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10x25 - And the Hits Keep Coming

Posted: 04/17/24 08:22
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

- ROGER: Hey, Scott.
- SCOTT: Hey, Roger.

What kind of progress
are they making today?

So right now they're
putting on the 6-inch

as you see, so we
can get a good angle.

SCOTT: So we'll go back
down with a 6-inch auger

and then we'll try and
get a sample of that tunnel.

That's right.

NARRATOR: After more
than a decade of tireless effort,

brothers Rick and Marty Lagina,

their partner Craig Tester,

and a dedicated
fellowship of diverse experts

believe they may finally
be on the verge of solving

the 228-year-old
Oak Island mystery.

SCOTT: Here, we feel
we struck wood at 91 feet.

So that works for, you know,
on a four-foot-high tunnel.

- PAUL: Yes, it does.
- CHARLES: Yeah.

fabled Money Pit area,

representatives of
Dumas Contracting Limited

are about to begin a new
probe drilling operation

at a depth of some

of the newly
reconstructed Garden Shaft

in the hopes of penetrating
a believed wooden tunnel

located less than
ten feet deeper below.

A tunnel that is also believed
to run directly westward

toward the so-called Baby
Blob where water tests performed

in previously drilled
boreholes have detected

high-trace evidence
of both silver and gold.

Knowing that we found
something below this shaft,

- that's pretty exciting.
- Absolutely.

- We have to find out what that is.
- Yeah.

NARRATOR: One week ago,
the team made a first attempt to

drill into the possible tunnel

with a 4-inch diameter bit,

but unfortunately, they
were not successful.

There we go. I think
we're done down there.

We should be ready to go.

Yeah, looks like
they're ready to go.

NARRATOR: Now, the team
has obtained a much more powerful

they hope will not only

penetrate the tunnel but
also help them determine

just what it might contain.

As long as we're
steady and careful,

maybe we'll be able to
get a good, clean hole.

I hope so.

NARRATOR: Time has never been

a more precious
commodity for the team.

Because in less than a
week they will be forced to halt

all search activities
on the island

due to the fast-approaching
North Atlantic winter.

We're all quite excited
about the possibilities of

what this shaft represents.

But we have to move very
quickly and do everything we can,

apply as many
resources as possible

to try to come to
an understanding of

what answers lie either at
the bottom of the Garden Shaft

or in very close
proximity to it.

MARTY: It's a possibility

this tunnel is leading
to the offset chamber

and maybe we're
about to find out that it is.

I almost fantasize

that there's
something down there

that tells us exactly
what happened here.

PAUL: Yeah, so it's
hard drilling right now.

It should go a lot
faster than that.

They could be spinning on
some cobbles down there.

ROGER: Oh, yeah.

It looks like it's
gonna take some time

- before we get down there.
- ROGER: Yeah.

Yeah, I'm anxious for
them to get down there

and see what we can see.

NARRATOR: As the probe
drilling operation continues

in the Garden Shaft...

MARTY: Might as
well join in the fun.


located on the western
side of the island...

That's a big one.

Rick and Marty Lagina,

along with Marty's
son Alex, Jack Begley

and archaeologist Laird Niven...

Man, that was
tricky right there.

..continue investigating
a circular depression

that is completely
lined with large stones.

Okay, heads up, guys.

NARRATOR: Of the numerous
potentially ancient structures

that the team has investigated

on the western
side of Oak Island,

this feature on Lot 5 is
among the most mysterious.

It is not only located in the
area where earlier this year

the team found a

as well as a lead token
that may be connected

to the 14th century lead cross.

- Hey, Gary.
- Lot 5, I hear an excavator.

- I'm here.
- Gary's here.


perhaps even more curious

is the fact that it has a

just like the
original Money Pit.

This has made Rick,
Marty and the team wonder

if it could be the so-called
"hole under the hatch"...

A feature that appears on
a reported 14th century map

of Oak Island.

A map that the late author
and researcher Zena Halpern

believed was created by
members of the Knights Templar.

GARY: All right.
Gonna have a scan.

See what we're looking at.

It's a strange feature
on Lot 5 where

more than several unique
finds have been made.

-[detector beeping] -GARY: Oh,
that doesn't sound too bad, though.

That sounds good.

ALEX: That's very close.

RICK: I think the

at some point, will
be able to tell us

what it well and
truly represents.

