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03x19 - Paris Changes Everything

Posted: 04/17/24 17:09
by bunniefuu
[P.A. announcement
in foreign language]

- Hi.
- 'Hi.'

- How are you?
- I'm Stefan.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hi, nice to meet you.

- Hi.
- I'm Lauren. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

- How was the flight?
- Really good.

- 'Ah. Perfect.'
- 'Yeah.'

Ooh, I can feel
the cold already.

- Oh, it feels good.
- 'Brr.'


- Just take this for the moment.
- Okay.

'And I arrange everything.'

[speaking in foreign language]

Thank you.

- 'So, we are in Paris.'
- Yay!

- We're so excited.
- It's a new world for you.

- Yes, it is.
- Everything is different.

- How is it different?
- It's up to you to see.

It's the Eiffel tower!

Ah! I can see it!

- What do we wanna do?
- Ah, you have your itinerary.

- 'In the, uh... Yeah?'
- Oh.

- Oh, okay.
- 'For your week.'

Do you know the locations
of these stores?

- Tell me.
- Uh, Givenchy?


- Givenchy.
- 'Sure.'

- And, um, Alberta Ferretti.
- Yeah. Near, close.

We get to pick up
our ball gowns.

Oh, my gosh.

'We're supposed to
go to Colette first'

'to pick up shoes
for two of the debutantes.'

Do you think those are
appointments or just...

- I doubt they're appointments.
- We wanna get our gowns is why.

Okay, so then can we go to
Alberta Ferretti first

'to pick up our ball gowns?'


I don't think
it'll make a difference.

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Maybe I need room to breathe ♪

♪ To breathe ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Maybe I need room to breathe ♪

♪ You took my life ♪

♪ I want it back ♪


♪ You wanna fight ♪

♪ I've gotta... ♪♪


Oh, this is so fun.


It's great to have you here.

You can come home
for a little while

and have some cocoa and snow.

I needed my mama.


Just being here I've been kinda
thinking about Spencer a lot.

'You really need to figure out'

'what you want for yourself'

and he needs
to do the same thing.

[Heidi] 'I don't even know
if I can do this.'

Even after these fights
and after everything

the relationship
doesn't just mend itself

and go back to normal like,
it's gonna take a lot of work.

And you have a lot of growing
to do both of you, individually.

I mean, I would love
to see you starting fresh

and, and just working on
yourself for a little while.


And if he's not
gonna agree to that

and respect that and
want what's best for you...

[instrumental music]

[rock song]

So, are you ready
for this tonight?

- Yes. So excited.
- A magic, magic night.

Paris is beautiful.

And the Bal De Crillon
is amazing.

- Yeah.
- You will see dresses...

We're so excited.

We will be back in two seconds.

Okay, thank you so much.

- I love that there's feathers.
- You love feathers. Wow.

- So...
- Those are beautiful.

- Whitney...
- Yes?

This one is your dress.

- Look at that.
- I hope you like.

- Ooh, look at yours.
- Very pretty.

[Andreas] 'I will leave you
my business card.'

- Okay, great.
- And if we need anything...

we know where to find you now...

- Thank you.
- Thank you. Ciao.

- Bye.
- Have fun.

Was it good?

- 'Yes.'
- It was very good.

[Stefan] 'Okay.'

So, now we head to Colette
to get the shoes, right?

Yeah, we do the stop by.

I mean, I think they're just
waiting for us

'like the dresses were.'


[music continues]

[Whitney] 'It's so pretty here.'

Thank you.


[music continues]

Oh, my God!

- Is it closed?
- It's totally closed.


What do we do?

We'll have to come back
in the morning.

- I don't know what else to do.
- Do you see hours anywhere?


Alright, let's get in the car.




- Sorry.
- It's fine.

- It's closed.
- It's closed.

Clearly, we should have
gotten the shoes first

and our dresses second.

Either way, one of them
wouldn't have been open.

