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02x08 - Final Adjustments

Posted: 04/17/24 09:07
by bunniefuu
- Hi.
- Hi.


- Oh, is this Shayne?
- Yeah, this is Shayne.

Hi! How are you?

- Good!
- These are for you. Can I give you a hug?

How are you?

I'm good.

- How are you?
- These are for you.

- Thank you. Beautiful.
- Of course. How you doing, sir?

- Hey, Shayne.
- I'm Shayne. Nice to meet you, man.

- Wow. Saved by the bell.
- What?

- What do you mean?
- Or saved by the fiancé.

- Why? What happened?
- Nothing. Nothing happened.

This is Shayne.

I didn't tell my parents
about the experiment

because I wanted them
to, like, meet Shayne first in person

and just see the way
Shayne and I interact with each other,

but I... am freaking out.

- Such a big news.
- I know.

- I'm still trying to digest right now.
- Yeah.

I get that she didn't want to tell
her parents and have them freak out,

but we're getting married so quickly,
they're taking on a lot of information.

Yeah, I'm very worried because
family approval is very important to me.

So, if they don't believe in us,
that would be a very difficult thing.

- This is our first meal together.
- This is.

- What a moment.
- Yeah.

Crazy, huh?

There's probably 100 questions going
on through you guys' mind right now, but...


Nothing, I'm just giving my dad a look.

- He was my number one since day one.
- So what made him stand out?

His sense of humor.
He made me laugh a lot.

I felt the most safe and secure
with him in terms of conversation.

- Being able to open up.
- It was very easy.

We had good,
deep conversations about family

and what we want with our future.
And then we also had fun conversations.

We had days
where we played games and had fun.

That's good
because my wife's my best friend.

- Yeah?
- Really.

- Ask me if you are to me.
- No, I don't wanna know.

- Shayne, now I'm gonna grill you. Okay.
- Let's do it. I'm ready.

- You gotta let him finish his meal.
- Let's go. I can do it.

What made her stand out?

She made a point every single time
to give me reassurance and say,

"You're my number one person."

People are hesitant and afraid
to say that stuff,

to give themselves up and be vulnerable,
but she staked her claim right away.

She wasn't afraid to say it.

- Wow.
- What? You did.

- Can you imagine me being that person?
- And you were. Did you not say that?

And a few girls backed off.

So, you proposed
without seeing that person?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

You know...

- Do you feel better meeting him?
- Absolutely.

It seems like you have
a very bubbly personality.

- Thank you. I appreciate that.
- Yeah.

- What about me?
- So does she.

Natalie could be bubbly,
but she has a side that nobody sees.

Only I know.

- What side is that, Mom?
- Yeah. I'd like to see this side.

So, when she was young,

the only time I knew that she was mad
was when she'd go... like this

in front of me. That means she's mad.

I keep in my anger and then I let it go.

- Like this?
- You would know.

- You know.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm more of like a emotional talker,
heart on my shoulder kind of thing.

We figured that out when we got
into our first argument about something.

- You got into a fight already?
- Yeah.

- An argument?
- Yeah.

- We're going to.
- Yeah.

It is what it is. But we learned
we have different communication styles.

So, we learn and now I'm not gonna be
so emotional about certain situations,

and she's gotta speak a little more
so that can help me out moving forward.

- But, yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

- I'm very happy to meet you.
- Yes.

- I get it.
- But it's still too much for me to handle.

- This whole thing.
- Yes.

You know, as a mom,
I still need some time.

Makes me nervous.

Um, I do believe that marriage
isn't just about love, love, love.

- I mean, there's more to it than that.
- Yeah.

- It's not always easy.
- It won't be easy for us.

We both learned now,

it's not about just you anymore,
it's not just about me anymore.

It's about us together
and our future and everything like that.

I'm so confident that he's the one.

- No, that's really good. I mean, I'm...
- And I think vice versa.

I'm... I think that's really good that
you were able to find someone like that.

- Yeah.
- Really.

We are a very close-knit family.

Family's the number one thing for me.
I'll do anything for her.

- Are you happy it's him?
- Yes. I am. I am.

For some reason, I am, I think.

I mean, you can tell he's very...

He's very... He's, you know, genuine.

Genuine and caring person.

I know it's quick,
but we can keep hanging out,

and I promise you we will show you

that we're ready.

I'm absolutely ready for it.
A hundred percent I am.

That sounds crazy, but I just know her.
I feel I've known her for years now.

I feel a lot comfortable
now that I met you,

because I came in here
without the expectation.

- Yes.
- But now I met you,

- um, I mean, I feel really good.
- Mm-hmm.

- The energy that I get from you.
- That makes me very happy.