Right now, it could be anything.

GARY: Got it?

- JACK: Is that a nail?
- Yeah.

GARY: Is it a
square-shanked nail?

It's hard to say.

LAIRD: It looks...

- GARY: It looks old.
- LAIRD: Yeah.

It's good because
we were wondering

- if there was a building over this.
- GARY: Yeah.

Each nail we find
is evidence of that.

NARRATOR: Could Laird be
correct that they are finding evidence of

some kind of structure

that once covered this
mysterious depression?

- That'll CT scan well.
- Yeah.

NARRATOR: If so, just
what might the team find

deeper inside the feature as
they continue to investigate?

That deposit I'm in
down there, it's deep.

- Oh, it still goes deeper?
- Yeah.

RICK: Want to dig that one?

My problem is it's... I'm
worried it's gonna collapse.

Yeah, I think I'd
rather excavate that soil

by hand, back down
to the rock level.

The key is to
expand, find the edge.

It may help us extrapolate
the total size of the building.

- Yeah.
- LAIRD: Whatever it is,

this is massive, I think.

It's curious enough to find out.
And you will learn what this is.

And we do it in a few days.

Hopefully, yes.

Because that's
all we have, yeah.

MARTY: All right,
let's get after it.

LAIRD: Yeah.

NARRATOR: Later that morning...

MARTY: Gentlemen.

Today we're gonna have
some data on the swamp.

NARRATOR: Rick, Marty and
Craig Tester gather in the w*r room

with other members of the team.

MARTY: Okay. We
have two samples here...

I'm looking at them... that
came from the ramp area.

You were involved in both,

so why don't you give
us a little background

and then you have carbon
dating results, correct?


the past several weeks,

the team has uncovered
what appears to be

a man-made stone ramp
in the northeastern region

of the triangle-shaped swamp.

A ramp that connects the
massive 800-year-old paved area

with a stone pathway

that may possibly lead
towards the Money Pit.

CRAIG: The ramp
itself... Dr. Spooner felt

it was definitely man-made.

We found a couple sticks

under the first layer of rocks.

And then we also found a stick

under a second layer of rock.

So we felt we got

a good representation right in
that immediate area, at least.

MARTY: What are
the brackets, Craig?

You know, the
confidence intervals?

The deepest piece, which
was under the second rock,

it could have been
there, you know,

as they were building it.

It was dated...

to 1656.

MARTY: Whoa!

[all laughing]

MARTY: That is amazing.

CRAIG: The deepest piece,

which was under the ramp itself

was 1495

to 1656.

w*r room, Craig Tester

has just informed Rick, Marty,

and the team that the stone ramp

that was recently
unearthed in the swamp

and which connects
the massive paved area

with a cobblestone pathway

could date back to as early
as the late 15th century.

And the big picture
is, it's indicating

the ramp was put in place

the same time as the stone
road and the stone path.

Like the stakes we
found along the edge.

NARRATOR: The stone ramp,
potentially dating to the same period

as the stone road that
the team uncovered

in the southeast corner of
the swamp two years ago?

What makes this revelation
significant in terms of

possibly helping to solve
the Oak Island mystery

is that Rick and
members of the team

saw an identical stone road

in Alqueidão da Serra,
Portugal, in 2021.

A city that between the

served as a stronghold
for the Knights Templar.

MARTY: So, you're
saying all the data says that

the stone road, the path,
the ramp were all made

at the same time, but the
paved area is way older?

Does that make sense to you?

That's what the data
is showing so far.

I just think if you're
trying to reconcile

the two time periods...

- I am.
- 1200s to 1600s?

I am.

DOUG: So the ramp
could have been

built down to an
existing structure

for the purpose of whatever
they were doing at the time.

It just continued to be
re-enforced with rocks to ensure

there was a nice
stable work area,

a ramp and a path.

And it probably somehow
connects to the Money Pit.

They knew and probably
used that... the paved area.

RICK: The ramp is
coming from the paved area,

which dates to 1200.

And the ramp leading
from it is 1495 to 1656.

So, does that mean

there were successive
attempts to construct something,

to conduct some enterprise,

and that it was
done over centuries?

Right now that's the
only plausible explanation.

There's still answers to find.

Yes, and we're not
gonna find them this year.

We're running
out of time, again.

