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03x10 - Out with a Bang

Posted: 04/18/24 12:23
by bunniefuu
Oh, whee!
It is only the season flipping finale,

and at the end of the episode, someone's
about to walk away with a prize of...

Wait. Yeah, that's right.
There's nothing in the pot.

Good morning.

But there is hope, as these guys
could be about to win back $90,000.

The trouble is, that's all in the hands
of the biggest rule-breakers here.

- I had a great night last night.
- Me too.

God help them.

I would love for them to come back
and not have done anything.

How many more times
can we put our trust in them

and expect them not to screw us over?

I like to trust, you know?

But it's gonna take a miracle
to keep them away from each other.

I don't think
they're gonna be able to do it.

You're a very Negative Nancy.

Am I, or am I realistic?

Nathan left, and he's come back.

This has been, like, an opportunity,
so I feel like

he will make the most of that,
and he will redeem himself for everyone.

Holly and Nathan
cannot afford to mess this up.

It's one night for all this money.

Yep, 90 grand
would definitely be a happy ending.

Trouble is, Nathan may have
already had one.

I'm feeling happier than ever.

Mm, got a spring in your step, chicken.

Oh my God, last night was magical.

Yeah. Uh...

I'm all smiles today.

Best day ever, best day in the retreat.

I just can't believe it.

Ah, jeez, this doesn't look great.

The only thing missing
is her lighting up a cigarette.

What will we say?

Our prize fund's zero, so I guess
that means there's no money to lose.

Oh my God.

I wonder when they'll come back.

'Cause the longer they spend together,

the more they're gonna wanna do stuff.

Hopefully they gave him the snip,
and chopped his penis off.

Well, if Lana had hands,
who knows what lengths she'd go to?

Oh my God, there's a lot at stake.

I'm betting my right arm on it, again!

how many right arms do you have?

Okay, you're gonna say it.

The group have put
so much trust in them before.

And they failed. And if they do it
this time, it's just a bit of a joke.

Why does Holly look guilty? Oh no.

What happened in there?

Yeah, I'm asking myself
the same question, Obi.

Do you want to kick it off?

Oh, that was handy.

Saved by the Lana-shaped bell.

Holly and Nathan,

last night, you faced your ultimate test.

If Nathan could
put what he learned into practice,

and, as a couple, you could
refrain from breaking any retreat rules,

the prize fund
will be increased from $0 to $90,000.


Oh, here we go.
Honestly, the howevers are never good.

And neither are Holly and Nathan.

...what I did not foresee
was that Holly would be the problem.

- No.
- Knew it.

Oh, gosh.

I can't believe she said that.

Holly, at 23:55 hours...

Cheers to being back. drank champagne
from Nathan's stomach.

What the f*ck?


That was not all.

At 01:33 hours, you straddled him...

I'm gonna tease you a bit.

...even though there were
plenty of other places to sit.

Release your tension.


even though you were
successful in sexually arousing Nathan...

he was able to dig deep,

hold firm,
and respect the rules of my retreat.

Which means that the prize fund
now stands at $90,000.


Uh, are you bowing,
Teasy McTeaserson?

- Proud of you guys.
- Yes!

You see, it does pay to be good!

Thank you, Nathan.
Thank you so much.

I am so happy. They did it!
I'm so proud of both of them.

This is what I like to call growth.

- Growth.
- Yes!

I didn't make it easy.
I teased Nathan a little bit, but

you know, he passed the test.
I'm actually impressed.

Last night was the ultimate test.
I've passed it.

It felt good to give some money back.

Holly and Nathan,

as a reward for showing restraint

and putting the interests of the group
above your own,

you are now going on a date.



Nathan and I
have earned this date.

The last few days
have just been so hard for the both of us.

Oh God, I'm just so excited.

♪ Take my time ♪

♪ Today I'm feeling better... ♪

I have no idea
what the hell I'm gonna wear.

it looks like Nathan's sorted.

Super worried about chatting.

Feel like I'm gotta get my emotions across
because it's such an important time.

I'm quite nervous, to be honest.

Okay, I'm done.

♪ Yeah, hittin' the town ♪

So glad Nathan and Holly
kept their hands off each other.


How good is it
that the money has gone back up?

Getting used to the idea
of having zero, zero, zero in the pot.

