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11x04 - Shear Mystery

Posted: 04/17/24 08:25
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Tonight, on
the Curse of Oak Island...

- CHARLES: Here it comes.
- RICK: The Garden Shaft project

is finally underway.

BILL: This way a bit.

GARY: Time to
open Pandora's box.

- ALEX: Oh, boy. -Wow.
- Wow.

HELEN: I'll tell you, Jack,

it's the first time in

I have seen
something like this...


They're hiding something.

Ooh, interesting.


NARRATOR: There is an
island in the North Atlantic

where people have
been looking for

an incredible treasure
for more than 200 years.

So far, they have
found a stone slab

with strange symbols
carved into it...

man-made workings
that date to medieval times,

and a lead cross whose
origin may be connected

to the Knights Templar.

To date, six men have died

trying to solve the mystery.

And according to legend,
one more will have to die

before the treasure
can be found.

♪ ♪

ALEX: All right, guys, D.5N-27.

- Yep.
- We've moved east

of where we last hit the tunnel,

hoping to intercept it again.


exciting morning

has begun on Oak Island

for brothers Rick
and Marty Lagina

and their team as they
continue their quest

to solve a mystery

that has captivated
treasure hunters

for more than two centuries.

This is an attempt to hit
the furthest east extension

of our tunnel,
which in this area

will hit it at over
a hundred feet.

- Yep.
- ALEX: The tunnel that

we are following today

that emanates from
the Garden Shaft,

it could be a conduit
through which the water

with the high metal
concentration is flowing,

bringing it to the Baby Blob.

That's a very good point.

the team is drilling

a new borehole on
their strategic grid

known as D5N-27,

located several feet
east of the 82-foot-deep,

mid-18th-century structure

known as the Garden Shaft.

Here, they are hoping
to once again encounter

a mysterious seven-and-a-half-
foot-high tunnel

located some 100
feet underground,

which they have
previously drilled into

numerous times
over the past year.

A tunnel which has yielded
high trace evidence of gold,

and which runs
westward directly below

the Garden Shaft and into

another possible treasure zone

known as "The Baby Blob."

- 53.
- TERRY: 53? A broken run. Okay.

STEVE: Let's pull it
down and I'll drain it.

- Gentlemen.
- Hey, fellas.

- Well, look who's here.
- Morning.

TERRY: Hi, guys.
How are you doing?

Good. What are you finding?

Well, it's...

We're down 53 feet,

and as you can see,

- it's relatively soft.
- CRAIG: Soft? Okay.

TERRY: It's always been an omen

that we're fairly
close to a structure

when you hit soft
material like this.

We're definitely
close to a tunnel.

Well, I mean, it's
going to be a little bit

before you guys get
down to the 100-foot level.

So, we're gonna go
run and do some stuff.

- Okay.
- But if you get wood...

- Yep.
- Or anything else,

- give us a call.
- Yep, will do.

STEVE: See you, guys.

This is gonna be the
time we find something.

core-drilling operation

continues in the
Money Pit area...

- RICK: Hey, guys.
- CRAIG: Hi, guys.

MARTY: Morning.

The Garden Shaft project

is very, very critical this year

and this will certainly
push the search forward.


Lagina and Craig Tester,

along with operations
manager Scott Barlow,

have gathered in the w*r room.

Thank you very much, Rick,

for accommodating our request
for the meeting this morning.

NARRATOR: They are
meeting via videoconference

with Marty Lagina
and representatives

from a mining and
construction company

known as Dumas
Contracting Limited.

RICK: So, Cameron and Tony,

they asked for this meeting.

I'm hoping this is

the much-anticipated
code of practice

because we've got to
get going on that project.


the Oak Island team

continues core drilling

in an attempt to
pinpoint new targets

around the Garden Shaft,

Rick, Marty and Craig
are eagerly waiting

for Dumas to have
a code of practice,

or new permit, approved
by the provincial government

to vertically extend
the Garden Shaft

by as much as 20 feet.

This operation
would not only breach

the tunnel running below it,

but also allow the team
to personally explore it

or build a new
tunnel, if necessary,

in order to reach new targets

identified by the current
core-drilling process.

Cameron, I'm going
to turn it over to you.

I hope you have
good news for us.

Uh, we do have
favorable news to report.


CAMERON: We did receive notice

from the Ministry of
Labor in Nova Scotia

that our code of practice has
been approved and granted.

It's a culmination of an
awful lot of engineering work

led by Mr. Linton

and his technical team,
um, at the Dumas group.

