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01x07 - Nashville Hot

Posted: 04/18/24 10:03
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

- As you guys know,
we've had some tough years.

We had a drought.

- Planting
season is the most stressful

time of the year for me.

Why don't you grow
some better crops?

I am, and we are.

- Then
maybe we'd have

some more money to pass around.

COLE: Look at
the crops this year.

Because you've been
sitting in the office,

you haven't been out in
the field looking at them.

- This year
is, without a doubt,

the most important
year of our lives.

It's make it or break it.


- Galyna has been
working on a potential capital

investment of $105 million.

It's a game-changer
for the farm.

- We'd
better be nice to Galena

because we need her for this.

- Is that
all right if I'm

staying here for a little bit?

- It is what it is.

I mean, we'll figure it out.

Galyna uses the business side
to her advantage to trap me.

- Thank
you for letting

me store some of my stuff here.

- Let's go!

- Did you watch?

- Yeah, we
was over on this side.

- Did you
see us up on stage?

- My dad
loves these boys trips.

- It's annoying
that he said we couldn't go.

- I don't disagree.

- Where are you from?
[ON] STEVE SR: Norton, Missouri.

- This
venture capital investment

into the car washes is the
most important deal we've

ever done in our entire lives.

And my dad can't screw it up.

Pack your bags.

We're going to Nashville.

My dad has felt the
heat from Galyna.

- Pack my bags?

STEVE JR: We're leaving
five minutes from now.

- My dad just
can't tell Galyna no,

so now we're all screwed.

I'm going to call him out on
this shit all weekend long.

I'll be like, you're
kind of a whipped bitch.

- Instead
of dealing with it,

my dad decided on
a whim he needs

to cut loose in Nashville.

Cheers, y'all.

MAN: Let's be
more behaved tonight.

- This
is a boys' trip,

and we're just
along for the ride.

What's up, ladies?

Come over tonight
at about 12:00.

I like the camo pants.
That's like--

- Do you?

- Yeah, I do.

Come on, come on.

These are my girls!

- Dude, it's bad.

I don't want to be like that.

[theme music]

[pop music] You may
run for a long time.

Run on for a long time.

Run on for a long time.

Let me tell you that
God's gonna cut you down.

- Hey,
good morning, everybody.

We got a rain,
everything looking good.

The dust devils were
spinning clockwise instead

of counterclockwise.

So if you guys see dust devils
and they're spinning clockwise,

it's going to rain.

COLE: What's the
science behind that?

- All right.

So acre-wise, we're going
to jump into the meeting.

It looks like on the soybeans,
we're like, 26,000 acres

complete, 842 acres on corn.

So let's get to the finish line.

If we don't finish
planting season on time,

I mean, the crops will
be complete junk, I mean,

all the way down to
not even having a crop.

You always have to
have a sense of urgency

to get everything done.

You want to go through
the core values?

- Yeah.

So our core value, or corn
value, for this week is

will to win.

For the most part, we're
all pretty competitive here.

I know everyone is vying for
the Corn Star Award and that--

that Most Acreage title.

So the Corn Star trophy is the
MVP of our farming operations.

It's something that we give
out each summer after planting

season as kind of a celebration
to the guys that really bust

their ass day in and
day out, whether they're

planting, spraying.

Everyone working in the
fields is who votes on it.

It comes down to who
covered the most acres

and who had the most positive,
uplifting leadership.

- So Kerneels
has closed the gap

between him and Jake Denton.

He is now trailing
Jake by a mere 8 acres.


STEVE SR: So you're
still in second place?

STEVE JR: Second
place is first loser.

[all chuckle]

MAN: For now.

- Stay the course.

And we're on-- we're on track.

So appreciate it, guys.

Thank you.

- What we didn't
cover in the meeting

is that, I'm sorry, Cole, but
you have the lowest acres.

COLE: I do.

pointed that out.

COLE: I figured
I did because I hadn't

been in a tractor in five days.

STEVE JR: I wish
you would have highlighted

that, like, encircled it.

Do I need to get out of here.

[pop music] I'll
be in no rush, no.

Take my hand.

It's snowing down.

Quiet, all the
[indistinct speech]

starts to wilter.

else do we need?

think that's it.

You got napkins?


[indistinct speech]..

- Well, I
talked to Jamie today.

- Yeah.

- And I told her that
we're going to have a, like,

a pool party at the
lodge for adults,

like, for Jamie and Merle and--

not party, but maybe
like, cookout or whatever.

STEVE SR: For sure.


This is nice.

- Huh?
[ON] GALYNA: This is nice.

- Oh, it's hot.

- And I'm going to
put the flowers in those pots.

This is really good.
Thank you.

- It's
good, it's messy.

- I like messy.

- Mm-hmm.

- I think we're
meeting with Greg on Monday.

- That's awesome.

- Currently,
we have already 15 lots.

We want to grow it
to a minimum of 100

over the next five years.

- Even self-funding
it, at some point,

you'll need outside capital.

- He
reaches out to me

and asking me what we're doing.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.