Well, Olga,
you can get unused to that,

because there's
a whopping $90,000 in the prize fund!


Ninety whole grand in the prize pot!

And in just 36 hours,
the winner will be crowned.

♪ I just can't get enough
Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Yo, yo, yo!

Since I had the conversation with Gerrie
and called things off,

I just feel like
I really just wanna speak to Stevan

and clear the air.

What are you doing?

When I was getting to know Stevan,
I knew he wasn't right for me,

but I wasn't completely open and honest
about my feelings towards him.

He deserves better.

Um, I wanted to talk to you.

I have realized that, you know,
with the situation between us,

I could've handled it
completely different.

I should've been how I was with Gerrie,
and just been more upfront and honest.

Face those emotions, and maybe
that would've helped our situation.

I'm honestly sorry.

And you grow from it.

And I am very grateful that,
after how I treated things,

you still let me in
and you looked past that.

You're too funny not to let in, okay?

You run around this house
like a meerkat, okay?

♪ Gonna rise up ♪

♪ Oh yeah, I'm gonna rise up ♪

I'm so proud of Georgia and everything
she's learned from this retreat.

The simple fact that
we were able to talk, stop talking,

and be even more comfortable
with each other afterwards than before,

it shows a lot about both of us.

It's so weird to think, like,

we all came in here, who we are now,

and how much we've changed.

The fact that you were able
to stand up and be yourself.

- That's a big growth for you.
- I know.

I'm so happy about how well it went.

He's really understanding, and yeah,
I just feel like we both have grown a lot.

- I'm so proud of us, come here!
- I'm so proud of us!

Come here!

Ah, I am so excited
to go on a date with Nathan!

We know that
there is physical chemistry between us,

but, like, I need to know
if this could last on the outside.

So it's a big moment for us today.

♪ You still take my breath away ♪

♪ With nothing but a smile ♪

That one-on-one workshop really
flipped a couple of switches in my heart.


It's changed my perception
on the way I see Holly. That's for sure.

- Cheers.
- Let's cheers to a special day

and passing the ultimate test.

The ultimate test.

I've never felt this way before.
Normally, when I get these feelings,

I just run away
because I'm scared of commitment.

I'm more worried about
that incoming tide.

It's been me and you since day one.

- We've both been on our own journey, but...
- Yeah.

In my past with other people, I push them
away and keep moving forward.

I never, once or twice, did I ever think,
"Oh, is this the girl for me?"

Let's be honest. I've had some really
toxic relationships in the past.

But one thing this retreat has taught me

is to confront my emotions
and open up to someone.


I've never met a man like Nathan.
I love him to death.

I just really hope
that he feels the same way.

Over the past few days,

me going on my own retreat
really put things into perspective.

I was able to show sides of myself
that I thought I could never show.

The fact that I actually
met somebody I like,

- that makes me feel emotional...
- Mm.

...and vulnerable at the same time.

When somebody gets really into my space,

I just push them away
and keep moving forward.

You know, are we compatible moving forward
in the outside world?

Now is the point where I can tell you.

It would be wrong of me not to say this.

I genuinely do love you.

♪ This home won't give me what I want ♪

♪ I'm scared but not afraid enough... ♪

I want you to know that

I love you too.

I can't believe I came to this retreat
and fell in love.

It's been so long since someone
has said to me that they love me,

and, yeah, I'm just...
I'm the happiest girl in the world.

Always told myself
I'm better off alone, single,

I can do things my own way.

But being with you, I feel like
I'm more safe and more powerful.

At the same time, more reassured.
That's something that rarely happens.

- I feel like I won the lotto.
- Feel like I've won the whole jackpot.

When I arrived,
I'd have never thought

I'd be telling a girl, "I love you."

I'm a wholly changed man,
and it's purely down to Holly.

It's been an emotional journey,
and I just couldn't be happier right now.

Oh my...

Lana's treating us! Thank you, Lana!

♪ Steady hands will hold you up ♪

♪ The walls they built will turn to dust ♪

♪ Not to figure out ♪

♪ How to burn it down ♪

♪ 'Cause forever's starting now ♪


Nathan and I finally got a green light.

Aw, that was a special kiss.

Best day ever,
best day in the retreat by far.

