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01x04 - Levia Borelis

Posted: 04/17/24 10:11
by bunniefuu
Tunnel B.

Sector 314, the passage is blocked.

We're placing the expl*sives.

What was that?

Did you hear?

- I'll go check.
- Okay.





We fell in a ravine with my car,
and this guy was chasing us.

We ended up here by chance.

Come on, we're leaving, dude. Jaro! f*ck.

Why did you come after my daughter?
What do you want from her?

Answer me! What do you want from her?

Thirty years ago, you stabbed my mother.

Why did you do that?

- Why did you do that?
- You don't know what you're talking about.

Tell me!

She wasn't herself. I saw it in her eyes.

She was possessed.

Salvation is still possible,

if you turn toward the Lord.

Come, Juliette... Come.


I just want to help you.

No! Juliette!

She was possessed by the demon.

We have to take him to the hospital,
or he'll die.

I found him in the mountains.
He had been att*cked.

I did what I could.
But as soon as I saw him, I knew.

I knew the demon was back,
stronger than ever.

He lives underground,
but he comes out at night.

I hear him. I see him.

He's the one who went after that girl
they found in the lake.

He's after your family.

- That mark on Malia's forehead...
- It was to keep the demon away.

I tried to help your mother too.

But she turned to a false prophet.

Caleb promised to cure her,
but he only made the demon stronger.

That demon, do you know who it is?

He has a thousand faces.

Your mother said
he came to her as the Black Virgin.

She comes to my bedroom at night.

She watches me sleep.

And I can't breathe anymore,
I can't move, I can't do anything.









What the f*ck is going on?

They covered their tracks.

f*ck, are you okay?


I'm happy to see you too,
but I feel like throwing up.

You'd better not stay too close.

I got so f*cking scared.

- What do you remember?
- I remember the dead sheep.

Then I woke up in the car, feeling dizzy.

I think they took us to the lab.

I remember seeing... Well, I think I--

Are you okay?

I'm okay. Sorry.

Sorry, you were saying?

They found your father.

How is he?

He's in the OR. He lost a lot of blood.
They wouldn't say anything.

Here's his bag.

What happened? Where did you find him?

- You won't believe it. Détraz's place.
- Détraz?

She found him in the forest.
He was wounded.

She tried to help him as best she could.

- She knows who att*cked him?
- Yeah.

- A demon.
- Oh, f*ck...


Erwan took our statements,

and they'll go back up there
to question her.

What were you doing with Ida?

Looking for Solal,
but we found something else.

I need to go check something.

Gotta go. Take care of her.

Captain! It looks like she's gone.

But look.

Come on, Dad. Wake up now.

You won. I get it.

If you wake up, I'll restart treatment.

I'll start chemo again, Dad.
I promise, I'll do anything you want.

So you can wake up now. Right, Dad?

Come on, wake up, please.

Please, Dad, wake up.

The doctors said they pulled
a 12-gauge b*llet out of my father's back.

So unless the neighborhood demons
are equipped with hunting gear,

it's a human who shot him.

It's true that Détraz
has some insane beliefs, but...

I believe her when she says
my mother wasn't well.

I think Caleb convinced her
to take part in a healing ritual.

Yeah, just like Monnier's ritual.

Where you need to break
someone's skull to "heal."


You think your mother could have
k*lled Roxane during a ritual?

I know firsthand
what my mother was capable of.

So you think she deliberately set
the apartment on fire when you were young?

I don't know. No idea.

Maybe I was afraid to face the truth.

I'm just like her.

I hurt the ones I love.

You're talking nonsense now.

What I see is a father prepared
to do anything to protect his daughter.

And a friend.

It's the same for your mother.

Well, she's not my friend.

Although, we could have
been buddies in high school.

Anyway, your mother
did not commit su1c1de.

Something was driving her crazy,
and we'll figure it out.

But she didn't k*ll Roxane,
Emma did not trip,

and my father did not kidnap himself.

There's one person behind this,
and we'll find them.

I heard you in the room earlier.

