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02x06 - Give Up the Chase

Posted: 04/18/24 11:54
by bunniefuu
Oh my God.

Ay yi yi.

I just feel a bit frazzled,
just want to explode.

You know?

Robert's rocket
is ready to blow!

Christina, do not detonate!

It's very, very difficult
because when you're in that situation

and things are a bit harder,

in a literal sense,

you never think about the money.

That was pretty impressive

Pretty good.

Was that an earthquake
or did Robert just erupt?

♪ Come to life ♪

♪ Come to life ♪

- Bonjour, Marvin.
- Good morning.

I'm so f*cking horny.

- I know!
- Ah!

I know how you feel, girl.

Hope everyone was well-behaved
last night.

Christina? Robert?


I'm a bad man.

Getting through a night
without breaking rules,

it's just not gonna happen.

How was your night last night?

- It was good.
- Yeah, we... we slept.

Enough about our sleep.
What about your sleep, was it good?

You guys were glowing last night
when you came in.

That's what sexual activity does to you
after one week

even if it is just a kiss.

Got my green light last night,
first green light of the house.

I feel very happy with the way
things are going with Larissa and I.

Today is a good day.

Do you guys think your date
brought you guys closer?

- Yeah.
- One hundred percent?


I'm so happy
Larissa and Nathan got a great night,

but me and Chase,
it seems like we're at a standstill.

I've told him so many times, like,

how much I need affection,
and he's not giving it.

I don't know what else I can do
at this point. I don't know.

♪ I'm in trouble
I'm in trouble, trouble now ♪

My god, look at that smile.

You're not very cuddly.

Marvin has expressed to me
that he needs personal space,

he just wants to be by himself.

Fine. I'll give him some space,
but not a lot of space.

Oop! Lana's asked everyone
to assemble on the beach,

and given last night's antics,
I don't think she's awarding medals.

I'm wondering
who the hell broke rules last night,

'cause it certainly wasn't me.

My palms are a little bit sweaty,
but, you know,

it was always going to be coming,

you know, uh, excuse the pun.

- Who lost money, guys?
- Who's done the dirty?

Look at these lovebirds.

Hello, everyone.

Hi, Lana.

Yesterday, you received watches
as part of the next stage

of your development at my retreat.


some of you have still decided
to disobey my rules.

- What?
- What?


You're looking kinda nervous
over there, superhero.

Yeah, you do look guilty. You jerked off.

- Can we just get on with it?
- He jerked off.

Oh, for God's sakes, especially now
that we have these watches, like,

there kind of is no excuse
for breaking the rules now.

- I wanna say... I wanna something.
- Oh God.

So, you know,
we were in a moment where,

Christina, I'm sure you agree,
it was a very romantic moment.

- And we...
- With all of us in the room?

- We what?
- And we, we, we...

Sounds French.
Marvin, can you translate?

We went with a kiss,

and... and we kind of wanted to, kind of...

- I guess...
- Just stop waffling.

When we were in the bed last night,
we did get a bit carried away.

- What did you do?
- In the bed?

- Finish!
- Yep, I think he did, actually.

- Just gave him a handjob guys, that's it.
- What?

- Oh, she's quick.
- Guilty!

I'll put my hand up and say, okay?

Yeah, admittedly, okay, maybe the handjob
was a little bit over the top.

I'm a bit jealous 'cause,
you know, everyone loves a handy,

and, uh...'s been a while for me.

Robert and Christina,

I must inform you that your rule breaks
have resulted in a total of...

The kiss is three grand, and then
I'm not sure what a handy dandy is.

...$8,000 being deducted
from the prize fund.

- Oh my God.
- Oh là là.

- Not the best, is it?
- So annoying.

Listen, a kiss is one thing,
but a handy is just,

a whole 'nother level.
Like, it was so unnecessary.

The prize fund now stands

at $60,000.


The fact that the two newest people
come in here and spend money,

blows me away.