And as much as I'd hope
the swamp would be done,

it's clearly not.

RICK: Unfortunately,
again we're under

the difficulties of dealing
with time and weather.

So... we've made great strides,

but the swamp
isn't going anywhere

and we'll be back
to find answers

- as soon as possible.
- MARTY: Okay.

This meeting's over... let's get
back to doing what we're doing.

Craig, thank you,

appreciate all the information

and we'll keep you posted.

ALL: See you, Craig.

CRAIG: Okay. Talk
to you guys later.

♪ ♪

NARRATOR: The following day...

Copy, Rodney.

Does it look like you're on

something or what
does it feel like?

ROGER: Just give me some
heads-up when you get there.

RODNEY: 10-4.

NARRATOR: As the probe

drilling operation continues

in the Garden Shaft...

MARTY: Hey, folks.

- Archaeologists.
- MIRIAM: Hey.

How are you?

We're ready for an update.

We're deeper. [chuckles]

MARTY: Yeah,
you are. I see that.

NARRATOR: Marty and
Alex Lagina return to Lot 5

where archaeologists
Laird Niven, Miriam Amirault

and Helen Sheldon
are investigating

the mysterious stone
feature for additional clues,

and evidence of valuables.

MARTY: What can you tell us?

I thought we were
getting the bottom,

- but we still have a ways to go.
- Okay.

We have some big rocks
that we need removed.

MARTY: Okay. I'll tell you
what, I'll jump in and work on that.

Here we go.

This circular feature,
it's inexplicable.

[chuckles] It appears
to be very old.

[starts engine]

And there could be
something deeper.

If there's something
below there,

then it could get
really interesting.

♪ ♪

ALEX: You got it.

RICK: Hey, guys.

LAIRD: Hey, Rick.

- Hey.
- Hey.

ALEX: Have a look.

LAIRD: I thought
this was the bottom,

but we have

a little more
structure possibly.

- Does that sound solid to you?
- No.

But you think that this
is more rubble-filled?

- Yes.
- MARTY: You know, Rick, if you come over here,

on this side and look back...

From here, I can see the rubble.

It almost does look
stuffed with rubble.

Yeah. Oh, I agree.

Like on the Lot 26 wall,
that's done for stability.


NARRATOR: The stone depression?

Possibly made with a
similar style as the rock wall

located nearly half a
mile away on Lot 26?

Curiously, the wall,

which researcher Francisco
Nogueira speculated

may be of Portuguese origin

contained charcoal that
was scientifically dated

to as far back as
the 15th century.

- I mean, you're not to the bottom of it yet.
- No.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
Rick and Marty could be correct

that these features
may be related?

And if so,

might they have been created by

the same people who
constructed the stone ramp

and the stone road in the swamp?

From a discovery perspective,
what do you intend to do

the rest of the year?

We want to come
down to this, this level.

That's a lot.

Except we are almost
completely out of time.



MARTY: Oak Island
has beat it into me

that things aren't
easy to figure out here.

Next year, Lot 5,
clearly, is going to be

a place where we are going
to allocate more resources.

We have to.

Yeah, so, Alex, if you
want to work in there

- with Miriam?
- ALEX: Okay.

We'll get started.

MARTY: Carry on.

NARRATOR: Later that morning...

MARTY: Well,
you're clearly drilling.

- Yes.
- I can hear it.


Rick and Marty Lagina
arrive at the Money Pit area

to check on the progress of

the probe drilling operation
within the Garden Shaft.

RICK: How deep are they?

SCOTT: They're at
depth, down to 93 feet.

Well, then they should be

right at the point where
there's supposedly wood.

- They should be right on wood.
- SCOTT: Yes.

NARRATOR: Having reached
the approximate depth of

the believed tunnel that
may lead directly westward

into the possible treasure zone,

the burning questions are,
can they locate the structure,

and if so, can they breach it

to see what it may contain?

Today is the last day.
There's no question about it.

Dumas have to pack up.

We have, really, only half a
day of real active search agenda.

- Somethings binding it up.
- Oh, yeah.

Wood would do that.

Wood would do
that, or even if he was

coming down the side
of it and hooked into it.


That's it. Pull it up.

Here it comes.

PAUL: Just unbelievable.

MARTY: Something's
binding it up.

- ROGER: Oh, yeah.
- CHARLES: Yeah.

