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05x09 - Love or Money

Posted: 04/18/24 12:45
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music playing]

♪ I don't care if
you're hearing no word I say ♪

[Desiree] Poor Louis is still sat
on the naughty step

waiting to see if Christine
will forgive him for #boobgate.

Yeah, all the breast, Louis...
I mean, best! All the best!

Honestly, this comes from a genuine place.

I apologize for how I acted on that date.

[Christine] I do miss Louis,

but if I jump at his apology now,
then what's gonna change?

So I've kind of been, like, stuck
between giving another chance

and just walking away from this situation.

♪ I know ♪

♪ Wouldn't blame you
if you want to walk away ♪

[Louis] I've definitely messed up
the best thing

that's happened to me in a long time.

At this point, I don't know
if she's gonna forgive me.

♪ You lied to me just 'cause
You wanted to ♪

[Desiree] It looks like
Christine is gonna make

Louis sweat a little bit longer,

which gives us time
to check in with the girls.

[Courtney] What Louis did to Christine

-is just absolutely disgusting and wrong.

A lot of feelings were hurt this past,
you know, few days.

I think he definitely knows that.

It's good to lay all of your cards
out on the table

'cause otherwise you're not trying.

I agree.

I don't know, after hearing your side...


For me, it's just been kind of hard.

I mean, I'm happy you are able
to see what you did was wrong.

But you are the way you are,

and it's not gonna go back to how it was.

I feel like you have to earn
my trust back.

I feel like we do have something
and can progress it.

Can you just forgive me?

I want to throw up right now.

I really like Louis.
I want to forgive him.

But then, I don't know
if he'll ever change.

I just have a problem
in seeing the good in people.

I feel like
I do wanna move forward with you.

Yeah, as long as you don't do that again.

I won't do it again.

Can I have a hug?


♪ We are a miracle ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do ♪

I'm sorry.

I want to believe that Louis has changed

'cause obviously he has grown a lot
from this retreat,

but I take everything
with a grain of salt.

We're taking baby steps
and he'll have to earn everything back.

[Desiree] Well, baby steps
are certainly better

than no steps at all, Louis.

♪ Baby when you're close to me ♪

♪ Your body feel like... ♪


[Desiree] Let's just hope
Christine likes you enough

to take one more baby step
into bed with you tonight.

Oh, which bed? Which bed?

[Megan exclaims]

-Getting into that bed, are we?
-[Megan] Okay!

[Alex] Okay!

Christine, you're in bed with your man.

I love to see it.

That's the border.

I won't cross it.

For her to share bed with me
is a massive step in the right direction,

but I still got a lot to prove
to Christine that I've changed.

♪ To stay with me tonight ♪

♪ Stay tonight, stay tonight
Stay tonight ♪

[Elys] It's nice to see
Christine and Louis

are back in bed with each other,

but I feel like after the workshop,

Alex has been a little bit off with me,

and I've never seen
this side of Alex before.

Good night.
Why do you sleep with your trousers on?

-[Alex] Nothing.

What's wrong?

[Alex] Nothing.

-What's happened to you?
-What's happened to me?

It was the workshop.
It's affected all of us.

You're being really cold.

[Alex groans]

[Alex] It may have really helped Louis,
but after today's workshop,

it's now made me think,

do I really want a relationship?

[Desiree] Hold on.
Have I forgotten something here?

What happened at this workshop
to wobble Alex like this?

All right, Alex,
so what's been holding you down?

I think the pressure to settle down.

I'm a wanderer.

It's just that commitment,
because I like to travel.

Now I've met Elys, it kind of makes me
feel a bit funny. I'm not gonna lie.

Like, "What the hell's going on?"

That's it and I'm not sure
what to make of it just yet.

[Desiree] Oops. Looks like that backfired.

[clears throat]

Lana, we need warmer sheets,

'cause someone's always getting cold feet
at this retreat!

♪ I'm feeling heavenly ♪

♪ Heavenly, whoa ♪

♪ Feeling heavenly ♪

♪ Heavenly... ♪

[Megan] Morning.

How did everyone sleep?

[Desiree] I'm sure
Christine slept like a baby

with that big, strong, firm pillow
next to her all night.

-Tonight can we not have a pillow?
-We'll see

No touching, just no pillow.

[Christine] We'll see.

[Louis] I hope I've changed.

I don't wanna go back to the old Louis
not caring.

