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05x03 - Stick or Twist

Posted: 04/18/24 12:42
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

♪ Showin' up, steppin' out
Ready to love again ♪

[yawns loudly]

What the f*ck?

What? It's my release.

Detective Dre needs to go through
his daily protocol

with all you horn dogs.

[Desiree] Looks like Detective Dre
is on the early shift.

-Did y'all break any rules?
-[Alex] Mm-mmm.

Best behavior last night.

-None over here.

[Desiree] So everyone's been good.

Really, really good. Right, Louis?

I've been bad.

Really, really bad.

[upbeat music playing]

[Louis] I literally kissed Christine,

and I kind of promised that
I would share a bed with her,

and then kissed Hannah straight after.

This is a very, very,
very tricky situation.

I still don't know who I'm feeling more.
Hannah or Christine.

Argh, they're gonna both be fuming.

I'm in a f*cking pickle. Yes, I know.

[Desiree] Yes, you are in a bit
of a pickle, aren't you?

But that's what happens
when you think with your gherkin.

That thing was up and running,
but I didn't touch it. So...

I feel a bit guilty about last night.

I don't want everyone
in the Villa to hate us,

but it isn't just
a meaningless rule break.

I am starting to have genuine
connection with Louis,

and I feel it was worth it.

[Louis] 80% of the day I've got a boner,
that is a fact.

Seeing Louis in a bed with Hannah
really bothers me.

He needs to cut some loose ends
he has with Hannah.

Ugh, hurry up. Get in my bed.

Girls, you don't understand.
Having a boner is pressure.

Blood rushes to your d*ck.

So if you've got it for too long,
it takes away from your brain.

[Desiree] I'm not sure Hannah
and Christine will be laughing

when they find out what you've been up to.

This was me last night.

I do enjoy waking up next to Hunter.

He is this big, hunky, sexy boy.

[Desiree] Aww, at least Hunter and Elys
have woken up totally in sync.

[Elys] But I can't stop
thinking about Alex.

[Desiree] Okay. Cancel that.

[Elys] Everything he does is really funny.
It makes me laugh.

How are the girls feeling?

Feeling sexy this morning.

As always.

I'm getting all sweaty. What's happened?

I must admit I did wake up this morning
and I saw Elys looking at me,

and I thought, "Megan's nice,
but it would be nice

just to wake up with Elys next to me."

But I know she's happy with Hunter.

[Megan] I literally love
waking up next to Alex.

I have really started to fall for him.

I am a bit worried that he likes Elys.

I see him looking at us both like this.

[Desiree] Someone call a doctor
because there's a severe case

of wandering eye
spreading through the group.

Elys is in bed with Hunter,
but has always had a spark with Alex.

Alex is in bed with Megan,
but has always been cray-cray about Elys.

Hello. Please try
not to kiss me on this one.


[Desiree] And Louis is always promising
girls he'll share a bed with them.

But who will he pick next?

Hannah or Christine?

[Lana chimes]

[Lana] In order to form
meaningful connections,

those who are undecided must first
choose who they really want to be with.

[Desiree] Easier said than done
with these horn dogs.

[Lana] I have a plan, Desiree.
Starting with Louis.

I will give him time to be honest
with Hannah and make a decision

about who he wants to be with.

Should he fail to do that,
we will do things the hard way.

[Desiree] Oh, Lana.
I love it when you talk dirty.

[upbeat music playing]

-It is beautiful though, innit?
-It's so nice here.

♪ Secret lover, ooh ♪

-[Louis] All right, do you know what?

[Desiree] Oh, here goes!

Um, so when was your first tattoo?

My first tattoo was this one.


[Desiree] Ah, Louis.

[Louis] This is emotionally terrible.

The worst thing is having to try
and choose between Christine and Hannah.

Isaac is the only one who I feel like
I can talk to about it.

So I'm gonna tell him.

Bro, I think I've got
something to tell you.

[Isaac] What do you mean?

