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02x03 - On Est dans la Merde

Posted: 04/18/24 11:51
by bunniefuu
Good morning.

Morning, Lana.

- Good morning, Lana.
- Hi, Lana.

A new day.

I trust there was no tossing
or turning last night.

Remember, this alarm clock
has eyes in the back of her head.

It feels extremely weird
waking up next to Peter and not my Marvin.

I was hoping
to get some type of reaction from him,

but I'm playing a really tricky game here.

- She lost money yesterday night.
- No, I didn't.

You were topless,
and he was touching your butt.

- He was not!
- No.

He was grabbing her ass,
like, really with passion and stuff.

It wasn't even groping.

- She had a mosquito bite.
- I had squitos.

Don't lie, guys. Come on.

She had mosquito bites
she wanted me to feel. It wasn't sexual.

I don't know where Lana stands
on mosquito bite butt rubs,

but we'll find out later.

Marvin, all this could have been avoided
if you'd stayed in bed like I asked you.

I wanted to see
what you were gonna do with Peter.

You don't like me. Why does it matter?

- You enjoy your time with Peter.
- You don't even like me.

I feel like it's disrespectful
that you sleep topless with him.

Peter is good looking, but I don't think
we are at the same level,

so I think she needs glasses.

Does someone has glasses for Melinda here?

Observational comedy
ain't your strong point, Marvin.

Peter's the only one
that gives me attention.

You don't give me anything.

I think do your thing with Peter,
and I'm gonna move on.

You're tiring me. For real.

I don't care!

Don't care. That's your problem.
Not mine. Oh well!

- I have a question. Do you care?
- Hell no.

Absolutely not.

- But do you care?
- I don't.

I don't care.

- But do you care though?
- I still don't care.

I don't care. You have an ego?
So do I. Oh well. We don't match anyway.

Sort of seems like you care.

I don't care. I'm not gonna break a sweat.

I am way too pretty

to be getting frown lines.

I don't care.

I do not care no more.
I do not care. I don't care.

She doesn't care.

Just a little though. Maybe just a little.

She cares.

I can just take like them few.
Like that way.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. Take that.

Whoa, hey, sexy.

Sorry for losing money.

I don't mind you and... you and, uh, Chase.

That's not an issue, I don't think.

- You and Peter maybe is a little strange.
- Yeah, that was weird.

- That's what he's mad about.
- Was he mad?


- I'm scared. He's right there.
- I know.

I don't think it helps your cause, trying
to convince him that you perhaps like him,

if you're off doing that.


- But you know that. You're not...
- I know.

Yeah, I think I kind of f*cked it up
a little bit.

And I guess I kind of realized, like,

I can't do that to people
and, like, expect them to stick around.

So I know we need to talk today.

Lana didn't say we couldn't look.

- You happy with what you saw?
- Mmm.

All right.

Happy with what I felt.

- Wait a second. Did she...
- Oh no, but that was in my dreams, so...

That wasn't real. That didn't happen.

- No.
- Didn't feel anything.

You two think
you've got us fooled?

Lana, play last night's tapes.

Looks like while others are in Neverland,

Emily was in Cam's nether regions.

Someone came up to say hello,
and I didn't want to be rude,

so I was just, like, waving back,

like, down here.

Emily, you sound like you're
clutching at straws. No offense, Cam.

Lana, from me to you,

if we can keep this rule break a secret,

that would be great, love.

- Maybe we should do a prayer.
- To Lana, yeah?

- Let's pray to Lana.
- Let's pray to Lana.

Dear Lana, please forgive us

for any inappropriate touching, grabbing,

stroking, feeling...

- Kissing.
- Kissing.

It was not our faults. We are simply
young, attractive individuals.

So we're sorry.

We cannot let anyone find out about this.

So many cracks.

In your body or you and Chase's
relationship? No, kidding.

That too. f*ck.

Looks like Peter's love rivals
have formed an emotional support group.

What about you and Carly though?

- It's...
- What's going on?

I like her, don't get me wrong. But she
has to knock off the games with Peter.

You have to have a relationship
with trust and honesty.


Carly is a beautiful person.

