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02x03 - Love in Paradise

Posted: 04/17/24 09:03
by bunniefuu



I said yes to Kyle...

because I do... I do have feelings for Kyle.

I'm just scared that I made a decision

that was the wrong decision. I don't know.

I really care about Shayne.

I think he's a beautiful person.

I've told Shayne that I liked him,
but I've not really said,

"I have deep feelings for you."

And from what I've observed,
he definitely needs reassurance.

I've been way too passive.

I'm finally strong enough

to have the courage
to do what I have to do.

I just wanted you to know
that I do have deep feelings for you.

I do envision a life
with you together, and I do...

Honestly, I really do care for you a lot.

Like, I do... I do have your back,
and I would be loyal to you

and faithful to you and...

fight for you,
and be that rock in your life,

and a true wife to you.

I've expressed
this kind of stuff,

and I was kind of waiting
for that to happen with you and it...


It's like we wasted so much f*cking time
the last two days not even talking.

I wished you would've said that like...

No, I know.

...days earlier now.

And it's like, I...
I felt the same way.

I just wish we had that f*cking time back
the last couple days.

I know. I took a backseat and I regret it.

My pride definitely got in the way.


God. f*ck.

I know. I'm really sorry.

I know.


f*ck, I don't even know
what to think right now. God!

And we can keep this private
so it doesn't...

Well, trust me, it's not gonna f*ckin'...
That's not for anyone else's business.

You had the chance.

This is not happening now. The connection
I have with Natalie is just so strong.

It's too late for that.

♪ Sometimes the night ♪

♪ Sometimes the night, it never ends ♪

I just said yes to Kyle.
Like, me saying that to Shayne,

knowing that he's gonna propose
to Natalie. That sounds so f*cked up.

But, like, I did see a life with Shayne.

You feel you can get that out of Natalie,
what you think you're wanting?

I hope you do find it.

I don't wanna look like that person...
that's, like, making judgments

on what their life would look like,

but I would be the only one
that can really be that...

wife for him in a real genuine
and authentic way.

Looking back,
I just regret not... opening up sooner.



♪ Will the world make us liars? ♪

♪ Will we fall or take it higher? ♪

What Shaina said to me today,
I needed that two days ago.

It's just... It's too late.

Natalie makes me feel secure.
She makes me feel safe.

This has been the one that I am
fully gonna give all my heart to,

and I don't even know what she looks like.

And, quite frankly,
I really don't care, because I love her.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How are you doing?
- I'm good.

- I'm a man of a lot of words.
- I know.

So, when I don't have a lot of words,
honestly, it's, like...

That's what happens with you.
I get those butterflies with you.

I get all the special feelings for you.

This last week and a half
has been life-changing.

I mean...

I'm gonna get down on a knee.

You can't see me, but...

Natalie, I mean, I love you.

I cannot wait to see you,
explore the rest of my life with you.

Um, so, Natalie...

will you marry me?

Yes. Oh my gosh, of course.


- I wish I could just kiss you right now.
- I know. Same.

- I'm so f*cking happy.
- I know. Me too.

I'm so excited
to spend the rest of my life with you.

It's so cruel now. It's, like,
I just wanna run through a wall.

I'm so excited for this.

I'm ready for it.

My heart's pounding
out of my chest right now.

It's f*cking crazy.

I'm an engaged person. Yes.

Very happy.

I can't f*ckin' stop moving around.

I'm just so excited.

I love you, and I will see you tomorrow.

- I love you too.
- Okay. Oh my God.

- All right, I'll see you tomorrow.
- Okay.

My God.

Holy f*ck.

My God!

Oh, my God!

Natalie is the complete package.

I'm excited to spend literally
every waking moment with Natalie.

I just can't wait.
I just need to see her and touch her.

To make sure she's real.

♪ No matter where this train may go
We will go there together ♪

Outside of what f*cking happened
to me last year,

this is the scariest shit in my life.

I've really put myself out there
in a way that I haven't done in the past,

and I am invested.

I feel like Jarrette and I are having
similar feelings for Mallory.

I feel that, and I know that,

but all I can focus on
is what I feel for Mallory.

And we acknowledge
that Mallory has a choice.

And that's out of our control.

It's just a lot, man.

You know what's f*cking great
about all this though, bro?

This is what being human is about, dude.

- I want to feel this, dude. I wanna...
- Yeah.

I don't care if I'm hurt.
I don't care if I'm in pain.

I'm f*cking alive, dude.

I don't believe that I have felt...


...stuff like this ever in my life.

We got one life to live, you know? Like...

shit can be good one day,

and the next day,
shit can be completely different.

I know that I'm here for a reason.