Basically, last night,

um, me and Hannah, we, uh...

You what?

We kissed under the covers.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, and, uh...
So I kissed Christine as well.

-Bro! Oh, my God. Come on, bro.
-You can't tell anyone though.

Bro, what are you doing?

Hannah's gonna be pissed!

Did you even think about that?


But please, between us,

I actually felt more the kiss
with Christine

-than I did with Hannah in bed.
-Oh, my God, bro. Come on.

[Louis] Christine's doing something to me.

She's flirty and jokey
and I like that type of sh*t.

I like Hannah,

I think she's a beautiful girl,
but I have to give Christine a chance

because I feel we've got
better connection.

[sighs softly]

-You gotta sort things out.

Well, how are you gonna do that?

I dunno.
Do you think I should tell Hannah?



it's a sticky one.
The whole situation is a sticky one.

This chat has made me realize I like
Christine way more than I thought I did.

But I have to tell Hannah that.

Oh, my God. I am sh1tting myself.

[Desiree] Oh, Louis.
You better get on with it.

Because if you don't come clean,
Lana is gonna step in.

And she takes no prisoners.

[slow pop music playing]

♪ I'm your conscience ♪

♪ Your guilty conscience ♪

What animal would you be, Hunter?

It'd be interesting to fly.
I'd like to be a butterfly.

-Yeah. [chuckles]

Butterflies die after
a couple days, though.

[Alex] This is so frustrating.

It's not nice seeing Elys with Hunter.
I've just gotta let her go.

[sighs deeply]

-Hello, the lovely Meg.

Looking gorgeous as ever.

Thank you.

I quite like Alex, but in the past,
when a guy has got me and another option,

they usually go out for the other option.

So I just wanna make sure
that he likes me.

I've got annoying hair that keeps...
There we go.

I do really like your hair.

Thank you.

-One of the many things I like about you.
-Oh, really?

Do you fancy me?

Elys was my first choice,
but it's obvious she likes Hunter.

So I guess I'll just explore
things with Megan.

Well, yeah, obviously.


[both chuckle]

I'm, like, the same.

[Megan] I am so happy right now.
Alex likes me.

Maybe this could be the first
Too Hot to Handle wedding in the villa.

[Desiree] Wow, a wedding?!
But how are you going to do your hair?

That question was for Alex, by the way.

I feel like butterflies
don't really waste the day.


[Elys] After seeing Alex flirt with Megan
literally in front of my face,

I do feel slightly jealous.

I must like him a little bit
more than I thought.

[upbeat music playing]

[Christine] Louis better hurry up
and tell Hannah

exactly what happened last night.

-[Louis] Hannah?

[Louis] Do you know what?

[Desiree] Ooh, is this it?

I wanna go in the ocean.

[Hannah] I know, right?

[Louis] My head is scrambled.

I need to talk to Hannah,
but I don't even know what to say.

Christine's gonna be fuming.

I don't know what to do.

[Desiree] Something tells me

Christine ain't the only one
who's gonna be fuming.


-Oh, snap!
-Oh, my God.

Please gather the rest of the guests
in the cabana immediately.

[Desiree] Looks like Louis' time is up.

[Christine] Holy sh*t.

Lana is doing this right now.

This dirty little secret with Louis
is gonna catch everybody off-guard.

I mean, I don't regret it,

but the entire group,
they're gonna hate us.

-[Isaac] This isn't good.
-[Alex] Oh, it's too early for this sh*t.

[Courtney] After what happened
at the cabana last night,

if someone broke a rule,
they're just stupid at this point.

What do you think Lana wants?

I have a feeling she's not here
to be nice to us right now.

This is not good.

I'm getting hot. Anyone else sweating?

[Christine] The truth is gonna come out
AKA Lana,

and I'm strangely excited.

I can't wait for her to air us out.

I'm absolutely sh1tting myself.

f*ck! I'm absolutely f*cked.



[tense music playing]

We know it's not good.

It's never good.