♪ Baby, we got that kind of love

♪ Indestructible ♪

- ♪ Indestructible ♪
- ♪ Nothing breaking our trust ♪

- ♪ No ♪
- ♪ 'Cause we got each other, all we need ♪

♪ All we need ♪

So, last night,
Mallory and I, we had an argument,

and she decided to sleep
in the other room,

and I... I slept in this room.

This person I was seeing before,

yesterday, this person showed up
to my sisters' apartment.

And my sisters, like,
saw that she was... hurting,

and they opened their doors,

but she just started going off
and saying... anything and everything.

And my sisters are there
just kind of in shock,

not really understanding what's going on

and trying to stay civil.


- Hey.
- Hey, what's up?

- I feel like we need to talk.
- Uh, okay.

Mallory was upset about this.

It's hard for me to understand why
somebody would go to those kind of...

that extent or those extremes,
if there wasn't...

some type of promise there
that this was your girlfriend.

One, I'll confirm with you
right off the bat, we were never together.

I never guaranteed anything to her.
I was upfront with her from the beginning.

I was like, "You could see other people.
I could see other people."

I've been set
to do this experience, like, a year ago,

and I know they tell us
not to put our lives on hold, whatever.

I don't care.
I knew I wanted to do this experience.

She was unhappy with that.

I know, but...

And maybe that's on me.
I'll... I'll take that.

Like, maybe I should have been more...

I don't know, like,
just not hung out with her or whatever.

- Cut it off there, but I didn't.
- Mm-hmm.

So, how did she reach out to your sisters?
Did she call them? Did she text them?

Does she... Was she that close with them?

No, she literally just showed up
and was really upset,

was bad-mouthing me because I had left.


She knew your sisters.
So, she met your sisters.

- Hung out with them, with you guys.
- She knew my sisters, yeah.

Okay, do you introduce just, like,
every girl you date to your sisters?

Then I'm kinda like,
"Why did you do the experiment?"

Like, do you feel like...

this is what you really want?

♪ So much wondering ♪

♪ It's uncertain ♪

If there's someone else
that you, like, want to be with

or somewhere else you want to be, like,

then just tell me.

I would rather you be honest with me,

than, you know, like,

me... get hurt.

There's no one else.
I told you I loved you 'cause I meant it.

This is something
that I feel is really big.

Marriage is a huge thing.

My focus is you.

My focus is us right now.
Anything outside of that, I don't care.

I know it's a week before our wedding.

I want you to choose me,

and I want to choose you
at the end of this.

♪ And when you fall
I'll be right by your side ♪

I do love you a lot.

I love you too, Mal,

and I don't... I don't take that lightly.

Can I sit over there?


♪ Every step we take ♪

♪ Brings us closer ♪

♪ To where we know we're meant to be ♪

♪ It will be all right ♪

We're good.

Well, I... I trust that.

But... if something...

If something else were
to come up or come out...

I don't think
I'd be able to work past that.

We're done. Like, it's done.

♪ Just keep holding on
It'll all be all right ♪

♪ So count it out
One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Tell me what you're waiting for ♪

I loved, loved, loved meeting your family.

I'm glad. I really liked meeting yours.
It was really easy.

My wedding is a week away.

Everything about him
makes sense for Deeps.

I just see our future being so magical.

♪ Oh yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Oh yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

We're getting married soon.

In my life, there's one person that I knew

I could very easily spend
the rest of my life with...

it would be you.

Like, you are the most incredible girl
I've ever, ever met.

In all these qualities,

that some of which I sought out
and a lot of which I never sought out,

but now that I've seen, I'm like, "Wow."
I want everything we have, but I also want

to feel, like,
an intense physical connection.

Between you and me,
the physical part of the relationship,

like, we should be, like,
on top of each other non-stop, right?

It's not instinctual to me now.

I do love Shake,
and I care about him so much,

and I want him to pull me in and kiss me.

I want him to show affection.

When we first had our reveal,
how that felt, I want that Shake back.

I have no clue what happened,
but we have not had sex yet.

We are not physical in that way.

Does my breath smell?

Don't they say
you should marry your best friend?

The question I always ask myself is
am I willing to give this relationship up,

and the answer's easy.

No, I'm not.
I absolutely do not want that.

Even if our physical connection
is not gonna grow at all,

it's becoming overshadowed
by this emotional connection.

It's becoming... really overshadowed by it.

Deeps is my best friend.

I love this girl,

I love waking up next to her,
and I love coming home to her.

That's what you ultimately want.
That's the real prize.

Ever heard of the paradox of choice?


So, choice is something,
as humans, we want.

We want options.

When you have so many options,
it becomes more and more difficult

to choose and commit to one.

That's the thing I worry about with you.

In this day and age,
you can find better all the time.

My type is not normally Shake.
I'm usually into, like, tall, white men.

But I was willing to kind of see him
in a different light,

because we made
such an emotional connection, and I do.

It does feel like we've been married
for over five years.