Lana, you've done it again.

An "L b*mb"
and two very satisfied customers.

And with just 30 hours left
in the retreat,

there's still time for one last workshop,

which the guests seem to be
feeling "all white" about.

A workshop is such a lovely way

to end the retreat.

You guys gonna look like the NSYNC
music video when they had all white on.

I think you mean Backstreet Boys,
but hey, tomayto, tomahto.

I'm honestly so grateful.

I've learned a lot
thanks to Lana and these workshops.

I am a changed man.

This final workshop
is designed for my guests

to embrace their future selves,

by acknowledging the mistakes
they have made in the past

and the growth they have achieved
within the retreat.

I've invited mindfulness coach
Brenden Durell to lead this workshop.

Today's workshop
is about celebration.

It's all about the guest
rejoicing in the person they've become,

just getting into a space
to actually see their progress.

And by committing to their new selves
in front of everyone,

they will feel reborn and ready to face
the next part of their lives.

It's beautiful.

Welcome, everybody.

Tonight's workshop,
it's about congratulating yourself,

congratulating each other on everything
that you've experienced in this retreat.

And acknowledging the new you,
the new person you've become.

Right now, I would like you
to grab your drum in front of you.

And what I love
about the drum specifically is

it resembles the heartbeat.

For me,
what all of you represent

is one heart together
from this whole experience,

and this drum is gonna represent that
for the celebration tonight.

I would love for all of you
just to ponder really quick

about the person you were
before you came into here,

and the person you're leaving after.

My man, Stev.


The man that walked in

was chained down,

afraid because of his past relationships.

The man I'm walking out today

is actually okay
with things that have happened,

and is ready to learn and move forward.

Just one word
that represents your time here?

What's your one word?



I have changed drastically
since I walked in here.

My entire life, I held back some emotions,

and this retreat really allowed me to

unchain myself.

I'm just a different man.

This is the first place
I've been completely me, and open.

My man, Nathan.

Took you from the depths,
revived your ass!

Brought you back, it was good!

The man I walked in
was very much carefree,

always wanting to put myself first.

I didn't really care much for the rules.


I do see a change to actually care for
others and put them first before myself.

You know, obviously, I love Holly,
but also at the same time,

I needed to abide by the rules.

What's one word
that represents your journey?

The word I'll use is


Restraint, wow.

Let's hit it.

You know, when I came in here,
I was a full-on playboy.

The physical side of me
wanted to touch Holly the whole time,

and I think I've changed past that.

I've learned restraint,
especially in myself,

and just made me realize
how much I actually do like this girl.

I'm leaving in love.

Holly, I love you.


Yeah, so the woman
that I walked in here as

was really impulsive with my decisions

and careless with my actions and my body.

You know, I had to work on a lot here,

especially to grow as myself,
but also with someone.

So yeah, the word
that I'll use is "patience."


I needed to practice patience when Nathan
was out on dates with other girls.

Old Holly, Hurricane Holly,

would just give up,
but it's all been worth it.

At the end of the day, I got my man.

Yeah, everything turned out great.

So I walked into this retreat
as a person that doesn't really care about

anyone else but himself,

and what I will leave as

is a person
who puts others before himself.

What's one word going forward that
represents the man that you're leaving?

- Selfless.
- Selfless. Beautiful, man.

I definitely walked in as a woman
who was afraid to open up,

and speak of her feelings,
and emotions, and thoughts,

and I'm walking out as a woman who is

still learning to open up,
but is much better at communicating.

Phew! That's, that's the key right there.

The woman I walked in as was very cocky,
you know, all about myself.

I was scared of tapping into
my more affectionate side and stuff.

- Affectionate?
- Yeah.

I feel like I walked in here as,
you know, a know-it-all,

and I feel like I'm walking out of here

a bit smarter.

So, "wisdom."

- Georgia.
- Hey.

The woman I was when I walked in

was scared to be emotionally open,

communicate, and confront my feelings.

I have realized that I had walls up
and, you know, how much they hold me back.

One word that represents those words.


Brave! Let's get it.

On the outside,
if I was uncomfortable,

I would honestly
just back out of the situation.

But being in this retreat
and part of this experience has taught me

to be strong and confront my feelings.