It's just not the time
I want to tell everyone that I f*cked up.

[Lana] Despite
doubling the fines yesterday,

I regret to inform you...

there have been further breaches
of my rules.

-Oh, my gosh.
-[Louis] Oh, my days.



Oh, it's gonna be
some real law enforcement now.

Does anybody wanna get
anything off their chest?

I'm praying that Alex hasn't kissed Megan.

-My heart is actually racing.

I'm definitely scared.
I hope they understand our rule break

because I do feel like
Louis and I are building something here.

Who done broke a rule?

Ah, what have I done?

What have I done?

[Lana] Louis...


[intense music playing]


-Wait, what?
-[Isaac] Whoa...

Oh, my God.

[Lana] Are you going to speak,

or should I?


Louis, what are you doing?

I've got to tell the truth.

This is not gonna be good.

[music crescendoes]

Oh, my gosh, here we go. Here we go.

[Louis] Um...

-I kissed Hannah last night in bed.
-Oh, no!

You've got to be kidding me.

[all groaning]

Louis! Oh, my God!

I mean, the thing is,
it just happens, you know?

-Oh, my...
-[men groaning]

[Dre] Oh...

I don't believe Louis. I am livid.

Y'all are tripping.

Like, how much money have we lost?
Does anybody know?

I mean, the thing is,
a kiss is so harmless.

Oh, my God.

If you think you can kiss Hannah
and get away with it,

I'm definitely letting everybody know.

So were you just trying to get
your last moment in with Hannah

before you bounced into bed with me, or...

I just feel like it's wild
that you kissed her after we kissed.

[intense rock music playing]

-[Isaac] Oh, my...
-[all groaning]

This is awkward.

♪ You can't run ♪

That's dirty.

I feel like being a player is one thing,
being disrespectful is another, so...

[Hannah clicks tongue]

Yeah, but I was gonna talk to you today.

If it weren't for piping up cone,
you'd have known way before now.

I feel like you should've
said something before...

-Yeah, but transparency is everything.
-I don't know what that means.

That's bullshit.

I don't understand what Louis thought
he was accomplishing. Like...

It sucks. I'm done with Louis.

It looks worse than it is.

[Desiree] I dunno, Louis.

It looks pretty bad
from where I'm sitting.

I've messed this up big time.

These two kisses...

with two different girls...

have cost the group...


-Oh, my God.
-[Isaac groans]

Twelve grand. He's literally throwing
money down the drain.

That's wild.

Nah, I apologize.

No, you don't.
Don't play the sorry card, man.

No, I do. I apologize.

[Lana] The prize fund
now stands at $152,000.

[rock music playing]


You need help.

♪ So reckless ♪

[Lana] Louis, I encourage you to think
about what you have done.

And to make a decision
about who you really want to be with.

That is, if you have any options left.

[Hannah] This is not disrespect
from Christine.

This is disrespect from Louis
for not telling me.

Well, I just want to let you guys know,

it won't happen again.

-Are y'all sure? We sure? You sure?
-I promise you this time.

-[Dre] Oh, okay.
-It might. I dunno.

[Dre] See? See?

Louis is so selfish, and the rest
of the group is suffering for it.

I'm definitely in the doghouse.

I might be sleeping on my own tonight.


Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

-[Hunter] Louis is bad.
-My boy gotta relax.

I'm not finna coddle you like a baby,

like, "Hey, come on now,
you gotta do better."

It's like, "No!"

"Get it through your head. Listen."

This is so wild.

[Hannah] I would be upset
that anyone lied to me.

I think that it was just a cold way
to be told.

I just need some time to be by myself

and kind of figure out what I even want.

This makes me feel like...

I made a wrong decision in him.

Yeah, I mean,
they say, typically... [chuckles] they do one is how they do you.

Like, I don't like that.
That just feels shady.

So I am done.

I'm washing my hands clean of him.

-That's all you can do.
-No, literally.

I actually genuinely feel bad.