Also, I thought that you looked
very handsome last night.

- Hmm.

- Just
throwing it out there.

[giggles] I want to just have a
stable, open clear relationship

and focus on growing
business and building

that empire for the kids.

- Galyna's
been living with me

full time for two weeks.

She's there every
single day and night.

And I can't stand that.

Like, frankly, I
don't like that.

- [giggles]

- What can I
do to make your life better?

What can I do?

You can leave.

You're suffocating me.

Anyways, I'm hot as shit.

I'm going inside.

I can't sit in that
chair another second.

[pop music] It is about
to go up, my crazy side!

Gonna take you on a wild run.


Burn and bump until we can't go.

Flying off the handle.

You can run, but I can't hide.

what's going on?

STEVE JR: Oh, not much.


Jack just called me.

STEVE JR: What did he say?

- He
said we got all

the approvals for Tennessee.

- That
is good to hear.

- That's
beyond great to hear.

We've been sitting on

down there for a year.

STEVE JR: A year.

That's a big deal.

- Yeah,
I needed to hear that.

- The car
washes, they're fantastic,

they're a great business model.

Everybody, come on down.

- This is our baby.

Every single one of us
standing here takes ownership,

takes pride in this building.

- Getting into the
Nashville market, the Tennessee

market, I mean,
adds our footprint

as a player in the Midwest.

STEVE JR: And we
want to be in Nashville.

- We've taken out
right now $50 million in loans

for the car washes that
we have currently built

or under construction.

So it's really imperative
that this thing goes well,

that we meet our
time and date that we

told the banks we would meet.

I think we probably
ought to get out there.

I mean, I don't want to--

I know it's Memorial weekend,
but we need to go out

there even as soon as today.

STEVE JR: Wait, today?



- The truth of
the matter is we don't have it.

A true business reason to take
a trip down to Nashville other

than to look at an
empty lot that we're

going to be building on soon.

- I want, you
know, Cole and Jesse there.

I'm ready just to do some
business, get focused on it.

- My dad has
felt the heat from Galyna.

And he needs to get away,
get a little bit of space,

get some breathing room
and cut loose in Nashville.

I guess I'm going to go pack.

STEVE JR: That's cool.

[rap music] Wild and dangerous.

No need to worry about me
cause I'm wild and dangerous.

And I've been
living on the edge.

I've been living on the edge.

COLE: What's going on?

- What's up?

So what's going on
with Kacie's car?

Why is the front bumper
almost hanging on the ground?

- Well, she doesn't
look out for deer and raccoon

when she drives down the road.

- When
did that happen?

- Cole hit a
raccoon family in my car

and never got it fixed.

- I hit one
raccoon on the right side.

- How long
has it been like that?

- And you text
me like, five times.

And I think I hit a deer.
I think I hit two raccoon.

never hit a deer.

- That's
a big-ass raccoon.

Look what it did to the car.

- Yeah, it
was a huge raccoon.

- This thing is
the size of a small bear.

STEVE JR: Oh, no.

Cole tell you about
our fight yesterday?


- I about
whooped his ass?

- Well,
now it all makes sense.

I didn't know you
were going to have

to go car shopping for Kacie.

That's-- you're really
fighting for her.

He came in yesterday
demanding a raise

and was questioning why I'm
spending my money the way

that I am.

- Cal told him
that you've been writing 10

and $20,000 checks to
her, like, multiple times.

I would not be handing
money to a girlfriend

like that whenever we need it.
I'm f*cking over it.

- Why don't
you grow some better crops?

- Oh, I am, and we are.

- Then
maybe we'd have

some more money to pass around.

- Look at
the crops this year.

Because you've been
sitting in the office,

you haven't even been out to
the field looking at them.

KACIE: Is it
true that you did that?

- Do you
tell everyone everything?

- Cal had told us.

- Yeah, it's true.

Hey, we'll talk at
the end of this year

once we get through
this VC deal.

Kacie might not like to
hear this-- pack your bags.

- Pack my bags?

STEVE JR: We're leaving
five minutes from now.

COLE: For what?
[OFF] STEVE JR: For the weekend.

We're going to Nashville.

you being serious?

- Oh, I'm
being dead serious.

Sorry, Kacie.

It's a boys' trip.

Jesse's already
packing his stuff.

Dad said let's get
on the road so.

- What's the trip for?

Yeah, we're going

to check out car wash lots.

- Two of them are
closed, aren't they, the lots?

STEVE JR: Yeah, we're
looking at the third empty lot.

KACIE: So you're just
going to go to the car lots

and go home?

flew down to Nashville,

and I have a feeling I know why.

KACIE: Galyna?

- Isn't it funny
that the week Galyna moves

in, Dad cannot wait to get out?

So he said, get your
stuff and let's go.

Dad specifically said no
women allowed this weekend.

- Steve's
big on, oh, no girls

are allowed because he
wants uninterrupted time

with his sons on
the trips to hang

out with all these random
girls and get drunk.

And that kind of affects
mine and Cole's relationship.

Coal is a big flirt.

