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03x09 - The Last Supper

Posted: 04/18/24 17:24
by bunniefuu
["Sink or Swim" plays]

You clearly have more money than I do.

I never want to have to worry about money.

And, like, I definitely wanna do,
like, a prenup as well.

Alexa expects a lot out of life,

and I just want to make sure
she has somebody

that can give her, you know,
what she's grown up with.

I've heard, like, Nigerian culture is,
like, super traditional.

They usually marry Nigerian women.

-Raven is... Nigerian women here, Raven is...
-[SK laughs]

-[Macole] Way over there.
-All the way over there.

So how do your parents feel about it?

They aren't gonna come to the wedding.

[Ade] Mm.

We look like this freaking perfect match.

I was very impressed
when I saw you in person.

[Raven laughs]

No matter what I do,
like, I will never be your type,

and the fact that I love you
for who you are

but you don't love me for who I am...

I do love you though, and that's why
I proposed to you in the pods,

but looks f*cking matter.


For sure you would be the person
who I would go to in a bar.

I'd approach you in a bar too,
by the way. [chuckles]

For you to tell people that
they're attractive people,

as an engaged woman...

[chuckles] You're gonna tell me
you love me and shit like that,

but f*ck me, right?

It's not a game. It's my life.

If I'm gonna commit to somebody,
I gotta know she's with me 100%.

♪ As we set into the great unknown... ♪

I am sorry that
this whole thing has happened.

Yeah, I don't think you are.
I'm on team Matt with this whole thing.

Go marry Matt.

Go marry Colleen.

-So we should just swap fiancés.

Right now, there's no f*cking way
I can marry this woman.

♪ Will we sink or swim? ♪

[dramatic stinger]

[soft piano music plays]

[Colleen] Ballet is an intense art form.

It's physically and mentally demanding,

but also, it's kind of, like, my therapy

because it allows me to be clear
on what I'm feeling, what I'm thinking.

You watch that this isn't swinging too
much and pulling your shoulder forward,

losing the shape of the collarbone.


-["Give Up Now" plays]
-♪ Tick tock ♪[/i]

♪ Watching time that we've got ♪

♪ Forever that we thought
Fade into the past ♪

[Colleen] Last night with Matt
was very difficult.

So I came home,
and then I saw the bags packed,

and I was frustrated,

pissed off, and really disappointed

that something so dumb
would make him want to run.

And that's now the second time
that he was even thinking about leaving.

I kind of, like, gained some balls,

and I had to tell him,

"You need to realize that I could be gone.
I can only take so much."

And even though this is conflict
and these are hurdles,

and no matter how stupid or how big,
we're in this together and he cannot run.

He's gotta stop running.

[music intensifies]

I do believe that the emotional
connection that we built in the pods

is strong enough for us to get over this.

I know what I'm feeling,
and it's, like, 100% real.

I really do love him.

And I'm gonna be there.
I'm gonna grab his hand and we're gonna...

You know?
We're gonna fight for this together.

♪ I could give up now ♪

♪ But I don't really want to ♪

♪ 'Cause I really want you ♪

[music fades]

♪ Eyes wide shut ♪

♪ To what's right in front ♪

-♪ Where do we go from here? ♪
-[cell phone chimes][/i]

♪ Where do we go from here? ♪

♪ Lost the trust ♪

-♪ But we're still in love ♪
-[cell phone chimes][/i]

♪ Where do we go from here? ♪

[music fades]

[Bartise] I'm so overwhelmed
with everything,

starting with the ex-boyfriend being
very much involved in her business

when I didn't know he was that involved.

Moving into the abortion... I'm trying
to work through all these problems

and that's requiring so much energy,
mentally and, honestly, physically.

I come home freaking tired,
and she wants me to just jump her bones.

I'm like, "Listen, this is not
what I wanna do right now."

The fact that I'm trying to get through
a full bucket of problems

might be what's drawing me
back from you, physically.

'Cause I'm thinking about so much
other shit that's more important than sex.

But I think if I thought it wasn't
salvageable, I wouldn't be here anymore,

wasting anybody's time.

I... I know I love that girl.
I know we can have an amazing marriage.


-How are you?
-[Nancy] Good.

[inhales sharply]

Um, last night... Like, I did cry.

Just like, "Ugh!"
Like, it was like vomit cry.

[tense music playing]

Like, I'm supposed to trust that,

you know, you're here for,
like, our emotional connection.

I think that's where...

It just changed, like, my

image of... you.

[dramatic music plays]

[Bartise] I'm not asking you to change,
do anything you're not doing.

You're not going to do that, so...

As you get older, you go through life
and you have experiences with people.

Romantic, platonic, whatever.
Like, you just literally live life.

You go through financial struggle.

You go through just other things
that make you increase your tolerance

and your level of understanding
for the world and people.

But also, last night,
that was some immature shit to say,

like, in the most respectful way.


Even though I was feeling... I am feeling
those, like, lack of physical whatever,

I am here for you, I'm here for us.

And I think
the emotional connection that we have

can lead us to, like, greatness,
to saying, "I do."

If I didn't think that,
then I wouldn't be here anymore.

'Cause then we're both just wasting
each other's time.

That's why I wanna continue going through,
trying to remind myself

of why I fell in love with you
in the pods,

because what we have is real,
and it can be incredible.


[soft music plays]

But I am sorry that I hurt you.
I'm sorry you're wounded because of me.

-I did not want for that to happen.
-I know, baby.

[Bartise] I don't know if there's one
specific thing that we need to do

that's gonna help us get through this.

You know, I'm here to figure this out.

-[Nancy] Yeah.
-And I fully intend to do that.

I'll make that promise to you.


Let's get back to

just, like, us talking

and connecting.


And I don't think that this is,
like, unrepairable damage.

[Bartise] Mm-hmm.

So yeah, let's try it.

-I'm on board for trying everything.
-[Nancy] Okay.

[Bartise] Trying all of it.

-I still love you.
-I still love you too, obviously.

["My Heart" plays]

Yeah. A lot?

-A lot, a lot.

-A lot, a lot.
-Okay, good.

Give me a kiss.

♪ My heart... ♪

-I love you.
-[Nancy] Mm-hmm?