Wood would do that.

NARRATOR: In the Money Pit area,

Rick and Marty Lagina,

along with members
of the team...

Oh, some material that
was moving around there.

Off to the side.

NARRATOR: believe that
their probe drilling operation

has reached a possible
tunnel below the Garden Shaft

at a depth of some 93 feet deep.

You can see it over on
the edge of the auger.

NARRATOR: A tunnel
which may lead directly

to the Money Pit treasure vault.

I'm curious what's
in the drill bit.

- It should be on or into it now.
- ROGER: Oh, yeah.

Oh, absolutely.

I'd like to pull the bits

and see what's down there.

What do you guys think?

I'd do it before
we run out of time.

- Okay.
- Yeah, that's a good idea.

ROGER: Copy, Rodney.

RODNEY: Go ahead, Roger.

Yeah, the guys would like
you to stop drilling right now.

Let's pull the rods out.

Let's clean out the filings,

make sure everything
goes in a bag

and see what we can see.

RODNEY: 10-4.

Oak Island doesn't give
up her secrets very easy.

No, she does not.

MARTY: This is it.

We're gonna have to get

whatever information we can get

and hopefully figure
out what this wood is

at the base of the Garden Shaft.

So I'm hoping Rodney has
found something significant.

- Hello, gentlemen.
- Hey, Rodney.

MARTY: What you got, Rodney?

Bags of goods. Any
sign of any wood in it?

Nothing big.

Let me just ask you this.

You were pretty sure
you were on wood.

Are you still pretty sure?

I'm like 99.9% sure I hit
wood on the north side.

SCOTT: Unfortunately,

we didn't get a direct
hit and able to get

into the tunnel, but...

we may have come down beside it.

I think so, yes.

If we just came down

on the edge of
it, we can use that

to project the
line of the tunnel.

Rick, you and I got
to go down there.

We haven't explored the bottom
yet to see where the tunnel is.

So let's go get suited up. I
want to go down in that shaft.

RICK: We built the shaft
so we could investigate.

So of course, Marty
and I are gonna go down.

As the project
terminates for now,

certainly it warrants one
last look around and maybe,

just maybe we'll see something
that has gone unnoticed.

- Let's go find it.
- Okay.

- MARTY: Lead on, Roger.
- ROGER: Sounds good.

RICK: Ten years ago,

or longer,

we never would've
anticipated this moment

where Marty and I
get to go down together

underground in the Money Pit.

Well, Rick, uh,

it all started here,

and so we're going
down there together, right?

So it's gonna be pretty unique,

it'll be interesting to see
what our takeaways are.

Now let's go down
the damn shaft.

- Okay. Let's go.
- MARTY: Roger, are you leading

- or am I leading?
- ROGER: Yeah.

I'll lead you guys down there.

- We're ready to rock.
- MARTY: Yeah.

We're gonna figure it all out.

ROGER: Yeah, yeah.

It's like a childhood
fantasy, isn't it?

I mean, Rick and
I, 60 years later,

are going way underground
in the Money Pit area.

And we're in a position that

other people were in over,
literally, hundreds of years

trying to find this treasure.

And I'm there with Rick

who has been enamored of
this thing since he was ten.

And you know, here we are
doing it together as brothers.

All right, big brother.

I know this is really
quite awe-inspiring.

RICK: Yeah. It really is
quite a trip back in time.

- It's pretty amazing.
- ROGER: Oh, absolutely.

MARTY: Okay, we're
running out of time this year,

but this thing is
not going anywhere.

ROGER: Oh, no. Oh, no.

You know, this is where things
would fall and Gary always says,

"Things fall to the
lowest point," right?

If there's anything to
be found in this shaft,

it might be there.

- I think it's worth running a metal detector.
- MARTY: Yes.

But also, what if we're
five feet above something?

- He might be able to detect it.
- That's a great idea.

RICK: And the other thing is,

the coil he's got on there
you can immerse it in water.

- Yes.
- So he could stand on the edge

- and put the coil down in there.
- MARTY: Yeah.

Yeah, I'm gonna
give them a call.

Hey, guys.

Hey, Roger, this is Scott.

ROGER: Hey, Scott.

Yeah, we're down here
wondering if you guys can get

Gary to come over here?

Copy that. We'll get Gary

and get him geared
up to go down the hole.