So, you know,
relationships don't have to be

this crazy amount
of, like, passion right away.

My parents got an arranged marriage.

They knew each other for, what, a week,
a month before they got married?

But they both were of the same mindset
that they would fall in love

and that it would just take some time.

I think I'm just excited

to put all the feelings,
put all this physical shit to the test.

- We'll figure it out. Right?
- We'll figure it out. Yeah.

♪ When the daylight comes ♪

♪ I know you'll stay ♪

♪ 'Cause I feel so lucky, lucky, lucky ♪

♪ Lucky, lucky, lucky ♪

♪ Feel so lucky, lucky, lucky with you ♪

What you making?

- Right now, I'm making some boiling water.
- Some boiling water?

Are you excited to meet my parents?

Is "excited" the word?

- Excited?
- You wanna rip the Band-aid off?

My parents are like me, bruh.

They're overthinkers,

and they're... they're very traditional,
very conservative people.

I'mma try to make the best impression.
You know?

I appreciate that, baby.

Marky Mark. What's your dad name? Mike?

Oh God. Please don't do that.

Today Jarrette's meeting
my parents. Well, my adopted parents,

but I call them my parents.

I moved in when I was 18,
then they adopted me at 22.

They're very protective of me,

so I just want him to be
prepared as far as, like,

how to navigate their emotions.

- Hi!
- Hey.

- Hi, pumpkin.
- You look so cute!

- Hi, pumpkin.
- Dang.

Welcome to our humble,
not-so-humble abode. Well, it's humble.

All right. Well, kitchen, Jarrette.

- Hello. I'm Jarrette. Nice to meet you.
- Jarrette. Jennifer McNeely.

- Michael McNeely. Yes.
- Jarrette. Nice to meet you.

- Call me Jen. It's fine.
- Okay, Jen. She gave you Jen. Okay, Jen.

Well, sit, sit, sit.


- You over there?
- Yeah.

Okay. Thank you.

♪ La-la-la-la-la ♪

- All right, now...
- I feel like I'm in the hot seat.

- You are in the hot seat!
- You are.

You are in the hot seat, homie!

This is gonna be a different meeting
than your folks, I'm guessing.

They're really into the marriage thing.
Like, they've been, like, grooming him...

...since he was a boy.

So, your parents want you to be married,
but what about you wanting to be married?

I definitely wanna be married.

- I always said that's the ultimate goal.
- Right now?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

I'm ready to settle down
and start a family and be married

and do those marriage things.

- But what is it about Yanni?
- Mm-hmm.

The biggest thing
that drew me to her is her resilience.

Her passion and how driven she is

just shows how she will react
in the face of adversity,

and that's something
that I really love about her.

The resilience is great,
but, I mean, what is it about her?

I mean, you haven't known her
as long as I have,

but there are certain things about her
that are really fun, and sweet and great.

And I don't know if you've seen that in
two weeks, or however long this has been.

We may have only known each other
for a few weeks,

but I feel like this process alone,
it's crazy as hell to understand,

but it works.

Our energy together was unmatched.

I can tell right off the bat
we were compatible with one another.

Her personality and her little quirkiness...

It's little things
that I really like about her.

- Have y'all had an argument yet?
- No.

Not really.

- We've had conflicts, but we talk it out.
- So, conflicts.


He likes to go out
with his friends, and I like to stay home.

Are you okay with kinda slowing down?

Not saying your life has to be over,
that's not what marriage is.

But it's cutting off some of that stuff
you may have done when you were single.

Absolutely. I 100% know
that certain things that I did

in my single life
won't translate over to marriage.

So, where do you see yourself

a year from now with Iyanna,

with your parents, with us?

What... What do you see?

I definitely see a happy blended family,
you know, with support from both sides.

When I'm marrying her,

I'm marrying her family
and everything that comes with her.

That's really important,
so I'm glad to hear that.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.

We've been married long enough
to have learned lots of lessons over time,

and obviously, um,
we want the very best for our daughter.

In order to get somewhere down the road,
you got to start.

- So, this is a start, for sure.
- Yeah.

♪ You make me wanna look crazy ♪

♪ Like diving with my eyes closed ♪

♪ Crazy ♪

♪ Like free falling, just let go ♪

♪ Crazy ♪

♪ No harness on a tightrope ♪

Are you nervous?

Your mom's the most important person
in your life,

so, like, having her approval
just, like, means everything.

Natalie's meeting my mom today.
It's a big day.

My mom knows if I bring someone home,
she knows it's for real.

They get along, that's all I care about.

- Game face on. Let's go.
- Game face on.

This past year with my dad passing away
two months before this experiment started,

I'm like, "We need a lot
of good things happening to us,"

and I couldn't think
of a better situation.

My mom's so happy,

and from where we were
two months ago to now, is incredible.

- Hi.
- Hi, Mom.

