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01x02 - 100 Million-Dollar Love Triangle

Posted: 04/18/24 10:00
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

spent the majority, the lion's

share of my life building
acre by acre, piece

by piece this farm and ranch.

I am just so blessed
to have four boys.

Someday, one of
the boys is going

to have to take over the farm.

He had to do his hair...

Yeah. Oh, I saw.

I saw it.

Steven definitely

thinks a lot of himself.


is probably my favorite
brother to work with,

but he's always late.

told them many times,

they can spend their life
building someone else's dreams

or they can work for their self
and build their own dreams.

Take it off.

[chuckles softly]

OVER]: Calah and I

met on a dating show
called Joe Millionaire,

but we learned very quickly
that being on a TV show

is completely different than
actually dating in real life.

There's not a lot to
do up here to have fun.

If it was up to
anybody other than me,

I think that we would
already be married.

I don't really like to
talk about it a whole lot

because he gets irritated.

Kacie and I, we haven't
said we're official,

but we're pretty close to it.

A week from now, I
couldn't tell you.

And a week ago, I
don't know. I forgot.

[music playing]

COLE: Steven!

What are you doing?


COLE: Come on!

I should have stayed
in the office.

You guys have had a
disastrous year with burns.


All of our burns that we've
done with just us and Jake


When the day comes and one of us

has to take over the farm, I'm
pretty confident that my dad

knows it's me.

Financially, the
last couple of years

have been so hard
and such a struggle.

Galyna is our CFO,
and she's been

working on a potential capital
investment of $105 million.

We've literally leveraged
the entire farm against this.

Did you sleep good?

I know it was a little hot
last night because of me.


If we don't make it work,

they come and take my house,
your house, everything we own.

You better be nice to Galyna

because we need her for this.

[theme music]

[music playing]

[SINGING] I'll wake up
when the rooster crows,

around 4:00 AM when
you're snoozing though.

Kiss my wife.

Grab my boots and clothes,
and do the farm work,

so we got a roof for show.

Now, I'm milking
cows and baling hay.

You know ain't nothing
longer than a country day.

I work hard.

Mr. Cole, how are you?

Not too bad. How's it going?

KERNEELS: All right.
[ON] COLE: Hold up.

Mr. Jake. [ON] JAKE:
What do you know?

This is definitely
the best I've ever

felt going into a June,
Like, we have all the

c... all the crops in,
our stands look amazing.

You better we go
knock on wood then.

COLE: I know.

That's the thing, though, is
like we can feel this way right

now, but if we don't get the
reins in the next two weeks,

it could get bad really
quick. [OFF] KERNEELS: Yes.


We'll see what mother
nature throws at us.

Farming, it's something
you got to have

it in you already, you know?

It's such a hard work
and such long hours.

Between my brothers
and I, I am definitely

the hardest working one.

I think I outwork
any of them by far,

and I just don't think any of
them really have it in them.

[music playing]






Oh my goodness.

I nearly brought you a bone.

[car honks]

Get to work.

GALYNA: [laughs]

How heavy is this?

You can handle it.

That's it.

I think I got the lightest one.

That worked out well.

I have a beautiful daughter

from my previous marriage.

Her name is Erena.

She is 21 years old.

She is super amazing.

They look good from above.

They do. [ON]
GALYNA: Let me see.

I am not an easy mother.

I have a high standard.

I adopted what I thought was
the best from Russian culture

and American culture to create
the ultimate human being, which

was Erena

[laughs] who's going to be
your next American president.


No, I'm excited to see you.

I'm so excited,
I'm leaving today.


I consider Erena part
of the family for

sure, 100%.

She has her own father and
she has a relationship with

and that's good.

I consider her more of
one of the family members.

College is really just
a test of endurance.

You know that, right?

For the most part, if
you're not specifically

a doctor, or a dentist,
or something like that,

you learn your job
on the job training.

But it's really just making sure
you show up on time, you know?

You're relatively
responsible kind of.

You know

I'm really responsible.

You know the reason I'm
self-employed, right?

Because you don't
like anybody telling

you anything what to do.

ERENA: I was the same thing.

In a college, you
would flip out.

[laughs] [music playing]


Steve is so clear he
does not want me to sleep

over his house more than
two to three times a week.

And he technically did
not tell me that we're

in exclusive relationship.

But the way I view it, I
definitely live with Steve,

and I view him as
my only person.


That's rude.

I have to get back to work.

That's rude.

You guys are too much.

That's rude. [OFF]
STEVE: [sighs]

GALYNA: All right. I'm
going to get some work done.

I'll see you later.

Well, are you glad to
be back from school?

Going to be...

Just for, like, that few weeks

three weeks. [ON] ERENA: Yeah.

And then... [ON] STEVE:
Probably like three.

