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19x06 - Week 6: Amsterdam

Posted: 04/16/24 18:02
by bunniefuu
- Tonight on
"The Bachelorette"...

- I don't know if I'm aroused
or if I'm just like scared.

- Whoo!
We're in Amsterdam.

- I know, I can't believe it.

- Hey, what's up?


- When you feel so
strongly about somebody,

it's like,
you do want every second

you can with her and every
memory you can make with her.

It's crazy to say, but...

I'm falling in love with you,

Oh, my gosh.

- Hey, sorry
to pop up unannounced.

I'm really, really sorry, Gabby.

I know how important it was.

I know how much you were
looking forward to it.

- It's kind
of a pit in my stomach

that I have
to make this decision.

- You never, like,
think in a million years

you're actually going
to end up at Hometowns.

- It's so real now.

- The fear is that
I'm falling really hard

for this girl and she's not.

- My heart
is beating out of my chest.

- And that never has
occurred to me until tonight.

- Sometimes, like,
love is like this.

You want it to work so, so bad.

I can't think clearly.

- For the past couple weeks,

Gabby and I have been
traveling around Europe,

sailing on this ship
for the chance at love.

It's just so romantic.

Gabby's side, my side,
we really have the best group

of guys, more than I could
have ever asked for.

They make me feel
absolutely incredible.

- I'm excited,
though, for this week.

- I am, too.

It's deep in the game now.

- This week,
we are sailing to Amsterdam.

And I'm so excited to be here.

- Have you
ever been to Amsterdam?

- No, have you?
- No, I'm so excited!

- It's so beautiful here.

Gabby and I are both feeling
so hopeful about this week.

I definitely think
with Hometowns being

around the corner, it's
getting so much more serious.

We're about to involve families

and it's a really big decision
for me.

- I'm excited for this week.

Hometowns are
going to be so crazy.

- Yeah.

- I am truly excited to spend
time with the men here

in Amsterdam, but I know it's
gonna be another big, big week.

I look at these men

and I can see a future
with each of 'em.

Whoever I give a rose to this
week is going to Hometowns,

and it is a big step
in a relationship.

So I definitely want to think
long and hard

and make a good decision,

because I would never want
to put someone through

me meeting their family if I
didn't see a future with them.

- Oh, my gosh,
we're in Amsterdam!

- I know, I can't believe it.
It's so active.

I've never seen so many boats...

- I know.
- Or bikes in one city.

- This is crazy.
- Cheers.

- Oh, cheers to you!

- To European adventures.

- They continue!

I can't believe we're here.
- I know.

- We're going to Hometowns,
it's like...

I remember the second we were,

like, going into Hometowns
and, like...

- Mm-hmm.
- It's just a new chapter.

- Yeah, completely.
- It's completely different.

- It's a whole different story.
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

- So,

who are you bringing
on this date?

- Uh...

- New week, new opportunity,

beautiful new country
that we're in.

Can't wait to see Rachel.

So for, you know, someone who
hasn't had a one-on-one yet,

to have that the week
before Hometowns

would be... would be huge.


- I would love to have
a day with Rachel,

like, more than anything.

Just spend
an entire day with her.

Like, enjoy Amsterdam.

This is somebody I see
my entire life with, so...

fingers crossed.

- Zach, let's let
our love bloom.

Love, Rachel.

- Oh, wow.

That's pretty incredible.

I mean, this is all I could
ask for right before Hometowns.

Yeah, can't wait
to spend this time

with her here in Amsterdam.

This is... this is insane.

- You can't help when
you don't get, like,

- the date card to be like...
- Like, what the?

Right now, like,
all I'm privileged to know

is that the scoreboard
reads this week that Zach wins

the amazing one-on-one,

and his second one.

It was pretty gutting
hearing, like,

a stupid card not for you.

I'm gonna go to the gym.
I have some pouting to do.

- Yeah, new week, guys.
Group date one-on-ones.

I feel like the one-on-one's
gonna be big

for whoever gets it this week.

Obviously, there's a lot
on the line.

Hometown's coming up.

- This week is heavy.
I mean, I'm excited.

You can't not be excited to be
in Amsterdam and go on a date,

but for me, it's all about, you
know, growing in a relationship.

And just the more time you have,
like, that's important.

So today's one-on-one...
I need that.

- Me and Gabby have
a great connection

that I believe in

but I really need some
one-on-one time

with deep conversations
to make her believe

that I'm someone who could meet

her family and she's
someone who can meet mine.

- Nate,

let's see where
our love takes us.

Heart, Gabby.

- Oh my gosh, I wasn't expecting

my name at all, honestly.

Yeah, uh, whew.

I was so happy that
I got the one-on-one.

- That's the same face
you made the first time.

I'm excited to spend time
with Gabby and

I really feel good about
the connection that

me and Gabby have
and where this is headed.

So I'm hopeful
that I will get a rose.

- Hometowns are,
like, next week.

- Yeah, it came so fast.

- I know, it's crazy
to even just say that to you,

'cause it feels like
we were just back in LA.

- Gabby, Rachel.

- Hi.
- Hi, Jesse!

- Hey, you two.
How are you?

- How's it going?
- So great to see you.

- I'm sorry,
I don't want to get up.

How are you... don't worry.

How are you?
It's great to see you.

- How are you?
- Oh, I'm doing great.

I love Amsterdam.

This is one of my favorite
cities in the world.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- You've been?
- How about you both?

- Excited to see the city today.

- Yeah, I'm excited
for you both, too.

- Yeah.
- How's this whole thing

going for you?
Is this thing working?

- I mean, I definitely think
it's working for both of us.

I think it is for sure for me.
- Yeah.

- We are getting to the point
we're involving families

and I do want to be sure
moving into next week.

I think today I'm bringing Zach,

and he was one of my
first one-on-ones.

- I feel like Zach's
really stepped up for you

in a lot of different ways.
- Mm-hmm. Yes.

- Do you see something
long term with Zach?

- I definitely think
I could, yeah.

- Really?
That's a great sign.

- I know.

- You think love's
in the air for you?

- I know.
- How you feeling?

- I think so,
I think a little too much.

- I know you have a one-on-one
with Nate today, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- You guys have

a really, really special thing.

- Yeah, definitely.

I think our connection
is kind of palpable.

When I'm with him,
I don't really

think about anything else.

And I think I just... I've never
really met anyone like him.

I know he's an amazing dad,

and he lights up when
he talks about his daughter.

But if... if I wanted to jump
into a commitment like that,

I would want to... like that,
I would want to be 100% ready.

- Yeah, for sure.
- Yeah.

- Big week, obviously,
with Hometowns next week.

- Mm-hmm.
- How does that make you feel?

- Nauseous.
- Yeah.

- What scares you about
Hometowns next week?

Or what gives you
any concern about that?

- Um, once you involve family,
you know,

your decisions
become more tough,

and you're involving
more than just one person.

So it's just hard
to balance, truly.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.

I'm just watching you,
and you seem a bit emotional.

Are you doing okay?

- Yeah, I think it's
just gonna be a hard week,

you know, with making
decisions and having

to think more logically.

- It's really tough.
These are tough decisions.

- Yeah.
- And emotional ones.

- Yeah.

- So I can appreciate
how you feel.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- With Hometowns being
next week,

I know I have to think about
involving the families.

- Big decisions coming up.
A lot on the line.

- Nate does have a daughter,
so I have to think about

both of them
when I'm making decisions.