-Thank you.
-[Nancy] Mm-hmm?

-Thank you, baby.
I still love you just the way you are[/i]

♪ Give me all your bruises
And your scars ♪

♪ I love you just the way ♪

♪ Just the way, just the way you are ♪

[SK] Should I grab the cleaning supplies?
Get all this prepping?

-Here you go.
-[SK chuckles]

[Raven laughs]

-I'll leave you to it? [chuckles]
-Leave me to it?

-This is teamwork.
-I really don't trust you to, uh, clean.

[Raven] Spray it down, 'cause I'm coming
around with my phone flashlight. Yeah.

-[SK] Don't be like that.
-Sure am.

[SK] Don't bring
your flashlight over here.

[groans] I'm so tired from last night.

I know it sounds, like, so selfish.
I'm just, like, over everyone's drama.

Like, I get it.

Like, maybe we're boring, and of course,
like, we're not perfect, but, I'm like,

our issues are not this[/i] bad.

[funky bass line playing]

Cole and Zay, of course.

Bartise and Nancy
also had more drama yesterday.

[groaning intensely]

That was pretty interesting.

I just feel like our relationship
is more mature,

and more, like, on its own schedule.

[Raven] Exactly. But then,
I told you what Alexa told me last night,

that basically she was asked,
like, who would be the worst wife,

and she said me.

[chuckles] You think that was shade?

[Raven] I... No, I don't think
she meant it as shade.

She was like, "Raven's so independent,
blah, blah, blah,"

but it also does, like, make me sad

because it makes me question, like,
is there something wrong with me?

You know? Because I feel like...

It's just, like, this group of girls
so[/i] that way, and I'm not that way.

Just because you don't conform
to their own definition

of the perfect wifey material
doesn't mean there's anything wrong.

Um, I think the most important thing
is finding the guy

-that's on the same level as you.

-Which is me. You know? So...
-Yeah. Exactly.

It makes sense now, why you don't have

as much of a connection
with any of the other guys.

Yeah, that's actually such a good point.

Like, why I'm so different from the group,

because I'm like, y'all are clearly
looking at marriage as, like,

just so traditional.

Like, y'all all wanna be
a very traditional kind of wife.

Y'all all wanna stay home
and be stay-at-home moms.

They want that come home to your husband,
cook dinner for him...

-Like, take trips to Disney World...
-[SK chuckles]

Like, that's fine,
but that is just not who I am.

If I was like that,
you wouldn't have picked me.

Yeah, exactly. I'm like... You're not
describing my ideal woman right there.

-Exactly. But that's...
-It all makes sense now.

I think the definition of a good wife
is very relative.

-[Raven] Right?
-Everybody has their own, um, bar.

And the same thing with guys too.
Some guys are looking for that.

You know, stay-at-home mom,
move to the suburbs. [chuckles]

[Raven] It makes me thankful for you
because you affirm me that, like...

No, like, I'm trying to go work out.

Like, I'm trying to look hot for my man
and, like, go to Cabo on the weekends.

-[SK] Mm-hmm.

I'm not sitting at home worried about

my neighbors' gardens.

-Like, you know what I'm saying?
-Yeah. It's okay.

Meanwhile, I'm, like, trying to,
like, make a floral arrangement.

-This is why I buy this pre-made.
-[laughs] This is...

This is as wifey material as it gets.

It is not even that, 'cause I'm like...
What is going...? There's too many leaves.

[both laughing]

[Raven] Whatever, I know.
But thank you, babe.

One of the reasons why I fell in love
with Raven is really her uniqueness

from every other person.

Uh, she is not your normal, traditional,

basic girl, uh, that you can see
and define as the traditional wife,

uh, and that to me is very attractive.

I don't do simple. I don't do basic.

I have a treasure in my hands.
That's how I feel.

-["Forever" plays]
Can this be forever? ♪[/i]

♪ Can this be... ♪

It's okay. We're gonna...
We have our own world that we live in.

-We do.
-Doesn't have to be the same as everyone.

-Thank you.
-And we're gonna be as badass as we are.

-So... Yeah.
-[Raven] Thank you.

-[SK chuckles]
-[Raven] Give me a good one.

[laughing softly and kissing]

♪ Can this be forever? ♪


♪ I can do this forever... ♪

My lady. I have a thing for you.

-[Zanab] Mmm. Thank you.
-[music fades]

Just for you. First time
I've ever gotten you flowers.

[Zanab] Oh, I love them. Thank you.

You're welcome.

-[Zanab] They're very, very cute.

[Zanab] Thank you.

[Cole] I'm sorry that
I'm the worst... sometimes.

[somber music playing]

[Cole] I'm really sorry that I hurt you,

and I am sorry for not making you feel
like you're the only girl in the world

because I asked you to marry me...
and then I

messed that up, so...

I love you, and I am very, very sorry.

[music fades]

Thank you.

-["Crazy For You" plays]
Guess I'm just crazy, crazy ♪[/i]

♪ Crazy for you ♪

♪ I can't describe it ♪

♪ Just feel this vibe in ♪

♪ My body's shakin' ♪

♪ No, I can't hide it... ♪

I'm sorry if I never told you that.

[Zanab] Thanks.

I'm very sorry.
And unfortunately, just in the moment,

I said what I said, and, like,

I think you and I have cleared that up
to where it's, like...

You know that... I'm happily engaged to you.

[softly] Thank you.

-Do you guys have cheesecake?
-[server] Yeah.

-You're gonna love it.
-[Cole] Oh.

[server] It's... It's my favorite dish.

[Cole] Did I tell you
that you look amazing tonight?

-[Zanab] Never hurts to hear it again.

I appreciate the apology. We have moments
where I am so sure about you.

I have told two men
outside of my family that I love them,

in 31 years,

and I don't know how to tell you.

But I do absolutely love your heart
without a doubt,

like, in love with, like,
the man that you are.

We're getting married
in less than two weeks.

You're the only guy for me, Cole, so...

♪ Now the only crazy I am is for you... ♪

-[server] This is like a real cheesecake.
-This looks way more homemade.

-[Zanab] Fluffy. Thank you so much.
-[server] You're welcome.

Thank you.

