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03x03 - Truth and Time Tells All

Posted: 04/17/24 16:59
by bunniefuu
Tonight, me and Justin
are gonna go

get drinks at Bella.

'You should come
and meet with us'

'and then we can just
all go out.'

How are you guys? Are you good?

It's not like,
I'm not gonna rush it

to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

And, like, I've never really

had like a real
relationship, so...

How you're 22 and never
had a real relationship?

I have commitment issues.

- Like even in Vegas...
- Would you want him
to be your boyfriend

or you're just like, "Whatever?"

I wanna hang out
with him a little more

before I make that decision.

Honestly, like, I don't
even know the guy.

You know what I mean? Like, I've
talked to him like two seconds.

Like, you could talk
to him tonight and see.

That'll be fun. I wanna meet
you guys for drinks.

Yeah. You should come out.

Y-you know, you're a smart girl.

You know what you're doing.

Go with your gut,
but use your head.

Yeah. We'll see.

[instrumental music]


- 'Hey, Heidi.'
- How you doing?

- 'Good. How are you?'
- Good. Working?


What's that on your finger?

- This?
- Come over here right now.


Oh, my God! It's so beautiful!

Thank you.

So, tell me all the details.
When did it happen?

Okay, so, it was last weekend.

And, um, we were up
at the beach house.

He was like, "I have a surprise
for you" and, you know...

And you did not see it coming.

No, no, 'cause after the
spray-painting on the walls...

I didn't hear
anything about that.

You don't know
he spray-painted on the wall?

- No.
- So, he did that.

And I was just like, "Oh,
what kind of surprise is it?"

You're not pregnant, are you?

- No way.
- Okay.

- No way.
- So, you're fully engaged?

I think I'm going
to have a panic attack

thinking about, like,
planning a wedding.

Oh, yeah,
now, are you gonna do it, like

a big wedding or small wedding?

Or are you not even
thinking about it?

I am not even... I have no idea.

- Can we have a lingerie brunch?
- Yeah.

I think that when
I was at your age

I would have been, like,
"Are you kidding me? No way."

But it's like, if you meet
a Spencer at my age

you know, it's a whole
different thing, like...

You know, it's like,
he's not only my...fiance...

[both laughing]

You know, it's like,
he's, like, my soul mate.

Yeah, I mean, my advice to you
is just to make sure

that you take a lot of time
with your engagement.

I don't think you should buy
a wedding dress anytime soon.

No. Long time.

I think you should just
start with the magazines.

'You know, like, let's just
go with the magazines.'

[rock music]

♪ Oh yeah! ♪

♪ Oh yeah! ♪♪

Oh, you need to get some
furniture for your pad. The...

Oh, like, I do need
to get some furniture.

But H-Heidi wanted to go
furniture shopping.

Heidi's probably, like...

- Let's go here.
- I want to go in here.

Thank you, Spencer.

- Hello, gentlemen.
- Hello.

'It's summertime, player.
I got to get my gear on.'

We need to get
board shorts for Cabo.

Black. Hell yeah. did, uh...

I'm scared to ask.

How did Santa Barbara go?

It went amazing.

I never thought I'll be,
at 23, wanting to marry a girl.

It's like, I used to think
marriage was the dumbest thing

for guys who couldn't get laid
and like, were like...

I do remember
you used to say that.

I used to say, like,
it was from back in the day.

They'd say, "Hey, I'm gonna
give you half my money

all you got to do is make
my food and hang out with me."

Make my food.

Yes, I was very against it.

And then you meet
somebody like Heidi

who makes you realize
you could spend your whole life

with one girl
forever and be happy.

Yo, I'm curious to know,
if you're getting married

where are we going
for this bachelor party?

I'll throw you a bachelor party.

- I'm not getting married.
- 'No, that's my point.'

It'll be called a bachelor party
for single Brody.

Oh, shut up.

You said, you've been
a bachelor for 23 years.

That's good 'cause you're
about to be married.

You ain't having any sex at all.

I know married couples.
They don't have sex.


So what's going on, girlie?

Not too much.
What have you been up to?

Just working. What about you?

Well, tonight I'm going out
with Audrina and Justin

third-wheeling it.

That's fun.

I don't know what
attracts her so much to him.

