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04x04 - Boys Make Girls Cry

Posted: 04/17/24 17:40
by bunniefuu

Wait. This is really Doug's jet?

You broke up with a guy
who has a jet?

And we're still going
on the jet, aren't we?

Happy birthday!
How are you guys?


'Okay. Okay. I'm so excited!'

- We're good.
- Whoo-hoo!


- Thank you, Dougy.
- Sure, baby.

- Tonight's gonna be so fun.
- Gonna be so fun.

- It's gonna be a long night.
- I'm really excited.

I think it's fun for us to,
like, all hang out together

'cause we all get along so well.

- There's two more coming.
- Oh, Audrina and Justin.

Why didn't they come with us
on this plane?

- 'It's a long story, Steph.'
- 'Yo, Steph.'

'Listen, I'm gonna have
a little toast to you.'

We've been through
a lot together

and I'm not gonna hold
a grudge.

'And having little Steph here
is almost'

'as good as having
Spencer here. So cheers.'


♪ Feeling that
I'm onto something ♪

♪ Placing all my bets
and wondering ♪

♪ Will I win it all
or lose the house ♪♪

Alright, boys.
Vegas time, baby.


'Birthday boy. Whoo-hoo.'

I'm glad we all have
our own room.

I know.

♪ What it is ♪♪


I love Vegas.
You're gambling with me, right?

- Oh, my God, we're gambling.
- Blow all the money tonight!

- Ooh!
- Ooh! What a pretty room.

This is why I love Las Vegas.

Dibs on my own bed.

'Lauren, who are you gonna
make out with tonight?'

- Doug, or Brody?
- 'Or Brody?'

- I think it's gonna be Brody.
- No.

'Actually, I'm gonna go
against you and say Doug.'

- 'Just for fun.'
- 'You wanna put money on it?'

I could probably just not
make out with either of them

because I've kind of
been there, done that.

Wait, that was kind of
awkward on the plane

when Brody was like, Stephanie.

I don't think
it was really appropriate

that he did that
in front of everyone.

Well, what I don't understand,
why is he

talking crap about me to you?

He knows I'm a good person
and then he goes

behind my back
and says don't trust me.

Well, I think all you can do

is just show him
that he's wrong.

♪ Holdin' onto everything
I know ♪

♪ Generally I've fallen
in the surface of sorrow ♪

♪ I fall apart on the inside ♪

♪ Though I'm fine on the outside
'cause you know ♪♪

- Hello.
- It's about time you show up.

You working extra hours
these days or what?

Yeah, you look like
you're working hard.

Yeah, workin' on my high score.

Um, I think
Holly's moving out here.

No, she's not.

I mean, you can't control if
my sister moves out here or not.

And, uh, I don't know.

I told her, you know, she could
probably stay here until...

No, you didn't.

Well, what am I supposed
to say, Spencer? It's my sister.

You say,
"Hmm, I live with Spencer

"and he already b*tches about

everything girly
all left around the condo..."

I know, but she won't
even be in our way.

- She'll have her own...
- She was here for three days!

And it was like, she was
the only person living here.

So exaggerating.

Ask her next time,

"Did Spencer
find a bunch of tam..."

Anyways, she's gonna move here

and she's gonna stay in here,
until she gets on her own feet.

This is the quickest way
to get me to move out

is move
a bunch of females in here.

I just know what it's gonna do
to our relationship. Watch.

♪ And now ♪

♪ I'm taking back
those wasted words ♪

♪ And those things
I didn't mean to say ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ I'm taking back
those wasted words ♪♪

'Hello, beautiful ladies.'

'Why do you guys always
get the cooler room?'

'So should we take some sh*ts?
Lo, you want a shot?'

Lo's down for a shot.

- 'Oh, yes, we're doin' that.'
- No.

We have to get ready
first, and then we'll...

- Yo, where's Audrina?
- 'It's a long story, so...'

'I have to tell you
what happened at Goa.'

What happened at Goa for real?

'It was Audrina and her friend
sitting at the table'

me and Lo
and a couple of our friends

and Audrina and her friends.

She didn't say hello to me.

'I was like, Audrina,
I literally'

'had to yell her name four
times, "Audrina! Audrina!"'

- And she's like...
- Are you kidding?

And it was so awkward
and silly, and I was like

'"Can I talk to you
for just one second?"'

And she just goes,
"I'm here with my friends."

what am I supposed to do?'

I would honestly say,
Get out. Get out of my house.

- 'Listen, you've, you've...'
- If I say that to her...

If I say that to her,
if I'm like

"Get out of my house,
move out, it's done."

- We're not friends anymore.
- Well...

It doesn't seem like
she wants to be friends.

- I don't know what to do.
- Uh, Get out.

We have both gone into her house
and sat with her

and tried to, like, work it out.