And I'm ready to accept new challenges
that come my way

and make new relationships.

I'm not afraid, I'm brave.

I'd probably say the man I walked in as
was impulsive and flippant.


Ran away from his problems.

One word that represents
the person you're leaving after.


Miss Izzy.

I've experienced quite a lot in here
with different relationships,

good and bad.

But I feel like I've come out
as a more strong, empowered woman.

And my word is "independence."


So, the woman I walked in as

had my guard up here.

I find it very hard to let it down.

And I'm walking out with it down here,

and with a boyfriend!

One word that represents your time here
and the woman you're walking out into.

- Vulnerability.
- Boom, let's hit it.

When I came to the retreat,
I was very closed doors.

Been hurt badly in the past,
and that's why I didn't let anyone in,

but I feel like Harry has changed me,

and I let my guard down.

I've let Harry come into my closed doors,

which I'm quite proud about.

The man I walked in as,
someone with a closed heart

that felt like he couldn't love again

and would be on his own
for the rest of his life.

I'm leaving as an open person
and ready to love again.

An open heart.

Powerful, man. I got chills.

Oof, that was emotional.

Powerful, man.

Your normal life, you just go by,
and you bottle things up,

and I feel like in here,

it's stripped me back to basics.

Just like, it's almost like a fresh start.

What's one word?

- Open.
- Open.

Came thinking it was Pleasure Island.

I'm leaving with a girlfriend.
I am reborn.

I got you.

Feel like I'm a better person
now I've met Beaux, and yeah,

I'm actually proud of myself,
and I don't often say that about myself.

All right, now we're gonna
take your words,

just write it in big letters on here.

You're gonna tie your word
onto the firework.

We'll send it to the universe,
to the stars.

Whatever you deem your higher power,
God, if anything.

That's what we'll send it to.

Obviously a bunch of horned-up
hotties are gonna go out with a bang.

At least this one won't cost anything.

Five, four,

three, two,


I've celebrated New Year's before,

but I've never celebrated
anything called a new me.

I think I can see my "wisdom"
up there right now.

♪ Believe in me ♪

♪ Believe in me ♪

I'm feeling rejuvenated.

I feel reborn.

♪ Believe in me ♪

It felt like everything
that was bottled up inside me

just went up in the air and exploded.

I finally feel like
I've been able to let go of the past.

So, I feel free.

- Oh, I love you guys!
- Get in there.

- Come in here.
- One, two, three!

♪ Money makes my world go round ♪

♪ Get out my way! ♪

♪ Get out my way! ♪

Wakey wakey, my friends.

Good morning.


- Oh shit.
- Good morning, everyone.

Good morning, Lana.

Welcome to
the last day of the retreat.

Final day, guys.

Oh, that's mad.

I will be announcing
who the finalists are shortly.

Yes, Lana!

I cannot believe
it's the last day in the retreat.

The prize winner
is gonna be announced today.

This is crazy.

The last day!

Last call!

♪ It was the last day ever ♪

♪ When the day is a little too tough ♪

♪ Don't let my dreams fail me ♪

♪ 'Cause we can rise higher... ♪

Who you think's gonna win it, man?

Hm, Harry or Stevan.

- You?
- Nathan.

Are you ready for the last day?

- We've been through a bloody whirlwind.
- Yes, we have.

- Look at us!
- But today we are new women!

We are new women!

Ready for the world.

But are you ready to find out
who Lana has chosen as the finalists?

♪ I'm born to win ♪

Because I am so ready.

♪ Yeah, life is a game ♪

♪ And I'm born to win ♪

If it were up to me,
I think everybody would win here,

but it's not, it's up to Lana.

♪ I'm born to win ♪

Will I win the money? Probably not.

Would I like to win it? Yeah, I would.

You might win the money, Olga.

I'm just not sure
if I'd bet my right arm on it.

The one who's grown the most

is going home with some cash.

Oh, I feel sick.

Hello, everyone.

Morning, Lana.

I have been collecting data
since you arrived

and have now conducted my final analysis.

Not gonna miss that sound.

At least it's the last time.

As you are aware,
there was a prize fund of $200,000,

allocated to aid your development.

"Was" being the operative word.

The prize fund stands at $90,000.


That's a lot of money, baby.

is a hell of a lot of money.

