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03x09 - What Happens in Vegas...

Posted: 04/17/24 17:03
by bunniefuu
- 'Did you get Brody anything?'
- We're flying to Vegas.

I know. Oh, that's the present?

We have to get him
a present too?

They're already there,
aren't they?
- Yeah.

'Brody doesn't know
about the surprise, right?'

'He seriously has no idea.'

So the girls are gonna be here
any minute.

- Justin's gonna meet us there.
- At the airport?

Yeah, he's meeting me
at the airport.

Is he okay with being,
like, the only guy?

Well, yeah, I mean,
choosing to be with me

and he says that's, you know...

'Should be interesting.'

[instrumental music]

'So are you looking forward
to our anniversary on Saturday?'

[Heidi] 'I'm so excited.'

We have our spa day
at Burke Williams.

- Massages, facials, you know.
- Really?

And then the best of all.

We're having dinner at our
anniversary spot.

Have you told your parents
about the wedding yet?

I think I'm gonna tell them
about the wedding

after the wedding.

- No, that's not the deal...
- Yeah...

What, you think that I'm gonna
come home and be like.

"Surprise, we're married!"

Like, no,
I'm not gonna be that girl.

Who would not want you to be
their daughter-in-law?

Hello? Nobody.

Well, cheers to the best year
of my life.

I can't believe it's been a year
'cause I was having so much fun.


♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪

[Audrina and Lauren]
'Vegas! Vegas! Vegas!'

[Audrina] 'He always does.'


You brought your guitar.

- Hello!
- Mwah.

- Hey...
- Hi.

How long have you been here?
A long time?

- Not too long.
- Looking very pretty.

[Lauren] 'Audrina!'

Are you gonna get the baggage?

[Lauren] 'Is Justin Bobby
even gonna say hi to us?'

'He might still be mad at us
for calling him Justin Bobby.'


'Can't we just do
roadside check-in?'

'It's so much faster.
Let's just do that.'

We can just check our stuff
in here, can't we?

Let's just go in.

[indistinct chatter]

- Justin, are you
gonna serenade us?

I'd asked him, he said no.

Well, to bad.

[instrumental music]

- Yeah!
- I'm so excited.

Yeah, we're finally here!

Eee! We're in Vegas!

- 'Happy birthday, Brody.'
- Cheers.

Happy Birthday to Brody.

- Alright, guys.
- Whoo!

You know, I'm having fun, bro.

I'm-I'm stoked to be here.
[knock on door]

- Yeah, you're not getting this.
- Room service is here.

Hey, it's on me though.

- What is?
- Here.

Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

- Shut up.
- Pay for the room service.

- Dawg, I said I would pay...
- It's on me, bro.

Look at my surprise here.

[all] Happy birthday!

- Oh, my God! Look at this!
- Oh!

- Happy birthday! Whoa! Oh!
- Shut up!

- Hi, guys!
- Shut up!

- 'Shut up.'
- Oh, my God.

- Ola.
- How are you?

Holy. You guys are not
really here right now.

We're about to get crazy now.

You want me to cheers?
Happy birthday, Brody.

- 'Yeah.'
- 'Another one for Brody.

- 'One more time.'
- 'Another one for Brody.'

Oh, wait! Oh, wait. Oh,
what is this? Wait, what is...

- Oh, you already to...
- 'You already took it?'

- I'm waiting for you guys.
- 'What is this?'

- 'Waiting for us?'
- He already took it.

- To Brody's birthday.
- Cheers.

[all cheering]

Thank you guys for coming.
I love all of you.

I'm glad you guys are here
with me.

We are going
in that pool tonight.

We're gonna have
so much fun this weekend.

- Yeah.
- I'm already there.

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chattering]

- Heidi has her own office?
- Of course.

'I mean, I didn't get
what the deal is.'

Who does that?

People that wanna move up,
I guess but...

Yeah, I guess, you know.

So I don't know if you heard
but I gave my notice.

- 'Shut up.'
- Yeah.

You're serious? Wow.

I just think that
I can take the next step

and if it's not here
then it's somewhere else.

You don't think
it's worth it to stick it out

for something else or...

I just think everything,
you know...

Everything that happened
with Heidi.

The whole Heidi situation.

I just feel like
I'll be better off.

Oh, my God. Wow.

Today's my last day
so I'm saying bye to everybody.

Is she, is she walking in?

♪ Dun dun dun ♪♪

- Okay, bye.
- Bye.

- Hey, you.
- Hi. How are you doin'?