And the ministry is confident

that we have the right
means and methods

to go forward with the
deepening of the Garden Shaft.


CAMERON: Further,
we are actively

mobilizing to the island,

and look forward to getting

the shaft deepening
work underway.


That was fabulously
unrelenting good news.



RICK: The good news is

the work in the shaft can begin.

We have to take
advantage of this time now,

in terms of the sonic drill
program in the Money Pit,

because when Dumas arrives,

the areas we have
interest in will be off limits,

so it might provide some
answers to the overall mystery.

We couldn't ask
for any better news,

so we're exceedingly grateful.

And, uh, we'll have
everything ready

and in place and ready to start.

See you out there.

Looking forward to it.

- Thank you.
- All right, take care guys.

- Bye, guys.
- Thank you.

RICK: Let's get out there.

Marty, Craig and Scott

conclude their meeting
in the w*r room...

GARY: I'm really
confident, mate.

The beach has got our money.

detection expert Gary Drayton

and Peter Fornetti
arrive at the shoreline

of Lot 5 to expand
their search of an area

that has proven to be
rich with important clues.

GARY: You pick
the lucky flag, Pete.

PETE: Let's go
right in the slipway.


And notice where
these flags are, mate.

They're dead opposite
those two features,

the big round one,

and then that feature there

where all the archeologists
are working further up the hill.

- Perfect line for a ship.
- Oh, yeah.

NARRATOR: Since Rick,
Marty and Craig's purchase

of Lot 5 one year ago,

they have made
compelling discoveries here

that suggest multiple
secretive operations

may have taken
place on Oak Island

before the discovery of
the Money Pit in 1795.

These finds include
three Roman coins

dating back as
much as 2,000 years

and a 14th-century
lead barter token that,

just like the lead cross
that was discovered

at Smith's Cove in 2017,

may be connected
to the medieval order

of the Knights Templar.

Near the center of the lot,

they have unearthed a
rectangular foundation

that was deliberately buried

and could date to the
same period in the 1700s

as the Garden Shaft.

And nearer to the shore,

they are also
currently investigating

a mysterious circular depression

that may have been created
sometime in the late 1600s.

All right. You picked
this flag, mate.

Let's make it lucky.

[metal detector beeping]

A bit jumpy.

It's coming out,
mate. It's there.

is Gary and Peter's hope

to find more definitive
clues on the beach of Lot 5

that might help explain
who could be connected

to these incredible discoveries.


Pin-pointer time.


There it is.

- Oh, yeah.
- What do we got here?

This might be a
small cribbing spike,

which makes this
really interesting.

We have never found one...

- Mm-hmm.
- On this side of the island before.

And in this condition,

it's probably
wrought iron, mate.

- It's what it looks like.
- Yeah.

It looks like the
other stuff we found.

Yeah, it really
does, doesn't it?

It does look old.

And they weren't just used

for shafts and tunnels.

These were used
for buildings and also

- on boats and wharfs as well.
- Yeah.

- We'll bag it...
- Yeah.

'cause this is
an interesting find.

These types of fasteners

are called cribbing spikes,

and it was for attaching
two timbers together.

We're finding a wide
variety of artifacts in this area.

Okay, mate. Next
flag's over here.

I told the guys
Lot 5 is me priority

because we are finding
some of the oldest artifacts

you can find in North
America on Lot 5.

- Right here?
- Yep.

There's a heck of a lot of
iron in that area, and I know

there are more important
artifacts to be found there.


- That's where I got the hit.
- Yep.

And more than likely, it's iron.

Oh, there it is. I see it.

Oh, wow.

GARY: Oh, wow.

Looks like it's an
old piece of iron.

- Yeah.
- Oh, interesting.

the shoreline of Lot 5,

Gary Drayton and Peter Fornetti

have just made a potentially
significant discovery.

GARY: Maybe it's a handle.

It looks like it's
broken just there.

Um, this could possibly be

one half of a pair of shears

or some kind of snipping tool.

- Mm-hmm.
- It reminds me

of the handles on those
old Spanish scissors

that Dan Blankenship found.

- Mm-hmm. Definitely.
- Yeah.

investigating Smith's Cove

in the summer of 1970,

the late Oak Island treasure
hunter Dan Blankenship

uncovered a pair of
hand-forged iron scissors.

Incredibly, subsequent
testing indicated

that they not only dated as
far back as the 17th century

but were also of Spanish origin.

GARY: Carmen Legge will
take a look at that and tell us.

He'll render an opinion.

possible that Gary and Peter

have now found
a related artifact

a half-mile away on Lot 5?