It's life-changing for me.

There are three places
in the final.

Following my rules alone
isn't enough to win.

The finalists are those who have shown
the most personal growth

during their time at the retreat.

I do think I've grown just as much,
if not more than anybody else, but

we'll have to see what happens.

There's a lot that I can get done
with this prize money.

I mean, I could use it
to pay for the rest of my college.

I feel like everyone
would wanna be up there, right?

Well, duh. It's 90 grand.

The first finalist is...

It's a lot to play for,
so, fingers crossed.


Please stand.

Oh my God!

I can't believe I'm even standing.

I'm gonna cry.


You arrived at the retreat and fell into
relationships that you were unsure of.

Obviously, you are
the most beautiful person in this house.

I just like someone to vibe with.

I honestly like everything about Gerrie.

But you did not express
your true feelings.

Are you still interested in me?


I just don't like to feel too, like, um,


I can't wait to, like, settle down,

and have kids.

But you have learned to
face your fears...

You can't force yourself
to feel a certain way when you don't.

I know the right thing to do is go
and speak to Gerrie, get it off my chest.

...and to be honest with yourself
and those around you.

I see this as a really good friendship.

To be honest,
it's the right thing for me to do.

I know now if I'm not
feeling something with someone,

the best thing to do is just confront it.
You gotta face your fears.

Putting yourself first
has empowered you,

and now you have the confidence
to make more meaningful connections.

she's like a blossomed flower.

I really believe she deserves this.

Cheers, Lana.

The second finalist is...

It is very tense in here at the moment.

Lana, Lana, Lana.

Definitely hoping she'll pick me.
I think I deserve to be on her short list.


Please stand.

Very much comes to a shock for me.

Just happy to be considered
that I am worthy enough, really.

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Watch me rise ♪

Nathan, although
you connected with Holly from the start...

Oh God, you're gorgeous! struggled to change your player ways.

Love your eyes, by the way.

Naughty boy.

- To what point do you entertain them?
- I can't just say no to the date, can I?

Putting your sexual desires first.

You got a cracking body on you.

And breaking numerous rules.

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Your wicked ways ♪

I had to take drastic action.


Your boy
has been kicked off the island.

But when
I gave you a second chance,

you embraced the opportunity to grow.

Put his head on Holly's heart.

- Boom. Connection without sex.
- Yeah.

Only one word you can describe
for somebody, and that's love.

And found the importance
of emotional intimacy.

I genuinely do love you.

Thank you, Lana!

♪ Just come and shine your light ♪

♪ Come and show me love ♪

Yes! Go Nathan!

I'm actually really happy for Nathan.
He deserves to be up there.

And finally...

The big moment.

...the third finalist


Come on, Lana. What do we got?
I do not need the suspense right now.


and Beaux.

Did not see this coming whatsoever.

This is the first time ever
that I've nominated a couple.

Getting emotional already.

I have done this
because your relationship

has helped you both grow
equally as individuals.

Oh my God.

- I'm buzzing, me.
- I'm so excited.

Harry and Beaux,
you came in as horny singles

and began your journey as friends.

- I'm a legal secretary.
- I bet you don't wear that to work!

Me and Harry have got a good friendship.

I don't know if it could be
a little bit more.

Despite having commitment issues,
you slowly built a connection.

Maybe I should open up
and accept how I'm feeling.

- Just ask how she feels about you.
- I feel sick when you say that.

Feel like I'm enjoying
getting to know you a little bit.

You said nothing. How do you feel?

I do like Harry.

But I've been hurt badly in the past.

You've learned to commit,
and formed a loving relationship...

I think there's a connection growing.

I've met someone.

I have let my guard down.
I feel like I care about Beaux

more than I've cared about anyone
for a long time.

...and made an emotional connection
before a physical one.

I'm scared of commitment,
and it's so hard.

I do really like you.

I'm falling very deep.

And have learned to commit
and formed a loving relationship.

How do you feel about being my girlfriend?

Oh my God, yeah!

And that is why I have chosen you
to be in the final as a couple.



or Harry and Beaux

will walk away with $90,000.

Oh my God.

I'm gonna cry.


And the decision will be made
by the remaining guests.

Oh my God.


Oh my God.

Oh my God.

