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04x06 - Puppets for Playas

Posted: 04/18/24 12:27
by bunniefuu
[Desiree] Previously on Too Hot to Handle.

Ten wild lovers signed up
for the sexiest summer of their lives.

We're on Wild Love, baby!

[Desiree] But Lana had other ideas.

Please welcome...

-[Lana chimes]
-[all exclaiming]

We're on Too Hot to Handle?

It's about to get messy.

[Lana] $3,000. $6,000. $18,000.

-Oh, my God.

Hell no!

I always smile whenever I look at you.

I didn't kiss her. I couldn't
stop thinking of you on the date.


Kayla and Seb broke the rules.
It's my turn now.

Grind me to the floor.

There are rules set,
it doesn't mean we have to follow them.

I wasn't getting what I needed from you.

I always get what I want.

What the f*ck?

You're ending things with me
to pursue things with her?

That's pretty much the short of it.

[Sophie] I just don't want
to be here anymore. f*cking muggy prick.

[Lana chimes]

[groans softly]

[Jawahir] Wake up.

Good morning.

Good morning, campers.


Brittan made it very clear

that she wanted some more
physical affection.

You okay?

[James] It feels like what me and Brittan
have had just meant nothing to her.

[Desiree] Well, hopefully Sophie is
feeling more positive this morning.

Maybe not.

I'm so angry because of Creed's actions.

Yesterday was the shittiest day
I've had in here.

He does not care about anyone but himself,

it's nasty and I just
wouldn't act that way myself.

[Desiree] If ever I saw
a visual representation

of misery loves company,

it's James and Sophie waking up
in the "you're dumped" bed.

Was there any rule breaks?

We didn't do anything.

[Seb] That's good.

I definitely heard some kissing
from over here last night.

What are you smiling for?

I can only handle so much.

Sharing a bed with Nick is so hard.

Jawa can't look at Lana in the face.

[Desiree] Well, Lana doesn't have a face
but she does see everything.

Even through sheets.

Not again. They did the same thing
two nights ago.

[Nick] I want to do nasty stuff.


[Desiree] Lana hasn't fined them yet,

and I'm pretty sure she doesn't do
buy one, get one free deals.

[Jawahir] I am trying
to keep my sexual side down,

but you can't put the astronaut
in the rocket and not take off.

It does not work like that. It doesn't.

[Desiree] I hear you, Buzz Lightyear,

but your fellow guests won't be
over the moon when they get the bill.

You smell so good.

Your tits are f*cking unreal.

[Kayla] Actually, they are real.

I just can't keep my eyes off of you.

I'm feeling phenomenal

and I'm just super happy
to have a little Peruvian princess.

Now do deep breaths.
Try to go with those waves, shall we?

Let's try it.

[breathing deeply]

I think that I can teach Jawa
how to meditate.

It's necessary because

if we keep going down this path
that we've been going down,

I do know for sure that myself and Jawa
are going to break more rules.

[Desiree] Heavy breathing together
to avoid heavy breathing together.

-Got it.
-[breathing deeply]

Let it out, baby.

Have like a lot of tensions.

-It's very built up...
-Hmm. Yeah.

...and I feel like the first few days,
I kind of forgot about sex.

But, oh, my God, I really do miss sex

and I really want to explore
that sexual side.

-Especially when you are that hot.
-I understand where your head's at.

But, whatever impulses you're feeling,
you can be good.

Just breathe.

[breathing deeply]


This is not working.
My mind is going places.

[exhales loudly]

You really have nice lips.


[exhales loudly]

Every time I look at you,
I get so horny. I'm just like...


I want to sit on top of you.


Lana, girl, you need to close your eyes
because it's about to get physical.



-[exhaling loudly]

Something about her just drives me crazy.

This kiss is so amazing, I'm not even
going to think about Lana right now.

I don't have time for that.
A girl has her needs.


[Desiree] Seriously guys,
there are no bulk buys on rule breaks.

[Flavia] Hello.

You look f*cking hot.

-We should have a shower together.
-We should.

[Desiree] Wow, you could cut

the sexual tension in this villa
with a knife.

I feel like it might be time
for a cone-shaped intervention.

