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15x03 - Earthquake Water Heater

Posted: 04/18/24 10:51
by bunniefuu


This is fantastic.

Narrator: on this volatile
episode of "mythbusters"...

Ooh, that had some bass to it.

We're asking if you combine
the right person...

What do you think of the shirt?
...with the right diet...

To squeezing beefers.

...and the right circumstance,
do you end up with an expl*si*n?

Narrator: could a malodorous
sleeping bag backfire...

Which fart do you fear more?

Oh, jon, yeah.

...spark a campsite calamity?

[ expl*si*n ]


Ooh! Heads up.

...can a damaged
domestic appliance...

[ expl*si*n ]
-oh, yeah.

...really wreak havoc
on an innocent r.v.?

When that water heater
goes, and it will,

I think it will cut a perfect

Cookie-cutter shape
right through that r.v.

You know when brian puts his
gloves on, it's business time.

-Time to fire it up.
-Oh, yeah.

[ expl*si*n ]

[ Flame whooshing ]



Captions paid for by
discovery communications

Narrator: our first fable
unfolds in a mythical location

That we like to call...

Twin cheeks.
[ Farting ]

Let's just get this
out of the way

And explain what a dutch oven is
for those of you who don't know.

A dutch oven is when
you're lying in bed

At the end of the day, nice and
relaxed next to your partner,

And all of a sudden you're like,
[sniffs] "what is that?"

And they pull the bed sheets
over your head,

Forcing you to wallow
in their perfume.

Narrator: the story goes

That after sharing
a hearty campfire meal,

A couple retire to their tent
and a double sleeping bag.

The man lets off
a dutch oven blowout...

[ Farts ]
just as she lights a cigarette,

And a practical joke ends
in camping catastrophe.

[ expl*si*n ]

It's the kind of
bonding behavior

You'd think would
ruin the romance.

But could it actually
stoke the fire?

[ Farts ]

The only way to really
test this myth,

We're going to have
to collect some farts

And have them analyzed.

You know, no one's going to
donate their farts to us,

So we're going to have
to collect our own.

No problem.
Pull my finger.


[ Farts ]
-narrator: the guys know

Their bottom burps
are flammable,

But it's worth finding out
if one or the other

Has more expl*sive potential.

You've been thinking
about this, haven't you?

[ Laughing ] I have.

In fact, jon's given this
a lot of thought.

You ever see those waders
that they go, uh,

You know, fly fishing with?

They're waterproof, right?

To brian's bemusement,
jon whips up a blueprint

Of his patented fly fishing
flatulence pants.

Seal it up there so there's
no weird air pockets

Or anything like that,
and then bob is your uncle.

That is awfully
impressive, jon.

I think I'm going to take
a different route

Than you, though.

Narrator: and that would be
the -- ahem -- direct route.

Insert tube a into slot b
allowing access to bag c.

That's enough said.

[ Sighs ]

Hope we got lube.


Narrator: our next fable asks,
can a quake-and-shake

Turn a water heater
into a rocket?

This is a myth
of successive disasters.

First, the tremor.
[ Rumbling ]

A long-neglected water heater
is badly shaken

And goes horizontal.
[ Thud ]

The already damaged heater

Starts building pressure...
[ Alarm wailing ]

Resulting in
a catastrophic failure

And a 700-pound torpedo.

The steam-powered m*ssile
punctures the wall

Before blasting a hole
through an r.v. Outside.

Unlikely occurrence or genuine
cause for concern?


Man, this is going
to be awesome.

I know, right? There's nothing
more "mythbusters"

Than turning a household
appliance into a rocket.

-All right.

So how are we going
to test this?

We're going to fire a water
t*nk torpedo through an r.v.

Mm, love it.

I think we should start with
the specific circumstances

Of this myth and test the
orientation of the water heater.

Like horizontal versus vertical?

See how that effects
the mechanics of the launch.

What do you say we start
with some water bottle rockets

And see how those go?

Brian, you had me at rockets.

[ Bursting ]

Narrator: brian and jon have
already dabbled

With rocket water heaters
in the "search" finale...

[ Shouting ]
...when a mythical prisoner

Made his unconventional
bust for freedom.

[ Cheering, laughing ]
yes! It worked!

Narrator: filling a vessel
3/4 with water

Not only gives maximum
expl*sive potential,

It also minimizes the chance of
prematurely rupturing the t*nk.

So they're using the same ratio
for their small-scale tests

With bottle rockets

Powered by 40 p.s.i.
Of compressed air.