That's the thing that I'm worried about

'cause girls like Christine
genuinely don't deserve it.

I had a bad dream
that you slapped me, though.

You probably deserved it.

-I might have actually slapped you.
-And you as well.

I mean, it's not too late.

[Louis] Stop.

[Christine] Although me and Louis
are back,

the trust is something
that has to be built slowly.

I really hope that Louis proves

that everything that we've built
wasn't for nothing.

I know yesterday for a lot of the fellas
was a heavy day.

-Discovered something about ourselves.
-[Alex] Yeah.

I mean, like, since the workshop,

I've just been reflecting
'cause a lot resonated with me.

Um, so I've just got a little bit
of figuring out to do.

[Elys] Alex's energy
definitely feels different.

He's a lot more in his own head right now.

I'm really intrigued to find out,

kind of, what Alex is now thinking.

[Desiree] Message received, Elys.

While we're decoding the male psyche,

let's have a go at figuring out
if Louis has changed, too.

I know just the cone-shaped
genius to help.


Ah, there she is!

-Morning, Lana!
-[Lana] Good morning, everyone.

-[all] Morning, Lana!
-Good morning, Lana.

[Lana] As we approach
the end of my retreat,

it's time to ask yourselves,
who do you want to be

when you return to your normal lives?

Will you continue to grow in relationships

or will you revert
to your old player ways?

Alex and Elys, Louis and Christine,

as our two established couples,
you'll be going on dates today.

[all whooping]

[Louis] Yes, sir!

[Lana] While you have made great strides
in your relationships,

old habits die hard.

Therefore, I encourage you
to use your time together

to find out once and for all

if you are on the same page.

[Alex] Well, this is gonna be interesting

because now I think
it's put more pressure on me

to maybe think about
where we're gonna go next

and, uh, I feel a bit nervous
talking about that.

[upbeat music playing]

♪ I got something in my sleeve ♪

♪ And I'm gonna play
with you won't even see ♪

♪ I got something under my clothes ♪

♪ Hidden in your dreams
that you won't wanna know ♪

I wanna go on a date. I'm low-key jealous.

[Hunter] Me too.

I didn't sleep very well.

I was proper thinking
about the situation with Christine.

-I'd done the thing on the day with Linzy,

like normally,
you'd just run away from it.

-Do you know what I'm saying?

I don't want the old Louis to come out,

but realistically, it's just scary
to think whether I've learned or not.

Whether the old Louis will deal
with the situation or the new Louis will.


Are you excited for your date?

I believe in second chances,

but, like, I don't want this
to just be a retreat fling.


He obviously
still has to earn back my respect.


♪ We've reached the end of this road ♪

[Bryce] Alex, what's going on with Elys?

I'm a bit, if I'm totally honest,

a little bit torn
as to what to do right now.

[Bryce] I can understand the fear,
but you honestly just...

Don't be scared to have
a little bit of feelings for someone.

[Alex] Yeah.

Before this retreat,
I've got used to being single

and I think it just takes a lot of courage
for me to go with the next step.

I just really don't know
what I want at this point.

♪ We need space to breathe in ♪

♪ Maybe we'll come back stronger ♪

♪ Treadin' water
We're gonna go under... ♪

-[Linzy] Are you excited?

[Linzy] Why?

-[Linzy] Are you nervous?
-Well, yeah.

-I get so stressed out.
-I think you just make the best of it.

I am hoping that this date

is gonna help me understand
what Alex is thinking.

It is nerve-racking

because I already know how I feel
and I don't know how Alex feels.

Are we on the same page?
Does he feel the same way about me?

♪ Where do we go from ♪

♪ Where do we, where do we go? ♪

♪ God only knows ♪

I haven't really got a plan.

I just need to be positive
and just hope for the best.

♪ Where do we go from here ♪

♪ Where do we go from here ♪

♪ Where do we go from, go from here now... ♪


-Come on, let's go.

♪ Bet I'm everything you see ♪

♪ Bet I'm everything you need... ♪

[Desiree] It's great to see happy faces
at the start of the date,

but there's no guarantee
they'll still be smiling at the end of it.

This Prosecco isn't going
to drink itself, is it?

-It's not.
-No, let's get it open.

[Alex] Since the workshop, it's made me
think a little bit more.

I'm kind of torn
as to what to do with Elys.

I do really like her
and I could see us being together.

However, I'm not sure if I'm ready
to stop being a wanderer.


-[Alex] Smooth, eh?