Good. Everything set
for Emmys tomorrow night?

Um, tomorrow night is my
anniversary, also so, um...

Is it okay if I get it covered?
It's all set. It's all good.

I-I don't care what you do
as long as it's covered

and someone's covering for you.
Then we're all good.

- 'Okay, perfect.'
- Okay. Cool.

Thanks, Brent.

[instrumental music]

- Hey.
- Hi.

- You working on the event?
- Ah, yeah. So busy.

- So everything's set, right?
- Craziness.

The red carpet's set,
and everything?

- And the Emmys?
- 'Yeah.'

Um, tomorrow night
is my anniversary so...

'So you want me
to cover for you.'

[Heidi] 'Yeah.'

- 'Sure.'
- Okay.

Anything for you.

You know that, y-you know...

It's business,
it's nothing personal, right?

I couldn't agree more.

- Totally.
- 'Okay.'

- Okay.
- As long as everything's okay.

- 'Yeah. Oh, yeah.'
- Well, great.

Should be no problem.
So I hope you have a good time.

- Alright. Thanks, Elodie.
- Okay. Bye.

[instrumental music]

Justin, seriously
has not spoken one word to us.

I think he's mad,
he has every right

to be mad,
I wasn't very nice to him.

'Well, I wasn't very nice
to him either'

and, like, I feel bad but...

How do we feel about these?
The Mary Jane, it dresses it.

It makes it a little more...

- 'Just try them on.'
- I'll try them on.

I just... Okay, first bet.

The first person to make
Justin Bobby smile wins.

Okay? That's the first bet
of the weekend.

First bet.

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chattering]

- 'Whoo!'
- Ha ha!

- See that...
- Oh! Whoo! Oh!

- Sitting next to birthday boy.
- Oh! Whoa!

I got the most beautiful date
in the house.

She's comin'
on my spinning bed tonight.

You better watch out. Oh!

'I really appreciate all of you
guys coming to my birthday.'

- And my 24th.
- We love you, Brody.

- Happy birthday, Brody.
- But you know what?

I don't know
where Spencer and Heidi are.

His birthday's exactly
eight days before mine.

[male #1] 'Didn't he call you
or anything?'

No, I texted him, happy birthday

'cause it's his birthday.
I will always love him.

He always has a place
in my heart.

But at the same time, it's this.

Somebody who thrives on drama.

Me, I wanna separate myself
from that person

'cause I wanna just live life,
have a great time.

- Cheers to that.
- To life and true friends.

That's right. That's the truth.

- 'Hey, Lauren.'
- 'We got a shot for Justin.'

'We're trying to make peace now
but he's not here.'

- 'Hey!'
- Hey, hey!

- Justin! Hey, Justin!
- 'Where'd you go?'

We bought you a shot.

[Audrina] 'No more sh*ts.'

Happy birthday.

[instrumental music]

What are you gonna do
about Brody?

- Wish him a happy birthday.
- You know what?

I'm tired of this, like

"Wishing you a happy a birthday"

and, "We're friends."

But whether you wanna
admit it or not

and Brody wants
to admit it or not.

You guys can't stop
laughin' at each other.

- Looking at each other.
- We're friends.

- We like each other's company.
- I know. Yeah, yeah.

You guys have, like,
have this chemistry

and I know both of you
are attracted to each other

so what are you guys
waiting for?

Frankie, we tried
more than friends.

- It doesn't work with us.
- Once.

Once, and what happened?
Think, think...

- All we did was fight.
- Because of Spencer and Heidi.

- No.
- Yes.

You guys didn't fight
because of you guys.

Think about it.

[upbeat music]


[music continues]

Wow, we were
out of our minds last night.

You gotta do it all over
again tonight.

'Last night was child's play,
man. Tonight is the night.'

I think you should be getting
serious with Lauren.

Yesterday at dinner
it was you two, like, laughing.

Like you're all in love
and stuff. Maybe...

We're friends.

Would you ever
get back together with her?

Nothing better
than my two best friends dating.

♪ Too too too ♪♪

Me and Brody?


'Come on, now.'

[instrumental music]

- Haven't seen Audrina all day.
- Me neither.

I texted her to make sure
she made it home okay.

- She was fine so...
- We bought a drink for Justin.

- He didn't even acknowledge us.
- I don't think he likes us.

He still has maybe said
three words to me.

I think it's awkward for him
because he knows

that, I mean, we're not, like...

Yeah, but I mean, like

we wanna be friends
with him, like...