He's a good-looking guy.

But looks can only
take you so far.

He, like, abandoned her
in Vegas.

And if those bad traits show up

right at the beginning
of a relationship

it's just, like,
a red flag immediately.

Like, I want to try
really hard to like him.

'You know what I mean,
like, I've never really sat'

'and had a conversation
with him.'

So, we'll see. Maybe he
deserves another chance.

'You got to tell me
how that goes.'

Oh, I will.


[rock music]

- Hi!
- Your hair looks amazing.


Um, so, I went shopping
with Brody today.

- What is that?

What is that?

It's a little detail
for the pad. It's...

But an insect?

No, the insect's
gonna be covered by

uh, "Lethal Enforcer."

Are we gonna put like a painting
over this or something?

These are original,
vintage graphics, babe.

It's from 1980.
This is a collector's item.

Want to play one player or two?

Neither. I have to get dressed.


- When is it going back?
- What?

When is it going back?

What do you mean "Going back?"

Going back to wherever
you got it from.

It's for here forever.


Whoa, watch your head.

I thought we were getting
a table in here.

Well, let's get a pool table.

A table, like,
to eat on or something.

[instrumental music]

Oh, my God.

[rock music]

When is Lauren coming?

She's on her way.

You look all comfy.

I know. I was laying
around all day.

- Are you sick?
- I feel like...

I don't know what it is.

- Hi.
- Hi!

- How are you?
- Good. How are you?


Did you drive your bike here?


I love bikes but... be careful.


It's precious cargo
you got there.


- Hey.
- 'You burp a lot.'


Excuse you, mister. God.

So, any-who...

What do you think, Lauren?
Do you think he's a good guy?

You know, it takes more
than a couple drinks to tell.

It's not about all me
this time, you know?

[Lauren] 'Tell me what you
think about me.'

Give me my evaluation.

No, I want it.
I want to hear it.

You love Lauren, right?

I'm actually really
in love with her.

- I didn't know who to...
- Date her.

I'm trying to, but I got to get

through you to get to her.

You're such a...

Do you want your evaluation?

No. I don't care.

Audrina cares.

It is what it is. Let's go.

It is what it is.

Well, I'm glad
we got to do drinks.

[engine rumbling]

Audrina, call me later.

- I love you.
- I love you.

Be safe.

I'll call you in a little bit.

Justin...please be careful
driving with her.

[engine revving]

[rock music]

[rock music]


I'm so sleepy today.

I'm so...
I could go to sleep right now.

So, Justin, last night,
was being weird.

It was so awkward.

Uh, it was awkward for you?

I'm glad you were there with me.

You try being the third wheel
on that date.

He wasn't nice.

No, he wasn't.

- I'm sorry.
- Yep.


He was really rude
and disrespectful.

Really, though, like,
when you look at Justin

do you say, "Oh, there looks
like a gentleman?"


Do you think
I should even call him

and hear what he has to say?

Do you really wanna know what I
think or are you just asking?

Oh, obviously not.

You are...
You know what I'm gonna say.

I know what you're gonna say
'cause that's what I'm thinking.

Just leave it.

You should have a guy
that makes you feel

happier, not upset.

You know what I mean?

I don't think
that's much to ask for.

So, are you done?
Are you, like, 100% done?

[instrumental music]

[blows raspberries]

[music continues]

Spencer] 'Um, so, after cooking,
I realized'

that on Monday, we need to go

like you've been saying,
buy plates...spoons.

- 'A table.'
- Yeah.

I definitely think you're right.

'We need to get a,
uh, coffee table.'

Or a dining room table.

A dining room table?


'And what else do we need?'

We need everything.

We don't even have
anything in here.

This mural is so much
more fun to look at

than a blank wall.

I feel like we're
literally in a playhouse.

I talked to Elodie
about living here

and about this,
and the video games.

And she was just like,
"Spencer doesn't

make the decisions with you,
he just does that?"

And I was just kind of, like...

"Yeah, I guess he does.

I guess we're not making
these decisions together."

They're not decisions.
They're surprises.

Okay, there's a difference
between surprises

and coming home
and seeing in, like...

spray paint all over the walls
and video games there and like...

- 'That's stressful?'
- It was a little stressful.

