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04x09 - Jawahir, Jawa-there

Posted: 04/18/24 12:29
by bunniefuu
Welcome back to Drama Central,
where it's about to go down.

I would really appreciate if…

we were to share the bed tonight.

I told you!


It's hard,
so I'm just going to think about it.

If I don't explore things with Shawn,

I will never know
if it was a real connection.

Can I get a hug?


But I really do like Nick
and I really do care about him,

so what am I supposed to do?

-Can I talk to you for a bit?

I'm so nervous. I want this girl so bad.

What's up?

I don't know where things stand

with Jawa and Shawn
getting to know each other,

but I'm hoping
that she's got some good news.

Talk to me.

Um, so, I know that I like you

and I know that I don't feel
what I feel for you for anyone else.



I'm going to sleep next to Shawn tonight.


The reason that I'm telling you this
is because I do care about you.


But I don't want to walk out of here
with the question, "What if?"


So I just need to do this
and see how this goes.

Well, thank you for telling me.

What are you thinking?

It sucks. It f*cking hurts.

Obviously, I want you in my bed.

Obviously, I feel something for you
that I don't feel anywhere else,

but if you feel like
that's your chance at happiness,

that's what I have to give to you.

I don't know
if this is my chance at happiness.

But I need to figure it out.

They say that
if you love something, let it free,

and if it comes back to you,
it's meant to be.

I'm just gonna sit back for a minute.


-Good night.
-Good night.

-Oh, hey.

You want to sleep on the other side?

That side.

And cue shocked faces
in three, two, one.

Oh, my God.

I can get used to this.

Oh, my God, Jawa! What just happened?


What's up?

No f*cking way.

This is completely shocking.
My brain is struggling to understand it,

so I have no idea
how Nick feels right now.

This is a nightmare.

How do I handle this?

It's just nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,

and I'm trying to put on a brave face,
but I'm struggling so hard.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, man.


Oh, Nick,
I wish I could tell you

it was all just a bad dream, but…

So this is basically your lifeline.

Yeah, they're doing
cutesy palm-readings over there.

-One zips out. Jesus.
-I don't know what that is.

Sleeping next to the Jawa,
I feel like we definitely have a bond now.

Waking up next to Shawn feels nice,
but I do feel guilty about Nick,

so it has just
confused my head even more right now.

Nick, I don't mean to put you on the spot,
but how did you sleep?

Eh, I didn't sleep last night,

so I'm just
a little bit fizzled out, I guess.

At the end of the day,

I'll never be the person
who has to persuade someone to be with me.

I really like that girl,
but this seems like the end for us.

Good morning, everyone.

-Good morning.
-Good morning, Lana.

As we approach the end of the retreat,

it is time
for our more established couples

to start looking towards the future

and how their relationships
might progress in the outside world.

For those of you
who are struggling to commit

to a single emotional connection,

it is time to focus your energy
and make a choice.

Please consider this today,
as you do not have long left.


-Thank you!
-Thank you, Lana.

The cone has spoken.

It's time to stick or twist,

and Creed's been gambling
a little too much lately.

Creed has let
Imogen know where she stands,

now I really feel like I can trust Creed.
He only has eyes for me.

I had a chat with Creed
yesterday, and he said he likes me.

He's sharing a bed with Flavia

but only 'cause
he doesn't want to hurt her feelings.

Sounds like
it's time to go all in

and put your cards on the table, Creed,

or someone's gonna call your bluff.


Creed, raise your head up.
You look like you're in deep thoughts.

Kind of woke up
this morning thinking a lot.

Like, the thing is, I make the decision
that I like Flavia, that's it.

But then every time I chat to Imogen,
it feels like I go back to square one.

All the reassurance I had to Flavia
just goes out the window.

Mate, right now,
if you're torn between the two,

like, your head's not in the right place.

Yeah, it's tough.

I chat to Flavia, she's the one I want.

I chat with Imogen, I want to be with her.
I'm just running around in circles.

I'm so stressed, I reckon
I'm gonna be bald by the end of it.

I hope not, because my hair's an asset.

I really want to enjoy
the last few days here

and I do have faith
that the right thing's gonna happen.

With who?

That's the answer I don't know yet.

I don't know. Go with your heart.
What your heart feels like, honestly.

I've got feelings for both, man.

Mate, you've just got to make a decision.

Well, the thing is, at the moment,

there's no reason for me
to, like, leave Flavia.

-Like, things were so good.
-Then, there you go.

-I agree.