[Elys] I'm really nervous
because I don't know how Alex is feeling,

so we definitely need to have this chat
to know where we're heading.


What's going on?

I've never seen such a quiet side of you.

Oh. [chuckles] Put on the spot.

The workshop, like, was a real eye-opener.

Yeah. I started thinking,

"Oh, has he had a wobble?"

I'm really confused.
I just don't know what he's thinking.


[Alex] I still wanna travel the world

and I think a relationship
means that I need to settle down.

I don't know if I'm ready to do that.

To be honest, I've had
a bit more time to be able to reflect.

It made me think a lot more
about what I want,

but I feel like I am a little bit lost.

I feel like I always
need to be somewhere else

and need to be doing
something fresh all the time.

I obviously have gotten
quite close to you now

and then it made me think

maybe I need to think
about what I really want.

♪ Heaven knows where you go to ♪

♪ When you're lost in thought... ♪

I mean, what is he saying?

I guess I just want some answers.

He needs to explain himself.

♪ 'Cause I can't seem to fight
The feeling ♪

♪ That you're somewhere
A million miles away... ♪

[Desiree] He did say
he wants to travel the world,

so I'd check that boat's
anchored for a start.

♪ When we get free, we're eternity ♪

♪ Let's hold on forever
now we're together ♪

[Christine] Me and Louis
may be together again,

but I really do not want this
to be another situation

where I care more and am putting more
into a man than he puts in me.

So, I just hope on this date,

that he can prove to me
that he has changed.

[Louis] How amazing is this?

Got the sexy girl, sexy food, sexy view.

I reckon this here is probably
the best date I've been on.

This is a chance to prove to Christine

that I'm not trying to go back
to the old ways of breaking girls' hearts.

I don't wanna mess things up,

so I think it's best
to just tell Christine everything.

I feel a bit nervous for once
'cause I don't do this.

I don't normally go on dates, right?

If I'm one-on-one with a girl,
it's in a bed.

I don't normally sit down

and have a lot of conversations
with girls, like, this isn't...

I'm not used to it,
do you know what I mean?

So, what do you wanna do
after this retreat?


[Louis] This is it. Time to be honest.

[clicks tongue]

I really do like you and I want to go
further with you.

But I'm only 20,

so I'm gonna make
mistakes and shit like that.

This does not sound good.

I can act up and I'll always ruin it.

I'm scared I picked the wrong guy
when I picked you.

Oh... I mean, if I'm gonna be honest,
I'm not gonna say I'm the right guy.

That's f*cking rude.

My intuition is always right.
He hasn't changed.

What I wanna be is honest.

I don't wanna beat around the bush or lie.

I do make mistakes and I worry about being
with one person,

but everything I'm saying,
it just sounds wrong.

Christine's just not gonna be able
to trust me again.

[Desiree] What the hell is happening?

Our end of season dates
are usually so lovey-dovey!

But right now, it looks like we could be
heading toward two break-ups.

[mellow music playing]

For me, there's a little bit of doubt
for Louis and Christine.

Circumstances will be tough.
They're across the world.

If you really want it, you can hold out.

-But you have to really want that person.

Elys and Alex, who do you guys think
wants the relationship more?

I think both of them.
I think it's very equal.

I'll be honest with you, I'm a realist,
so something in me is just telling me

that it may not work
because Alex is in a tough position.

I empathize with him, I know that feeling
of being a wanderer...

-...and kind of weighing your options.

So he's gotta choose. He's gotta choose.

Yeah. She might just be
the person to change him, you know?

Yep. Yep.

[Desiree] I hope you're right, Courtney.

Otherwise, Elys might be pushing
Alex overboard.

[Elys] Alex, I'm worried
for both of us at this point.

Are you really happy?

♪ Two perfect strangers lost in despair ♪

I know I need to just man up
and be honest with her.

I feel like the boys' workshop
was really good for me.

It made me think more about what I want.

And a big part of that was traveling,

but I can't go mental,
travel the world and be with you.

I didn't want you to be thinking
something's wrong.

It's more the case of I'm just trying
to figure some things out.

[Elys] I can't believe that's a hang up.

I mean, before coming here,
I was doing exactly the same thing.

That's such a small thing.

-You know, I'm based in Switzerland.

But at the same time, I don't feel like
I have to be settled in one place.

You know, I travel a lot.
I love traveling.


I mean, we can travel together.

