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01x03 - Hansel and Gretel

Posted: 04/17/24 10:30
by bunniefuu
[Charlotte] "No! I don't care
if you are my big brother!"

"I'm not listening to you!"

[growls] "Don't talk to me like that!"

"I'm saying this to you
for your own good..."

- [footsteps]
- Hmm. [chuckles]

- Something on your mind?
- Uh...

Oh, just our Charlotte.


What's this I see?
Charlotte, are you playing with dolls?

Huh? No, I'm not!

It's just that she said
something awful to her big brother!

Oh my, that's a troublesome little sister.

She was causing trouble.
That's why he was scolding her.




[chuckles] Do be sure
to teach her a lesson.

- [Charlotte] I will!
- [chuckles]

It's easy to forget Charlotte is a fair
bit younger than we are.

She still has that childlike spirit.

And I imagine
that's why she likes to play alone.

Mmm. Like her dolls, this too
is a story about a brother and sister.

But the two in the story must
work together with courage to survive.


[lively jazz playing]

[somber music playing]

[boy] Mama and Papa wake us up every day.

After eating breakfast,
Papa teaches us lessons in the classroom.

Mama cleans and does laundry for us.

If we get too close to the fence,
we'll get sent to the detention room.

On Mondays, Gretel is in a bad mood,
so I don't really speak to her.

On Tuesdays, I'm in a bad mood,
so try again Wednesday.

[music fades]

[clock ticking]

Good morning. Rise and shine.

It's a new day. Time to wake up.

[woman] Now, Fritz, what's the matter?

Ah, you've wet yourself again, have you?

You're six years old, and you still can't
make it to the restroom on your own.

[whines] Because I heard a story about
someone watching from the darkness...

- [crying]
- [woman] Fritz.

- You must not mix up reality with fiction.
- Hansel.


[man] It's time for breakfast.
Go to the cafeteria.

[children, in unison] Yes, Papa.

[somber music playing]

- [Mama] Thank you for the food.
- [children] Thank you for the food.

[Fritz whimpers]

Fritz is strange, isn't he?

Believing dumb stories. He's so gullible.

Renate. A lady should always
maintain her composure.

- Always be mindful of that.
- [Renate] Yes, Mama.

[door closes]

Please open your textbooks, children.

But, Papa, I can't read what it says.
My page is all torn up.

These things happen.

For now, why don't you go ahead
and share Mira's book with her?

Yes, Papa.

[Papa] Ulrich.

- That's a broken watch.
- [gasps]


Put that away during class.

Let us begin.

Mira. When hydrogen goes through
nuclear fusion, it becomes helium.

So, then, what happens
when helium goes through nuclear fusion?

[Mira] Yes, Papa. it becomes carbon.

[Papa] Then, what eventually happens
when carbon goes through nuclear fusion?

- It becomes iron.
- [Mira] Yes, Papa, it becomes iron.

[Papa] Very good.

Technically speaking, when helium
goes through a combustion process,

beryllium is formed,
and the triple-alpha process...

[Mama] If the ball
goes too far out of bounds,

don't worry, I will go fetch it.

I repeat, should that happen,
do not go chase after it. Stay put.

- Do you understand me?
- [heaves]

- [girl grunts]
- [gasps]

- [Mama] Karl.
- [gasps]

- [Mama] Stay where you are.
- Uh...

- [girl] Karl, you're out!
- Huh?

[girl] Get out of the court.

[Karl] No, hold on.
You were stepping on the line.

- [girl] I was not!
- [Karl] Yeah, you were!


[Mama] Hanna, you were stepping
on the line of the court.

Karl's correct, he isn't out.

- [Karl] Yes!
- [Hanna scoffs] How boring.

You're telling me.

[Mama] Hanna. Do not be impolite.
Mind your manners.

[Hanna] Yes, Mama.

Do you understand?
Have we learned a lesson?

[in unison] Yes, Mama.