If so, could it help
reveal the truth

behind the 228-year-old mystery?

- All right, I'll bag it.
- Yep. Sounds good.

RICK: Dan's find of
an old pair of scissors

was quite a find for him,

because to him, in his mind,

he believed that this
was a Spanish treasure,

so it reinforced to him that
he was on the right track.

GARY: We've got some
interesting finds, mate.

- I say we take 'em back to the lab.
- Yep.

GARY: And then, when the
tide goes out, we'll be back.

NARRATOR: While Gary and Peter

conclude their search
on the beach at Lot 5,

approximately 50 yards inland...

JACK: Hi, everybody.

- How's the dig going? Good.
- HELEN: Hi, Jack.

- How you doing?
- Good.

NARRATOR: Jack Begley
joins archeologist Helen Sheldon,

and other members of the team,

at the mysterious
rectangular stone feature,

which may be related
to the Garden Shaft.

HELEN: I'll tell you,
Jack, it's the first time

in 40 years of fieldwork

I have seen something
like this buried,

which is really weird.

It's fun seeing you
so excited, Helen.

- [laughs]
- And to know that

you haven't seen a
feature like this before.


JACK: Is it normal

for the foundation to
be so low in the ground?

HELEN: No. Normally, you see

an indication of
it on the surface.

[sighs] Well, that
makes me think

that it's somehow related
to the Money Pit story.

This could've been base camp

for operations in the Money Pit.

Something happened on Lot 5.

We just need to keep digging

and gather more
evidence and find out

what actually was going
on here. That's the plan.

- JACK: I'd be happy to sift.
- HELEN: Okay, sounds good, Jack.

- JAMIE: Sounds great.
- LINDY: Sounds good. Thanks.

the archeologists

continue to carefully scrape
away dirt and sediments

from the rock feature,

Jack will sift the
collected spoils

to search for any
possible clues or artifacts.

JACK: Lot 5 is
still such a mystery.

There's so many other

odd features around Lot 5

and weird finds that Gary's had,

that I still think
there's a good chance

this was some sort
of an encampment

and this is just a start

to really figuring out what
happened here, pre-settlers.

JAMIE: Ooh. Hey, Jack.

- Yeah.
- We've found

the biggest piece of creamware
so far today in this unit.

Great. Let's have a look.

JAMIE: Just the
tiniest piece of glaze

so I can identify it.

JACK: What type
of pottery is this?

JAMIE: So that's the creamware.

That's the stuff that
was first made in 1762.

of creamware pottery

dating to as early as 1762?

Has Jamie Kouba found more
evidence supporting the theory

that Lot 5 may have
been a staging ground

for a secret operation

prior to the discovery
of the Money Pit?

JACK: It'd be nice to find

enough pieces
that we can start to

- put it back together.
- Yeah.

JACK: Nice find.

Let me know when
you find a coin.

JAMIE: I'm looking.

investigation efforts

continue on Lot 5...

STEVE: There could
be wood right there.

in the Money Pit area...

- Yeah. That... Yep.
- That is wood.

NARRATOR: Alex Lagina

and other members of the team

have just made a potentially

important discovery
in Borehole D.5N-27

located several feet
east of the Garden Shaft.

What you got for depth there?

It's gonna be 95 feet.

Oh, yeah, that's a wood chunk.

- STEVE: That just doesn't make any sense.
- ALEX: No.

We've usually hit it at 99 plus.

Yes. Yeah.

NARRATOR: Because the location

of Borehole D.5N-27

is in an elevated area to
the east of the Garden Shaft,

the team was not expecting
to encounter the tunnel,

where they have detected
evidence of precious metals,

for several more feet.

Could it be possible that
they have just discovered

a completely
different structure?

This doesn't look
like the wood we've hit

in previous boreholes
in the tunnel.

- Hey, Scott.
- Hey, guys.

We've got a bit of a...

Looks like spruce.

A question. Yeah. It's...

To me, it's a
different type of wood.

It's higher than
we typically see it.

STEVE: Yeah.

ALEX: This is
really, really weird

because there is no record

of anything at this
depth in this area.

- Hey, fellas.
- Yeah.

ALEX: This is a totally
unknown structure.

- Wow.
- Oh, look what we found.

ALEX: It's possibly the
top of an offset chamber

for all we know.
It's a big deal.

I don't think anybody
expected to see that.

STEVE: Different
wood. Different height.

- It's a different structure.
- TERRY: I don't know.