- And we would have had to go.
- 'Exactly.'

So either we go naked
or the girls go shoeless.

Honestly, in this situation

I think they probably
would prefer us naked.

Yeah, I just get so nervous
being so unprepared.

I mean,
it's our first night here.

- I'm sure they'll understand.
- Ugh. I'm so nauseous.

Deep breaths, deep breaths
deep breaths, deep breaths.


[knock on door]

Just a sec.

[dishes clinking]

- What up?
- Hi.

- Hello, darling.
- How are you?

I've been better.

'Spencer, what is wrong
with your place?'

It's disgusting.

'You clean it up then.'

- 'What's going on?'
- Heidi went back to Colorado.

- What happened?
- 'She just flipped out.'

- It's just so stupid.
- It's kind of like, touche.

You leave her
and now she leaves you.

Yeah, that's one way
of looking at it there.

You know, if she went home

and, like, her parents, like

liked you,
this could be a great thing.

But in your case,
it really doesn't sound good.

So, what are you gonna do?

Go find her
on the mountain in Colorado.

'Spencer, it's just like,
you don't think.'

She just needs space from you.

You need, like,
a manual or something.

I don't know what to do.

I mean, I guess
you can just write a list

of everything you've done
and do the exact opposite.

[instrumental music]

[singing in foreign language]

[Whitney] 'I wonder what
we're doing today.'

They're supposed to give us
an itinerary every morning.



What's it say?

It says we have a photo sh**t
to help out with.

- What time?
- '10:30.'

'We have to find out what time'

Colette opens 'cause we need
to get shoes before that.

We have to leave here
pretty soon.

Okay. Have you already
taken a shower?

- No.
- Dirty girl.

You wanna shower first?

How long do you take?

Well, today,
I take about 20 minutes.

Yeah, today, we don't
really have a choice.

♪ I can't make you love me ♪

♪ No I can't make you stay ♪

♪ I can't make you love me ♪

♪ Love is far above me ♪

♪ When I let you run away ♪♪

[music continues]

[Spencer] 'Well, hello, Tim.'

Sorry to barge in
on you guys uninvited.

What's going on?

What the heck
are you doin' here?

Just had to get out here.

Heidi and I kind of left things

on some bad terms,
and so I was like

"I need to get out there,
and get everything resolved."

[Tim] 'Well, a phone call?'

I mean, a phone call's
a good idea. Did you...

Her phone just goes
straight to voice mail

and her message box is full, so.


'You know, she didn't
even really say'

if she's coming back or not.

So, I'm not about to
wait in L.A.

for Heidi to come back.

Well, she's happy here.

If you're part of the picture

I'm happy that you can be
part of the picture, too.

'But Heidi,
certainly comes first'

'in our eyes, so...'

Um, they'll be back later.

'I suppose you can wait inside'

and wait for them
to come if you like.

- 'Thank you, sir.'
- Yeah, welcome.

[instrumental music]

[singing in foreign language]


Welcome to Paris, ladies.

- Hello.
- Hi.

You can put those
shoes on that table.


So, you guys can get
a little bit comfortable

if you want, 'cause
we'll be here for a bit.

'So, Lauren, you can get
Josephine and Bea.'

- They're in hair and makeup.
- Okay. I'll go grab 'em.

And then, Whitney,
it would be great

if you could sort of be my ears

and write down quotes
or anything that they say

related to the ball

and maybe even ask them
some questions.


Yeah, to include, like,
more of this wall

and just a slight bit
of the graphics.

- The girls are ready.
- 'Hi, Josephine.'

- Hi.
- I'm Kimball.

- We've-we've met before.
- Yeah.

Beatrice, nice to see you.

'So, it's already
such a formal event'

we just want you guys
to be really relaxed

and casual and comfortable

and "Teen Vogue" loves smiles,
so smiles would be good.

[cell phone rings]

- Sorry.
- I love when it's like natural.