I'm alive for a reason. I'm doing
this experiment for a reason, you know?

I can't tell you why the f*ck
these women are running through my mind

and I'm feeling all types of ways
for these women.

I can't make this shit out.

I'm not gonna be okay
until I get down on a knee

to the person that I feel like
is the best one here for me,

- and she says yes.
- Hoo.

The weight of the world
is gonna be lifted off of my shoulders.

Yeah, man.

Earlier this week, I was going
back and forth between Mallory and Iyanna,

but over the past couple days,
I've gained clarity.

I can definitely see myself proposing
and having a life with Iyanna,

but I want to propose to Mallory
and it's gonna feel crazy, you know.

I'm gonna feel a whirlwind of emotions,

but I'll be celebrating
my 50th anniversary with Mallory.

This is for life.

♪ Take what you want from me ♪

♪ It's all I have ♪

♪ Fire and adversity ♪

♪ I'll be as brave as I have to be ♪


- Oh my God!
- Ho-ho!

It's Taco Tuesday and we were talking
about how tacos are your favorite food.

- So...
- Yeah.

This is so nice.

Oh my God, you're so sweet!

I feel like the connection
that we've made, the bond is there.

We're... I like so much about you,

and it just... It feels right.

It's enough there for me to be like,

"You know what? I can see myself
with this person for the rest of my life."


Do you really see a future with me?
Like, if I was to propose to you?

I'm such a f*cking ugly crier.

Since the beginning, I just...

I connect with you so well, and I...

We have so much in common,
and I could talk to you about everything

and it's fun and I laugh with you a lot.
And I love talking to you all the time.

You're such an amazing person, and...


there's always really been two people
I've just felt very strongly for,

and I feel like
my other connection is just, um...

I feel like I'm just drawn more to that.

♪ When the sun goes down ♪

♪ I know I've finally found
My final round ♪

I'm really sorry.


♪ Oh, but someone out there say ♪

♪ You feel the same way that I feel now ♪

Are you okay?


No, I'm not.

I could see a lot of stuff with you,

but I can't help but feeling...

- I mean, I don't know what to...
- What can I say?

Like, damn, it's over.

It's like one decision
just changes your life.

It's just overwhelming, like...

With Sal it's just,
like, I can't ignore it.

I feel like Sal's more, like, my heart.

I never thought
that I'd be in this position.

I don't wanna hurt anyone else.

I don't want
to make anyone feel like that.

♪ I keep hurting myself ♪

♪ 'Cause my mind just can't take it ♪

- ♪ Don't give me your heart ♪
- I'm sorry.

♪ 'Cause I know I just break it ♪

♪ On the stone cold floor ♪

Oh my God.

♪ I can't go anymore ♪

♪ I can't go anymore ♪

♪ Is there some way to go back ♪

♪ To the life I wish I had
Before I went bad? ♪


Do you want privacy?


Okay. I'm here if you need something.

♪ I tried all that I should ♪

♪ But I'm out now ♪

You all right?

f*ck no, I'm not.

I asked her, if I was to propose to her,
would she accept?

She said, "No. My feelings
are stronger for someone else."

You can tell me to, seriously,
like, f*ck off right now,

but I know you connected with Iyanna.
You know she's very into you as well.

Everybody knows she is.

♪ I can't go anymore ♪

I could not fall asleep last night.
I'm so excited for this.

Not that I even care
about what he looks like,

but it's just the fact that I get to
touch him and kiss him and hug him.

But, yeah, I'm so nervous,
I'm gonna puke, pretty much.


I've never had this feeling
ever in my entire life,

and I live off of adrenaline.

I just truly feel like, you know,
she's the most genuine person in the world

and I'm ready to f*cking, like,
break through some walls to see her.

Oh my God.
It's like I'm peeking. Okay.

No one else outside of this experiment
will ever be able to understand

how it's even possible, but it's true.

When you take everything else
out of the equation,

everything else that doesn't matter,

you fall in love,
if it's the right person.

Oh f*ck.

If he looks like,
I don't know, like an ogre,

it wouldn't impact my love for him.

And I know, you know,
it would be the same way for him.

I hope so, at least.

Holy shit.

'Cause I'm just me,
just average little old me. So...

This is so f*cked. Yeah.

Natalie is the perfect human being.
What she looks like doesn't matter to me.

If she was missing a tooth,
then I'd probably run the other way,

but like... You wouldn't?

Oh my God.

You know, you would run too.
Like, a missing tooth? Come on.

- I spent thousands on my teeth.
- It's, like... I have limits.

And a missing front tooth is
a limit for me. I can't do it.

Oh my God.


Hi! Oh my gosh!