I don't wanna b*at around the bush or lie,

'cause now I know
how I feel about Christine.

But I'm definitely gonna
have to talk to Hannah first.

I really need to tell her it's over.

I feel like I owe her that.

-Hello, hello.

Ah, this is a pickle, innit?

Um, let's hear what you have to say.

So, hearing you say about the disrespect...


Like, I didn't think of that at the time.
Like, 100%.

The fact I kissed Christine
and then didn't tell you and kissed you.

I was being selfish.
That's just what I'm like.

I should have told you last night,
and shouldn't have kissed you.

I'm sorry.


But I'd have no problem at all
with you getting to know someone else.

I want you to.

What did he just say?

What the actual f*ck?

I feel disrespected that you lied to me,

and feel like I'm dealing with someone
on a completely different maturity scale.

Like, I just wish that
you would have told me last night,

we obviously kissed and stuff.
We were together and cuddling.

I liked you. I think that
you had an interest in me for sure.

But right now, everything that
you're doing, it's giving me the, ugh.

Like, the ick, you know?

Okay. That...

I think that you should do you right now,
and I'm going to do me.

I'm out, it's over.

Is there anything else you wanted to say?

-Nah, I think that's it.

[Louis] I feel so bad about Hannah.

If she'd done that to me,
I'd f*cking react the same way.

But at least it's over.

Right now, I just need to figure out

how I can get Christine to forgive me.

[Hannah] Louis is so selfish,

and the second that I see that,
it's like, I don't put up with that.

What an eventful morning, eh?

Oh, my God,
this morning was very interesting.

-So you're not upset?
-No, I literally ended things with him.

-[Hannah] Yeah.

-[Elys] Louis shouldn't have done that.

But I'm not one to speak
because I can't stop thinking about Alex.

I feel like I've got two connections
on the go.

Okay, you're crazy.
What does your gut say?

I'm literally lost for words.
I literally don't know.

It's really hard to kind of know
what Alex was thinking.

Alex gives me the eyes.
He's louder, he's funny...

But at the same time,
Hunter is such a nice guy.

Yeah. I think you don't want something
if you have it,

and you only want the thing
you don't have.

So you're looking at Alex
in bed with Megan,

and since you have Hunter next to you,

you aren't appreciating
what's in front of you.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I know. I know.

Hunter physically really makes me horny,

but his chat isn't the best.

A part of me still really wants
to talk to Alex.

We just click.

Oh, God.

[Desiree] I really don't envy you, Lana.

The problems in this place
just keep coming.

[Lana] Earlier today, I helped Louis
see the error of his player ways.

The time has come to focus on Elys.

She is with Hunter
but can't stop thinking about Alex.

I have a plan to help her decide
once and for all.

[Desiree] Yes, Lana! Bring it on.

[upbeat music playing]

'Sup, dawg?

What were you just doing?

Nothing much. You know...

Just found that over there.

-Yeah, bro.

So how are you feeling
about the whole Elys situation?

I have a very genuine connection with her.

I mean, could you imagine the kids
we would have?

I mean, long term,
they would be beautiful.

-[Elys exclaims]

-[Lana] Hello, Elys.
-[Elys] Hello, Lana.

[Lana] You are partnered with Hunter,

but clearly hold feelings
for Alex as well.


[Lana] I am sending you
on a date with Hunter.


if you do not connect on the date,

I will have no choice but to intervene.


I usually go for really loud, funny,
exciting guys,

but that doesn't always work out.

So maybe I should go for someone
who's a little bit more laidback.

Basically, someone like Hunter.

[Lana chimes]

-Hello, Hunter.
-[Hunter] Oh, hey, Lana.

[Lana] Tonight is date night
for you and Elys.

It is a chance to see
if you two have a connection

that's more than just physical.

-[Hunter] Thanks, Lana.
-Good luck.

Ooh, a date! I'm pumped for it, honestly.

I'm not too much of a romantic guy,

but you'll see romantic parts
come out of me.

