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03x11 - No More Mr Nice Guy

Posted: 04/17/24 17:05
by bunniefuu
I would've pulled out
your chair for you

but it's kinda, a little bed
we got going on here.

- Thank you.
- Ahh.

We're excited for your barbecue.

I'm so excited.

- Frankie called me twice.
- 'Frankie?'

You're gonna tell him
you're on a date.

I haven't been on a real date

in, like, three weeks.

Hey, there's a certain type of
nice guy that you need to find.

Tell me what I need
to date, Brody.

Somebody that's not Mr. Perfect
all the time, 'cause that's...

- I don't want Mr. Perfect.
- Like I said.

Thank you.

Somebody who's got
a little bit of bad boy.

You like that,
I know you do. I'm...

I'm going after your...
I'm going after your taste.


What looks good?

Nothing's catching my eye.


[instrumental music]

'So Wednesday night's NASCAR.'

Rob's in charge.

So, Heidi, you'll work with Rob.

And at the event, Heidi

I want you to work
with Kimberly.

She's new.

'So just kinda show her
the ropes a little bit.'

You keep an eye on her,
and Rob will keep an eye on you.

- Alright.
- It'll work perfect, alright?

Okay, guys.

- Hi, I'm Heidi.
- Hey, I'm Kim.

Nice to meet you.

I'm the new events coordinator.

Everyone keeps saying,
"Oh, you're the new Elodie."

I'm like, "No, I'm just
the new events coordinator."

- Yeah.
- It's kind of weird.

- Has it been a whirlwind?
- Really fast. Yeah.

I like it, though.
I'm a New Yorker

so I'm, like, you know,

- Is this your first event?
- Yeah.

Well, if you need anything,
just, you know, let me know.

- Okay.
- Perfect.


[instrumental music]

[camera whirring]

- Thank you.
- 'You're next...'

Good to see you.


Could you fill one of these out

and then give it back to me
with one of your cards.

Thank you. Can we have you
fill out those?

There's pens over there.

And then...

No. Which one?

Oh, my God! Yeah!
That's really funny.

Was I trying to set you up
with my friend Heidi?

- Yes. You were.
- Now I remember.

[Whitney] Hey, Lauren, is there
anyone to send in?

- I did a sh**t with him.
- 'Really?'

I was trying to set him up
with Heidi.

It's 'cause she was trying
to date Spencer.

- Oh.
- I was trying desperately.

How things would have changed!

I was like, "Date anyone else!"

'Oh, my gosh. What's your name?'

- Gavin.
- 'Gavin. I'm Whitney.'

- 'Nice to meet you.'
- 'You're up, Gavin.'

I need you in the pink shirt
and the gray pants.

Thank you.


If you could just stand
right there.

Um, you're done.
Thank you so much.

- Nice to meet you.
- Yeah, you too.

How'd you do?

Whew. Confidence isn't
an issue with you, is it?

He was really funny.

Got any big plans
for the weekend?


I was gonna see
if you wanted to hang out.

Um, sure.

Alright, can I grab your number?

[Lauren] 'Yeah.'


Awesome. Thanks.

- Alright.
- It was good seeing you again.

Yeah, you too.
I'll see you later.

- 'Bye!'
- 'Bye.'

- Don't.
- I'm not saying a word.

- Don't.
- Okay, fine!

[instrumental music]

- Heidi! What are you doing?
- Getting ready for work.

'I have that huge NASCAR
event tonight.'

- You didn't tell me that.
- Yes, I did!


'Cause I set up dinner plans.

It's a surprise to make up for

'the anniversary dinner
we didn't get to have.'

Babe, I'm really sorry,
but I have to go do this.

It's part of my new job.

'Why don't you come
by the NASCAR event?'

And then we'll leave together,
and we'll get a late-night bite.

It's not my choice.
It's really...

Don't even put that on me.
It's not my choice.

Alright, I got to go.
Please don't be mad at me.

- This is so ridiculous.
- I'll see you at our anni...

Oh, you're not coming
to our anniversary.

I'll be at work.
Why don't you try it?

Oh, it's like that.

[instrumental music]

[Lo] 'What's this guy's name?'

- Gavin.
- That's exciting.

Why don't you invite him today
to the barbecue at Brody's.

I did. He...
I don't think he's coming.

He has to sh**t
a commercial today.

Does Kevin or any of our guy
friends know who he is?

No, I can't do a background
check. They don't know him.