Oh my goodness.

When I was walking down and I saw Natalie,

everything's sweating
like crazy and I'm like,

"I gotta kiss her
before I start sweating all over."

How are you?

I'm better.

- Yeah.
- I can't... Oh my gosh.

I can't believe...

So, again, will you marry me?

Yeah, absolutely! Oh my gosh!

Holy shit.

It's so great. It's beautiful.

You know what?
You are actually so beautiful.

♪ Catch me 'cause I'm falling for you ♪

♪ Falling for you ♪


Oh my God.

Oh my God. You... Oh my God.

- You look so good. Stop.
- Should we dance a little bit?

- Should we?
- Yeah.

You're literally nothing
like I would've expected.

- Why?
- But, like, everything.

He's hot as F.

I was surprised that he was suave
and confident and good-looking.

He comes off so goofy.
So, I think in my head, I just thought of,

you know, like the image
you'd associate with a goofy person.

It's like a cherry on top that,
like, he's so good-looking.


Honestly, I'm just done talking right now.

I just am so done talking.
You know, I go on...

When he kissed me,

it was probably
the best moment of my life.

I've kissed boys, but, like,

I think because there was a love there,
it feels so different.

What'll we do
when we first see each other?

I think you know what we'll do.


Honey! Little sassy.
Are we going to tickle a little bit?

It feels so right and so good.
And it feels electric.

- All right, one more.
- Okay, bye.

- All right, bye!
- Bye, love you!

Natalie has exceeded every expectation
I've had in my life.

Everything that I ever wanted in a wife.

Seeing that smile, she has
the most beautiful smile in the world,

and hearing her voice
just makes me feel so at home.

Oh my God.

God, I wish everyone
could experience the feeling I'm feeling.

I came here to find a wife.

I cannot wait
to make it official with her.

Oh my God.

Meeting Shayne today,
it absolutely was the best day of my life.

I can't wait to see him again and spend
the next chapter of our lives together.

A thousand chapters of our lives together.

Feel so...

Now, we have to figure out
how do we work as a couple

in the real world,
where there are distractions

and meeting my parents...

Um, hmm.

That's gonna be interesting.
But I just love the way I feel right now.

Oh my God.

I'm so confident in us, and I'm so excited

for our marriage
and everything else that's about to come.

♪ Dragging all my chains
I don't wanna change ♪

♪ I'm not getting rid of all my friends
Haunting where I've been ♪

My stomach's definitely turning right now.
It's turning.

Mallory had also told me
that she was dating other people,

which is fine.
That's what we're all here to do.

But it was like a punch to the gut,
a really big punch to the gut.

I was definitely taken aback.

I know that I was dating two women.
I had strong connection with both women.

You know, I could have went either way

and I think that's why every day,
I was kind of flipping sides.

Like, today, it might be Mallory.

Tomorrow it might be Iyanna,
and vice versa.

Iyanna is truly there for me
and loves me for me.

If she's still in,
I can see myself proposing to her too,

because a day ago,
I was on the fence of who I was choosing

between Iyanna and Mallory.
I'm trying to gather my thoughts

on how to have
this conversation with Iyanna.

So I'm just all over the place right now.

I look like I'm keeping it together,
but I'm all over.

♪ So, baby, don't ♪

♪ Try to talk me out of seeing ghosts ♪

- Hello.
- Hello.

Hello, hello, hello.

What's up?

What it do, baby?

You sound low energy. What's up?

- Something I need to talk to you about.
- Okay.


Just trying to find the words.

Obviously, I've been,
you know, dating you and...

And 14 other women. I know.

But I know you've had
a connection with Mallory.

Yeah. I had a strong bond
with both of y'all.

I've literally been going
back and forth every day.

And so, I did...
I had a date with Mallory earlier.

And I, like, asked a question.

"If I was to propose to you,
how would you feel?"

You know, and she pretty much told me,
like, our connection is cool,

our connection is strong,
but I feel strongly about someone else.

I didn't get the response that I wanted,
you know.

I also don't want you to feel like you're
second fiddle because I still envision

what marriage would be like with you.

I was so sure
that I wanted to be with you.

I can't help but to think, like,

if Mallory had said yes,
that you would have proposed to her,

and I don't know how I feel about that.

I mean, my feelings
for you don't just subside in...

- I know that. But...
- ...a couple of hours.

...I deserve someone
who wants to be certain about me.

Kinda feel like this whole process
is all uncertainty,

and I feel like that's why I was going
back and forth every day.

I think her telling me no, just really

kind of just gives me my validation
that I needed.

You know, because I was... I knew
that I can see myself with both of y'all.