Why, first of all,
why do you care?

She was one of my best friends.

- 'She was. You just said it.'
- Was.

I understand why it's so hard
for you to do it

because you've
actually loved her.

'But sometimes, you got to do
what's best for you.'

I'm not looking forward
to losing another friend.

Okay, well,
how many times do I have to

say the same damn thing?

Get her out of the house
and be on with it.

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Is this California ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Is this California ♪♪

- Hi.
- Welcome to your new home.

- I'm so glad to be back.
- I'm sure you're so tired.

- Exhausted.
- Oh!

- Hi! How's it going?
- Female has arrived.

- How's it goin'?
- Excellent. Excellent.

- Oh!
- How was the drive?

- It was long. Was really good.
- How many hours?

- Uh, 14.
- Wow.

Well, are you
getting hungry, babe?

We had, uh, dinner plans.

We weren't sure what time
you were getting here.

Yeah. Go ahead. I mean,
don't worry about me. I'm fine.

You can stay here
as long as you want.

'There's no sense of immediate
urgency or anything.'

And, uh,
whatever you need help with

we're here to help you.

Go have fun. Enjoy your dinner.
And I'll be fine.

Look at that, we can make
our reservation 30 minutes late.

- 'Let's do it.'
- Okay, well.

- 'We will get out of here.'
- Have fun.

- Au revoir. Adios.
- 'Alright. Love you.'

Love you. Have fun.

Call me
if you need anything, okay?

- 'Okay.'
- Okay.

Thank you.

♪ As soon as I get awake ♪

♪ As soon as I get my head
on straight and see again ♪

♪ The sooner we follow
that we can start ♪♪

- Ooh.
- Oh! It's fancy in here.

That's a nice, big bed. Oh!

It's gonna be
an interesting night.

It's been kind of weird
with me and Lauren.

Uh, last night
I went to Goa with my sister

and some of our friends
and, like, she came.

'And then I was talking
to one of my friends'

'and Lauren
just kept calling my name'

and I'm like, Hold on.
I don't wanna be rude.

Like, let me finish this
conversation, you know.

I can't just walk away from it.

And then, I think maybe, like

she got her feelings hurt,
I don't know.

She didn't say anything
to you the whole night?

And I haven't
talked to her since.

we're gonna see her tonight.

'So I mean, there's been tension
ever since we've moved in.'

And I don't know,
we're just growing apart.

We're going
in different directions

and that happens,
friendships, you know.

It doesn't mean
we still can't be friends.

I don't think
that's gonna happen.

And I don't think it's gonna
go back to how it was.


- Happy birthday, Frankie.
- Cheers to Frankie.

- 'Woo-hoo!'
- 'Happy birthday.'

- 'Cheers.'
- 'Twenty one long years.'

- 'Happy twenty seventh.'
- Twenty first birthday.

- Yeah, you're twenty one again.
- Twenty one.

- Do you guys want cocktails?
- Oh, yeah. May I see?

'Hey, by the way,
where's Audrina?'

'Wasn't she
supposed to be here?'

I'm sick of talking about her.

- Guys.
- 'Be nice.'

Let's just talk
about something else.

We can talk about whatever
you want.

Wait, Brody,
while you're sitting here

with Lauren here, I wanna know

why you told Lauren
not to trust me.

Spencer is your family,
right? That's your brother?

'You guys are getting along?'

- He won't talk to me.
- Why not?

Because he doesn't want me
to be nice to Lauren.

- Well...
- Oh, it's awkward.

'I really don't think
you should'

tell Lauren
not to be friends with me.

I never told Lauren
not to be friends with you.

I just was skeptical whether
she should trust you or not.

'I've known you
for a long time.'

- Yeah.
- And I know how crazy you are.

What? This is when
I used to have a drug problem.

And been like a complete psycho.

I can't believe you're
calling me a complete psycho.

Let's just... Why, why even
get into it right now?

- I don't wanna get into it.
- Why, let's just have fun.

I just don't want you
to tell Lauren...

You just asked
that question right now...

Hey, hey.
Cheers. Stop. Right now.

- It's like leave.
- Stop. Well, stop!

'No, no.
I'm gonna tell you right now.'

'I'm here celebrating a birthday
with my best friend'

And you wanna talk
about why I said

something else to my,
another one of my friends?

'I'm gonna tell that
to Lauren because I care'

'about Lauren and she's
a good friend of mine.'

He didn't tell me not to be
your friend. He just...

I said, Be careful.
I said, She's crazy.

I've known her for a long time.

- Don't say I'm crazy.
- You're a little crazy.


You're my friend
and I'm looking out for you.

'You know, I've tried to be
cordial and be nice'

but that's it.

Stephanie, you wanna go
to the bathroom real quick?