- I know these are big dates,

so I wish you both the best,
all right?

- Thanks, Jesse.
- And we'll see you soon.

- Thank you.
- Enjoy Amsterdam.

- I take the potential
of being a mom

so seriously because of my past.

And, you know, at times,
childhood was hard

and parenting didn't look like
it does in other people,

and I'm terrified of maybe
putting someone else

in my position, or maybe
making a wrong decision.

And I have to weigh
these options really heavily.

- Today is my date with Nate.

Nate is always the most
comforting conversation.

I mean, him and I are
just so easy together.

I love the way he treats me,
and the way he looks at me,

and the way he sees me,
and I love being with him.

And knowing that he's a dad,
I feel like his daughter

is the luckiest girl in
the whole world to have him.

And that makes me love him
even more.

Just a slow walk!

You know, I go back and forth

on if I want to be a mother,
and that's something

that I don't quite
have figured out yet.

It just seems so complicated
and there are some

serious things that
we need to talk about.

- Hey, what's up?


- Mm.

How are you?

I'm doing really good.

It's so beautiful here.

I know.

- I know, have you been?

- Uh, yeah,
but it was during the pandemic,

so nothing was open.
- Oh, really?

- It was crickets.
It was like a ghost town.

- I bet that was nice,
kinda, though?

- Yeah, it was...
It was cool to a point...

- Like, to be quiet.

- But couldn't eat anything,
couldn't experience anything.

It's always nothing but...

- Like, not cool.
- Parked cars and you know.

Frozen water.

- You are so full of surprises.

I was like, my name
is definitely not on this card.

I kind of just got it out
of my mind for a little bit.

I was like, okay,
just gonna be chillin',

ready for the group date.

And I heard it.
My heart dropped again.

I was like,
you keep trying to k*ll me.

- Oh, my God, this is so nice.
I was like, thank God.

- You know, Nate has had
tremendous success

in building
his relationship so far.

- Gabby choosing Nate
could be just her wanting

to kick it with him again,
you know?

They do have a strong connection
and it could just

be, you know, I want
to spend more time with him.

But it also can mean, you know,
there's some important things

that she needs to circle
back around, touch on.

- You're totally right.

There could be some things that
she wants to address, or that

she wants to learn more about
before pulling the trigger.

But I think all of us guys
sitting around the table

are looking at the last rose
Nate got, thinking,

well, he's in a pretty good spot
I would... I would assume.

- Yeah, he went from
a one-on-one

to a group date rose.
- Yeah.

- You know,
to another one-on-one.

I think that's huge.
- Yeah.

- Have you been here before?

- No, I'm so excited!
- No?

Ah, me too, it's so...

I wanna see the tulips.

Are they in, like,
the actual city?

- I don't know.
There's, like, tulip fields.

I think they're everywhere.
- Okay.

- But they're
so beautiful and so big.

Oh, boy.

- Nate's taking care of a child.

Presumably, that's something
Gabby has thought about.

But that very well could
be something that is discussed

and that is, you know,
a point of conversation

during the one-on-one today,
you know, whether or not

she's ready to step into
a motherly role right away

is something that's probably...
- Sure.

- Part of the conversation.

- Dude, Nate loves his kid.

He talks about her all the time,

and I think everything
he does is for her.

So Nate's not only looking for,
you know,

a future partner, a future wife.

He's looking for
a future mother to his child.

And... and that's a huge weight
to put on Gabby as well.

So Gabby's got to consider
stepping into a mother role

right away, like you said,
and... and I think just

for both of them,
the decision's really tough.

- I really don't know
how she would react

to the idea of stepping
into that type of role.

- Yeah, I want to say
he's coming back,

but there's, I think,
a huge possibility

that he also doesn't
come back and...

- Yeah.

- Which is scary thing about,
too, you know?

- Yeah.

- You said... have you
been here before, or no?

- No.
- You haven't... oh, nice.

- No, but I'm stoked.

Nate is an amazing person,
and an amazing father.

I know he is.

But I have more healing
and growing to do

before I become a mom,
and my life isn't in a place

where I can fully commit
and take on

that responsibility

You want to be together
so bad, but you can't.

And I don't know if I should
have done it earlier, but...

We're gonna sit here.

- Okay.

- This is just when
it gets so hard.


Today has been...

I know.

I'm sorry to, like, cry
and to see you like this,

but I wanted...
There's been so much going on.

You're fine.
Don't be scared.


God, I don't even know
where to start.

I wanted today for us...

Is to be, like, so special,

but I have, like,
such deep feelings for you.

And... I know.

I think...
- Don't cry.

- No.
- It's okay.

Please, it's okay.

- It is gonna get harder,

and I never want to say goodbye,

but I think...

We're just at two different
places in our life.

- Mm-hmm.
- And...

It's not you, and it's me.

- It's not you.
- No, it is.

- It's not.
- And I know it's so cliché.


I'm, like, terrified of...

of not just, like, being a mom,

but being, like, bad at it.

But I know I see you and I know
you're such a good dad.

And I know
she's so lucky to have you,

and really, she has to be
the luckiest girl in the world.

And I know, like,

meeting her, if... if I were to,

I wouldn't have a choice
but to fall in love

'cause I know how much
she's like you.

- Well...

- And I don't know
what you're thinking, or...

But I know every time I see you,

my feelings
get deeper and deeper.

And it's just so hard
'cause it's you.

- For one, when...
For when the time comes,

I know you're gonna be
a great mom.

- Thank you so much.

You are such a big huge
part of my journey.

I know I'm gonna
miss you so much.

- That's gonna be
the hardest part for me, too.

I'm gonna miss you a lot.

- I'm just sorry
that it's like...

- Don't apologize.
- I know.

- I don't know if I've ever
met anybody as sweet as you.

- Oh.
- Even now, like, I...

- The fact that you even think
that you have to feel sorry

about being like this, it's...


- I would never be upset at you
for being truthful, so...

- No, I know,
which makes it harder.

- This has been
the best experience ever.

I'm so glad I met you.

I really am.

- I just don't want you
to regret it,

'cause you've made
my experience so special.

You taught me what it's like
to be treated so well.

I'm gonna miss you a lot.


I just know somebody's
gonna be lucky to feel like

you picked them and vice versa.

Just... just...

Just make sure you choose
somebody who picks you, okay?

And I know you will.

Give me a hug.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

Oh, God.

I've never experienced
what I have with Nate.

It was, like, so raw and real
and special in its own way.

I'm just so grateful for him.

I feel incredibly lucky
to know him.

I just want to be able
to go into motherhood,

you know, knowing 100%, and...

I can't say that I do
right now, but...

it just seems unfair
that it's someone

that I was maybe
falling in love with.

- Good luck, Gabby.
- Okay.

- I don't know
if I made a mistake.

I can't think clearly.

Even just the way

he handled everything makes me
want to be with him more.

It's just... it is so sick.

And it's hard
losing someone like that.

And it's hard knowing if
you've made a good decision.


- This feels like
a bit of heartbreak,

a bit of confusion,
just... I don't know.

You know, I've never
communicated with someone

so easily.

You know, just felt a warmth
of just being around her,

being able to laugh and talk.

It's just gonna be
a hard connection that

I don't think I'll
be able to replicate.

Oh, man, I just remember
the first time

that I heard my name
on the date card.

I was just happy.

And then just seeing it end
in front of me, just, like,

our entire relationship
from the start,

what was inevitably the finish
was just hard

to accept that it was over.