[Lana chimes]

While Nick and Jawahir are the only
ones to flagrantly break the rules lately,

the others are also struggling
to control their physical urges,

but I want them to learn

how to be motivated
by genuine feelings of connection

as opposed to lust,
because lust doesn't last forever.

[Desiree] I get it, but how on earth
are you going to pull this off?

[Lana] Watch this space, Desiree.

You're being a bit cryptic, Lana.

But I clocked it
and I know exactly what time it is.

[all cheering]

[Kayla] Lana wants us to go to the cabana.

We haven't broken any rules.
Lana might have good news for once.

[all cheering]


Oh! A present from Lana.
I can't wait to see what it is.

Imagine they're butt plugs.

-[Lana chimes]
-[Flavia] They're what?

Hello, everyone.

As you can see,
I have a treat for you all.

[all cheering]

Lana is coming off very perky.
Have we done something good for once?

The purpose of this gift

will further enhance
your relationships going forward.

You may now open your gifts.

[Nick] I was not expecting this.

[Desiree] And after your earlier antics,
I'm not sure you deserve one.

-Cheers, bitch.

When I observe two people
forming genuine connections,

they will be given
a green light, like this.

-[all exclaiming]

Thank you, Lana!

I can do anything when it goes green?

Kayla, drop the skants, get ready for it.

[laughs nervously]

[Desiree] I'm guessing that tiny cushion
doesn't go green.

[Nick] Oh, God, help me.

-Did you not get one?

-What does that mean?

[Desiree] It means if you do the crimes,
no green light fun times.


Oh, my God, Lana. I underestimated you.

Maybe, like, she packaged them wrong.

So Nick and Jawa don't have the watch.
I need to know what is the deal?

[Desiree] Got to hand it to you, Lana.
This is a genius way of outing these two.

Why do you guys think you don't have one?

Clearly, Lana is mad at us.

We should come clean right now

because if we don't,
she's going to punish us even more.

Um... So...

Last night, we were just kissing
and maybe a little heavy petting.

[all exclaiming]

I knew it!

I said as soon as I woke up this morning,
Jawa had a funny look on her face.

Literally had the covers up.

I was trying to be quiet,
we were so quiet.

[Desiree] But you were bad.
You were so bad.

[Lana] Nick and Jawahir, you have
not only broken the rules once, but...

Did you do something else?

Three times in 36 hours.

-Oh, my God!
-[Kayla] If y'all don't...

-...grill them...

Nick and Jawahir, what are you doing?

Oh, shit!

Are you taking the piss?

Three rule breaks. Going for the treble.

What is all that breathwork for, then?

I'm not as disciplined as I would
need to be and as I would like to be.

[Desiree] Clearly.

[Lana] These rule breaks
have cost the group a total

of $38,000.

[all groaning]



Today is not a good day.

I got no words, man.

Three times which came out
to $38,000. Ridiculous.

The prize fund now stands...

at $79,000.

Oh, my f*cking God!

What the f*ck?

[Lana] Jawahir and Nick,

everyone here has struggled
to combat their physical urges,

but you two have shown
a blatant disregard for my rules of late.

Therefore, to prove you are committed
to the process,

I'm setting you an additional test.

[all groaning]

-[Brittan] Shit!
-[Creed] No way.

[Lana] You will both...

spend the night...

in the suite.


[Lana] You are encouraged to use your time
to further your connection

and prove that you do, in fact,
respect the rules of my retreat.

If successful, you will earn your watches.

[Desiree] The suite? For these two?

-We're f*cked.
-God damn it.

I hope you know what you're doing.

No heavy petting,
no grinding on each other.

Jawahir and Nick,
who didn't even get a watch?

Now we have to trust you guys in a suite.

How ridiculous.

To me, right now, this is no problem.

Guys, we don't got this!
I don't got it, Nick doesn't got it.

[Desiree] That's the whole point, Jawa.
It's a test.

You got to get it, Nick's got to get it,
and y'all got to get it quick.

[Lana] You may now leave.

She's a naughty little minx.

[Nick chuckles]

-Babe. You can.
-[Jawahir] I can't do this.

I kind of hope
that Lana slips something into their food

and one of them falls into a coma,

that's the only way
they're gonna get through tonight.

[Desiree] Okay then.

I'm going to take a rain check
on having dinner around Dom's house.