So out here we're
going to figure out

If there's a difference
between a vertical launch

And a horizontal launch,

Because this is what
the myth is about, right?


Narrator: the first firing aims
straight for the skies.

-Ready to fire!
-Get back here.

All right.
Water bottle rocket

Vertical test
in three, two, one.

-Ooh! Heads up.
-Watch out.

Here we go.

I always enjoy those, man.
That was very nice.


Okay, let's take a look
at that high speed.


That's such a beautiful launch.
[ Laughing ]

That's about 39
feet per second.

Hey, that's not bad.

Narrator: so what changes
in a horizontal launch?

For one thing, there's a major
shift in the ballast.

Come take a look at this.

Right now the air is sitting
on top of the water this way,

But before when
we launched it vertically,

It was sitting this way.

So we want to see if the change
in orientation affects

How much pressure we get
and also how fast it will go.

Charging it up.
[ Whooshes ]

That's good.

Horizontal bottle rocket test
in three, two, one.

[ Blasts ]

[ Bottle clatters ]

That was energetic.

to see just how energetic,

It's off to the high speed.


Brian: so all the water
is down...

But look.

As it begins to accelerate...

...the force of the
acceleration drives

All the water to the back.
That's awesome.

So it's kind of acting like
a normal vertical launch

After about 8 inches there.

Okay, and it looks like it is
61 feet per second.

That's faster than
the vertical launch.

I think that's real
interesting for the myth.

Narrator: without gravity
holding it back,

The rocket packs even more of
a punch fired horizontally.

We launched both our water
heater bottles at 40 p.s.i.

Our vertical one went up
at 39 feet per second.

Our horizontal,
61 feet per second.

That was unexpected.

That looks really good
for our water heater myth.

Narrator: and that's
a green light to proceed

To seriously mangling some
household hardware.

Yeah, I think it's actually
time we fired

Some real water heaters.
Oh, yeah.


Narrator: over the years,
igniting flammable gas

Has been
a "mythbusters" hallmark.

[ expl*si*n ]

[ Laughing ]

But this time around,
it's more personal.

-Oh, god, I --
-hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Can a dutch oven be deadly?

We're asking if you combine
the right person...

[ Grunts ]

...with the right diet...

And the right circumstance,
do you end up with an expl*si*n?

That's the myth, and that's
what we're going to test.

Narrator: first up,

They need to wrangle
some rump rippers.

Jon's building
a fishing pants filter.

[ Clicks, imitates fart ]

Let's just say it's
an intricate interplay

Of hoses, pipes and holes.

And voilà, we've got a fresh
bag of my back-door breeze.

Now I've just got to
fill it with water.

Narrator: and in the true spirit
of exploiting useful things

In ways never intended...

Ah! Ah!


...jon's using waterproof
pants to hold in the h2o.

Jon: the whole idea of this
is that the wind

I eventually pass
gets trapped in the water

Then it bubbles up
for collection.

That way I get a pure fart
with no outside contaminants.

Well, that's the theory anyway.

[ Laughs ] I'm afraid...

Of what I've become.

I was concerned the tube
was the bad choice.

[ High-pitched ] you'll never
catch me, brian!

after walking around a bit,

Jon finds a flaw
in his flatulence catchers.


The more water they add,
the more they stretch.

Just go from the foot and wrap
tape as tight as you can

Because I feel like this thing
is going to give out soon.

This is the funniest thing I've
done in my entire life, jon.


I honestly didn't think these
things would stretch very much,

But they did,
and so that's why I had

Brian squeeze me into the pants,
or squeeze the pants into me,

And I think we
solved our problem.

Except it's a little wet.

Narrator: so they're all set
to harvest some bubbles...


The gas station's ready.
Come fuel up.

...once the furnace
is properly stoked.

Ooh, nice!

We got quite the spread.

Can we just start eating?
Eat away, my friend.


There we go. Oh, yeah.


People naturally produce varying
amounts of methane and hydrogen

As flammable gasses
in their farts,

But we can influence that.

Meat for the methane.
Fiber for the hydrogen.

We'll throw in some co2
to increase the volume.

To squeezing beefers.

Oh, yeah. Cheers.

Jon: I love to eat, so the fact
that I'm doing it for science

Just makes it all that
much more delicious.

-How's the wings?
-It's actually really good.

All the things that
help me crank out

Those sweet,
sweet air tulips.

-[ Groaning ]
-there you go.

Narrator: although we pass gas
on average 14 times a day...

Nothing still.

...few have the talent
to do it on cue.