- Oh, dude.

- Nate's gone.
- Nate's gone.

- Wait, what?

- Wow.

- That's crazy, man.
He was a good guy.

- I knew, like, coming in,

it was gonna be a little hard
for me,

but tried to stay positive

and just keep pushing,
but it didn't work out.

You can't just switch off
emotions and feelings.

I'm still, you know,
falling for her, but...

It's just sad it's over.

It's hard
losing someone like Nate.

Just seems too early and
too late all at the same time.

And it's hard knowing
if you've made a good decision.

And so right now,

it just hurts.

- Today, I have a really
fun day planned with Zach.

This is a once in a lifetime
bucket list date.

I mean, these tulips are
only in bloom for two weeks,

and I've never seen anything
like this in my entire life.

The Netherlands
are so beautiful.

Being in this field is

just absolutely crazy
that I'm here!


- Come here, beautiful.

- Hi, how are you?
- Oh.


- Hi.

I'm so excited to be able
to spend some time with Zach.

Welcome to The Netherlands.

I really just know
Zach and I will pick up

right where we left off.

Are you excited?
- Oh, I'm so excited.

Look at how beautiful this is.
- I know!

We'll go this way.
- Yeah, lead me.

- Isn't this so pretty?

We can pick
the tulips here, too.

- We can?
- Mm-hmm.

- What's your favorite color
so far?

- I really like the red ones,

but look at how beautiful
these are.

Zach always makes me feel great

and seen and really special.

Will you accept this tulip?

- I would love to.

My pleasure.

We have a playful,
great relationship.

We have a lot of chemistry.

Ooh, so handsome!

Zach is so in touch
with his emotions.

- Three, two.


- But he still can have fun.

We can be goofy.

- Can't wait
to look at these later.

- Oh, you think
you're keeping them?

- Oh, yeah, you think you are?

No shot.

- I think Zach just really has

all the qualities you could
want in a partner.

- Little selfie right here.

- And I'm just really excited
to spend the day with him.

- I know today's
gonna be magical.

- Magical.

- I think magical is the word.

- Whoo!

- Where I am with Rachel,
I think is,

you know, the strongest
it can be at this point.

- Do you think I could
stand up on the seat?

- You're actually trying it.

No, no, no, no.

I feel like I'm on the top
of the world right now.

I mean, I could see my future
with her without a doubt.

- Do you want to stop here?

- Uh, yeah.

So getting the second
one-on-one date

means that I think she's maybe
thinking the same thing.

- Would you like to have
some cheese, maybe, or...

- Yes, I would.
- Yeah?

It's... in Dutch,
it's brandnetel kaas.

It's nettle cheese.

- Ever since Rachel and I's
first one-on-one date in LA,

every time
we've been together...

- Well, these are
wooden shoes, clogs.


- Yes!

- Every time
we've laughed and joked

and hung out together...

- Oh, my gosh,
they look so good on you.

- It's just gotten better
and better and better.

- We're not in LA anymore.

- No, we are not.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- As cliché as it sounds,
the sky's the limit.

- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.

How do you say cheers in Dutch?


- Proost.

- Ooh!
- Proost.

- Oh, my gosh.

This is so beautiful.

- Let's buy a windmill, huh?

Rachel is everything
I've ever wanted.

She still gives me butterflies.

She's absolutely stunning,
she's so fun, she's so kind.

And from moment one with her,

she's made me feel comfortable.

- Oh, my gosh!
- What?

After the culmination
of dates we've had

and group dates
and cocktail parties

and getting to know her more,
it's also crazy

to say I think I may be
falling in love with her.

This is actually, like,
the best day.

And I didn't think
the last one-on-one,

you know,
could be topped, but...

Like, getting this
second opportunity,

like, on another one-on-one.

Like, obviously so excited...
- Mm-hmm.

- But like, just how
our first date went,

and how every time
we spent together, like,

it was just an absolute blast.

And I feel like it got better
and better and more fun.

And we laughed more
and we just...

- Mm-hmm.

- Like, just joked about
the silliest, dumbest things.

- I know.
- And that's what I love.

And that's how I know, you know,

that, you know, there's
something here, yeah.

- Yeah.

- You, like, looking forward
to the craziness

of, like, what a Hometown
can look like?

Yeah, I am.

Are you?

How are you feeling
about all that?

- I mean,
to be completely honest...

- Mm-hmm.

- You could meet them now...

- Right now?
- For all I could care, yeah.

Like, I'm that,
you know, confident...

- Yeah.
- And, like, sure

that you would
absolutely love them

and they'll absolutely love you.

- Zach has truly just
continued to impress me.

I would be honored

to meet the people
that raised him

because he is just
such an upstanding guy.

I'll never forget this
my entire life.

I mean,
I'm in a field of tulips,

I'm in Holland,

and I have an incredible guy
with me,

and I'm so just excited
for tonight,

and this really feels like
I'm in a fairy tale.

This is so incredible!

How is this real?

- Today was incredible.

We rode bikes
through the countryside,

smelled the tulips.

It was pretty romantic.

- Oh, my God.

And now, this is
an actual pinch-me moment.

I am in Amsterdam at
a beautiful museum right now

with beautiful Rachel.

- Oh, my...

- This is incredible.

I feel a lot of things
for Rachel.

But mainly, I feel like

I'm the luckiest guy right now.

The rose tonight
means Hometowns.

And if things
continue to go well,

Rachel will end up
meeting the family.

And the fact that that's
a possibility is mind blowing.

- Hello!
- This is amazing.

- I'm feeling excited, but also

scared, nervous, anxious,
all of the above

for when I'm going
to tell Rachel how I feel.

Today was...

- Bucket list.
- Absolute bucket list.

I mean, you've been checking off
all the boxes

since the moment I met you.

And I haven't had any doubts
about you meeting my family

'cause not many people have.

Because this is
a very scary thing.

- Yeah.
- You know, like, really...

- No, I...
- Finding one...

- I know.
- Yeah.

- There's no one
that understands more.

- Right.
- Like, I get it.

But have you ever
brought someone home

to meet your family?

- Yeah, well, I... in my life,

I've had about
two serious relationships.

- Mm-hmm.
- You know, one...

One in high school, you know,

the typical
high school sweetheart,

and then one that ended about
a little over a year ago.

- Right, I remember that one.
- And that was actually where

things kind of took a turn
in my life, actually,

where I wasn't okay.

So I... I wanted to talk to you
about this, because...

- Yeah, to see
what you mean by that.

- It's... it's really important to
kind of the man I am today.

- Yeah.

- About a couple of years ago,
I was about 85 pounds

more than I am now.

Severely overweight.

I've realized that
I was not happy,

and I didn't have anything
that resembled,

like, love for myself.

So when I was trying
to seek that in others,

I couldn't find it,
even if it would...

Maybe it was right in my face.

Couldn't do it, so,

I needed to make sure
that I myself became whole

and figured out what was
the problem, how do I fix it.

And then once I'm whole,

I want to share that love
with someone...

- Yeah.
- When I'm there for them

and not make those mistakes.

- What did you do, like,
to work on yourself?

Like, what were
the steps you took...

- Yeah.
- Like, to get there

to where you are?
- Yeah.

The main thing that really did,
like, help me in all this,

and I... you know,

a huge proponent of it...

- I was about to say
'cause I could not agree more.

I'm very, like,
excited that you said that.