-All right. Not at the same time, you...
-[Zanab laughs]

-Okay, You're right. Same time.
-No? One at a time.

-I'm gonna miss your mouth.
-No, it's happening. It's happening.

Ah... Go.

-[Zanab laughs]
-[soft guitar music plays]


Wait, so now I get the spoon.
Okay. Oh wait, no.

-Yeah, no, that one went in my mouth.
-[Zanab laughs]

How do you not want
to share a spoon with me...

-Okay, fine.
-...after everything? How?

What do you want me to lick right now?

[blows raspberry, giggles]

[inhales sharply, laughs] I can't...

I made her laugh!

[Zanab] That's probably my favorite
question you've ever asked me.



I don't know what Cole and I are gonna do
when we go home tonight,

but I'm not writing an intimate night
off the table.

I felt very beautiful tonight.
So I'm not saying no.

You eating dessert in a collared shirt
really does it for me.

Fantastic. Then let's get married.


What are we waiting on?

-Oh, you know.
-Can we speed this thing up?

-[Zanab laughs]
-Put me on an altar tomorrow.

-[Zanab laughs]
Feel like we owe it to ourselves ♪[/i]

♪ When we dive back into love
Love, love, love ♪

♪ When we dive back into love
Love, love, love... ♪

[Zanab chuckles]

[music fades]

[twangy guitar music plays]

-[woman] Is he an outgoing-type person?

That was actually a big thing for me...

'Cause you know us.
We're a group that likes to...

Or if we go out, like
the weekend starts on Thursday.

-[Alexa] Yeah.
-We need him to handle.

But also, like, I'm not gonna go out
as much as I did before, you know?

-Brennon's already changing you?
-Oh no.

[all laughing]

[Alexa] I'm super excited for Brennon
to hang out with my friends.

My girls and my gays.

I would definitely say that Brennon's
very different than my friend group.

-Can we get another shot, please?
-[all laughing]


[Alexa] They're super loud,
super honest, super blunt.

I want them to love him as much as I do.

I also want him to like them 'cause

they're probably gonna
be around a lot, constantly.

-[all laughing]

-[Alexa] Baby.
-How are y'all?

-[woman] Speaking of which...
-[Jared] Hey.

-Good to see you. We...
-[Alexa] Baby, you're...

[all laughing]

[Alex laughs] Um, hello?

-Kiss your wife, bitch.
-Love you.

-Whoo! What the f*ck?
-[friends laughing]


-Okay, get a room.
-Now you can say hi to everybody else.

-Hey, guys.

I was shocked when I first saw him.

I was like, "Who's this[/i] guy?
Like, is this one of the camera guys?"

I had no idea who he was

because I was not expecting him
to look like that, knowing her type.

He seems kinda very conservative.

How sexy does he look
after mama dressing him?

[friends chuckling]

-Say how f*cking sexy he is. Say it.
-Oh God.

You look great. [laughs]

So, Brennon, we heard a lot of,
um, the experience that you guys had

in the pods and all that.
But I wanna know ever since you came back,

what's your[/i] experience?
Like, living together...

-[Brennon] She's wonderful.
-Having Tito in the house, um...

-Arranging wedding, everything.
-[Jared] How so?

-Are you saying that 'cause she's here?
-It can't be all perfect.

I... I had a wedding. Can't be all perfect.

We do want to protect her as far...

-Like, as much as we can...
-Yeah, 100%.

And we want to get to know you
before we're giving her away.

Yes, absolutely.

Are you ready?
Are you ready to be a part of this?

Yeah. Y'all are... What, what's wrong?

-Nothing. I'm just...
-[/i]What is the issue? I'm marrying her.[/i]

-What? I won.
-[Jared] But are you excited...

-I clearly am the winner in the situation.
-But, Brennon...

Are you gonna say no if there's something
you find out that you don't like?

[Brennon] So, for me to get down
on a knee to somebody,

I would never...
I would never ask somebody if...

-If... That comes back to communication.
-Even if it bothers you?

We're just making sure,
at the end of the day,

that you're not gonna walk away

because you're just doing this
to make
her[/i] happy.

Then when it comes down to the aisle,
reality hits in and you're like,

-"Wow, I've been doing it for her..."
-"Her family's f*cking insane..."

-"I can't stand her dad, or..."
-[Orel] "I didn't think about myself."

Don't walk away 'cause of cold feet.

I wouldn't have proposed to her

if I wasn't sure
that I was ready to say "I do."

♪ You're gonna have to work, work
Show me that you're worth it ♪

♪ I don't quit easily ♪

♪ But I'll love you so hard ♪

♪ I'll love you so hard ♪

♪ I know what you feel, feel
Could be something real ♪

♪ Give me more of that chemistry... ♪

-Got a bottle opener here? Do you know?
-I'm nervous.

-Are you? Are you nervous?
-Yeah, I am.

-Yeah, do you not see me pacing a little?
-A little bit.

-[cork pops]
-[/i]You'll be a'ight.

Yeah, you'll be all right.

Matt has gone through such a hard past.

You know, finding out your spouse
cheated on you and got pregnant.

His trust was betrayed, and he's expressed

that he hasn't been able to be,
like, vulnerable with anybody

since that relationship.

And I think he's just scared
to go through another divorce,

and I'm curious if he's ready
to jump into a serious relationship.

Because I wouldn't blame him if he wasn't.

-[Matt] Look at these guys.
-What's up, buddy?

-[Colleen] Hi!
-Oh my gosh.

-How are you? Reid. Nice to meet you.
-Let me give you a hug.

Nice to meet you! Oh my goodness. Hi.

-[Tyler] Nice to meet you. How you doing?
-Hi. Nice to meet you.

I'm just interested to see
how his friends feel

because they see a different side of Matt.

I do love him, but of course
there's a little voice in my head

where it makes me question, you know,
if love is enough for marriage.

So what made you pick her?

We were able to talk,
we were able to laugh,

and we were able to relate
on just... just about everything.

You know? And it was...
I think it was more of a feeling.

I don't really talk about my feelings.
Not that I don't want to.

It's just, like,
I don't know where to begin, honestly.

He would just talk me through, like,

how to be vulnerable
and what's important in a relationship.

[Matt] You helped me do the same thing.
You helped me break down my walls too.