- Here comes more information.
- TERRY: Right on.

This is going to be 101 feet.

- 101.
- 101. Thank you.

All right, let's carve it up.

What do we got? Okay,
there's some more wood,

but... is it in place or not?

SCOTT: We've lost recovery

from... basically from 95

to 101. We just
pushed through it.

And the loose material
falling out, though,

that says that possibly,
it's a... it's a tunnel.

But it's out of place, isn't it?

SCOTT: It's out of place.

- Hey, fellas.
- ALEX: Hey.

CRAIG: What's the
news, gentlemen?

SCOTT: We're finding
timbers at 95 feet.

CRAIG: That's at
a shallower depth

than anything we've
seen in the area,

so, to me, it's got to be new.

The other problem with this,
though, is we're out of time.

- We got the crane chasing us off this area.
- Yeah.

NARRATOR: Because representatives
from Dumas Contracting Limited

will soon arrive on Oak Island

with numerous heavy
digging machines

needed to deepen
the Garden Shaft,

that means that the
team will no longer be able

to drill in this area for
potential valuable targets.

RICK: We are under
time constraints.

We have one more
chance to try to

delineate this
tunnel that we seek,

because once Dumas comes in,

certain areas of the
Money Pit will be off limits.

We have time to drill one
more hole here if we want to.

I'd drill one more. I'd
drill until it's coming.


RICK: We are in a bit of a haste

to try to hit a target.

We're not certain
of the data yet.

We have to continue
to drill and hopefully

something more definitive
will come from that drilling.

There's a lot of
"homework" to do here.

I can't stand here
right now and tell you

I can't stand here
right now and tell you

what I think this is
'cause I don't know.

- But we have to follow it.
- Yeah.

Just what we need, another
mystery on Oak Island.

[truck horn honks]

NARRATOR: A day that has
been highly anticipated by Rick,

Marty, Craig and the
rest of the Oak Island team

has finally arrived.

Here he comes.

NARRATOR: Having received

the necessary
governmental permits,

representatives from
Dumas Contracting Limited

and Irving Equipment Limited

have begun to deliver
heavy equipment,

starting with a 109-ton crane...

- RICK: Hey, Bill.
- Good morning.

NARRATOR: that will be used

to deepen the Garden Shaft

in the Money Pit area,

and hopefully
help the team solve

the 228-year-old mystery.

MARTY: Okay, put
that crane together

because last year,
we feel like we got

just about to where
we needed to be,

and we needed to go deeper.

So that's the drill.

And this is the year.

Aw, yeah. Aw, yeah.

So, we're counting on you.


RICK: We really, really

want to put this thing to bed,

put a period at the
end of this story.

BILLY: We want to
put an exclamation mark

on the end of the
story, not a period, right?

Well, there you go.


And without people like you,

it's not possible.

But more to the point, what
Marty said, this is the year.

I'd say, let's get going.

Let's roll in and get
this crane together.

- Yep.
- Perfect.

RICK: The Garden
Shaft extension project

is going to be
highly informative.

Without the crane, we
can't even begin to start.

One piece of the
puzzle is now in place.

We now await Dumas' arrival,

and we can start that project

and get some answers.

BILL: Come this way
another foot or two.

NARRATOR: Once the crane is
fully assembled in the coming days...

- BILL: This way a bit.
- NARRATOR: it will be used to maneuver

a three-ton hammer grab tool

that will remove the
earth and sediment

that sits at the bottom
of the Garden Shaft.

BILL: That's good.

NARRATOR: This will
allow the team from Dumas

to begin extending the

down an additional 20 feet

into the believed
treasure tunnel

that the team has discovered
several feet below it.

MARTY: We know there's a
tunnel under the Garden Shaft

that could be going
to an offset chamber.

There could be a large
treasure down there.

There are lots of possibilities

in the next 20 feet
of the Garden Shaft.

good, she's tight.

BILL: Awesome.

NARRATOR: As the crane assembly
begins on the South Shore road...

ALEX: Hey, guys. Where are we?

Same line, just five
feet further south.

- Got it.
- NARRATOR: Alex Lagina

arrives at the Money Pit area

where the team has already begun

a new core-drilling
operation in Borehole C5N-27,

located several feet
east of the Garden Shaft.

It is the team's goal

to not only encounter
another section

of the seven-and-a-half-
foot-high tunnel

some 100 feet underground,

but also identify
a valuable target

that Dumas may be
able to help them recover

by constructing a new tunnel

from the bottom of
the Garden Shaft.

ALEX: Okay, here's
the thing, guys.