Absolutely ridiculous.

There's like, no excuse.
We're not gonna leave with any money.

We really are gonna have to
try harder now,

but, once you've tasted
that forbidden fruit,

it is addictive.

Can I ask how long you lasted
for eight grand?

Yeah, was it worth it?

Twenty seconds.

- Twenty seconds? $8,000?
- What?

For 20 seconds?

That's, uh, $250 a second.

Thanks Mr. 20 Seconds.
Really appreciate it.

Oh, 20 seconds.
I couldn't even be angry after that.

I mean, we're all going to start
calling him "20 Seconds" now,

that is his new name.

Rob... Rob's so disappointed!

Actually, the reality,
it wasn't that time at all.

- Oh f*ck!
- Oh shit!

It was probably
much less than that.

- You know what? It was worth it though.
- You're a businessman, that was worth it?

It wasn't even my good hand.

No, Christina,
it was a very, very bad hand.

♪ Make this work ♪

♪ We can make this work ♪

Bit harder. Come on. Don't be shy.



How do your titties stay in that top?

It's too small, I get underboob.

- Yes.
- I quite like the underboob.

Yeah, it's a... it's a nice change.

♪ So we can make this work ♪

- Hello.
- Hi.

So, me and Chase
need to talk today.

I feel like I'm opening up so much,

and he's not. And he's still not trying.

It's a complete wall.

How're you feeling?

Um, right now, I'm a little bit lost.

We've been together
just as long as anybody else.

We still haven't got a green light.

Honestly, I don't think
we deserve a green light.

When you came,
you said you're not affectionate.

and, like, we're supposed to be working
on that stuff and you're still not.

Being more open,
talking about my feelings,

that's a big step for me.

No, I know.

I do see you trying, but also, like,

it's been a while now, and it's still,
like, it's just not changing,

and I feel like
a lot of the other couples,

you know,
they're overcoming things like that.

You don't make me feel confident.
You honestly don't.

You never call me pretty.
You never compliment me.

You make me feel like I'm, like, ugly.
Honestly, I deserve better, I do.

Like, half of what you just said
is so wrong.

But you don't show me anything else,
you don't show me that.

You're just stuck in your head, and that's
the insecurities I'm talking about.

You barely look at me,
barely f*cking say anything to me.

I'm supposed to know how you feel?

I'm starting to realize maybe Lana spotted
flaws in mine and Carly's relationship,

and maybe that's why
we haven't got a green light.

There's no reason why we shouldn't have
got the green light first.

In our heads,
we were both doing this right.

But I don't know right now

if me and you are on that page.

No. Definitely not.

Personally, I'm working my hardest.
I'm doing my best right now,

and I feel like it's never going to be
good enough for Carly.

I don't feel like
it's fair to you, or to me

to force something
that's never going to be there.

I think at this point,
I'm just going to go solo.

♪ And wash away the pain of it all ♪


♪ I don’t need your love anymore ♪

Yeah, it really shocked me, like,
I did not expect this.

I'm like,
it makes me sad, because

I really feel like I have been trying
and eyes for him,

making him feel special, wanted.

And the guy that I want it from
won't do it.

♪ You know the damage is done ♪

♪ Oh, my heart ♪

'Sup, bro?

Oh, what you about to tell me?


So, I talked to Carly, I asked her
why Lana has given us a date.

She said
it's 'cause I need to open up more.

She said that I make her feel ugly.

She thinks I don't compliment her enough.

I think sometimes
she's a little bit insecure.

- Yeah.
- I can tell.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Where you been?

- I was with Chase.
- You don't look too happy.

- Just ended stuff.
- What?

- Yeah.
- What?

- What?
- Just so much stuff's been said.

A lot of stuff's gone down, so...

- What's going on?
- It's a lot.

I honestly
really don't wanna talk about it.

I told her I think that
right now we need some space.


- I feel like it needed to happen, bro.
- Yeah, maybe.

- It sucks though.
- Sucks.