Then I'll be good to go back.

STEVE: You're gonna
be like, OK...

It's going to be
plenty of time to...

Plenty of time here with,
uh, with your madre.

What's going on between
you two anyways?

STEVE: Well, that's
a tough question.

I mean, I love her.

She's just a great human.

I mean, overall.

I just don't want to be in
that everyday relationship.

[music playing]

You know, I feel like it
makes me a bad person,

but I'm dead honest with her.

I don't want to
have to feel guilty,

and I do feel guilty at times.

I think it's just, like,

a complicated
situation in general,

like, between both of y'all.

Like, on her side too. [ON]
STEVE: She does the dishes.

She does the laundry after
working 15 hours a day.

I'm like, I know!

I mean she's a...

I mean, she does so much for me.

She does the same for you,
so don't give me that look.

I never said...

[laughs] I don't
complain about her.

[music playing] [ON]
STEVE: I'm not com...

I'm not complaining.


[music playing]

can tell that you

are looking for some country.

How's about a little
bit of you and me, me?

I'm the kind of man that always
get more than he has given.

STEVE: How are you? [OFF]
WAITRESS: I'm doing well.

How are you?


Could I get a Moscow mule
with extra limes, please?

Yeah, absolutely I'll
be right back for you.

Thank you so much.

[SINGING] Looking
for some country.

Baby, I can see that you are
ready for some country livin'.

How are you? [ON]
STEVE: I'm good.

Good to see you.


So good to see you.

How was your day? [ON]
BROOKE: It was a day.

How about you?

I like the all black.

You look great. [ON]
BROOKE: Oh, thank you.

You look fantastic.
[ON] BROOKE: Thank you.

Yeah. [ON] BROOKE: Thank you.

You look great.
[ON] BROOKE: I know.

I missed you. [ON]
STEVE: I know.

It's been a minute.
[ON] BROOKE: I know.

A week and a half.

It's been a little
too long, huh?

A little bit. [ON]
BROOKE: [laughs]

I didn't plan on being

but here I am, and,
you know, I'm not...

I'm not hating it.

Brooke and I met a year ago.

She's smart, very spontaneous.

We have fun all the time.

Sexually, we're very compatible.

It was kind of fire
from the get-go.

After that last
pick you sent me.

Oh, yeah?


I sent it then I
don't hear anything.

I'm like, oh, OK.


Yes I did.

[laughs] [ON] STEVE: Yeah.

Who do you think it's
a better fit for dad?

Galyna or Brooke?

They are polar opposites but,

I would say dad is more
spontaneous and easy-going

with Brooke then Galyna, so.

For 51 years old, he is...

Dude, that man is hornier...

He is

than Cole back in high school.

Oh, man.

That's just...

[music playing]

If Galyna knew that
my dad and Brooke were

dating, with everything we
have going on right now,

with the private equity
deal, with how much.

Galyna has on her
plate work wise,

I'm scared she may just
drop it all and just leave.

$105 million, just gone.

Every time they get
in a real bad fight,

she'll just mention how
she's just going to give up

everything she's
done, working for us,

give up all the
ownership, and just leave.

That's just a ticking time b*mb.

STEVEN JR.: It's a train wreck.

I mean, that's a train wreck.

It is.

So how was your day?

It was busy.

You know, we have our car
wash opening date coming up,

and we're almost over that hump.

I can just feel it, you know?

Like, the grind, the stress.

Galyna knows it and you know it.

I don't mean to...
[ON] BROOKE: I know.

Compare that like that, but...

[laughs] What's the
deal with Galyna?

What's going on? [Music playing]

It's such a tough situation

because I don't want
to live with anybody,

I don't want to be
married for sure.

I won't be married.

I mean, that's not even
on the question, but...

Right. We've discussed that.

I know.


She just... you know.

Like, with work, I
mean we're this close.



I respect you, I
respect your business,

your boundaries, all of that.

I'm just, like, you know?

It's just tough because...

It's not fair to you.

I know. [ON] BROOKE: Kinda.

I mean... and not
even necessarily it's

not fair to me.

It's not fair to us.

I really want this
to work with Steve.

I'm really like in a
rock and a hard place,

but I deserve to be with
somebody that can talk about me

and that we can go
to things together.

I feel like...

I mean, I almost feel like
he's living a double life.

Like, we've discussed
if you truly

don't want to be with her.

I just wish she would
understand that.

I mean, I know
she's an amazing...

I've been up front.

I've been honest.
[ON] BROOKE: Right.

She just doesn't...

I think she just what
she wants to hear, so.

Yeah, I've been very
upfront with Galyna.

Even when she's asked me, are
you talking to another girl?

And I'm like, yes.

And then, you know, she
just kind of drops it

and we just go about our way.