And I think her telling me no, it just...
It makes my decision easier.

Do you feel strongly enough
about me to propose?


My heart just feels torn,

because I don't... I don't know.

If she had said yes,

do you think
that was all you needed to propose?


♪ Say something, I'm giving up on you ♪

Like, it would have...

Honestly, I just would've...
It would've been a...

♪ I'll be the one, if you want me to ♪

I don't know.

♪ Anywhere, I would have followed you ♪

♪ Say something, I'm giving up on you ♪

♪ And I'm sorry
That I couldn't get to you ♪

♪ And anywhere, I would've followed you ♪

♪ Oh ♪

I'm terrified.

I never wanna feel
like someone's second choice.

Yes, I am strong,
but I am very fragile at the same time.

♪ Say something, I'm giving up on you ♪

♪ Say something, I'm giving up on you ♪

♪ Say something ♪


When I came here, I did not
expect to find someone like Mallory.

She just reminds me so much of home.

I found my best friend.

I am in love with Mallory.

I feel like I've always been
so careful with that word.

This is new territory for me,

but I am in love with her.


- Hello.
- Hey.


- How are you?
- I'm pretty good. How are you?

I'm really good. Yeah.

I, like, play this in my head, uh...

a lot of times.

- Mm-hmm.
- I, um, remember our first date.

And how I felt afterward.

I drew two little stars
and a pepper next to your name.

That's so funny.

I remember you just sharing with me
how much you cared about your family

and the value that they hold
in your life, you know,

and that really meant so much to me.

I know that you will take
nothing more than my best.

And I love how you bring out

my most thoughtful,
my most vulnerable version,

because you deserve nothing less.
You deserve that.

You literally have, like,
my best in your hands right now,

and falling in love with you
has changed me as a person.


Will you marry me?

Oh my God.

You kind of scared me a little bit,


Why, Mal?

Because I was afraid to

be emotionally available.

Yeah. Yeah.

But I don't want to run from that anymore.

Yes, I will marry you.

I will.

♪ Memories disappear
Through the centuries ♪

♪ But I won't leave you empty, not me ♪

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

- Oh my God.
- Did you get on one knee?

- I did.
- Oh my God.

Still on one.

Holy f*ck.

Oh my God.
I just wanna hug you and kiss you.

Me too. Me too.

I'm so excited.

When I see you tomorrow, can I kiss you?

Yes, you can.


What the f*ck?

Yeah, I'm engaged.


I fell in love with Shaina through a wall,

and now I'm gonna go pick her up,

give her a kiss.

Maybe. Or I get punched in the face

for all the Bible jokes.

Coming to this experiment

has definitely been
a life-changing experience.

It's just been a lot.
I just got engaged to a man,

and then told another man
I had feelings for him the whole time,

but never really was clear
or transparent with him.

I'm all of a sudden talking
about the man I'm engaged to,

even though we have
all these huge differences.

I'm just like... It's been crazy.

Oh my God.

I'm concerned
that she's gonna have hesitations

based off my appearance,

or my bad breath.

She loves that I have a physical job
and that I work with my hands.

She likes a masculine man.

That's why I grew out my beard.

I just... I'm confident
that her and I will physically

be perfect for each other.

I don't know why.
It's just the feeling that I have.

That's just how I feel.
I just think we've bonded over everything.

Man, I'm shaking over here.

Me seeing Kyle,
I think it will give me clarity.

I have to feel him, I have to touch him,
I have to see him, so it is real.

I think it will give me that

reassurance and calmness.

When I see him,
I think I'm gonna know. I feel scared.

Oh my God.

You. Look at you.

How are you?

Oh my God.

♪ The crashing waves ♪

♪ I'll never leave your side ♪

I see her and I'm like,

"Shit. I'm a slouch.
Way out of my league."

Imagine you're standing
next to a supermodel.

You're, like... You're gonna feel
like a piece of shit. That's how I felt.

She told me she doesn't care how I look,

but she puts a lot of effort
into how she looks.

Oh my God.

Your f*cking smile.

- Oh my God.
- You... are gorgeous!

Thank you. So are you.

♪ I'll never leave
I'll never leave your side ♪


- I'm, like, shaking.
- Oh my God.

- Oh my God, you're... Oh my...
- You're so sweet.

- You're a lot nicer in person.
- I know.

I'm just, like, soaking it all in.

Yeah. So is my shirt.

You're making me sweat over here.

- You're hot.
- Yeah.


I'm so
physically attracted to her.

It's crazy.

Her being that attractive and sexy
and pretty and cute is all a bonus

to what I already loved about her.

No, it's crazy.

Now what?


This engagement, um...

I'm scared that, like,
given our differences and everything...