'And you know
super graceful, so...'

So, you guys are in college now.

Is this your first year
in college?

- 'Yeah.'
- 'Okay.'

So, you're both 18.

- Audrina?
- 'Hey, Lauren.'

Hang on.

- What time is it there?
- 'I actually just got home.'

'It's like 2:30.'

'I went to Les Deux tonight.'

'I saw Brody and Frankie there.'

Oh, fun. Did you have fun?

'Yeah, I had fun, but I think
you should know something.'

'Um, Brody was
with another girl'

'the whole time, and he kept
calling her his girlfriend.'

- He has a girlfriend?
- 'Yeah.'

'They were, like, all huggy
and kissy the whole night.'

'I'm sorry.'

When she finishes this roll
we'll close the door.

- Gorgeous.
- Okay.

You can close this.

- What's next?
- 'Everything okay?'

[Lauren] 'Audrina saw Brody out'

and he was with Frankie
and some girl

and he was, like, calling
the girl his girlfriend.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

That took, uh, two days.


- You okay?
- Yeah.

We can find boyfriends
in two days.

'If he can do it, so can we.'

'I'm sure that Paris
is full of guys'

that are cooler than Brody.

[music continues]

- Freezing outside.
- It's so cold.

- Hello.
- Hey, daddy.

- 'Hey, honey.'
- Hello.

- Hi.
- Hi, Spencer.

Hello, Darlene.

What are you doing here?

Just, you know, in the
neighborhood, stoppin' by.

Honey, you wanna help me
with somethin'?

- Yeah, sure.
- Thanks again, Tim.

Have you just been sitting
with my dad?

Sure have.

I didn't know if you were
ever gonna pick up your phone.

I mean, I haven't answered
the phones 'cause I don't...

I don't even know
what to say to you right now.

And I don't expect you to say
anything to me.

It's about me
getting off my chest

what I didn't get to say in L.A.

Right, it's about you.

This is all about
you coming here.

This isn't about me.
You don't...

I would say it's about us.

'Cause if it was about just me,
I wouldn't be here.


Yeah, I don't really know
what to say right now, so...

♪ I know you don't know me ♪

♪ Well enough to trust me ♪

♪ Trust me I know ♪

♪ I know you don't realize
I'm on your side ♪

♪ But realize I am ♪♪

Wait, so, who are these guys
that we're meeting, again?

They're, um, they're
from that band "Rock'n'Roll."

- That, um...
- Oh.

Audrina and I met them
when we were going

to see some other band play.

- They're really nice guys.
- Oh, good.

So, it's good to know
someone here, too.

[music continues]

- Hello.
- Hi, ladies, welcome to Paris.

- Hi, I'm Whitney.
- 'Nice to meet you.'

- 'Hi.'
- Nice to meet you.

- 'Hi, I'm Paul.'
- Hi, nice to meet you.

- 'How are you?'
- Good, how are you?

We-we didn't have the chance
to see you the other day in L.A.

But you met Audrina,
my roommate.

- She-she's in Paris, too?
- No, she's not here.

- You two work at Teen Vogue?
- 'Yeah, we both work there.'

- 'Yeah.'
- Okay.

So, we're here working at
that Crillon Ball on Saturday.

- 'Okay, okay.'
- 'So, we're just preparing...'

- 'Did you get your dress yet?'
- Yes, we got it yesterday.

- 'Yeah?'
- Yeah.

We get to wear, like
really long, pretty dresses.

'I'm excited.
I've never been to a ball.'

'This is, like, the main ball.'

- This is a big deal, right?
- 'It is.'


Lauren, have you seen
the Eiffel Tower?

- No.
- No?

I saw a little bit when we
drove by, but just the very top.

We should, we should
go to the Eiffel Tower.

I really wanna go.
There's a light show, right?

Le-let's do that, yes. We can
do that whenever you want.

[Paul] 'So if we go to
the Eiffel Tower'

we have to stop and buy a bottle
of champagne and just pop it.