Girls are a freaking headache
in this villa.

I came here to grow and to find happiness.

I wish I could build something
with Melinda,

but we don't know really where we at.

Lana, bring some new girls.

Just saying.

You know what, as shit as that is,

I mean, you guys
have had a lot of ups and downs.

- More downs than positives.
- Yeah.

And maybe this is for the best.

This whole retreat and process isn't about

doing it with someone,
it's mainly for yourself.


Hello, ladies.

- Hi!
- Hey, baby!

Please, can you gather everyone
in the bedroom?

- Oh, sure.
- Let's go!

I am just about to lose my marbles.

If this is another rule break,
I'm going to flip and lose it.

Since arriving at the retreat,

you have not managed
to go 24 consecutive hours

without breaking a rule.

That's not a good sign.

For there to be personal growth,

that unfortunate fact will have to change.

That is why I am setting you a challenge.

- What?
- Wait. Shh.


Lana, I ain't got time for this today!

If you can succeed as a group
in upholding my rules for 24 hours,

you will be rewarded.

Oh my God. What? $20,000, probably.

Past experience tells me that
we're not good at following rules,

especially when there is a reward
on the table.

So, everyone better be
on their best behavior.

Your 24 hours begins now.

What? Only one day?
That does not sound like Lana.

There's got to be more to this challenge
than meets the eye.

♪ We those lit kids
So come on tell me how you like it ♪

Lana's kicking off the 24 hours
with a beach party.

Your parties never end well, honey.

What're you up to?

The world is full of people
putting casual hookups

before meaningful relationships.

I have found three new individuals
who need my help

and I've added their names
to the guest list.

Prepare for new arrivals.

Prepare for new arrivals.

Prepare for new arrivals.

Those 24 sexless hours
just got a whole lot more stressful.

♪ Party elite, party elite ♪

Uh, guys, I don't mean
to interrupt your slow-mo dancing,

but you really need to start
paying attention.

I'm a little kinda suspicious.

Lana always gives a little bit,
takes a little bit,

there's always something else.
It's never just go have a party.

I've missed day partying.

- Yeah. Everyone together.
- Couple of beers.

No arguing!

Our vibe is very good.

This is probably one
of my favorite moments.

I think Lana's going soft.

Not a problem
you boys are going to have any time soon.

Oh my God.

Oh shit.


Oh, now we're talking.

What the...

Trouble is back on the menu.

I'm a rule breaker.

I'm definitely not going to be listening
to a little robot telling me what to do.

- Damn! Damn!
- What the f*ck?

If I see a guy that I want,
no girl is going to get in my way,

because Elle does what she wants.

We're here to mix and mingle,
so, like, let's do that.

Oh, f*ck.

I f*cking knew it!

Please don't fall, oh my God.

We almost died!

These babes in briefs have
already been briefed on Lana's rules.


But do they care
about breaking them?

We come to f*ck shit up!


Obviously not.

I can't even.

I see some stunning,

long-haired goddess,

walking in a red bathing suit,
and I'm like,

"Hold on, what's my name again?"

Hello, how are you? Tabitha.

- I'm Chase.
- Nice to meet you.

Lana, thank you so much.

I love you. Je t'aime.

- Nice to meet you.
- Tabitha. Oh my God, this is insane!

Pick up your jaw. It's hanging.

Don't worry, ladies,
as I always say,

you can't make a good breakfast
without some sausage.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh shit!

The game plan is be me, stay me.
I'm here to shake things up a little bit.

The only green light that matters
is the one down here.

Yeah, you should really
get that checked out, Joey.

Oh my God!

All right, Miami Vice,
don't milk it.

Oh my God!

Holy f*ck.


Jet ski number two!

And he is looking fit, fine,
handsome and tall, and sexy.

What up, party people?

- Joey, nice to meet you.
- Chase, man.

Damn, Joey.

Joey's really cute.