I've told her many times,
don't ask something

you don't want the truth to.

Well, what do you think.

Should we tab out?
[ON] BROOKE: Yeah.

You want to do that?
[ON] STEVE: Yeah.

[music playing]

I'm excited. [OFF]
STEVE: Are you?

Let's go see where
the night takes us.


You look smokin' hot tonight.

Mm-hmm? [ON] STEVE: Yeah.




You feel good.

So do you. [ON] STEVE:
I'm ready to party.

You look like you are.

Let's go. [ON]
STEVE: Let's do this.

[chuckles] [ON]
BROOKE: Let's go.


[dance music] [SINGING] I
was bettin' it was over.

I didn't take it too well.

Ain't so bad to be alone now.

At least for a little while.

Don't need you anymore.

I got me.

I got me.

Get on your horse and ride.

I got me.

STEVE: Hey. What's happening?

What's going on?

All right. You got
them all saddled up?

We got them saddled
up and ready.

Have you guys been riding?

How are you? [ON] CALAH: Hey.

Hi. [ON] STEVE: Are you ready?

I think so. [OFF]
STEVE: You look ready.

I hope so. [OFF]
STEVE: You got boots.

I got my boots on. [OFF]
STEVE: You got the attire.

She plays the cowgirl part.

Got my jeans on.
[OFF] STEVE: Yeah.

Calah and I's relationship,

I like how things are going.

We're taking things slow.

Hopefully, I'm more
successful at this than...

Fishing. [OFF] STEVE:
Turkey hunting?


Fishing and turkey hunting

or turkey hunting.
[Chuckles] Stop.

STEVE: Well.

So it is really
important for my dad

to get to know who Calah is.

I think the only
times my dad's been

around Calah is in a social
setting where she's drinking

or already drunk.

And that's not the
Calah that I know.

So which horse is mine?

Yeah. [ON] STEVEN JR.: [laughs]

So this is Nash.

Come meet Nash.

Come on, Nashy.

He's a lot smarter
than Steven, so.


Let's hope so.

But from his point of view,

I know he sees that I may
be better off without her.

STEVE: Throw your
left leg in there.

He will not run. [ON] No.

Left leg. Oh, your left leg.

Your left leg. [OFF]
STEVEN JR.: [laughs]

I'm joshing with you.



[music playing]

There you go.

Why is his head down?

Oh my God. Oh my God.

Come on. [ON] STEVEN JR.: Nash.


Pull at that Nash, because
you're letting him eat.

Make him... [kisses] come on.
[OFF] STEVEN JR.: There you go.

OK. All right.

We're good.

STEVEN JR.: Now you got it.

Steven, tell her.

Sometimes when he
gets too far behind,

he'll trot a little to catch up.


Just be ready.

Just heels down.

Knees out.

STEVEN JR.: So whenever they
are like this, just lean

back... [clicks tongue]

[kisses] Hey!

Oh my God.

Don't do that.

Oh my God, babe.

[laughs nervously]

Pull him to the right.

He knows he's in
charge of you, Calah.

[music playing]

Overall, Calah's not showed me
a single good characteristic

that she would make a good
future spouse to Steven.

She's not polite.

She's not nice.

She doesn't work.

You know, I don't even
know what she does.

Babe. Babe, babe, babe, babe.

I'm scared. [ON]
STEVEN JR.: Feet down.

Feet down.

And the first time I
ever went out with Calah,

Calah was blacked out drunk and
security had to drag her out.

I've never been out with
them and it be good.

Not one time.

If you want to go
left slide, your rein

down... hand down the rein and
just bring it to your knee.

I just need to be more
aggressive with him,

I think... [OFF]
STEVEN JR.: You do.

STEVE: Yeah. [OFF]
STEVEN JR.: Yeah you do.

CALAH: Because I'm
not... hey! Shht!

STEVE: Just act
like it's Steven.

But if he's making the
choice to bring her here,

then I'm going to do the same
thing I would do with anybody

treat them the way I
want to be treated, which

is with respect and kindness.

Where are you guys at now?

Are you guys just
kind of dating?

Taking it easy?

[clicks tongue] Yep.

Not labeling it?

It's like before,
every three days,

you guys were, like, on a
mission to k*ll each other.

[music playing]

Steve is such a heavy influence

on Steven's life.

Whenever Steven and
I get into a fight,

Steve is always the one
to tell him like, oh, just

break up when it's not fun.

Just stop trying.

It's OK to live on
the edge sometimes.

So it's like, of course

that is going to have a
negative impact on how Steven

views relationships in
general. [ON] STEVE: All right.

We'll start heading back.

Let's do it.

Calah, look where you
want that horse to go.

He'll feel your body.

[music playing]

Aye-aye, captain.

