue,

"but let me talk
to Michelle about

"you know, there's
this character in the room,

all this conversation,"
but you can't say

who was having
the conversation.

‐ I don't have specific names
because I wasn't a part

of conversations, like I said.

I think that...

‐ So what exactly
was said to Michelle?

‐ It was just
the open‐ended questions,

and if that question
doesn't get resolved,

then now it's open
for anybody sitting at home

to speculate on it.

‐ Wait. Who's sitting at home?

Are you talking
about the viewers?

‐ Yeah.
‐ the viewers.

No, I'm talking about, like,
what did you say to Michelle?

‐ Flip on the outside, guys.

Why don't you just,
like, think about it.

If someone airs an episode,
and everybody's

sitting here talking about‐‐
‐ Wait.

Why are we talking
about episodes?

Why the [bleep] are we
talking about episodes?

‐ I don't think
you get it, bro.

‐ What the [bleep], dude?
‐ I'm just trying to say...

‐ I just don't think
that you get it.

‐ What Michelle told me.
‐ Are you threatened by Joe?

‐ What?
‐ Are you worried about Joe?

‐ Why would I
be threatened by Joe?

‐ Then you‐‐like, you don't
know who's talking about it

in the house‐‐
all right, never mind.

‐ Why would I be threatened
by Joe?

‐ I'ma [bleep]
get upset right now.

I'm just gonna be quiet.

‐ Why would I be threatened
by Joe?

‐ I was blown away.

I was like, "Really,
you're gonna make up a story,

literally create
this "character" that he says

the house created
when it was really

just his own insecurities
and presents it

to Michelle in a way
that obviously

had her pissed off last week,

and‐‐ah, man,
just come on, man.

You suck.

‐ Jamie, is that true?

Is that something that you
brought to her attention?

‐ What do y'all feel like
the actual issue is?

‐ I think the actual issue
is, Jamie,

last week, she came down,
she was obviously upset,

and you had every opportunity
to say something.

‐ Again, the‐‐

‐ And you waited for us
to call you out on it,

and you were
just, like, hidden away.

‐ I did not hide about it.
Like, literally‐‐

‐ Well, then why didn't you
take credit on that first night

that you were
the one that said it?

‐ The issue...
‐ To her.

‐ Was not...
‐ Yes or no?

‐ An individual.

‐ Jamie is doing
a lot of obfuscating

and deflecting,
and just slithering out

of every direct question
we ask him.

‐ I mean, you should be
a politician at this point.

‐ Okay, this is just
not even constructive.

‐ Because you won't answer
the question.

‐ About what?

‐ I talked to Rick,
and apparently the men

in the house actually were
never questioning my character

and trusted me quite a bit.

I feel emotionally exhausted...
‐ Yeah.

‐ But I'm gonna do my best
to not put my walls up.

‐ She opened the floor
for everybody...

‐ And crickets.
‐ And you stood quiet.

‐ Low‐key.
‐ High‐key.

‐ High‐key, actually.
‐ High‐key.

‐ Snake [bleep], bro.
‐ How is it snake [bleep]?

‐ Because you were,
like, pillow‐talking

behind our backs, and then
when you had the opportunity

to say something,
you didn't say.

‐ I didn't talk
behind anybody's back.

‐ You did.
‐ You did, bro.

‐ We all got blamed
for your action.

‐ You had a chance
to bring it up.

‐ When the floor was open,
you were‐‐you didn't speak.

‐ Hello, hello.

Is everything okay?

There's, like,
a weird vibe going on.

‐ Uh, so there seems to be
a conversation

that took place
between you and Rick,

and the understanding
from that conversation

is that certain individuals
directly challenged

your character,
and what I communicated

is that, no, I didn't feel
like any specific individual

challenged Joe's character
or your character.

It was the open speculation
in the house of people

talking about the potential
of you knowing each other

that essentially created
its own monster,

that that had the potential

to challenge both of your‐‐
both characters long‐term.

Does that sound at all
like our conversation?

‐ So in our conversation,
Jamie, when we spoke,

you had brought up
that one of your friends

had mentioned that they
saw me in Minnesota

walking with
a light‐skinned dude.

That's the message
that you gave to me

after saying
that people in the house

were speculating,
and so when you put

those two things together,
it created

the emotions that I came down
and expressed

about having
character questioned.

Why was that piece
of information added?

‐ It made sense, at least,
if I was in that position,

that I would want
to just have the opportunity

to just cut the head
off the monster.