'Cause y'all know me. I have not been
dating, I've not been doing any of that.

-It has been...
-He knows. [chuckles]

Have you guys seen him
with somebody since his long relationship?

-[Matt] She knows all...
-[Colleen] Yeah.

-Absolutely. She knows all about that.
-[Tyler] Not even a little...

I mean, the answer's no.

[Tyler] He's just been working on himself.
Not even like a date, really.

-I mean, maybe one or two.
-[Matt] Right.

-[Colleen] Yeah.
-It's just been...

Y'all know me. Even the few dates
that y'all would go see me go on...

Like, for instance,
Fitz calls me Two-date Matt.

I'd go on a date or two dates,
then I would shut down.

You know? And it was...
I was unable to kind of continue that,

go on a next date and commit myself.
And I think with her,

she was able to completely
knock those walls down

and kind of allow me to really open up,

kind of become vulnerable again
and it was, uh...

-You know what you're looking for. So...
-[Matt] Yeah.

And it comes back to that feeling. Like,
when you're able to kinda be vulnerable

and open up about everything, it's...

-[Reid] Well, it's real.
-Yeah, it's all real, man. Yeah.

He's been waiting on this moment.
So it's like he took advantage of it,

and it's cool to see it pay off.


My ex and I, we met when we were 15,
um, in high school.

She was the one person
that knew the most about me.

She knew literally everything about me.

And at the end of that relationship,
she called me. I knew something was wrong.

I knew exactly what it was.

I don't know why, but I knew exactly.
She told me. She was like, um...

She was crying and said
she was cheating on me

and ended up getting pregnant
with the guy that she cheated on me with.

And I just kinda...

I knew it, and it just kinda...
It was just like everything sunk.

It was like your whole body sunk, and,
uh, that was the last I heard from her.

I don't think you ever
fully get over it, um,

but it does change you,
and it can be a good or a bad way.

-[Colleen] I mean, we have our issues.
-Yeah, of course.

-[Reid] Yeah.
-[Matt] Shut the f*ck up, Reid.

[Matt laughs]

[Colleen] We have our problems
that we need to...

You know,
that we're dealing with or whatever.

Are we arguing
about small things or big things?

-[Matt] Small.
-Everything that we have...

Like, had, like, a hiccup on
has been small, I would say. Right?

[Matt] I would say the first one
could've been big,

but we worked through it.

We worked through it.
There's been, like, a few times.

-[Reid] Thirteen, specifically.
-[laughs] Specifically.

It was two times, all right?
It was only two times.


[Reid] We don't wanna hear your side.
I wanna hear hers. I know your side.

You yell. So...

[all laughing]

-What happened, Colleen?
-[Reid] Where we going?

-[Reid] Take us.

[Colleen] As a group,
we're like, let's go to the club

after, like, this little party
that we're doing.

And the girls went in one Uber,
the boys went in the other.

And we're waiting for them
and we FaceTimed you,

but you don't remember the FaceTime.

And we said, "Where are you guys?"
"Oh, we went back to the apartment."

So we're like, "Okay, girls night."

Then we FaceTime him again,
and I guess he sees, like, the club.

And then he gets very mad. Dot-dot-dot,
he blows up my phone and then...

We're just...
We're just getting deep, aren't we?

-No, it's a funny story now.
-[Tyler] What'd she say? "Dot-dot-dot."

-He packs up the bags and he peaces out.
-[Reid] You left?

-No, I unpacked.
-Go to the next room? You were at a hotel.

Yeah. You're like that little kid
that tells his parents, "I'm leaving."

When they get mad.
And he's coming right back.

Go down the street, like,
"They're not chasing me,

so let me turn around
and go back." [laughs]

[Tyler] "Wait, I messed up."

Jesus Christ. Anyways...

-[somber music plays]
-[Matt groans]

As bad as this sounds, you know, some...

I feel like, um,
throughout this experiment,

you start to get scared
and you start to fear...

Am I really making this right decision?
Is this what's best for me?

And I think that maybe

I was blowing things out of proportion
'cause I was looking for an out.

You know, he wanted to peace out,
and I was like, "I mean, I love you."

I'm not just gonna, like, let that happen.

-[Tyler] Matt's 95% talk.
-[Reid] Ol' Matty Slice.

-[Tyler] Matt is 95% talk.


[Tyler] Let him just blabber at the mouth
for 20 minutes and he's right back.

But, I mean, if we know this guy,

he would've already done it by now,
if he didn't have feelings.

-Right? So, like, that's just...
-That actually hits. That...

-[Reid] I am not...
-That hits from our conversations.

I'll argue with this guy every single day.

-[Matt] Yeah.
-I love arguing with this guy.

But in the end, like, he would.

-He's an emotional guy.
-[Matt] Right.

-[Matt] You will see it.
-In a good way.

-In a good way, yes.
-So... He just cares.

[Matt] Colleen is, uh...

She's the one I want to be with.
She is, uh... She's the love of my life.

And so I think, going forward...
I think she feels the same way.

Honestly, like, even though
our little, like, hiccups have sucked...

-[Matt] Mm-hmm.
-...I'm glad that we've been able to, like,

deal with something so that we know
how to deal with each other.

Are you gonna say yes or what?

-["Stone Cold Floor" plays]

Just go right at it. Oh man.

[Colleen] Every relationship has, like,
their own, like, pace with things.

I know that it's important
to think about that kind of stuff.

But you were letting
that pressure kind of, like, get to you.

And I hate saying "day by day,"
but, like, literally,

just, like, every day,
like, talking about it still,

seeing how we feel,

and I'm, like, massively
in love with this guy, you know?

So it's just...

♪ I hit the stone cold floor ♪

♪ I keep hiding myself ♪

♪ 'Cause my mind just can't take it ♪

♪ I can't go anymore ♪

[song fades out]

-[woman 1] Hello.

-Hello. Good afternoon. How are you doing?
-[Ade] Hi.

-How are you?
-I'm doing good.

Anything I can do for you guys?

We have a bride.

-[woman 2] She's looking for her

-[Muti] Okay.
-Aso-oke Gele.[/i]

-Aso-oke Gele. Okay.[/i]

-What color are you exactly looking for?
-[Raven] Um...