[SINGING] Every now and
then, I smell trouble coming,

creeping up around the bend.


I'm a man for the piece,
but it don't stand for beef.

You don't want me to release
the beast because beast

mode is unleashed.

COLE: Hello.

PHONE]: What's up, dude?

COLE: What up, man?
How's it going?

sound like you're on a tractor.


We're... we're all still running
down here, so we're pushing it.

long are you guys going to run?


We're going to push it
pretty late into the night.

I ain't going to lie.

I'm already in bed.

Oh, yeah?


PHONE]: Well, hammer down.

All right. We'll see you, dude.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Bye-bye. [ON] COLE: Bye.

[music playing]
Back on the horse.

Lord knows I've
failed a time or two.

This dusty road.

That's right.

Every time you're
knocked down, get up.

Every time, you're
knocked down, get up.

I am whooped.

I'm so tired.


JEFF: Let me know when
you're ready, I guess.


Go ahead whenever you're ready.


That's a little much.

JEFF: Good? [ON] COLE: Yeah.

That'll work, right there.

[music playing]

COLE: What do you think
Steven's doing right now?

Probably office work.

I don't think anyway
Steven could do this type

of work every day that we do.

I feel like what
we do on the field,

like, that's the
hardest side to farming.

You can hire somebody or find
somebody to do your office work

you need to do. I don't know.


He always acts like he
does the more important

work, and I just don't think
he realizes the actual work

and the hours goes
out in the field.

JEFF: We don't get to go home
every night and be in bed.


Sleeping in the truck or the
tractor floor a lot of times.

I don't think my dad
realizes it either.

I don't think I get the respect
from my dad and brothers

I deserve.

I feel like they always look
at me as, like, joking around

and never take me serious.

And I just feel like my
voice has never heard.

Never really think I
could be the right choice

to take over the farm even
though I work on it every day.

I help run it now, and it's
what I love and want to do.

You talk to anybody, they're all
like, oh, Steven runs it all.

Steven is a CEO.

You think Steven does want

to be in control of the farm?
[OFF] COLE: Oh, I know it.

Like, I feel like he doesn't...

COLE: Steven's a control guy.

He wants to be in
control of everything.

[music playing]

I think growing up, Steven
is like the perfect child you

couldn't have asked... you know.

Straight A's.

Never did anything wrong.

Never tested the waters.

Never pushed to the limits.


And then, there was me.

I just wanted to have fun.

I kind of regret it now
because I feel like the way

my dad looks at me like an idiot
sometimes is because of all

the things I did growing up.

They're just
definitely not giving

you the credit where it's
due. [ON] COLE: Yeah.

I agree.

STEVEN JR.: What's up, y'all?

BROOKE: Hello. [ON]
STEVEN JR.: How are you?

So good to see you.

Good to see you too.


Brooke lives in Kansas City.

I actually have a condo in
Kansas City, and, of course,

all of our car washes are there.

So I'm down here quite a bit.

It's only an hour from the farm.

I'll go grab a drink.

I'll be right back.
[ON] STEVE: With a lime.

With a... [ON] BROOKE: I know.

[laughs] I have only
had drinks with my dad

and Brooke once before.

She knows your drink order.

How was dinner?


It's always a little awkward

being the third
wheel, but I wanted

to see how serious things are
right now because seeing him

dating two women at one time,

and one of those women being
a part owner in our company

it's a train wreck
waiting to happen.

Friday night, baby.
[ON] STEVE: Cheers to...

I made it through
the past two weeks.

Cheers to that, baby.

I don't know how.

Cheers to that, baby.

Steven, you and I are going to
develop a great relationship

where we're going to be the
ones that take care of shit

and handle everybody
while we're out.

We babysit.

We're going to babysit.


I do.

That's my full-time job.

I don't want that to
be your full-time job

because I want you to have fun.
[ON] STEVEN JR.: And I will.

I actually know how
to two-step damn good.

No, you don't.

I took dance lessons
for eight months


I was telling them I
was going to the gym.


You gonna spin me
around the dance floor?

Oh, yeah. I can put
you in a sweetheart.

OK. It's on.

[music playing]

STEVEN JR.: So you
ready to two-step?


Quick, quick.

Slow, slow.

There you go.


What's wrong that
I know how to dance

and I took dance lessons?

[laughs sarcastically]


[music playing]

COLE: I got dinner.
[OFF] KACIE: Nice.

What's you get?

COLE: Hopefully, you're good
with some greasy Casey's.

Pizza, half eaten
Doritos, and some half

eaten Reese's for snack too.

I saved two out of
six for you, which

I thought was pretty
nice because I

had to eat them the whole home.

KACIE: [chuckles softly] Thanks.

COLE: You need a drink?


Kacie and I, we aren't

living together
full-time, but she

does stay with me quite a bit.