I'm big on trust though. My previous
relationship, my girlfriend cheated on me.

- She's also acting reckless though.
- Yeah.

She's also childish,
like Melinda.

Says the grown man
who sulked all night.

We got the worst girls here, bro.

We gotta switch up, brother.

It's funny, too, 'cause we never
would have thought Peter...

Peter would be our, like, competitor.

- He's moving like a snake right now.
- Yeah!

Peter's got a game.
Like, you know, I wouldn't expect that.

Like it touches your ego and everything,
you know?


I gotta give it to Peter.
I gotta give it to him.

The little dude is really, really smart.

Yeah. So smart.

Peter. Peter, if you're looking
for the door, it's to your right.

Do you try another conversation with her...

No, bro. I just need time.

I cannot go back to her bed,
like just right after you did all that.

Just give me time.

So I think I'm gonna take one or two days

and see what she does.

I don't know what I'm gonna do right now.

I miss her, but the way she acts,
I cannot be okay with it.

Not at all.

♪ I try to do what's right ♪

All right, beautiful?
Love that color on ya.

- You match the pillows.
- Thanks. Yeah, I do. That was the point.

- It was?
- So coordinated. We're matching.



- Hello.
- Hey!

- You look good today.
- Thank you.

What did you think
about our little bed situation last night?

It's so confusing.

I know. Listen, don't feel bad,

'cause in my head, I'm being open-minded
about the whole situation.

Yeah. Okay, good.

And whatever happens happens
at this point.

I'm glad you have that mindset.

I kinda just wish Marvin as well
had that mindset.

He seems to be taking it kinda rough.

- He's taking it very, like, personal too.
- I know.

Guessing Peter is not gonna
tell her that Marvin is right behind her.

I felt like I gave him enough time
to get his thoughts together.

- Mm-hmm.
- But...

So the awkwardness between him and I
in the mornings and throughout the day

is k*lling me.

Yeah, I agree.

I get it, but, dude, come on!


Where exactly is your head at with ideally
what you would want to happen?

We need an honest answer,
Melinda, for Pete's sake.

So I'm sitting here and I'm looking
at Peter, and he's so adorable,

but my head is just stuck on Marvin.

can we just see what that would look like?

Perfect. Okay. Back to the conversation.

Right, Melinda. Truth time.

Okay, so to be completely honest,

I want Marvin to forgive me
and move forward.

If we can do that, then I can, like,
finish building a connection with Marvin.

I don't think
that's what he wanted to hear.


- Bye, Peter.
- Bye-bye.

He's just letting it sink in.

She's leaning more towards me
than she even realizes.

And he's in total denial.

♪ I don’t care
They can see what they wanna see ♪

Mmm, that feels good.


Uh-oh, this sounds expensive.

Now we're gonna come
to our downward dog.

It's okay.
Nothing to see here, Lana. Move along.

We're gonna bring this leg,
and we're just gonna lay it horizontal.

Does this lose money if you're
making me feel this good?

- Is it making you feel that good?
- That good.

Oh Jesus.

You and Nathan
are actually really cute together.

We're like Barbie and Ken, right?

You're definitely Barbie and Ken.

I'm just enjoying getting to know him,

and I guess the whole point of this is
to go for someone we wouldn't ordinarily.

How would you feel
about sharing a bed with him?

I wouldn't say no to a little cuddle,
but I'm a lawyer.

I'm used to following the rules.
You know what I mean?

- Yeah.
- Oh my God.

I swear to God, every morning I wake up,
I am just so horny.

Like in bed, you know,
cuddling usually leads to other things,

- but we have to restrain ourselves.
- Yeah.

Yeah, you guys have so much self-control.

I thought it was gonna be the two of you
who were gonna cost us all the money.

Cam and Emily are actually angels.

I thought they're gonna be breaking
all the rules, but surprisingly,

they've actually held their own.

That statement is closer
to the truth than you'll ever know.

I cannot tell the girls about last night.
They will absolutely k*ll me.

I feel bad for judging you and Cam
when there's been some other big spenders.

- Yeah.
- I know. You guys have been so good.