How are we going to survive this?

We should just put a bunch of clothes on.

-I'm putting on everything I own.
-What're you going to put on?

[Desiree] Sounds like a great idea.

Generally, I'm taking clothes off
of a girl, not stacking them on.

This is a little bit different,
but I think it's a foolproof plan.

If I can't roll you down the hallway,
it's not enough clothes.

[Desiree] That's one way to get hot
and sweaty without breaking the rules.

[Lana chimes]

It is quite clear
from their multiple rule breaks,

that Nick and Jawahir
are not taking this process seriously.

What they don't know is

that this is their last chance to prove
they're here for the right reasons.

If they fail in the suite,

then their time at the retreat
will be over.

[Desiree] I get it, Lana.

By not telling them
their asses could be out of here,

you're seeing if their commitment
to each other, and the process, is real.

Clever cone.

-What's up?
-[Jawahir yells]

[Nick laughs]

-Oh, my God!
-Oh, my God!

-We have fuzzy handcuffs.
-What the f*ck?

[Nick] This is crazy. And what is this?

Natural lubricant. Jesus Christ.
Lana, that's not fair. That's cheating.

Oh, no. I'm still not going
to break any rules with Jawahir.

[Jawahir exclaims]

Nick's just so innocent. Jawa's naughty.

Extra naughty with an X.

I'm so hot, I'm gonna take this off.

-Go for it. I'm right there with you.
-It's insane. Oh, my God!

We need to earn Lana's trust back.

-Take it off.
-Can I take the jeans off?

Oh, this is going to be so hard.
This is so hard!

You sure you don't want to spank me?

[Kayla] I don't think
they'll break any rules.

They're fine.
There's nothing to worry about.

[Desiree] Um, I disagree.
I think there's lots to worry about.

[Jawahir] Come and get me, Nick.

-[Jawahir exclaims]
-[Nick groans]

Oh, my God!

I really want the watch, but...

You want to have some sexy time?

[Nick humming]

Girl got needs too, you know what I mean?

[Desiree] Someone might as well
book their cabs now.

[Jawahir] Oh, my God!




Oh, no!

I wonder if they broke rules.

[Desiree] I'm just hoping
they didn't break the bed in the process,

because it looks like
things were getting frisky in there.


I've been in that suite, I know how it is

and if they don't pass this test,
they're going to lose us a lot of money.

I might put my watch round my d*ck

so that when it buzzes,
it wakes it up, but I still feel it.

So it gets it hard while you're waiting?


[Flavia] Creed needs to act in a better,
more mature way

because I'd love to get a green light,
that'd mean Lana believes in us.

[Desiree] The boys seem to be confused
about the genuine connection part.

That's not how the watches work.

Last night was crazy.

I know, right.

I've never been handcuffed.

I never been handcuffed too, so.

You never been handcuffed either?
Oh, my God!

I feel amazing.

If I'm being honest, some of the stuff
I've never done before

and I'm here for it.

And I've never been whipped.

Last night, having Nick all to myself...


It was memorable.

It was memorable.

[Desiree] Ah, well,
it was nice knowing you both.

On the upside,
Lana's got two smart watches for sale.

Let's just rip the Band-Aid off, Lana.

[Sophie] I think everyone
is feeling a little bit nervous.

Jawahir and Nick,
they're horny little bastards.

Anything could have gone down.

[all exclaiming]

Oh, yeah!

-Oh, shit!

They look empty.
There's not an awful lot of money left.

Let's just hope.

I'm scared.

[Nick] Okay, we got this.

[James] Oh, look who it is.

[all cheering]

[Sophie] Why do you look unhappy?

Why aren't you making eye contact with me?

They look guilty and nervous as hell.

Well, I hope you guys
didn't do anything that I wouldn't do.

[Flavia] Nick and Jawahir
definitely had sex,

'cause I know how a sex face looks like
and she has a sex face.

[Desiree] If it is a sex face,
it's the last time you're going to see it.

[Lana chimes]

Hello, everyone.

-Hi, Lana.

What up?

Last night, I gave Jawahir and Nick a test

to see if they could make
a deeper connection

without surrendering
to their physical desires.

If successful,
they would each be given a watch.

