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05x07 - Keep Your Enemies Closer

Posted: 04/18/24 09:17
by bunniefuu
I took a huge risk when I got Stephanie a job.

If she does up [bleep] up I'm gonna make you fire her.

(Lauren) And Kelly and Steph, weren'toff to the best start.

If Kelly was having this conversation, she would

basically say, "Screw up again, and you're fired."

Heidi tried to get rid ofStacie

but they still had unfinished business.

When I'm gone, there's gonna be another girl.

There's always gonna be another Stacie.

(Lauren) And everyone went crazy

when Audrina spent the night with Brody.

When you sleep in my boyfriend's bed

something happened, like, that's [bleep] up.

(Lauren) But there was one person shehadn't heard from.

What do you think Justin's gonna think?

Obviously he wouldn't be happy

'if he found out I slept in Brody's room.'

(Lauren) Now, Audrina wanted to move on and focus on work

but Justin wasn't ready to let her go.

(Lo) It's so cool in here.

Culver city, I'm gonna be working down here now.

I know, I heard.

- 'Cause of Smashbox. - You know what's so funny?

'I used to work for, you know, Smashbox.'

- 'Like, three years ago.' - Oh, really?

That's a good job, though, yeah.

I mean, to work for Davis Factor.

He's like a big deal.

Lo says he's the big cheese.

I'm really excited, especially for all the boys

that'll show up at Smashbox.

Well, hey.

Send 'em my way, too.

Are you still not speaking to JB?

Justin heard about Hawaii

'and I think he's, like, jealous of Brody.'

'He keeps texting and calling me'

'but I don't wanna talk to him.'


I'm proud of you.

- It's been a while. - I know.

I mean, like, are you, like, happier now?

As long as I don't see his face, I'm okay.

* Here and now *

* If you have to know *

* I finally found it *

* Here and now *

* Really starting to show *

* Anything... **

I feel so short next to you today.

Oh, I know, I only wear heels for work, though.

I'm just, like, scared of Kelly.

'I feel like she wants everything, like, professional.'

Well, I think a good ballet flat can be professional.

She still scares me.

Well, I think when you run a company

you have lot of people below you that might mess up

and all those little mess-ups reflect on you

'cause that's still your company.

I need to take a break from stressing about work

and go on a man hunt.

You need to take a break from stressing on work?


I don't think you need to stop

stressing about work just yet.

Did I tell you about the guy I met?


Robert. Roberto.

Bert. He's a DJ.

He was really cute.

While the boy-hunt is fine and good, I don't think

it should necessarily take away from work time.

What do you keep staring at?

I'm trying to picture the guy right now.

I really liked him.


Work, work, work, work, work.

* Whoa-oh whoa *

* Los Angeles the city you were born in *

* What's the traffic like at two in the morning... **

It's crazy that we only have, like

twelve days to finish the sidekick event.

I have so much to do before then.

I got to get my nails done. They're chipping.

I got to get a new outfit.


So nice to be out of the office, though.

I know.

So I-I want your advice on something.

Yeah? Go on, what's up?

Stacie texted me, and--

The same chick with the whole Spencer--

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and she wants me to come

to the dime and talk to her.

How many times is this girl gonna just, like

muddle in your business, you know what I mean?

- Right. - Step off it already.

She's the devil.

I mean, I'd go down there just 'cause

if you don't you're gonna be curious about

what she has to say to you anyway.

I want her out of my life, like--

Well, I mean, they always say like

keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

'Just go over there and end it.'

- Ah, man. - It's enough, already.

You have to tell that girl, "Stay out of my relationships

stay out of my business, don't cause any more trouble."

Where I come from, we don't deal with that.

* And I'll be okay *

* I knew that somethin' wasn't right *

* The second that you caught my eye *

* And we will probably crash and burn *

* For the lessons we didn't learn *

I don't know if I pulled enough neutrals.