You're sick, is that it?

I have leukemia.

They couldn't find me
a compatible marrow donor.

Chemo was getting less effective.

Honestly, it was t*rture.

So I stopped everything.

And then?

I stopped everything.

Not again. Stop that!

We'll sedate him!

What are you going to do?

The boy and the girl must be eliminated.


- Where have you been?
- You don't want to know.

What does that mean?

I know you used my VIGI3 code.
f*ck, what are you doing?

I had to check something,
and they blocked my access!

Come and see.

In 2006, a homeless man is found
frozen to death in Grenoble.

He's formally identified as Mani Derevko.

Yeah, the kid from the cult.
We know all that.

But do you know who identified the body?

It's Denis Monnier.


Denis took care of the kid
after the mass su1c1de.

He knew him well. Makes sense.

He knew him well. He was attached to him.
He felt guilty about k*lling his father.

In any case,
I'm sure he helped fake his death.


From the start, Emma Marçais' death
has seemed linked to the cult.

Except all our leads point to Arcacia.

I just found the connection
between the two.

It's Mani Derevko.

I did some research about his life.

He was a brilliant kid.
Troubled, but brilliant.

I think Denis hid him in his studio,
and then he helped him to disappear.

He's alive.

He works at Arcacia,
I saw him with my own eyes today.

Are you telling me you were at Arcacia?

We found some dead sheep
in the middle of nowhere in a tent.

They took us to the lab, they drugged us,
and I woke up in the car.

You know what?

Show me those dead sheep, okay?

- Let's go there together.
- I can't.

They got rid of them. Made them disappear.

Love, you're scaring me. Seriously.

Okay, listen to me.

The last time you talked like that
was when you were deeply depressed.

- We need to talk to Dr. Fisher--
- f*ck! Stop throwing that back in my face!


I can't sleep. You're being too loud.

Sorry, honey.

Come, buddy. It's nothing.

Don't worry, it's nothing.
Let's go back to bed.

You miss your brother, I know.

So do I.

But he's getting out of the hospital soon.


- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm sorry, I know it's late, but...

I just finished my shift.

- Can I come in?
- Yeah.

I heard that Solal Heilman
was hospitalized, and that...

he'd been saved thanks to you.

Well, I lent a hand anyways.

Anyway, I wanted to apologize, I...

I didn't take you seriously when you
told me you were looking into that, and...

it looks like I was wrong.

Since you saved my dog,
let's call it even?

Remember this?


Alice Grusson's party.

We hid in her parents' bedroom to dance.

We don't have to hide anymore.

- It was my first kiss.
- Mine too.

Didn't you go out
with Caroline Delmas before that?

The first kiss
that made me feel something.

I mean butterflies in the stomach.
Damn, you have a dirty mind.

I feel something right now,
but it's not butterflies.


Everyone thinks I'm nuts.

I can't breathe anymore.
I can't do anything.

Caleb told me I was special.

I'm not lying. Everyone thinks I'm nuts.

She watches me sleep.


Doesn't bother you?

Let me know if it does.

One day I'll teach you
how to change your password.


So, what's in here?

You're quiet this morning.

It will be fun to visit the mine
with your friends.

Are you and Dad going to break up?

What? No.

So why do you argue all the time?

It's complicated.

One day, you'll understand, okay?
This is grown-up stuff.

I knew you'd say that.

That's because you're the smart one.

You know we love you very much, Dad and I?

You know, right?


We'll try harder, I promise.

Come. I'll go with you.
I need to talk to Grandma.

- See you later.
- See you.







What are you doing?

You're going through my things?

What are all those photos of Hari?


the nice doctor
who's been treating Elias for months,

who took care of you
after your miscarriage...

He's a traitor.

- He's in league with Arcacia.
- That's not possible.

You're still surprised?
They own everybody.

They've poured money into the valley
for years. No one says anything.

No one asks what their research is about.

If you ask for specifics, then beware...

"Trade secret," you know? So we have to
take matters into our own hands.