I'm gonna be right back.

Making girls cry now, dude?


What a fun dinner.
Let's talk about that.

♪ Praying for a rainy day ♪

♪ And stay in bed inside ♪

♪ Always looking for a way ♪

♪ To medicate your life ♪

♪ Searching for a revelation ♪

♪ Avoid another ♪

♪ Confrontation ♪

♪ You struggle and struggle ♪♪

It's not easy to be
the bigger person, Steph.

- Know what I mean?
- I'm just like blown away.

I know.

He just, like, sounds like my
brother yelling at me.

I just, like,
don't know how boys

like, will make girls cry.

Don't ever cry over someone
that wouldn't cry over you.

I just can't help it.

I just don't understand
how he could say that

when he's known me for so long.

Here's my thing, Steph,
I feel like

you, you made some mistakes

and you went down
a really bad path.

But the point is that you
got help and you got better

and you're a much
better person today

because of it,
and you're a stronger person.

I know, but even when I was
using, like, I was never mean.

Like, I was selfish, but...

Like, in a way,
it's none of his business.

You wanna fix your makeup
and go down.

I promise
if something else goes wrong

I will leave with you.

Frankie will understand. Okay?

Thank you.

I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

I know this is
partially my fault

because I told you
what he said and just...

It's not your fault at all.

Please don't cry.

'When my friends cry,
it makes me sad and then I cry.'

Then I got to redo this
and I got the blue going on.

'Come on.'

♪ Will I lay down ♪

♪ Will I lay down ♪

♪ Eventually ♪

♪ Oh eventually ♪♪

♪ I'm feeling devious ♪

♪ You're looking glamorous ♪

♪ Let's get mischievous
and polyamorous ♪

♪ Wine and women
and wonderful goddesses ♪

♪ Welcome to the cult
of Dionysus ♪♪

Here we go.


Yo, Justin.

Happy birthday.

I don't know.

♪ I'm a puss I lead the pack
what kind of freak is that ♪

♪ She's hot
she's got it going bad ♪

♪ She's got it showing vicious
she does my dishes ♪♪

- We don't have to stay.
- 'I know. I don't...'

Why does everyone keep
bringing up all the bull * * *?

"Cause they care too much'

'and you should
just not care at all'

because now look what happens,
you're in here

the frustrated one,
and they're out there partying.

But don't let it work you up.

I know, that's how it is.
It's constant.

And I can''s like draining
me. Like, I can't do it.

Well, then-then-then that's it.

We came, we saw, we conquered.
Now, let's get out, okay?

♪ 'Cause I hope ♪

♪ And I pray ♪

♪ I'll see a bit of that light ♪

♪ In the world today ♪

♪ 'Cause it would be
an injustice not to say ♪

♪ That kind of love ♪

♪ That kind of love ♪♪

[cell phone rings]

- Hello?
- Yo, yo.

Yo. What are you doin'?

Uh, I'm out front
waiting for you to come out.

We have some things to discuss
as soon as possible

'and it can't be
over the phone.'

We need to talk about it

Well, um, stay down there.

I'll be right down.
Don't come in.


What is so important that
you're interrupting my work?

Today I come out, Holly's

basically like pajama-ed out

lying on the couch, erased
three of my shows on the TiVo

and was like, Oh, sorry,
I still haven't figured out

how to work the TiVo.


You did not just
call me down here

because of the TiVo.

I don't have time for this.

What am I supposed to do?
That's my sister.

What would you do if you were me
and you wake up in the morning

do your average thing,
walk out to go work out

and your sister's half-naked
on the rowing machine

erasing my TiVo,
rowing her little ass...

I understand,
I understand that you're upset.

And I understand this is
uncomfortable. It's temporary.

She wants to move out.
She doesn't want to move there.

- Yes, she does.
- She is so damn cozy.

You couldn't pay her
to move out.

You have to promise me you're
not gonna say anything to her.


- I won't say anything to her.
- Alright.

Well, I have things to do,
so I'll call you after work.

Just get out of the house
or something.

Maybe you shouldn't be there
so much.

[rock music]

'What time did we even get home
last night? Like four?'

I'm delirious right now.
I'm so tired.

Thank you so much for coming to
the room and going late with me.

Are you feeling better?


So Audrina didn't say
hi to you at all?

- 'That's so weird.'
- Yeah.

Well, you do need to talk
when you guys get back to LA.

'You need to put an end
to this.'



- Oh!
- Frankle! Frankle, Frankle!

- How are you?
- Not good.

- You don't feel good?
- 'I don't feel good.'

'I haven't been able to sleep'

because I got a text message
from Brody

at 9:00 a.m. that he's in jail.

- Brody's in jail?
- 'Doug got punched.'

They're both in jail.


♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪♪

[theme music]