I just feel like you should be
straight up with just one person.

You should talk to Imogen one more time,

just to let her know
what you want is Flavia, you know.

I do want to be with Flavia
and I'll tell Imogen that I'm unavailable.

-Do you mean it?

Do you mean it?

-Wait, can I see that again?

Do you mean it?


Not totally convincing,

but let's give you
the benefit of the doubt for now.

Enough about me, though, bro,
like, onto the happier side of things.

You and Kayla.

I feel she could be girlfriend material,

but I do have, like, fears, though.

She'll be in LA, I'll be in Scotland.

Of course I'm nervous thinking about
what'll happen after the retreat

'cause I feel so strongly for her.

I don't know.
I'm kind of worried that maybe

if I completely give my heart to her,

she goes away to LA
and meets somebody else, then…

she's still got my heart.

It'd be a lot of outside influence.
You know how that goes.

-You got a pretty girl.
-Yeah. She'll attract good-looking guys.

At the end of the day, all you can do
is put the ball in her court

and show her you trust her--

And that's it.

I can't get this water
out my frickin' ear.

What is going on?

I don't know what to feel.
I am so confused.

Do you feel, like, unfulfilled with Nick?

Not really unfulfilled,

but when I look at Shawn,
it's just different…


…from when I look at Nick.
But at the same time, I like Nick a lot.

-I swear.
-I know. I see it.

I see it in you guys.

Shawn, then,
do you see a deeper connection with him?

I don't know.

I feel like
I've been through this so many times,

because in the past,

every single time
a guy came by that grabs my attention,

I would just immediately leave.
I'd be like,

"I'm sorry, I can't do this."
A reason I did that is because

I wasn't ready
to make a deeper connection.

Yeah. But is it really
that you're not ready

or is it that you're scared?

I'm scared.

I cannot tell Jawa what to do next,

but I feel like
what her and Nick have is so beautiful

and if she just throws that away
'cause she's scared,

it'd be really sad.

So right now, if you pursue Shawn,

do you think you're doing
the same mistake you did in the past?

I don't know.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

-What is your heart telling you to do?
-I don't know.

This is making me realize

that I don't know
if I am running from Nick.

Right now, my mind is just so confused.

So I'm just gonna have to give myself
some alone time to think.


While Jawa
has some serious soul searching to do,

Creed has no such problem.

He's fully made up his mind
to finally tell Imogen

he's totally committed to Flavia,

which Flavia thinks
he already did last night.

Here's your chance, buddy.

Come on, Creed, you've got this.

When it touches your back,
the cold water, it's nice.

"And there's something
I need to talk to you about."

I'm baffled at how like flat the ocean is.

"And I need to talk to you about us."

I think our accents,
I didn't think sound that nice.


Do you not like my accent?

Well, surprisingly, I do. Yeah.

I'm telling you,
you've surprised me a lot.

You can't say that and not explain.

Long story short, like, with Flavia,
my head was never going to turn

unless there was
this very, very specific type of person

that was in front of me.

Are you saying that's me?


I'm in trouble here.
I'm lost in her eyes and smile.

When I'm around her,
I just feel like I'm in a little bubble.

You just grabbed my attention,
so I was like, "Damn."


At the end of the day,
I don't want to cut it off with Imogen

because we really have an unreal bond.

The thing is like…

I want to explore things with you,
like, I want to see where it can go

because I just know
it's gonna be absolutely brilliant.


The more Creed and I speak,

the more I can tell
there's an actual genuine connection.

So hopefully
I get to share a bed with him tonight,

because there's clearly
not much time left in the retreat,

so he needs to get a move on.

He needs to get a move
on sorting out this hole he's digging

'cause at this rate,
either Imogen or Flavia

are gonna wanna bury him in it.

And that's if Lana
doesn't get there first.

It's okay.

at this late stage of the retreat,

we have two troublesome love triangles.


But at least two couples are going strong.

What is your ideal date,
rainy day in spring in Hawaii?

A little coffee shop
with outdoor seating that's covered.

-That'd be nice.

That does sound nice,
but surely the best dates

are the ones Lana
always sets up in episode nine.

Am I right, girl?

You know me so well, Desiree.

I am sending
the two strongest couples on dates

to give them an opportunity
to discuss their futures together.

Awesome. I love a good date.

Let's hope the producers

have really pushed
the boat out for this one.

-That's beautiful.

Be careful what you wish for, I guess.

This date is absolutely picture-perfect.