He was a big flirt
whenever I met him.

So it's sketchy when
he's with his dad.

- This is
Cole's girl from last night.

- That's my girl.

- I don't know.

It just kind of
frustrates me sometimes.

- Go
pack your stuff.

Because I'm not kidding, we're
leaving in like, 10 minutes.

- Fine.

[music playing]

ALLI: What
are you doing here?

- Well, my
dad just called me.

- Yeah.

- I guess
we're going to Nashville.

- Right now?

- Yeah.

Like, literally,
like, right now.

He's waiting on
me to go meet him.

- OK.

Well, what about this weekend?

We were supposed to go to
Branson and be with my

family and--

- I have to go.

He wants us to go look
at the car wash lots.

- You just have to
do whatever he says and stuff?

- I mean,
he is my boss.

- Well, that's annoying
that he doesn't even ask.

- Having my dad be
my boss as well has always--

it's made things complicated.

It's tough to say no.

- Cancel whatever
we had this weekend.

And I'll see you when
you get back then.

- I don't
know what to say.

- OK, I guess.
Yeah, crazy.


Well, I guess bye.

- Bye.

You're gonna answer my call?

- Probably not.

Steve is in this time of
life where he's just wants

to do whatever he wants to do.

I think Jesse gets
a lot of pressure

from his dad about these trips.

Sometimes I wish
that Jesse would

just kind of take a stand.

It's very frustrating, for sure.

STEVE JR: You ready?

- I think I'm ready.

- Taking a roadie?


- Come on, bud.

- You
didn't even finish it.

- That's
too small a hole.

- Bye, Kacie.

I'll keep an eye on him.

- Get that
nasty beer off me.

- See you later.

- Bye.

COLE: See you
when I get back.


STEVE JR: Why don't you
just pop open another beer

and just enjoy yourself?

- Well, I better
black out by the mood she's in.

- [chuckles] She
didn't seem too happy at you.

[music playing]

[phone ringing]

- Hey, Alli.


- How are you?

I'm pretty good.

- I thought since
the guys are out, and every time

the guys are going, we're just
like, babysitting the dogs

or cleaning the
houses or whatever--

ALLI [ON PHONE]: Uh-huh.

- So I thought,
why not have a girl weekend?

I'm down for that.

- This
is the first time I

have planned a girl night out.

In the past, it was
completely impossible.

When's the last time you bowled?

ALLI [ON PHONE]: Oh, man.

- I just started
spending time with Steve.

There was still so much
dynamic going on between Steve,

the boys, and their mom.

And I was just this extra piece
that was adding complexity

to the whole situation.

Who's gonna come with us?

- Well,
I want to call Kacie

and see if she's available.

So you, me, Kacie, yeah.

And Erena's gonna come?

- Yes.

You and Erena can be
against me and Kacie.


- So definitely
going to be a fun evening.


I'll see you guys
a little bit later.

- Right.

[country music]

[SINGING] All the girls
try to turn my head.

Always want to catch my eye.

Don't pay them any mind.

Just let 'em--

STEVE JR: To Nashville.

JESSE: To Nashville.

Alli was already texting
me, freaking out earlier.

STEVE JR: Oh, I guarantee.

Yeah, they were-- they've been
freaking out since the moment

they found out.

- Yeah,
she was freaking out.

- Kacie's
texted me too, wondering

what they're gonna do.

- What are
they supposed to do?

I mean, it's hard for them.

Yeah, I shouldn't
have even gone.

I'm kind of off the
hook for this weekend

because Cal is not even here.

She is down in Dallas finishing
up packing all of her things,

getting ready to move
out of her apartment.

If Cal was here, I don't think
I'd be going on that trip.

I think I would be in the
doghouse all weekend long.

- I regret going.

I regret coming down here.

It's not even fun.

STEVE JR: That sucks.

[upbeat music]

- Oh, wow.

- I think
we check in here.

I feel embarrassed
every time I have to put

shoes on that look like this.

Well, I'm happy to
be the first one,

I'll tell you that right now.

- Thank you for
taking charge and nominating

me to be the first one.
[ON] ALLI: Hi, guys.

- Oh, hey.

I haven't seen you in forever.

- I know.

- You ready
to have some fun?

KACIE: Yeah.
[ON] GALYNA: I cannot wait.

When was the last
time you guys bowled?

ALLI: It's
been a while, yeah.

I'll get one pin
eventually, I swear.

[girls giggling]

[music playing]

- Not bad.

We should have gotten like,
really loud for our game

and like, pump each
other up, like.

- I think Galyna longs
to be included in the family,

but she's kind of
more of a friend.

And I think that Steve
takes her for granted, 100%.

I wish that Steve
didn't do that to her.

- This probably
not the place to get,

like, super loud.


- Have they
made it to Nashville?

ALLI: Oh, it's your turn.
[OFF] GALYNA: I don't know.

[OFF] WOMAN: Yeah.

ERENA: Steve flew.
[ON] GALYNA: Yeah.

- How'd he get
out of going on that drive?