- Mm-hmm.
- ...if it's gonna be a problem.

And so, I'm just, like, freaking out.

About what?

I don't wanna make a mistake,
and I don't want you to.

I don't want us getting caught up
in the excitement.

But are you willing to try?


Are you willing to give it a try?

Part of me is like, "Go for it,"

and another half is like, "Be wise here."

You know it's for the best
not to go there,

because it could be a beautiful thing,

or it can be very combative
and it could get toxic and ugly.

- Yeah.
- And I don't want that.

- Right.
- At all.


I'm crazy about you.

I'd have so much fun with you and it'd be
such an amazing adventure with you.

- And I don't know what to do.
- Yeah. Yeah.

- I'm just being 100% transparent with you.
- Yeah.

Well, we're gonna have to make an effort.

Have some hope.

I was kind of taken aback,

because her and I seemed
very confident going into this.

And I think that she wanted
to tell me in person that,

like, "You're amazing,
but don't think that it's all

fairy tales and rainbows from here."

♪ Do you wonder
Do you wonder ♪

♪ Will it all work out? ♪

The connection
that Shaina and I have is... is incredible.

I can't even explain it.

After all the things we've talked about
and all the shit we went through,

I think it will be impossible
to pull us apart.

I'm confident that we will get married.

It's just going to be

an interesting journey there.

♪ Everybody feels it sometimes ♪

- I want it to stop.
- What did you say you feel?

Anxious. So, I'm gonna go in
and I'm just gonna be super transparent.

I don't know how she'll react.
Gonna put it out there, man.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

♪ Can we go back ♪

♪ Can we go back ♪

♪ To how we were? ♪

This experiment
has been unreal.

I'm like, there's no f*cking way
that these people are falling in love

and being married
within this short amount of time.

There's no way.
But now, I 100% see how it's possible.

I don't even think
I could put it in words.

Like, I did fall in love in the pods,
and this is my first time saying it.


- Hello?
- Hello.

How are you?

♪ I can't forget ♪

I am overwhelmed.

Yesterday's situation kind of fed into
one of my worst insecurities and, like,

I knew how certain I was
about you days ago.

I just... It scares me that
you weren't so certain about me.

I was literally
just going through the process.

I've done things
a little unorthodox doing this, you know.

But I came in with an open mind,
with an open heart,

telling myself that if I make
a strong-ass connection with someone,

then I would take that leap of faith.

We've had a lot of deep,
thought-provoking conversations

and the biggest thing that I value
and like about you is your strength.

You've been dealt some...
some crazy-ass hands in life.

You've proven time and time again
at every obstacle in your way,

everything thrown your way,
you've powered through,

and that just goes to show,
you know, the testament of your character.


I had a long talk
with God this morning and...




Will you marry me?





That is not what I expected you to say.

You have no hesitations?

I wouldn't be standing right here
asking you to marry me if I did.

I'll be honest. Like, I'm really scared.

I'm like, really, really scared.

I mean, love is scary.
But, you know, I feel like I have enough.

I know what I need to know
to know that this can be successful.

Are you sure?

I'm positive.

I got you and you got me.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, what?

Yeah, I'll marry you.

Let's go!

Let's go!

What the f*ck?
What is wrong with us? This is crazy!

Oh my God.

What just happened?

Oh God!

Part of me feels like,
"Iyanna, what the f*ck? Run!"

and then the other part is like,
"Wait a second. This is what you wanted."

This is not how I ever envisioned
getting proposed to.

We're on bended knee through a wall.

We're some weirdos.

Listen, we're gonna be
weird together, forever.

♪ There's no space in between us ♪

♪ Take my hand and we'll leave 'cause ♪

♪ We are the dreamers ♪


What the f*ck just happened?
What the f*ck just happened?!

Oh God!

I'm freaking out!

She f*cking said yes!

♪ We are the dreamers ♪

Oh my...

I'm so excited to meet Sal
and to explore that relationship,

but, man, I'm f*cking proud of myself.

Ah, this is so nerve-racking.

I think sometimes I've lacked confidence
in so many areas of my life,


...I don't know why.

Why am I so nervous?

But... I'm really happy about who I am,

and I hope my parents are really proud
about who they raised.

And I'm so confident
in myself and my decisions,

and that includes this whole experiment

and my relationship with Sal.

Oh my God.

He's just so thoughtful and considerate,

and I fully deserve
and embrace that type of love from Sal,

and I wouldn't have realized that

if I didn't go through
this experiment with him.

Love is really blind, you know,
because this love is unconditional.

I don't know what she looks like,
but I've never felt as deep a connection

as I have with Mallory,
and I am very attracted to her.