Oh, Emily,
you're in so much trouble.


He's a real stripper.

Ooh, Nathan!

You look nice in gray.

With Larissa, we don't really get
any time just the two of us,

so I want to pull her away
from the other guys

where there's maybe
no other voices around.

I want her to see that I'm perhaps
different than guys she may be used to.

Tell me something about you that would,
like, impress me. 'Cause you need to.

I, uh... You know, I... I feel like I'm nice.
I'm very caring.

I always want others to succeed
before myself, so...

So you like girls to come first.

Yeah, absolutely. 100%.

Larissa's definitely warming up to me.
The sleeping arrangement,

I would love to have her come and join me,
but we'll see.

What do you think
about the sleeping arrangements?

Can I convince you
to join me this evening?

Think I can... Look.
I have that cocoa butter next to my bed.

- So Lana doesn't get annoyed...
- Don't get too excited.

I'll massage it into your back like this.

Nathan's proposing
that we switch up beds tonight.

Um, I'm still, like, iffy about it,
but I'll just see.

You're wearing the hat 'cause it's a prop
for your little routines.

Yeah, you want me to get into a routine?

Impromptu striptease.

Don't mind if we do.

- Oh God.
- Okay.

- Cue the sleazy music.
- Right. Let's go!


- Howdy, partner.
- Giddyup!

- So what we're gonna do, come in.
- The body roll.

- Is this heavy petting?
- I don't know. Lana?

It's all sexy, but I'm keeping my hands
where Lana can see them.

Classic lawyer.
Sticking to Lana's law.

- Whoa.
- I'm gonna be riding you a bit.

Ooh, yeah.

It definitely went from zero to sexy
in a few seconds.


This one-trick pony
better not be riding into trouble.

- See if I can get my legs up.
- Cool.

- See if I can really ride ya.
- I'm scared you'll kick me in the face!

- See if I can get up.
- Ow!

What a bucking bronco.

I promise
I'm usually a lot better than this.

Whoo! This is not the little, romantic
sit by the fire I signed up for.

That's enough for now.

I'm not sure what's gonna happen tonight,

but screw it, might as well swap the beds.

It's not permanent.

I'll join your bed, but we're not
breaking any rules. We're not gonna.

- All right. But you're in? You're onboard?
- Yeah, I'm in.

- Nicely wrangled, cowboy.
- Mmm! Mmm!

Tonight's the night!

Let's get you a shirt.

Yeah, please grab my shirt.

Careful, Cam and Emily.

All your cuddles are being carefully
monitored since last night's misdemeanor.

It's nice having you here.

I am feeling so nervous.

I want to talk to Chase
and just apologize.

Let him know
I didn't mean to hurt his ego at all.

With what happened with Peter,

do you feel like you trust me less
because of it, would you say?

You know, the whole you and Peter thing,
like, yeah, that's a lot to take in.

I don't want to say anything
because I don't know how to react.

I'm sorry.

You know I wouldn't do it again.

Uh, did someone
just switch Chase off?

I can't be rushing,
like, super fast into this,

because now I don't trust nobody.

It's gonna take time.
I have to be way more patient.

Do you like, uh, The Lord of the Ring?

- Lord of the Rings?
- Yeah.


- You guys are gonna break up!
- Why? Do you like it?

- Yeah, it's a great film.
- He's got a freaking tattoo about it.

- Is that what it is?
- It's...

It looks like a d*ck!

And that's why
he calls it his precious.

- Oh no!
- No way!

- What's going on?
- Oh God.

Anyone got something they wanna fess up?

- f*ck.
- Uh-oh.

The moment of reckoning.

All right, here you go, Cam.
Poker face. Game time.

- Hello, everyone.
- Hi, Lana.

Please assemble in the cabana.


I don't think I lost any money
last night, but...

...who knows?

I'm shaking 'cause I'm nervous.

I feel like Pete did some more dares
in the last few days.

No! No.

I think Melinda and Peter lost money.

There was not a rule break.

- No rule break.
- No.

If they did, I will be really upset.


- Hello.
- Hi, Lana.

I have some news.

Let's hear it.

