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03x26 - A Date with the Past

Posted: 04/17/24 17:33
by bunniefuu
- Oh, my gosh.

- Oh, a real house.
- This is amazing.

- This is so pretty.
- Yeah, pretty.

I love the palm trees.

You have to see the inside.
It's so pretty.

- 'Oh, my gosh.'
- This is so pretty.

- I love all the arched...
- Do you love it?

[Lauren] 'This will be, like,
our TV room with, like'

big couches, and, like,
we'll have pictures

all over the walls
of, like, everyone.

- Yeah.
- Let's go see the guesthouse.

- My living quarters.
- Outside we go.

Oh, this is adorable back here...

- 'So, here's my little...'
- 'Here's your room.'

Audrina's little house.

- The chateau Audrina.
- It's so cute.

It's very Mediterranean
with the floors.

I know. Are you gonna be okay
staying back here?

Yeah. I like that it's private.

Oh, good. I'm glad you like it.

It's just gonna be so cool
out here in the summer.

So this is, like,
the sunroom over here.

- Yeah, and this is the kitchen.
- Yeah.

- This is so pretty.
- Oh!

- Isn't it?
- 'Do you guys like it?'

I love it. It's gonna be
an amazing party house.

Are you kidding?

We have to have the best
housewarming party.


♪ Come on speak to me
and tell me something real ♪

♪ If nobody wants you
you take my bleeding heart ♪

♪ And make me feel your love ♪♪

When did it get
so freakishly cold?

This morning. I don't know.

- It wasn't this cold yesterday.
- I know.

'How fun is it gonna be now
that we all live together?'

- We're gonna shop.
- 'I know.'

Audrina and I eat
completely different

so you know, we shop separately.

I'm so glad that
she wanted to move in.

- I know.
- I was really nervous.


Yeah, that's mine. Thank you.

'Who's coming to the
housewarming party tonight?'

I don't know yet. I know
that Stephen's in town tonight.

And he was gonna call me
around 6:00.

- Stephen?
- Mm-hmm.

- Stephen Colletti?
- Yup.

Wait, what?
What are you talking about?

'You haven't talked to him
in forever.'

Wait. You guys
are hanging out again.

That melts
my little black heart.

Oh, that's so cute!

You've always loved Stephen.

Love is a strong word, Lo.
You, I love.

- Hey, that's exciting.
- It's not exciting.

It's not a thing. It's just...

[Lo] 'It's not a thing?'

It always turns into a thing.

It can't be a thing
because if it's a thing

then it, it gets this build-up
and then I get my hopes up.

I can get my hopes up for you.

How long did you like each other
for in high school?

'And after high school?'

I never really stopped.
I don't know.

♪ 'Cause one look from you
and it's over ♪

♪ But darlin' it's not over ♪

♪ Maybe it is time ♪

♪ To lay it on the line ♪♪

Hello, coffeehouse rat.

- You're always here.
- Yeah.

- 'Hi.'
- 'Hi.'

Can I get a chai boba?

- Sure.
- Thanks.

- What's up?
- I think I have the flu.

Oh, that sucks!
Oh! I just swallowed a ball.

Isn't that the point
of those things?

No, you're supposed to chew 'em.

So what's up with you?

'Um, Lauren invited me
to her housewarming party.'

And you wanna go?

Like, I just don't understand.

Do you have any, like, family
loyalty? Like, this is...

It's crazy that you can say that
when you became best friends

with my ex-boyfriend
when I hated him

and every day when I'd come
home, he was at the house.

He wasn't really a boyfriend,
I hate to tell you.

Just 'cause you went
to semiformal with him.

Spencer, you know
that was my boyfriend.

Don't even try to act
like it wasn't a big deal...

You can put any title
on a semiformal date.

You're such a jerk.

How am I supposed
to tell Heidi that

you're thinking about
going to LC's party?

I'll tell Heidi.

Heidi put this behind her,
I feel like.

I feel like, you're
the one holding the grudge.

Um, yes, I guess that's what
I'm doing, holding a grudge.

Heidi's not.

Alright. Well, I have nothing
more to say to you, really

so you can take your boba
and leave me at peace.

I don't wanna leave like this.

Okay. Then, I'll go.

♪ Nothin' that I say
will interfere ♪

♪ With the California rain ♪♪

- 'Audrina?'
- Yeah?

- Are you ready?
- Yeah.

I thought I heard my name.
I had my music on loud.

Do we have, like, a pretty bowl
we can stick limes in?

A bowl? We don't have any bowls.

'We are kind of hopeless.
Did you sleep okay last night?'

- Yeah.
- I still need to get curtains.

I wonder if our neighbors
have seen me naked yet.


'We're gonna have a fun party.'

Yeah. Did you invite Stephanie?

Yeah. I don't know if she's
coming or not. I'll text her.

Jarett's coming
and then Justin's coming.

'Maybe my sister's coming
and my brother.'

Wait. Rewind.

I wanted to hear about Justin.

Is that not a subject
we're allowed to talk about?

Maybe he'll wear his cowboy hat.

- Is Brody coming?
- Oh, I think so. I don't know.