And I can't wait.

I can't wait.

Holy shit. Should have taken a shot.

My head initially goes to,
"What if he doesn't like me?"

"What if there's something
he doesn't find attractive?"

Like the big scar on my knee?
Like the blemishes that I have.

Oh my God.

I don't know. Like, it's scary.


I have my insecurities
just like any other person.

Those thoughts like, "Am I good enough?
Am I good enough for this person?"

Oh my God.

Oh my God.


It's nice to see you in person.

- Oh my God.
- Hi! Hi, how are you?

- How are you?
- Good. How are you?


This is crazy.

- I don't know what to do now.
- Why don't you and me...

- You wanna come over here at my side and...
- Sure.

Oh my God.

- It's so good to see you.
- It's so good to see you.

- How do you feel?
- I feel amazing.

- Yeah?
- You look great.

- And I'm excited to be here with you.
- Yeah, same.

- And finally get to see you.
- Yeah, same. Did you picture, like...

- Not at all. Not at all.
- What? No? No?

But, oh my gosh,

you are beautiful, Mal.

Are you ready for the... the next part?

Mm-hmm. I'm ready. What are you feeling?

- Excited and scared.
- I just want you to know I'm here.

And I know this is scary.
I know this is really new,

but I'm ready to face this with you, Mal.
I'm here for you.


- Same.
- Get over here.

I hope she liked me.

I was trying to kiss her
a little bit more, but I...

I'm just... I don't know.

The physical can grow and it will.

It will, and I'm just excited
to see her again.

I'm definitely in my head.

I'm very attracted to him emotionally,

but physically, like,

I don't really... I don't know.

There's no...

There's nothing wrong with him. It's just...

It's not something
I can really put my finger on, I guess.

I don't know. I...
This is, like, throwing me off,

'cause now I'm not feeling good about it.

And I was feeling really good about it.

See you after.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Oh. Just breathe.

Just breathe.

I know how broken he was
when Mallory said no,

but he's not the only one
who was torn between two people.

I found my fiancé.

I know that Iyanna loves me
for who I am on the inside.

I don't think she cares
about what I look like.

I'm gonna be happy as hell.
Whatever she is or looks like,

I'll be happy and I just can't wait.

Oh f*ck.

Oh my God.

Oh God.

Okay. Lord, help me.

Oh God!

- Hi, Jarrette.
- Oh my God.

What's up, babe?

- Oh my God. What?
- Hi!

Oh, this is weird.


♪ This love ♪

♪ Tell me, what's there to lose? ♪

Hey, baby.

Can you breathe?

A little bit. Barely.

Whoo. Man, oh, man.
She's f*cking beautiful.

Like, she just fits like a glove
when I hug her.

I didn't expect her to look like that.

Her voice does not match
what she looks like.

But I'm happy as hell.


Listen, I got something for you.

- You ready? Are you sure?
- Uh-oh.

Are you sure?

Oh, you picked a good one.

Babe! This is adorab...

Oh God.

And it matches my dress.

Oh my God.

You disappointed?

- No, not at all.
- You sure?

- I promise.
- Are you sure?

I promise.

He has a big head, so I'm a little nervous
for my cervix, but he's so cute!

And you smell so good!

I can still smell him. Sorry.

Like, I don't know.
I have to keep this dress forever.

This is an important dress.

Oh my.

Oh my God.

- All right.
- Oh my God.

- Stop shakin'.
- I can't. I literally can't.

- 'Cause I'mma start getting too weird.
- Oh my God. It looks really good.

- Did this pick this all by yourself?
- I did.

- All by yourself?
- I did.

Hey, good taste. Okay, good taste.

Come on.
Oh yeah, come on. Uh-huh.


This is so pretty. You did a good job.

Oh my God. Come here.

♪ It just takes one ♪

♪ I can feel it in my bones ♪

The rest of the world,
they won't understand, but, like,

it's my life, you know,

and my heart is telling me
that Iyanna's the one for me.


It's not for anyone else to understand.
It's for me, my feelings, and my fiancée.

That's all that matters.
I'm the one that's getting married.

You're so cute!

Oh my God!


♪ Some say we're dreamers ♪

♪ Shining like the sun ♪

Six couples fell in love and got engaged,

sight unseen.

Oh my God!

Hi. How are you?

What's up, babe?

After finally seeing each other
for the very first time,

they're now with us in Mexico
for a romantic getaway.

Here, they'll discover
if their physical connection

is as strong as their emotional one.

Until this point, only thing that's
mattered is who they are on the inside.

Now their love will be put to the test.

Will their looks, background
and insecurities of the real world

be too much for them to overcome?