- He's the boss.

He gets out of whatever
he wants to get out of.

- Girls aren't allowed.

- Are you
mad that he's in--

- I mean,
I'm not happy.

I'm not ecstatic about it.

But he's there, so--

- It's
not that they go,

it's just what they do
while they're there.

ERENA: Well, I think
the boys' trips are so stupid.

KACIE: Yeah,
that's ridiculous.

- No girls are
allowed at the Nashville house.

I'm like--

- But then they
invite a bunch of girls.

GALYNA: But then they
invite a bunch of girls.

So I'm like, how
is it a guy trip?

- Do you not get mad?

- I get so mad.

- OK, Because
I don't know how you--

- Because
I don't understand.

It's like--

- The minute
I see a reel from Steve

and I see those people
in there, turn it off.

Steve is kind of a man-whore
when it comes to these strips.

Jesse being put in an
environment like that

is what frustrates me.

- Cole's like,
I'm going with my dad.

Like, what's the worst
that could happen?

I'm like, um, a lot.


- It's terrible.

It's all terrible.

- Got
Jake coming in.

Kurt and Nate fly in.

Wyatt's coming in
around 3:00 PM today.

So it's going to be a--

it's a sausage fest.

JESSE: Couch
sleeping, yeah.

- Yeah,
it's going to be

couch sleeping this weekend.

I wonder if Alli would
feel a lot better

about you coming to Nashville
if you had a ring on her finger.

- She may
be all right with it

if I put a ring on her finger.
[ON] COLE: You don't know, huh?

- It's
probably about that time.

- Where
is the ring, Jess?

have to ask mom.

She has it hidden somewhere.

- It's
at Mom's house?

- It's at
Mom's house, yeah.

STEVE JR: How long
has it been at Mom's house?

JESSE: Oh, it's been
there for probably about a year.

Well, I've actually

had this ring for over a year.

- I truly
love her, but it just

seems like there's
always something

that steers me the other way.

I was tired of getting asked,
when are you going to propose?

Why haven't you yet?

Nobody waits this long.

And all of that
really got to me.

I felt like I was kind of doing
it to please other people.

It's collecting
dust at this point.

- What's the
resale value on that?

STEVE JR: I don't know.
I was thinking the same thing.

- Yeah.
[ON] STEVE JR: I need some cash.

Can I take it if you're
not going to use it?

- Well, I
think we should have

maybe some kind of wild night.

We can do a wild
night on the town.

- It's all over my
story, just a bunch of guys

hanging around us.

Like, stop freaking out.

It's just a girls' trip, Cole.

Like, they're just hanging out.

- They can get
a little bit jealous too.

Because you know,
they all say like, oh,

you go do whatever you want
to, we're on our boys trip.

But it's all like--

- Does
Steve get jealous?

ERENA: I think secretly.
[OFF] WOMAN: Yeah, it does--

- I think so.

actually want to know.

I'm curious.

- I never
give him, like, an--

I mean, I try and not to--

- Well, maybe
you should, Galyna.

- Maybe I
should do a little.

- Make him
a little jealous.

- I wonder
how Dad and Galyna's date

went last night.

They seem to be doing decent.

- He was
talking about how, you

know, Galyna sold her house.
[ON] STEVE JR: Yeah.

- And he's
like, well, she

told me she's just
going to stay there

until she can find a house.
I'm like, you believe that?

I'm like, you seriously
are that stupid?

You think you're going
to let her move in there.

He's not that dumb.

COLE: No, he wants
her in there with him.

STEVE JR: He does.
Secretly, he does.

- But she helped
picked out everything.

I mean, like, she literally
helped design the house.

- That's
what pisses me off so bad,

is he tries to act like that.

- I'm going
to call him out

on that shit all weekend long.

From now on, every time you
guys hear him say, like, oh,

I tell Galyna what to do, I
do whatever I want, I'm going

to be like, no, you don't.

You actually like,
let her control

your whole entire life too.

You're kind of a
whipped bitch by her.

[phone rings]

STEVE JR: Oh, shit!



PHONE]: What up?

- Going on?

So we're at the house.

Everybody's wondering
where you're at.

- We're

PHONE]: Oh, 29 minutes.

Cole's sleeping or what?

Yeah, I don't know.

I think he was-- he
was back here talking.

I don't know what he
was talking about.

Cole, what were you
saying a minute ago?

[tense music]

Cole's sleeping or what?

Yeah, I don't know.

I think he was-- he
was back here talking.

I don't know what he
was talking about.

Cole, what were you
saying a minute ago?

- I'm going
to call him out

on that shit all weekend long.

I'll be like, you're
kind of a whipped bitch.

Oh, I was just saying
that, you know--

I don't know.

What was I-- [mumbles]

- Yeah,
he doesn't even

remember what he was saying.
It was crazy.

PHONE]: Well, cool.

- Cool.
[OFF] STEVE SR: We'll see ya.

- All right.

COLE: Why'd you put
me on the spot like that?

JESSE: You little girl.

- You
just bitched out.