If unsuccessful, not only would they
not be given their watches,

but the usual fines for rule breaks
would be deducted.

[Nigel] This is like a pregnancy test.

Is it positive? Is it negative?

[Desiree] How long do you think
they were in that suite for?

[Lana] Additionally...


What the f*ck?

[Desiree] Oh, here it comes.

[Lana] There's something
I did not tell you.

After numerous rule breaks,
I wanted to know

how committed
Nick and Jawahir were to my process.

That's why if they failed to adhere
to my rules in the suite,

proving they are not here
for the right reasons,

I will be sending them home.

[all exclaiming]


I am praying to Gandhi,
to whoever is up there,

don't send me home right now.

What in the actual f*ck?

[Nick] Oh, my God, like...


Wow, that's a plot twist.

This just got interesting!

Jawahir and Nick,

you were very busy last night.

-[Sophie] Oh, my God!
-[all exclaiming]

They had a rule break?

[Lana] The question is,
did you break the rules?

Please pick up the packages
to find out your fate.

Oh, my God! Please.

[Lana] Watches mean you have passed.
Tickets home mean you have failed.

[Jawahir] Oh, it's huge. Ooh, la la!

[all cheering]

-Banging! Come on!
-They had the connection.

[repeating] I got a watch!

-[glass shatters]


I got a watch!


[all cheering]

That's... That's crazy.

Somebody now finally understands
the importance of the prize fund.

Thank you, Jawahir.

Oh, my God!

[Nick] Some of the stuff
Jawahir was bringing to the table,

that was really hard to resist.

But I'm getting a watch from Lana
because we played by the rules.

Congratulations. You may move
to the next stage of the retreat.

-[all cheering]

[Lana] Please use your time wisely.

♪ I got a watch ♪

♪ Now I'm watching for that green light
Yeah ♪

♪ I say, "Jawa, where are you?"
You know I want to kiss you ♪

[Desiree] Okay, so with everyone
strapped up and waiting to go green,

all they need now is Lana's approval.

[Nigel] How you feel about Brittan?

If she would have waited
just a couple more days and we got this.

That green light, Nigel.

[Desiree] Or in James and Nigel's case,
someone to share it with.

Brittan left me
for a little physical fling

instead of having a real connection.
And, yeah. It's her loss.

I reckon we take a shower
with each other soon. That'd be cute.

You going to try to get her back?

I don't know. I just don't know
how I could sit there and be like,

"Even though you disrespected me
in front of everybody..."

I don't know how I could do it.

I don't blame you, bro,
you know, we're men.

We have a lot of pride, you know.

That's why I'm glad
I'm not in the situation...

-Thanks, Nigel.
-...because anything...

Thank you so much.

You'll get through it though.
Hopefully, this shit turns green for me.

But for who... With who though?

At this point...

[both laughing]

Don't leave me hanging.

Ooh, la la!


-How you doing?
-I'm good. How are you?

My little lobster.

-I know. I like your hair.
-Thank you, babe.

I like how you're matching the earrings
with... Oh, it's watermelons!

-Yeah. You can eat...
-My nuts feel like watermelons.

This is the horniest
I've been in my entire life.

-It's getting really tough now.

I'd love a kiss, honestly.

But we should
save that for the green light.

If this thing doesn't go green soon,
I don't know if I can wait much longer.

You know what?
Do the rules really matter? [laughs]

I think the green light first.

[Desiree] Stay firm, Flavia.

Lana rewards those
who do it the right way.

Waking up in the morning,
all I want to do is have sex with you.

That's deffo not the right way.

-Stop it. Stop! [shrieking]
-Freezing, isn't it?

I'm taking what I have
in this retreat pretty seriously.

And I'm hoping
that Seb is on the same wavelength.

You know, I feel like
we're the best and strongest

and I feel like we're a lot deeper.

[Seb] Oh, my God! You're so f*cking hot.

Kayla is looking tasty.

I'm getting a bit
hot and bothered right now.

[Desiree] Is it just me, or do these boys
still have a long way to go

if they want to get that green light?

[Lana] Yes, Desiree.

Despite the boys being given
some motivation to commit emotionally,

they're still letting their lust
control their behavior.

Therefore, I have organized a workshop
to help them control their lustful urges

so they can get to know
the women in their lives

on a deeper and more meaningful level.