[Handel's La Réjouissance
from Music for the Royal Fireworks plays]

[both giggling]

- [door opens]
- [both gasp]

- [Gretel] Crap!
- [Hansel] Gretel, run!

I've warned you about this, have I not?

I told you sneaking out of your bed

without our permission
after lights-out time

will impair your growth.

Gretel begged me
to go to the bathroom with her.

Begged? I invited you for a walk since
you said you couldn't sleep, Hansel.

[Papa] Either way,
there's no crayons in the bathroom.

[in unison] Yes, Papa.

[Mama] Your list of infractions
is getting longer and longer.

- Um, well...
- It's pretty long, yeah...

You have snuck out of your bed
a total of 53 times.

You have been absent
from my class 39 times.

And you refused to finish your meal
a total of 76 times.

- I didn't not finish it!
- I just threw it away!

Then let's correct that and say

that you were picky about your food
and discarded your meal 76 times.

Picky's a strong word!

I'm not picky, I just didn't wanna eat it!

[Mama] On top of that,
this is the 42nd time

you've been sent to the detention room

for defying our rules and making
Mama and Papa angry at night.

Are you listening to us?

[Papa] It truly pains Mama and Papa
to have to do this.

But you leave us no choice.

Detention clearly isn't
getting through to you.

Tonight, you will not be allowed
to sleep in your bed.

Instead, you'll be
spending the night in the forest.

- Huh? In the forest?
- Huh?

[Mama] Understood?

[in unison] Yes, Mama.

[Mama] You are not allowed
to return to this side of this fence

until the morning comes.

[Hansel] You said we can't go inside,
but are we allowed to stay by the fence?

[Mama] You are free to do so.

[Papa] You will still be expected
to attend class as usual tomorrow.

So make sure to get some sleep.

How can we sleep in the forest?

You'll just have to use
what you learned in class, won't you?

This is all a part of your punishment.

[Hansel whimpers]

[Gretel] Well, then. Come on.

Uh... uh...

[poignant music playing]

[Hansel] What are we doing?
Why are we going this far out?

Let's turn back, Gretel.

[Gretel] We're not going back yet.

Mama told us we're free to do as we like.

So let's go as far as we can.

Gretel, this is crazy.
We shouldn't wander.

We have class early in the morning,

and if we go too far, we'll be late.

That's not new, we're late all the time.

I think you're scared of Mama and Papa.

- That's not true! At all!
- Of course it's not.

I'm not scared of them, okay? [scoffs]

Hold on.
I think there's a building up ahead.

[Gretel] A building?

That's silly. I've never heard of there
being a building in the forest before.

Yeah, well, there is one. See?

[Gretel] You're right. This is great!
Maybe we won't have to sleep outside.

Let's go check it out.

Is... that a good idea?

[music fades]

[Hansel sighs]

- [creaking]
- Oh.



[Handel's La Réjouissance plays]

- Sweets!
- Wait, Gretel. Slow down, would you?

[door closes]


- [chiming]
- Whee!

Oh, yummy!

Don't just stand there.
You should try some!

- Well...
- Ah! Mmm!


- It is good.
- Mmm! [giggles]

[music fades]

But what is this place doing
in the middle of the forest?

Maybe Mama and Papa
built it as a new classroom.

What class would it be for?

A class on not being a baby and having
a tummy ache when you eat too much candy?

Yeah, I don't think that's it.

Is it tasty?

[both yelp] Uh...

[jazzy music playing]

Most children find my confections
impossible to resist.

Like moths to a flame.

[Gretel] They are very tasty!

I've never seen sweets like these before!

[Hansel] I'm sorry to have come in
without your permission.

[chuckles] Someone taught you
good manners, didn't they?

And to top it off, you seem rather bright.


[old woman] But unfortunately,
that won't be enough.

- Huh?
- Hear that? Just being smart isn't enough.

Hey! Do you think she might
let us stay here for the night?

[Hansel] Oh yeah. That's right.

Excuse me, but is it possible
to sleep here for the night?

You're more than welcome to stay,

but won't your parents
be worried about you?