I think we could definitely do that.

[uplifting music playing]

[sighs] I really wasn't expecting that.

I didn't actually think
I could travel with Elys.

That's great, but I can't tell her
that I'm scared of that commitment.

[Alex] It's such a relief
that you feel that way.

Change is scary,
but also it's really exciting.

That makes me feel so much better,
and the truth is, I really do like you.

I've had the best time with you.

I've learned so much and I feel like
I know that I wanna be around you more.

I think we have genuinely
just been confused.

Alex is realizing that we are so similar.

I feel like we're on the same wavelength.

♪ Catch me 'cause I'm falling for you ♪

Only now getting towards
the end of the retreat

and thinking about kind of being
in the outside world

and what's gonna happen...

♪ You got me on the edge...

I just think that...


...I don't know how to phrase this.
Hold on, let me think.

Honestly, I'm so caught up
in the moment all the time.

I'm just gonna say it.
I'm not even overthinking it.

♪ Giving a heart away
Giving a heart away

With everything we've been through,
I just...

feel like I just wanna say it...

I never thought
I'd be sat here saying this.

...and just ask you,

if you wanna be my boyfriend?

Oh, my God.

[chuckling] I'm getting a bit red.

Is this even happening? Is this real life?

You really mean that? Like...


I really don't know what to say.

I'm kind of, like, shocked.

So I guess that's a yeah.

[Desiree] Phew. That was touch and go
there for a second.

But they've been honest with each other,
and they've even made it official.

So can I have my...
I mean, their green light now?

[watches chiming]

-Green light.
-That's my girl, Lana.

[uplifting music playing]

♪ We shine like stars in the sky ♪

♪ Like glowing candles in the night ♪

[Elys] Oh, my God, I've got a boyfriend.

And Alex and I got a green light.

That is mental. [chuckles]

I feel like I've just done

the scariest thing
I've probably ever done,

-having to ask a guy to be my boyfriend.

But, um, it feels good

because now I guess
I'm a bit less scared of the fact

that I'm going back to Switzerland,
you're going back to the UK.

I just feel like it's not even real.

[Desiree] Looking at two
round-the-world tickets as I speak.

First class or coach, Alex?

Oh, my God.

What just happened?

It's kind of a little bit overwhelming.

I really didn't expect to find myself
a girlfriend. This is scary.

[Desiree] Think I'll leave them
in the basket for now.

And unless Louis finds some better words,

I won't be splashing my cash
on a wedding hat

for him and Christine either.

♪ Breathe in
I keep trying to breathe you out ♪

♪ Right under the surface ♪

♪ I think that I've lost you now... ♪

I've messed this up big-time.
What am I playing at?

Christine is such a nice girl,
but I'm f*cking everything up.

I don't wanna listen to the old Louis

and I really need to tell her how I feel.

Shit, this is scary.

I wanted to make sure that our old selves
wouldn't ruin the future.

You think about it, I mean, being used
to having a guard up for so long.

And then coming in here,
it's not just gonna change overnight.

When I hurt you, it really showed me

what my actions have.

They have consequences.

So I have to keep that in mind.

She has not changed facial expression
or anything.

I'm thinking I need to step it up.

I just wanna let her know how much
I do like her.

-You look beautiful in the sun.

You're more beautiful
than anyone else in that villa.

You're supposed to say, "in the world."

In the world? Yeah.

You're the most beautiful girl
in the world. It's up there.

[Christine] As much as I like Louis,
he started off being a player.

I'm just scared that
the forces of the outside world

is gonna bring him too many
distractions to be loyal to me.

I do wanna be that person
that just has one girl.

I can do it.

And I do have feelings for you.

[both chuckling]

Tell me more. I like hearing about myself.

I know you do.


-Do I make you nervous?

[sighs, chuckles]

Before I ruined it.

[upbeat music playing]

We've been through too much
for it to be a retreat fling,

and I do wanna try
and make it work outside,

even though you live
f*cking across the whole ocean.

I am coming to America.

I mean, we survived here

-without having sex with each other.
-Oh, my God, yeah.

Being on this retreat
has shown me I can do it.

So the best thing we can do is try,
if you wanna try.

I would, you know, love to see where,
you know, we'd go outside of this retreat.

♪ I almost forgot this feeling ♪

I wanna try.

We both commit.

[Desiree] Wow. Louis used the C word.

Talk about snatching victory
from the jaws of defeat.