Oh, I got silver pen on me. Oh!

- What are you doing? - I got silver pen on me.

'How long do you think the sh**t's gonna go tomorrow?'

It's probably gonna be, like, at least four or five hours.

- What is the photo sh**t? - It's over at Smashbox.

It's for, like, a new product line they're doing.

'And Lo is actually working it'

'cause she got the job with Davis Factor.

So we've actually never worked together so that's kind of neat.

That sounds fun.

- I'm jealous I can't go. - 'Yeah.'

'I'm actually pretty nervous'

'cause I've never just gone by myself

with the bags and just styled it and done it.

- 'Oh, really?' - Mm-hmm.

- You'll be fine. - sh**t. Okay.

I'm almost done here

'but I still need to run to the store'

'and grab some stuff for my kit'

so if I leave some stuff here

can you just leave it packed for me?

'Cause I'm gonna swing by here in the morning

and pick it all up.

Wait, leave what for you?

The bags that we're packing right now.


'I'm gonna set up a page for you.'

I need you to input everything that we pulled

'and then make sure you do the few'

'like, the creams, the kind of neutral colors'

that I pulled on that separate...Steph.

On that separate rack back there.

'Make sure you put everything in there, though.'

[cellphone ringing]

[chuckles] Sorry.

I forgot that was my ring.

Hello? Hey, Robert.

'I'm just at work.'

Oh, yeah, it must be hard to be beautiful.

Pss-psst, Steph.

Oh, my God.

[whispering] Steph, I have to go.

Don't forget.

Got it. No, not a bad time.

We're just getting ready for, um, like, fashion shows.

* I pride myself I figured it out *

* Been at the right place at the right time *

* I've made up my mind I've figured it out **

There'll be some specific

uh, designers that I wanna use for the sh**t

so when she gets here with the clothes

we'll go through the clothes and take a look at it

'cause there's some things that I asked for.

And so these are the makeup looks that we want

just kind of in line with this?

- 'Basically, yeah.' - 'Perfect. Alright.'

Oh, Lauren's here from People's Rev.

'Welcome to my job. Can I help you?'

No, it's fine, I just need a rack to put these on.

Okay, yeah, back here where hair and makeup is.


So Davis wants four looks total.

Maybe just like, earrings if you have 'em, but...

I did bangles, I brought a couple pairs of earrings

and I think I did a few hair accessories as well.

Okay, cool.

Uh, where's all the, um

Mara Hoffman stuff?


Did you forget it?


Did she pack your stuff for you last night?

No, when I was leaving I had, like five pieces

on a rack that I asked Stephanie to add to the bag.

- And I don't think she did. - Can you call her?

'Yeah, I'll call her right now.'

I think she's at work anyway, so...

[cellphone ringing]

Oh, it's Lauren. Hey.

(Lauren on phone) 'Hey, Steph, um, are you at People's Rev right now?'

I'm just having my lunch break right now with Robert.

- 'Seriously?' - Yeah.

Okay, do you remember those pieces that I had on the rack

that I asked you to add to the bags?

I'm sorry, say again?

'Last night I had those, like, five pieces'

sitting on a rack and I asked you to add them to the bags.

Um, yeah, I steamed them. They should be in the bag.

Yeah, I'm at the sh**t right now, and they're not here.

So, I'm assuming you didn't put them in there.

But isn't there enough of the other clothes?

Steph, I don't have the stuff for the sh**t.

Do you want me to see if someone can bring them to you?

I'm just having my lunch break right now.


Okay, it's fine, I'll just figure it out on my own.

(Steph) 'Well, can't they just...'

Great job, Steph. Great job.

Um, I'll send a messenger, or I'll just...

- I'll figure it out, okay? - 'Okay.'

I'm gonna go get Davis to see

like, with the stuff you have now.


* My boyfriends all they tell me to be *

* I'm always searching for what they want from me *

* Although I give 'em just what they want to see *

* It should be good enough *

* Just good enough for me **

Hello, how are you?