- Carly. Nice to meet you.
- Joey. Nice to meet you.

But still thinking about Chase.
And that's just it.

- Joey. Nice to meet you.
- Cam. Nice to meet you.

Not gonna lie,
it was a pretty cool entrance, but,

mate, what are those shorts about?

Welcome to the retreat!

Thank you!

Do you guys think that
you guys can listen to the rules?

We'll have to see.

I'd rather beg for forgiveness
than ask for permission.

Chase and Marvin, do you fancy
any of these two ladies?

Yeah, yeah.
They're obviously really attractive.

Chase and me,
we get two new girls, so it's perfect.

What about you, Chase?

I'm working through some stuff,
so I'm emotionally unavailable.


- What a real person. Wow.
- That's good.

I respect that so much.

What did I just say?

Chase. What? Try again.

Hey, what's your type, bro?

What's my type?

I usually go for the nice butt.

Dark hair.

Been a few blondies in the mix.
I'm getting some eyes right now.

- It's always good to see new faces.
- Absolutely!

Two beautiful women, I've got
the best seat in the house.

Nathan's looking awfully comfy,
cozying up to the two girls.

So I am getting a little bit annoyed.

- You should know we've lost $40,000.
- Yeah, so we're doing very bad.

We have three new hotties.

We are... on est foutu,
as Marvin would say.

That means we're f*cked.

Not quite how I remember fifth
grade French lessons, but c'est la vie.

All right, bro. Let's show you the house.
Nice to have you, man. C'mon.

Oh my God. Chase is 100%
gonna go for Tabitha.

♪ I do my thing ♪

This is sexy.

You can have sex right there.

- We could, but we can't.
- You can have sex right there.

I am, like, on the prowl.

Everyone has been here longer than us
and I'm trying to make up for lost time.

I'mma get in trouble.

♪ I don't play by the rules, I make them ♪

Is it just me or are these lot
gonna need all the help they can get?

And with 20 hours still left on the clock,

Lana's challenge could be over
quicker than a Christina handjob.

Back home, you do well with the ladies?

Of course he does.
Look at that grin. Look at it!

Bro, who do you fancy? Now there's
only the guys. Who do you fancy?

I'm hoping to talk to everybody.

You can get Melinda if you want,
I don't care.

- Is that your old girl?
- Yeah.

Marvin kind of says
that he's done.

He doesn't want anything to do with her,
but it's not fully over. It is not.

If anyone makes moves on Melinda,
I'm pretty sure he'll be pissed off.

You seem to be a player, no?

No, I mean... do you define, I think player for me,

if you go about it honestly,
I don't think you're a player.

If you tell them, look,
you're not the only one.

Yeah, but when you serious,
you serious with one girl.

- Uh...
- Ahh!

- Nah, I mean, yeah.
- Joey and his smile.

He's got you beat! He's got you beat!

So, Carly caught my eye,
and I think Melinda's cute. She's cute.

Hopefully I don't hurt any feelings,

but I'm definitely gonna
feel out the waters,

test out the waters.

♪ Turn it up, turn it up ♪

♪ Watch out now, here I come
So turn it up ♪

♪ Turn it up ♪

So, girls, who's taken your fancy?

I like Nathan.

- His energy seems so warm.
- Yeah.

- I like a bit of chest hair, a bit of...
- Me too!

A bit of stubble.

Chase is pretty cute.

I mean, they're all really attractive.
I need to suss a few people out still.

♪ Turn it up ♪

- This is a good pick.
- It is.

♪ Watch out now, here it comes
So turn it up ♪

I'm nervous for tonight.

- Yeah, true that.
- I mean...

It is what it is. I'm nervous.

I just hope these girls
don't start too much trouble. You know?

But who knows, Lana's probably
doing all of this for a reason.

At least we have each other.

I know Chase is gonna flirt
with these girls in front of my face,

but, you know, him saying he's emotionally
unavailable really spoke to me.

I know
that he is emotionally invested in me.