Last night,
there was an incident of sexual contact.

- Oh.
- Ah-ha.

Who are the liars?

I really hope
Lana is not talking about us.

- Peter and Melinda...
- Oh.

...your actions last night...

...were risky...

...but not a rule break.

Wait, what?

- No.
- I'm loving this.

You have been warned.

So it was just a mosquito bite
butt rub.

Good job, Lana.
I'm starting to like you now.

Peter and Melinda didn't lost money.
I'm really, really, really happy.

No one else has done anything?

Cameron, you laughing?

- You laughing?
- I laugh at everything. I'm good.

- Okay.
- Emily, you smiling?

Come on, Emily,
you know these things always come out.


Anyone want to fess up?

Who's looking the guiltiest?

I'm just so apprehensive as to what is
about to come out of her little cone.

That little cone's
got some extra hot goss.

...there was another incident
that clearly violated the rules.

Wait. What?

- All right. Okay.
- Ah, you... You did?


Oh my God! You're gonna get...


Oh my God.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I cannot believe
that Emily has been lying to us.

It was in the middle of the night.
She just grabbed it a little bit.

- It was literally like...
- It was a crab grab!

It was literally a grab
and then we were like, "Nah, nah."

Then he moved his hand off me.
He literally was...

Come on. Stop lying, guys.

He moved her hand?

Yeah, right.


Even though
he did not blow his circuit...

...this has resulted in $4,000
being deducted from the prize fund.

Oh God.

And you didn't even climax!

You still have blue balls.

If I knew four grand for a fondle,
I would have finished.

- At least I wouldn't have my blue balls.
- Come on, guys!

Four grand. I think we got overcharged.

Larissa, Lana has worked hard
on her pricing strategy.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


I feel like at the end of this,
they're gonna hand us $20

and say, "Thanks for playing."

Now we got gas money to get home.

Thanks, guys,
'cause you guys had to do crab grabs.

Looks like crab is off the menu.

The prize fund
now stands at $75,000.

These guys are breaking rules.

They forget that it's not only
their money they're losing, it's ours.

So that's just unbelievable.
I cannot believe this.

You know you're in the wrong.
It takes Lana to tell on you.

If we keep going the rate we are,
there's gonna be no money left.

I hope that you will continue
to grow at the retreat,

and, one day, find your happy ending.

Thanks, Lana.


I feel so good right now.

'Cause I didn't do a damn thing.

I will take this as a lesson learned.

Hopefully he sees that I'm trying.
I want him back.

So Melinda's off the hook
and on the hunt.

♪ Bonfire ♪

You've literally got a face mask on!

Nathan and Larissa, I am happy
they are finally sharing a bed together.

It's even better because it got Marvin
out of the bed next to me.

So I'm just excited all around.

So this big bed swap
means Marvin's got a new bed buddy.

Hey, Frenchy.

What's up?

As hunky and sexy as Marvin is,

I am so uncomfortable about it

just because I know
it's going to be a problem with Mel.

You can say that again.

I got Peter in my bed,

and my stallion
is all the way down the street

in bed with another chick.

This is brutal.

This is so brutal.

Sleep with one eye open, Kayla.



- No.
- Red alert!

- Crab in the grab zone!
- None of that.

What's going on
under the covers then?

Are your knickers on?

Babe, I'm...
I'm sick of wearing shit to bed!

I don't got time for this.

Nothing's gonna happen.

Look, the glasses are off.

Nothing is gonna happen. Nothing!

It's gonna be a long night
for you, Lana.

♪ It's a matter of time ♪

Good morning.

- Morning, Lana.
- Good morning, Lana.

I hope
with every optic fiber of my being

that you all had a pleasant rest.

There is a lot of sexual tension.

It's getting to a problem now. I don't
even know how I'm gonna deal with it.

Don't know.

So, Nathan and Larissa,
how was your night?

- Uneventful.
- That's what we like to hear.

- Do I snore?
- No.

I had a great night
for the first time, bro.

Looks like Melinda's suffering
from a little separation anxiety.

Seeing Marvin and her
in bed together... Oh!