- Hi, honey.
- How are you?

- You look beautiful too. Nice to meet you.
- Hi. Great to meet you in person.

- Do you wanna sit there?
- Yeah, sure.

- Mom, are you excited to be here?
- I'm very excited. Nervous, but yeah.

I was so nervous to meet you too.
But Shayne's said many great things that...

And same about you also.

- Oh good. I was...
- Always. Always.

So, what made you pick my son
or vice versa or whatever?

I don't know how it works.

I actually knew right away. So, you date
for ten days, and I knew on day three.

We connected on an emotional level.
He made me feel comfortable and secure.

And I know he thinks the world of you,
and so that was really important.

- Yeah, and vice versa.
- Yeah.

Always. The hardest thing I had to do
was leaving you after Dad,

and all that kind of stuff that happened.
That was tough.

- That was tough.
- Yeah.

- You can't do that. You'll make me cry.
- I understand that.

He thought of you every day, though,
especially in Mexico.

He talked about you a lot in the pods.

- Probably, maybe, too much. Hope not.
- Probably too much, actually.

It was the thing
that made me initially really like him.

Nothing wrong with that.

- Mom?
- Yes.

- Can I ask you a question?
- Depends.

- Do you approve of Natalie?
- Of course I approve of Natalie.

- Do you?
- Of course I do.

Why would I not? She seems very genuine.


I'm excited to be a part of your family.
Meeting you...

We're crazy, you know, at times.

- Oh, it's okay.
- This is great.

You're a sweetheart.

I'm happy. I'm very happy.

- I know you are. I can tell.
- Yeah.

Don't make me start to cry.

Seeing my mom and Natalie talk today,
it just brings so much joy.

I can see my mom is so proud
and so happy of me,

and, like, truthfully,
all I want is mom to be a grandmother.

I want her to be able to see my kids
and actually see my wedding.

That's important to me. I can see
it happening now, and it's awesome.

I'm gonna take a number two.
See you guys later.


You're a sicko.

Okay, Montezuma Revenge lady, right?

What did he say? Never mind,
I don't wanna know what he said.


- Look at me right now.
- I know. I'm dead. I get it.

♪ Dum, da-dum, dum-dum ♪

♪ Dum, da-dum, dum-dum ♪

♪ Don't care what they say on the pages ♪

♪ Way that I look, trying to change it ♪

♪ And everybody gets
That feeling sometimes ♪

♪ 'Cause I feel pretty ♪

♪ And when everybody look at me... ♪

Hello, ladies.

- Hi!
- Hi!

Grab a glass.

Come have a seat.

- Thank you.
- Oh, this is stunning.

We have some treats
and of course the champagne,

because we kind of
want to do, like, a bridal shower

to pick out the dress.

It's always easier to squeeze into gowns
when you've had a cocktail.

♪ And I don't gotta be like no one else ♪

♪ Only matters that I feel myself ♪

- Gentlemen!
- Good morning.

- How's it going?
- Come on in.

- Hey.
- Find a spot. Grab a seat.

Let's take a seat.

- Good morning.
- How is everybody?

- Good.
- Hey.

Gentlemen, how we feeling?

- Good.
- It's a big day.

- Yeah.
- It's a big day.

How about you?

I feel great.

I feel great. The pressure is off of me.

Guys, I don't know if you realize,
your wedding day is a week away.

You all have chosen these men,
and you were here today

showered with love by family and friends

to pick the dress that you will be wearing

on your wedding day.

Mallory, who did you bring with you today?

My sister and my mom
couldn't make it today,

but I brought my two best friends
of 15-plus years.

These women have been
a part of my life forever and...


...gone through everything together
and I wouldn't have it any other way.

- Iyanna, who came with you today?
- This is Jarrette's sister, Dejah.

- Yes, keep the family. I see.
- You see it? You see? Yeah.

Got you. Nice to meet you.

So this is, ultimately,
gonna be your future sister-in-law.

- Yes.
- Do you approve?

Oh, absolutely.

What is it about Iyanna that you think
is a good fit for your brother?

As soon as I meet you,
I can tell if you're a good person,

and then, immediately, yeah.

I can see it. Yes.

You are a good person.

And he saw that too
without even seeing you, which is cool.

Natalie, who'd you bring today?

I brought my sister,
my mom, and Shayne's mom.

- Oh! I love that. Hi!
- Hi.

- I was looking at the group pairing.
- I didn't want to say anything.

- Sorry I couldn't introduce you.
- Nice to meet you.

You guys haven't met yet?

Hi, nice to meet you.

- Well, here we go.
- Nice to meet you too.

- Kinda scary, huh?
- It is.

It is. Nice to meet you too.

We bring family together here.

I feel like it's the perfect place,
and I trust all three of them.

I'm glad they're here to give the honest
opinions of what looks best on me.

