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03x28 - The Next Move Is Yours

Posted: 04/17/24 17:34
by bunniefuu
Ooh, this is cool.

- You like it?
- 'It's cool.'

I like the view
with all the city life.

It probably looks
pretty at night.

It's such an open space.

It is an open space.

I feel like I'm so far away
from everyone, but...

Well, if you think about it,
don't you always

try to get away from where
you're at right now?

Really be like, I can come home
and go in my refrigerator.

I can go home
and cook something.

'I can have people over,
I can do whatever'

I wanna do
and not worry about...

People or weird vibes

and tension
throughout the house.

And that's kind of a beautiful
thing about down here

is that only you will know
where you're at.

You know what I mean?
Uh, which is kind of cool.

I live by myself right now
in the guesthouse.

So it's like I might as well
get my own place.

It'd be fun decorating this.

'So have you talked
to Lauren about this yet?'

I mean, you think you see
yourself living here maybe?

♪ How does it feel ♪

♪ When you know
that it's for real? ♪

♪ How does it feel ♪

♪ When you know
that it's for real? ♪

♪ How does it feel? ♪♪

About time.

What are you doing here?

Heidi never came home
last night.

Were you sleeping here?

'No, seriously, did you sleep
here last night?'

This isn't like you.

You think?
I-I've lost my mind.

Heidi has made me lose my mind.

I just don't know
what to do anymore.

If I tell you where she is,
will you not do anything crazy?

- One hundred percent.
- You swear?

- I swear.
- Alright, she's in Vegas.

She's with her bosses
on a work trip

buying a casino or something.

She's gone
and she might not come back.

What do you mean,
she's not gonna come back?

Well, it depends on
if she likes her job there.

She's gonna move to Vegas?

I know, it really sucks.

So are you coming
to Vegas with me

or am I going by myself?

Think really hard
before you do something stupid.

We're going to Vegas.

♪ So get out of my eye
out of my way ♪

♪ I don't care what you say ♪

♪ I've been losing this fight
day after day ♪♪

'So we're on the main
casino floor now.'

This area, we've completely
redone all the audio-visual.

all this stuff will go

and all the new stuff
will come in.

The new center bar's
gonna be here

kind of like at the Hard Rock.

- Okay.
- Alright, so...

You-you've seen
the design for it.

'Let's go over
to the pool area over here.'

Okay, now just imagine
everything you've seen...


...and then completely
un-imagine it, okay?

Really reinventing
and recreating this whole area.

So you really think
like you're gonna be in

in Saint-Tropez,
Club Cinq Cinq.

So you need to, like,
research a little bit

of those clubs in Europe,
so we can get an idea

and we can really like, get some
photographs together for that.


I mean, it's gonna be like

you've been transported
to Europe.

- Amazing.
- Well, let's go.

We're gonna go up
to the presidential suite now

the ambassador's suite now too.

So now you see how much
work we gotta do.

I know. I'm ready.

Alright, guys. This is
the presidential/ambassador.

- We have a couple of these.
- Wow. This is an amazing view.

We have our own exit off
the freeway, Sahara Boulevard.

See that cream part right there?

- Uh-huh?
- Right.

Imagine right next to it,

So now you're getting
a good sense, Brent.

Now, you know what
we gotta talk about.

And again,
you're building your team

so people that are on the team
are on the team.

I'm very excited to be
a part of it.

- Alright, good. We got it?
- Alright.

- Now let's go down.
- Got it.

Let's get down.

[rock music]

♪ Make way
for the new revolution ♪♪

This reminds me of Audrina.

Can you see
Audrina wearing this?

- How's she doing?
- Good.

How's the house
and being with her and...

I honestly don't
see her that much.

How do you guys not see
each other much in the house?

Well, 'cause she has
the backhouse.

'So she doesn't even walk
through the house.'

She walks at the side
of the house.

- Okay.
- So like most of the time...

- This is pretty.
- I like it.

Most of the times when I see her

it's, like, her passing by.

Maybe you guys
are just drifting.

I almost wish that I did
something and I didn't even...

- That there was a reason.
- 'So that I can...'

You know, we can talk about it
and get over it.

But I don't think
I did anything.

I think you and Lo
are kind of like sisters.

You know, like,
you've known her for so long.

She could just
slightly be feeling

like she doesn't
wanna intrude or impose.

'It's just weird.'

Honestly, it's getting
to the point where I don't know

if she wants
to live there anymore.


Then you definitely
have to talk to her.

You guys should have, like,
a roommate dinner or something.

I think the key is
just ask her what's up.