- Yes.
- 'Yes, let's do that.'

- Okay.
- 'That's all I want.'


♪ You held my hand ♪

♪ You understand who I... ♪♪

Oh, my God. I can see it.

- Oh, but it is really close...
- Yeah.

I can't believe you haven't
seen it sparkle yet.

It's so pretty.

It's just, like, these lights...

It's so pretty.

[song continues]

There it is.

It's very very big.

Look at that.

- 'Whitney.'
- 'We're here.'

- Is that the exact center?
- That's it, yeah.

[cork pops] Whoo-hoo!

- Cheers.
- Oh, my gosh.

[Lauren] 'Hello, Paris.'

♪ You don't have to stay ♪

♪ I know what's
keeping you here ♪

♪ 'Cause tonight's
the night... ♪♪

- 'Ah.'
- What?

Brody is a cou.

'A cou.'



I need to go find a rebondir.

- A real man?
- No, a rebound.

[both laugh]

I like where
your head's at, though.


[cell phone rings]

They're all going out,
they just said.

The boys wanna go out?

'Paul and Matthias
are going out.'

They're going out to a club Neo.

- So then let's go.
- 'Oh.'

If we're too tired,
then we'll come back.

He said it's pretty fancy.

- Do you have going-out dresses?
- 'Yeah.'

I think I can figure
something out.

Honestly, like, my dresses
are like pencil skirts.

- I don't have a fancy dress.

'I don't know what to tell you.'

We always have our ball gowns.


That's psycho talk.


What are you doing?

I've done it with
a couple of my prom dresses.

'I have, like, a little
sewing kit in my thing.'

You just do, like,
a light running stitch.

You would know how to sew that

and not make
any holes or anything?

Yeah, you just do it
right on the seam.

It's fine.

'Just remember we're wearing
these tomorrow.'

Well, tom... I'll let it down
when I get home.

It's up to you.

It'll be fine. It'll be cute.


♪ My story is ♪

♪ A simple revelation ♪

♪ That carries us ♪

♪ A highway destination ♪

♪ But we both have to feel ♪

♪ Like this... ♪♪

- The weather is beautiful.
- It is, it's...

Thank you, Paul.

This is, like, the best winter
we've had for so long.

I would like to make a toast.

- Really? Awesome.
- Yeah.

To my parents, who have always
loved and supported me.

I love you so much.

And, um...

That's about it. Cheers.

- Cheers to that.
- We love you, sweetheart.

Thank you.

- Planning on staying long?
- We'll see.

What were you saying today,
mom, about, like

if he really cared
about my needs

'he would respect the space.'

What-what were you saying
about that earlier?

Heidi has expressed that
she needs some time

to just be able to
get her head together

and some time to herself and...

Well, it all comes down to
I don't feel like

we ever had any problems
in our relationship

until brilliant Spencer
decided we should get married.

You left on several occasions.

Don't you feel like a hypocrite
since you just left?

After I asked you
not to leave twice.

And the one time I left
and I need to go to my family

to clear my head,
you just show up.

I never meant to come here

to make you more upset.

My goal to come here was to

apologize for everything
I've done.

If you really were
thinking about what I wanted

and respecting
what I asked of you

and respecting what I needed

you wouldn't have
come here at all.

I really wanted to come
apologize to you

"cause the second you left,
I realized'

"Heidi 's my whole life,
and I should treat her

with the respect
that she deserves."

Are you almost done?

Uh, no, do you want me
to be almost done?

[Spencer] 'I'm done,
if you'd like me to leave.'

[music continues]

- The dress looks good.
- You pulled it off.

[music continues]

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go ♪♪


- How are you? Great.
- Good. How are you?

- Hello, Lauren.
- Hello.

- How are you?
- How are you?

- You wanna sit?
- Yeah. Let's sit.


- I like it in here.
- I do, too.

It's cool.