What does that mean, Mom?

What are you gonna do?

My students are waiting for me.

- See you later, sweetie.
- Mom!

I think we can say that we both
made progress since last time.

- Do you want to go away with me?
- What?

I don't know. We could leave,
just the two of us, and tell nobody.

And go where?

I don't know. Who cares?
We just go somewhere else.

I'm suffocating here.

I've done what I was told my entire life.
I can't do it anymore.

I can't take it anymore.
I just want us to leave.

- You're scaring me. Are you in trouble?
- I'm not in trouble. It's--

f*ck, what's that?

Hey, Doc, where are you?

We know you're here. Your car's here!
I said, get out here!

Hey, did you hear? Come out!

What the hell is going on?

He's a f*gg*t as well.

- Come with us. We have questions for you.
- Calm down. What is this?

You've been playing us
for fools for months.

You're playing nice doctor,
while actually working for them.

Calm down! Are you crazy?

- He's been paid by Arcacia!
- What?

To conduct experiments on us and our kids!

You're completely insane, guys!

No, let me go, damn it!

Admit you work for them!

Stop your bullshit! Stop! Get lost!

Let go of my brother!

Stop your bullshit,
or I'll arrest all of you.

- You don't understand what's at stake!
- Who will you arrest?

Everyone knows you got fired!

One phone call,
and you all end up in a cell.

So get lost!

Get lost!

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Thank you.

Get in the car. We need to talk.

Wait. What are you doing?

- Don't get involved.
- You serious?

Roméo, let it go.

I'll call you, okay?

We were wondering where you were.

The person who is trying to hurt us,

I think she was already after Juliette.

I think she's a woman named Enola, but...

I looked through Juliette's things,
her school pictures,

I didn't find anyone by that name.

Does it sound familiar to you?

- No, but leave all this. Come have lunch.
- I can't, Marie.

I need to know.
It drives me crazy not knowing.

- You're sure it doesn't ring any bells?
- Maybe...

I don't know if her name was Enola, but...

Long ago, a young woman
we didn't know came here,

and asked to talk to your mother.

Juliette was already in Paris, remember?

Yes. It was weird.

She was very insistent.

She asked us for her address,
and we said no.

And you don't know who it was?

- Would you recognize her?
- It was 25 years ago.

What's with them again...


I'll go.

Is everything okay?

What's going on?

So, children, please, once inside,
make sure you stay close together.

And stay on the marked route.

There are more than

and as you can see, it's a real maze.

So, now, you'll be able
to turn on your little lamps,

and follow me quietly,

because we're about to enter
an authentic anthracite mine.



Listen, Roméo, calm down. I couldn't
have known you'd be with Hari!

We wanted to talk.
I didn't think it'd get out of hand.

There aren't any explosions
in anthracite mines.

But here, miners had to be
very mindful of carbon dioxide exhaust.

There are CO2 pockets hidden in the rock,

and if released, they can ignite
and turn into terrible fires.


It's you, my darling.

- What are you doing?
- There's somebody there!

I saw someone over there!
There's someone in the tunnel!

- Those are mannequins over there.
- He moved!

There are mannequins everywhere here.

Let's catch up with the group.
Come. Hurry.

Known since the 16th century for
the exceptional purity of its anthracite,

the unique microbiota of Lévionna's mines

has now revealed
another treasure, Levia Borrelis.

Prof. Bachelard's team,
who's been studying it for four years,

can confirm today that the protein
produced by Levia Borrelis

develops anti-inflammatory properties

Arcacia concretized this immense hope
by synthesizing Levia Borrelis,

and is currently working on the first
medication based on this discovery,

which will revolutionize
our approach to medicine.

It's a promotional video
I got when I was working there.

It's for investors.

- Is it true about the bacteria?
- Yeah, it's a major discovery.

I don't know how Bachelard got the idea
of studying the ecosystems in those mines,

but he found a real treasure.

- Have you ever seen Bachelard?
- No.

- No, the guy's completely paranoid.
- What's your role in this?