[energetic music playing]

[Hunter] Whoo! [exclaims]

Ready for a little date!

-[Hunter] You already know, baby.
-Oh, you're looking slick.

-I'll talk to you after.

Let me know how it goes. Have a fun time.

-[Hunter] All right.
-Good luck.

[Louis] "Listen, Christine..."

Come on.

[Christine] I'm honestly so annoyed.

I really do not wanna talk to him
right now,

but he definitely
has some explaining to do.

-[Alex] Got something on your mind?
-Yeah, I do.

Is your type blondes?

Cause I heard you fancied Elys.

No, yeah, I did actually, at first.

My mind might have changed a bit.


[Hunter] Hey, Elys. How are you doing?

Wow, you look beautiful.

Wow. You look... beautiful.

[Megan] How do you feel about Christine?

I will never blame the girl.
I will always blame the guy.

Is Alex... There he is, you see him?
Maybe he's just thinking about me.

He probably is, to be honest.

We're taking things slow, but our wedding
is the week after we get home.

[Louis] Today has been hard,
but I wanna put things right.

But at this point, I don't even know
if Christine is gonna even talk to me.

Let alone forgive me.

[Louis] We got a lot of talking to do.

I just wanna say sorry.

It's, like, for kissing Hannah
after we kissed was like a d*ck move.

And it's all obviously
got me in trouble a bit. Um...

I shouldn't have done it.

I think with the wrong head sometimes,

and it puts me in situations
that I don't actually want to be in.

You shouldn't have done it
in the first case.

I know I shouldn't have done it. I know.

I really want to believe Louis,
but he really did hurt me,

and that just can't be forgiven
like that. So...

-You seem like an F-boy.
-No, I'm not. I'm not.

I am, but I'm not.
For the right person, I'm not.

-That's bullshit.
-You're not listening.

You're insane.

Let's refrain, go back, take a step back.

I have the ick.

Oh, it won't last.

[Hannah] You think?

A cheetah never changes his spots.

[Desiree] Pretty sure it's a leopard
never changes its spots.

Either way, this cat's
rapidly using up his nine lives.

[romantic music playing]

[Hunter] Nice little fire.

-Look at the food tray.
-[Elys] My God.

I'll help you out over here.

-Thank you.
-Here you go. No problem.

[Elys] Hunter is such a nice guy,
and, you know,

the grass isn't always greener.

I'm really hoping that Hunter and I
have a fun connection on this date,

and I feel a little spark between us.

First and foremost, you look amazing.

-Thank you. So do you.
-[laughs] Thank you.

Um, so, on first dates,
I don't usually do stuff like this.

What do you normally do on a first date?

I did this one, which I thought was cool,

and I feel like every girl should at least
have this once in her life...

[Desiree] Oh, my God! A trip to Paris?
No, a shopping spree in Manhattan!

We just got coffee.

[Desiree] Oh.

-It was kind of a little creative thing.
-Bit of a letdown.

-It's all she wanted!
-Did you see her again?

We talk. But no, honestly,
we haven't hung out after that.

Nice. Good.

I feel really at home
with this charcuterie.

-Cheese, meat.
-You get nachos?

-We eat a lot of cheese in Switzerland.
-Do you?

Yeah. Like fondue.

I heard a couple of French words
come out of your mouth.

Yeah, I'm completely bilingual.

If I'm ever in France,
how do I ask to use the restroom?

Of all the things
you could've asked me, Hunter.

-No, I...
-"How do you use the bathroom?"

Elys looks amazing tonight,
but I am nervous as hell.

I gotta keep it together.
We're doing good.

What kind of cheese is this?

Do you like cheese? You a cheesy person?

I am cheesy. Get it?


I feel really bad for Hunter

because I'm trying to make this work.


[Elys] I mean, he's really attractive
and a really nice guy,

but I can't stop thinking about Alex.

Huh. I wonder if I can climb this tree.