Like champagne or cream or beige?

Right there behind you.

I've never, you know, had a Gele[/i] on,
or a turban or anything,

and it's a look.

Without these, there's no wedding
in Yoruba-land.

-[Queen] Yeah.

I'm trying to be open-minded.

["One & Only" plays]

-[Ade] Hold this for me, please.
-[Raven] Yes.

Are you gonna put on
a Nigerian dress though?

Um, no.

[music halts]

[Queen] Okay, I've never seen
that done before.

♪ You're that all that I want ♪

♪ All that I want ♪

You're that all that I need... ♪[/i]

Oh my gosh.

-[Muti] You can bend down a little.

[Queen] Yeah.

♪ You're my every dream ♪

♪ Be my one and only ♪


-This is just perfect.
-[Ade] This is gravy for me.

-[Queen] For real.
-[all laughing]

Oh yeah! It's so pretty!

I love it. Oh my God.
I feel like Cardi B or something.

[Queen] Okurr!

Oh yeah, right? Okurr.

[all laughing]

-Yay, I love.

Oh my gosh. Yes.

An actual Yoruba woman.

[Raven] I know.

You even resemble a Yoruba woman.

I see it in the face.

-[Queen] Who, her?

-[Ade] Yes, see?
-Yeah? I do?

-Honestly, yes. It's the eyebrows.

This is my Raven, you know?

Yeah. That's it.

I have Nigerian eyebrows? Thank you.

[all laughing]

-[Muti] You can hold this one this way.
-[Ade] Yes.

-[Queen] Is that a Yoruba thing?
-[Ade] Yeah. You will carry.

If you're walking into the hall
for the reception...

you can just hold it.

There will be music,
and you'll just be doing this.

-[light dance music plays]
-Dance with it.


-[Muti] Yup.

Cool. Yeah.

But I don't want to do,
like, a whole Nigerian wedding.

Like, I feel like

that would not be representative
of anything of me either,

you know what I'm saying?

-Kind of.

Are you excited
to be a Yoruba Nigerian wife?


[Queen] One piece of advice
that I learned before we got married,

make sure you always have food
in the house.

That, for sure... I mean,
that's not one of your major duties.

-[Raven] And that's what you do?

-[Queen] Always have some rice and stew.

Meat pie, um, egusi, efo...[/i]

-[Muti] Efo riro. [/i]There you go.
-[Queen] Yeah.

[Muti] Yeah, definitely, it's easy.
Within an hour you can just do that.

It's very fast.

[Muti] Men are like babies, you know.

You have to pamper.

They love to be pampered.

[tense music playing]


[Queen] So the food thing...

-Um, the respect... thing.
-[Raven] Like, what do you mean?

Yeah, that is very, very important.


Thank you for that.

[Queen] When you're out in public
and maybe he's not there,

you wanna be respectful
of the family name, basically, now.

So when it comes to how you're interacting
with other men, or just doing things,

like, you don't want stuff
to get back to him

about how you were gallivanting
all across Dallas.

You don't wanna, like, cause any drama
that's gonna distract him

from being able to provide for you,
the kids, stuff like that.

You really, really have to
humble yourself though.

-["True Colors" plays]
-Yes. Humble, respectful...

No matter how much money you make...

let the man be the man.

[Ade] Yeah.

If you make more money than him...

You have to bow... have to humble yourself.

You know, that's it.

To all men.

♪ Show you my true colors ♪

Oh my gosh.

♪ Show you, show you ♪

♪ Exposed and uncovered ♪

♪ Show you, show you ♪

[song fades out]

-["Higher" plays]
We're gonna go higher, higher... ♪[/i]

-When's the wedding date?
-The wedding is next Thursday.

-[woman] Next Thursday! Awesome.
-July 1st.

Planning on doing any of these moves
in your wedding dance?

-If we learn something we like, we might.

-[woman] Hopefully you'll learn something.
-Let's see, right?

When I was going through
everything emotionally

with... with the physical,

the ex-boyfriend, and the abortion,
it was a lot so fast.

So, I mean, if I seemed checked out,
it's because I might've been a little

because I was emotionally and mentally

going through all that stuff
and not showing her anything physical.

But now, we've had a stretch of good days,
a stretch of great days.

I want wholeheartedly to... to continue
to love Nancy and for Nancy to love me,

and get to the wedding, and say "I do,"
and live happily ever after.

I'm gonna have you guys learn
a couple steps on your own.

-And then I'll put you guys together.

Which is the fun part. Go ahead. Stretch.


-One, two, three, and hold.
-[salsa music plays]

One, two, three.
Five, six, seven, and here we go.

One, two, three. Five, six, seven.

One, two, three. Five, six, seven.

One, two, three. Five, six, seven.

-[Nancy] Good job, baby!
-One, two, three. This is great!

-I'm gonna lose it here. I can feel it.
-One, two, three. Five, six, seven. Right.

-[salsa music tempo slows]
-Three and five, six, seven.

And a one, two, three. Five, six, seven...

We're all f*cked up now. All right.

[all laughing]

[upbeat Spanish hip-hop playing]

Remember, Bartise,
hold her close to your body.

Right up against your left thigh.

-Close to your body. Boom.
-[Nancy squeals, laughs]

Yeah! [laughs]

I think Nancy, honestly...

Don't tell her I said this,
she's a better dancer than me.

-[music fades]

-So you wanna do that at our wedding?
-I would like to practice a little more.

-But those moves and the dip, definitely...
-Ah! The dip is so good.

How do you feel
about the wedding being in, like, days?

-Eight days?
-Eight days away. Wow.

Look where we were after that party,
and look where we are now.

And then we still have eight days.
Like, where can we be?

-[Nancy] Okay. Yeah.

Then we'll get to... somewhere amazing,
somewhere incredible in eight days,

and I think we're making steps
towards that and this was kinda like the,

"Please take me back,"
and "Please! Hey, I'm sorry," you know?

But I wanted to show you
that I'm here for you, here for us.

In marriage. Went from talking
to your parents, to my parents,

I've realized that you have to...

It's not always gonna get better
if you don't do anything.

-I want you to have fun.

I wanna be having fun with you. I want you
to be happy. I wanna make you happy.