- Yeah.
- I feel like it really

helps you, like, get
to the bottom of everything.

- Yeah.
- Like, especially after

coming off of,
like, Clayton's season,

going to therapy was
my favorite part of the week.

I really feel like I got to,

like, make the outline
for myself

and, like, how am I
going to move forward

and what do I like, and...
- Yeah.

- I just...
I truly love it so much.

So I'm so happy that
you also are a man...

- Isn't it incredible?
- It's amazing.

- Like, how it can
just do wonders?

- Yeah.
- Are you still gonna,

like, continue it...
Are you still gonna...

- Oh, my gosh, yeah.

When you, I think,
really sit down

and, like, think about what
you want, things come to you.

- Yeah.
- And I'm really happy

you're in front of me.
- Yeah.

- And that you're sharing
all this with me

and your struggle because you
are seriously so incredible.

And you are so deserving of love

and I just want you
to know that.

- Oh, wow,
that's very sweet of you to say.

And I actually did want to,
you know...

You know, tell you something.

- Yeah.

- You know, I can say now
as a man with confidence,

you know,
I am falling in love with you.

And it's...

It's crazy to say, but...

I'm falling in love with you,

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh,
I feel like my heart

is just, like,
beating so fast right now.

My... mine too.

Whew, I said it out loud.

I said it out loud.

- Tonight, Zach tells me
he's falling in love with me.

Oh, my gosh, this is really
working, and this is happening.

And to hear it from Zach,

especially after
the most incredible day,

it's really the best way
to end it.

And I just feel so happy,
and I feel, like,

just ecstatic.

It's not a tulip.

Not a tulip.

- Zach,

getting to hear more
of what made you you,

I just feel really honored
to know you.

And I feel really lucky
to have you here.

But most of all,
I am so confident that

I would love to meet your
family, if you would have me.

So with that being said,

Zach, will you accept this rose?

- More than anything
in the world.

- I'm feeling like
I'm on cloud nine,

being on this journey
and meeting Rachel

and having
these experiences with her,

I couldn't be happier.

- Okay, are you ready?

- I'm ready, let's go.

I think my family
is going to adore Rachel.

She's compassionate
and sweet and thoughtful,

which is something
I've always looked for,

and something that my family
does want for me.

After tonight,

engagement feels and seems like
a very, very real possibility.

What is that?

- What?

No way.

- I definitely feel like tonight

has brought Zach and I
closer together.

This is so amazing.

I see so much potential
for Zach and I in the future.

I think that we have such
a playful relationship,

but we do still have
those serious

and vulnerable conversations,

and we're able to be emotional
with each other and open up.

After everything he's told me
and the most amazing day,

it was just so perfect.

- Nate is such a good dude.

- That was obviously a tough
thing that happened today.

And I'm... I'm sure she's going
through it right now, so...

- I'm sure she won't be able
to just wipe this away,

whatever happened.

- At the end of the day, like,
she needs our support,

especially after
a hard day like today.

I can't imagine what
that must have been like.

- Oh, Gabby.


- Want to sit down?
- Oh, thank you.

- Yeah.

- What's up?

- Um...
- You all right?

- I think you guys know, like...


I... Nate isn't here.


I think, like,

at some point, you know, things
get really real, obviously.

And I had to be honest
with both of us

and that I'm just not
at a point in my life

where I could maybe assume the
responsibility of being a mom.


I don't... like, it's hard.

'Cause it's not something
you can really control and...

Sorry, you guys are, like,
probably really freaked out.

- No, not at all.
It's tough.

We've been thinking
about you all day.

All day, we were just, like,
can we give her a hug

and just be there for her,
'cause we knew.

You made me emotional.
This is... this is tough.

This is, like,
really hard, so...

- Thank you.

I want you guys to know
everything, you know?

I wanted you to, like,
hear it from me now

'cause I didn't want
you guys to wonder.

- Can I give you a hug?

- Yeah, can we hug you?
- Yeah.

Can we give you some hugs?

Thank you.

- Sorry.

- Today for me was the realest,

rawest day that I've had.

Thank you.
- Of course, Gabby.

- I was so scared of how
the men would react,

but they were all
really understanding.

Thank you.
- For sure.

- I think today's pivotal,

and it's hard as hell,

but making these big decisions

will eventually lead
to finding my partner.

I'll see you guys soon.

- Later, Gabby.
- Bye, Gabby.

- Bye.
- Good night.

- This morning,
I woke up really sad.

Just thinking about Nate, I...
I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

But I know that
our fundamental lives

are different at this moment,
and that can't change.

The men have been
really supportive

of my hard time with Nate.

And they were all
really understanding.

It makes me feel
really comfortable

and really confident
moving forward,

and potentially
meeting their families.

My connections
are deepening so fast,

and I feel positive
and so hopeful for the future.

And I think today is going to be

so amazing and so fun.


- What is this... you got this

kind of, like,
this kind of thing going on?

Are we running?

- I haven't been on a group
date with Gabby's bunch.

So today, I'm gonna be myself
and let my personality

shine through and go home
with a rose, hopefully.

- Gabby, what's going on today?

- That's for me to know
and you to find out.

Come on, give mama a hug.

My greatest hope
for today is to get

more comfortable with each other

physically and emotionally.

And I'm excited
to deepen our connections

to see where things go.

We do have
an incredible day planned.

It's gonna be crazy,

just like everything else.

Just lean in as much
as you're comfortable, truly.

So should we go in?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, let's do it.

- Yes.
- Let's do it.

- The date card says,
"Let's take our love

to the edge."

The edge of what?

They'll have to find out.

Ha ha!

Oh, my God!

Yo, I can't!

- We open the door,
there's this woman.

She's there with
the slicked-back hair,

the tight leather outfit,
and she's, like,

not messing around at all.

- I don't know if I'm aroused

or if I'm just, like, scared.

- I think all of us were,
like, oh, my God,

what the hell are we
getting ourselves into?

- Hi, guys.

I'm here to whip you guys
in shape.


People all around the world,

they come to Amsterdam
to explore their fantasies,

to be open-minded,

to do some maybe dirty things.

So I am here to help you guys

to communicate with Gabby,

and to explore things
you can do with each other

because sex is so important
in a relationship.

- Today,
we're going to talk about


Knocking boots,


Hanky panky...

Also known as sex.

- How many of you

know how to treat a woman
in the bedroom?



- I feel like I did,
but now I don't... I don't know.

- Yeah,
I'm kind of questioning...

There's no whips, usually.

- So I helped a lot of couples

to find out their boundaries,
their sexual desires,

and what's very important
is your safe word.

So now you have to figure out
what your safe word is.

- Um, pumpkin.

- Pumpkin?
- Pumpkin.

- Okay.
- Cruise ship.

Cruise ship.

- Um, uh, Albuquerque.


That fits you well.

- You can't really
confuse that word

with any other word, right?

- How about, like, asbestos?

Or something like that.

My safe word was asbestos.

It's a toxic chemical.

It's just unwanted,
especially in the bedroom.

- I have some very nice
questions for you guys.

Oh, my God.

- And don't lie to me.

If you do lie to me,
I bring this.


Jason, do you enjoy giving?

Oh, my God.

- This is not what I was
expecting we were gonna do.

one of my worst nightmares.

I'm not answering this.

Ah, why not?

- I'll talk to Gabby personally.

- I think that's a yes.

- Oh, okay.


Hello, Erich?

- Erich!