- Their weddings are just four weeks away.
- Will love be enough?

Don't look.
I was supposed to get a pedicure.

I could give a shit.

- I do care about myself.
- I don't care...

Like, I wouldn't care
if you didn't have any nails.

Your hair is amazing.

- It's not the greatest today.
- What, the humidity?

What's your natural hair color?

Naturally, I'm a dark dirty blonde.

So, that ring...

- Love it. It's beautiful. Can I be honest?
- What?

I'm shocked that your mom let me wear it.

Don't tell her. She doesn't know.

I didn't wanna lose it.
I've been wearing it as a thumb ring.

- I don't want you to feel like...
- What do you mean? Feel like what?

Like we didn't get our own ring.

- I don't care.
- But we will get it.

I don't care.

We'll get it, is what I was gonna say.

Isn't that funny? I don't care.

I thought my ring was prettier
than everybody's.

It's unique and old.

That's why I like...
I'm unique and I'm old... er.

You're right. I forgot.

You're a baby.

I'll whip you into shape.
It's okay. Like a training process.

♪ Are you going to take me home? ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't want
To spend this night alone ♪

- I love when you touch me.
- Oh yeah?

I was questioning it at first.
Like, do I find him attractive?

But I'm like, I am so in it with him.

Like, to finally see him physically

and, like, how he walked,
how he ate food, how he drank,

how he just interacted with me.

I just found him
so physically attractive and I'm just... Oh!

Just all the emotions. I'm here for it.

- Come over here.
- Oh my God.

- You're so cute!
- You're so cute.

I, like,

literally never have I just been so... good.

I've never felt so just, like, calm,

and so sure everything's gonna be fine.
No, we're definitely getting married.

I just wanna have babies with him.

Literally, I do.

♪ ...take me home? ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't want
To spend this night alone ♪

I could kiss you all day,
I'm cool with it.


I'm so pumped for this.

This at night's gonna be
so f*cking awesome.

I love this.
Okay, what do you wanna do here?

- I want... Well, you know what. I mean...
- What?

These two rooms are probably perfect.
And then the hot tub.

That's not happening.

- You... It's my birthday.
- No, f*ck that.

It's my birthday.

I can use that excuse for at least
the next ten hours, I think, so...

- I'm f*cking outta here. I'm just kidding.
- Oh my God.

Did you get me a present?

- You'll just have to see tonight.
- Ooh...

- What do you say?
- Say what? f*cking pour me.

- What do you say?
- What?

- I need a little...
- Oh. Please?

- Something else.
- Is that what you were saying?

No, just something nice about me.

Pour me, then I'll give you a compliment.

That's a lie, but I'll allow it.
'Cause I'm a nice guy.

- See? I'm not egotistical. I'm a nice guy.
- I think you're a piece of shit.

- You're being a little mean.
- Really? You need words of affirmation?

Yeah. Just...

Okay, I think you're hot.
Here, does that help you?

Yeah, that's the first nice thing
you've said about me.

I think you have really nice eyes.

Oh my God.

Natalie is absolutely gorgeous.
I think she's beautiful.

Her style,
everything she's got going for her,

that hasn't been a problem whatsoever.

But communication's a little different
than the pod so far.

I don't know if she's just nervous
and that's how she reacts

a little bit to the situation,
but I wanted a little more affection.

I'm flustered, I'm confused.

I just don't understand what's going on.

♪ I know you know ♪

♪ That I'm willing ♪

♪ And I'm ready to let go ♪

I have a weird thing to tell you.

So, I've been making my own toothpaste.

- Oh God. No.
- Bear with me.

- I don't like that.
- Seven years. Seven years.

- Out of what?
- I have great teeth.

Baking soda, coconut oil,

sometimes charcoal.

Yeah, it's all natural.

Can I smell it?

Yeah. I put some peppermint essential oil
in there. It's great.

- This is toothpaste to you?
- Correct.

I'm just saying.

- Does smell like toothpaste.
- I know it does. I know what I'm doing.

All natural.

All for you.

- Oh, I have my own toothpaste.
- Just trust me now.

Trust me, I brought toothpaste.

Smoothest teeth anybody's ever had.

- Smooth?
- I don't get cavities.

I've never been like,
"Wow. He has smooth teeth."

Maybe you're not looking close enough.
I just brush until I feel good.

Think it's weird I make my own toothpaste?

- Yeah.
- Does it change your feelings about me?


Okay, good. I make my own body wash too.


...doesn't shock me at all.

I'm a hippie. Low key. Secretly.

I'm not. I'm the opposite.

Everything natural.
It's the only way to go.

I'm gonna switch out his toothpaste
with real stuff.