- You like this place?
- Yeah, I like it.

Sorry, I don't mean
to have my back to you.

How are you doing?

- Hello.
- How are you?

Good to see you.

Oh, okay.


Well, hello.

How you doin'?

Thank you.

This is Edward.

- Hi, there.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.

- Matthias.
- Edward. Edwa...

Edward is an escort at the ball

we're going to tomorrow night.

'It'll be fun.'

Is he my new best friend?


- No. I'm single.
- Yeah?

Yes. Not dating anybody.

I'm a little bit sad because I
didn't really get to see Paris.

I mean, I got to see
a couple of things

but I really wanted,
like a day here to, like


I do, actually, yeah.

[speaking foreign language]

- We should go.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We have a big day tomorrow.

- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Bye.

That was cool that
we kind of, like

knew people there, you know?

I know.

Oh, my gosh. You scared me.

You-you are leaving without,
uh, telling me bye-bye?

I'm what?

You were leaving without
kissing me bye-bye.

Uh, you go back in two days?

It would be really
very great to have a

a last drink out
all together, okay?


[upbeat song]

[singing in foreign language]

'I'm laying out all my jewelry'

so we can see, maybe, what will
look good with our dresses.

That guy was kind of strange
last night from the ball

the escort that
you were dancing with.

He said that
last year was really fun.

He's like, "But this year's
gonna be even better."

- 'I hope so.'
- 'What do you mean?'

I don't know. I just thought
I'd get to do more this trip.

'I thought Teen Vogue said
you were gonna do more styling.'

'Yeah, I thought so, too.'

- 'What are you gonna do?'
- I have no idea.


[Lauren] 'See? Look,
you can't even tell.'

Just be careful. Yeah...


Oh, I'm so excited
to wear our dresses.

'I've wore this.
Look at these rings.'

What do you think of this?
It's like, I'm not gonna...

'Oh, my God!'

Ew. What is that?

It looks like coffee.

Oh, my God!

That wasn't there last night.

I checked my dress
when I got home last night.

'Where is that on the dress?'

Oh, my God. It's there, too.

[Lauren] 'No. I swear to God,
when I got home last night'

'I checked it 'cause I thought'
it was so smoky in there'

'and like drinks everywhere.'

'Well, I don't, I mean...'

- 'Should we call Kimball?'
- No.

Don't cry. It's okay. It's okay.

- I... Oh, my God.
- 'What?'


- What?
- The curling iron's on.

The curling iron
does something like that?

- It's fabric. It burns.
- Oh, my gosh.

[Lauren] 'I can't go to the ball
without a gown.'

'Do you still have
that guy's card?'

[Whitney] 'I think I do.
I put it in my wallet.'

I mean, the thing is
is that we ruined one dress

and I doubt he's like

"Oh, yeah,
let me just..." but...

You want me to call?

It's okay.
We'll figure this out.

Um, hi, Andreas. This is
Whitney from Teen Vogue.

I met you the other day
with the dresses.

'Um, so, we have
a little bit of a setback.'

We discovered that

there's a little
stain on the dress

'and we just want to know'

'if there's any possible way
of maybe stopping by'

and seeing if there's
anything you can help...

'I know it's not your problem.
It's completely our problem.'

'But we have to be
at the ball in an hour'

'and we would really,
really appreciate your help.'

Okay. Thank you so much.
Okay. Bye-bye.

'So, he said that
he has a dress for you'

'if we can be there
in 15 minutes.'

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go. Let's go.


Let's go.

[instrumental music]

[upbeat song]

[Whitney] 'This is giving me
a stomach ache.'

- 'Don't tell Kimball, okay?'
- 'I'm not gonna say a word.'

[Lauren] 'Maybe he doesn't know
which dress they picked for me.'

Thank you for driving
fast for us.

It really means a lot.

[song continues]

I got it. I got it. I got it.


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

It's an amazing gown,
very, very precious.