Hopefully I can continue
to make you happy for a long time.

-["Fall Into Me" plays]
-♪ Then you saw me for me ♪[/i]

♪ Made me believe in myself... ♪

I just appreciate that you're opening...

You continue to leave your heart
and your mind open for...

Mm-hmm. For you.

♪ Fall into me ♪

♪ And I'll catch you, darling ♪

♪ We'll dance in the street... ♪

-Wanna do more moves?

-More moves? Come on.
-Let's do it.

-[Bartise] I might've forgot everything.
-[Nancy laughs]

♪ Fall into me ♪

-♪ And I'll catch you, darling ♪
-[Nancy laughs][/i]

-♪ Let's dance in the street... ♪
-[both laughing][/i]

[Bartise] I love you.

♪ It's just you and me ♪

♪ And the song on repeat in my head ♪

♪ Playing over and over again ♪

Cute lock bridge.


-I feel like there'll be room for ours.
-Bunches of locks.

-♪ I'm falling in love with you ♪
-[song fades][/i]

[Cole] We're gonna stick ours
right in the middle.

[Zanab] Oh, it is cute.

-All right, you can write.

[Zanab] This is not much canvas
to work with at all.

-[emotional music plays]
-[Cole] After I apologized,

Zanab gifted me a lock

and had this incredible meaning behind it.
It's actually a lock that we can travel

to a lot of places in the world
and there's bridges

that everyone locks a lock on it.

And it's a way
that we can kind of leave our mark,

or our fingerprint,
everywhere we go together.

Kind of just pinpointing,
our love stays here.

Our love was here. Our love was there.

And she, like,
has this whole idea for that,

and I was like,
"That's a really sweet idea."

I'm over here,
I gave her a key to my apartment. Like...


What did you write?

[Zanab] "To pod love."

[Cole] "To pod love."

[Zanab] Mm.

[Cole] All right,
I'm gonna put the little... heart.

-[soft music plays]
-[Zanab chuckles]

What are the chances you think
we'll be able to come back and find this?

[Cole] Hopefully good.

[Zanab] 'Cause when you lock
something on here,

-you're basically saying...
-[Cole] Never taking it off?

[Zanab] ...that our love is indestructible.

-[Cole] Like...
-[Zanab] Okay, do not drop it. [gasps]

-[water splashes]
-[music halts]

-[Zanab laughs]

It literally didn't fit.


That went really well.


Now I can't say sweet things.
Now, what does this even mean?


Because you were on this side,
I saw it happening.

I said, "Whatever you do, do not drop it."

Oh my gosh. I feel so dumb,

except for the fact
that I have your actual gift right here.

What? How did you do that? [laughs]

[soft guitar music plays]

Oh, that is so awful!

-What? Why...

I'm, like, shaking for some reason.
I thought I dropped the wrong one.

-You're making me shake now.
-[Cole giggles]

-It's on there.
-[Zanab] This is so cute.

[Cole] It is. It looks really good.

I feel like we should... do something.

Maybe, like, get rid of the keys
so we don't have to take this sucker off?

There we go.

-[chuckles] That was really beautiful.
-[Cole snickers]

Look at us lockin' up our love.

On a serious note... I spoke to my parents,

and they genuinely were like,
"We'd love to meet her."

"We just feel like we'd love to meet Zay
once y'all are married."

And they are okay meeting me
after we are married?

One hundred percent.

-And your heart is at peace with that?
-It's not ideal.

I wouldn't have drawn it up that way.
I don't
want[/i] to do that.

I'd much rather have them there,
but it's something that we talked about.

As in, "Y'all do realize that I'm having a
wedding and y'all aren't gonna be there."

So it's like, "Yes, we understand that."

[Zanab] Mm-hmm.

-I know that's hard for you.

I know you want to meet them
before the wedding,

but in some ways,
it's like I have their blessing now.

Like, I've certainly
always imagined, like,

my groom's family being there, for sure.

So it's definitely... it's definitely
not what I ever, like, imagined.

Or, I guess, would've, like,
really hoped for

in an engagement or a... or a wedding.

But we made the decision to do this
and not everyone else did. So...

[Cole] Yeah. As long
as you're still in love with me,

I'm still moving
towards that wedding day with you.

I know I love you.

That's not, like, up for question. So...

Just if I want to deal
with your ass forever.


Well, you wore my favorite
overalls outfit today, so...

-I did.
-Easy yes for me.

[Zanab] Hm.

[romantic pop music playing]

-I'm really into these sweaty kisses now.
-Are you?

-Where you going? Where you going?

Getting away from your sweaty mouth.

-It's dripping into my mouth.
-[Cole] You don't like it?

[Zanab] Ready to get out of this heat?

-[Cole] Yeah, let's do it.
-[Zanab] Okay, let's go.

Good measure. It's on there.

-[upbeat pop music plays]
It's you and I ♪[/i]

♪ It's beautiful ♪

♪ Sure to cross the universe ♪

♪ And the world comes alive... ♪

-Nice. Oh my gosh.
-I mean...

Today is so special.
You know, it's my wedding dress.

[Colleen squeals]

I can't believe how close I am.
Our wedding is in one week.

-Hi, friend.

Yes, another time.
Okay, this is my friend Maddie.

I have no words. I'm so excited.
Can't get the smile off my face.

-[Aliyah] This is your section.
-Yeah, this is my... Everything tight...

-[Aliyah] Yup.

-Look at the train. Oh my God.
-You are a princess.

-[cork pops]
-[all exclaim]

[Alexa] Yes, baby!


[all] Congratulations.

-[Cole] Too late to back out now, boys.
-[all laughing]

-[Amalia] Cheers.
-Such harsh terms.

[all laughing]

[upbeat pop music plays]

-[tailor] This one's gonna be slim.

-I'm gonna pop it a little bit.
-[Amalia] What do you think, Bartise?

Whoa, that was nice.

So I guess this would be the fit.
I love how it fits in the chest.

-[Bartise] Definitely a white top.

[tailor] I don't have this in stock,
but I know I'll have it fitted for you.

[Bartise] That's good right there.

-[tailor] There you go.

-How are you feeling, Bartise?
-I like this.

You ready for the big day?