Exercise can help.

Brian, brian, brian,
brian, brian, brian.

Come here real quick.

I have a gift for you.


[ Exhales ]
[ water bubbles ]

That's a small one,
but it's a start.

It's a start, man.
It's working.

Narrator: it sure is.

Within the hour, they've both
baked enough brownies

For a professional analysis.

It doesn't look like much, but
that's a good volume of fart.

Narrator: even though they just
ate the same food,

They're about to discover
that one sample

Is fundamentally
far more flammable.

All right. Got to get
these off to the lab.

Yeah, handle with care.


Narrator: if launching domestic
water heaters has taught us

Anything over the years...


I see a hole in the roof, man!'s that it's best done
in wide open spaces.

Here it comes.

I never get tired of that.


Brian and jon have located
a prime piece of acreage

That should fit the bill.


This place looks tailor-made
for launching water heaters.

Yeah, real nice.

But before going full scale,
they've decided to field test

A smaller 12-gallon heater.

What did we get?
What did we get?

Yeah, a water heater!

First, it's off with the
primary fail-safe features,

The thermostat and
the pressure-release valve.

Oh, yeah.

It's been standard practice for
every water heater myth to date,

Replacing the safeties
with gauges

To track the t*nk's
vital statistics.

So when we launch
this water heater,

We're going to want
to do the same thing

By keeping track of temperature
with this thermocouple

And pressure with
this pressure transducer.

[ Whistle ]
should we set the thermostat

On very hot or crazy hot?


Narrator: once the t*nk's
filled to the magic 3/4 mark...

All right.
Wiring's set.'s good to blow.

Well, all the heavy
lifting is done.

All we have to do now
is wait and, you know,

These things take a long,

Long time to build
pressure and blow,

So I'm going to leave
that you.

I'm going to go back to the shop
and start building

Our tipping rig.
You sure?

Yeah, just bring back some
beautiful high-speed footage.

-All right. Good luck.


With jon back at the workshop,
it's all up to brian

To give this midscale m*ssile

Its very best shot.

remember, this myth's about
the water heater in the garage

Being knocked over
by an earthquake,

Launching horizontally
and blasting a hole in an r.v.

We've got our water heater in
its horizontal launch position

Ready to go.

and pressure sensors in.

All plumbed up,
just the wiring.

So in order to get some data,

We've set up our
high-speed scale

So we can track both the
velocity and the trajectory.

Narrator: when it's all set,
brian retreats to the bunker

For what could be
a very long wait.

When we first start
energizing our water heater,

We see a really slow
buildup of pressure,

And what we're seeing is the
water converting into steam,

Filling that air gap,
and that steam in the air gap

Is where the pressure
comes from.

The pressure,
it's getting to me!

And that pressure is 43 p.s.i.

as the heating water expands,

There's increasingly
less space for the steam,

And so the slow rise
in pressure.

Brian knows it's not
likely to blow

Till the pressure hits at least
320 pounds per square inch,

And that's still a ways off.

Brian: I wonder if jon's having
as much fun building

As I am out here.


Jon: and then there'll
be a thing here.

And a rope will go whoop!

Narrator: seems he is.
Chalk that up to pre-build buzz.

This myth requires that we tip

A almost-ready-to-explode
water heater on its side,

And as hilarious
as it would be for me

And brian to run out there
and tip it over by hand,

For obvious safety reasons
we're not going to do that.

So instead, I'm going
to build a rig.

Water heater teeter.

All right.
Up top, brian.

[ Clicks tongue ]

Narrator: with a filled
65-gallon water heater

Weighing upwards of 700 pounds,

The tipping rig needs to be
as sturdy as jon can make it.

This will be the platform
our water heater sits on,

So when it's about to explode,
we'll collapse the legs in,

Swing the platform down,

Transforming it
into our launch pad

That will direct the water
heater right into the r.v.


Narrator: back in the bunker,
the pressure is building.


Any moment now.


[ Whooshing ]

[ expl*si*n ]
oh, wow!

Holy [bleep].

That was powerful.

Narrator: and that was
an understatement.

It was more like
a b*mb going off.

You have your temperature
up at 420 degrees,

We get up to 335 p.s.i.
And then, boom!

It hits you
in the chest so solid.

But it did launch,
which is great for the myth.

Now we've just go to figure out
where the t*nk is

And see how fast
it went on high speed.

Narrator: any doubts that
a horizontal water heater

Could go the distance
have just been blown away.

There it is.