At the end of the day,
it's up to us to choose who actually wins.

Oh shit.

I feel so nervous.

I just hope everyone
makes the right decision.

Will the short-listed guests
please leave the cabana

whilst the voting takes place.

Oh, love you guys.

Ooh, whee!
This is all getting very exciting.

I mean, this is the biggest prize
in Too Hot to Handle history, guys!

- Can't believe we're sat here.
- The Hot finale has arrived, guys.

- Jeez.
- OG finalists.

I'm happy to be sitting here
with you guys.

Yeah. I'm grateful to be standing up
like a finalist.

- Me too.
- It's mad.

I feel like a winner already,
to be honest.

I've been with them since day one.

I've seen their journeys so much,

and I've seen them grow,

but that's harder,
because how can you compare them?

It's a question of deciding which one
you think maybe deserves it the most.

It's giving them a gift
rather than taking from the rest.

On that note...

- All right!
- Let's go, Stevan.

Each guest gets to
pass their vote in private.

First up, it's Stevan.

Nathan, I believe he's an amazing person,

but he's broke more rules
than anybody else.


Just the fact of how she's handled me and
her ending, versus her and Gerrie ending,

she has grown an exponential amount.

Harry and Beaux have learned a lot
individually, and in a relationship.

They've had the most restraint
with each other,

and they've learned how to just
be together and happy with each other.

So at the end of the day,

it's not a question of who for me.

100% Harry and Beaux.

I'm up.

- Go on, babe.
- Good luck, Holly.

I wonder who she'll be voting for.

My vote's going with Nathan.

What a shock.

I have witnessed his growth
every day in this retreat.

Yeah, and that's why
you cost the group over $100,000.

- Olga, you're up, darling.
- My turn.

- See ya.
- Good luck!

It's extremely difficult.

It's a tough one.

I think...

No, I know I will vote for Georgia.

I think she has improved the most
during this retreat.

I've really seen her finally be courageous
enough to talk about your feelings,

and not just run away from problems.

So, one vote
for each of the finalists,

which means we have ourselves
a horse race.

I feel sad. Obviously you're picking
a person and you feel happy for them,

but you feel like
you've betrayed the others.

You don't want them to feel
you betrayed them.

That's... It's the guilt.

Yeah, we're all family here.

Like, you have to make a decision.

Everyone's vote counts.

- I'm so nervous, I really am.
- I'm nervous.

- You go, girl.
- Good luck, Bri Bri.

I'm definitely voting for Beaux and Harry.

Not only have they personally
worked on themselves,

but they've actually
worked on their relationship.

Georgia has been through a lot,
and she opened up as an amazing person.

She helped me grow in the whole process.

So you're voting for Georgia, then?

I vote for Nathan.


Uh, I truly feel that
he has grown the most

out of everyone on the retreat.

Well, that vote from Gerrie
has really tightened things up.

Two votes for Harry and Beaux,

two votes for Nathan,

and one for Georgia.

But with three votes still to go,
any of them can win.

Your turn.

Harry and Beaux have grown,

not only individually,
but together as a couple,

but Nathan's my boy, and he has come back,

and he has shown a lot of restraint.

I vote for Harry and Beaux.

With Obi
voting for Harry and Beaux,

and with just two votes left,

Georgia now needs both votes
to still be in the running.

I'm not voting for Georgia, because,

although she's grown a lot
in this retreat,

she's still got more growing to do.

Wow. Izzy takes Georgia
out of the running.

I didn't see that coming.

So it's between Harry and Beaux,

and Nathan.

We've got ourselves a two-horse race.

Well, three, but you know what I mean.

Harry and Beaux are super sweet.

I think that this amount of money
would really change their lives.

And also, maybe give them a base
where they could start a life together.

Harry's just smitten by Beaux,
and they both worked on it together.

I know Beaux really well, and I know that
she's found it so hard to open up to him.

Nathan is a top dude.
I absolutely love him.

He has been a naughty boy,
but he has done a lot of reforming.

With Nathan, like,
I feel that he's developed a lot,

and I see why Lana put him up there.

I don't know how to make the decision.

Okay, I'm just gonna have to say it.

- I'm gonna go with...
- I'm gonna vote for...

Whoa! Hold your horses there, guys.