-The big day? I can't...
-It's your wedding.

-I can't believe that we're doing this.
-I know.

It feels incredible sharing this moment
of finding a tux

for my wedding with my sister

because she's been my ride-or-die
literally since she was born.

But I think my sister
is the most skeptical.

-Where is your head?
-So we go through the vacation getaway.

It's a crazy high, right?

The first thing we do after the vacation,
we get our phones back.

I'm sending... I'm FaceTiming you.
I'm sending pictures to the boys, right?

And some of the responses I was getting
from, like, my closest friends

were just like, one,

"Bro, whoa. What are you doing?"
kinda thing, right?

The real world did diminish the spark.

Don't let people be in your ear
about that stuff.

She's beautiful. Nancy's beautiful.
Maybe not the girl you'd have gone for

in the real world. That's why you're here.
It wasn't working in the real world.

Bartise, let's take a look.
What are you wearing today?

You don't care about looks. Let's be real.

-You're not that superficial guy.

-Now we're... in a great spot, physically.
-A week from getting married.

-A week from getting married. Hell yeah.
-This is a big day for you.

It's a big day for our family.
Her family as well.

[gentle music playing]

Our family's biggest concern is
for you to love your woman, your wife,

and for you be happy.
We're gonna support you 100%

throughout your decision.

It's comfortable with her,
it's natural with her, it's easy with her.

The disagreements that we're having,
they're easy to talk about.

Mom and Daddy just care to see me happy.
And clearly, I'm happy, right?

And even with you, what we talked about
at the family meeting

was the biggest problem
that we've had so far.

If I can continue to show you guys
the love that I feel for her,

I think it would be enough
for your approval, at least.

[Amalia] I can see how much
Nancy's made you grow,

and you told me, like,
you wouldn't propose just to propose.

-You had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

to meet someone before seeing them.

And I'm gonna challenge you.

Don't let the real world ruin your magic,
ruin that spark.

There's something there.
Keep that. Fight for that.

'Cause marriage is forever.

We're planning on getting to the wedding,
saying I do, and having an amazing life.

We'll be happy looking at each other
walking down the aisle.

Everybody's gonna be crying.
It's gonna be crazy.

["This Love" plays]

-I'm proud of you. I'm excited for you.
-Thank you.

♪ This love, this love ♪

♪ Nothing quite like it... ♪

I'm just trying to picture myself...

on that day...

not to hurt him...

if he say no!

[all laughing]

Bartise was having a hard time
putting together

his physical lack of connection with me

with our emotional connection.

Overnight, he completely changed.

He started being more attentive,
being more physical,

really trying
to make that physical connection work.

And now,
over the last few days, it's like...

This is like the Bartise
that I fell in love with.

["Love Me Like That" playing]

Are you crying already?
Get it together, Mom.

I was preparing myself.
You're still my baby, all right?

-[Zanab] Aww.
-With the first dress.

In her life.

[Nancy] My mom is so excited,

and I think the fact that she's by my side
makes me even more happy

because this is big for her.

Her only daughter is getting married.

[gasps] Hi!

Oh my God.

[all exclaiming happily]

I love that.
That's you right there, baby girl.

That's you.

That's fancy Nancy.

Even with nothing on your hair,
it's just, like, sparkles.


My gosh.

♪ When you love, when you love ♪

-[Nancy] Why are you crying?
-She was crying before you got out here.

-[Nancy] It's not me, then.
-[all laugh]

[Nancy] Oh f*ck!

[all laughing]


It is so sexy.

Very sexy.

-[clicking tongue]

Ooh! Go, girl.


I'm so excited for her
that she's in this part where she's at,

where she's picking a dress.

That's my only daughter
and that was my princess.

Look at her in a white dress,
that was everything for me.

I saw her happiness on her.

-This is it. This is my dress.
-[Erendira] Yay.

And I can dance.

Go, baby! Go, baby! You got it.

[Nancy] I hope Bartise doesn't faint.


[chuckles and sighs]

-We're getting fitted.
-[Matt] Yeah.

-It's getting close.
-It is.

I don't think I've asked you, but, like...
What's your favorite thing about her?

It's absolutely her personality, man.
She is just...

She doesn't...

I mean, I haven't seen her
get upset at all.

She's such a...

-Just a happy, bubbly person.

We wake up, she'll just be smiling,
bouncing on the bed.

She's just your type.
She's a little shit-talker.

-Of course. Yeah. Love it.
-And that fits right in.

We're in a really good spot right now,
still taking it day by day

and really growing and experiencing
the growth with each other.

But the emotions are high.
I think putting on the suit today

really kinda solidified
that we're a week away.

Time is ticking. [chuckles]

If she doesn't marry you, I will.

[both laughing]

[upbeat music plays]

I've never been in a bridal shop before.
I've never put on a dress before.

So it's something that I've always
dreamed of as a little girl,

putting on that dress. So I'm so excited.

[music fades]

[all gasping and squealing]

-[all exclaiming]

Look at my little princesa[/i].

Oh, Colleen. Oh my gosh.

[Maddie] I love it.

I didn't think I would like the, like,
wider skirt, but it looks so pretty.

This is the one dress that I will remember
for the rest of my life.

-["Give You Love" plays]
-♪ Your smile is an ocean... ♪[/i]

-Oh, okay. Okay!

Oh my God. So pretty.

[Maddie] It's so pretty.
You look like a bride.

-Like you're about to walk down the aisle.
-Yes, this is my dress.

I'm officially a bride, y'all.

[all cheering]

[Alexa] Yass, girl!

♪ Give mе crazy, all your amazing ♪

♪ Whatever you give me... ♪

Oh my God. Matt's gonna lose his marbles.

[all exclaiming and applauding]

[song fades]

We're trying to, like, infuse, like,
both cultures into the wedding.

So I'm not wearing a tux.

I'm wearing, like, the traditional
Nigerian Agbada outfit.

That's the one right there.

[AB] Whoo! [chuckles]

Okay, okay. There you go.

-All right.
-[AB] Ooh. Bro, this is...

-[both chuckling]
-[man] Fire.

-Bro, I can't wait.
-Oh yeah?

-Yo, it's the shoulders for me.
-Bro, we gotta get that shoulder up a bit.