They contacted me
shortly after I moved back to Lévionna.

They wanted to run clinical trials.
They were looking for volunteers.

They asked me to send them patients.
I refused at first.

Then I heard about Elias's problems,
and the rumors around Arcacia,

and I thought I could find out
what they were up to.

So you think it can have an impact
on births and pregnancies?

No, I haven't found
anything proving a connection.

Neither with Elias, nor your miscarriage.

No. However, I've felt
a big change of mood there recently.

They're all on edge.

Their experiments involve reproducing
the bacteria outside the mines' ecosystem,

but they can't.

I think I saw some sheep
that learned that the hard way.

And apparently,
they'll do anything to cover it up.

No kidding.

Bachelard raised millions in public
and private funds due to his discovery.

Imagine the consequences
if he can't deliver.

The question is,
"How far is he willing to go?"

Emma Marçais was one of their guinea pigs.

You think they hurt her?


I'm the one who approved her
for the clinical trials.

We don't know for sure. That's why
you have to get me inside Arcacia.

Someone has to confront Bachelard.

What do you want to do to him?
Put a g*n to his head?

You'll get thrown out by security
before you can even get inside.

It kills me to say it,
but my mother is right.

Sometimes you have to stop
asking politely.

Is there someone who had
an A in biology who can help me out?

I am Inaya,
from the Science Institute of Yaoundé.

- Nadine here, I'm a retired nurse.
- Great, thanks.

What you're looking at
are genetic tissue maps.

Yes, there's mine and my father's.

What I want to figure out is
why my father's carrying our old tests.

We already know
we're not compatible for a transplant.

Your father's tests aren't old.

See the numerical code's last digits
at the bottom?

That's a date.

Look at the date your genetic materials
were sent for comparison.

It was less than two weeks ago.

Oh yeah.

That means he had our tests redone
just after arriving in Lévionna, right?

- But those are not your father's tests.
- What?

I searched the Eurocord database.

Your father's a registered organ donor.
It states that he is O-negative.

In these tests, the phenotype is AB+.

The genetic tissue map is under his name,
but it's not his.

Are you sure?

I'm logging out because it's illegal
to run a DNA test under a false name.

How did he do it?

So he checked if I was genetically
compatible with somebody living here.

Why would he do that?

- f*ck, the asylum's not answering.
- The line might be down.

Right when I see Caleb outside?

You know the joke about
the lunatic and his sweater?

Are you for real?

A lunatic meets up with his friend,
wearing an ugly knitted sweater.

So the first one says,
"Damn, man, your sweater is so cool!"

The other one goes, "I know,
and it took two sheep to make it."

-"Two sheep? I didn't know that sheep--"
- Watch out!

"I didn't know that sheep could knit."

He's a patient at the asylum.

- Good morning, Dr. Faure.
- Good morning.

You're working today?

No, I'm not working today.
I just forgot a file in room 816.

- Did anybody bring it to you?
- No, sorry.

Well, I'll go take a look.

Of course.
I'll call someone to go with you.


Good morning. Dr. Faure is at reception.

No, I must have left it in 209. I...

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to the future of medicine.

If you're here tonight, it's because you
invested in a dream that's a bit crazy.

The dream of a humanity
freed from its limits.

This dream is about to become a reality,

but we need your help
and generosity one more time.

Today we are opening a new site
for exploration within the mine,

and I am convinced
that we will find what we're--

Prof. Bachelard!

And I am convinced that we will find
the answers we're looking for there.

- Professor!
- What?

Sorry to bother you, but we have
a problem with Dr. Faure.

He's making a scene
and refuses to leave the lab.

What's come over him?

Show him out and deactivate his access.

Yes, sir.

Let's start again from the top.

No, I've totally lost my flow.
We'll get back into it later.

I got mud everywhere.

I hope you don't mind?

- Call security.
- It's no use.

They're busy elsewhere.
We're past that now, Mani.

Can I call you Mani?

Or maybe you prefer Mr. Derevko?

Leave us.