I want Kayla to be my girlfriend,
but the one thing that scares me most,

the person I've fallen for
lives on the other side of the world.

We've come a long, long way.

I know.

-We both came here players.

And, like, for as long as I can remember,
my emotions have been so shut off.

I never felt like how I feel with you.

You know what?
Like, you've actually brought out

a vulnerable side of me
I never wanted to bring out.

You've made me realize
that I do have a heart.

I'm willing to take
whatever risk is to come.

Are you sure?


What do you feel
about the long-distance thing?


That's definitely a big challenge.


Once we leave here,

it's gonna be
extremely hard to make it work

and he'll be across the world.

The thought of long distance
is extremely scary.

-Of course.

Oh, f*ck. Need to think about this.

I do want to make it exclusive,

but the long distance is making me
nervous about it. I can't lie.

Wait, are our power couple
about to break up?


Look at this little setup.

Feels very Hawaiian.

A little taste of home. I like it.

Brittan and I are making
something genuine and a real connection,

but she hurt my heart.

She'll have to reassure me
about the future.

At some points in the retreat,

I don't know
if I would have gone on this date…


…because after Ethan, um, I was hurt.

I do regret hurting you

and it wasn't fair
to put you in that position.

I never wanna do that again.

With Ethan, I definitely
was distracted by the physical

because I was frustrated
by the lack of affection from James.

I love getting like,
you know, a bit of attention.

I love cuddling and not having that,
it was really difficult.

It was hard
not giving you that physical attention.

Are you sure?

-'Cause it looked really easy for you.
-No. Trust me, it wasn't easy at all.

We have never kissed.

So I do worry
about our physical connection,

but I definitely see a future with James.

I'm really into you
and I really like what we have.

So, what I want to ask you right now

is when we go back home to Hawaii,

do you want to be with me?

There's only been
one person the entire time,

and I'm sitting with her right now.

If that doesn't
deserve a green light,

I don't know what does.

-That's my girl, Lana.

We got the green light!

This is the moment that I've been craving,
but what if there's zero spark between us?

Okay, Brittan.
The moment of truth.

Go in for the k*ll.

This is hot!

There's fireworks going off right now.


Can't we just get naked right now?
Honestly. This is it.

-Is it still green? It's still green.
-Yeah. We good.

It took forever to get this green light.

Future's looking good.

Looks like these guys
have aced their chemistry test.


Let's see if the other two
have passed their geography one.

At the end of the day, you live in LA.
You do live a long way away.

No man I've ever met
close to me is worth it.


So someone a million miles away

that's worth it will always be worth it.

I've never liked someone
as much as I like you,

and I'm willing to make it work.

Getting that commitment from Kayla,
that is just what I needed.

It's made me feel reassured.



I would like to go to the next step.

And if you would be my girlfriend?

Yes, Seb, I'll be your girlfriend.


And another yes!


I'm so happy. Well… Best day of my life.

I'm leaving here with a girlfriend?

Are you mental?

Lana, you've changed me.

I've still got a lot to learn

and there's going to be plenty more
challenges to face Kayla and I.

But, look, if she's by my side,
I don't think anything can go wrong.

Oh, man, I love a happy ending.

But don't roll the credits just yet,

because leading lady Lana
isn't done with this drama.

That is correct, Desiree.

I've observed
that Creed is struggling to be honest

in his interactions
with both Flavia and Imogen.

Meanwhile, Jawahir remains torn

on whether to commit
to her emotional connection with Nick

or start something new with Shawn.

Rest assured, Desiree,
I have tailored a plan for each of them.

Starting with Jawahir.

Oh, boy. This is gonna be juicy.


Please, can I talk to you
privately in the cabana?

-Right now?
-Yes, immediately.

Ooh! Lana means business.

What is this about?

Jawahir's dressed for The Apprentice.

-Oh, my God.

Hello, Nick.
-Hello, Lana.

Hello, Shawn.
-What's up? How you doing?

Please remain where you are
and await further instructions.

As you know, I'm here to help you make
deeper, more meaningful connections.

I can see you are struggling
to commit to just one person.

My heart is racing.

Oh, Lana. Lana. Lana.

With the retreat nearing an end,

I'm offering you the opportunity
to make a choice once and for all.

Oh, my God.

Nick and Shawn
will now join our conversation.

Lana's having a three-way?
Now I've seen everything.

Two dates are being set up.
Shawn and Nick.

If you choose to attend,

each of you will be waiting
for Jawahir at different locations.

Holy shit.