‐ So you felt it was,
like, preventative?

‐ That's exactly
how I approached it.

‐ Do you realize
what actually happened?

By you trying
to be proactive for me,

you brought this characteristic
and this question

into this entire world.

It became a thing
that it wasn't,

and that's where I'm really
struggling with you right now.

So I do want to head outside.
I'm sorry.

I did not mean to do this
all in front of you guys.

I did not know it was
gonna go this direction.

But I would like
to talk to you.

‐ Let's do that.

‐ TED Talk Jamie,
he not only started the rumor

about her seeing Joe
before coming here.

We took the heat that we were
questioning her character

when all along,
Jamie was the one

questioning her character.

He was the one
manipulating us and her.

Didn't say a word.
Didn't own up to any action.

‐ I feel like our trust
was completely broken

because I feel like
this message

that you told me
was not only not accurate,

this drama was created
around my character.

You would bring up
that second story‐‐

like, you put that
out there, Jamie.

Like, you did.

That's not protecting me

‐ It wasn't out there.

It was her buddy who saw her,

and then he just decided
to tell her all this.

‐ Jamie created a rumor
about what was happening

in Minneapolis,
pushed it on her,

manipulated the information,
made everyone here look bad.

Like, and then
he wouldn't own it.

‐ Isn't that insane?

‐ When he had the floor
to be honest,

he's not honest.

‐ That's the worst part
of it all

is he was given
the opportunity,

and he didn't take it.

We talk about, like‐‐

I'm very hurt by you right now.

I don't trust you
at this moment,

and I have to be done with it,

and so I do think it's best
that I walk you out tonight.

‐ Okay.

‐ No more parables,
no more lies.

Let's just go.

‐ Oh, he's going home.

‐ You think
she's hugging him goodbye?

‐ I think she's
showing him the door.

‐ Is she showing him
the door or what?

‐ I think she's
showing him the door.

She gave him the walk out.

‐ This is just like
with Ryan, man.

‐ She's walking outside.

‐ Good night.
‐ Thank you.

‐ Jamie was a person

who I could see
a potential future with.

One of my biggest fears
being in this position

is people who you trusted

are no longer trustworthy,

and that is what's
so unsettling.

I'm really upset,
but only at Jamie,

not at the rest of the guys.

It was all Jamie,
and I can't blame these guys

for what happened.

I've worked really hard

to build a strong character

and will not stand

to be manipulated
in conversations...

Lied to...

and call my character
into question.

I am looking for my soulmate,

and I've built myself up
for my soulmate,

and that's not somebody who
is so quick to tear it down.

I do have to cancel the rest
of the cocktail party,

and we are going to move
right into the Rose Ceremony,

so I will see you guys.

‐ Jamie was a snake
behind the scenes,

and Michelle addressed it
and took care of it.

Every freaking rose night,
there's drama.

We're all tired of it
because it's just taking away

from all of our time.

‐ I hope that I
get a rose tonight,

but it's getting harder
and harder,

so there's no guarantees.

‐ I can't even imagine
what Michelle is going through

because her trust
has been betrayed by Jamie.

I would absolutely love
to have more time

to forge a deeper relationship,
but it's concerning

whether she's gonna be able
to have the trust

for the rest of us
moving forward.

‐ I was surprised to see
Michelle sent Jamie home,

but I also was impressed

because she's
not playing any games.

You don't want anybody who's
disingenuous to be there,

so I hope that I get
another chance to show her

that I'm a genuine person,
and, you know,

she can trust me.

‐ The funny thing about trust
is that trust is something

that I truly believe makes
or breaks a relationship.

It takes all these small
or large vulnerable moments

to build it up, and then

it can come crashing down
within one instance,

and, for me,
my soulmate is somebody

who I will be able

to fully, wholeheartedly trust.


Joe, will you accept this rose?
‐ Absolutely.

‐ Thank you.
‐ Thank you.

‐ Rick.

Rick, will you accept
this rose?

‐ Yes, please.

‐ I'm here for you, okay?

‐ Unfortunately, I didn't have
time with Michelle tonight.

‐ Leroy.

Leroy, will you
accept this rose?

‐ Yes.

‐ I felt like
we had such a great time

on the second group date,
but now the insecurities

are creeping in.

‐ Nayte.

Nayte, will you
accept this rose?

‐ Of course I will.

‐ So if I don't get
a rose tonight,

I'll be sad.