Hit at the bottom of that hill,
slid along, cartwheeled up some,

Bounced off the top
through a whole bunch of trees,

Landing about 50 feet from
the top of the hill right here.


it's not every home appliance
that can launch itself

The length of three
football fields and up a hill.

Brian: that's incredible.

Narrator: seems the myth is
on track, and what a track.


-[ Farts ]
-narrator: to test the myth

Of the exploding dutch oven,

Jon and brian
have each captured

Some sample exhaust fumes
for expert analysis.

-We've got your farts.

Narrator: and the rather
comprehensive results are in.

I don't know if I gave you
this much gas to analyze.

Narrator: val mallari
of air technology laboratories

Normally tests things like
landfill emissions

For the e.p.a.,

So breaking down
a couple of butt blasts

Is a relative breeze.

How did you do, brian?

I got 4.8% hydrogen
and .01, so almost no methane.

-How about you?
-Wow, really? Let's see.

Hydrogen -- 17% by volume.

[ Laughs ]

And methane -- 4.4%.

It looks a lot like a landfill
gas sample, actually.

-[ Laughing ]
-there we go.

That sounds like
an accomplishment to me.

Narrator: methane and hydrogen
are the two key

Combustible gasses
in flatulence.

The balance of one to the other
can differ widely,

Most likely due to the
different types of bacteria

Found from gut to gut.

So, as a professional,
I want to ask you,

Which fart do you fear more?

Oh, jon, yeah.
Yeah, def--

We had to dispose of it
differently than yours.

-Thank you very much.
-You're welcome.

This amount of data
is fantastic.

It gives us that baseline
we need to really see

What sort of dump-type mixture
we need for the expl*si*n here.

-Thank you.
-Yeah, my pleasure. Thank you.

Narrator: that's a perfect cue
to start blowing things up,

Specifically party balloons

Filled with different mixtures

Of noxious vapors.
[ Blows air ]

So we have your baseline
and my baseline to start with,

So we'll need some kind of rig
to measure and dispense gas.

Mix them within that range and
get the biggest fart possible.

The need for precision
is paramount,

And this is where
jon comes into his own.

His custom gas delivery device
is even more complex

Than his fart-catching
water pants.

Here's how it works.

We start by taking
these two tanks

And filling our
reservoir balloons

Respectively with
hydrogen and methane.

Then we come over to the valve,
open one that allows me

To draw one of the gasses
into the chamber.

Then we can close off
the gas valve

And open the one
to our target balloon

Where I can then --
[ grunts ]

...fill it up here.

And when we're all ready,
we'll just take it, tie it off,

Over to the high speed
and...measure the boom.


Narrator: as for getting
the ratios right,

Well, brian's done the math.

-I've looked at our two reports.

Mine basically has
trace methane,

Such little amounts that
they don't even interact.

-So we're going to do

100% Hydrogen
for my balloon.

Yours is about
a four-to-one ratio,

So we'll do four parts hydrogen
to one part methane.

[ Laughing ] here we go.

It's all hands to the pumps
as both balloons

Are filled
with surrogate steamers.

[ Tube whooshing ]
[ laughing ]

-Hydrogen four.
-There you go.

Watching explosions is fun,
but we need to collect data,

Which is why we have this
radial high-speed scale

So that when we ignite our gas,

We can measure the speed
and the size of the expl*si*n.

All right.

Narrator: igniter at the ready
and blast screen in place,

They'll burst
brian's balloon first.

Brian: brian fart that's
100% hydrogen

In three, two, one.

[ Click, bursting ]

Ooh, that had some
bass to it.

[ expl*si*n ]

-Pretty good.
-Oh, very nice.

Let's see if your little
gas blast is any better.

Narrator: will more methane
result in more mayhem?

We're about to find out.
All right.

Jon's gas ratio --
methane to hydrogen

Is one to four.

In three, two, one.

[ Click, bursting ]
[ brian laughs ]

That's a little bigger looking.

It makes me proud.

Didn't have the bass
to it, though.

Oh, really?
I don't know. I didn't feel it.

Narrator: to best appreciate
the expl*sive art of the fart,

It's off to the high speed.

Brian's blast is first.

That's beautiful.
So majestic for a fart.

Let's switch over
to my gaseous balloon.

Jon's methane mix
is just as majestic...

-That's pretty cool.
-That's beautiful.

...which isn't helping them
dial this one in.

They look more or less
the same.

I think we're missing
the oxygen

That would be
in the sleeping bag, the air.