'Which part was stressful?'

Thinking the landlord's
gonna come up and kick us out.

Well, I love having this power.

[rock music]

I'm so excited for Pinkberry.

- Hu-hu-huh.
- I love Pinkberry.

You're such a little kid.
I love it.

I know, and I got
fruity pebbles, too.

I haven't had fruity pebbles
in a really long time

and they looked really good.

I haven't had them, like, ever.

Where'd you go?
What was last night?

Wednesday? Les Deux?
Anything fabulous happen?

No. I'm kind of in a rut.

Let's get you out of your rut.

How is, uh, Audrina?

Is she still, um, dating
Justin Bobby or whatever?

I went out to have drinks
with them the other night.


- It was not good.
- What do you mean?

He's just weird.
Like...I don't know.

It was just like, he was just
like being disrespectful.

- You know what I mean?
- No.

If it was any other guy,
I would have been like

"No," but I was, like, trying
to like him for her sake.

Well, I don't know.

- I'm supposed to work out.
- What?

I'm supposed to work out
in like an hour.

- Are you going to?
- I really don't want to.

Then don't. Skip it. Eat your
Pinkberry and enjoy life.

Here, I'm calling
Audrina real quick.


Hey, um, question.

Did you decide,
are-are we going to the gym?

Are you really?

Okay, well, um...

...I wish you luck.

I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Ooh. She's going
to meet Justin Bobby.

Why? I thought
he was being mean.

I hate it,
I really wanna like, uh

like, I wanna
like the guy she likes

but...I can't do the roommate

thing with a sucky boyfriend.

You already did that once.
It didn't work out so well.

I can't do it.

[rock music]


Are you eating my hair?

- Hi.
- Hi.

I haven't talked to you
in, like, a week.

I know. Why?

- Why?
- I don't know.

'Cause Friday night was weird.

Yeah, I know it was weird.

Wasn't it?

It was a bad night for me,
and it just kept getting worse.


You were grumpy and mean and...

I know. I was sick.

You were sick. You shouldn't
have came out if you were sick.

I know.

But I wanted to hang out.

I don't think it was
that big of a thing.


I don't know.

It was awkward, weird situation.

How's your roommate?


She just thought
some of your comments

were really rude, so...

I didn't mean anything by it.

I don't know. I thought she...

'It's not a big deal.'

I don't-I don't really care...


I don't know, maybe we're just
better off as friends.

What do you think?

I mean...

You tell me.

I don't-I don't know.
I'm not good with commitment.

I am not good with...

Well, you're like me and that's

why we have these issues.

I know.

So...we have a choice.

We have a choice to either...
be like, it, peace

and, you know, kick rocks
and be acquaintances.

Or we can be cool
with each other

and enjoy the company
and have fun when we go out

and do things and not
let the...get in the way.

'But if we look beyond it
and we're just cool with it...'

So, do you want to look
beyond it?

I've already looked beyond it.
I don't... I...

I take you for who you are
and the person you are

and the heart that you have.

And I don't let anybody

interfere with that.

I think truth and time
tells all.

Okay, so, cheers
to truth and time.

[instrumental music]

[Spencer] 'Yo, y...'



I have a surprise for you!

Are you kidding right now?

I mean, were you kidding
when you put it up?

This is a surprise,
just like you surprised me.

I surprised you
with a beautiful mural.

You surprised me
with a...
- Beautiful white wall.

- Boring white wall.

You can't really be mad at me.

- I can't?
- 'No.'

I mean, I just can't even
believe you did this.

Well, we can decide what to do
with this wall together.

'I mean, I don't know
what to tell you.'

You can't be mad at me.
I mean...

- I can.
- No, you can't.

I mean, I thought we should
make decisions together

what furniture we get,
what we put on the walls

what dishes we get.

You know, it's all
us being together. That's...

I totally agree.

You know, if we're really
gonna, you know, do this

engagement thing
and everything, it's, like...

our whole life,
our decisions...are together.

- Hmm?
- Hmm, yeah.


So, from now on

should we agree to make
decisions together?

What could I do without you?

Don't say it like that.

Anyways, so this is
what it is. So...

So this is what it is. So great.

Great, great painting job.

Thank you. I thought I did well.

[instrumental music]

[rock music]