Good they don't know him.

'You wanna meet him
for who he is.'

Oh! Oh! Wait! Wait!

- Oh, my God! What?
- Gavin's coming.

- Yay!
- Gavin is coming?

Yeah, he said, "Hey,
I just got done sh**ting.

"Looks like I'll make it
to the beach.

See you this afternoon. Gavin."

How fun. I love passing
judgment on people.

I wonder how Frankie and Brody
are gonna treat him

'cause you're, like, their girl,
you know what I mean.

- Frankie doesn't care.
- Brody, on the other hand.


[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

Oh, you missed out on Brody
spinning in the bed with Lauren.

What are you talking about
right now?

Missed out on Brody in a
spinning bed with Lauren.

- Oh, the girlies!
- Speaking of the devil.

- Speaking of the devil.
- 'I don't get a hug, Lauren?'

I'm making my way over.

[Lauren] 'Whitney!'

Yeah, that's fine. I don't care.

We met this guy
at a model casting.

- This is Gavin?
- For the Marc Jacobs show.

What, you sit around
and talk about me?

We're living vicariously
through you.

We're acting like
your big brothers.

- Don't embarrass me.
- 'We won't.'

- 'We may embarrass him a bit.'
- Stop. I'm nervous.

Don't make me feel more...

- 'What up?'
- What's up, man?

- I'm Gavin .
- Taylor.

- Nice to meet you, dude.
- Brody.

I'm Gavin .
This is my buddy Justin.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hi, Audrina.

There's drinks all up here
if you guys want anything.

[Gavin] Alright, cool.

He seems like a nice guy.

He's a little short, though.

I didn't ask your opinion.

- Hey.
- What?

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

I went camping in Catalina
a couple of weeks ago.

I hate camping.
You camped? Really?

Yeah. Why do you hate camping?

'Cause don't you just get
really dirty?

And it's just not fun
to sleep on the ground.

'He just went camping
in Catalina.'

You did? Where did you sleep?

In a hotel that's on Catalina?

No, we went up as far north

where there's no running water
or electricity.

'Really? That's pretty manly.'

There's another beach that's
about an hour north of here

and you can camp on it
and build fires and so...

Like, I just made it sound
like I go camping every day.

Yeah. We pretty much did...

If a girl says she hates camping

don't say you camp every day.


[instrumental music]

- 'We're cooking.'
- You're cooking?

- 'We're finally cooking.'
- Thank you, Gavin.

He's gonna cook for you.

He's gonna cook
for everybody, Lo.

Yeah, but he's cooking for you.

Wait. Who's he cooking with?

'So, how'd you meet Lauren?'

I just ran into her
at a casting last week.

I asked her out.

Supposed to go out Friday.

Oh! Whoa!

- How do you know Lauren?
- Got to get my approval here.

I just gotta make sure you're a
good guy, you know...

- I'm alright.
- You're alright?

Yeah, I'm good.

- No, he's not.
- Oh, yes, he did.

He got a little jealous.
Yes, he did.

Yeah, you do, too.

When was your last relationship?

[Gavin] 'It's actually been
over a year'

'since I was in a relationship.'

- 'How did it end?'
- Not good.

- 'Really?'
- Yeah.

'Why? On her part or yours?'

It was just a weird situation

'cause she was my best friend,
you know?

- Right
- And so...

- Before?
- Before, yeah.

It wasn't anybody's fault.
We were just young...

'We just went through
a lot of stuff...'

[instrumental music]

- 'This is getting crazy.'
- 'I know.'

Um... Okay, this person's
on the list.

- Yeah.
- Right here. They're coming.

- Yeah, he's already checked in.
- What else?

Inside VIP Rooms are all
checked out?

Yeah. That's all set.
Everything's cleared too.

Okay, and the tables
are coming in right now?

Yeah, I got to check
all the radios back in

so I'm probably gonna be here
till at least, like, 3:00.

- Three?
- Yeah.

[cell phone ringing]


Hey, babe. How are you?

Um, I have to stay late tonight.

But we can do it another night.

I'm sorry, babe.

Please don't be mad at me.


Spencer just called.

Now he's mad. It's not my fault.

I'm sure it'll be fine.
Just talk to him

when you get home, you know?


[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

He just seems so perfect
and, like, by the book

and everything is so, like...

Maybe in a "Fairy-tale" world.

Can you imagine Brandon coming
into this group of people?

I'm trying to get something
out of him.