I am definitely
getting a taste of my own medicine,

and it does not taste good.

It does seem like
Melinda's still fighting for Marvin.

It's clear
that I am not her first option right now.

♪ I'm looking for a pillow ♪

- Hi, girls.
- Hey.

- How are you girls today?
- Good.

I'm glad you're here actually,
'cause I was gonna say

we've had a few breaches
of our contract with Lana,

and I think it's up to me
to whip you guys back into shape.

- Yes!
- Absolutely.

Wonder if the boys
are having a similar crisis meeting?

Step into my office.

So the more I'm thinking about it,
you know my balls are in a dire situation.

Yeah, yeah.

I'll take your word for it.

So could we have
a little vankle shankle pact?

I have no idea
what a vankle shankle is,

but I got a feeling it ain't cheap.

I need to relieve myself.

Let all the tension out and we'll deal
with the... with the rule break after.

Oh no. He isn't, is he?

You two leave. I'm gonna go in there,
bust one out, because I need to.

Let's talk about this.
How much do you think it's gonna cost?

Is it gonna be like a kiss, three grand,
or is that...

No, but this is an investment.

- Yeah, this is an investment.
- True. It's a smart move.

Would you rather spend, I don't know,
three, four, five grand doing it yourself,

knowing then you won't have an urge?

It's a reset.

This will be my last rule break
if you two are calm with it.

- I'm cool with it, bro.
- Keep it between us.

- I'm not saying shit.
- Yeah.

- Sweet. You all right to guard the door?
- Guarding.

- We got you, bro.
- You got it, boys.

Five minutes?
Less than five minutes?

- One and a half.
- One and a half.

Now we're on watch.

I'm working on a show

where a guy has convinced two other guys
to keep watch while he rubs one out.

My parents would be so proud.

Dunno how we ended up
with this job.

And poor Lana
gotta be watching this too.

I'm not gonna be too rough on you, but
you and Cam we learned about last night.

Honestly, girls, I just feel so bad,

and that is the last time.

Good. We love that.

The girls
have absolutely nothing to worry about

in regards to me and Cam right now.

You sure about that, Emily?

Nathan just took a massive dump
in the bathroom.

- You gotta wait five minutes.
- Yeah.

How long? How long?

- One minute. Two minutes.
- Thirty seconds maybe.

Two minutes! Two minutes.

I think it is time
we do a little bit of a pact.

No more spending money.
Like on that budget.

- I'm on that, girls.
- Yeah?

- Absolutely.
- No more money!

Repeat after me, Cam.

No more...

Ugh. Too late.

Can you help me please with my hair?

I can't keep my eyes off Marvin.
I just can't.

I want to know
what's going on in his head.

We need to have a chat.

- Ça va?
- Ça va? How are you?


Uh, ça va?

Voila, Marvin.
She's practically fluent.

What's up?

It's very nerve-wracking
to throw my feelings out there,

but this must happen.

Otherwise, we will get nowhere.

I understand how you feel.

At first, I didn't get it,
but now I put myself in your shoes,

- and I don't like it.
- Mm-hmm.

And I don't ever want to have
that feeling again. I really don't.

I definitely learned my lesson.
I think you did a good job teaching me.

Peter doesn't get me excited.
You get me excited.

You turn me on, not Peter.

You get me all excited.

I do, right?

Just let your guard down
just one more time.

Come on. 'Cause I am.
I would never do this back home.

Back at home, I would go,
"Okay, whatever, bye."

- You're not patient at all.
- I'm very patient.

No, you aren't. No, you aren't.

- I'm trying.
- Yeah, definitely.

- I definitely am trying.
- I can see.

So, Marvin...

I wanna cuddle.

- Don't you want to cuddle with me?
- Yeah, I think we should...

We should, like...
You know, now I forgive you for all this.

You forgive me?


Melinda did not understand
why I was upset,

but, right now, I think she understands,
and we can move on.

So now I just want to kiss her,
because she's hot tonight.

I am this close
to kissing Marvin,

but I know Lana's watching.

I see you watching, Lana.

Come to my bed.

Don't you miss holding me?

Yes, I do.