Mama and Papa kicked us out, actually.

Goodness, what a shame.

Well, make yourself at home.

You're welcome to stay here
as long as you like. Don't be shy.

[Gretel] Thank you!

[Hansel] One night'll be fine.
But we appreciate your hospitality.

[old woman] Are you hungry?
Have you eaten dinner yet?

[Hansel] Yes, we already ate.

[old woman] Well, I say you can never have
too much warmth in your belly.

I'll go get you something.

- Doesn't something feel off here?
- What do you mean?

We broke into her house,
even ate her food, and she's okay with it.

You have a good point.

We showed up late at night,
unannounced, and she's letting us stay?

And is even warming up
something for us to eat?

- It's weird and I don't like it.
- Maybe she's just nice.

- Yeah, we'll see.
- [footsteps]

- [old woman] What was that? Huh?
- [Hansel gulps]

We weren't talking about anything.

What is this?

What do you think it is, dear?

- [Gretel] It smells good.
- [Hansel] Soup?

Maybe. Go ahead and try it.

What does it taste like, then?

I guess you'll just have
to taste it to find out.


It's kinda sweet, but also bitter.

A chalky texture.
Slightly thick and creamy.



It's good!

[old woman] So,
do you still think it's soup?

No, I'd say it's less of a soup,
and more a drink, maybe?

Not food, but good.

I knew you were bright. It's hot cocoa,
a beloved traditional drink.

There seems to be a lot
you don't know about the world.

All right, maybe.
But there's even more we do know.

Uh... yeah. That's right!

The Peltier effect, the Seebeck effect,

extracting nitric acid,
mitochondria and stuff.

Oh yeah, and the Reynolds number.

The Fourier transform, Euler's formula,

the standard deviation,
and the sieve of Eratosthenes.

- There!
- [old woman] Impressive.

Those were a bunch of nice big words,
but there's much more important knowledge.

[Hansel] What knowledge
could be more important?

The ends of this world
are more important than textbooks.

- The ends?
- The world doesn't have an end.

- There aren't any edges.
- [old woman] Oh, is that so, young man?

It is.
The world we live on is a giant sphere.

If you kept walking,
you'd end up back where you started.

That's not true at all. In this world,
you'll find dead ends all over.

Believe me, there are ends.

[Hansel] That can't be true. You're lying.

Now, why would I lie to you?

You just explained to me
that the world is a sphere,

but have you ever seen it
with your own two eyes?

I haven't, but...

- [old woman] See?
- [gasps]

[Hansel] I've certainly
never seen a dead end, either.

[Gretel] Have you seen it?

I have seen it many a time.

- [Gretel] Really?
- [Hansel] That's a lie.

Now, what possible reason
would I have for lying to you?

I'm not one for peddling fairy tales.

Let me teach you.

It's actually extremely easy
to verify where the ends of the Earth are.

I'm sure you play ball
from time to time at your school?

- Yeah, we play a lot.
- We do, but...

If the ball were to go beyond
the boundaries of the fence,

all you would need to do
is chase after it on your own two feet.

- [Gretel] What are you saying?
- [Hansel] That doesn't prove anything.

You say that with so much authority,
when you haven't even tried it.

Well, do as you like.

I'm not going to force you
to try anything out of your comfort zone.

- [Gretel] Ah!
- [Hansel] Ow! [groans]

- Ah!
- [Hansel] Huh?

It's so pretty! What is this?

Is it another candy?
And why'd she have to throw it?

Excuse me, lady. Is this another candy...

- Huh?
- [Hansel] She disappeared.

[Gretel] What?

[Hansel] What was that all about?

A dream?

No way. Two people
can't be in the same dream together.

You think? Do you believe the old lady?

Next time we're playing outside

and the ball happens
to fly up and over the fence...

let's test it out.

You must like getting yelled at, huh?


[Gretel] All right.
But we'll have to lay low until then.

If we're sent to the detention room again,

then we won't be able
to play ball with the others.

So until then, that weird old lady
and the ends of the world

will have to stay our little secret.