I have a question for you.
- Hi.

- How often... and be honest...

Do you?

- Susie comes in first
with, like,

the really hard questions,

things that we're
standing there being, like,

uh, I don't know
how to answer this.

- So you have to answer.

I'm gonna use my whip.

- Use it.
- It's gonna be very hard.

- Do your worst.

- Susie's got a very quick whip.

And she's also very, uh,
pressuring with the questions.

- Johnny, have you slept
with more than ten women?

- Um...

Do you know who I am?

I'm from Palm Beach, Florida.

- Is it more than ten?


- 20? Um...
- 30?




- This next exercise
will maybe even trigger

your flight or fight response.


I feel like the guys came in
nervous, naturally,

but I knew Johnny was
gonna be great today.

- Do you want my clothes off,

- Yes.
- Is that what you want?

- I would love that.

- He's been hilarious.
He's leaning in.

- Oh!

- Whoa, Johnny.

- I think he's really
comfortable with himself...

- Stop.
- No!

And this situation,
so I appreciate that

he's kind of, like, leading
the way for all the guys.

- Don't do it.
This is my nightmare!


- Are your feet ticklish?

- Okay, a little bit ticklish!
- Yes, you are!

- All right,
all right, all right, stop.

- Why are there
so many distance?

- 'Cause I was... I was doing
a slow approach, right?

- Ah, okay, okay.
- I was making it more...

Just building up the suspense.

Okay, you're gonna build up.

- Are you afraid of her?

- Albuquerque.
- It's a good safe word, right?

- Spencer is a very
diligent army guy.

- Lower it.
- , just give it to me.

- We're definitely not
in his natural element,

I'll tell you that.

Oh, my God,
what did we sign up for?

- Take off your shirts
and take a seat on the ground.

Have some little stripping.

Make yourself comfortable.

- Was kind of hoping
today would be

a deep dive into who we are
and what we represent.

And I'm just kind of blindfolded

laying on a shag carpet
waiting for her

to rub whipped cream
on my nipples.

Sexually, I am extremely open.

My motto is
I'll try anything twice.

Way harder.

Go harder.



- Oh, what?

I feel like I went all out,
and that's all I can do.

- Johnny, what happened?

- Today for me
was just what I needed.


This is a first.
- Who's ticklish?

I think we all put ourselves
out of our comfort zone.

- Is this shaving cream
or whipped cream?

- They've all blown me
out of the water

and truly impressed me.

And I'm excited
with the potential

of handing out
a Hometown rose tonight.

You guys did great.
- Yeah, thank you.

- The group date was...

It was interesting,
definitely had some fun.

We just got to laugh and get
to know each other better.

And I think Gabby had fun,
so that's what matters.

I definitely want
to talk to Gabby about,

like, Hometowns and all
those things tonight.

I'm really looking forward
to it, honestly.

- Cheers, boys.
Who knows what's gonna happen?

- Yes.

- To whatever happens.

- Cheers.
- We had a crazy group date.

Now tonight,
we have a cocktail party.

I feel like I did enough
at the group date.

I feel like I kind of
was the only one

who put myself out there.

But the mood is tense

'cause it's my last chance

to talk to Gabby
before Hometowns.

Oh, God.

- So, Logan?

- Yeah, what the?
- Logan just isn't here?

- Like, is he sleeping?

- Something's up.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- I'm sorry to pop up

- Yeah.
- You got a second to chat?

- Sure.
- Okay.

- You mind if I come in?
- Not at all.

- Thank you.

Um, I know you're really
excited about tonight.

- Mm-hmm.
- But we do have

a bit of a situation
with one of your guys.

Logan tested positive
for COVID-19.


- He's doing fine.

But because we're trying
to take a real abundance

of caution for yourself,
for the rest of the guys,

we have to cancel
tonight's cocktail party.

I know how important it was
and how much

you were looking forward to it
with, obviously,

Hometowns on the horizon.

You doing okay?

- I was really looking
forward to tonight,

but I feel for Logan.

I obviously hope that
he is feeling okay.

And I hope he knows that we're
all wishing the best for him

and want him to get better fast.

- Yeah.

All right,
I'm gonna go tell the guys.

Again, I am so, so sorry.

- Yeah, me too.

- You all right?
- Yeah.

- Get some sleep.
- Okay, thank you.

- Get some rest.
See you.

- Okay.

I feel terrible for Logan.

But mainly, I want his health
and his safety to be okay.

But I also truly feel bad
for the other guys.

There's a rose on the table
tonight, so I'm sure that

the guys are probably
going to be really shocked.

- It's Logan.

- Oh, it's Jesse.

- Oh, God.
- Oh, God.

My heart is beating
out of my chest.

- Gentlemen.

- Jesse.
- How we doing?

- Relatively okay.
- We'll see.

- I did have to come
and share some news

with you all about tonight.

As you can probably tell
by now, Logan's not here.

There has been
a situation with Logan.

And because of that,
there is no after party.

- Can you tell us if he's okay?

- Logan's doing his... yeah,
Logan's doing okay.

- Okay.

- I know how bad
you needed this tonight.

Hometowns are on the horizon.

But my advice to you all is to
get some sleep and hopefully,

tomorrow you'll get that time
with Gabby that you need.

Good night, fellas.

- Good night, Jesse.
- See you, Jesse.

- Dude.

- I'm feeling really sad.

I have four men left.

And I really,
really needed tonight

to help me figure out
who was going to Hometowns.

It's kind of a pit
in my stomach, you know,

that I have to make
this decision.

I'm not sure if I'm in a place
where I can confidently

give out a Hometown rose
to all the guys.

Well, that was weird.

- Wish we got
to see Gabby tonight.

I think I was one
of those people

who really needed that time.

- Yeah, there's definitely some
things I wanted to say tonight.

- Yeah.
- It sucks.

- I want it
to be the right person.

And I think these next couple
weeks are extremely pivotal.

And this is where I really
get to know them.

Every second counts.

I do want someone
who's ready to propose,

and now a matter of weeks.

This is actually really scary

for the future.

- Let's get it.
- Whoa-ho-ho!

- This is so cool.
- Look at this.

- You see that?
- Beautiful.

- I'm excited.

Can't wait to see Rachel.

Just being with her is...
Is the exciting part, so...

- Hi, guys.

- Rachel looks
absolutely stunning.

There's only four guys,
so hopefully

I get ample time to shine.

Every time I see her,
I, like, want to take her home.

- You look gorgeous. Hi.
- Hi. Thank you.

- The Date Card said,
"I'm looking for someone

who melts my heart."

No idea what that's going to be,

but at the end of the day,

I'm going to melt your heart.

- Welcome to the town of Edam.

This town is the cheese capital
of the world.

So what do you guys say?

Should we explore the town
and have a little fun?

- Let's do it.
- Let's do it.

- You guys ready?
- Yeah.

- Let's do it.
- Okay, let's go.

- Oh, cheese wheels.
- Here we go!

- You guys like cheese, right?

- I do like cheese.
- I love cheese.

We are in this
magical town of Edam.

It's the cheese capital
of the world.

Should we try some?
- What is that thing?

- Oh, there's a lot of cheese.

- Black lemon?
- Start us off.

- Where, uh, where from...

- Damn.
- Yeah?

- It's like a baby.

- As silly and as fun

as this last group date
is going to be,

it does hold a lot of meaning
for me because

there is a rose
at the end of today,

and this rose
guarantees a Hometown.