PRODUCER: How many nights
out of the week would

you say that she
stays at your place?

Like, is she
practically moved in?


And she ain't moved nothing
in, but she stays there

a couple nights a week Um...

[clears throat]

That's kinda nice.

You wanna sit on the back porch?

Eating my Reese's?

Mm-hmm [chuckles]

I guess those are
the two I left you.

I think Kacie wants to
make things official again.

I think she's ready.

And that's what I want too.

I just... I don't
want to do it wrong.

I want to make sure I'm ready.

[music playing]

BROOKE: I think we need a shot.

Order 'em up. I'll do it.


Don't get him tequila though.

He'll... [ON] BROOKE: No.

We're not going to do tequila.
[ON] WOMAN 1: So sorry.

No. Don't be sorry.

You want a shot?

Yeah, I do.

Hey, we need seven sh*ts.

I made another friend.

I think my dad has

a lot of Peter Pan syndrome.
[ON] BROOKE: Where's he at?

What is he doing?

just being Steve.

BROOKE: You're making friends?

STEVEN JR.: Little
socialite over there.

I'm, like, dude what up.

I'm like, high five.

Where are you from?

North Missouri.

He got married at 20 years old,

and he had a lot of
things that he needed

to get out of his
system before he

ever should have settled down.

And I think that's why
he wants to date around

and just enjoy the
life of a single guy.

He knows exactly who he
is, who he wants to be,

and he's not going
to change for anyone.

Sometimes, that's, like,
something I worry about.

He's a social butterfly?

Well, I'm a social
butterfly too.

So I get it, but
I'm always worried,

like, some other girl's
gonna catch his eye.

I'm really having a
hard time with Galyna.

[music playing]



Should I Just walk away now?

I'm not a side bitch.

I'm not that girl.

He got himself up Shit Creek.

It's about time to
go gigging again.


You used to love
the cat fishing.

You're a redneck, so...

You never took me.

We went out one night
and you loved it.

No, we didn't.

I'm pretty sure we went.

And I loved it?

[music playing]

Apparently not,
since you didn't go.

Who'd you take?

I think it was me and
my friends that night.

Who'd you take? [ON]
COLE: I don't know.

I mean, I only went
with me and my buddies.

I don't know who
would have been...

I just thought you were with us.


I wouldn't say I've always
been perfect or a saint

throughout Kacie's
and I's relationship,

so I've probably I've given her
some reasons to not trust me

or, you know?

We've been on and off
for five years now

and we did take a six or a
seven or eight month break

where we didn't even
talk to each other

and we did our own thing.



Why are you acting all mad now?

I'm not mad.

We'll do it soon.


I'm definitely
scared of commitment.

I think it's something I

growing up, I've seen
a lot of bad things

come from relationships.

I also know I can
make bad decisions.

So whenever I'm
looking to commit,

I also don't want to hurt the
person I'm committing with

almost protecting the
other person too because I

know how I can be.

What day do you
leave for your trip?

I don't know if
we leave Thursday

night or Friday morning.
Probably Friday morning.

Why can't the girls go?

It's a boys trip.

My brothers and my dad and I
are going to Texas to actually

pick up some new Longhorn.

We want to get into
the Longhorn business.

Every time we go on a
boys trip for business,

they always seem to
get a little wild.

[SINGING] Wild and
dangerous, no need to worry.

So I don't have
anything to worry about?

I'll be good.

[SINGING] Wild and dangerous,
no need to worry about me

'cause I'm wild and dangerous...

My dad has 18 siblings.

[SINGING] And I've been
living on the edge.

It's a big wedding, but...
[ON] STEVE: That beats my dad.

He only had 11.

They're all cowboys.

No offense, but physically, I
need to be touched by your dad.

Girl's hungry.

[SINGING] It's going down
like a hammer, striking me...

What up?

I mean, I'm just mad I'm not
getting f*cking laid tonight,

Steve, OK? I'm sorry.

I'm pissed off.

I need to get laid.

And I was looking forward
to that this evening.

But I didn't make that
happen because Galyna's ass.

It's my teleporting out of here.

[music playing]

Come on.

A little left.

My left or your left?

The way I'm pointing left.

You're an idiot.

I got this.

Hang on.

I'm not looking at you anymore.

All right.

Close her up.

If it falls off, it wasn't me.

Bring her on back, bud.

Good, how are you doing?

Yep, that is just fine.

We are headed to Fort Worth
to pick up our new Longhorns

because I want to start
a superior Longhorn.

Herd that actually becomes
our certified grass fed herd.

They're also extremely
good genetics.

So we can breed these
longhorns and actually

sell the calves out and
start our own breeding

program that's certified
McBee-bred Longhorns up

here in Missouri.

you invested in so

many different businesses?