Jawahir, you must choose
only one date to join,

and in doing so,
finally commit to one connection.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

This is so hard.

I don't know, Lana. I don't know.
I don't know.

Jawahir, please await
further instructions.


Did Lana just put Jawa on hold?

Shawn. Will you agree to attend?

Yes, ma'am. No problem.

I felt like after last night,
Jawa is going to pick me.

No doubt in my mind.

Nick. Will you agree to attend?

After everything that happened with Jawa,
I don't know if I want to do this.

Nick, I must press you for an answer.

Will you attend?

Jesus Christ.


-I will.
-Thank you.

Please get ready for your date.

I definitely feel hurt,
so if she chooses to come back to me,

I don't know what I'm gonna do,
but I want to see what she has to say.

Gentlemen, if your watch turns red,

then Jawahir
has not chosen you as her date.

Both Nick and Shawn have agreed to attend.

You have 15 minutes to make your decision.

I can't do this tonight. I can't.
I can't. I'm freaking out right now.

Oh, my God.

Lana told me that I need to choose
between Nick and Shawn.


-f*cking hell.
-Oh, my God!

-Who are you gonna choose?
-Yeah, who?

-I don't know. I'm freaking out.
-Go with what you want to do.

-Whatever's best for you.
-Don't care what anyone else thinks. You!

I know.
My mind is literally going like this.

I'm so confused.

-I think Nick is her comfort zone.

-I don't think that.
-I don't either.

-I think that--
-I think Shawn's her comfort zone.

Me too, because
she doesn't see anything serious with him

and he gives off more fling sexual energy.

I feel Nick is out of her comfort zone
because he actually takes her

to new emotional places
and she feels things more deeply with him,

but there's a part of you
that has to decide

if you actually want to be
this new person leaving this retreat.

Can somebody give Dom a mic to drop?

That's some deep insight right there.

You guys, you'll never believe.
We got the green light!



-I hear footsteps.
-Oh, here they come.

-Hi, guys!

Go on, spill the beans!

-It was a beautiful date.
-It was on a little, like, rowboat.

-We had our own little island.

But it was honestly the perfect setting.

Yeah. It was amazing.

And we're official now.

Oh, my God. You guys!

My guy did it.
I don't know how, but he did it.

Honestly, I'm so happy.
I've got a girlfriend now.

-I'm so happy for you guys.
-What'd you guys do?

You'll never believe
what is happening right now.


Nick and Shawn
are both waiting on separate dates.

Jawa has to decide
who she's going to pick.

-Who do you guys think she'll pick?
-I honestly could not tell.


I know I have a connection with Jawahir,
so I'm pretty positive that she's coming.

Even though I'm angry,
I want her to come to me so badly.

-Jawa, where are you at?
-Please give me the strength.

I have no idea if Jawa is coming for me.

This is one of the hardest decisions
I've ever had to make.

I hope… it's the right decision.

-Oh, my God.

I'm so relieved right now,
but we need to talk about this.

I liked Jawa. I thought she was amazing.

But she's not coming.

I just got stood up.

I thought last night
meant something, but obviously,

we weren't on the same page.

I'm still shaking a little bit.

Me too.

So last night…

Like, when you told me
you were going into Shawn's bed,

it was so overwhelming.

It's just, I've been in a tornado.

It made me realize
that I don't want to be away from you.

But I want things
to attract to me naturally.

I don't want
to hold onto something and cling to it.

I've never felt this way
with a person before,

but if she's gonna constantly
be having these doubts,

it'll drive me crazy.

The question, I guess,
is what do you want?

I need her to communicate with me
and to be open and honest,

otherwise I'm about to walk away forever.

Speaking of being
open and honest,

let's quickly check in with Creed…

What's going on?

…to see if he's finally dug a hole so deep
he's back in Australia.

I want to be 100% honest.

Oh, my God.
He's about to come clean.

Like, you are absolutely stunning, but…

"I do have feelings for Imogen."

…it's your presence and your aura
that speaks more volumes than your beauty.

Okay, maybe not.

With you, I'm so happy,
I didn't even know I could reach there.


I think I've worked it out.

Creed is committed.

He's 100% committed

to whoever
is currently sat right in front of him.

The thing is,
I like both these girls.

I need to flip a coin on it or something.

I want to see how far we can go

and that is exciting and that's what
I really want to give a try.

Yeah, me too.

I feel so special right now.

Creed is telling me
that he sees an exciting future with me

and that's cool
because I feel the same way.