This is our last shot at this.

We have this hole,

whenever we finish it,

and then the crane moves in.

- The crane needs to be right here.
- Yeah.

ALEX: We need to find something

quickly, 'cause right now,

we're drilling in an area
that's going to become off-limits

as soon as Dumas is ready
to put people underground.

- We can do stuff elsewhere...
- Yeah.

It's just that we can't be

this close to the Garden Shaft,

and unfortunately,
what we're looking for

goes right under
the Garden Shaft.

- Yeah, that's right.
- So this is

where our best
chance of hitting it is.

Yeah, it's a time
crunch, though.

It's a time crunch on
the whole drill program

- in this area. So...
- Absolutely. Yeah.

ALEX: Keep your fingers crossed.

core-drilling operation

continues in the
Money Pit area...

RICK: Carmen, thank
you for coming back.

Gary and Peter
have actually found

a very interesting item.

NARRATOR: at the Oak
Island Interpretive Centre,

Rick Lagina, along with
other members of the team,

meet with blacksmithing
expert Carmen Legge,

to have him examine the fragment
of potentially ancient scissors

discovered one day ago on Lot 5.

GARY: Pete and I dug it out,

and it so reminded me

of that pair of shears,

that old Spanish shears

that Dan Blankenship found

in Smith's Cove
during that excavation.

Okay, I'll take a look here.

Well, your hunch is right.

It is a handle off
a pair of scissors.

RICK: Any way to infer a date?

CARMEN: This is very
old. And very old, I mean,


I can go grab them.

RICK: When Carmen related

that the handle was a date

CARMEN: 'Cause this is
one continuous loop, right?

RICK: are those
original deposition artifacts

or do they pre-date that?

That's really what we're
trying to do with dating artifacts.

Are they pre- or

Yeah. Mm-hmm.

This-this is,

so this pair of scissors
was older than that.


NARRATOR: The scissor fragment

found on the beach of Lot 5,

potentially dating
back to the 1600s?

The same era as the mysterious
circular feature located nearby?

Could it be related to
another compelling clue

that was recently discovered
within that same feature?

MARTY: It looks
like a latch, Laird.

NARRATOR: Three weeks ago,

at the bottom of the structure,

the team discovered a latch

designed for
lifting heavy cargo.

MARTY: I'd say it was made

to be driven into something.

Incredibly, it was found

to be a compositional
match to artifacts

known to have belonged
to the 17th-century

English politician
Sir William Phips,

a man believed by some

to have conspired with
a prominent Freemason

named Andrew Belcher

to bury a large cache of
treasure on Oak Island in 1687.

GARY: Lot 5 is where

we're finding those
incredible artifacts, coins.

- Yeah.
- GARY: Brilliant stuff,

this included.

possible that Gary and Peter

have found another critical clue

that could prove that theory?

And perhaps explain
the high trace evidence

of precious metals
that have been detected

near the Garden Shaft
in the Money Pit area?

GARY: And hopefully,
there's some more parts of it.

They might be on the beach.

PETER: Yeah.

That's the front door to Lot 5.

- PETER: Yeah.
- 100%. Yep.

I want to see some
more of these items.

And Gary will
continue to find...

And not pieces.

And not pieces.

- [laughter]
- Oh, I will.

Thank you, Carmen.
I appreciate it.

All right. See you later.

Happy searching.

GARY: Great, mate. Thanks.

NARRATOR: While the
assembly of the massive crane

continues on the road
just south of the swamp...

and as more heavy
equipment arrives on Oak Island

for the upcoming operation
to deepen the Garden Shaft...

ALEX: Hey, everybody.

This is quite a team now.

- MOYA: Oh, hey, Alex.
- HELEN: Oh, yeah.

- How's it going?
- Good.

NARRATOR: Alex Lagina
joins archeologists Helen Sheldon

and Moya MacDonald on Lot 5

as they continue
their investigation

of the rectangular
stone foundation.

ALEX: Any new information?

We've got more white
salt-glazed stoneware,

which is the earlier
stuff, like mid-1700s.

Like 1740 to 1760-ish.
- Okay.

Um, and some more creamware.

Today we had

part of a little, um,
porcelain teacup.

- Oh.
- Which is interesting, because porcelain

- was a high-end material.
- ALEX: Right. That's awesome.

Moya, what do you think so far?

We've been finding
a lot of pearlware...

ALEX: Mm-hmm.
- Which is also pretty consistent

with the kind of time
period we're looking at.