And one little conversation
could get someone there or not.

- Want to go over there
and see the water?

- Oh, can we?
- Yeah, I think so.

You want to?
- Heck yeah.

- Okay.

How are you?
- I'm good, how are you?

- I'm good, I missed you.

At this point, you know,

we're all in deep with Rachel,
you know?

We have real feelings
that are legit.

- You looking forward
to next week?

- Are you?
- I am, actually.


- Hopefully.
- I do see my life

with Rachel outside of this.

And with Hometowns
right around the corner,

you just have to take in the
moment right then and there.

I can't let this one get away,
you know?

- Mm-hmm.
- Right back to it.

Oh, there he goes, smooth.

- Can I steal her now, please?

- Absolutely.
- I'm sorry.

- Damn.
- Well played.

- This is cutthroat.

- I know, it is.

- I need to really
go for it today.

And I'm here to find out
if this is my girl.

I don't want to leave
anything up to chance.

- How are you?
- I'm good, I'm good.

Way better
now that I'm with you.

- Yeah.
- Yes.

With Rachel, I just, like,
want her to always know, like,

with me, she's gonna
always have effort.

I like talking to you, too.
- Mm.

We can talk later.

- Rachel is very worth
fighting for.

I like her, I want to show her
in every way I can

I'm here,
I'm ready to give it my all.

- Hello, welcome everybody here
on the Cheese Market in Edam.

We have a competition to be
the strongest man in Edam.

It is a tradition which we
have done for many years now.

- Go, go, go!

You guys are strong.

- I'm really, really hoping to
introduce Rachel to my family.

So I'm willing to give
everything I can to it.

It's like, you know what?
Why not?

- They're really strong!

They're really strong,
all of them.

- You know,
I'm pretty lactose intolerant,

so we're getting cheesy today.

You know, might be feeling it
a little later.

But Rachel loves cheese,
so therefore, I love cheese.

- Um, if you guys want
to take off your shirts,

you can.

This is definitely
my favorite group date so far.

I want a strong man,
and I have four today.

- Man.
- Do you need sunscreen?

- I mean...

- The guys,
they look really good.

Their glistening abs are out.

I mean, it was pretty good.

It was a pretty good sight.

- Everybody ready?

Yeah, stand up now
for 30 seconds.

- You guys are incredible.

Great job.

- You know, I hope I win this.

- You can put it down now.

- One block on each side.

It's, like, super easy,

but I can imagine it gets
really heavy with four.

- Everybody's still
in competition.

- Who should I give
more weight to?

- The other dudes look like
they work out a ton,

so I don't know if I'm going to,

but I'ma let my arms
fall off before I lose.

- Second round.

- Ooh, you're doing great.
- It's moving a little bit.

- Oh, Aven, you got it.

- I got it?
- You got it.

- This cheese on my back,

it's like
ripping my shoulder apart.

- You can put it down now.

- My legs are starting
to wobble, it's heavy,

but I'm trying to go
as long as I can for Rachel.

- This is the final round.

Okay, lift off.

You guys look like it's easy.

- Rachel's worth any test.

You know,
if I have to smell like cheese

the rest of the day,
I'm willing to do it.

- Who is going to be first?
- That guy right now.

- Tyler,
yours is falling behind you.

- I'm sweaty.

I did not expect us

having to hold it for that long.

My hands are cut,
my wrists are cut.

I'm just like, oh, God,
this is gonna look bad.


Oh, Aven!

- Thank God Aven went out
like right after me.

Then it came down
to Tino and Ethan.

- Let's go, boys!

- I know you can do it.
- Let's go, boys!

- Ethan.
- Yeah?

- I'll make you a deal.
- 'Kay.

- If you put yours down first,

I'll do it right after you.
- Ethan, don't buy it.

- I could do this all day.

- All day.
- Keep going.

- I'm sweating so bad.
Thank you, Rachel.

- I have you on the ropes.


- Oh, God, you were so good.

You did so good.

- Thanks.

We're gonna kiss, right?

- Oh, Ethan!

- Tino, you know, did well.

Unfortunate that I didn't
come out victorious.

- Oh, here,
I'll take care of you.


All right, I'm good.

- Are you okay?
- Holy.

I just saw an angel.

- Oh, it's you.

You know, I can feel it
with Rachel, it's there.

I think our affection
is very palpable,

so I just need
to continue on that

and show her why I deserve
to bring her home.

- What's up?
- What's wrong?

- I got all cut up.
That kind of sucked.

Fortunately, right afterwards,

Rachel came over to check up
to make sure I was okay.

- Ouch.

- The only cure
is a kiss from Rachel, so...

- I can give you that.

- That sounds good.

Finally, I got my time.
I feel really good.

Thank God.

She was like,
"That worked out."

- And now the big moment.

The cheese king of Edam is...


- I'm the cheese king!

This is so awesome.

Every shoulder pain
and lower back pain

made every bit of it worth it.

And I'm going into tonight
really confident.

Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

- So I wish today
might have went

a little bit differently, yeah.

But Tino and Rachel
are kissing each other

while you just have
to sit there and watch.

It's the worst feeling
in the world.

But tonight is,
you know, the night

that I really put it
all out there.

So Tino won the day,
but don't you worry.

Tyler's got tonight.

- Do any of us still
smell like cheese,

or we all good?

- No, I think you guys
smell great.

- We all cleaned up nice.

Today has been so fun.

But tonight, it's all about me
sharing who I am with Rachel.

I want to give her a lot
of reassurance that it would

go amazingly if she wanted
to meet my family.

- Obviously,
there's a rose on the line.

And if you get that rose,
you're set for Hometowns.

I want that rose
more than anything.

I want to introduce her to my
family more than anything.

I mean, to me,
this is my future wife.

You're getting the validation
right then and there.

There's nothing better.

- Well,
I just wanted to say that

of course today was
really fun and silly,

but I just kind of
wanted to reinforce

the importance
of the rose tonight.

I think you guys know
how much I value family,

and that it's something
that I'm gonna

be putting
a lot of thought into.

And I just want to cheers
to you guys.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Tonight's Group Date Rose
is so incredibly important.

- You want to go talk?
- Yeah.

It means that I'm going
to this person's hometown.

It's, like, tough because
I still do have really strong

connections with all these guys.

the Group Date Rose tonight,

it's a huge decision
and I hope I can get there.

- I had a great day. Like, all
the activities were so much fun

and like...
- Yeah.

- Anytime I get with you
is obviously so valuable.

But it did, like,
make me realize, okay,

I'm just, like,
ready for the next step.

I would be so honored for you
to meet my parents, seriously.

Those are like definitely,
definitely the two

most important people
in my life.

- Have you ever brought anyone
home to meet your parents?

- I have.

Like the first one, um,
there was some rough patches

with Dad in getting along.

- Oh, he didn't like her?

- Didn't think
it was a good fit for me.

- Uh-oh.

- And he was pretty vocal
about it.

And then...
- Yeah.

- There was some rough patches
with Moms

in the last one.

- Now you're making me
a little nervous.

- No, don't be nervous.
- I am.

- I have no doubt in my mind
that my mom is gonna

absolutely adore you,
and my dad will love you too.

- You know, I want them to
like me, but now I know that...

- They're definitely
gonna like you.

- I feel like I'm gonna go in,
like, thinking that they're,

like, "Mm, I don't know."
- Oh, my God.

No, they're... no, they're not.