I really thought about this.

My choice,
the choice that I made last night,

to share a bed with Shawn,
was very selfish and hurt you a lot.

And I'm so sorry.

I feel like a very horrible person.

This is hard.

Nick, I know
that I have a connection towards you

and I know it's real.

I just look at you
and I just feel this feeling

that I've never had before,
but also I don't understand it in a way,

but I was really, really, really
pushing myself to walk away from you

because I am terrified,

because I felt like
you are gonna abandon me at some point.

It all goes back to my childhood
because I was adopted.

I've always wondered
why I am not worthy of love

and why I am not good enough,

so I always try to protect my own heart.

I find myself doing this a lot in the past

because I don't want
them to hurt me first.

That was an easy defense mechanism,
but I understand.

Thank you for opening up.

I've never done this before
and I've never opened my heart to anyone,

and I am terrified.
I'm terrified.

And I feel this feeling
and I don't know what it is.

I don't know if it's love
because I've never been in love before,

but I feel it
and I want to know what it is

and I want to do it with you.

To see her take this step,

to face that fear
and to really put it out there for me,

this is exactly
what I wanted to hear from her.

I'm just gonna be honest, like,
I've said "I love you" in my head

while looking at you so many times.

-It's a new feeling. I've never felt this.
-Thank you for seeing me.

-Of course. Hmm.
-Thank you for appreciating me.

-Thank you for having patience.

Well, it sounds like we're both

just gonna be taking
another step into that unknown.

But this time, we have each other.



Do I stand?

My first green light, baby!


This moment is everything right now.

The future is just completely open
and I'm just ready to dive in headfirst.

That's the only option and I'm taking it.

I am so, so grateful for Nick's patience
because I put him through so much.

I'm taking this step towards Nick.

Even though it's scary,
it's a true connection

and I want to explore this to the fullest.

Oh, my God, this is too much.
I am one proud mama right now.

You looks so happy, Nick!

-Did you get a green light?
-We got a green light!

-Oh, my God. I'm so happy for you.
-You guys!

I'm so proud of you guys.
You had a long journey.

-We did.
-Insane. Hmm.

I think what made

Nick and Jawa come back together
and accept each other again

was that they care
about each other so much

and do have a genuine connection.

And I'm really happy for them!

I have too much respect for Shawn

to not give him an explanation
on why I chose Nick.

-How you doing?
-I'm good. How are you?


I want to apologize

for keeping you waiting
when I didn't show up.

I'm disappointed 'cause it was just
that I did not see that shit coming.

-You're an amazing person inside and out…
-Thank you.

…but I have this connection towards Nick

and it's a connection
I've never felt before

and I really want to explore this.

I think I had my hopes up too high.

But I mean, I guess things happen, right?

I'm not mad at you.

At the end of the day,
I do really like Jawahir,

but I do want her happy,

so if Nick is that,
then, girl, go on, do your thing.

And I really do mean that, Jawahir.

Thank you for understanding, and sorry.

I definitely appreciate your apology.
From the bottom of my heart,

I just want you happy.

-Thank you.
-No hard feelings, for sure.

Well, thank you, Shawn.

Thank you.


So Jawa has taken a leap of faith.

Seb and Kayla
and James and Brittan are on cloud nine.

And there's not a rule break in sight.

So why has Lana
called everyone to the cabana?

-Lana. What is it again?
-What's up?

It must be time for her plan for Creed.

Maybe she's just congratulating you two.

Oh, yeah, I'm his girlfriend.

Maybe this could be a good thing.

Uh, It's not.

I hope Lana
is throwing us a party tonight.

If I were Creed,
I'd be very afraid right now.

Clearly, you guys
can't hear the ominous music.

What has happened now?
This is not gonna be good.

-Yeah, that's more the vibe.

I have been encouraging some of you

to think about your future relationships
outside of the retreat.

And for others, I've asked you
to make bold and honest commitments.

I am pleased to see
that major progress has been made.

Clap for yourself.


-Are you kidding?

I hate the word "however."

…one of you has not heeded my advice.

Does anybody feel like that?

What does Lana know that we don't?


Here we go. This is gonna hurt.

We need to address
your ongoing relationship with Flavia.


your ongoing relationship with Imogen.



Oh, my God.

The time for honesty is now.

You haven't been honest?

Oh, my God.

I am very shocked.
I don't know what's happening right now.

What is going on?

Creed, my man.

You're in a pickle.

You got some problems, son.

You're in trouble!


I'm f*cked.