Mm-hmm. It is not
really consistent

with the Oak Island story

in that we don't know of any
structures here at the time.

HELEN: We don't.

So this would have probably
been before the island

was actually divided
up into the four-acre lots.

- Mm-hmm. Okay.
- So, this predates that.

Pre-discovery of the
Money Pit, too, if we're right.

NARRATOR: Of the more
than 350 islands in Mahone Bay,

Oak Island was the
only one divided up

into individual four-acre lots

by the English surveyor
general Charles Morris in 1762,

discovery of the Money Pit.

Although it is unknown why
Mr. Morris made this decision,

could the fact that he was
a high-ranking Freemason

offer a clue?

Might he have had
secret knowledge

of the mysterious
structures on Lot 5,

and perhaps a vast treasure
buried deep in the Money Pit?

HELEN: So, preliminary
deductions here

is that this is a
rock-lined pit...

- Mm-hmm.
- That was then actually covered up.

Because we've got very
loose rubble in the middle,

and on top, like
it was filled in.

We have a few
artifacts in this layer,

- and then above it...
- Oh, yeah.

You have an
absolutely barren layer

- with no artifacts in it at all.
- Right.

ALEX: It is unusual

that this site appears to
have been covered back up.

In the context of Oak
Island, when you have

this secret treasure
being hidden here,

the people that
may have done that

would have wanted to
keep everything a secret.

So-so, there's your reason
that this was covered back in.

Well, it's fascinating.

I mean, Lot 5, we have

all kinds of really strange

finds on the lot.

- Yeah, we do.
- ALEX: And, you know,

it could be a really
meaningful piece

to the puzzle, whatever
might have happened. So...

So, thanks for the update.

Well, we'll let you know

if anything exciting comes up.

- ALEX: Thank you.
- HELEN: See you, Alex.

that afternoon...

We have a core.

I got it.

Lagina has returned to

the Money Pit area.


NARRATOR: to monitor
the core-drilling operation

in Borehole C5N-27...

- You got it?
- I got her, yeah.

NARRATOR: the final
borehole that the team

will be able to complete
near the Garden Shaft

before representatives from
Dumas Contracting Limited

arrive on the island.

All right.

Let's cleave her
open, gentlemen.

Let's see what's up.

It's maroon till,

full of cobbles.

- Thank you.
- There's some slough

- on top of this.
- Okay.


Nothing but Mother Nature,

and it's pretty firm.

C.5N-27 has
yielded up very little

in terms of treasure.

ALEX: This is, like,

time crunch

- of all time crunches for us.
- Oh, yeah.

'Cause the crane needs to
be right where that drill rig is.

- CRAIG: Yeah, tomorrow morning, so...
- ALEX: Like, like... Yeah.

TERRY: Hopefully we'll
get what we need here

because we won't be
able to get back for a while.


With Dumas coming in a
very short period of time

to start deepening
the Garden Shaft,

we need to get
all the information,

because once the
equipment is moved in,

we need to move the drill rig.

So, I'm eager to find out as
much information as we can

to get us our best
possible target

before Dumas has to
move their equipment in.

BRENNAN: Went in the void, man!

TEDFORD: Oh, that's a good sign.

So it dropped to 104.

This will be the run. Yep.

CHARLES: There it is,
gentlemen. We have a core.

TEDFORD: Might actually
be into something here.

When I ran the casing,

- it dropped to 104.
- ALEX: Down to 104?

So is any of that in here?

- We'll see how long it is.
- ALEX: Okay.

The rods dropped down.

That's usually an indication

that the soil, the
ground, the earth

underneath is disturbed.

So, it's a good indication

that we're in the
vicinity of this tunnel.

CHARLES: What do we got, Alex?


-98. -But it dropped to 104.

Got no wood there.

No wood so far.

TERRY: It's good and firm,

but the rods sank
immediately below this point,

so that's interesting.

CHARLES: We have
a core, gentlemen.

Hopefully we pick up some
wood in the top of this core.


What do we got, Alex?

- 111.
- 111.

Scott, 111.

All right, well let's take a
hard look at this right here.

Let's see what we got.

Let's see what we got.

- Hello.
- CHARLES: We got wood.

- CRAIG: Wow.
- TERRY: Here we go.


NARRATOR: In the elevated region

of Money Pit area,
the Oak Island team

may have just penetrated

a possible treasure tunnel

at a depth of
approximately 111 feet.

At a depth of
approximately 111 feet.

STEVE: Oh, we
have wood there, too.

NARRATOR: A tunnel that runs
directly below the Garden Shaft.