[Desiree] Careful what you wish for, Elys,
because Lana doesn't play games.

[Lana] It is clear that Elys
sees no future with Hunter.

The question is, would things
be different with Alex?

Before long, we will find out.

[Desiree] Oh, Lana,

I can't wait to see
what you have up your non-existent sleeve.

But I also can't wait to see more
of Christine making Louis suffer.

It's just, sometimes you mess up.

I have the ick.

What is wrong with me?
Honestly, that's all I... Oh, mate.

She's still pissed off.

I really need to tell her
how I actually feel.

It's hard, though.
It really is. It's hard.

[tender music playing]

Honestly, this comes from a genuine place.

I realize how much I do like you
and I don't want anyone else.

I had a conversation with Hannah earlier,
and we said that we're going to leave it.

I need a second chance.

♪ I can't keep falling for you ♪

♪ I'm only human ♪

I just want to say sorry.
I'm really, really sorry.

I do feel like his apology is genuine.

Don't get me wrong.

I'm still mad at Louis,
but I believe in second chances.

So, where's your head at?

Not saying that we're gonna get married
or nothing, but...

-You wanna get married to me?

-Too soon. What's wrong with you?

You're insane.

[both laugh]

All right. So, um,
who's the better kisser?

Um... Nah, Hannah.

-Are you deadass?
-[laughs] I'm joking.

-I would've k*lled you.
-I'm joking.


[both laughing]

No, you. Oh, my God.

[upbeat music playing]

So are we sharing a bed tonight?

-Yeah, we're sharing a bed tonight.
-I'm so excited for this.

-So don't blow it.
-I won't blow it.

You trying to turn me on?

[Louis] Christine's gonna stay in my bed.

I'm very happy, but how am I meant
to not break any rules?

She's just so sexy.
I've just got one thing on my mind.

What have you got here?

-Uh... Whitening strip.
-[Alex] Oh, is it?



No way.

-Hi. Hi, Lana.

[Lana] Elys is on a date with Hunter.


[Lana] But has been thinking
about you for a while now.

[Alex] I thought Hunter and Elys
were really happy.

My head's a little bit
all over the shop right now.

I'm about to ask Elys if she wants you
to replace Hunter on the date.

I will be back shortly.

My heart's racing a little bit...

-[Dre] Yeah.
-I must admit.

-Megan likes you.

And she's sweet,
so I'm still not 100% sure.

Yeah, bro.

I don't know, right?
You're in a sticky situation.

[intense music playing]

I almost got it in my nose.

♪ You got the devil in you ♪

Um, I was a plant specialist,

so I'll tell you about any daffodil,
lily, hydrangea, dahlia...

-Nice. Thank you.
-It's a little weird knowledge...

I'm not that into plants.

Me neither. The plant life is behind me.

Fair. Yeah.

[Desiree sighs] Lana, let's end this.

[Lana chimes]


[Lana] Good evening, Elys and Hunter.

-Good evening.
-Good evening, Lana.

[Hunter] Lana!
I was enjoying my date with Elys.

Leave us alone.

[Lana] Elys, now that you have spent time
exploring your connection with Hunter...

Yes, Lana?

...I am offering you the chance
to either stick with Hunter...

Oh, God.

...or twist and explore your connection...

with Alex.

Alex? What the hell?

Way to ruin a date.

I do like Hunter,

but just didn't really click
on this date with him.

However, I'm not sure
if Alex still likes me.

-I clicked with you as soon as I got here.

And I did not expect to do that
when I first started this whole thing.

When I'm around you, I'm happy.

I didn't expect to come in here

and to kind of have such a strong
connection with you.

-As soon as I walked on the boat...

-...I was drawn to you completely.

So I do feel really lucky.

I honestly... I feel the same.

The date's going so well,
I think Elys is going to pick me.

Elys, have you made your decision?

[Elys] My decision...




[slow instrumental music playing]

I feel really, really bad for Hunter.

I just hope that
I've made the right decision.