Yes? Yay!

Really? Oh!

- You mean it?
- Yes.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Marvin is getting straight back
into my bed, where he belongs,

and he is never leavin' it.

I will make sure of that.

No, they're not burning Lana
at the stake just yet.

She has summoned them all to the beach.

- Yeah!
- Lana, baby girl. Hi. How are you?

Which is why
they all look so terrified.

I'm nervous, guys.

Us girls made a pact today
that we won't lose any more money,

so Lana must be very happy with us.

Keep dreaming, Larissa.


- Good evening.
- Hey, Lana.



I know I've got a little secret.
Bit anxious, if I'm honest.

Earlier today,

there was another rule break.

- What?
- Oh no.

Who has something to say, guys?

I am so relaxed right now.
Me and Cam haven't done anything.

When Cam is lying, he is always laughing.

I generally have a good poker face.
I don't know why, here, it's inactive.

And everybody knows about my blue balls,
don't they, so...

I saw you go in the bathroom.

- What?
- I don't know, but it was weird, bro.

Just an innocent chat.

Oh, f*ck.

What is it you don't wanna tell us

because you're scared of the reaction
the group will give you?

Did you pump one out?


Cam indulged
in an act of self-gratification.

- Oh my God, it was you, babes.
- Lana sees all.

- You naughty boy.
- Everyone's faces have just dropped.

What is going on?

You can't get away
with anything in here.

Honestly, I...

I'm actually quite offended.
Did he not want my help?

Resulting in a further $2,000
being lost from the prize fund.




I cost them a two grand tug.

I think it was an investment, 'cause
it means I'm not gonna do anything now.

All of us have been sex deprived.
He is so obsessed with his blue balls.

All of us have blue balls, Cam.

So far, there have been
a total of nine rule breaks.


Cam and Emily have been responsible
for four of these breaches.

- Wow. Wow.
- Oh.

Cam and Emily, to show me
you are committed to the process,

I am putting you both
to the ultimate test.

Oh my God.

In order to pass,
you need to demonstrate self-control...

Oh no.

...and show
you can form a real emotional connection

without breaking my rules.


Therefore, you will spend the night
alone in the private suite.

- Oh no.
- Wait, wait, wait, what? What?

These two on their own
for a night? Are you kidding me?

A private suite
perfectly designed for hanky-panky

and all manner of mischief?

This is gonna be hell.

Lana, like, what is she thinking,

putting me and Cam
in a room alone together?

Well, Lana wasn't going to make
this retreat easy for you.

It's game over. There's no way.
There's no way. There's no way!

I'm with Pete on this one.

If you refrain
from breaking the rules,

I will put $10,000 back in the prize fund.

Oh, yay.

Why are you all cheering?
Did you guys not hear the terms?

- One more reason to not spend money.
- Don't do anything. That's it.

We had a girl chat.

- Stand by it, okay?
- Yeah, yeah.

That's all I got to say.

Emily, please don't let us down.

What Cam and Emily
really need now

is the support of their friends
to make them believe in themselves.

I have no faith in you two.

Just know, when we wake up on the other
side of this, we're all gonna be waiting.


Nice pep talk, Chase.

Do you honestly believe
you would be able to control yourselves?

- Oh!
- This is why we don't have faith!

They're both really sneaky people,
and, yeah, I don't trust them. Sorry.

- You have my word. And your word?
- Uh-huh.

That we will not do anything.

The thing is, uh,
I give my word to people sometimes

and sometimes it doesn't mean shit.

Cam and Emily,

please make your way to the suite.

- Bye, guys. Love you all.
- Positive thoughts.

- Make us proud.
- Yeah, we got it.

♪ You can't hide it, so don't fight it ♪

No one has any faith in us.

Everyone is sh1tting it, including myself.

♪ Take my hand, take control... ♪

Oh shit.

How do you say "we're f*cked" in French?

♪ Set free the devil inside ♪

Oh my God!

This is sexy, innit?

This is gonna be a big test.

It's gonna be a long night
in the trenches. A long, old night.

May as well do the whole thing,
just go the whole way.


♪ Whoo, turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