Your mom is so cute. She's still in shock.
I can't cry. I have fake eyelashes.

- Shayne. Who you got with you?
- This is my brother right here, Brent.

- Hey, man.
- How's it going?

And this is my good best friend
from back home, Tyler.

Nice to meet ya. Nice to meet ya.

So, guys, what do you think?

I think this is a pretty insane situation.

It's a perfect situation for Shayne.
So, that's all.

You guys, take this moment in,

shower your friends and family
with so much love,

because they need you now more than ever.

They are about to make
the biggest decision of their life.

Hopefully you only have to do this once.

Cheers to you.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Gentlemen and... and lady.

- Thank you.
- Best of luck to all of you.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


- Okay. What do you think about this?
- I like that one.

I love just the simple...

- Less is more? You got it.
- Yeah, less is more.

- Don, my husband...
- Mm-hmm.

- ...he really liked Shayne from the get-go.
- That's awesome.

- That's awesome.
- For me, I liked him but I wasn't sure.

- It's your daughter. You know?
- Yeah, I know.

I mean, that's a big step.

She never brought anybody home.
Say, "Mom, I'm engaged."

- All of a sudden...
- Not like that.

I think that Shayne is very loving too.

I mean, he wouldn't hurt a fly.

You know what I mean? And he loves family.

I gave him huge point on that because,

after all, you go through
the good time, bad time.

- You suffer.
- Exactly. I'm with you a 100% on that.

Your family are the one
that's gonna stand by you.

Mm-hmm. Right.

I was a little bit skeptical
about how could you fall in love

with somebody that short?

But I got to meet Shayne,

and today I, uh, met with his mother,

and, you know what, it just gave me
a lot of assurance and comfort.

I do believe marriage
isn't about just to love each other.

You have to embrace the family.

So, in that sense, um, I am very happy.

These are more poofy.

Oh, we didn't... I can't do poofy.

I wish I could, but I can't.

It would swallow me.

I think I would prefer this one.

I don't want my stomach out.
We trying to be classy with it.

- And it has your sleeves.
- I like this one!

With the wedding being around the corner,

I am nervous
because I know how my brother can be.

He can be very nonchalant
and, like, relaxed,

but I know deep down
he's probably a nervous wreck.

As much as he says he's ready,
I hope that is what's true.

- Lookin' kinda clean, my boy.
- You wanna try on a vest?

- Yes. Yes.
- Okay, let's do that.

- What color is it?
- Bro, this 100% yours right here.

- What tie is that? Is that salmon?
- Pink.

- Yeah, it's like salmon.
- Salmon.

It might fit.

Too bad that ain't your colors, man.

See, Danielle, I love this.

And I feel
that this would be so flattering

- as far as the way, you know, the cut is.
- Yeah.

I don't know. I like this.

- This one looks like the woman up there.
- I love this. Yeah.

I don't know. I like this one better.

- What do you think about on my skin tone?
- And it's got the little sleeves you like.

- I like that better.
- Yeah.

I have been hoping
for her to find somebody for a long time.

I know that she has been hoping
to find somebody

for a long time.

Seeing her overcome
all of her emotional barriers

to actually go forward

and... and... and walk down the aisle

with somebody else that,

even though she just met him recently,

developed such a deep connection with him.

I'm just so happy for her.

Just so happy for her.

Mom's like, "Wanna wear my wedding dress?"
I'm like, "Absolutely not."

To be in the pods
and to have that emotional connection,

obviously, it's worked before.

- Right.
- There's something about him.

- You wouldn't have said yes, if you...
- Yeah.

- You would've never gotten engaged...
- There's something about him.

This is the hardest decision
I've ever made, I think.

And it's not even my own decision. Right?
It's like, there's two people involved.

You've never introduced your family
to someone. That's huge.

It is huge.

And, like, Shake meeting my family
was just everything.

- It was so perfect.
- He fit in really well.

It went so... It was so comfortable,

he fit in so perfectly.

My parents were happy.

- You know how big of a deal that is to me.
- That's huge.

- Family is everything.
- Yeah.

Comfort's huge.

We're so comfortable.
That's why it's so confusing.

There's not a whole lot of people
you can just be...

I mean, you're meant to
marry your best friend.

- Right?
- Right. Right.

But is that enough?

I feel like the passion...
We had that in the beginning.

I feel like during our reveal
and in Mexico, but I'm never the one

to initiate things because I'm like,
"I want to be wanted."

Shake has to be in it
as much as I'm in it.

And if he doesn't feel the passion

or, like, that chemistry too,
then I can't reciprocate that back.

You have to dig deep to figure this out.
You have a week.



Yeah, this is intense.

It's like, if we're gonna do this,
like... we're in it for life.

It's interesting, because,
you know, in the Indian culture

for thousands of years,
there's been arranged marriages.