Adding oxygen to each of
the samples makes sense,

And it just might have
a more pronounced effect

On one than the other,

So it's time to add
fuel to this fire.

Jon: so this one is
50% hydrogen,

And then there's
50% air.

It's the brian
dutch oven balloon.

In three, two, one.


in pursuing the myth

Of the earthquake
water heater...

Oh, wow!

...our diligent duo
briefly went solo.

Jon built a solid
steel heater teeter.

[ Groaning ]

And brian made
a 12-gallon t*nk torpedo.

We found an impact point.

Oh, wow!

Narrator: now the team's
reunited to swap notes.

-Hey, jon.
-Here, hold this.

This is fantastic.

It's a mighty solid piece
of construction,

But after hearing brian's
tale from the test site...


Everything's just gone
in a blink.

[ Laughing ]
your rig is in shambles.

...and seeing
the high speed...

Oh! That's it, yeah.

...jon's suddenly not sure
it's solid enough.

My old rig looks like someone
took my tinfoil

From a sandwich and went...

And so I'm looking
at my full-scale rig,

And this is 2-by-2
quarter-inch box steel

That I've seen survive
explosions before,

And I'm wondering if I'm just
feeding the larger water heater

A bigger ball of tinfoil.


Narrator: given the expl*si*n
will generate

Almost 100,000 pounds of force,

Jon has grounds for concern.

Still, they decide the rig
should hold together.

And it's time to go full scale.

That small-scale test
was insane.

In 3 feet, the water heater
got up to 320 miles an hour.

If you think about it, sound
moves at 770 miles an hour,

So this water heater was moving

Just under half
the speed of sound.

[ expl*si*n ]

Brian: but as it took off,
it went vertical.

And remember, this myth is about
punching a hole in that r.v.

Narrator: but before the r.v.,
It needs to burst clean

Through the side of a building.

So here, in the middle
of nowhere...

Facing that way.
That way?

...the crew pulls together for
an old-fashioned garage raising.

-Keep it vertical.
-Ooh, what's that jiggling?

[ Drill whirring ]
-that's an earthquake, jon.

[ Jon chuckles ]
[ whirring continues ]

this is no flimsy prop.

The structure itself
should stand up

To at least a mid-ranged tremor.

-[ Foreign accent ] very nice.
-[ Foreign accent ] very nice.


The key component
is jon's drop rig,

And it looks like
they've done their homework.

It's a perfect fit.

No, you're good.
Just drop it.

What do you think, brian?

It's a beast of a stand, man.

-You want a quick demo?
-Oh, please.

-Okay, so...
-Am I safe here?

You might want to just
take a step outside.

That's beautiful, man.

Their attention to detail
is more than impressive.


Not so much.

[ Laughing ]
that worked great, jon.

Well, good thing this house
is about to blow up.

[ Laughing ]

I ruined our cabin!


Narrator: and if the myth
really is on the level...

Straighten her up.

...a much-loved motor home
might go the same way.

This is the family r.v.

We've had it for generations.

It was my great-great-great-

He bought it brand new,
and we love this thing dearly.

Narrator: last on stage
is the star of this

Shaky domestic drama.

It's as big as brian and,
when filled with water,

Weighs more than two
upright pianos.

-Will this fit through the door?
-I don't know.

-Here we go.
-We might have to rotate

Slightly for me.

Ooh, nice.

There we go.

Oh, like a glove.

-We're in.
-Okay, let's tilt it up.

[ Grunting ] oh, yeah.

Here we go.


This is our water heater
earthquake rig all set up.

Water heater, stand,
and emergency release valve.

So when it's about ready
to blow, brian and I

Will pull the string,
kicking the leg in,

Causing this whole tower
to go boom!


Narrator: the planning so far
has been flawless,

But the same can't be said
for the heater.

It's been deliberately doctored
to be highly unstable.

One thing the mythbusters know

Is when these things
get squirrelly...


...mayhem is just moments away.

[ Explosions ]


To get the best gas ratio
for an expl*sive dutch oven,

The guys are comparing
their own flank fissures.

It looks a lot like a landfill
gas sample, actually.

[ Laughter ]
here we go.

Narrator: they know oxygen has
to be part of the mix...

It makes me proud.

Narrator: they've added
air to brian's hydrogen.

So this one is 50% hydrogen

And then there's
50% air.

It's the brian dutch oven

[ Hisses ]


[ Flames roar ]

That was better.

Narrator: adding air

Gave a bigger boom
to brian's butt breeze.

So how will jon's fare?

One methane, four hydrogen,

And five air

In three, two, one.