‐ Casey.

Casey, will you
accept this rose?

‐ You know this.

‐ There's always drama

every single one
of these nights,

or at least there has been.

It just comes out
of nowhere sometimes.

‐ Chris G.

‐ I believe that Michelle
will make the right decision,

and I think she's really good
at figuring out

who the are.

‐ Chris S.

‐ There's a bunch
of mature men in this house

that are here
for the right reasons

and aren't trying
to be distractions.

We don't want anything to do
with those distractions

because we're above that.

‐ Clayton.

Clayton, will you
accept this rose?

‐ Absolutely.

‐ I was feeling confident
that my connection

with Michelle was strong,

but I'm hearing
name after name...

‐ Olu.

‐ And I'm slowly
starting to think

that I won't get a rose at all.

‐ Romeo.

Romeo, will you
accept this rose?

‐ Yes.
‐ Thank you.

‐ Gentlemen, this is
the final rose of the evening.

Michelle, when you're ready.

‐ Will needs to go.

He's in the way of
my progress with Michelle.

He's an emotional wreck.
He can't handle himself.

How can you handle
a relationship?

The kid's a clown.

‐ Will.

Will you accept this rose?

‐ Of course.

‐ Guys, if you
did not receive a rose,

I'm sorry, but please
say your goodbyes.

‐ Best luck to you, Peter.
‐ Yeah, bro. You as well.

‐ Thank you so much.
I wish you all the best.

Follow your heart.
‐ Thank you.

‐ Michelle, I wish you nothing
but success and happiness.

‐ Thank you.

‐ It was great meeting you.


‐ Each week, the decision
to send these guys home,

it does get
more and more difficult.

‐ Thank you.

‐ Everybody's putting
their hearts on the line,

and I hope these guys

understand that I
care about them deeply.

Hey, Spence.
‐ Hey, you're an amazing woman.

I hope you find
what you're looking for.

‐ Thank you so much.
I appreciate you so much.

I feel really good
about the guys who are here.

I feel almost, like,
a sense of relief,

and I hope
that we can move forward

and just focus on building
our relationships.

‐ Cheers to a woman

that handles herself with class
when adversity hits.

Cheers to you, Michelle.

‐ Thank you.

all: Cheers.

announcer: Next week
on "The Bachelorette"...

I believe it's, "Eat my dust"?

Oh, my gosh!

I'm getting a lot closer
to finding my person.

‐ I just feel like
the luckiest man ever.

‐ You have made me
feel very special.

‐ My happiness level
is at an all‐time high.

‐ This is the moment
that I'm after.

‐ I want to be that guy
that she leans on.

‐ I'm giving it
every single thing that I got.

‐ There are guys here

that think
that they have it in the bag.

I think that's.

‐ My biggest fear is that
I could commit to somebody

who doesn't see me.

‐ She feels like
she's not appreciated.

‐ Chris S. is a snake.

‐ He threw us all
under the bus.

‐ Who are you
to call me into question?

‐ There is no reason
for any of this.

‐ Let's go for a talk, bro.
‐ Yeah.

‐ This is a desperate ploy
to just sabotage everything.

‐ Nobody has it in the bag.

‐ I'm ready to knock him out.

Guess what.

‐ Are you gonna
put your hands on me?

‐ Dude.
‐ Calm down.

‐ No, hey,
don't walk away from me, dog.

‐ Calm down.

announcer: It's all coming up

next week
on "The Bachelorette."

‐ We dare you to photocopy

the body part of your choice.

‐ Oh, my God.

‐ Okay.
‐ This is scary.

‐ Um, so what in the world
are we gonna copy?

You tell me, Rodney.

You can do the hand.
I mean, I can do the hand.

Is that what you want to see?

‐ It's up to you.
‐ It's up to me?

Oh, my gosh.
‐ Ready?

‐ Yep.
‐ Hold tight.

‐ Oh, my God.

Am I good?
Please tell me it's good.

What we looking like?
What we looking like?

How bad is it?
Scale of one to ten.

‐ Okay, wait, wait.
‐ How bad is it?

‐ Wait, I feel like this
is what your pillow sees

at night when you sleep.

‐ It's gotta be hideou‐‐
oh, my God!

Look at me.

‐ Look at the detail
in your eyebrows though.

‐ Oh, no.

‐ People pay
for those eyebrows.

‐ The eyebrows are on fleek,

but I feel so bad
for my pillow.

I need a better sleep face.