Both my parents
are gonna love you.

They're gonna love me with you.

They're gonna love
how I am with you for sure.

- It makes me so happy.
- So I'm really excited.

- It is a pretty massive rose
tonight, to say the least.

- I think it's, uh,
pretty rad that she did

a full-blown after party
with all of us.

Shows that she's
being really thorough,

rather than just, you know,
single out from the day.

We want her to choose us
'cause she's gotten

the clarity she wants
and then makes her decision.

- I want Rachel
more than anything.

To me, this is my person.
It just feels right.

And tonight,
I'm going to do whatever I can

to prove to her
that I'm her person, too.

- Doing the group date,
everything was awesome.

Like, I was having a lot of fun.

And at the end, like,
me, Aven, and Ethan

are standing there
and everyone's like chanting.

I'm like,
"I don't wanna look at this."

I'm looking at my feet.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

- I'm just twiddling my feet.
Like... no, but like I under...

Like, I understood it,
but then like,

a part of you is just
sitting there just like...

'cause you know that
you're on your own journey,

but when you see it you're
just like, "Damn, that sucks."

- I know.
- Yeah.

- It's tough, I get it.

But I do, like, want you to know

that what you're feeling
is like,

so obviously real,
and what I feel is real,

and I want you to just
focus on our relationship.

I do feel confident
in our connection.

- Yeah.
- And I want you to know that.

- I trust this, like, a lot.

I am 100%, like, ready
to introduce you to my parents.

I take it very, very seriously.
- Okay.

- My parents said,
if you bring another girl home,

and she is not the last person
you bring home,

don't bring her.

It's surreal to me,
like, meeting

somebody like you,
like, it's insane,

and I'm so happy
every single day to be here.

I don't want you ever
to forget, like,

how amazing you are,
because you really are

and that's why I'm so like,

falling very, very hard for you,

because you have so much
to offer and you're everything

I could ever ask for
in somebody.

I just want you to know that.

- I just feel like my heart
is beating so fast right now.

Tyler continues to be
so vulnerable with me

and tell me exactly
how he feels about me.

He's falling really hard for me,

and that's huge for me to hear.

- I know this is a big week,
and I do really appreciate you

kind of like opening
the floor and you're like...

- Yeah.
- "You know, family is the most

important thing to me."
- Mm-hmm.

- But I do want
to kind of say that

family is the most important
thing to me as well.

I love my family
more than anything,

and they mean the world to me.
- Yeah.

- And honestly,
getting to know you,

you mean the world to me, too.
- Oh.

- I want to introduce you
to them.

I was like,

waiting for the person
to like, open up my heart too,

and it's you.

Rachel is definitely

the person I could see myself
falling in love with.


Of course,
I would like that rose tonight

and to be able
to go to bed tonight

knowing that I can bring Rachel
home to my dad and my sister.

It's just tough.

You know, there's some
stiff competition.

- You never, like,
think in a million years

you're actually gonna
end up at Hometowns.

- And it's crazy.

- It's so wild.
- It's so real now.

I mean, whoever gets
this rose tonight,

you're locked in Hometowns.

Introducing the family.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, I mean,
Tino's been a front-runner

in all of this
since the beginning.

I mean, on
the First Impression Rose...

- Right, right.

- And he did get crowned
the cheese king too, today.

- And he won today, yeah.
- Guy stays winning.

- I'm trying not
to think about it,

to be honest.
- Yeah.

- Next week's big, man.

I think tonight is, like,
you gotta lay it all out there.

- Right, right.

Cheers to that.
- Cheers.

- So I just wanted to like
make sure that you were feeling

okay with everything
about next week,

and kind of
what it looks like and...

- I would have done it
two weeks ago.

- If I could have wrapped
this up, rest assured,

I would have been stoked
to bring you back.

- How has your family
reacted to people

that you've brought home
in the past?

- I'm not worried about,
like, really anybody.

When they see and hear
how I feel about you,

they're... you know, like,
you know my personality,

I'll be like,
"You're going to like her."

But like, I mean, you just...

You really leave, like,
no doubt in my mind.

Haven't had a doubt in weeks.

Any reservations with me?

- Um, I have a couple.

Oh, yeah? What's that?

I think I just totally hit it

out of the park,
and I'm like almost speechless.

It went unbelievably well.

I don't want to leave you
with no doubt

'cause I'm just so sure of you.

- Oh?
- Yeah.

All this kind of
excitement that I feel for her

is like unfamiliar,
and it's exciting

and exhilarating and terrifying

at the same time.

And this is a rose though, like,

I want more than usual.

I'm really expecting it
because I'd like

to literally think
I'm her person.

- I did have such an incredible
night with all of you guys.

Of course,
this is very important, so...


I just want to say that you all
have been incredible tonight.

But this rose can only
go to one person,

and this person continues
to make me feel so incredible.

And I could not
be more confident

that I would just love to meet
your family next week.

And so with that being said,

Tyler, will you accept
this rose?

- Absolutely.

- I had such a great night
with all of you.

With that being said,
I'll wish you guys a good night.

- I'll see you soon.

- Okay, bye, guys.

- Congrats. Seriously.

I'm at a loss for words.

I don't get it.

Like, I hit every point today,

had the amazing moments.

I mean, we literally
were just talking about like,

she feels so strongly for me,
and like,

I just can't see something

connecting on a deeper level
than that.

Like, getting it
after I crushed today,

and that, would be like,

I'm rolling into Hometown
and I'm about to fight.

Zach out, or Aven out,

or anybody else who tries
to in these waters.

You're toast.
Done. Let's roll.

- Tino's acting like
a real baby back bitch.

- Yeah.

- I mean, he's won the day.
- You know?

I'd be feeling pretty

good about myself
if I won today.

I mean, you didn't win.

- And I still got a better
attitude about it, you know?

This is a joke.

It really makes me wonder if
I am not seeing things clearly.

I don't think she knows
how deeply I feel.

The fear is that
I'm falling really hard

for this girl, and she's not,

and that never has occurred
to me until tonight.

And now, like, this is making me
second guess everything.

- All right,
so Rose Ceremony tonight.

So I wanted
to check in with you again,

see how you're doing.
- Yeah. Thank you.

- How you feeling?

- I am feeling better
this morning.

- I know this has been a really,

really tough week
for you obviously.

- Yeah.
- With Nate now gone.

- Yeah.

- Now everything
that's happened with Logan.

- Yeah.

- How does that impact
how you feel about

your relationships
with these other men,

potentially going on
for Hometowns?

- I want to leave here
with someone I feel good about.

I want to be in love.
I want to find my person.

- Mm-hmm.
- But some of my relationships

just haven't been able to
progress the way that my other

ones have and there's truly no
explanation or rhyme or reason.

Some relationships,
you feel like

you're just not compatible.

- All right, so then
what do you want to do tonight?

- At this point,
I'm not really sure.

But I think I need more time

to really weigh
all of my options.

- I know you got
a lot to think about.

I'll leave you
with your thoughts.

- Yeah.

- And I'll see you at
the Rose Ceremony tonight.

- Okay, thanks, Jesse.
- Okay. All right, Gabby.

Thank you. We'll see ya.
- Okay, thank you.

Rose Ceremony days are always

definitely really heavy.

This week,
I had to send Nate home,

and then Logan can't be joining
us for the rest of our journey.

And so now I have four men,

but I still have
hard decisions to make.