- Works.
- Yeah, yeah.

With the literally few
moments we have left

is to get Gary to
try and metal detect.

Ah, finally.

We could be close
to the actual treasure.

GARY: All right,
mate, coming down.

MARTY: Well, what
do you think, Gary?

GARY: Oh, wow!

- Huh?
- GARY: What a ride.

[all laughing]

Oh, my God. This is fantastic.

I have a chance

to be the first person
metal detecting

down in the Money Pit.

- MARTY: Okay, detector coming down.
- Okay, keep it coming.

GARY: This is it.

Standing next to Rick and Marty

on these thick planks
and knowing that

there's all this mud
and water below me.

Got it.

GARY: This feels fantastic.

And the whole scene around me

looks like it's medieval.

Almost like I'm in a
dungeon in a castle

back in Templar days.

Just so you know, there's
gonna be a lot of modern nails

- and wire down, down there.
- Yeah, no...

No worries, mate.

That's why I'm
using my CTX-3030,

you got the discrimination,

- bells and whistles, with this.
- That's what we need, Gary.

Okay, we're looking
at two different things...

Rick's idea is that we are
at the base of the old shaft,

and if those guys
dropped anything, it's here.

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah, and then, the other thing is,

what if we're close to
some... something big?

- You know, you and I...
- [laughing]

Look at his smile.

There's that,
too. So... all right.

We got to move that board.
Rick, let's you and I do that.

♪ ♪

- MARTY: Over here.
- RICK: Let it go.


There's a hole,
it's two feet deep.

GARY: Okay.

Well, where there's muck,
there's treasure, mate.

Yeah. [chuckles]

GARY: We'll see
what's down there, mate.

MARTY: All right.

GARY: Extend it a little bit.

All right.

[detector beeping]

Ooh, that's the
best sounding target.

That's a nonferrous, yeah.

- MARTY: Really?
- GARY: Yeah.

MARTY: Oh, my goodness.

RICK: You got to be kidding me.

GARY: Ooh! That's
the best sounding target.

- MARTY: Seriously?
- That's a nonferrous. Yeah.

- MARTY: Really?
- GARY: Yeah.

MARTY: Well, no kidding.

NARRATOR: In the Money Pit area,

metal detection
expert Gary Drayton

has just detected possible
evidence of precious metals

more than 82 feet deep,

below the bottom
of the Garden Shaft.

MARTY: I mean, that's
a screaming large hit,

- isn't it?
- GARY: Yeah.

That sounded really good.

- We know where the hits are.
- MARTY: Yeah.

GARY: Just as important.

This is a nonferrous target.

This could be gold.
It could be silver.

It could be copper.

Either way, it's a
great sounding signal.

Gary, you're the
man. You're the man.

- That was so much fun!
- [laughing]


NARRATOR: Is it possible

that Gary has detected evidence

of the fabled Oak Island
treasure in the muddy soil

just a few feet below
the bottom level

of the Garden Shaft?

Or, could the signals be
coming from the believed tunnel

some ten feet below,

which runs westward
toward the Baby Blob?

You guys are grinning
from ear to ear.

exciting as this moment is,

it is also bittersweet

because at this
point in the year,

Dumas does not
have the legal permits

to extend the shaft any deeper.

And Rick and Marty cannot
risk the future of the project,

nor the safety of their
team, by attempting to breach

the bottom of the shaft
to explore what could be

dangerously unstable
ground below.

RICK: The level of
excitement when he describes

a nonferrous hit,
it's through the roof.

That's why it's so frustrating
not to go after this target,

but we're at the
end of the year.

I wish there was more time.

MARTY: All right,
here's the deal.

We're done for today.
Everybody's cold.

Put this ladder back
up. Let's get out of here.

RICK: Tomorrow, we will
have the final w*r room.

GARY: Yep.

following morning...

MARTY: Gentlemen, ladies.

We've got the whole team here.

Either in this room physically
or on the screen up there.

Peter was unavailable,

but I think otherwise
we have the whole team.

This is our "coming to the
end of the season" meeting...

Lots to cover.

NARRATOR: Rick, Marty

and Craig gather in the w*r room

with the other members
of their fellowship.

I will start by saying what
a difference a day makes.

Yesterday, we were almost
in the bottom of the Money Pit.


Gary Drayton here was
getting nonferrous hits.