Being completely honest, I really clicked
with you, and I did click with Alex...

Yeah. Check out your options.

Does it make me upset?
And I want to be with you? Yeah, I do.

[Hunter] I won't lie.

I am upset and feeling
a little bit in the dark.


This feels like a punch in the face.

-They're both extremely attractive girls.

And I'd like to date both of them.

-You're not wrong for thinking that.
-Not simultaneously.

-That would be a win-win.

-Yeah. [laughs]
-Toast to that one now.

-Hi, Lana.

Spill the beans.

[Lana] Elys...

wants you...

to replace Hunter on her date.

Oh, wow.

Can someone please tell me
what the f*ck is going on?

This cannot be real.
I'm like, "What the f*ck?"

[Dre] For real, bro,

[Lana] It's time for you to decide

whether you'd like to explore
your connection with Elys,

or build on your relationship with Megan.

Oh, mate.

[Alex] I had no idea she felt like this.

There's a lot of decisions
to make right now

and I can't give a clear answer.

[Desiree] Oh, first world problems.

Sizzling hot girl, or sizzling hot girl?

-Hello! What happened?
-[Dre] Dawg...

What just happened?

Elys stopped the date with Hunter,

and requested Alex.

-[Isaac] Oh, nah...
-[Courtney] That's not good.

-[Isaac] Oh, nah!
-[Dre] I kid you not.

-That is nuts. What's Hunter thinking?
-[Hannah] That's not good.

It is a dog-eat-dog world at this retreat,

I swear to God.

-Feel what I'm saying?
-[Courtney] Totally.

-[Hunter] 'Sup?
-[Dre] You good?

Boy, how you feeling?

I feel upset, man. You know?
I feel like we had something...


[Hunter] I'm hurt, I'm not gonna lie,

but I'm confident with what we got.

I know Elys will make the right choice.

And you know, let the best man win.

[Desiree] It's not over yet, Hunter.

Alex still has one huge decision to make.

Bubbles in a bath?
Or bubbly with a blonde?

[Elys] The suspense
is literally k*lling me.

[soft music playing]

[Elys] Waiting to see
if Alex comes forward.

It could go, well, literally, either way.

♪ It's time to let go of this charade ♪

[Megan] I'm gonna find it
really, really hard

not to break rules with Alex
in bed tonight.

I'm one lucky girl right now.

[Alex] Megan is hot.
Things are going well,

but Elys is who I wanted at the start.

This is so hard.

I'm so torn at the moment,
but I think I've made my decision.

I just hope that it's the right choice.

[Alex] Hello, you.

-Hello. You look so cute.

My God.
I'm having the best bubble bath ever.

You okay?

Um, I've been better.

Hi, Alex.

[Elys] I'm so relieved that
Alex came on the date.

I must admit.
I'm happy to be here, I guess.

-You guess?

Now I am... sh1tting it

because I wanna make sure
I've made the right decision.

-Lana actually asked me...

...towards the end of the date with Hunter,

if I wanted to explore things with you.

-And I said yes

because I still wanna have, like,
a conversation with you.

Great, we're here now.

I literally don't know what to say.
It's kind of throwing me off a bit.

Why didn't she just say something
from the start?

f*cking hell.

I must admit, I'm quite confused.

Because I've been sleeping in a bed
with Megan, we've been quite intimate.

Then equally, I've seen you
obviously with Hunter quite a lot as well.

It seems like Hunter likes you
and that you've got something.

But there's a lot of confusion.

It's just as simple as that.

I still really like Megan, but there's
something drawing me in with Elys,

and I can't help that.
I'm feeling a lot of emotions.

It's a total mindset shift.

Uh, so, Lana gave Elys

the opportunity
to end the date with Hunter,

and continue the date with Alex.

♪ Words aren't meant to break your bones
Why does it hurt... ♪

And that's what's going on right now.

[voice breaking] It just takes me back
to a really sh*t time,

and I just can't do it again.