You just bitched--
you just said--

- That
was your moment.

wasn't ready for it.

Right then, it wasn't
the right moment.

- You were so
worked up a second ago.

- It's
just normal, right?

That's what everybody
does, right?

[music playing]

- The boys are
going to be here in a minute.

- Oh, OK.

- It took them
like, 12 hours to get here.

I flew.

And Steven's like, you
lucky son of a bitch.

You made a good decision.
[ON] BRIAN: Yeah, yeah.

You got out of there.

- Yeah,
they should be,

like, pulling up any minute.
They drove the G-wagon out.

- Oh, nice, totally.
[ON] STEVE SR: Yeah.

- Yeah.

- So we
have a house in Nashville

that we absolutely love.

It's like, a 180.

Because you have this
life here of business

and all the weight of the
world and responsibilities

on your shoulders.

And then you can go
to Nashville and just

be whoever you want to be.

[horn honks]

[guys clamoring]

Jesse, you look like a cowboy
in your tennis shoes are shorts.

- Oh, my God,
a real life cowboy.

What's up, big dog?

- Party has arrived.

- What's up, bro?

- Have
you got a little burnt?

You sitting up here
for a little while?

- Yeah, I have been.

- Kurt is
one of my best friends

who I actually happened to meet
on the reality dating show.

Him and I were the two
leads for Joe Millionaire.

I'm even looking at
using Kurt to build

our car washes in Nashville.

STEVE SR: Jesse,
are you changing?

- We're
going to get a drink.

Have you talked to Alli yet?

- I texted her.

She hasn't texted
back in two hours.

I said, how's it going?

- I would
say she's not happy.

- I'm going
to assume she's not.

- I
can assure you one

person who doesn't give a f*ck.

What's up, ladies?


Come over tonight
at about 12:00.

Yeah, we got a bar.

- He
couldn't care less.

Cause a shit storm for
us, and he's just up there

having the time of his life.

- I'm going
to pull right up front,

like, hop out, like, get my
hat back on and, what's

up, b*tches?

- Like, I'm just--

I'm pretty frustrated right now.

- I think
Cole's going to end

up saying something to him.
[ON] STEVE JR: I hope he does.


- He's already
getting to that point

where he's getting confident.

- Come here.

Have you talked to Kacie at all?

- Actually, I
forgot to look at my phone

since I've been here.

going on question mark?

- Kacie said that?

- Yeah,
probably cause I haven't

texted her back in four hours.

JESSE: Alli seems
to be ignoring me.


COLE: I always
send selfies of when

I'm being good of me and Jesse.

that's a good idea.

- I'm gonna say,
chilling at the house.

- I
was telling Jesse,

I was like, the one
person who doesn't

give a shit what's happening
right now is who, Cole?

- I ain't
got to say his name.

I think we all know
who I'm talking about.

Causes a shit storm

and then he's, like,
pawns it off on us.

- This guy's
the best wingman in history.

- Right?

- That's why we drink.

That's why we drink

and that's why we stay single.

Hey, we're not the only one
with women issues right now.

Wyatt, how's it
going over there?

- She's still pissed.

She said, I'm
turning off my phone.

I'm going to the
bars with my mom.

- I
don't think there's

a single person in
this room that does not

have a woman problem right now.

- That's not
in trouble right now.

- So Wyatt's in
trouble with Alex right now.

Jake's in trouble with Tegan.

Cole's in trouble with Kacie.
Jesse's in trouble with Alli.

- We're
all going down.

We're all going down, bud.

- I'm peeing
and fixin' a drink?

- Yeah, you're
the one who's got us

in the most drama in our life.

And you're just
up here drinking.

You're just up here

drinking and enjoying life.

- You're stress-free.

- I can't hear.
What'd you say?

- My
phone is literally

lighting up right
now in that room

and I'm not even looking at it.

- We've been getting
blown up all because of you.

And you're just up there
just living your life.

I told you I was going to do it,
I was going to say it to him.

- Tread
lightly, young man.

You mess with the
bull, you get the horn.

[tense music]

COLE: I'm just saying.

- Nah,
I'm just saying.

Careful, careful.

Don't let alcohol
make you think you

can do something you can't do.

- Stephen started it.

Say something.


- f*cking idiot.

COLE: I'm about to
drop this old man right here.

- Oh, now
he says-- yeah.

JESSE: He was about
to knock your ass out

in like, two seconds.

- That took
every ounce of willpower

he had to not do that.

- Yeah, he's the
one who got us into it.

[tense music]

[alarm ringing]

- never a
bad time in Nashville.

It's one of my favorite
places to go to.

Even though we have a
chill night at the house,

I feel like absolute shit.

STEVE SR: Friday night.

Work hard, play a little hard.

- And party harder.

There better be two
reasons I'm changing

my sheets in the morning--
one is pissing on tequila,

the other one is--
[overlapping speech]

MAN: We're not
going to talk about it.

- I just want to stay
in bed the rest of the day.

And my family,
especially Steven,

they like, want
to get up and just

start doing stuff right away.