"Cause she is one
of your closest friends.'

The thing is, is like,
the thing we have in common

is that we live together.

'So if you take that
out of the equation'

I don't even know
how close we would remain.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

Alright. Call Heidi,
see where she is.

I just don't wanna
be an accomplice.


You don't need to shush me.
I'm not talking.


Heidi? Wassup?

- What you doing?
- Find out what hotel.

'Where are you?'

The Palazzo.
That sounds cool.

'Wait, you're with Bolthouse
people right now?'

Oh, working with drinks?

Yeah, that sounds
real legit, Heidi.

'Alright, well, have fun.'

There you go.
The next move is yours.

- Green light, here I come.
- Whoa.

♪ Now you tell me
that you wanted the same ♪

- Are you sure this is it?
- This is it.

- This is what you said.
- Wait. Spencer.

Where's the club?

Where are you going? Spencer!

I think he's coming back.

Can I just wait here
for a minute?

♪ This is all we got ♪♪

- How does it work?
- I guess it's the luck.


Why can't we
all get on that network?

- Yeah, how does it work?
- Are you kidding?

'Can you pay extra
to get on that network?'

I'll pay extra
to get on that network.

'I'm gonna call 911 and say,
"Listen, do you got that line?"'

'Especially in private,
when you suddenly get...'

Sorry to interrupt this dinner

but may I have a moment
with you outside?

Um, this is...

I'll be right back.
I'm-I'm so sorry.

- What the hell was that?
- You asking me?

Over here.

I guess you're gonna have
to find a new project manager.


What are you doing here?

This is a really
important meeting

I'm with my bosses

and you interrupted dinner
with them?

What are you doing?

When my sister said
you were moving to Vegas

and you got a job out here,
I was like, I...

- I don't talk to you for...
- Yeah, I have a job here.

I'm gonna be here
for a while.

I just, I cannot have you
living in Vegas

with how we ended things.

It's only convenient for you.

You wake up with me
when you want.

You come and see me
when you want.

Like, what are you doing?

This is really important to me

and obviously, you don't
care enough to respect that.

- Like, what are you doing?
- I need to talk to you.

Like, I can't do this anymore.
Like, we need to be together.

Well, you said you were done.
You said you were...

Done chasing you
like this every day

and obviously, I'm not.

My point was our relationship
was turning into one

'me just always wanting
to be with you'

'and you just being too busy.'

Okay, well, I can't
really do this right now

because my bosses are there.

Just come back to LA with me.

We should definitely

figure out a time
with what we're doing.

Sorry about that.

- Alright, we're gonna go.
- Okay.

- Yeah, it's early morning.
- Yes, I'll see you later.

I'll see you.
I'll see you in the morning.

- Alright.
- Okay.

- I'm so sorry and I'm...
- Listen.

You've got to get
that under control.

- I know.
- Like, this is no joke.

You get one shot with Sam.

- Yeah.
- That's it, so...

I'll just, I'll talk
to you in the morning.

You've got some decisions
to make.


[instrumental music]

♪ You're walking alone
until the sun falls ♪

♪ Hello hello
to this beautiful night ♪♪

I have no idea how long those
crab legs need to be in there.

Go look at them, poke them
around, see what happens.

- Really?
- Yeah.

We might have tongs.

Done? I know
that they cook fast.

All fish cooks fast.

- Oh, they're done.
- Oh, okay.

They're definitely done.

I told Audrina
we were doing dinner

so I don't know if...

Oh, yeah.


- Dinner!
- Audrina, come on.

Is she still back there?

I'm gonna eat all the cheese
before she gets here.

Which is not gonna be good
for my behind.

[exhales deeply]

I just feel like I haven't
really gotten to know her yet

and we've been living together
for a while now.

'You know, I'm, like, nervous'

'to go into her
little house too.'

Yeah, I, like, don't think
that I'm welcome back there.

- Yeah.
- But why do you think that is?

I don't know.

The only thing that's changed
is that we're...

...somewhere new
and you're here now, too

so I spend more time with you.

If she feels that way,
then it's just

gonna continue to grow.

It's not gonna get better.

- I think I should talk to her.
- 'Well, good.'

I'm glad
you nominated yourself.

Do you wanna grab a plate?
Should we set the table?


- Was that Audrina?
- She just left.

That was weird.

Okay, well,
I guess it's you and me.

♪ Say goodbye say goodbye ♪

♪ I wonder why ♪♪

- Yo, yo.
- Good afternoon, sir.

What's up? How are you?
What's up, man?

- Ready to roll?
- Two minutes for Heidi.