Please don't cry. Please don't cry.

-I do get on really well with Hunter.

He's completely different to you,
and I get on really well with you.

-You just make me die laughing.

At least you've got the better man
here now anyway.

Glad we cleared that one up.

[Elys] Great. [laughs]

[Elys] I feel I've made the right decision
to go on this date with Alex.

Nothing's forced, nothing's pushed,
and I'm excited.

To be completely honest with you,
there's obviously a connection,

and normally it takes you longer
to figure out what you want,

-what you don't want.

But we're kind of put on the spot here.

I do really like Hunter,

but sometimes you just gotta make
an impulse kind of decision.


I want to share a bed with you.
I think you're f*cking funny.

Seriously, like, what the actual f*ck
is going on right now?

Now that I've got this opportunity
to speak to you properly,

and I think it's been quite clear
from the offset, I like you.

[upbeat music playing]

I guess what I'm saying is
I'd like a chance to be able to...

I want to share a bed with you.

It's as simple as that.

Although I'm a bit worried
about Megan's reaction,

I've just got to go with my gut.

This is gonna hurt her,

but I've gotta go with my heart
on this one.

With you, I find there's something.
A little something.

I like that and it's more exciting.


I'm really happy
that Lana gave me the choice.

Cheers to having a...

[Elys] Lana knows
exactly what she's doing.

...a grape time.

[Elys] Alex and I
just have a crazy chemistry,

and you really don't find that every day.

[melancholy music playing]

-Hey, man.
-Yo, baby.

[Hannah] Hey.

-You were really in the hot seat.
-[chuckling] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I've been through enough stress.

I'm finding it very hard
to like Louis right now.

I look over and I'm just like, "Ugh."

So Louis and Christine
can have a good night tonight.

Do they wash our sheets?

Bro, all eyes
are going to be beaming into Alex's skull.

[Desiree] I'm with you, Isaac.
That boy is in a skeleton of trouble.

[Elys, nervously] Do you wanna go first?

Hannah, am I getting in your bed or...

Come to bed with me, honey girl.

I kind of feel a little bit nervous
because if Alex and Elys come back

and share a bed tonight,
I don't know what I would do.

-[Megan] You okay?


We still don't know her decision.

And let's not forget,
Elys has still not chosen.

We'll see.

[Desiree] Too late for prayers now, Alex.

I'm really nervous to tell Megan.

I'm feeling quite guilty
as I don't want to hurt her,

but this is gonna be
the right thing. Damn.

[tense music playing]

-[Isaac] Yo.
-[Hunter] Yo, yo.

[Isaac] Wassup, guys.

-[Hunter] What's going on?
-[Alex] Wow.

Um, yeah. Hi, guys.

How's everyone doing?

Um, well, um...

That date, um, went pretty well, I guess.



[Hunter] Oh!

I don't think this is going my way.

I guess there's no easy...

There's no really...

-Not sure where to start with it now.

[Megan] I just haven't got time for it.

They need to cut the bullshit
and just get to the point.

And we decided we're gonna
share a bed tonight.

[sad music playing]

[Hunter] No man wants to get told
what I just got told to my face,

especially if they like someone.


It's not because of him, it just happens
every f*cking time.

-Same sh*t every time. It gets draining.
-[Hannah] No.

You start to think
if something's wrong with you.


And that is essentially
the only reason I'm upset...

Why can't I just be happy?

Why can't I be somebody's first choice?

Quit blaming yourself.
It's nothing wrong with you.

Yep. This is awkward.

[Hunter] You're fine.

-I know, but if people were just honest.
-[Hannah] Yeah.

Well, you'll see in the world,
some people aren't honest.

[Megan] Yeah, I was starting to like him.

The situation is just so f*cked
and it's just not fair.

This has happened to me so many times

where it's been,
like, me and another girl,

that I'm not gonna stand for it.

Don't wanna be in this house anymore.

That's it. I'm ready to walk away.

[theme music playing]