Thank you very much. I'll take,
I'll take very good care of it.

Thank you.

♪ And I'd live this day ♪

♪ Over and over again ♪

♪ 'Cause we're on our way ♪♪

- It's quite cold in here.
- Welcome to Colorado.

'Would you like
something to drink?'

- Could I get a hot tea, please?
- 'Sure.'

May I get a green tea,
please, also?

- So, when are you leaving?
- Trust me, I regret coming.

I mean, you coming here, I...

It just confirmed
everything I was thinking.

Yeah, what am I supposed to do?

You don't pick up the phone.
You don't call me. How am I...

Because I don't know
what to say to you.

That's my point,
that you don't know

what you want and I do

so we're in two
different places.

I mean, it's not so easy.

What do you expect me to do?

Heidi, it's not we fought about
trying to plan a wedding.

But was it about the wedding?

Like, is that what we were
really fighting about?

Yeah, It was actually...

I feel like it had
something to do with us

rushing into it so fast.

I feel like it had so much to do

with me moving in so quickly
and the pressure.

And then right away
we're engaged and this and that.

I mean, it's all happened

so quickly that I just feel like

there's too much pressure
for both of us.

I just, I want
my friends back too.

And I just want to have

my whole life back together,
not just our relationship.


It's like, what do you
want me to say?

It's like eh, eh...

All you do
is just keep stabbing me.

It's like, why don't you
just break up with me?

Oh, you wanna break up?

Nothing's getting resolved here.

I feel like I'm in a one-way
relationship here.

- You're about to be in one.
- What is that supposed to mean?

I feel like when I get back

I want you to be moved out.

You're delusional.

And you'll live on your own
and I'll live on my own.

Well, at least we got
some things resolved.

[music continues]

- Thank you.
- Bonsoir.

- Whoo. Let's go.
- Ready?

- Wanna share?
- Share.




Looking good.

[instrumental music]

They'll be standing there
and holding the boards

with the name of the designer.

[Whitney] 'Right. Right.'

And, Lauren,
you're gonna be helping me with

'the photo sh**t 'during
the presentation.'



- Valentino.
- 'I'm sorry.'

Tatiana, would you just give
Lauren your, um...

Your contact information, too.

If there's an e-mail
that you can give us.

- Or?
- Yeah.

[speaking in foreign language]

[Lauren] 'I think they're all
about to go.'


[speaking in foreign language]

This, it's supposed to be
a little bit up more.

[speaking in foreign language]

What did he say?

No, it's okay, because

uh, he say,
we-we have to wait...

Until they leave? Okay.

[speaking in foreign language]

♪ I kick the love away ♪

♪ Time to call the road ♪

♪ Have another drink ♪

♪ Play the telephone ♪

Lauren, would you just
do me a favor

of going to find Elaine
and the photographers.

- Do you want your phone?
- Yeah. I'll hold on to these.

And are you gonna be down here?

I'll be, I'll be upstairs
at the dinner.

- Alright. I'll go find her.
- 'Okay.'

So, do you feel like
everything went well?

Yeah. I think so.

It was just so beautiful
seeing all these dresses.

It's just unbelievable.

And you feel like the jobs
that you've been given

are they things
you would want to do

like on a regular basis or...

I mean, I've enjoyed working

at the magazine so much.

It's opened so
many doors for me.

I always have kind of seen
myself more as, like

dealing directly with fashion

more so than just being,
like, you know

behind the scenes of a magazine.

'Cause I didn't feel like
at the sh**t

when you were taking down all
the notes

'it just didn't seem quite...'

- 'Natural? Mm-hmm.'
- Natural to me.

So where would you, where would
you see yourself going or doing?

I sort of see myself in styling.

[Kimball] 'Then maybe
you should pursue that.'

[classical music]

[cell phone rings]

- Hello?
- 'Hi, Lauren? It's Matthias.'

Hey, Matthias, I can barely,
barely hear you.