Feeling emotional about
the fact that we were down

where those who
came before us were.

Way underground.

And yet, today, we're
here to sit around

this table, talk about
what we've done

and where we're gonna go.

months of tireless searching,

they not only may have come to

within mere feet
of what lies hidden

on Oak Island but
have also amassed

many more clues to help answer

who was behind this
mystery and just when

it may have begun.

I see all this
stuff laid out here,

and I knew it was gonna be here.

And as I walked in,
I thought to myself,

what do a clipped Roman
coin and a scalloped disc

and a horseshoe,

what do those things
have in common?

And I was certain that
the answer was "nothing."


Except that they're
found here on Oak Island.


This year is over 800.

- Wow. So I've been slacking.
- [all laughing]

- Yeah. Get busy.
- [laughs]

Before us sits a
year's worth of work.

- Yeah.
- RICK: You're trying to put

all of these disparate facts,

all of these
strange discoveries,

all the things
that don't seem to

tell a story, somehow
they are and they will

to a mystery that has
endured for 228 years.

But there are clues here.

- There are puzzle pieces.
- GARY: Yeah.

MARTY: So let's talk first
about the Money Pit area.

The Garden Shaft.

The metals in the water.

What we've done,

what we've seen

and what we have yet to do.

If we didn't still have
these elevated metals

in the water, I would
say we were done.

We've drilled... how many wells?

Somebody tell me
how many wells. Steve...

how many wells have we drilled

in the Money Pit area?

We've drilled about

and just over 20 caissons.

MARTY: Yeah. I mean, if
someone had told me ten years ago

when this big adventure
began that you could put down

would you've expected
that you would either

find it or it wasn't there,
I would have said yes.

- Yeah.
- IAN: Yeah.

But we've found tunnels
we didn't know existed.

- Well...
- TERRY: Exactly so.

The east-west tunnel we find

that runs beneath
the Garden Shaft,

that's an incredible find.

MARTY: Yeah.
It's pretty amazing.

So, Ian, if you could
bring us up to speed.

There's some new stuff here

as we have our
final gettogether?

Yeah. Yeah.

And I'd like to hear it.

Yeah, and Dr. Fred
Michel can't be here as well,

and he did the heavy lifting
with the latest water testing.

Everything that we have
seen supports what we saw

when we took the
sample in the Garden Shaft

and that was amongst
the highest gold values

of any that we
had on the island.

The most recent data is
pointing towards there being

something significant
within, I would say,

about a 15-foot radius
of that Garden Shaft.

- Wow.
- MARTY: Wow.

Isn't that something?

[all laughing]

GARY: That's as good as it gets.

There is something significant

within about a 15-foot radius

of the Garden Shaft.

- Wow.
- MARTY: Wow.

Geez. Within 15 feet, you
said, of the Garden Shaft?

- Right.
- That's as good as it gets.

[all laughing]

NARRATOR: As the Oak Island
team meets for the final time

this year in the w*r room...

MARTY: 15 feet?
That's not that big.

That's a 30-foot diameter.

- Yeah.
- We can dig that out.

Absolutely. Yeah.

NARRATOR: geoscientist
Dr. Ian Spooner

has just reported

that new water-sampling data

obtained from boreholes
in the Money Pit area

indicates that the fabled
treasure could lie anywhere

between a 15-foot radius
below the Garden Shaft.

Okay, so...

what do you want to do next
year in the Money Pit area?

I can't believe anyone would say

we don't want to
deepen the Garden Shaft.

We want to gain
access to that tunnel.

See the implications of it.

- Yep.
- RICK: And then,

you would want to be able
to transition immediately to

a tunneling option from the
bottom of the Garden Shaft.

TOM: Yeah. 30-foot
diameter around that shaft.

I do think within that 30 feet

we're gonna find something.

RICK: Okay. Well, I think
all options are on the table...

Caissons, tunneling,
extending the shaft,

maybe even introducing a
new shaft into the Money Pit.

CRAIG: Oh, yeah.
Hopefully we can

determine where the tunnels are,

and the shafts are, and
where the treasure is.

I agree. Okay.

RICK: The next area of
interest, certainly has been

the surprises on Lot 26.


RICK: We do have
a very legitimate date

for the wall on Lot 26, 1464.

You know,

that's exceedingly interesting.