And those arranged marriages have

an incredibly high success rate.

You're matched not based on how you feel

in a lusty way towards another,
but, like, real compatibility.

- Yeah.
- Right?

And that real compatibility,
I think, exists with me and Deep.

Like, they gave me the perfect woman.

Someone who checks all the boxes,

and then all the boxes
I didn't even know were boxes.

I mean, Deeps is just so amazing.

Deciding to propose in the pods
was not a tough decision at all.

It was one of the easiest decisions.

- It felt natural?
- It felt so natural.

- And I love her, guys. I really love her.
- I knew a week in from dating my wife.

- A week in?
- Yeah. I knew, man. I just knew.

It was just natural,
and it was just the right thing to do.

- Sounds similar to how you're feeling.
- Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Oh, I love that.

That's so pretty.

These wedding gowns are so beautiful.

They're just gorgeous, gorgeous,

princess-y, bridal gowns,

but I envisioned myself
having a traditional Indian outfit.


It's so pretty! I love it.
I don't even wanna take it off!

♪ It's a good day... ♪

Oh my God. I love this one.
It's got a sexier feel to it, this one.

You can't go wrong there.

Indian bridal outfits
are very extravagant.


And that's what I always
envisioned myself in

on my wedding day,
so I'm just very excited.

Look at the back.

You have girl dreams of that,
you know what I mean?

This is stunning.

- Wow. I'm obsessed.
- Even though this was not a theme.

- So pretty. I forgot about this. Sorry.
- I like the back a lot.

It's so pretty.
Oh my goodness.

Yeah, this is it.

It's very pretty. Let's do it.

I absolutely feel like a bride.

- I think we found the dress!
- I think we found the dress.

I could feel like a bride all day,
but am I gonna be a wife

at the end of this? I don't know.

- Mallory!
- I love it.

Love it.

I don't know if I love it,
but I'm just like, I really like it.

- It's a good start, for sure.
- For sure.

It's a wonderful experience to be here
with my two best friends.

Um, but, you know, Sal and I
have had a couple of hard days,

and, you know,
my sister and my mom aren't here.

So just seeing Danielle's mom there

and Natalie's mom there,
it's a little bittersweet.


- Okay. How do you feel?
- All right.

Good. I like this.
Can I take a quick peek?

Oh my God.

You look good.


The fit is nice.
I mean, the pants we'll get, uh...

- Hemmed, yeah.
- Yeah.

- So, this is...
- This is it?

- I think so. I think this is it.
- Okay!

♪ You've got that something ♪

All right, Mallory.

- Are you excited?
- Oh my God.

The same...


- Wow.
- Mal, you look beautiful.

- It's so classic.
- It's so sleek and...

- So elegant, so clean.
- Yeah.


I'm, like, sweaty.

- It looks perfect.
- It's gorgeous, yeah.

- You look hot. That's the word I'd use.
- This is... This feels really good.

I think this is it. I'm like...

I appreciate you so much.

- I love you so much.
- I love you too.

I found a dress that I love,
and standing in a wedding dress,

it's hard to not think about

what it would be like to just
be able to have that experience

with my sister and my mom with me,
you know, and it's...

It's hard to have those happy moments
and not have your family be a part of it.

- You look gorgeous.
- I, like, really love it.

- Oh my God.
- Oh my goodness.


You look so good.

Holy shit.

- Do you like this one?
- Oh, wow.

I really like this one.


- That is gorgeous.
- Wow.

I love this one.

It's really important
that my mom's here with me.

Her support means everything.

I'm... Oh my gosh.

Look at me.

Oh my God. It's so pretty.
Oh my goodness. You're making me cry.

- Aww.
- Oh, Mom.

It is very princess.

I really love this one.

- Is this your wedding dress?
- Yes. It's my wedding dress.



I found my dress and I'm so excited.

I just... I feel really beautiful in it,
and I hope Shayne really likes it.

Give me one piece of advice.
What makes your marriage so successful?

- Communication. Always be open.
- Is that really it?

- Yep, you always be talking.
- No lies.

You're not married,
so I won't trust what you're saying.

- Well, no lying. That's just a given.
- Yeah.

- Communication. That's it?
- Be each other's best friends.

We are.

- Oh my goodness. You're so...
- God, I love it.

Look how tiny I am.

I love!

- Is it that pretty?
- Whoa!

- Okay, guys. Calm down.
- Stunning!

- It's really gorgeous.
- Is it?

That is spectacular.

You look stunning.

I'm... It feels good.
I just don't feel like it's me.

- Okay. Is it too much sparkle?
- It's pretty.

I feel like it's not enough bridal for me,
if that makes sense.

- More like gala-glam? Okay.
- Yeah. It feels like gala-glam.

So something more bridal.

What would you say is, like...
your biggest reservation

going into, like,
marrying her at this point?