[Matthias] 'I was calling to see
if you'd like to go for a ride'

'on your last night in Paris.'

- That sounds like fun.
- 'A yeah, a lots of fun.'

'I want to show you the city
before you go.'

Let me figure it out
and call you back, okay?

- 'Okay, darling. Bye-bye.'
- Is he going out?

He wants to take me around
for a little bit.

- That sounds fun.
- Maybe.

Honestly, when
in your life are you ever

gonna get the chance
to do that again?

A midnight tour of Paris?
Probably never.

Never, right?

[music continues]

♪ We'll take the slow roads ♪

♪ Deep into the woods
where no one goes... ♪


- Hello, darling. Yes.
- In my dress?

Is there somewhere
to put my bag?

Yeah, yeah.

I don't know if that's gonna
fit over my head. Okay, go.

Oh, I just got my hair done.
Oh, my goodness.

'There's not a ladylike way
to do this, is there?'

Ah! Oh, my goodness! Okay.

- Ready?
- Yeah.


Hang on.

♪ 'Cause I believe these roads ♪

♪ Were meant for us ♪

♪ Keep driving till
there's nowhere left to run ♪

♪ Can't help but think
there's something there for us ♪

♪ Keep driving away ♪

♪ Keep driving away... ♪

[song continues]



Here you go.

Hope you enjoyed the ride.

Thank you very, very, very much!

Thank you for showing me around.

- You had a good time in Paris?
- I did.

Call me if you come to L.A.,

Bye-bye, darling.

♪ The roads begin ♪

♪ To disappear ♪

♪ We won't forget ♪

♪ What brought us here ♪

♪ No ♪♪

What did you end up doing
with that guy last night?

Well... Oh, my God.
He picked me up on a Vespa.

On a-on a on a Vespa?

I-I literally like, my gown
was, like, in my coat.

I was like, "Uh, I already
ruined one dress today."

That must have been freezing.

'I think Matthias
really liked you.'

'I bet he wishes
you were staying longer.'

Me, too.

'What about Brody?'

'It's so weird
just to come here'

and then come home with, like

a whole new perspective
on things, you know?

Well, Lisa did say that
Paris changes you.

Yeah, and... I really think
I'm ready for a change.

After, like, witnessing all this

couture and being so involved
in it, I just feel like

'I want to do more styling.'

I'm so ready to do something

else than work, you know

behind a desk at "Teen Vogue."

It's just kind of,
I think my time, you know?

I guess.

So, it's something I have to
think about.

'What about you?'

Are you excited to go back home?

- I don't know. I guess so.
- 'Sad to leave.'

This has been our little home
for a week.

♪ And I'll repent ♪

♪ And I'll forget ♪

♪ How I even got here ♪

I'm sorry I came,
I just felt like

it was my only option.

I appreciate that...

I know it took a lot.

I just need a little time
you know, figure things out

and, I guess I will,
uh, I'll see you

when I get back to L.A.

I'll call you when I get back.

♪ Hold tight ♪

♪ It's not easy to be... ♪

- Back to the sun.
- 'Hello, girls.'

- Hi. How are you?
- Hi.

- 'How are you?'
- Good.

- I'll get...
- All your bags are in.

- Perfect.
- Thank you.

[Whitney yawning]
'Oh, man, that ball
really wore me out.'

[Lauren] 'I still can't get over
the fact we went to a ball.'

- Who are we?
- It was so cool.

- So, back to L.A.?
- Back to reality.

♪ And did you repent ♪

♪ And did you forget ♪

♪ How you even got there ♪

♪ And did you shut down ♪

♪ To stop the sound ♪

♪ Is this ever really over ♪

♪ When does it end? ♪

♪ When will this pass ♪

♪ You made these hands ♪

♪ I hope they last ♪

♪ It's not easy ♪

♪ Hold tight ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm down on my knees ♪

♪ So eager to please ♪♪

[theme music]