They don't even care
if they're hungover.

And I am not feeling good.

- Car wash
lot crew, we're out.

See y'all.

Y'all don't have too much fun.

- Oh, shit.

This is going to be a
challenge to pull out of here.

- Oh, yeah.
It's going to be tough.

I didn't-- I didn't do
you any favors, Steve.

- Oh.

Let me pull this forward.

- Watch him
smoke this retaining wall.

You got this.

I believe in you.

It's a love tap.

- Yeah, that's
what I planned on doing.

See what I can--

[music playing]

- Love tap.

- That was
a little more than--

- That was a
little more than a love tap.

That was a grind.

[music playing]

STEVE SR: Am I good?

Yeah, you're good.



MAN: Wow.

- You're
going to smoke this car.


We're just going to
smoke everyone here.

That was the least
smooth exit ever.

So we just got approved
this week on financing

for these car wash lots.
[OFF] MAN: Oh, yeah.

- That's what
we've been waiting on.


not really a great excuse

as to why we're in Nashville.

- We are
looking at a car wash lot.

STEVE JR: See, this
is a nice laying lot.

I mean--
[OFF] STEVE SR: It's big.

STEVE JR: It's big.

Yep, this looks good.

- This is exactly
what we've seen in pictures.

- So it's
a nice laying lot.

[music playing]

- OK, this
smells really good.


- It's
not even brown yet.

But that's what gives it that--

the flavor.

- Hmm.

- You've
got to have that--

listen, if you don't
do anything else right,

Galyna, in the kitchen,
brown your butter.

- I don't do
anything right in the kitchen.


- Look at me.

We can can teach you.

You can be taught, right?

let's talk about Galyna.

- Well,
can I take a swig?



- I'm trying to
dance around the best I can.

don't have to hold back.

Just say what you want to say.

- Well, Galyna
and I really don't

have much of a relationship.

I think when she came
in here, you know,

because she worked
in the office,

she thought she was going
to tell me what to do.

And I was like, listen here,
girlfriend, don't come in here

and try to boss me around.

Don't be talking down to me.

If you want to bring a new
twist to it to make it better,

that's fine and dandy.

But I know what I'm doing.

You know, just let me do
what I've always done.

So you know how to crack eggs?

- I do.

Do you want me to
help you with that?

- If you want
to do this-- and I will

stir my pot because we don't--

- How many eggs
do you need me to crack?

- Just keep cracking.
[ON] GALYNA: Just keep tracking?

My relationship with
Tessa, um, it's been

quite a turbulent relationship.

I feel like everybody here is
very territorial, very guarded.

They don't like outsiders.

- Now, the boss,
what he'll want to do

is he'll want to
sling out his eggs

because he's
watching his figure.


You know, when I started
here that man was a big man.

- No way.

- Listen, he had
g*ns, and not that rusty g*ns

business he's got going on now.


GALYNA: I think
he's super handsome.

- Well, you should
have seen him back in the day,

that's all I got to say.

He was a very strapping man.

And he was so much nicer.

- I just keep
on cracking the eggs.


- But
we still love him.

- Hmm.

- Oh, Boss and Galyna.

I think Galyna sees the
relationship the way

she wants to see it.

I don't think that Boss Man
will ever commit to Galyna.

They say you can
never change a man.

Let's say there's a man
and he's got problems.

- Yes.

- And women's like,
oh, I want to change him.

I'm going to make him a new man.

- And
that's how they say it?

- Oh,
I'm sure they do.

- Tessa 100%
disapproves my relationship

outside work with Steve.

She makes it a point
to make me feel

very uncomfortable about
our personal relationship.

- It ain't
going to happen.

GALYNA: No, it's not.

- I'm different than
any other woman in his life.

I'm gonna-- [laughs]

GALYNA: I feel that way.

- Good luck.

Good luck.

I'd be like, good luck, sister.

She's kind of delusional
when she thinks

she's going to change the boss.

I mean, Boss is going to do
what Boss is going to do.

- I just don't want
to live with someone full time.

- Right.

- And I'm never
going to be married again.

- I know.

If the man don't want
a future with you,

he don't want a future with you.

- Hi.

MAN: Hi.

TESSA: Oh, my
gosh, it's the children.

- Good morning, ma'am.
[OFF] GALYNA: Good morning.

TESSA: Listen, I don't
believe we called for you yet.

- Doesn't matter.

- Come and
get it, children.

The biscuits are a golden brown.

[rap music] We having barbecue.

You know how we doing, right?

Fire us some bull, while we
underneath the moonlight.

True, is the queue to show
up cause it's good time.

We lettin' loose, and we
sipping' on the moonshine.

We feeling fine, and
stuff really caught in.

Having good times.

We laughing and we joking.

Gather around and dine around.

The fire pit is smoking.

Later we can--

- How
you guys doing?

it's a nice day.

STEVE SR: Beautiful day.

- All right, I
say we get one round of sh*ts

and one drink for everyone.
[OFF] MAN: Let's do it.

Let's rip it.
Let's grip it and rip it, baby.