[somber music playing]

[Hansel sighs]

- Okay, we'll keep it secret.
- [giggles]

[Hansel] Mama and Papa
wake us up every day.

After eating breakfast,
Papa teaches us lessons in the classroom.

Mama cleans and does laundry for us.

If we get too close to the fence,
we'll get sent to the detention room.

On Wednesdays, we read our book out loud.

Gretel and I always keep quiet.

On Thursdays, we practice singing.

Gretel and I always keep quiet then, too.

Which means for us, Fridays are always
spent in the detention room.

Gretel and I hate Fridays anyway,
so that's just fine with me.

[music fades]

[grunts] There!


[Hanna laughs]

[old woman] Let me teach you.

It's actually extremely easy
to verify where the ends of the Earth are.

I'm sure you play ball
from time to time at your school?

- [Karl yelps]
- [gasps]

[old woman] If the ball
were to go beyond the fence,

all you would need to do is chase after it
on your own two feet.

- Go, Hansel.
- Mmm.

[lively music playing]

Hansel, you're forbidden
from going any further.




[music fades]

It's the end of... the world.


[Hansel] Mama.

[Mama] I told you, I'll fetch the ball
when it goes near the fence.

I'm sorry.

[Mama] You know
I must report this to Papa now.

[Hansel] Yes.

Hansel. Did you see anything
while you were over here?

[Hansel] See anything? What do you mean?

[Mama] If you didn't,
then don't concern yourself.

Let's get back quickly.

[Hansel] Mama.

There was nothing over here, like I said.

But since I... I disobeyed your order,

that means... I have to be punished, right?


[somber music playing]

[Hansel] You didn't need
to be punished with me, Gretel.

[Gretel] Well, you know, I felt bad
leaving you alone.

And I figured you'd be scared.

[Hansel] You know what...

Actually, I am.

Because I really saw the end of the world.

So you came back for more, did you?

Earlier today,
when we were playing outside,

I chased after the ball
like you suggested.

[old woman] Was there an end to the world?

The ball bounced off of something.

[Gretel munching]

As if there... was an invisible wall.

Then yes, you found it. That's the end.

Mama didn't mention anything about it.

[old woman] She didn't? I wonder why.

Well, no matter
what anyone says or doesn't say,

you don't need someone else
to confirm what you've confirmed is real.

[Hansel] So do you know... what's real?

Of course I do. Do you want to know?

Very much.

My, you're becoming bolder, aren't you?

[Hansel] Because I've never
experienced anything like this.

No one at school or any textbook
ever told me about the ends of the world.

So tell me everything!
I'm ready to learn what's real.

Yes, as you wish.

But while we're on
the matter of wish fulfillment,

I'd like your help
fulfilling mine as well.

All right. So what's your wish?

[old woman] Oh,
I can't tell you that quite yet.

For now, I simply need you to get back
to school

and keep a close eye out
for things that are unusual.

[Hansel] Unusual how?

I'm not going to hand it to you
on a silver platter.

Think for yourself a little.

It's rather apparent
that you don't even notice it.

But pay attention.
Unusual things happen all the time.

That doesn't make any sense at all, lady.

If they happen all the time,
they're not that unusual.

Enough back talk! I've told you what you
need to know.

Now use your head to figure out the rest.

- Ah, yes, and don't forget to take these.
- [Hansel] Are those...

These are the same things you hit
Hansel in the forehead with last time.

They look similar. Yeah, you're right.
These are the same things!

All you need to know about them is that
they will be your guideposts out there.

Make sure to hold onto them, all right?

Once you eat them, they're gone.
So use them wisely.

[Hansel] What do you mean, guideposts?

[old woman] I'm saying
that they are going to lead you.

[Hansel] I know what a guidepost is, but...

You'll understand what I mean
when the moment comes.

[Gretel] Okay...

Uh... [grunts]


Ah, man, she disappeared again!

[Hansel] Well, then...
should we put out the fire?

[Papa] Hello. Welcome home.