But it's the well that we
really find quite remarkable.


NARRATOR: Earlier this year,

before investigating

the possible 15th
century wall on Lot 26...

IAN: So lift it up.

NARRATOR: the team
investigated a mysterious well

less than 100 feet away.

IAN: That's a pretty good core.

that not only yielded

trace evidence of silver
during water testing...

The date I got on the twig at
the bottom was 1028 to 1172.


which also contained

organic materials

that revealed the
feature was constructed

as much as 900 years ago

or approximately the same era
as the paved area in the swamp.

I love the way you
can fit things together...

What's paved area,


So these are the
clues to occupation.

- Right.
- IAN: So...

there is some more
we can do with the well.

- Absolutely. -MARTY: Yeah.
- RICK: Well, then we come to,

obviously, Marty's favorite
place on the entire island.

And that is the swamp.

[all laughing]

- Here we go again.
- RICK: Yeah, well,

you know the swamp's
not gonna run away.

And I think we do
believe, all of us,

Tom has probably made the
most definitive statement of all.

- What do you always say?
- The answers are in the swamp.

There you go.

You know, there's one
thing we know for sure.

The ramp is amazing
and if we can find

where the pathways went,

I think we would have
a really good shot at

knowing where the
treasure's hidden.

Yeah, and the ramp I think

is extremely important.

And Craig's got some carbon
dates that came in for that.

CRAIG: Yeah. I mean we had

samples that we took
associated with the ramp.

So, uh, you know, 1495 to 1656.

- Isn't that something.
- CRAIG: It sure seems like

a very good time period.

IAN: Yeah.

So the ramp is about the
same age as the stone path.

- And those are definitive.
- RICK: Right.

- That's pretty amazing.
- Yeah.

I think the swamp is every bit
as interesting as the Money Pit.

It begs of answers.

- Yep.
- MARTY: So that takes care of...

In my mind anyway...
A-a full discussion

and setting up what
needs to be done yet

about things on the island.

But, Rick, you
did a bunch of stuff

in the information
hunt, off-island,

so let's have a
summation of that.

In terms of the field trip
we made, we went to Italy.

And it has yielded some
very interesting connections.


guys, welcome to Italy.

- Emiliano.
- Emiliano.

- Ciao. Good to see you.
- So good to see you.

NARRATOR: Of all the journeys

that members of
the team have made

to Europe over the past decade,

none have been more
compelling than the one that Rick,

his nephews Alex and Peter,

and Doug Crowell made less
than one month ago to Italy.

- Look at this.
- Oh.

Right there. Hey, Rick.

-Mm? -ALEX: Check this out.

PETER: That's cool.

ALEX: We have seen
this symbol before.

- RICK: H+O Stone.
- PETER: Yeah.

ALEX: That's a direct
tie to Oak Island.

NARRATOR: There, while visiting

a medieval church in Viterbo,

where the Templars
held a stronghold

between the 12th
and 14th centuries...

- Rick.
- RICK: Mm?

NARRATOR: the team
saw numerous carved symbols

that have also been found
over the years on Oak Island.

- Yeah.
- Right there.



If you do this...

you get the H+O Stone.

If you put it all together,

I mean, there's
the possibility that

the H+O Stone represents

"Here, Templar gold."

NARRATOR: They met
with archaeoastronomer

Professor Adriano
Gaspani, who presented

historic star alignments

that suggested the
megalithic formation

on Oak Island, known
as Nolan's Cross,

might have been created

approximately 800 years ago.


That's crazy.

NARRATOR: And in the
ancient town of Camerano,

they explored a cave
system with direct Templar ties

that, incredibly, was
designed in the exact shape

as the 14th century lead cross

that was found on Oak
Island back in 2017.

I believe something was
learned of or possessed long ago

that was handed down,

and the whole point of
the exercise was to keep it

protected generationally,
for a long, long, long time.

I believe that a
possible explanation

for Oak Island is this...

♪ ♪

You have these 1200
dates, 1400, 1500, 1600s.

There's representation
of infrastructure.

Logistics, meaning the swamp.

You have to have
a way to come in,

be very secretive about

what you're going to do.

And it takes a long time.

And we're only
beginning to understand

the importance of that hunt.

It's quite a, quite
a remarkable story

and it continues to
evolve and develop.

That's very true.