There's no way he's gonna continue
with that. It tastes so bad.

I don't know how his breath doesn't smell.

- Don't watch me.
- What are you talking about?

We're gonna get married. I'm gonna watch
you brush your teeth a lot.

- Ready? I got a surprise for you.
- Kind of.


- Wow, look at you. You little romantic.
- Shall we?

Shall we? We shall.

We have our respectable dishes.

- Oh my gosh.
- Isn't it? Beautiful.

- Wait, is yours vegetarian?
- Yeah. Go ahead. Cheers.

I'm feeling very blessed and happy,

but it's one of those feelings
where it's like,

it's a little too good to be true.

Are you pissed
that you're with a Christian?

No, I don't even know what that is.

- Yeah, I know you don't.
- You gotta teach me.


- Listen, if you speak in...
- That's so cool!

- Parables?
- Yeah, like, in pretty language.

- Okay.
- And give great quotes, I am all ears.

- What is yours? Eggplant?
- Yes. I'm so excited about it.

- I'm actually jealous.
- We can share.

- No! Do not do that.
- I'll eat it. I will eat it for you.

It's our first night. I might as well.

It's very sweet of you. Wait.
When's the last time you actually ate...?

Eight years.


You're breaking it?

- Just for you.
- Oh my God. Ew. You need to eat meat.

We're gonna cut you a good piece.
Okay, ready?

- Yeah. I want all the sauce.
- I want this.

We're gonna make you a really good bite.

I hate feeding people.
I think it's so cheesy.

- Well... Too late.
- But I fed you. Says a lot.

It's so good.

It was meant to be.

- Good.
- I'm dying to try the bread.

- Eat it!
- I'm gonna.

If you don't eat the bread,
it's gonna be really unattractive.

Holy f*ck. I'm always being tested.

Eat it. You're a guy.

A guy that doesn't eat the bread
is weird to me.

When I first saw Kyle
it kind of scared me in a way.

I'm like, oh my God, like...

Do I want to have
the conversation with Kyle

about our differences?



- Are you gonna go shower?
- Yeah.

I'm kidding. I'm gonna...
I'm just gonna chill.

It's one of those things where it's like,
again, you're preparing for the worst,

hoping for the best,
but you don't want to know the answer,

but you know the answer.

How was your shower? Do you feel better?

- Hell yeah.
- Did you have a cold shower?

Yeah, I left it at yours.
Should we go to bed?

Um, yes, can we sit?

- You want me to sit?
- Sit. Sit, sit, sit.

- All right.
- Um...

- Okay, I'd like to talk to you.
- Okay.

I actually
am not used to setting boundaries.

- But I want to do this the right way.
- What does that mean?

- Again, I'm not...
- Normally what?

No, I'm not used to
setting good boundaries.

- And it usually ends up in disaster.
- Yeah.

This is the first time
we're actually spending time together.

- And I wanna do this the right way.
- Okay.

Um, I'd think for the first night

that we'd spend the night
in separate rooms.

- How do you feel about that?
- I don't know. Like...

- What, you don't trust me?
- No. Oh my God. No.

Then what?

- I just want to, you know, set boundaries.
- Yeah.

- I know you're probably...
- No, I just thought it's more bonding...

A hundred percent.

- No pressure, but...
- No!

I would never think that.
I wouldn't choose, like...

But that's, like, the best time.

It's like, be yourself.


You know?

I know.


But whatever you think.

Are you angry?

- No, but I didn't expect that.
- I know.

I... I get it.

- Do you?
- So...

- I'll see you tomorrow morning.
- You're gonna go to your room now?


- um, 7:40.
- Oh my God. It's early.

Oh my God.

- All right.
- See you tomorrow morning.



Okay, bye.

♪ It used to be warmer ♪

♪ Saved all the light that was ours ♪

Everything that she was in the pods,
she's way more personable in person.

She's so much more dynamic,
and has so much more personality.

She's, like, unlike anyone else.

She's like gold-plated dynamite.

I'm... I can't believe it.

♪ It's such a long time ♪

♪ Since we retrieved what we are ♪

At the end of the day,
I think that I'm the lucky one.

I get to be with her.

I'm very lucky.

I feel we're both passionate about
what we believe in and not gonna change.

I feel like I do know
in my head what I should do.

I can leave Mexico being a single woman.

The way I felt about Shayne,

like, back in the pods,

that's in the back of my head
at the end of the day. Like, it...

It's not going away.

♪ We can be broken ♪

♪ While we reveal what we are ♪

♪ This is the time of our lives ♪

♪ This is the time of our lives ♪

♪ This is the time of our lives ♪

♪ Time of our lives ♪