It's taken a lot of thought
in considering Hometowns,

but I think I have
a pretty good idea

of how I want to proceed into
the Rose Ceremony tonight.

- Not trying to, like,
invalidate your feelings.

I think just last night,
we... we just,

you know, took some disrespect
to, you know, walking off

because, you know, we're
all here for the same reason.

- The end shook me a lot.
- Yeah.

- That's why I kind of wasn't...
Couldn't really focus

during the chat after...
- Yeah.

- And I split a little early,
and I feel bad.

I should have been there
to like, be there for you guys

for sure, and...
- Yeah.

You had a good day
yesterday, man.

During the day, right?

- Just... yeah, I mean,
but you still want, like,

the night was... you know,
I felt like next level.

You know, I felt like I hit
new levels of vulnerability

not just with her but with
like anybody in a long time.

Yesterday made zero sense to me.

I didn't get
the Group Date Rose,

and it just felt like
a blind side.

I told her repeatedly
that I was sure

and it looked like
it lit up her world.

But, you know,
now I'm thinking, well,

she didn't say she was sure.

Not getting that, like,
does, you know, inevitably

kind of draw certain
insecurities where you're like,

is she not as sure as I am,

or you know,
as I want her to be?

And I want to leave her
with no doubt

and I thought I did
last night, so...

I don't know if I'm just
not seeing it correctly.

I mean, at this point,
like, I have no idea

if she's gonna be like,
meeting my family

and friends,
or if I'm going home.

It's hard to look at it
and not think of it

as a huge step backwards.

- Tonight's a big Rose Ceremony.

It's huge.
I'm very nervous.

If Gabby were to look at you
and ask if you accepted a rose,

I think, you know, she's saying
I want to continue this.

This is going
in the right direction

and I would love
to meet your family.

- Nobody has a rose
going into tonight's ceremony.

I think a lot of us
are just kind of

questioning where...
Where we are.

I'm not alone in that.

But there's usually four
Hometowns and Logan is gone.

So seems like nobody
should be going home tonight.

Honestly, I don't know.

Just going in there
hoping for the best.

- Walking into
the Rose Ceremony,

I see three roses
on the podium and obviously,

that means one person
is going home,

and it was pretty shocking.

I think everybody's
a little nervous.

- Hi, guys.
You guys all look so handsome.

I just wanted to thank you all
for the most

amazing week in the Netherlands.

I can't thank you enough
for being here with me.

This week for us
threw us a ton of curveballs.

So many things that truly
I didn't even know

how to plan for.

I feel like I'm not at the point
where I can meet

four men's families.

I do only feel comfortable,

you know,
giving out three roses.


Erich, will you accept
this rose?

- Yes, of course.

- Jason.

Will you accept this rose?
- Of course.

- Gabby is one
of the most incredible women

I've ever met,
and I know that my family

and her would
have an amazing time.

I want that rose
from Gabby tonight.

There's no question about it.

- Johnny.


Will you accept this rose?
- Go on.

This makes me happy.
Thank you.

I feel ecstatic right now.

I feel like we made a connection

and I feel like
there was no denying it.

She gave me a rose and it's
like, whew, I could breathe.

Talk about nerve-racking, dude.

- Of course, man.

- You all truly make me feel
like I'm the only girl

in the room
in your own unique ways,

which I think makes
tonight's decision really

difficult because all three
of you are truly incredible,

and my heart already breaks
thinking about having

to say goodbye to one of you,
but ultimately,

I think I just have
to follow my heart.

- This week, I didn't get
the Group Date Rose

that I thought I earned.

That hurt.

It made me, like,
question everything.

And now me, Aven, and Ethan
are on the block.

I want this rose
so badly right now.

This wouldn't bother me
this much

if I wasn't, like,
falling in love with her.


Aven, will you accept this rose?
- Absolutely.

- Gabby, Rachel, gentlemen.

It's the final rose tonight.

When you're ready.


Tino, will you accept this rose?

- Always.

Thank you, beautiful.

Made it.
The nerves wash away.

I have never been so stoked.

Hometowns, let's go.
- Let's do it.

Spencer, Ethan, I'm sorry.

Please take a moment
and say your goodbyes.

- Thank you, Gabriela.

- Thank you so much
for everything.

- Yeah. Thank you.
Good luck.

Those guys are great.
- Thank you.

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

- Rach,
thank you for everything.

Wish you nothing but the best,

- I just want you to know.

You have made this
experience so positive for me.

- Thank you
for this opportunity.

You light up every room
you're in too.

- I'll miss you.
- I'll miss you.

Good luck, okay?
- You, too.


Hi, guys.
- Hi.

- Ooh.
- How are you doing?

- When Rachel walked in, I was
so happy, like, in the moment.

And you think to yourself
like, "Wow.

I'm really, really
falling for this girl."

Like, I can't wait
to introduce you to my family

and tell them
everything about her.

- How do you guys feel?

- Excited?

- Yeah?
- Hometowns, like, yeah.

- I think this
could be one of the best

weeks here
and the most exciting.

And honestly,
I'm grateful that you are

welcoming me into
this big part of your life.

- I'm super excited.

I think once I see my parents,
they're gonna be like,


Like, this...
He actually likes this girl.

This is when it gets real.

To Hometowns.
- To a memorable...

- Yeah. Yeah.

- Cheers to this
amazing lady right here.

I'm super excited I get to
show off the most amazing lady

of all time
to the people I love.

What actually could be better?

I know I speak for all of us
when I say

it's been the adventure
of a lifetime and I'm so glad

the people I love
now get to join it.

- Cheers!
- Cheers.

- Next week
on "The Bachelorette"...

- Oh, my God!

I'm so excited to meet families

and deepen our connections.

- I'm happy here.
- Me, too.

- It really feels like
a taste of the future.

This is the best day ever.

- I am in love with you, Rachel.

- I have been
falling in love with you.

I feel so happy.

- I just feel sorry
for those other fellas.

That's all I could say.

- It's scary to, like,
open up and show somebody

my entire world.

- I'm terrified, cause I know
how much I have to lose.

- Just trying to stay true
to myself.

- It's important to keep in mind

what would it be like
without her.

It makes me cry.

- When you know, you know.

- We're gonna
have to have a talk.

You're living like
a fairy tale right now.

I mean, you're saying
all the right things,

but I want to see him
fall for the right person.

- I don't know how I made it
out of that house alive.

I almost cried.

- I feel bad not saying
all this to you earlier.

- I care about him so much,
and then to hear that...

I feel like
my heart is breaking.

- Do you know
how to ride a bike?

- It's been years.

- I don't remember if I know how

to get on my bike.
- Let's see.

This is gonna be entertaining.
- Okay.

I'm actually a little nervous...

- Oh, I'm so nervous.

- Okay, you read...
This is really...

Who put my seat up this high?

Does it go up?

I can't reach the pedals.
- You got this.

I believe in you.
- I'm scared.

But, okay, ready, set...

Oh, no, I can't reach it!

I can't reach the pedals.

- You gonna pedal
with your hands?

- No, I have to get this pedal.


All right,
I'm gonna have to help you up.

- This is... it's too hard.
- I'm helping you up.

- I could do it.
It's just really high up.

- Let's get her training wheels.

Where are the training wheels?
- I need a kid's bike.

- Oh, oh.

- I got it!
- Keep going.

- I got! Ah!
- Keep going.

Keep going.

Keep going.

- Let's see if it feels easier
out here.

- There it is.