- Funny seeing you here. - Funny seeing you here.

I'm really happy that you came out.

'I was thinking, though, I don't know you.'

I mean, I feel really bad for the words that we've exchanged

'your friends getting into it.'

I don't understand why we have to fight over a guy

'especially when it's not even like I wanna date him'

and it's just not worth it, it's not.

If you didn't wanna be part of this

you would have walked away a long time ago.

I just don't understand why you're putting this all on me.

'It's, like, I would never deal with a guy that I had to'

go run after, and go see where he was the night before.

'Well, that's what I... I want it to end.'

I would appreciate if you would respect me--

Well, I respect you, but, I'm not, I'm not your friend.

No, but you should stop texting my boyfriend.

Well, I mean, you should trust him.

No, but you should also... There's a million guys.

So why are you tellin' me what I should do?

'And this customer? Like, maybe you're into guys'

who have girlfriends, I don't know, I don't know you.

That's right, you don't know. So don't judge me.

- But don't judge me. - I never judged you.

You do have been judging me. You've been calling me crazy.

'Cause you are crazy.

Well, I think you're a home wrecker.

I think that you're rude.

- I think you're a slut. - Okay, I'll tell you right now.

You're crazy, I feel bad for you.

Your boyfriend's a [bleep]...

...and good luck.

Okay, well, stay away...

- From my boyfriend. - From your boyfriend. Okay.

- And stay away from me, then. - 'And that won't be hard.'

- Sounds great. - Good luck on finding a guy.

You know what? You have fun with yours.

- Thank you. - 'Yup.'

* Wrong again *

* I'll never learn you always let me down *

* Now who's to blame *

* When I'm left in pieces once again... **


- Cute. - Thanks.

I wanna talk to you.

I just, I can't do this anymore. Like--

Straight into it just like that, huh?

I can't, like, just the past few years

we've been through so much, and I don't know

'if I could stay with you, and, like, keep doing this.'

And I just feel like this has to end.

We're at a dead end right now and I feel like

we both need to go our own separate ways

and we can't even be friends.

We've tried that. It doesn't work.

Don't get into it with me right now.

I came to say goodbye face-to-face, and that's it.

Don't call me. Don't text me anymore.

It's over.

(Audrina) That's it.

(Justin) You can't say what you say and then run off.

You know what?

I'm done. This time I'm serious.

(Justin) 'You know how many times you say "Serious?"'

How many times have we been through this?

Huh, quite a bit.

So why don't you, like, grow up?

Don't go start snappin' that [bleep] at me.

- Come on - You want me to snap at you?

Oh, yeah? You want me to get pissed?

What about you spending the night in Brody's room?

- Oh, here it goes. - Oh, here it is.

You don't think I was pissed about that?

What? Oh, weren't even what?

- Our relationship's over-- - We were never together.

We were never committed.

Now, I'm not supposed to be mad?

If I spent the night... Yeah, walk aw... Listen!

If I spent the night in Lauren's room like you did with Brody

you would freak out, out.

I understand why you're mad. I've already been through this.

You've been through it? With who?

You know, I don't even have to talk to you about this.

Yeah, go through your little gates.

- That is a lie, first of all. - 'What?'

- I called you that night. - No, you didn't.

- You called me the second-- - You're lying. You're lying.

I'm lying? I'm lying? You're lying.

* When I wake up *

* Could everything be just the way it was *

* Before the stars fell **

* That you'll always be with me somehow *

* This is what it's all about *

* To me **

(Audrina) 'Oh, my God, Stephanie.'

I don't even know where to start.

We fought the entire time.

It's not like, it's over for sure.

- I've heard that before. - No, I'm serious.

I, literally, Stephanie

I walked in, I was so upset

I didn't even want him to say anything.

I was just like, "Look, I can't do this anymore, Justin"

and I just, like, told him everything that was on my mind.