The goal is to make sure we're

creating these new
revenue streams

and diversifying this farming
operation to make sure we're

bringing in enough money
to grow this thing to feed

all the mouths we have to feed.

What's up?

We still leaving around 2:00?

We may need to push that back.

I don't know.

I may be flying down tomorrow.

I'm trying to decide.

What happened?

Meat facility inspection
is not going great.


They're here till next Thursday.

It's going to be a
long, long week, so.

Until next Thursday?
[ON] STEVEN: Yeah.

What is this, like a
two week inspection?

This is the most
intense audit you

can have in a meat facility.

And we were randomly
drawn for it, so.

So anyways...

That's just...

Yeah, I ain't even kidding.

Man, we are always
randomly drawn anyway.

Dude, I've had
three calls today...

Just randomly
drawn, seems like...

I was called for the farm side,

for the meat facility side.

Like, I swear, my full time job
is dealing with the government.

[music playing]

STEVEN: Just being
the size that we are,

having the haters that we
have, having the people that

are jealous or
don't like what we

do by trying to grow
a business, we get

these complaints all the time.

And these random government
audits happen nonstop.

I can't wait to get
a drink in my hand.

I'm going to smoke some
tequila this weekend.

[music playing]

Now, let's get on the road.

I got a long drive. Steven?


You ready?

I'm going to be honest with you.

I'm going to catch a
flight tomorrow morning.

You're kidding.

I've got so much stuff to do.

Do you? [OFF] STEVEN: Oh, yeah.

I've got to be able to get
this squared away for tomorrow.

Otherwise, I ain't going to
be able to sleep tonight.

[ON] STEVE: Just text
us. [OFF] STEVEN: Yeah.

You guys or Calah will pick
me up from the airport.

Actually, probably Calah.

I feel like you guys
are going to break

down with that trailer.

Why would you say that?

STEVEN: I know my brother's
girlfriends are not

happy that they're not
getting to go on the trip

and that we're meeting Calah.

But Calah lives there.

It's not like we're
bringing her on the trip.

This is home for her.

I think this was all a
maneuver for Calah...

To pick him up.

How is this a maneuver?

Well, that's what I'm thinking.

STEVEN: I wouldn't choose to
be doing all this paperwork.

I know. All right.

STEVEN: All right.

Safe travels.

I'll check everything.

That's fine.

Is he really checking tires?

That what he's doing?

Making sure everything
was looking good.

He didn't trust us.


[music playing]

[SINGING] This must be
change on this mercy train.

You know, pulling a
trailer will put an average

like, nine miles a gallon.



If I'm working.

I cannot believe Steven is going
to bring Calah to Dustin's.

COLE: Like, a boy's
trip ain't a boy's

if there's one girl there.

Because then that
affects everybody,

even the guy that likes it.

Dude, it's only Steven.

Like, he's going to
have to like, leave

early with her because of that.

Like, because I don't want
him around me while we

like, you know what I'm saying?

We either need to schedule
like, a girls trip,

and make it where
everybody can bring

the girls so everybody's happy.

Because that's what
Jesse's like with Allie.

He's already doing
that with Allie

because she found out
that Calah is coming.

And Jesse said girls can't come.

[music playing]

[SINGING] Ridin' your car,
don't think that I would,

a country man's got much
more under the hood.

City boys don't hunt,
and yes, so go figure,

countrymen's got g*ns
that are way more bigger.

So are you back with Kacie?

You guys...

I wouldn't say
back together, no.

STEVE: Yeah. You
guys are friends?


There's nothing wrong with that.

I mean I'm not mad.

I like Kacie.

I mean...

COLE: I mean...
no, I'm not saying

in three years we're
not going to be

back together, or two years.

But we're definitely...

I mean, I'm not throwing any
labels as of right now, so.

Are you back with Allie, Jess?

Uh, yeah.

I think so.

So I am currently in a very long
relationship with a fine woman

named Alli Ventresca.

We've been dating
since high school.

And I did say dating, not
married, 10 years running.

She would say 11, but
I always round down

so it doesn't sound as bad.

COLE: I can tell you this.

For anybody who is wanting
to be in a relationship

and get married,
you're definitely not

the right person to be with.

I mean, because I say,

I absolutely don't want
to be in a relationship,

I don't want to be
living with anybody,

and I will never
get married again?

What would ever
give you the idea

that you shouldn't
hook up with me

and try to like...
what do they think?

They're going to change me?

You can't be changed.

I served my prison sentence.

I'm out.

I'm done.

I tell Brooke and Galyna.

Let the chips fall
where they fall.

STEVE: After being
married for 28 years,

I told myself I'm never
going to lie to another woman

in a relationship.

But there's no doubt it's... it's
definitely challenging for me.