- 'I should text him though.'
- Who did you invite, Lauren?

- Which guys?
- You'll see. You'll see.

I'll see?
Why don't you just tell me?

I, well, I invited Stephen.

Stephen Colletti?

When was the last time
you talked to him?

- Last night.
- Oh, you did?

She's been talking to him.

Well, did you invite him,
like, as a friend?

Don't get all ninth grade on me.

I know, but you guys have, like,
always kind of had a thing.

- Stop. We're good friends.
- 'Yeah.'

♪ I can hear the music playin' ♪

♪ I just wanna groove
on this feeling ♪

♪ I can see you wanna dance ♪

♪ I think you girls
are in my way ♪

♪ I just wish you... ♪♪

- 'Alright.'
- Jared.

How are you? Good.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Do you ring the doorbell
or just go in?

- Wow!
- Hello.

Looks nice in here.
We got you something.

- A little housewarming gift.
- What is that?

It's our third juicer.

This is Cora.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

[knocks on door]

- Hi.
- What are you doing?

I am just on my way out.

Out to where?

So far. To Hollywood.

I'm actually gonna go
to a housewarming party.

- It's, uh...
- 'Whose party?'


You're kidding.

I really thought
you'd be cool with this.

I mean, what would
make you think that?

It's, like, Ret*rded
that I feel guilty

sitting in class next to her
when she invites me

to a housewarming party,
I'm like, well

let me run it
by Heidi and Spencer.

If you are feeling guilty
and asking for permission

that's 'cause you feel like
you're doing something wrong.

The only reason
I came here is because

when I went
to her birthday party

and Kimberly told you,
you got really mad at me.

Because you were lying to me.
You weren't telling me anything.

You were trying
to keep secrets from me

and, like, being shady about it.

I'm not being shady
so if I go tonight

and I hadn't told you about it...

Then you would have been
being shady about it.

You see? You're totally
contradicting yourself.

I'm saying I don't get why
you can be friends with her.

'The one person in my life
I don't get along with'

and you're becoming
best friends with her.

Like, where's your loyalty?

This just seems, like,
so middle school, but I mean...

Are you just, are you,
like, hanging out with anyone

or are you just gonna be here?

No, I'm just gonna be here.

I don't know
how this all started

but, um, I mean, I won't go.

Well, do you want to watch
a movie or something?

♪ Tu do tu do tu do oh ♪

♪ Oh tu do tu do tu do oh ♪

♪ Oh I wanna reel you in ♪

♪ And bring you closer to me ♪♪

Brody's girlfriend's very pretty
with very large breasts.

- I just, like, just, like...
- Hello.


- Oh, my gosh!
- Hi.

- Wait, hi.
- Hi.

Dude, this looks awesome
out here.

- Thanks.
- This looks really nice.

All tiki tikis.

- It's good to see you.
- Especially her.

- Yeah.
- Yay.


I love it. You look good.
You look good. You look good.

It's way better. I like that.

You look all clean-cut.

- 'Did you ride here?'
- 'Hanging with the boys.'

Come on.
We're getting you a drink.

Let's go. We gotta get a drink.

Can I just show you this thing
I'm really proud of?

- What? Your house?
- My first bloom.


This is gonna last for about...

- Stop, no, no, this...
- Three days and then die.

Look at all the little babies.

Like, the whole thing's
gonna be these flowers.


[Lauren] 'Have you ever met
Justin before?'

- Oh, with the bike?
- Yeah. The bike, the bike guy.

'You know, they kinda hang out
in the backhouse a lot.'

Do you go back there at all
or she, she not allow it? What?

I don't think
we're allowed back there.

- Really? Really?
- Mm-hmm.

'We made salsa earlier and had
girl talk in the kitchen.'

- Girl talk.
- Yeah.

It's weird with them,
especially Lo.

I was like, yeah, Justin's
coming, my sister's coming.

Like, Wait. Back up.
Justin's coming?

It's actually
really nobody's business.

Well, I think
it's just to the point where

she knows I'm not gonna
listen to, you know...

- 'Well, obviously...'
- What people tell me.

I'm gonna do what I want.

If bull * * * starts up again
'cause I have a feeling it will

you can't win.


[Lauren] 'You know, like,
when you go home'

and you just feel,
like, so comfortable?


I just want this home
to feel like that.

I'm sure
you'll, you'll deck it out.

You'll put your little style
and all your stuff in it

and it will look
very Laurenesque.

We'll grab, like, a lunch
or a dinner or something.

We'll catch up when there's not,
like, madness around.


♪ Alone where I stand ♪

♪ And you won't
hear me complain ♪

♪ I'm just going away ♪

♪ I'm just going away ♪♪

♪ On back to the West Coast ♪

♪ In eight hours ♪

♪ We're California bound ♪♪

Oh, we have some boys on campus.


Ah, I think they're,
like, workers.


I'm serious.

So how was your party on Friday?

It was fun, we did it
kind of outside

and we lit, we had
a little barbecue fire pit

out there, and we lit that.

It was nice.
You should have come though.

- It was really fun.
- It's just difficult.

I'm sorry.

When Spencer and Heidi
talk about loyalty.