- STEVE: Where's it at, Terry?
- 108.

That's where the chunk
of wood seems to fall.

It seems pretty firm below.

CRAIG: You got a
piece above that?

TERRY: Yeah,
that's a good point.

Let's have a look. And
actually, yeah, we do.

There's some more wood
impregnated right there.

There's a chunk right
there. That's-that's wood.

Yeah, that's embedded

just above the top of that.

And I think I can see
irregular axe cuts there.

Yeah, maybe right there.

CRAIG: Yeah.

NARRATOR: Axe-cut wood,

recovered from
the believed tunnel

that runs below
the Garden Shaft?

Because it is documented
that treasure hunters

began using mechanized
saws in the early 1800s

to construct shafts and
tunnels in the Money Pit area,

could that mean that this
tunnel was created by someone

who deposited valuables
on Oak Island prior to 1795?

TERRY: There's some kind of
a stria or something going there.

ALEX: I think I see evidence
that this is hand-hewn,

and so far all the hand-hewn
beams we've found

and dated have
come back really old.

So, there's a good
chance that this

is also a really old beam.

So, obviously,
that's exciting to us.

TERRY: Anyway, let's
have a look at this one.

See what we got,
gentlemen. Open 'er up.

There's some wood
fiber right there.

Yeah, there's some
fibers in that, Terry.

TERRY: Yeah. Uh... wow.

We're seeing a lot of

wood chips and chunks.

There's a fairly solid
little chunk of wood.

And it's all above this beam.

So that wood would
seem to be the floor

more so than the roof.

But if it's the roof beam,

I don't know what to make of it.

ALEX: Well, any
big piece of wood

is going to be the
ceiling, not the floor.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

CRAIG: If this
is the original top

of the tunnel, and it's
been pushed down here,

this material's on top...

I'm wondering if we've
had a significant cave-in,

and our tunnel,

is this debris in through here.

That the whole thing

collapsed down and above
that it's all really loose.

ALEX: I think it means
we're in a collapse.

I mean, I think the most
we can say about this

is it's a probable hit

- on the tunnel under the Garden Shaft.
- Yeah.

CRAIG: Some of this soil we'll
probably want Emma to test.

Some of the wood,

- we may want to do C-14.
- Yep.

- When you bag stuff up...
- Yeah. Okay.

Keep the big,
thick ones separate

- from some pieces of wood up higher.
- Okay.

bittersweet moment

for the Oak Island team.

While they are encouraged

to have possibly
encountered the tunnel

once again, where
high trace evidence

of precious metals
has been detected,

unfortunately, they
were unable to recover

any more clues to determine

just where the
source is located.

However, in the coming days,

representatives from
Dumas Contracting Limited

will begin deepening
the Garden Shaft

to breach this very tunnel.

CRAIG: Can you put in your notes

the multiple cut
small-cut pieces?

'Cause there's a
lot of them in here.

that will allow the team

to not only better explore it,

but perhaps finally solve
the Oak Island mystery.

ALEX: We have
this mysterious tunnel

with no known origin.
It's just a big mystery.

When Dumas gets here, we
are going to start getting answers.

So, hopefully, we
won't be leaving

questions in the ground.

SCOTT: Well, we do have
some more work to do, I guess,

to try and figure
this out. So...

Yeah, certainly.
I think we need to

look at it on a map, honestly...

- Yeah.
- And then figure out

where we can drill still.

- Yeah.
- CRAIG: Okay, Terry.

Let you and Steve finish up here

and we will head on back
to the research center.

And we will head on back
to the research center.

- Excellent.
- Okay.

- We'll see you back there.
- Keep in touch.

- Great stuff.
- Thank you.

ALEX: It's a mystery,
that's for sure.

SCOTT: Yeah.

CHARLES: Here it comes.

TERRY: I've seen
that crane before.

He's going to
perch right up there.

NARRATOR: The day that the
Oak Island team has been waiting for

has finally arrived.

TERRY: There they are.

that representatives

from Dumas Contracting
Limited have completed

their preparations and amassed
all of their heavy equipment,

they are about
to begin extending

the 82-foot-deep Garden Shaft

by an additional 20 feet

in order to breach a tunnel

that may lead to the
Money Pit treasure vault.

CRAIG: Gentlemen.

RICK: I don't know
about you guys,

I don't know if you got
the right look going on here.


- Rick, how are you?
- How are you guys?

It's a credit to everyone

that this project
is finally underway.

We are locked in. Locked in.

Garden Shaft project,

and we believe that it
will help us solve this thing.