And our research trip to Italy

just put an exclamation point

on this whole endeavor.

That was very
enlightening to me.

ALEX: Yeah, and I think

there's more to do
but it was, you know,

in terms of kind of opening
the door and investigating...


let's add a little bit
more background

to this possible
Templar connection.

I think it went a long way.

JACK: Those
older dates allude to

people being here
pre-Money Pit discovery

doing a lot of work.

We're showing that the
amount of works there,

so the plausibility behind
there being a treasure hunt

seems to be more
prevalent than ever.

Yeah, you know, when
I look at this table now,

I honestly think
it was one of our,

maybe one of our
best years ever.

Does everybody feel
we're closer than ever?

[overlapping agreements]

We're narrowing it down.

I think we're moving
in the right direction.

How could you stop
after finding a Roman coin

or all the other stuff here?

And he's found an
absurd number of artifacts.

Yeah, it's not just the story
of the Money Pit anymore.

We could find treasure
on any one of these lots.

What I see in front
of this table, to me is...

makes me more enthusiastic
and more committed

to continuing the work
that we have all done.

And I am proud of
each and every one of us

sitting around this
table and remotely.

It's not just this table.

You could put 30 tables
in here and fill them up.

It occurs to me, honestly,

ladies and gentlemen, that,
I don't have to go around

the room and ask, you
know, "Are you guys in?"

or "Are you ladies in?" I
already know the answer.

I think we're coming back
to do some more work here.

[overlapping agreements]


- Good.
- To me,

I'm not gonna get real eloquent

and everybody knows
that I'm pretty shy, but I...

I do want to say
that, you know...

every journey is
a shared experience

and we have been on
a decade's long journey,

together, all of us, and
that's quite remarkable.

Look how eclectic this
group is. How different we are.

How we bring
different skill sets,

different perspectives,

different understandings,
different logic

to what is an
incredible mystery.

And remember where
the journey started.

That little five pages.

That's where the
journey started.

And this is decades
in the making.

And then think of all the others

that have come before us.

It's-it's incredible.

It's absolutely incredible.

Just give yourself
a moment in time

and say, "You know what?

I was part of something that
was much bigger than myself."

I just want to say that,

you guys know I get a
little bit emotional, but...

I appreciate each
and every one of you.

I really think that we
have done something

together that is
quite remarkable.

I'm glad my brother's
been with me.

And my nephew, and
Peter, and David as well.

And everybody, you
know, the whole family

has really been involved
in this, as has Tom's.

And so I-I'm...

I am really grateful
for the experience.

- We're not done yet.
- RICK: We're not done yet.


We're grateful you
brought us for the ride.

- Absolutely.
- Oh, what a ride.


MARTY: Look, Rick, you
say you're not eloquent.

I would say you're
quite eloquent,

and I think that is a
perfect ending to this year.

I will just thank
everybody again.

I know everybody here
does live and breathe all this.

- But for now, I think we're done.
- GARY: Yep.

And we haven't seen nothing yet.

That's right, Gary.

♪ ♪

NARRATOR: For Rick, Marty,

Craig and their fellowship,
the quest to solve

the world's greatest
treasure mystery continues.

- Well, Gary, until next year.
- GARY: Yep.

MARTY: We seem to be closing in

on the one piece of
data that is irrefutable,

and that is the
metals in the water,

in the vicinity of
the Garden Shaft.

Another great year.

- Partner. [chuckles]
- Partner. Partner!

I think we did move
the dial towards finding

where the treasure is.

See you, guys.

NARRATOR: Although
the fabled treasure

that people have sought
for 228 years was not found,

this team has obtained
more compelling evidence

that it is a reality

and still waiting
to be recovered

from somewhere
deep in the Money Pit.

RICK: I remember reading
the Reader's Digest article,

turning the last page and
being a little disappointed

because the story ended.

And there was still room for
more verbiage, more answers.

And I thought, "Well,
that's disappointing.

What happened?"

NARRATOR: As they prepare for

the next great chapter of
this adventure next spring,

will Rick,

Marty and the team
finally be able to answer

the ultimate questions and
shatter the curse of Oak Island?

It's been a good year and,
I mean,

maybe next year
we uncork this bloody thing.

- Right?
- Yep.

I still want

the "What happened?"
I still want

those last few paragraphs.

And I think we're
on the cusp of writing that.