Let's go!

[Desiree] And who better
to teach the boys this,

but our sexpert extraordinaire, Shan.

[Shan] This workshop, this is an
opportunity for the men to respect women,

to stop and look at that person,

all of that person, instead of seeing them
as an object for their own pleasure.

If they can do that,
this is a massive step

towards having more deeper,
meaningful connections.

Today's workshop is called The Yoni Pooja.

Yoni is a Sanskrit word
that translates to vag*na or vulva.

[Seb] This sounds up my street.

When I see a yoni,
I know exactly how to tackle it.

The second word is pooja,
and pooja simply translates to worship.


So we are here,
in layman's terms, to worship the vag*na.

[all laughing]

I do that all the time.

So to teach this workshop,
I brought along a few colorful friends.

-What is this?
-[all exclaiming]

[exclaims] Has it got a mouth?

These are your yonis.

[Desiree] For the record,
my vag*na looks nothing like that.

These puppets are specially designed
for this group of men

who need to understand
that the yoni is a personality

and each puppet is unique in its own way,

just like each woman
is unique in her own way.

And I'll give you some time to connect.

Never been with a ginger before,
but it's kind of turning me on.

[boys laughing]

Says she's pregnant.

[all laughing]

Hey, baby! What's up with you?

[Ethan] So let me introduce you
to my yoni.

She loves it long, hard...

and she knows I can please her.

[Desiree] I'm going to guess that
that is not Shan's "I'm impressed" face.

And I know who else won't be impressed.

I hope they're not just
f*cking around with each other...

[Sophie] No.

...saying stupid shit like they do all day.

I just hope they learn
how to talk to women and respect us.

[Jawahir] Oh, I like that.

I feel like, with Seb,
he's never been a one-woman guy.

So, I want him to just learn
that like one is enough.

Are you ready to party?

-Oh, yeah!
-Oh, yeah!

Okay. So I want to remind you once again,
what I brought you here for.

You had an opportunity to respect
and admire women as a whole.

Do you think
that you truly respected this workshop?

Seb, we'll start with you.


Definitely not.

[Seb] Yeah, I feel a bit awkward.

That was too far. I apologize.

[Shan] But let me ask
another question right now.

Where are you from, James?

Dallas, Texas. 214.

You're wrong!

Bro, what?

You are from the yoni.


[Shan] This is your first home.

If it was not for the yoni,
there would be no you.

Every inch that you have,
every hair on your body,

every thought that you have,
is only because a yoni was there for you.

If these men
can have respect for these puppets,

they'll be able to translate that

into respect and admiration
for the women in their lives.

I want you to honestly
look at your yoni and tell her,

in the past, have you truly respected
and admired her?

This workshop is a load of bollocks.

What exactly is this going to teach me?

All I want to do
is go and appreciate Brittan's yoni.

[Shan] Creed?

I've always used the yoni for myself

without taking the yoni's owner
into consideration.

I'm sorry, boo.
I really am, for not respecting you.

I just loved the chase.
It was like a drug.

Feels like a trophy,
to sleep with a lot of females

and I always mess up a good thing.

[Nick] All right, yoni.

I've only really run to you when I'm bored

and all of a sudden I hit
about a three-month period with anyone,

it seems like things
should get more intense.

I'm like... [vocalizes] Like, "I'm good,
I'm going to go that way."

[Seb] Wasn't putting a face to the yoni,

so it was almost like a fear for me
to be respectful to it

because I knew that it wouldn't be long
before I'm with other yonis.

Oh. It puts out a sick feeling in me.
I don't want to do that again.

All right, Ethan. Ethan.



f*ck! I don't even know what to say to it.

[Desiree] Looks like someone
wasn't paying attention in class.


[Shan] All right, James.

[James] So,
I bounced around from woman to woman

and I was very happy

that I was able to please multiple
different yonis at the same time.

When I came to this retreat,

I came in here
and I saw five women and I was like,

"Beautiful women, beautiful yonis.
Let's get busy."

So I would like to apologize

for treating you like a game.

On the outside world,
I moved from yoni to yoni often.

And I'd never see you again.
Not nice at all.

I messed up I admit it, I'm sorry.