Let's buy him
another shot tonight.

- Like, Justin, round two.
- Yeah.


Where are the boys?

- Are they coming to the pool?
- Mm-hm.

'What's goin' on
with you and Brody?'

'It's like, I adore Brody'

but just in a friendly way.

'Well, now that Jason's taken,
you should go for Brody.'


You're so lame.

[all cheering]

[Brody] 'Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!'

Whoo! Whoo!



[music continues]


[music continues]

Hey, Brody!
Happy birthday, Brody!

[music continues]

[all cheering]

[instrumental music]

- Ah!
- Oh, surprise, surprise!

- Oh, my gosh!
- Ah.

Oh, look at this.

Happy anniversary.

What a great fiance you are.

I wish this was how we always
had our dinners at...

I know, I'm excited
to be here and not work.

Brent said you could have it off
for your anniversary?

Yeah, he said it doesn't matter
as long as it's covered.

- Who's coverin' it?
- Elodie.

This is so nice.

[instrumental music]

- 'It's rotating right now.'
- Are we too fat?

- There it is.
- Ah!

[indistinct shouting]

- Hey!
- What?

- Whoo!
- Where's Justin right now?

- I don't know.
- 'Audrina?'

- I'm with my friends!
- Justin hates us.

'I'm with my friends, too.'

- He hates us.
- 'Justin...'

'We've really tried
to be really nice to him'

and he still just
won't give us the time of day.

He's trying to, like,
be nice to all my girlfriends.

I don't care if he opens up.
I don't need to...

He doesn't need to open up
to anyone but me.

It's me and him. It's none
of anyone else's business.

It's just like, he could at
least respond when we say hi.

You know what?

Lauren's gonna be mad at me now.

She ran out. She's mad.
You know what?

I'm done.

'I know you guys don't like'

'Justin, I get it.'

[instrumental music]

What a nice,
relaxing day we had.

A nice, relaxing evening.

I'm so excited
to really eat all this.

[cell phone ringing]

They say it's rude to answer the
phone on anniversary dinners.

- Hello?
- 'Heidi, it's Michelle.'

[Heidi] 'Oh, hey, Michelle.
What's going on?'

[Michelle] 'I'm down here
and this is a mess.'

[indistinct chatter]

- Elodie's not there?
- 'Uh, no.'

She said that she was working
this event.

[Michelle] 'Elodie quit.
Yesterday was her last day.'

She quit yesterday?

'We need you down here now.'

[sighs] Okay, I'll see you soon.

"See you soon?"

'Nobody's there
covering the event'

and I have to get there
right now.

I mean, I wanna stay and do this

but I just got this promotion.

'And you're the one
who wanted me'

'to get this promotion too.'

Alright, let's get going.

- 'So I love you.'
- No, you don't.

'Spence, I gotta go.'

[instrumental music]

- 'Audrina left and she's mad.'
- 'Well, listen.'

That is that.

That's no reason
for you to be upset.

I'm not even upset but just
to even have to deal with that.

Justin has no problem with you.

He just has a little problem
with Lo. That's it.

I swear to God.
No, no, no. Listen. Listen.

- That's really, I'm being...
- You know what Lo did to him?

He said "I have no problem
with Lauren..."

- She called him Justin Bobby.
- No... Shh.

No, I'm not on anybody's side.

I'm just trying to mediate
the situation here.

It's like, that's why he has a
little bit of a problem with Lo.

- I'm just tryin' to mediate...
- Please, stop having other...

Because I see everybody's point.

I see everybody's point.
I see Lo's point.

I see his point.
I see your point.

I see everybody's point.
Is that a problem?

Every time we're arguing
it's an argument

that should be had by two
completely separate people.

We're not arguing.
I'm not arguing.

- I'm just discussing.
- We are absolutely arguing.

Well, let's stop arguing.

Come cuddle.

- Can we just stop arguing...
- We'll just got to...

Can we just sleep outside
and just relax?

No, I don't wanna sleep outside.

Okay, let's take a nap
and then we'll roll inside.

You're a jerk
and I'm mad at you.

Why am I jerk? I'm not a jerk.

Because you stand up
for people you shouldn't.

Well, you know what?
I stand up for everybody.

- Everybody has a side.
- I stand up for my friends too.

Are you gonna have problems
not to stand up for Justin?

I may have problems. No,
I'm-I'm standing up for Justin.

I like Justin.
I like to see all sides.

Now, come on. Let's take a nap.

[instrumental music]