♪ So get up ♪

♪ Ain't no better time, only right now ♪

♪ You and I can go and get it right now ♪

I'm so glad that for the first time ever

I'm in something that's not one-sided.

[watches chime]

We got the green light! Get in!

Oh, my gosh.
We finally have a green light.

This feels even better
than I thought it would.

A guilt-free kiss at last!

[Desiree] Oh, you guys, this is amazing!

A green light
and a new boyfriend and girlfriend alert!

Am I right, Louis?

Not right now.

[Desiree] Pardon?

We aren't on girlfriend
and boyfriend level right now.

I think it might take that direction,
but I'm not a fortune teller.

I never, ever like to tell the future

'cause the future can change everything.

[Desiree] Oh, Lord. It looks like
old Louis is still in the building, y'all.

♪ 'Cause love makes the world go round ♪

♪ 'Cause love makes the world go round... ♪

What do y'all think they did on this date?

Hopefully having the time of their lives.

When they left, looked like they was out

-to something romantic and cute.

I'm curious if they established anything

-with the relationship after the retreat.


'Cause it is a big thing.

How do you think the others
got on on their dates?

-My guess, good. Very good.

Let's hope the players
aren't playing the game anymore.

If they're not walking in
smiling ear-to-ear, there's a problem.


-[Courtney] Look who it is!

[Bryce] Hey!

There's a smile! There's a smile!

[Linzy] Look who's back!

They're holding hands!


[all chuckling]

-The date was unbelievable, like...

The conversations we had
was so deep, and on both sides,

and we just went
through our whole journey in the retreat.

It made us realize our growth,
we came a long way.

[Dre] Right. Proud of y'all.

[mellow music playing]

We went on a boat.

[all exclaiming]

Did y'all get a green light?

-We did.

[Bryce speaks indistinctly]

And I asked Alex to be my boyfriend.

And you said?

-I said yeah.
-[all cheering]

They've been busy on their date.
Very happy for them both.

You're glowing right now with happiness.

You are completely different
in the best way possible.

Christine! I see you got on
a beautiful green dress.

Does that mean you got
a beautiful green light, too?

-Yeah, we sure did. [chuckling]
-[all cheering]

I am literally on cloud nine right now
and I do not wanna get off this cloud.

So I got a question, is this exclusive?

-As in boyfriend and girlfriend?

Not yet.

We're baby-stepping.

[Dre] Louis might have changed,

but he didn't fully
give his commitment to Christine.

This just got real interesting.

-It is in that direction.
-[Dre] Got you.

Life out of the retreat,
we don't know how it's gonna work,

so it's better to try and make it work
as best we can.

-If it does, then that's the next step.

[Louis] I do care about Christine,

but we can't be boyfriend
and girlfriend right now.

That's a massive commitment
and I'm not sure if I'm ready.

[Desiree] Old Louis is like
the Terminator. Impossible to k*ll.

So let's just hope Alex has said
hasta la vista to his niggling doubts.

I was wondering if Alex was gonna ask me,

-but I just thought I'd ask...
-[Alex] Yeah.

...and change it up a bit.

-Why always the guy?
-I love that.

[Alex] I still can't believe it.

I haven't had time
to like mentally prepare.

'Cause if I'm totally honest,
I wasn't expecting it.

We've had the best date today

and it's easy to get caught up in that.

[Desiree] Oh, boy.
That doesn't sound good, Alex.

But the reality is starting to sink in.
It's gone from zero to 100.

If I'm honest,
this is moving too fast for me.

[Desiree] Lana, you're right.
Old habits do die hard.

So what are we gonna do
about these indecisive boys?


[Lana] Hello, Alex and Elys.

[both] Hi, Lana.

-[Lana chimes] Hello, Louis and Christine.
-Oh, shit.

No, no!

-[Lana] Louis.
-Yeah? What have I done now?

-[Lana] Alex.
-Yes, Lana?

[Lana] Please join me
in the cabana immediately.

I have some urgent business to attend to.

[Courtney] No, why?

She has urgent business to attend to?

-All right, see you later, guys.
-[Megan] Good luck.

-[Bryce] Stay positive, mate.

I'm so stressed out. What could that be?

What on earth could Lana possibly want?

I mean, we had such a good date.

I am confused and obviously
extremely nervous.

I'm very worried

because I don't know how "urgent business"
could be anything good.

What does Lana want with my man?

[suspenseful music playing]

[Alex] I'm so nervous.