So, I want to encourage you
to make a pledge to all yonis.

I pledge to respect Flavia.

I promise to be myself and open

and willing to feel like I can be
who I want to be without feeling

like someone else
is going to close me off to the world.

[Nigel] Yoni, you have so much power.

I want to treat you with respect, love,

and just know that I'll be kind next time.

I pledge to Jawa to move forward
with an open mind

and I'm going to make
a better, conscientious effort

to give you that priority
and that respect you deserve.

Past me would have loved to run away,

but I do know
that Jawa has a spot in my heart

that no one has ever even come close to.

[Shan] Ethan.

I want to pledge to you, critter,

to you kind of
have that special time with me.

[Shan] Thank you for sharing that.

[Seb] Obviously,
I found Kayla now and it's...

I want to be respectful to her
but we have had sex, so no.

You have had sex?

We have now, yeah.

[Desiree] Don't worry, Shan.
He got fined for that illegal yoni time.

-It made me like her more.

Don't know if it's helped
my being horny or that, yeah.

I still feel horny all the time,
but just to her.

I don't feel it with any other girl,
I haven't had that in the outside world.

This is the first time
I've actually felt like this is right.

I pledge to be kind to her
and respect her.

I'm looking forward
to what's next with her.

After I slept with Kayla,
I actually wanted her to know

that I slept with her because
I have genuine feelings for her.

I think I maybe need to tell her this

in case she doesn't already know
because I haven't told her.

[Shan] James?

[James] Um...

I pledge to Brittan

that I will value and respect your opinion

and I will embrace it.

[James] Brittan wanted to be heard.

I guess I muted her opinion
and I tried to make it about myself.

Every yoni has an owner
and the owner has a voice too.


And I didn't give Brittan a chance
to voice their opinion

until it was too late.

I really want to apologize to Brittan
for my behavior

and come clean with everything
that I did wrong.

I hope it's not just a little too late.

A little too late.

[Desiree] Sound the sirens because we've
got a Battle of Brittan on our hands.

I would love if we could finish this off
with a yoni chant. One, two, three!

[all] Yoni!

[Desiree] Great work, Shan.

These boys have finally learned
some R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Time to find out what this will all mean
for the one and yonis.

I've never had a girlfriend.


You never dated a girl?

But now, I'm starting
to think about the future.

Just here, in our little bubble.

You are very sweet.

You look good.

With you the connection
is really something strong

and I want to open up my soul to you.

Oh, that's so sweet. Oh, my God!

[Desiree] That's it, Private James.

Scrub yourself spic and span,
then go in for Brittan, all g*ns blazing.

[Ethan] I think
we should go for a little chat.

-You know it's...
-We could use a chat.

-A little catch up.

[Desiree] What's this?
A preemptive strike from Officer Ethan

in the Battle of Brittan.

So, who do you think is going to be

the first person
for the lights to go green?

I think it could go any direction, really.

I've got absolutely no doubt in my mind
that we are going to get this green light.

[Desiree] I know I'm not so sure.

I mean, I'd like it to be us to be honest.

Seeing you this morning,
you looked like fire.

-Thank you.
-You looked fire, I swear.

I am so curious
what went on in that workshop.

We were basically talking
about a thing called a yoni.


And it represents a vag*na, basically.


Yeah, I mean...


Oh, God. Why didn't I take
the workshop seriously?

A vag*na is... There's more to it
than just sex, you know what I mean?

It's a whole person, basically.


[Desiree] Yeah, you weren't listening
at all, were are you, Ethan?

Um, you look amazing by the way.

Literally, so fit.

I was really hoping to hear more
about what he learned in the workshop.

I was expecting something spectacular.

Vaginas are part of the woman's body. Yes.


How was your day?

The workshop was actually really good.

To me, a yoni was just
something to make me feel better.

What I learned was, treat it with respect

because that yoni is you.

Not just something for my own pleasure.


[Seb] This is
a really scary feeling for me

because I struggle
to really get my feelings out,

but in front of Kayla,

I'm so excited to tell her
exactly how much she means to me.

Obviously, we had that shower moment,

but I prefer to actually
get to know you more emotionally.


And the simple things like getting
to go to bed together and cuddling.

To me, that's more exciting than
going off into the shower and having sex.