Did you have a good time today?

Mm-hmm. I always have fun
at his house.

Thanks for asking me
to come and all...

Of course.

'You were a trouper. Thanks.'

I had a good time, for sure.

Like I said to them, I feel like

he is being Mister,
like, Perfect.

It has nothing to do
out of jealousy

but I will give him a hard
time... Not a hard time

but just, I wanna, like,
see him have some reaction.

Seriously, though, like,
all your friends

here really seem nice.

They are.
I have very good friends.

They do seem really cool.

'Uh, so, I guess
I'll see you Friday?'

[Lauren] 'Mm-hmm.'

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

Is Heidi available?

- 'And you are?'
- Spencer.

[phone ringing]

Hi, Heidi. Spencer's here.

'Okay, great. Thanks.'

- She'll be right out.
- Thank you very much.

- Hey, what are you doing here?
- Hey, stealing you for lunch.

Uh, no, you're not, because

I'm actually in the middle
of a meeting.

I wish you would have called me.
I would have told you.

Lunchtime you usually have off.

Get Brent out here.
Let me talk to Brent.

You know I've been working
so hard on this job.

I've been doing this for us,
been moving ahead.

How does this have anything
to do with us?

I'll be off work at like
seven or something, so let's...

You can schedule me in?
You can put me in your calendar?

I mean, you were the one who
encouraged me to get this job

and you know that it was gonna
be a lot more time and effort.

You said after NASCAR

that everything
was gonna quiet down.

I know, but I'm really busy,
and I got to go.

I hope this meeting's
pretty important.

[instrumental music]

- 'Where are you guys going?'
- 'To Sushi Dan's.'

- Sushi Dan's!
- Yeah!

[Audrina] 'Good.'

You have to try
the crazy Danny roll.

Crazy Danny roll.
I'll remember that.

It's good. So, are you excited?


You haven't been
on a date in a while.

I know.

'He seems nice, but he doesn't'

'really seem like your type.'

That's what Brody said too.

[instrumental music]

'So you like Sean Kingston?'

- I don't know who that is.
- Yes, you do.

He sings that
"Beautiful Girls" song.

I can probably.
I'll find it on my BlackBerry

and I'll play it for you.

[indistinct chatter]

- Thank you.
- Yep.

Alright, what's good here?

Crazy Danny roll, Danny roll.

I was told I needed to try
the crazy Danny roll.

then crazy Danny roll it is.

The baked salmon roll.

I get a baked salmon roll
every single time I come here.

I'm not a huge salmon fan.

- Okay.
- I'm just gonna let you order.


[female #1]
'Hi, guys. How are you?'

- Good, how are you?
- 'Good.'

We're gonna get
a baked salmon roll

'a crazy Danny roll'

and what was that cucumber roll?

- Rockin' roll.
- 'Rockin' roll.'

'I hope the barbecue wasn't
too uncomfortable for you.'

I got mad at Brody for that.

Honestly, from the way
he was towards me

I thought he was being
pretty nice.

You're just a very nice guy.

- Baked salmon roll.
- Oh, thank you.

That was quick.

Here, I'm going to serve you up.

I just want you to have the best
experience possible...

- With this baked salmon roll.
- Thank you.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

It's really big.

It's good.

It is good.

Tell me about some of the dates
you've been on recently.

Um, they're very bad.

I have very, very...

...bad taste.

I didn't mean, like, you.

I'm just saying, like,
in general

they seem very normal,
and then they're crazy.

So, I seem normal,
but I'm crazy.

No, you're not crazy.
You're very normal.

[instrumental music]

Well, well, well.
Somebody's home

awfully early for a date night.

- Hey, what are you doing?
- I'm just driving around.

I just dropped Frankie off.

'How was, uh, the date?'

It was a great date
with no sparks.

Well, somebody didn't listen,
but I think I told you

that guy was pretty boring.

'I know, I know.'

But I needed
to go, just to find out.

But, I mean, he's really nice.
It just...

You know, it just went.

So, what are you doing now?
You just dropped Frankie off?

Uh, yeah, yeah.
I'm on my way home right now.

- 'What are you gonna do?'
- Um...nothing.

I'm just at home.
I was gonna watch a movie.

If it's not a boring movie

how about I watch
a movie with you?

'What movie is it?'

Does it really matter?


I guess not.

[laughs] Okay, I'll see you
in a few minutes.

- 'Alright, bye.'
- Bye.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]