And seriously, if you go back to Justin like you always do--

- I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. - You always do.

It's, like, I look at him, and I...

I think of all the bad things now.

- Good. - Karma's a bitch, isn't it?

- Good. - I know.

- How's work? - Single. It's good.

How's your work?


I'm just getting the impression right now

Lauren's kind of like, "You're not doing that great."

Like, what are you doing that's...

Yesterday was not my best day.

* Take my heart and break it *

* Take me out *

* I don't start I don't end *

* I don't change on my own *

* Take me out *

* I don't lose I don't win *

* I don't do well alone... **

- What are you doin'? - Twittering.

Have you talked to Stacie lately?

No, and I will never talk to that girl again.

I mean, you're right, you won't talk to her again

because I went and I took care of that.

- Took care of that? - Yeah, I took care of that.

- Okay, Tony Soprano. - Apparently, you weren't...

I wish.

I'm glad you took care of it. What'd you do?

I mean, she texted me and asked me to come down there

'because apparently you hadn't taken care of it.'

Oh, my gosh, Heidi!

No, don't say, "Oh, my gosh" like that.

You hadn't taken care of it, so--

Taken care of what? You want me to k*ll the girl?

Like, obviously she didn't get whatever message

you tried to give her.

I can't even believe you went down there again.

I can't even believe I had to go down there again.

You think I wanna go down to Satan's dungeon?

I honestly felt like I was in hell.

The fact that, the fact that you still think

'that I would cheat on you, it's humiliating.'

'Oh, it's "humiliating?"'

Tell me about how humiliating

'cause this has been mortifying for me.

This has nothing to do with you.

I mean, I just can't believe you really put me in this position.

'I just dare you to find another Stacie'

and wait till you see what happens with that.


* We're staring at the sun *

* When the day is done *

* We have just begun *

* I'll set my sights and thrill *

* My heart won't stand still... **


I'm so sorry about yesterday.

So I didn't pack all the clothes?

There was a final group of all neutrals--

I-I remember steaming them

and then that guy called.

- Did they want neutrals? - That was all they needed.

That is, like, my luck.

It just makes me look really bad.

Well, I'll tell Kelly it was all my fault, obviously.

Either way, Steph, either way, it's on me.

- It's not. - 'Yeah, it is.'

She told me that your mistakes are mine.

I'm so sorry.

- Oh, my God. - Hey, everybody.

- Hey, Kelly. - 'Hey.'

- Hi. - Hi, you seem awfully happy.

I'm not so happy.

Can I see you in my office for a minute?

- Yeah. - Do you want me to come?

No, I don't.

So what happened on that sh**t?

We were missing pieces when we got there

but we had 'em messengered over, and I, it's--

But, who did you call, did you call Stephanie

'cause that would have been her responsibility.

Yeah, she wasn't in the office then.

Oh, well, where was she?

- 'She was--' - The middle of the day.

- She was on her lunch break. - Lunch break?

I haven't had a lunch break in five years.

- Um... - That's [bleep].

Any fashion girl who's serious about her career

when they got that phone call, even if they were

about to get engaged, they would have said, like

"Nice ring, excuse me. I'll be right back."

- And they would have left. - I know.

It's embarrassing and someone's gonna have to pay for it.

You know? Like...

But I'm not gonna be the one to fire her.

You're gonna have to do it.

'I told you before it's, it's not a sorority here'

and I told you that if something happened with her

that you were gonna be responsible for it.

'She's got to be gone by the end of the week.'

Just do it quick.

Think guillotine.


[footsteps approaching]

Oh, my God.

How bad was it?

You think Davis talked to her?

I don't know.

Maybe she hasn't heard yet.

* Every time I think *

* I've found a way *

* To stand on solid ground *

* I have to give up something *

* In its place *

* Why is it *

* Always *

* One or the other *

* One or the other **