You think you're going
to do the right thing

but I don't know.

I think he's a little jaded.

I don't think he's
very open to the idea

that you can have a happy
and healthy relationship.

I'm telling you
right now, what they

don't know don't hurt them.

That's the truth.

When's the last time
we went to a rodeo?

NFR in Vegas?

ANNOUNCER: The first
man out and he's

looking for somebody
to make some noise.

Oh, is this for me?

That's shocking!

[music playing]

STEVEN: Did you enjoy
walking in with Calah?

Dude, everybody
was looking at me.

I was like, yeah.




Cole ain't leaving Calah's side.

I know.

This is why every
other hour he's single.

I know.

I'm playing...

I'm playing it smart.

Tell me how you really feel.

Did he get eight?

COLE: Do you bring drinks?

bottle service.

COLE: Could you bring
vodka and Red Bull?

WAITRESS: Vodka, yes.
[ON] COLE: I've got it.

Oh, yeah. I know you do.

You stay seated.

I got the drinks. [ON]
STEVEN: All right, buddy.

I've got it! I forget...

You're a man, now.

Yes, I've got it!

Cole is a party animal.

But we all love him.

At the end of the day,
we all want to choke

him out every once in a while.

But I guess that comes
with the territory

of being the wild child.

STEVEN: I got a
question for you.

more bull riders.

If dad was to have you
take over the farm,

do you think you could
handle it right now?

COLE: I promise you.

No hesitation, that farm,

ANNOUNCER: Just getting
underway, the third...

I'm not sure how
to calculate it,

but I know it would be 100%
better within two years.

When you say run
all aspects, like...


It's me.

This answer, Cole.

That's all you got to know.

People underestimate me.

They've done it my whole life.

They've all think I'm just some

just... I just plant soy beans.

Yes, I plant soybeans.

I do way more than
plant soybeans.

I can do everything.

I think Cole, a
lot of the times,

may not be taken
seriously just because

of his personality and a lot
of it because of the partying

and the good times.

So it may be unfair to him now.

He may have matured
a bit, but we

still see him as the
goofy life of the party

that he grew up being.

And I think my dad still
sees him that way, as well.

COLE: I do it all.
Honey, I do it all.

STEVEN: Will you
do the finances?

COLE: What? Finance...

STEVEN: What finances?

I finance a lot of things.

I just had to...

I budget myself every week.

STEVEN: What about
crop insurance?

What about crop reporting?

I helped you with that
a little bit, remember?

I had to type in some numbers.

What about all the
procurement, chemical

procurement, seed
procurement, anything

that goes into actually like...

Dude, I literally
negotiate everything.

I can't buy something...

Did you get the 0%
financing on our seed?

JESSE: You do not want
to do all the paperwork.

Everybody has their
own skill set.

And at the end of the day...
[ON] COLE: If we had like...

That's what makes it work.

At the end of the
day... hang on.

Hang on.

ANNOUNCER: The most epic
rides in real time with...

What makes it work
is because everybody

does their part.

Because I'm going to
tell you something.

If you want to run
a ranch or farm,

I mean, it will
reach inside of you,

take everything you have out.

So when you're on your knees
saying you've had enough,

you got to find
more grit somewhere.

That's the truth.

You don't think I know that?

Do you?

I have been out there
sweating blood and

three and a... [ON] JESSE:
It's a yearly thing.

How many years?

How many years?

I'm digging ditches
since I'm 12 years old.

How many years?


You have to earn that grit.



I'm not saying you can't do it.

I'm saying, you know why
you got to lose your hair

and you turn gray?

That's trying to make
payroll while getting

all the work done.

You got to have
that fire you got.

But you got to do
that work, too.

STEVEN: It'd be a lot
for one person to handle.

STEVE: And not worry about
where it's going to...

It'd be a lot.

COLE: He ain't go in on me.

Bringing it on me.

Again, on me!

What the f*cking f*ck?

STEVEN: Oh, he's not
going in on you, Cole.

He's not go...

Now let's have a good time

and not talk about work.

And have a good time.

STEVEN: I agree. I agree.

Good? [ON] COLE: Oh, yeah.

Are we good?


All right? [ON] JESSE: Good.


All good.

We were better before he came.

He's going to go give
it all to Galyna and

her f*cking daughter anyways.

Why does it f*cking
matter what the f*ck I do?

The only thing that's important
to him is f*cking Galyna.

cross look at my eye.

STEVEN: Those two,
out of everyone,

can't handle any alcohol.

Think you and I are probably the
only ones that would actually

be able to run anything.

Yeah, I don't see
him stepping up yet.

I'm not saying he
couldn't do it, but...

STEVEN: He's good
at what he does now.

He's good at outfield.

But he couldn't
handle the stress

and pressures of what running
a real business is like.