And I think
there's a good chance

Chase might feel the same way...


Let's do it!

Or maybe not?

That's what's up! That's what's up!

I mean, I was bothered by
the whole Carly situation.

Then again, Tabitha comes along,
I'm sitting here, like,

Carly who?

We look good too.

I can't wait
to get to know these two new girls,

but Melinda is always watching me,

so, Chase and me,

we're going to try to just get away
from it.

♪ No, we got no worries ♪

♪ No worries, no worries ♪

Desperate times call for
desperate measures, and in the cabana,

the slightly less randy coupled-up guests
are holding a crisis meeting.

What do you guys think about
the new girls and Joey?

I think, girls, both... both pretty girls.

- Um...
- Would you like to specify?

No, I think they're both pretty girls.

- Think they're gonna cause havoc?
- I don't trust them.

We've all just made a pact
to not break any more rules for 24 hours.

Then these newbies show up.

There's no way
they're gonna play by the rules.

I'm pretty nervous about how much money
we're gonna lose, not gonna lie.

We have to tactically split them up.

- Yeah, we're gonna have to sit them down.
- One, each...

So I'll take one for the team.
I'll sleep with Joey tonight.

- We can definitely take Tabitha.
- If we have to.

Yeah, I wouldn't be too unhappy
with Tabitha.

- Or Joey. I mean, it's hard.
- Yeah, maybe more Tabitha.

If they weren't so busy chatting
ménage à trois,

the couples might have spotted
Chase and Marvin sneaking off to the beach

for a ménage à, uh... four?

- This is cute.
- Very cute. I like it.

Dibs on this cushion right here.

Yes, slipped away
completely undetected.

Maybe a little bit of attention
from these two girls

will help me to get my va-va-voom back.

So, what are you guys' usual types?


Dark features.

Dark hair, dark eyes.


Like, you, 100%.

I'm about to write this girl a poem,
and I'm not even a writer!

You need to learn to spell
"Tabitha" before you make that leap.

What's your guys' type? What you like?

Um, I don't know, I don't have a type.
More personality.

- Same.
- It's energy for me. You just know.

I don't like short people,
short guys either.

- Not short people!
- Short people?

I find it hard to meet tall guys.

I'm 6'5".

- Are you?
- Yeah.

- I'm 6'3".
- Oh, amazing!

- I don't know, 190.
- Oh my God, tall guys! I'm happy.

Chase has been
giving me the little eye.

Like, the temptation is real.

He's huge.

Just how I like it.

That sounded naughty, didn't it?

Only if you have a naughty mind,
Tabitha, which I do not.

So, who did Nathan lose money with?

- He hasn't lost any money. No!
- He hasn't lost any money? Okay.

When I first arrived,
Marvin really caught my eye,

but now I'm not really feeling his vibe.

I'm hoping that, you know, I'm getting
some alone time with Nathan.

I feel like everyone's gotten really good
and like learning.

We come in like, "Yo!"

We need to go through
the same journey as you.

Make up for your lost time
on your own time.

- Wait for that green light.
- I'm actually scared of you.

I'm gonna be chasing you around the villa
like, "Kiss me!"

- Whoo!
- Gotta take your top off and chase him.

Wow! Wow! I don't even have words.

I've been Mr. Money Man, and this girl
is talkin' about breaking all these rules,

and I'm not even mad at her.

What is going on?

Cheers to a deep chat
and cheers to deep pene...

- I'm just kidding.
- Deep penetration!


The girls are good-looking,

but it's nothing compared to
what I have with Melinda.

Maybe I made a mistake pushing her away.

♪ Why does it feel so
Why does it feel so ♪

♪ Why does it feel so... ♪

While the French cat's away,

it looks like the Miami Mouse
is making a play.

- Were you surprised new people showed up?
- f*ck, yeah.

We see you coming by yourself,
and we were all like, "Oh, shit!"

I was like, "Oh, shit!"