[Mama] Did you happen to see
anything unusual out there last night?

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Since you've started having to sleep in
the forest, you've grown up a little bit.

I'm quite pleased to see it.

Mama and Papa are both
quite impressed with you.

[Hansel] Thank you, Mama, Papa.

[Papa] My only hope is that you continue

to progress and improve
at your current rate.

- [Gretel] Yes.
- [Hansel] Yes.

[eerie music playing]

[Hansel] Mama and Papa
wake us up every day.

After eating breakfast,
Papa teaches us lessons in the classroom.

Mama cleans and does laundry for us.

On Saturdays, we take pictures.

Gretel and I always run away.

On Sundays, we burn garbage.

Nothing is left.

[music fades]


[Hansel] I don't see Fritz.

Well, maybe they sent him
to the detention room

like they always do to us.

But Fritz is too young,
he's still a child.


[music resumes]

[Karl] Fritz?

Oh, him. The bed-wetter, you mean.

I figured Mama and Papa sent him
to the detention room,

since he just can't stop wetting the bed.

[Hansel] He's still little, so that's
bound to happen from time to time.

And how on Earth
is detention going to fix bed-wetting?

Hey, what's gotten into you lately,

No one's noticed Fritz is missing.

We have no idea where he is right now,
and you're not the least bit concerned?

[boy 1] I mean, you know...

People have gone missing in the past, but...

It's weird. I guess
I never really paid much attention to it.

[boy 2] Now that you mention it,
Fritz isn't the first one to disappear.

You know, now that I think about it,

there are actually a lot of other children
who have gone missing over time.

You know, like, um...
There was Greta. And Thomas, too.

And then... who else? Oh yeah, Ulrich!

I forgot all about Ulrich. The one
who used to dismantle watches, right?

[boy 1] All of them were kids
who got in trouble at one point or another

for not obeying Mama and Papa's rules.

[Karl] Then maybe... they were all
kicked out into the forest as punishment?

[boy 2] Maybe they ran off

and didn't pay attention
to Papa's lessons,

so they didn't know how to get back.

[Hansel] That can't be it.

To begin with, you get sent to the forest

only if you don't fix your ways
after being sent to the detention room.

- [Karl] Wait, really?
- [boy 2] How should I know that?

I mean, Hansel,
you get sent there all the time.

You're the expert on stuff like that.

[Hansel] Hey, don't you guys
find it a little strange here?

- I mean...
- We mustn't dally any longer.

Head inside the classroom, children.

[all] Yes, Papa.

- [boy 2] Let's go.
- [boy 1] Sure.

[door opens]

Hey, Hansel. Don't get too
obsessed over it, all right? Really.

We'll talk more later.

"Unusual things are happening
around us all the time." She's right.

[Hansel] Just like
Karl and the other boys said.

It's Fritz. And so many more.

A lot of children have disappeared.

Why did I never notice it?

[Gretel] Maybe deep down you did.

We noticed more and more beds
had become unoccupied.

[Hansel] All right,
so then, if I knew about it,

why didn't I care about it before?

Maybe they were also punished,
thrown into the forest like us.

But they got lost out there
and couldn't find their way back home.

[Hansel] No,
they could have slept by the fence.

It's hard to imagine all of them
getting lost in the forest.

Plus, there's only one road,
so there's not really any way to get lost.

And also, the forest
is all that exists outside the school.

At least, as far as we know.

Well... and the old lady's house, of course.

And we didn't even know about that
until just a few months ago.

There's no way to know
where those kids have gone at this point.

There is. I know a way.

- [Gretel] What?
- [sighs]

[music ends]

[clock ticking]


- No one saw you sneak out?
- [gasps]

Gretel! How did you know
I'd be sneaking out?

I know you like the back of my hand.

Yeah, that's true.

Let's go. Or were you still
planning to do this all by yourself?

- Right here?
- [Hansel] Yeah. This is the place.

The candies. Got 'em?

I got 'em right here.

She said these would show us the way.

[Gretel] What do you think?
Is this the moment?