[ Click, flames whoosh ]

That was pretty good.

both blasts are impressive,

But they've noted one
critical difference --

The speed.


It looks like yours
was about half a second...


And mine was about
half of half of a second.

-So like a quarter?

Okay, so that means that your
fart was more of a expl*si*n

And mine was kind of a burn...

And the myth says expl*si*n.

it's a personal setback for jon,

But he needs to remember
there's no "i" in fart.

When I got the lab results back

And I saw those high peaks
in my fart results,

I thought that my farts
would be more expl*sive,

But it turns out
brian's hydrogen fart

Burns twice as fast,

Which makes it closer
to an expl*si*n

Which is what
the myth calls for.

Narrator: so although
jon's methane had a longer burn,

It looks like brian's hydrogen-
heavy sample is the way to blow.

Brian: now it's time for
the containment device --

A sleeping bag.

Now, sleeping bags
aren't airtight.

We need to test just to see
how much gas it might leak.

to find out how much gas

We're leaking
from our sleeping bags,

We have a fun new toy
in the shop.

It's a thermal imaging camera
except, unlike other ones,

It allows us to see gasses
that are otherwise invisible.

Ooh, I see it.

Where's it coming from?

It's coming from that
back corner.

Come take a look, jon. It's kind
of coming from the whole thing.

-You see all the vapor...

...coming off from everywhere.

Narrator: as suspected,
a standard sleeping bag

Leaks somewhat from the zip
and the seams,

But there might be
a simple solution.

It's that cold country
camping essential --

The space blanket.

Ooh, shiny!

Narrator: technically,
this stuff is called bopet,

And, believe me,
that's the condensed version.

Okay, let's just put it right
where the butt would be.

-Zip him up, brian.
-All right.

-Yeah, let's see some gas.

[ Click ]

Where do you see it?

Actually, I'm not
seeing anything.

Come take a look.

Narrator: there's no doubt
the space blanket

Limits the leakage.

It's now time to gather
their camping supplies

And put this myth to bed.

You're taking all
the sheets, bro.

You always do this.


Narrator: the campsite they've
chosen is strictly no pets...

Welcome to camp toot-a-lot-ee.

Narrator: and for that,

Bo should be counting
her blessings.

[ expl*si*n ]


to replicate the myth

Of an r.v.-Puncturing
water heater torpedo,

The guys have painstakingly
set the scene.

One thing they can't
reproduce is an earthquake...

Oh, yeah. jon's built a steel frame
to topple the heater

Deployed by a very long rope
that he'll pull from the bunker.

So when it's ready,
it's going to go...ahh!

then it's anyone's guess

When all hell might break loose.

[ Drill whirs ]

for this myth to be confirmed,

The water heater needs
to destroy the garage

And leave a big hole
in our r.v.

What's my prediction?

Well, I think the water heater
is going to teeter,

Topple over,
then explode like a rocket.

But will it blast
through the r.v.?

[ Inhales sharply ]
I'm not so sure.

I mean, it's thin metal up top,

But what it will
really depend on

Is the trajectory
of the water heater.

-It's time to fire it up?
-Oh, yeah.

[ Chuckles ]

Brian: my prediction is
massive amounts of destruction.

No organized, little,
beautiful hole for this myth,

But instead just glorious boom.

We saw so much energy
on the small scale,

I imagine the house and the r.v.
Are just going to be gone.

with the generator cranked up,

The guys retreat to
the safety of the bunker.

How long do you think it's going
to take this thing to be ready?

I'd go with an hour.

-An hour?

I'm going to go an hour
and 15 minutes.

All right.
Loser cleans up the mess?

-All right.

but as the minutes tick by,

It looks like they've
both lost the bet.

All right. Heads up.

319 Degrees fahrenheit
and 129 p.s.i.

And it's been an hour
and 17 minutes.



they both know the plan...

You know when brian puts his
gloves on, it's business time.

but when the time comes

To send the heater horizontal...

All right. 280 P.s.i.

I'm pulling the slack.

Come on, slack.

Narrator: ...there's a major
snag right off the bat.

-You've got to go.
-I'm going to go.

-We're getting up to burst.
-I'm going to go.

the rope that was meant

To collapse the rig's legs

Is so long that the whole crew
is needed to take up the slack.

-Is it going?
-We're getting close now.

We might have
a vertical water heater.


[ Grunting ]

Narrator: if the heater stays
upright and still explodes...

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

Narrator: ...they'll have blown
it in the worst possible way.