We need to leave the big reveal
to everyone's favorite cone.

- Hi, Lana.
- I'm done with this.

The voting is now complete.

Please head to the beach,
where I will announce the result.

- All right. Let's go.
- Here we go.

The prize winner is gonna be announced.
This is crazy.

Who is it gonna be?

It's mad that it's all coming to an end.

- It's sad, isn't it?
- I know, it's so bittersweet, you guys.

- Anyone think they know who's won?
- Literally could be anyone.


This is just crazy, innit?

I cannot believe this, guys. Like, whoa.

- What a journey.
- What a journey.

Hello, finalists.

Your fellow guests have voted,

and a winner has been decided.

Please join everyone on the beach,

where I will announce
who has won the $90,000.

Okay guys, let's go.

I'm super gassed to be in this position.

Never would've thought I'd be top three.

Obviously Lana's backed me,

and I'm just happy to be considered
that I'm worthy enough, really.

- Palms are sweating, I'm shivering!
- I know!

I'm actually grateful
for how this retreat has changed me,

and our relationship.

Fingers crossed we win it!

- I love you.
- I love you.

I love Georgia, my sunshine.

I want her to win.

Cross your fingers all you want,
but I'm afraid she's out of the running.

During your time at the retreat,

I have observed you all
commit to the process,

acknowledge your failings,
and show significant change.

- Thanks, Lana!
- Thank you, Lana.

The time has now come

to announce the winner
of the $90,000 prize.

Oh my gosh.


Harry and Beaux,

and Nathan.

Please stand.

Potentially gonna get $90,000.
That's just crazy, isn't it?

It's a lot of money.
Life-changing, really.

Your fellow retreat guests
have voted.

You got it.

The person in third place...



I didn't win $90,000,

but I am honestly so happy because
I've changed so much since being in here.

I've made friendships and, you know,
this is gonna last a lifetime for me.


I love you guys.

Harry and Beaux,

or Nathan,

one of you have been chosen to check out
of the retreat with the prize fund.

It's a bright future
for me and Beaux

if we were to win the money.

Obviously, it helps with our relationship.

We never thought
we'd get this far, did we?

Not at all.

- Yeah, I'm proud of you.
- I'm proud of you.

I'm in the top two,
was never expecting this at all.

I've come a long way from the bottom
of the mountains to the top of the hill.

It's been an absolute journey
and so emotional.

Nathan deserves to win because
our relationship isn't only physical.

It's also very emotional,
and I can see the growth in him.

If I win this money,
it's gonna be for the both of us.

I feel like she's played a massive part
in me changing in this retreat.

The winner,
who will be leaving with $90,000,


- Shaking so bad.
- Same.

...Harry and Beaux.

Oh my God!

Come on, you two!

Can you believe it?!

I cannot believe this!

Aw, there comes the waterworks!

We went from nothing

to being in love,


I'm so happy.

Runner-up never felt so good.

Couldn't be happier for Harry and Beaux,
they definitely deserved it.

If I could've voted, I'd vote for them.

I feel like they've gone leaps and bounds,
from friends to lovers.

I wanted it to be you guys, honestly.

So happy. I genuinely feel like
the best possible people won.

End of the day, I'm leaving with
a happy, healthy relationship.

And that's something I couldn't imagine
in a million years.

I'm actually really proud of myself
and Nathan.

And so you should be.

Your time at the retreat is over,

and therefore, the rules no longer apply.

♪ Seize the day, whoa ♪

♪ And make it never bring you down ♪

♪ You go and do it anyway ♪

No more Lana. No rules.

♪ Light the way, whoa ♪

♪ Things will always turn around... ♪

♪ If you seize the day ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

What a emotional
and loving experience.

Just amazing.

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Seize the day... ♪

Congratulations, I love you. But if I get
no wedding invitation, I'll be pissed.

♪ Go and do it anyway ♪

I've made friends for life.

Would you look at that?

Another bunch of commitment-phobe horndogs

transformed into well-adjusted individuals
with bright futures ahead of them.

And we even have our first
Too Hot to Handle winning couple.

There's so much to plan!

Like where they're gonna live,
where they're gonna get married.

Any ideas, guys?

I'm ready to go all the way.


♪ Whoo, turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

- ♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

- ♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

- ♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

- ♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