- I'm ready.

- sh*ts for
everyone, drinks for

everyone, please.

I'll have a Tito's

and a sugar-free Red Bull.
[OFF] MAN: Make it double.

- f*ck.

All right, f*ck it.

- Excuse me.

I like this spot anyways.

- Oh, you think you're
the head of the table, huh?

- I am the
head of the table, bud.

Unless you want to
fight me for it.

Thank you.

JESSE: Last night,
did you let the liquor talk?

No, I was not, no.

I know we fight and we
have all the moments,

but that's how family works.

That's how it's
always going to work.

But what's critical is
that we put it behind us.

COLE: We've been getting
blown up because of you.

- You mess with
the bull, you get the horn.

- My dad is
pretty hard about things.

Sometimes he's
pretty hard on me.

So I just-- I--

I've gotten pretty
good at taking it.

- Cheers.

Hey, cheers, y'all.

- Cheers, cheers.
[ON] MAN: Cheers.

- A perfect
buzz, a perfect breeze.

- Hey, I'm
going to FaceTime Alli

while everybody's
still good right now.

Look how good we're being.

What up?

How you doing?

- I'm burning
up in the sunlight.

Are you being good?

- Yeah.

Look, he's sitting
there by himself.

ALLI [ON PHONE]: I know.

He's not bad.

me talk to Kacie.

- I'm sorry.

COLE: What up?

What are you doing?

Sitting here with Alli.

- Hey, you
tell them make sure they

don't call me, none of them.

- My dad said
don't blow him up.

Well, any of them.

Like, he wants you to
tell Galyna for him

because he's too
scared to tell Galyna.

- Oh, please.

PHONE]: Well, maybe

your dad should
grow a pair of balls

and do it by himself then.
[OFF] ALLI [ON PHONE]: I agree.

- I agree.

Good talking to you, baby.

right, we'll talk to you later.

[ON] JESSE: Bye.

- Kurt and Steven are
going to do a lot of, like,

double modeling together.
[ON] KURT: We're good.

He's got the jaw.

I got the hair.

- Yeah.

- Uh-oh.


Tell me that those ain't good.

Like, check this out.

Come on.

It's the camo pants.
[ON] COLE: Come on!

- You talk to your
girl the same way you talk

to your gunner in the cows.

Gunner, come here.

Have a seat.

- Wow,
why are you guys

just sitting here in silence?

MAN: You look familiar,
but I just I don't know where.

COLE: Mm, mm, mm.

PRODUCER: Who is Kylee?

- Hmm.

- Um.

- Oh, that's hard.

- Kylee is--

- My Dad met Kylee when
we were on a snowboarding slash

ski trip.

He said she's very
mature for her age.

- You want a drink?

Cole, why don't you go
with her up to the bar?

Go get her a drink.

- Let's go.

- I
guess there is one

girl added to the boys' trip.

Thanks, Dad.

- Damn.

- My
world's going to explode

when all this comes out.
[OFF] STEVE JR: Oh, yeah.

It's going to be bad.

STEVE SR: How am I
supposed to say no to that?

I'll be right back.

All right.

You look good.

I like the camo pants.
That's like--

- Do you?

- Yeah, I do.

It's f*cking working for you.

- Oh,
they're working for me?

- Yeah.

- Good.

- Thing is I
don't want to be like dad.

Like, be like dad, where like,
it's like everything that

walks, I'm trying to hit on.

- You
guys are so young.

- Those camo--
oh, f*ck.

- Young?
[ON] STEVE SR: Take a jab at me.

f*ck him.

- I'm not
too young, buddy.

- She-- she-- she's
mature like a 40 year-- she--

I've known 40-year-olds that
act like eighth graders.

She acts like a 40-year-old.

KYLEE: That's f*cked up.

- Dude, it's bad.

Like, I don't want
to be like that.

- My dad
is, without a doubt,

going through a midlife crisis.

Now he's going out to bars.

He's having a good time.

And some of the decisions
that-- that he makes,

it's what are you
even thinking, dude?

You're 51 years old.

If it was up to me, I
would love for him just

to maybe slow down just a hair.

But there's been no person
on this Earth that's ever

been able to tell
him what to do,

so I can't expect that
he's going to listen--

listen to me much.

STEVE SR: Steven
judges me when I'm with you.

KYLEE: He what?

- He judges
me when I'm with you.

- Why?
[ON] STEVE SR: Ask him.

I don't know.
Ask him.

- What kind of judge?

- Like-- like--

like, I don't know.
Ask him.


- He
says you judge him.

- I
don't judge anyone.

- Guys.

- I do not.

- That's what he said.

What is it then?

- You
can just say it.

I'm your-- I don't judge anyone.

- You're
opinionated, when--

wasn't he?

- Hey, she
said Steven's opinionated.

- I'm just speaking
the-- speaking the truth here.

- You
don't judge me, do you?

- No.

I mean, a couple
of times I have,

but that's when it's
gotten really bad.

I don't judge.

- He
continues dating Galyna,

but then apparently wants
to date everyone else too.