I'm not sure. Let's try.


- [dramatic music playing]
- [whooshing]


[both grunt]


[both gasp]

[sounds fade]

Wh... what is this place?

I don't really know.

But I'm guessing that this is
the end of the world.

Or maybe even... beyond.


Are you going? You sure?

I'm going.

It's gonna be all right. Trust me.

Come on.


This is all so strange.

[Hansel] What is?

I used to be the one who would always
take your hand and then lead the way.

- No, not always
- Yes, always.

Your role seemed to be following me
while complaining the entire time.

Yeah, yeah.
We can switch roles every now and then.

[tinkling music]


[door closes]

[Gretel] What is this place?

Let's go a bit further.

- [tinkling music]
- [chimes]

[door closes]

Are you seeing these things?
I wonder what they are.

[tinkling music]


- [thud]
- [gasps]

- [whirring]
- Huh?

- What is all this?
- I don't know.

[Gretel] Fritz. Ulrich.

- Those are the kids who have gone missing.
- [Hansel] Right...

[distant footsteps echoing]

- [display bleeps]
- [gasps] Hold on, I heard something.

[footsteps echoing]

[Hansel] Someone's coming.
Let's hide, quickly!

- [grunts]
- [gasps]

[footsteps outside]

[Hansel] It's Mama.

[display bleeping softly]

Come out now.


[both whimpering]

[tense music playing]

[Hansel] Run!

- [chiming]
- [both yelp]

[Hansel] Hurry!





[both gasping]



[somber music playing]




[doors rattling]

- [crunching]
- [crackling]

- [whirring]
- [Hansel whimpering]

Are you all right?

Uh... Yes, Mama.

Go. Go now.

[doors creaking]

[powering down]


[both sigh]

[both gasp]

[Hansel] Whoa. Is this space?

[Gretel] So it's... real?

How in the world did we even get here?

At least this gives some light.

I can't see anything
in front or behind me.

Just don't let go of my hand, all right?

I won't let you go.

You promise me?

Yeah, I promise you.

Uh, hey, Gretel, do you see that?
Or am I... imagining things?

I see it. Over there!

- [gasps]
- [intense ringing sound]

[sounds fade]

[Gretel] And this is where it leads.

[Hansel] Right.

What do we do now?
Should we go back to school?

[Hansel] Uh...

[old woman] I see.
That must have been rough.

And did you learn
anything on your adventure?

I didn't learn a single thing at all.

And now, I don't know anything.

Is that right?

It's tiring, isn't it? Are you sick
of being shown how much you don't know?

If so, then return to that school
and everything will be back to normal.

But do you think you'd be able to unsee
what you've seen?

After all you witnessed and experienced,
do you think you can really go back?

- [chimes]
- I can assist you with that endeavor.

If you would like.

Here's a sweet, sweet candy
that will relieve your burden.


No. I'm not gonna eat that.

Is that so?

Are you sure, Hansel?

There is an end of this world.
I've seen it.

And then there was even
another place beyond that.

And our Mama was there somehow,
and then she...

Tell me, all of it.

I don't know anything,
but I want to know what's real and not.

I wasn't slated
to explain this to you yet,

but it seems
there's been a change of plans.

- [ethereal singing]
- [footsteps]

[old woman] But let's go back
to when this all began.

Once upon a time, there was
a blue planet floating amongst the stars.

This story is about your ancestors,
a long time ago.

A planet? Like in outer space, then?

[old woman] That's right. I'm sure
you saw them outside the window earlier.

But soon, they discovered

that life was no longer
going to be sustainable on that planet.

The Snowball Earth theory.
You must have learned about it.

Humanity banked its hopes on different
survival strategies,

ultimately deciding it was best
to leave their offspring behind.

This place represents
just one of those strategies.

We're tasked with taking care of
and raising human children like you,

and when you're deemed strong enough
to live in the outside world on your own,

I send you out to join the rest of them.

My wish is to safely send out
every single one of you,

until eventually, there's no one left.