This is a huge endeavor here.

We have significant
interest in this area,

but there's unfinished
business here.

Are we standing on top of the
treasure? We don't know that.

Are we standing on
top of information?

We do believe that.

verify that is with your help.

- That's exactly what it is.
- We're a team. So...

ROGER: Yep. This
year we're really excited

getting down there,
getting back to

where we were
and moving forward.

What are the first steps?

We're gonna lift
this cover right off

and we're gonna set up our pump
and we're gonna start pumping.

- The water is pretty high in there.
- Was it?

When we get to the
bottom, we'll be ready.

it was sealed shut

at the surface last winter,

the Garden Shaft has
become filled to the top

with groundwater,
and possibly inflow

from the legendary
booby-trapped flood tunnel

that originates
from Smith's Cove.

While it will take
several days to drain,

the water has actually
helped to preserve

the wood in the structure.

CRAIG: Well, I'm
eager to get down

to the tunnel level,
see what that is.

And to drill out,

and see what we
find from drilling out.

NARRATOR: Over the coming weeks,

the team from Dumas
Contracting Limited

will use the massive

along with a 3-ton hammer grab,

to excavate the muck and water

from the bottom of the shaft.

Then, they will build
two additional levels,

or sets, down to a
depth of some 100 feet,

breaching the tunnel below it.

Depending on what is discovered,

the Oak Island team will
also be able to probe drill out

as much as 40 feet in
every direction from the shaft

to look for evidence
of valuables.

And, if necessary,
they can construct

new lateral tunnels in order
to recover any verified targets.

We need to get to the
bottom of the Garden Shaft.

We have a potential
tunnel that could be

going to an offset chamber.

There could be treasure
itself right below there.

And there could be things

that were left in there
from a long time ago

that are also very
substantive clues.

So, there's lots of
things that could happen

in the Garden Shaft.

This year we have a
chance to find treasure.

I think we all want to get
down there to the bottom.

- I'll go first!
- [laughter]

You said it right, mate,
unfinished business.

This year we could get
down there and actually

hold shiny gold
things in our hands.

I want to hand these keys to
open this up to Dan Henskee.

We all have immense
respect and admiration

for what Dan has done
almost his entire adult life.

And so, Dan, I'm going
to hand them to you.

- Oh, yeah.
- And I want you to

hand them to Roger,

and we can get this
party started, if you will.

Ooh, don't want to lose these.


RICK: Dan Henskee,

I've said it many times,

has lived, breathed
and bled Oak Island.

This is what he was meant to do,

and I think to honor him
is the right thing to do.

All right, Dan. Let's
get this puppy open.

Oh, yeah.

I'll get back here
out of the way a little.

GARY: Time to
open Pandora's box.

- BILL: There we go.
- RICK: There you go, yeah.

So, gentlemen, this is
what we're dealing with.

- Oh, boy. -Wow.
- Wow.

ROGER: That's what we got, guys.

[team exclaiming]

Well, I'm ready.


Dive in.

Did you hear that?

That's treasure
calling our name.


Treasure, answers,

call it what you will,

but there's something
at the bottom of this shaft.

- Oh, yeah.
- And I think

you are the team
to make it happen.

So, let's get some answers.

- What do you say?
- Absolutely.

- Roger...
- Looking forward to it.

We're gonna give
you the go-ahead signal.

- You have at her. You and the team.
- Absolutely.

It won't be long, we'll
get you down there.


All right, let's go, guys.

- ALEX: All right.
- TERRY: Out we go. Lead us out, Dan.

NARRATOR: For brothers
Rick and Marty Lagina

and their team, the long wait

to see what lies beneath
the Garden Shaft,

and perhaps in the
original Money Pit,

may finally be nearing an end.

And a dream that has
been collectively shared

by searchers for more
than two centuries...

- RODNEY: Ready?
- ROGER: Good.

soon be fulfilled.

But if so, just
what is down there

waiting to be revealed?

A vast cache of silver and gold?

Priceless religious artifacts?

On Oak Island, only
one thing is certain.

She fiercely protects

her precious secrets.

Next time on The
Curse of Oak Island...

MAX: We're excited
to present the results

from the Muon tomography.
So what we're seeing is

high-density anomaly below
the surface of the Money Pit.

- We think its Aladdin's Cave.
- It could lead to the treasure.

I think I've hit a void.

TERRY: The plot thickens.

Oh, it's a... Look at that.

RICK: This is really something.

There are letters stamped on it.

Whoa! It could be very old.