It'd probably be the finances situation,

because she has these big dreams,
things that she wants to do.

She wants to get her Masters,
get her doula certification,

and I would have to make those sacrifices,
because all that shit costs money.

And I don't think she'll be able to work
while she's doing that.

So, I'd have to sacrifice a lot of shit.

For real, bro. You... You...

Do you understand
the gravity of this situation, bro?

This is wild as hell.

- It's very...
- This is for m*therf*cking life.

Yeah. Yes.


- I love that.
- And the tiara.

Oh my goodness.

- That is...
- Stunning, Iyanna.

- Oh my God.
- Beautiful.

- This is it.
- This is it?

- This is it.
- Do you feel beautiful?

- Yeah.
- Feel like a bride in this one?

- Yes.
- You are beautiful.

Aw, you're crying, babe.

- You look so good.
- Do you think he'll like it?


- Okay.
- Are you kidding?

- Okay.
- Wait, turn for us.


It's gorgeous.

It's pretty.

Oh my gosh.

- Here. You can complete the look.
- Thank you.

Tissue, if you need it.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

One week away from the wedding,
and I am stressed as hell.

The closer I get
to something this important,

the more I start to freak out.

There's a lot going on,
and I still have concerns.

I'm trying my best
to navigate through those,

and a lot of them are just based in fear.

So, I'm trying not to let it
overtake... everything,

but at the same time, it's really hard
when the decision is so big

and so important.

I just wanna make sure
I'm going in with a clear head,

and I'm doing what's best for me
and what's best for him.

This is not an easy decision
to make at all.

♪ All eyes on me, all eyes on me ♪

You look so good.

- Yeah. Oh my gosh.
- Thank you.

You know...


We definitely know we don't like that one.

So, here's a question for you.

What's the biggest difference
that you two have?

You know,
she... she loves being social.

And I like being social too,
but, like, I need time to myself

or time where it's just us.

And I think that's... that's something
that's really hard to do

and figure out right now.

I do worry about that.

All right, Danielle.


Isn't it beautiful?

- I love it.
- I know. I'm gonna start crying.

Oh my gosh.


- How do you feel?
- I clearly am feeling a lot right now.

- Honey... it is so you.
- Don't make me cry even more.

- I know.
- Told you it'd be your favorite.

I know. I love it.

I'm incredibly insecure and it's rare
that I'll look at myself in the mirror

and like what I see.

And so, the fact that I looked at myself

and truly felt beautiful
for the first time,

it's an overwhelming amount
of emotions I'm feeling.

- Oh, honey.
- I know. I'm shaking.

And the way the lower back is.
I just love it.

No, it's exactly what I was
wanting it to look like on too.

- It's gorgeous.
- Yeah.

The fact that I actually feel beautiful
makes me more confident

in the fact that Nick will say yes,
that I'll say yes,

that we'll be happy on our wedding day.

It's exciting.

It's... I don't know. It makes me
even more optimistic for what's to come.

- Oh, can I have a tissue?
- Yeah. I brought them over.

I mean, people are crying.

- I'm like, "Where is my tissue box?"
- "I got it in the corner."

I'm cooking
for Mallory tonight.

♪ Locked and loaded, 'bout to blow ♪

♪ Get ready, get set, let's go! ♪

We've had a couple of rough nights,

had some difficult conversations.

So, I just want to focus on us tonight.

♪ Sit in the spotlight, steal the show ♪

♪ Get ready, get set, let's go! ♪

Nice. This is gonna be super good.

♪ Ooh, na-na-na-na-na ♪

It's nourishment
and a very intimate thing to do.

I just wanted to share that with Mallory.

I hope this will give us, like,
that little spark in our evening,

and have us just
recenter on ourselves again.

Working together, choosing each other,
choosing this love every day.


It's my famous stir-fry.

It's about to get real.

It's the only thing I cook.

But I've made it a lot.

All right.

It's all in the wrist.

Oh my God.

I was not expecting this at all.

I know we've had a rough couple of days.

- Aw.
- I wanted to do something special for you.

- You're so sweet.
- I got some flowers for you.

- Do you want some wine?
- I don't even know, like, what to say.

- Yes.
- Wait a minute, are these...

I was like...

I was gonna get some with La Virgen María...

Oh my God.

...but I wanted to get some
that were a little more romantic.

Oh my God.

- It smells delicious.
- Just to finish it off.

Look at the sesame seeds.

Okay, professional.

- I hope it's good. I'm sorry if it's not.
- I'm sure it's great.

- Okay.
- It's so good.

We have been through a lot together.

Everything through this whole experiment
has been like emotions on steroids.

I knew coming back
to, like, the real world

and outside of our bubble,

we knew that this was gonna be
the hardest part of everything.