It's just like...

"Oh, my God."

'Cause that's the worst to be
called disloyal, I think.

I don't wanna get you
in trouble. I feel bad.

- Our parties are fun though.
- Oh, yeah.

Next party, I'll try to make it.

So wait, were there
any cute boys there?

You remember my friend Stephen?
He was there.

I went to high school with him.
We kind of had a thing.

You say it all casual.
Isn't that kind of crazy?

We're going out to dinner
tonight and so I have no idea.

I think, I don't know.

I know, I know...

♪ I let you destroy me ♪

♪ Love is not so beautiful when
your lungs are caving in ♪

♪ And beautiful's gone ♪♪

- 'Lauren.'
- 'Yeah?'

- I'm in my bathroom.
- 'What are you doing?'

- Makeups.
- Oh, no, you look pretty.

What time is Stephen coming?

Ten minutes ago.

That's exciting, you guys
are going out to dinner.

- I know. Weird, right?
- Is it a date?

- I don't know.
- What does Stephen think?

I mean, like, about
going out to dinner.

Was it his idea
or was it your idea?

- His.
- Well, that's what I mean.

- 'Are you excited?'
- Yeah.

Good. I'm excited for you.

[doorbell rings]

[Lauren] 'Okay.'

I'm coming!


- Hello.
- Hi.

- Hi, Schmo.
- Hey, Steve. How are you?

- Good, okay, bye
- I love you.

- 'Call me later.'
- Bye.

[Lo] 'Have fun.'

[instrumental music]

- Hi.
- How's it going?

So I'm happy to see
you're doing well.

- I love the house.
- Thank you.

Roommates are good.

You get, like, the Stephen stamp
of approval?

- Got it.
- 'Here's your calamari.'

Oh, thank you.

Money. Thanks.

Is Lo dating anybody?

- Little bit.
- Audrina?

I think she's back with Justin.

I don't really know though.
She doesn't tell me.

You guys don't talk
about that at all?

But then again,
she's in the guesthouse.

She can walk into the house.
The house is hers, too.

Well, walk over there.
She's like 20 steps away.

Be like, "I'm bored,
I need to talk, talk to me."

She's not that kind
of a roommate.


Lo, meanwhile, will, like,
run into my bathroom

while I'm showering
and be like, "What's up?"

Lo can't get out
of, like, senior year.

She was like, "Ooh, Stephen."

And I was like,
"Um, we're not 18 anymore."

She's kind of like everybody
else that's wishing something

would happen between you and I.

I told my mom that I was
over at your house the other day

and that we were we're going
to dinner and she was all

"Oh, oh, really?"

'"So what's goin' on?"'

My mom does that to me too.

She's like, "So, Stephen..."
I'm like, "Mom."

I'm like, "Can I,
can I see a good friend

'and just have
dinner with him?"'

And can it just be,
you know, platonic?

'Like, like, what?
I don't know.'

Yeah, my parents love you.

'Cause they, 'cause they know
you'll always be a good friend.

Yeah, it seems to work that way.

♪ Just what I need to hear ♪

♪ Ooh all I need... ♪

- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.

♪ Little more of you ♪

♪ All I need is
a little more of you ♪

♪ All I need is
a little more of you ♪

♪ To go on... ♪

Remember in high school
when you used to drop me off

and we were always rushing
'cause it was my curfew?

Do you remember always
you would get me home

'exactly on my curfew?'

I was good about that.

No, like, I would be, like

"Oh, I have to be home
in seven minutes."

You'd be like, "No worries."

- '"Toyota Tacoma, let's go."'
- And you'll be, like, gone!

'I would always get home
exactly at my curfew too.'

It's pretty good time.

I never drove too crazy though.

I had precious cargo.

♪ I'll ride beside you ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ I'll ride beside you ♪♪

- It was fun.
- Thank you for driving.

- Go get some sleep.
- I will.

- I will, uh, I'll be in touch.
- See you.

Have a good night.

[instrumental music]

- Hello?
- 'It's me.'

Oh, hi.


- Hi.
- Hi, what are you doing?

Not studying anymore.
How was dinner?

Ah, it was good.

Comin' home to eat ice cream.

- Did you have a good time?
- Yeah, it was good.

Did you talk about,
you know, whatever?

- What's this?
- You two together.

- You know what I mean.
- Yeah.

I mean, you know,
some things are just

better left the way they are.

You guys are so cute
together though.

I know, the thing is
hanging out with him

I feel like I'm in high school.
You know what I mean?

But I'm not
in high school anymore.

♪ So you tellin' me that love ♪

♪ That love has
the perfect view ♪

♪ Well I'll tell you I can ♪

♪ See it fine from here ♪♪

Well, good, I'm glad you guys
went out to dinner then.

Yeah. It was good.

And maybe one day it'll work out
and you'll get married.

'Cause that's what
I really want.

♪ Never again will I always ♪

♪ Always love you ♪

♪ Will you go never again? ♪

♪ Will I always love you? ♪

♪ Will I always love you? ♪

♪ Will I always love you? ♪

♪ Will I always love you? ♪♪

[theme music]