Melinda's awesome. Beautiful eyes.
She's all-around awesome.

I'm ready to ooze some confidence,

and I think she's gonna pick that up
right away.

As long as
that's all you're oozing, big boy.

- This is gonna be fun. I'm so excited.
- I'm excited too.

You got perfect teeth.

- Thank you. You have nice teeth too.
- Thank you! Oh, stop.

- I'm a teeth guy, not gonna lie.
- You're such a liar.

Teeth, nails, shoes, for sure.

Oh, well, shoes, yeah.
My shoes are always A-1.

- What do you look at?
- Hair, for facts. Facts.

- Hair.
- You have perfect curly hair.

- My ex looked just like you. Yeah.
- Yeah?

Tall, skinny white boy?

Joey being here
is a great distraction.

I'm liking this attention he's giving me.
It's great.

Do you think he likes her?

I don't know what's going on,
but I'm not feeling good about this.


What up? Joey, what up, boy?
Are those Air Forces I see?

Had to. Had to.

Ladies and gentlemen,
you are witnessing Le Cockblock.

- Oh.
- Oh, ah.

I'm trying to act cool right now,
but I'm really mad jealous.

It's hard for me
to see Melinda talk to another man.

Where you guys coming from?

- We had a date with...
- It was a chat, not a date. It's a chat.

What about you?

- Huh?
- You had a date?

- Yeah, no, we've been chatting.
- We're hitting it off.

- You guys kind of interrupted.
- Oh, shit!

Oh! No!

Marvin hates
when I flirt and talk to other guys,

but when I do talk to him, he ignores me.

Uh-uh, you can't have your cake
and eat it too, big boy.

That's just not how it goes.

- You're cool.
- Thank you, I think you're cool too.

Welcome to the jungle.

Hakuna Matata, right, Joey?

♪ Get me out of this limbo
Whoa-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Limbo
Whoa-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Get me out of this, get me out of this ♪

♪ I don't want to love you in this limbo ♪

Honestly, it's so, so emotional
for me today.

Chase is like the closest person to me
in this retreat and it just sucks

that we've ended, so it's best that
I just stay away from everyone.

♪ I don't want to love you in this limbo ♪

We've spent the most genuine money.

- Yes.
- Yeah, for sure.

If that's a thing.

You two got a connection,
we've got a connection, so it's like,

I don't think,
I think that was, like, worth it.

- I mean, 20K. It's a bit.
- It's a lot of money.

Carly spent quite a chunk.

- She spent a chunk.
- Yeah.

I don't get where that girl's head's at.

- I just don't understand it.
- She's all over the shop.

- Oh, shit.
- Hello, handsome.

Here we go, guys.

Good evening, everybody.

Good evening, Lana.

Nathan and Larissa, you took
your relationship to the next level

when you were awarded a green light.

Now, it is time to build
a deeper connection.

Tonight, you will get the chance
to know each other better

in the private suite.

- Oh!
- Ooh!

- Oh my God!
- Yes!

- Shut up! Come here!
- Stop!

I'm so, so happy
for Nathan and Larissa.

But I would really love the room with Rob,
I think.

Based on what you achieved
last night in 20 seconds,

the thought of you two alone
for a full night terrifies me.

I must remind you, you are still
in your 24-hour period.

This is a test as much as it is a reward.

We actually can't break any rules
this time,

because we have that stupid reward!

It's tough though, isn't it?

It is, but you can do it.
If anyone can do it, it's you guys.

Please make your way to the suite.

It's gonna be really difficult.

I know I'm normally a good girl,
but I'm getting fanny flutters here.

- Oh!
- There's like four pillows.

Larissa looks incredible tonight.

I mean,
she's barely wearing anything already.

Check out the bounce, right? Go, ready.

Just give me a lasso.

Check out this business.

That's not what's going on!


Keep it clean, cowboy.

Since we came in here,

I've had a constant semi
that I cannot get rid of.