I've literally no idea
as to what Lana wants right now.

This cannot be good.


Wait, what's going on?

Mate, it's driving me mad.
Why are you here?

Why are you here?

-What do you mean why? Lana...
-Lana just asked me to come.

[Louis] Lana never comes with good news.

The only emotion is tense.
Everything's tense.

I don't have a clue what Lana's gonna say.

I'm actually... I'm bricking it.
I'm bricking it.

I promise you, friends to friends,
we didn't do anything.

-We didn't rule break.
-I believe you. Yeah.

It's gotta be something good.

Alex is over there.
I gotta assume it's the same reason...

They just got back.

I don't know what Lana could be calling
Louis down there for.

-Especially with Alex.
-[Linzy] I know.

I mean, that makes me think
that it's not an issue.

I'm so confused.


[Lana] I was observing your dates.

Alex, I sensed your hesitancy
after committing to Elys,

and the doubts you have had as a result.

Things have happened really quickly.

Like, there's no doubt
we really like each other.

But I like to travel

and that just made previous relationships
really difficult.

My last relationship didn't end very well.

I'm almost kind of scared
of that commitment

and maybe the same thing happening again.

[Lana] Louis. Although you have
shown progress at my retreat,

it appears that you remain unsure

about what the future holds
for you and Christine.

I underestimated Lana.

She hears all, sees all, know all.

[Alex] What has she said to you?

Well, we spoke about, you know,
our past selves.

-I spoke how my past self is still there,

but the change is baby steps.

I just wanna keep on changing every day.

It's not that I can't commit.

I don't think
that I'm ready for commitment.

[Lana] Your indecision is not fair
on the girls,

which is why you must decide tonight,
one way or another,

to fully commit to Elys and Christine

or to return to the real world

and pursue other interests.


What does that mean?

[Lana] I am offering you
individually $25,000.

[chuckles nervously] Whoa.

[Lana] On the condition you leave
the retreat tonight without your partner.

[chuckling nervously] Oh, my God.

[Alex] This is a difficult choice.

Yes, I have my doubts

and so $25,000 is very tempting.


Oh, my God. That is a lot of money.

What isn't tempting about $25,000?

I would do a lot of things for $25,000.

And all I've gotta do is leave.

[Lana] Should you decide to remain
in the retreat with your partners,

you will forfeit your chance

to win the prize fund.

[Louis chuckles]

This cone can pull out tricks out the bag
like it's nothing.

That is ridiculous. That's the last thing
I thought she would have said.

Never put it past her.

[sighs] I don't know what to do.

Leaving is my only chance
to win some money,

but I do care about Elys.

It's a very, very,
very difficult decision.

[Lana] Is it love

or money?

-f*cking hell.
-Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

$25,000 is very tempting. This is tough.

[Lana] You have five minutes
to finalize your decision.

[clock ticking]

[Louis] Oh, no.

I really like Christine,
but I'd love money.

I can change a lot of shit with $25,000.

Yeah, I'm struggling a little bit.

Mate, I'm scrambled.
Absolute scrambled eggs.

I'm talking uncooked scrambled eggs.

No salt or pepper,

with a sprinkle of anxiety.

Maybe he'll come back
with some sort of gift.

Maybe like a nice bunch of flowers
or something.

Well, maybe she'll say, like,
"You can go to the suite now."

-[Megan] Yeah.

♪ I'm ready to show my hand... ♪

Mate, I'm so confused.

I could travel the world with that money.

[clock ticking]

-[Louis] We'll have to face it head-on.
-No, I don't know.

Christine, what's going through your head?

[Christine] I don't know.

Like, I don't know.


[ticking stops]

[Lana] Alex and Louis,

your time is up.

-Oh, mate, I'm actually well nervous.
-[Lana] Please tell me your decision.

Here we go.

[both] My decision is...

[Lana] I have noted your decision.

[chimes] Please join Louis and Alex
in the cabana.

-[Courtney] No, why?
-[Linzy] What?

-Here we go.
-No way.

[Dre groans]

Lana, this can't be good.

Oh, mate.

I really hope that I've made
the right decision tonight.

I'm very, very nervous.

Man, Alex and Louis just looks sketchy.

Oh, my God. What is going on?

Why do you look so nervous?

Do y'all have something to say?

I am panicking right now. I feel sick.

What have you done to him, Lana?

[suspenseful music playing]

[theme music playing]