This venture capital investment
is the most important deal

we've ever done in
our entire lives,

and Galyna is literally
the most integral part.

And that's all on
the line right now.

Kylee is just another
example that when it comes

to risk versus
reward, the women have

my dad willing to bet the farm.

- We're
going to go to--

I think we'll go to
dinner at Chop House.

You guys want to go there?

KYLEE: I'll ask them.

- Or you want to
go out-- you don't have to.

We can meet up after.

We're going to-- I think we're
either going to go to Tin Roof

or like, Miranda Lambert's.

- I mean, if you
guys don't want to go eat,

we can hook up after.
[ON] KYLEE: Yeah, yeah.

I'll just text you.

- OK.
[ON] STEVE SR: Good deal?

- Yeah.
[ON] STEVE SR: You're good?

- Yeah, are you?

- I'm--
I'm always good.

- Can I have a kiss?

[pop music] There's
something in the highland.

Don't you [indistinct speech].

[country music] Oh, my Lord,
take this slow.

Leave me at the
bottom of the river.

The devil has come
to carry me home.

Lay me at the bottom,
the bottom of the river.

[guitar sting]

[music playing]

- Are we ready to
f*cking be wild out tonight?

- Let's do it.

I'm ready.

You ready?
[ON] JARROD: I'm f*cking ready.

Let's f*cking go.

- Let's do it.

[country music] When
the devil comes I'm

gonna ride that train.

- They're
all up on the mezzanine.

- Thank you.

Appreciate you.

- I'm all about it.

- I'm
about to block out.

- Let's do it!

- What up?
[ON] MAN: What up?

- How you doing?

Yeah, I'm ready to
get it started, baby!

You ready to turn it on?

- Yeah!

[country music] When
the devil comes,

you better hide 'cause hell's
coming down these bloody rails.


[ON] COLE: Yes, sir.

- If we
want to go the bar,

we can order from the bar and
invite anybody we want up.

- That's
dangerous, bro.

- Even though
we are all in the doghouse,

we're already down
here, we made the trip.

We might as well have some fun.

on, these are my girls.

Carissa and Cailyn.

Nice to meet you.

What's your name?
[ON] JESSE: Jesse McBee.

- Jesse, OK.
[ON] JESSE: Yeah.

And that's Steven.


- I'm Yulia.

What do you do?

- I'm Steve McBee.

- OK,
nice to meet you.

- My son, Steven.

My son, Jesse.

My fifth son, Jake.

He's adopted.

That dress looks perfect on you.

- Thank you.

How old are you?

- I'm 51.

- You look amazing.

- Go
ahead and feel.

Go ahead.

[playful music]


- Those are
better than yours!

STEVE SR: Hey, Steven!

- Steven is the one.

Hey, can we compare?


MAN: Holy thong.

- I'm just
going to like, not look.

JAKE: He said, I'm not
going to get that f*cked up.

[upbeat music]

COLE: What's your name?

- You
don't remember my name?

- We never met.

- We've totally met!

- No, we have not.

- Carissa!

- Carissa.

- This
is my twin, Cailyn.

- You guys are twins?

- Oh, my
god, they're twins!

Bro, they're f*cking twins!

- I told you!

COLE: They
look just alike!

- Damn, girl,
why you look so good?

- I don't know.

Do I?

- Oh, so good.

loves to have fun at the bars.

- And he's
single while my brothers

and I are in a, really,
a complete different

situation than him.

So we kind of have
to resist that urge

to go out there and do
everything that he's doing.

- Cole's crazy.

KYLEE: I know he is.

JESSE: I can go out
to a bar, have a good time,

and not feel like I have
to go home with somebody.

Steven and Cole, it might
be a different story.


- I wanna
take his shirt off.

your shirt off.

- You gotta
take your shirt off.

[risque music]

- Yes, ma'am.

[country music]
I wanna lay down.

But I don't feel like sleeping.

But I feel like laying down.

I wanna lay down.

COLE: He's the baddest
m*therf*cker in town!

- Heck yeah!

- I don't know how
I end up in these situations,

but these twins are
hot as all get-out.

I honestly don't know how
I'm going to play this.

- Make out, let's go!

- I
can't answer that.

- Come on, babe!

- Y'all are
going to get me in trouble.

- Shut the f*ck up.

[country music]
I wanna lay down.


COLE: How'd
your night go, Steven?

- I know them.

They want a shot.

- I can't
believe the twins

walked into the same
bar that we're in.

- sh*ts on Steven.

- Swipe up
if you want to come

to our exclusive girl's party.

- The
special guest is here?

Jesse gonna get mad?

- I don't know.
We'll find out.

- That's not Alli.

There's no way.

- That,
um, looks like Alli.

- It takes a lot of
capital and a lot of patience

to reach where you need
to be to make it work.

There's a lot of risk.

I feel a little blindsided.

- We really need
to make sure that this deal is

going through.

- She don't listen.

I'm at my wit's end.

MAN: Playing
with fire over there.

- It's just a mess.