- Two minutes, two minutes.
- Two minutes?

- I-I just left her a message.
- We got to go, man.

It says we gotta go, man,
the pilots told me

there's a big delay
at the airport.

Hold on. Uh, one more call?

Alright. I'll be in the car.

Heidi, it's Brent.
We're gonna go.

Sam's gonna leave without you.

I don't know, dude.

♪ Come on now
I know you're still my girl ♪

♪ I hate the feeling
when you're not around ♪

♪ And I know
you feel the same ♪

♪ Come on now
I know you're still my girl ♪

♪ Do you have to fool around? ♪

♪ I'm right here for you

♪ So tell me when
to touchdown ♪♪

- Hey, kid.
- Hi. Whatcha doing?


'Did you have a good day
at work?'

Oh, my gosh. You're upset.
What's wrong?

'I feel like I should go
talk to Audrina.'

'I mean, I know
she's feeling left out'

and I wanna be there to, like

make her feel better
like a friend

but I feel uncomfortable
even going out there.


That's what's difficult
about the situation, you know?

And that I'm really glad
that you guys are going

'to talk it out,
but at the same time'

from experiences
that I've had with roommates

like if there's problems,
there's gonna be more problems.

'She doesn't owe us anything,
but I mean'

if you're roommates
with somebody

you know, like, you wanna
be a part of their lives.

'I mean, yeah, like,
there's been, like'

'a little bit of tension
in the house'

but I don't know
what to tell you.

I think it's ridiculous.

You gotta remember we have,
like, a 12 year, uh

lead on her on friendship.

Yeah, but for me too.

You know, like,
I'm living with her too.

'I wanna live
in a funhouse with girls'

'who are my best friends.'

I just don't know
if she's gonna be the one

to be able to come into
the house and just hang out.

[instrumental music]

[knocking on door]

- 'Hey.'
- Hello.

Oh, my gosh.
It looks really good.

I know. It's finally done.

- 'Yeah. It looks pretty.'
- Thanks.

- Good job.
- Yeah, it did have potential.

I mean, I knew you would
make it something amazing

'cause you have good taste.

You're always out here. I mean,
I never get to see you anymore.

I know. It's different.

It's weird living back here
because, like, at the apartment

our rooms were, like, next
to each other, so it's like...

I don't know why, I just
feel weird going upstairs.

Like, it's not my business
being up there, kind of.

But Lo and I
want you to come up.

'Cause when we all went
to move in

we were so excited about,
like, all living together

and I just feel like, we've
all been doing our own thing

and, like, not spending
any time together.

But I just feel weird.

I feel like I've barely
even hung out with you.

I just, honestly, I've been
just doing my own thing lately.

I just feel like slowly, slowly

I don't know what it is,
but we're growing apart.

'And I don't know
if I, if I did something'

'or if I'm doing something'

but it's bumming me out
because you're one of my...

'I just notice sometimes
when I'm talking'

to you, like, you'll ignore me.

'It always feels like you're
ignoring me because of Lo.'

- So I'm like, you know?
- When have I done that to you?

- You've done it many times.
- But when?


Okay. I didn't wanna
like, fight more with you.

I just was letting you know
that, how I felt.

'Everything was fine when it was
just me and you living together'

'and it just seems
since Lo's in the picture'

you're distanced...
distant from me.

I've been, I've been going out
of my way to try to be like

"Do you wanna do something?"

'Like, it's every time,
you're just like...'

Well, no, like last night,
it was really nice

that you, you know, invited me
to have crab with you guys

but I already had plans.

I know I don't tell you
everything all the time...

You don't have to tell me

but you don't tell me
anything anymore.

'That's what friends do,
they talk'

'to each other
when they have problems.'

I'm here all the time.
You can walk in there.

It's not about you, you know?

I just feel like Lo is the one
pushing us apart too.

Lo's done nothing to push us
apart on my side.



And I've never let the opinions

of others affect
my friendships.

Like, I don't do that.

[instrumental music]


♪ I wish they could see
what I see now ♪

♪ They'd never believe
what I see now ♪

♪ I wish they could see
what I see now ♪

♪ They'd never believe ♪

♪ What I see now ♪

♪ If this is the light
on my face ♪

♪ If this is the time
and the place ♪

♪ Then I can look back
on my days ♪

- Ready to go in?
- Yeah.

♪ And how can't you love
what's been done? ♪

♪ And how can't you love
when you've moved someone? ♪

♪ If that's all I have
when I'm done ♪

♪ Then let me begin there ♪♪

[theme music]