What? Into this room?
Do you need some help getting rid of it?

I mean, yes.

One hundred percent I do.
This is the hardest it's been, for sure.


No more of that talk, Nathan,

there are 14 hours left
till sweet, sweet, redemption,

and a reward.

Sit on your hands,
tape up those nipples, sleep in the bath.

Just please don't do anything stupid.

- You're ridiculous.
- Who?

- You.
- What am I doing? This is what you wanted.

- Yeah.
- Exactly.

I know what you're trying to do, like...

Marvin... Marvin,
I haven't thought about you all day.

- I know, it doesn't seem like.
- Okay.

- Do you want a hug?
- No.

Marvin has a big ego,
and I have an even bigger ego.

So it's kind of hard for both of us
to kind of open up,

and express our feelings to each other.

I do like Joey.

- He's a cool dude. He's from Miami...
- I like him.

- I'm happy for you.
- No, you're not.

That was probably the worst lie
you've ever told!

So do you like Tabitha?

- Yeah, she's nice.
- What about Elle, you like her too?

- Yeah!
- Who you want to build a connection with?

I don't know.

I don't know what Marvin
comes in here and says to you guys.

All I know is what I say to you guys.

And that I like Marvin.

You guys probably think I'm crazy.

Crazy, no. Lovestruck, maybe.

But can you blame a girl? Come on!
Look at Marvin.

He looks so good!

Give me a hug, Marvin.

♪ I'm a little higher ♪

♪ And it's all because of you ♪

- I feel you. Yeah, we're cool.
- We're cool, we're friends.

Seeing in front of me
the potential of losing her

made me realize I really like Melinda.

I don't know.
I feel like it's not over yet.

♪ Gonna follow my heart
So that's where I start ♪

♪ I don't always speak the truth ♪

♪ Though I look up to you ♪

♪ 'Cause my high hopes
They could be let down ♪

We're still emotionally invested
in each other, it's not done yet.

I don't know how he feels, but I would
like to repair my things with Chase.

That's hard to admit.

Do you fancy my bed already?
It looks like.

I don't know what bed's mine.

I'm gonna tell you, like,
pick your poison.

I'm sitting here looking at this girl,
like, where you been all my life?

Sharing a bed with Elle
or sleeping with me?

- I don't know.
- Get over here!

- What you mean, I don't know?
- Should we share a bed?

Yeah. Duh.


Wow, that was easy.

I can't wait to get into bed
with Chase tonight.

Chase is so fit.
He's got a lot of sex appeal.

Rules are made to be broken.

Let's do this.

I'll be back soon. Get my bed ready.

♪ Him ♪

♪ Him ♪

♪ Him ♪

Here's my boys.

- What's up, man?
- What you saying?

- You gonna go in that one, yeah?
- Yep. Yep.

Tense. Tense.

♪ I'm just so good at being bad ♪

♪ Everything you wish you had ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm trouble, trouble ♪

- Did you shower?
- No, I smell awful.


- That's nice, I like it.
- Oh, thanks.

♪...around ♪

♪ Never hit the ground ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm trouble, trouble ♪

Hours later,
after we broke things off,

he ended up being in bed with a girl.

He can't justify
jumping in bed with a girl.

I feel like a complete idiot.

♪ Give it up to me ♪

Chase might have been
a bad boy tonight,

but let's peep in on the suite

and the two guests
who are always exceedingly good.

I just, I can't...



- Can you resist?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh my!
Looks like they need some privacy.

What's going on back in the bedroom?
I can't be everywhere at once.



not asleep.

I am always going to
be drawn to Marvin,

and Marvin is going to
always be drawn to me.

It's either I can follow the rules,
get rewarded, maybe,

or break the rules and still get rewarded.

Marvin, hold tight.

I'm coming for you.

Oh là là!

Oh, f*ck!
It's going to be hot.

It's going to be very, very hot. Oh là là!

Sacré bleu!

♪ Whoo, turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