I don't think he'd want to.


I don't know if Dad
can half the time.

[SINGING] North or south,
any state, Connor's game day,

summertime, spring break.

Northern California,
on the way to...

I love pool.

[SINGING] Amazing turn
up for the tailgate.

We get it turned up, we get a
Northern California on the way

be there.

We get it turned up.

What? [ON] JESSE: f*ck.

You devil hit that.

You devil hit that.

WOMAN #1: Do you know where
the girls' bathroom is?

WOMAN #2: Where's
the bathroom at?

Actually, I don't know
where the bathroom at,

but I know where
the bar is at if you

guys want to take a shot.

Whenever I'm out at bars,
I have this little trick.

You know, I'm not the best
looking guy out there,

but I have a brother, Jesse,
who's one of the best looking

guys out there, everybody says.

And he's not a very good talker.

He's like the eye candy.

And when they get close
enough, I take over

and I start talking.

So what are you all doing here?

WOMAN #1: We had
a mom's getaway.

We're moms. [ON]
COLE: Seriously?

WOMAN #1: It was
Mother's Day weekend.

Stop talking dirty to me.

WOMAN #1: And then we came
for Dustin Lynch tomorrow.

Our boy Dustin.

WOMAN #1: Hey, can we
all take a picture?

Oh, I will take a
picture with you.

Dustin is our buddy.

He comes to the ranch.

She's on my team.

She's on your team?

Well, then, you can
take the next shot.

That was good sh**t, for real.

That was f*cking badass.

All right.

Damn, all right.

You're getting hotter
by every second.

WOMAN #1: I'm 23.

She's 25.

There you go.


I mean, seriously?

I ain't trying.

You see this?

I'm being good.

I just can't help myself.

WOMAN #1: Can you two-step?

Can I two-step?

Let's go.

I can dance better than
anybody you ever f*cking met.

[SINGING] I wish
that they could all

be country girls because
there ain't nothing

finer in the whole damn world.

WOMAN #1: Are you
coming tomorrow?


JESSE: We are too.

Well, our buddy Dustin
plays here tomorrow.

WOMAN #1: Yeah, we're
coming the concert tomorrow.

You better dance with
me more tonight, then.

WOMAN #1: You're going
to forget about me.

Oh, my God.

I won't forget about you.

There's Cole!

Oh, snap.

Oh, Cole.

He is a... he's a mess when
he drinks and lose his senses

and what's right
and what's wrong.

I can't... [ON]
JESSE: No, you can't.

You can't.

I can't say no.

No, you can. That's
what I'm saying.

You can.

You can say no.

You're sleeping with me
tonight in the same bed.

There's no room.

This is the hardest thing

I've ever done in my life.

Do you realize how
easy I could...

I'm proud of you. You just...

Do you realize how easy
it would have been?

You know how good you're
going to feel tomorrow?

No. [ON] JESSE: Yeah.

No. [ON] JESSE: You will.

You're going to
feel great tomorrow.

You're going to be so glad.
[ON] BARTENDER: It's time to go.

We are now closed.

[SINGING] Now I was
a sinner, a whole...

You're going to tell her now.

[SINGING] Wretched soul...

Just turn around and say no.

Turn around and say no.

I'm not sure I'll remember
any of this tomorrow.

But hopefully... hopefully,
I'll wake up no regrets.

Well, I'll see you.

Don't do it.

Walk away.

[SINGING] I want to walk
in the way of my Savior...

Just go. Just go.

Just go.

Just go.

[SINGING] I want to live
In the light of His love.

If I follow in the footsteps...

COLE: f*ck. Shit.


f*cking, why do I
do this to myself?

That was the hardest
decision in my f*cking life.

God, I wanted to f*cking
just beat the brakes off it.

I know.

[SINGING] I enter His
presence each day.

I'm proud of you.

God, dude.

I want to...

I can't do it.

You could have done it.

I could have. [ON]
JESSE: But you didn't.

I mean, it was so easy, dude.

It was there.

How would you feel tomorrow?


I mean, just so great.

I love her.

You know how good of
a f*cking guy I am?

I've got to be the
best guy I know.

To turn that down?

I mean, I should be
praised like a King.

STEVEN: Oh, we're going
to have some fun tonight.

Let's go.


There's my girl.

JESSE: I don't know if he
has the strength to turn

her down a second night.

Are you still mad
about the trip?

In order for us to work,

you're going to have to
have a good relationship

with my dad and brothers.

[helicopter whirring]

This has been one
heck of a project

that has taken a lot of time,
energy, and a lot of effort.

We're in the situation
that we really

need this deal to go through.

We'll see how it goes.

Is this my vehicle?

The whole f*cking front of
my vehicle is destroyed.

I made a split
second decision...

To take care of your whore.