And I feel like the conversations
that we've had that have been hard, like,

I'm happy that we just don't shut down,
or we're not like, "I'm done."

Yeah. This is just
us, like, getting through that.

- Getting past that.
- Clean slate.

- Yeah, it's a clean slate.
- Mm-hmm.

I appreciate you so much.

I hope you realize that.

- I do too, Mal.
- And...

I do love you.

♪ We could cry
We could cry for our yesterday ♪

♪ We could try
We could try for a better way ♪

♪ So we won't cry
We won't cry for our yesterdays ♪

I love you too, Mal.

Sal is one of the most romantic people

I've ever been around.

With Sal, I am my truest self

and my most vulnerable self.

That's how I know I genuinely love Sal.

And that's how I know
he genuinely loves me.

And it's just so beautiful.

- Thank you for all of this.
- Of course.

I absolutely love it.

So, I need to know if a gluten-free cake
tastes the same as a gluten cake.

- It does if it's done right.
- We might have to get two.

Oh no, not two cakes.
That would be awful.

Are we ready for a piece of cake?

- Yeah.
- Always ready for a piece of cake.

Some of them is gluten-free.

Do we just dig in?

- Absolutely. Yes.
- Okay.


The main taste
gonna come from the filling.

- Oh my God. I love... I love cake.
- I love Funfetti.

That's really good.

- That's really good too.
- They're all really good.

- Tastes like Fruity Pebbles.
- My favorite cereal.

And the confetti cake,
this is one where it's so good

and everyone would like it.

The frosting is really good.

Wow, could we put that on any other cake?

So, Funfetti cake

with white chocolate berry mousse, yeah?

- I think so. I'm on board.
- Perfect.

So, you can get it taken care of
in a week, though?

- Oh, yeah.
- That's not too fast for you?

It's a little fast,
but we're gonna do this.

- That's how we feel.
- Yeah.


We're gonna make for you a beautiful cake.

- Thank you for stopping by.
- Thank you. Great meeting you.

Thank you for taking the time.
Can we finish these?

- Absolutely, yes.
- Awesome.

How are you feeling about the cakes?

I feel good about the cakes,
but it makes me realize

how many more things
we have to worry about.

It's a little crazy
'cause it's a week away.

Yeah, but then,
we're running into... conflicts now,

where these are things
that if we were dating for three weeks,

we probably would've stopped,
because we'd have differing opinions.

You think we would've stopped dating?

- No, not to stop dating.
- There's things you learn early on.

But on Sunday,
I had plans for weeks to go somewhere

that all my friends
from out of town were gonna be at.

- And you're upset that I went.
- I was not upset that you went.

- You were kind of upset that I went.
- Not true.

You said,
"Is this how every weekend's gonna be?"

I was wondering. I'm like,

"Is every weekend gonna be
we do separate things?"

Because I did one night
something separate?

Like going for a few hours
with my sister on her birthday weekend

to a friend's house.

- Who had a problem? I didn't.
- Seemed like you did.

- You're... "Seemed."
- You acted concerned after the fact.

I said I'm thinking about this.
It's important to me that we have time...

- It's literally all I've said, Danielle.
- It's not.

I'm like, "If every weekend
was you going out with your friends

and me doing my thing..."

That's never been the case.
Not even remotely. Why assume that?

When you know someone
in real life for two weeks,

you don't have a lot of time
that you can assess.

We were at dinner and talking about things

we were thinking about,
like, "Are we gonna say yes?"

I said, "Well, today I started thinking,
you like to go out a lot."

Like, "When am I invited?
When are we doing that together?"

Versus, "When do we make time
for just us?"

Why does that have to become me saying

she's not allowed
to hang out with her friends?

Which never came out of my mouth.

Honestly, I don't even know what to say.

Your view of what happened,
or happens in a conversation...

- You're not...
- It's so different.

These things you're saying now
aren't the same things you were saying.

What did I say earlier
that I haven't said now?

When did I say, "I'm upset you hung out
with your friends. That's not allowed"?

Questioning if this is
what it'll be like every weekend.

You're putting words in my mouth.

- I never got upset.
- I'm not putting words in your mouth.

The wedding is in one week,

and us having these conversations still,
a week before the wedding is terrifying.

I don't know what else to say.

I'm not telling you you can't see
your friends. Never said that once.

I wouldn't ever be like that.

It's hard for me
to trust what you say sometimes

when you kind of dance around the issue

and feel a certain way
after something happened.

I am being extremely realistic
about whether or not this will work out.

And we have one week to figure it out.

♪ I want somebody, not just some signs ♪

♪ I'm a fool for the unusual ♪

♪ Oh, uh ♪

♪ Even h*m* worship you ♪

♪ In the context that they so choose ♪

♪ Well, do they know ♪

♪ All touch is sensual? ♪

- ♪ Oh ♪
- ♪ Ooh ♪