What the [bleep]?
Pull, tommy.


It's seldom the guys are forced
to put their, uh,

Butts on the line
to test a myth.

That's a small one,
but it's a start.

Narrator: and now, after
exhaustive preparations...

[ Boom ]

That was better.

...they're ready to rumble.

We're ready to find a location,

Build a campsite
and test this myth.


[ Birds chirping ]


This sleeping bag
is getting heavy.

-[ Chuckles ]
-almost there.

We've just got to get to
the top of that mountain.

[ Laughs ]


Welcome to camp toot-a-lot-ee.

This is where
we're going to test the myth

Of the deadly dutch oven.

We know what gas
we're going to use.

We have a containment device.

[ Fart ]
now we just need to see

If buster
and his chain-smoking girlfriend

End up blowing the place up.

Narrator: that's right.
To properly test the myth,

They've roped in buster
and his special someone.

They start with
a cozy space blanket...

It's done.

Let's zip 'em up.

Narrator: ...and then
a sleeping bag made for two.

-Into the tent.

Well, yeah. Okay.


He kind of
looks smug about it.

Not for long.


According to the magazine
"scientific american,"

A good size fart is
about 1.3 fluid ounces of gas.

With the space blanket liner
in that sleeping bag

And assuming
our mythical camper's

Been tooting all night long,

That sleeping bag's packing
about 13 fluid ounces of gas.

Let's get
this bag plugged up.

Based on brian's
expl*sive farts, the primary gas

We'll be using is hydrogen
plus a little bit of oxygen

To simulate the natural
composition of a fart.

What do I think's
going to happen?

Well, we'll definitely
get combustion,

But will we get an expl*si*n?

That remains to be seen.

All right.
Let's tuck him in.

Narrator: of all the things
that could go wrong

On a camping trip,

This would seem to be
one of the least likely.

All right.
We better get to the bunker.

Narrator: but could a dutch oven
really be lethal?

-You ready for this?
-Heck, yeah. Let's do this.

All right. An entire night's
worth of backfires loaded up.

Igniters ready to go.

Deadly dutch oven
realistic fart test.

Dude, this is nuts.

All right.
In three, two, one.


-Jon: is it going?
-Brian: we're getting close now.

We might have
a vertical water heater.


Narrator: back on
the water heater rocket range,

Things are definitely
not going according to plan.

Help me out, brian,
with this.

Narrator: with the pressure
at 280 and climbing,

Jon's simple trip rope

Has failed to bring
the water heater down.

Can y'all help pull for jon?

it could blow any second,

So the entire crew
leaps into action.

What the [bleep]?
Pull, tommy.


[ Grunts ]

finally, the rope trips the rig,

But their problems aren't over.

The pressure suddenly drops.

Our pressure dropped.

[ Sighs ] [bleep]


[ Whispers ] oh, god.


Brian: we're thinking at
this point, maybe, just maybe,

There's some kind
of rupture in the t*nk.

Narrator: a small rupture could
spell disaster...


Narrator: but before long,

The pressure is
back on the rise.

300 P.s.i.

Narrator: in less than a minute,
they're back on track.


Temperature is 268 degrees


[ expl*si*n ]

Holy crap.

[ Boom, rumbling ]

[ expl*si*n ]

That was intense.

Ohh. [ Sighs ]

[ expl*si*n ]

one part of the prediction

Is resoundingly confirmed.


The garage took
a cataclysmic hit.

That just about
knocked me on my ass.

But what about the myth?

Well, my question is is there
a hole through the r.v.?

-Good blast radius.
-The door's already open.


Look at that destruction.

Narrator: sure enough, it's
a san andreas-sized shakeup,

But there's one or two
aftershocks to come.

I mean, the bottom
just blew off perfectly.

Just swoonk!

[ expl*si*n ]

Narrator: it went through
the wall at floor level

Just like in the myth,
but the r.v., While damaged,

Isn't sporting the air vent
the myth called for.

I mean, that's the start
of a punched hole,

But even where
it punched a hole,

It doesn't look
very round to me.

Oh, wow!

It's like when you try to smash
a can on your head,

But you don't quite succeed,
and it just goes thunk.

How's buster doing?
He's just watching tv.

He's fine. [ Laughs ]

Narrator: fact is,
their water heater torpedo

Ran smack-dab
into the r.v.'S chassis.

That's where this myth
hit a solid steel speed bump.

The water heater shot
through the wall,

Which, if you remember,
we built to code...

[ expl*si*n ]

But then hit the chassis, which
stopped it dead in its tracks.