You make me so happy.


To me, that's a big learning process.

I love how honest, open and vulnerable
Seb is with me in this moment.

It shows so much progression and growth.

I get this whole other side of him.

Where did this man come from?

[Desiree] I can answer that. A yoni!
See, I was listening.

I haven't felt how I feel for you
about someone since I was 16 years old.

Yeah, it's only getting deeper and deeper

and I hope it just doesn't scare you away.

100% not.

I felt a genuine connection
with you for so long.

[squeals softly]

It's the best I've felt.


[Seb] My parents told me,
"You'll know when it's the right one."

She's the first
that's made me feel like this.

I never in a million years
would have thought

the person that would change me, is in LA.

What the hell? I was going out
on a Saturday in Edinburgh, I'd be like,

"Where is she? Where's my one?"

This has opened my eyes
to such a bright future.




We got the green light! Ah!

Still good.

[Desiree] So the moral of the story is
treat the yoni right, get a green light.

[Seb] I am so proud
that I've completely opened up to Kayla.

It feels like there's something
going on in there.

Kayla's got my heart.


So what do you think we need to do
to make these watches go green?

[Desiree] I'd say, connection?

But you're out of time.

The opposition is already
making their advance.


-How are you guys?

-[Ethan] Not too bad thanks, you?


Do you mind if I talk to her for a second?

-I do not.
-Appreciate it.

-Cheers to that. Thank you.
-Cheers. Nice one.

If James wants
to talk to Brittan, then go for it.

She won't fall for his nice guy act.
She's smarter than that.


-I want to say something to you. Okay?

So the workshop
was giving me time to reflect on

what we had prior to
the arrival of Ethan, you know?

Where I believe I messed up is,

I put the needs of Lana

-and the retreat before the needs of us.

I was so rigid on the rule break situation
and not losing us money.

I was super strict and super hard

on the fact that we need
to follow the rules.

But I didn't ask you
if that was okay with you.

And I kind of just gave the front up,

-"We're going to do this and that's it."

And I should not have done that.
I should not have done that.

I think you're pretty spot-on.

I just felt like you were
breezing along this process,

and then I was like struggling so much.

And not getting anything physical from you
I thought was the issue,

but looking back, the bigger picture,

I was thinking like,
"He's just making decisions for me,"

and I did not like that.

So I want to apologize to you.

I should have valued your opinion
and listened to what you had to say.

[Desiree] James! Way to show
love and respect to the yoni.

This is exactly what I wanted
and needed to hear from him.

I really value you coming
and communicating that with me tonight.

I definitely realized that,
you know, I'm not perfect,

but I gotta try to be better every day.
Especially for you.

-That brings up a question.


Who are you sleeping with tonight?

[Desiree] Something tells me Private James
thinks he's on the verge of victory.

-I know who I want sleep with tonight.

I want to sleep next to you.


Come here, girl.

[Brittan squeals, giggles]

Oh, my gosh. Goodness gracious.

[Brittan] I'm looking forward
to sharing a bed with James tonight,

but I'm not looking forward
to Ethan finding out.

Oh, my f*cking God, yeah!

[Ethan] James has showed
loads of interest in Brittan,

but there's only going to be
one winner and that's me.

[Desiree] Um, who's gonna tell him?


-[Jawahir] What?
-[all exclaiming]

Oh, my God!

What's going on, Brittan?


[Flavia] This is fire!

Does Ethan know?

Ethan doesn't know?

This is some drama,
and I know it might make me a bad person,

but I really want to see
the look on his face.

I'm so scared for him to walk in.

Oh, shit!

Got a new sleeping partner, have I?

Why is Brittan in bed with James?

That's so sly. I'm absolutely fuming.

[James] Whew! That's tough.

Sorry, Ethan,
but Brittan and I are here to stay.

[Ethan] It's muggy, innit?

f*ck 'em.

Sophie and Ethan sharing a bed together

is basically
just Dump-ville: population two.

[Desiree] Don't worry, guys.
Lana's got your back.

[Lana] Prepare for new arrivals.

[all screaming]

I'm already f*cking ready.

This is going to stir up some shit.

Oh, shit!

Somebody call 911 because
the retreat is about to be on fire.

[theme music playing]