So if this is some kind of test,
did we pass?

[old woman] Yes, I guess you could say so.
Are you happy?

It's so sudden.
And kind of hard to process.

[old woman] Well, you're not interested
in going back to the school, are you?

[Hansel] Definitely not, but...

[old woman] Or do you want
to continue surviving in the forest?

- You learned how to do so.
- [Hansel] I did, but... [sighs]

[old woman] It's a little late
to be indecisive now, dear.

At this stage in the game,
you only have one option left.

[Hansel] We're supposed to board this?
I don't know how to...


[old woman] You just sit comfortably, and
the machine will take care of the rest.

When you wake up,
you'll be in the new world.

But wait a minute.
There's only one seat in here.

So where would Gretel fit?

As I thought, it appears you still have

a rather glaring issue
to solve before takeoff.

I can't help you with that.
You have to solve it on your own.

- [Gretel] Hansel.
- Hmm?

I can't go with you, unfortunately.

[Hansel] Why?

[emotional music playing]

What? What's going on?

You still haven't realized.

I'm in your head,
and no one else can see me but you.

I'm not your sister, I'm you, silly.

Huh? No. That can't be.

[Hansel] Mama and Papa
woke us up every day.

After eating breakfast,
Papa taught us lessons in the classroom.

Mama cleaned and did laundry for us.

When we got too close to the fence,
we were sent to the detention room.

On Monday...

Where am I going? And who am I going with?



[echoing] Hansel.

Sweet, timid Hansel.

I was merely borrowing your courage.
I'm sorry.

But I've returned it to you.
I know you felt it.

You'll be all right on your own now.

Why are you doing this?
No, I'm not! I'm not all right at all!

Please, don't do this. Stay by my side.

I can't do it alone, I need you!

- [music swells]
- [bleeping]

[Gretel] Yes, you can.

You wouldn't be here if you
hadn't chosen this path for yourself.

You got to where you are
by walking there on your own two feet.

That was you.
I didn't help with any of that.

Look, I'm sure
you'll feel lonely for a while.

Hansel, you're gonna board this machine
and go to the outside world,

and learn all of the things
you've ever wanted to know!

Hansel, you can do it. I believe in you.

All right?



- [loud thud]
- [music fades]

[gentle music playing]

[Hansel] There's so much
I don't understand, Gretel.

Just yesterday,
I was living at the school with you.

But I can't go back to that life now.

Why did this have to happen?

I wish I never learned
that you didn't exist.

Even if that's the truth.

If I knew what I know now,

I would've eaten that candy
so I could forget.

Gretel... [sobbing]

[music fades]

[footsteps echoing]

[old woman] Good job.

A lot of unexpected things happened,
so I'm sure this was tough.

But thanks to you, I'm happy to say
he finally embarked safely.

- [footsteps approach]
- Let your partner handle things for now.

Meanwhile, get some rest.

Well, then,
I should get ready for the next child.

I mustn't keep them waiting.


[birds screeching]

- [boy] Hansel?
- [gasps]

[laughs] It really is you!

[laughs] I didn't know
you'd be landing here!

- [Hansel gasps]
- Come on, it's me! Your pal Fritz!

But you're...

Oh, I get it now.

You probably took a detour
on your way here.

I'm glad you arrived in one piece.

The others'll be so happy to see you.

The others?

[Fritz] Ulrich and Thomas
also descended here.

Bet you missed both of them, huh?

What am I thinking?
We shouldn't pile so much on you at once.

Your body's probably
all cramped up from sitting for so long.

So first, we'll take you to our base camp.
You can rest up for a bit.



What's the matter?

[bird screeches]

[Fritz] Hansel?

[Hansel] Thank you.

And goodbye, Gretel.




- [old woman] Help yourself.
- [gasps]

Most children find my confections
impossible to resist.

Like moths to a flame.


- ♪ Hallelujah ♪
- ♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

- ♪ Hallelujah ♪
- ♪ Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

[choir continues singing in Japanese]

♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪

[music fades]