Buster didn't even notice.
Didn't even spill his drink.

[ expl*si*n ]


So...what do you say?

Well, we got everything to
happen as per the myth, right?

The water heater fell over.
It failed catastrophically,

And it slid all the way
across the ground.

Yeah, but with the garage
perfectly level with the r.v.,

That doesn't mean
busted for me.

Yeah. If the mythical r.v.
Just sat a little bit lower

Or the water heater actually
veered a little bit higher,

We would have had a perfect hole
in one side and out the other.

So I'd say it's plausible,
and you know what that means.

Prime candidate for
our first-ever revisit?

Yeah, but I think we're
going to need a new r.v.

that'll buff right out.

-You think so?
-Yeah, I know a guy.

All right. Let's, uh,
let's get outta here.



back at camp toot-a-lot-ee,

The guys are all set
to cut the cheese.

Will adding a spark to a fart

Ruin the romance
and the campsite?

Deadly dutch oven
realistic fart test.

Dude, this is nuts. All right.
In three...




And...nothing just happened.

-I mean, did the igniter work?
-Yeah, it worked.

I guess that's kind of
what I expected.

I thought there'd be, like,
a flame or a whoosh,

But I guess we didn't have
enough volume for an expl*si*n.

You know what that means,
though, right?

We go from full scale
to ridiculous scale?

Yeah, that's exactly
the right answer.


never let it be said our boys

Don't do their homework.

[ Brian laughs ]

Narrator: back in the shop,

They ran tests
with beanbag pellets...

Make sure you're getting
all the nooks and crannies, jon.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: find out
the exact cubic capacity

Of an occupied sleeping bag.

It looks like
it's actually 10 cubic feet.

That's perfect.

Narrator: that's the equivalent

Of almost a thousand
booty bombs.

There's still no guarantee
all that gas will go boom,

But it's sure worth finding out.

All right. We're set.

So it's time to
fill the bags, eh?

-So with these regulators,

It's about 10 minutes
of hydrogen.


[ Hissing, wind blowing ]

Hopefully this wind
doesn't pick up or else, uh,

You know,
mess with our expl*si*n.

The wrong type of wind
for this myth.


We're just seconds away from
taking this myth over the top,

And my prediction is destruction
on a massive scale.

I'm talking about goodbye, tent,

Goodbye, sleeping bag,

And most likely, goodbye,
buster's lady friend's hair.


-All right, brian. You ready?

"Deadly dutch oven myth:
what would it take?" Test

In three...



[ Click, expl*si*n ]

That was a heck of a fart.

[ Laughs ]

[ expl*si*n ]

Narrator: it sure was...

[ expl*si*n ]

...and another good reason
to give up smoking.


[ Hissing ]

Let's just assess.

It ruined our tent
and the sleeping bag.

I was kind of going,
where did the fluff come from?

I didn't realize until just now
it was the sleeping bag.

[ expl*si*n ]

-Did it just tear it open?
-It's all over there.

This is fantastic.

[ expl*si*n ]

And I like this.

We put the gas lines
by the exit,

And that's where the burn was.
-[ Laughs ]

This used to be hair but now
it's a helmet --

A plastic helmet.

Oh, no.

[ expl*si*n ]

If you look at it,
the only parts of him

That actually survived
unscathed by this

Were his head and his arm
holding down the blanket.

[ Chuckles ] are you ready
for the high speed?

I can't wait.


-[ Laughs ]

That expl*si*n expands
fast enough

That it shreds
the sleeping bag.

It's fire and fluff
and chaos.

Wow, that's beautiful.

In some weird way,
that was one

Of the prettiest explosions
I've seen.

[ Laughs ]

[ expl*si*n ]

Narrator: and it was
a bona fide expl*si*n.


The high speed clearly shows
the destructive shockwave.


That was
a ruthless booty b*mb.

Blew the lid
right off that dutch oven.

[ expl*si*n ]

That was pretty nuts.

I mean, they sustained
significantly more damage

Than I thought they would.
So what do you think?

How do you want to call it?

Well, it's really
a matter of volume.

Considering no human
I know can backfire

10 Cubic feet of gas,
let alone 1,

I'm going to have
to say it's busted.

But if you're a giant
with a stomach flu,

Then you're going
to want to be careful.

Now what?

Well, I mean, the campfire
and stuff is still here.

You wanna...
Have some beans?

Did you not just see
what happened?

Yeah, well...
What about franks?

-Wait, what about corn?

Brian, corn!


More for me, I guess.