It looks like the toxins
affected you more than I thought.

You should see a doctor.

You know we found your dad's corpse
at the lake house.

You should've let him rot over there.

He took me away from my mother,
he raised me among those simpletons.

I want nothing to do with that zealot.

Yet you came back here to study
the anthracite from the mines.

It's more than irony, it's fate.

Caleb had this intuition about there being
something powerful in these mines.

So he created a primitive ritual.

But I used science to prove its benefits.

Regardless of collateral damage?
You're not so different, in the end.

What happens when science resists you?

You delete the experiment and start again?

Is that what happened with Emma Marçais?

Are you accusing me of m*rder?

Emma was fitted with a chip
to monitor her vitals, that's it.

She hadn't received any treatment yet.

Prof. Bachelard?
You need to come right away.

- What's going on?
- It's bad. It's Dr. Redman's team.

- What happened?
- They were att*cked.

There's something in there.

Excuse me, do you know if there's a place
in the hospital where I could watch a VHS?

- I don't know. Ask at reception.
- And reception is...

Young lady!

I saved some tapes and the TV
from the patients' common room.

I installed it all in my workshop.

Yeah, it's fine.
Nobody ever comes by this way.

I come often to relax a bit.

I'm not a youngster anymore.

It's nice to chat a bit like this.

Me, for instance, my name is Ida,
and I always have a Taser on me.

Yeah, I'm just saying it as,
like, a fun fact.


There's all the classics!

Die Hard.

The quality's incomparable.

It's like vinyl,
the value will only go up.

- I have my own tape, thanks.
- Oh yeah? What is it?

Extended version.

Well, then, I'll leave you to it.

Yes, okay, thanks.

You said that before Roxane died,

she was worried
about your relationship with Caleb.

She seemed to think it was
too intense between the two of you.

Is that why you argued?

She didn't want me to see him anymore.

But that wasn't the reason.

Juliette, did Caleb sexually as*ault you?

You don't understand.

He said he'd cure me.

But it was too...

It hurts!

What's happening to me?

- Juliette, your water just broke!
- What?

You're pregnant!


We don't have time to go to the hospital!

Oh no. We have to do it here!
Come on, push!

- Lie down! Come on!
- I can't...

- Come on.
- No, I don't want to!

It's coming!

Come on, Juliette!

Come on!

That's good.

- Juliette, look!
- No, I don't want it!

- She's gorgeous.
- I don't want it.

- It's a girl.
- Take her away! I don't want to see her.

I don't want...

- Take her with you.
- It's a little girl.

Take her away!

We have to help her!

I'm on it.

Let her go!

Go ahead!

Go ahead! I got this!

What are you doing here?

Thank you.

Thank you. Are you okay?

Are you okay?

- Thank you.
- Did Caleb do this?


Caleb Johansson is dangerous.

And he's escaped.

Shit, I lost my phone.
I need to warn someone. It's urgent.

There's a phone over there.

Past the door.


- Hello, Ida, it's me. Where are you?
- At the hospital.

Listen, I'm at the asylum.
Caleb has escaped.



I think my dad compared
his genetic tissue map with mine.

What? No, wait,
you don't understand what I'm saying!

Caleb's out!
We have no idea where he's going!

Be super careful, okay?
We'll meet up with you ASAP.


Open! Let go of him! No!

No, don't do this, damn it!
Let go! Stop, damn it!

Open the door! Let go of him!

Come on, open!

The shadow has faded, but it can return.

My faith keeps it at bay.

My faith in him.

Your faith in him?

My prophet.

He has a mission to accomplish.
Something bigger than us.


And what is that mission, exactly?

The brother and sister must be eliminated
to restore balance to the world.

Is that so?

You know...

I have something to confess.

I believed in him too. I believed that he

could ease the suffering in the world.


the truth is the suffering
never goes away completely.

Your prophet strayed from the path.

He was incapable
of carrying out his mission.

Years ago, I understood that

it was my duty
to spread our message of hope.

Soon, we'll all be free.