The shoulder's gotta be up.
Okay, this is the one. This is the one.

And then she's still wearing
her wedding dress,

but then she's gonna have,
like, the Nigerian head tie kinda...

-Oh, okay. Yeah.
-[SK] I'm trying to merge.

-Find a good balance of both of 'em.
-[Bartise] I like that a lot. Cool.

[SK] In our culture,
there are a lot of, like, traditions,

but they're very, very graceful about...

You know, if you don't
do it right, it's okay.

They don't expect you
to show up with like...

You know, and know everything
from day one.

So they will teach you,
and they're always very excited.

I just had to really understand that,
as much as we're trying to merge

an American
and a Nigerian wedding together,

it is very important for me
that my future partner is very, very aware

and sensitive to all the cultural nuances

that comes with having...
marrying someone who is Nigerian.

I think I found the right person in Raven,
and I cannot wait for our big day to come.

-She's very excited about it.
-That's great.

[all chuckling]

[gentle harp music playing]

[Raven] Meow, meow, meow!

Oh wow.

[Alexa] Okay, Raven.

-[Zanab] Raven.
-[woman] It's gorgeous.

Because your hair is gonna be up,
you know, we need to show something.

Like, I know it's a Nigerian wedding,

but baby, we gon' put
some American twist on it.

-We are.
-[all laughing]

Like the titties.

[Raven] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

SK and I are doing a lot of traditional
Nigerian things in our wedding,

but for me, like, the wedding dress
is just so important.

I've always been super excited to wear one
and really have looked forward to it,

so it's something that I never really
even considered compromising on.

I definitely want SK to be like,
"Damn, like, my wife is super hot."

-I like the shape. Yeah.
-[Aliyah] The shape fits your body.

-It gives you a little waist, honey.
-[Raven] A little curve. Yeah.

I'm like, it's not enough boob.

I'm like, can y'all cut the mesh out?

[Raven laughs] I wanna cut the mesh out,
and I wanna make it go a lot lower.

-[Aliyah] To the belly button.

You look like sexy Cinderella.

Like Cinderella after hours.

[Aliyah and Raven laugh]

I think if anyone can make
that simple of a dress look great,

it's you and it's your body.

Thank you. I think this is the one.

It looks, like, beautiful.

[Alexa] Gorgeous.

♪ This is the one ♪

-♪ This is the one ♪[/i]

♪ This is the one I been waiting for ♪

-♪ I think I'm in love ♪
-[song fades][/i]

I'm excited, bro. We gonna look sharp.

-I know.
-We're gonna look super sharp.

-Cheers to you getting married, bro.
-Cheers, buddy. Yeah.

-Ever think that would happen?
-Not a chance.

-I did not.
-I didn't think it'd happen either.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it.

Honestly, I thought you would be
one of... the last brother to get married.

-Oh, facts. Yeah.
-You get cold feet, you're like... [groans]

-[Jaden chuckles]

I'm, like, super freaking excited.

After meeting her family,
it was freaking awesome.

-They're, like, legit just like us.

We're a unique family.
She went to the farm.

-Like, she was at...
-Away from her comfort zone.

Away from her comfort zone.
She handled that awesome.

It was really cool.

That's why I'm super excited
for her to be a part of the family.


[Cara] I know that's
gonna be your favorite.

It just looks like a tablecloth.

[friends chattering]

[Cara] I know that's
gonna be your favorite.

[woman] What is that?

Does anyone know how big I am?
You can't add that to me.

[friends chuckling]

Can we look at my pictures that I sent in?
Did I f*ck up?

[woman] This one's cute.
You say you want plain?

[Alexa] No, I hate that.

I'm not trying those on.
I'm telling you right now.

[Cara laughs] I hate this for you.

-No, no, no, no, no.

No... And that's the end.

[Alexa] I'm not, like, a sequin girl.
I don't want a lot of, like, tulle.

I'm definitely not looking for,
like, the princessy thing.

I'm like the least bridezilla person ever.
All I ask for is the perfect dress.

-I'm gonna look like this, like, Muppet.
-[friends laughing]

We're definitely looking for a sexy dress,
um, 'cause I'm a little curvy.

I think everybody has seen that,
and so I definitely want something tight

and, you know, that shows all that off
and maybe gives me some boobs,

since I don't have that.
So just a little oomph.

I want him to feel like,
"Oh damn, like, 100%, she's the one."

Like, I hope he does that every day,

but, like, especially
the day of the wedding.

I like this.

[all exclaiming]

Oh my gosh.

-[soft guitar music plays]
-[Alexa] Oh, it's so pretty.

-[Zanab] There we go.
-[Nancy] Yeah.


-How do you feel?

-I feel really good in it.
-Aww, so beautiful.

-Like, it's a very Alexa dress.
-[woman] It is.

It is so you, baby.

Simple, but the...

But sexy too? It's, like,
the perfect amount of cleavage.

It's, like, sexy and classy and elegant,
like, all in the same...

Oh, I'm shaking. That's cute.

[all] Aww!

It's a lot, you know?

-It's so beautiful.
-[Cara] Yeah, so beautiful.

-I feel like I'm gonna cry.
-[Alexa laughs] You know what, stop it.

-[all laughing]
-[Alexa] Ah-ah, mm-mm.

We're not doing it. We're not doing it.

I think I'm just, like, taken aback.
She's so beautiful.


I cannot right now.

-[all laughing]
-[Alexa] It's a lot.

We told each other we're not gonna be
the emotional people. We make fun of them.

Oh my God. Stop.

-You wanna do hugs? We can do hugsies.

[Alexa and Cara laughing]

Love you, baby.

You look so pretty.

Thank you. Thank you.

[upbeat music playing]

I bet Zay wouldn't mind this
on the wedding day.


I'm feeling much better
about my wedding day

than I was a few days ago.

And a lot of that has to do with
where Zay and I are at.

You know? We are in great terms.

We're, like... Our love is growing,
and so I think for me, it's like...

I actually feel
like a weight has been lifted.

That, like, we've made it
through the thick of our issues.

And now, I feel a lot better about this,

and I don't feel like
I'm having to beat around any bushes.

Like, she knows where I stand.
My people know where I stand.

Like, I really am looking forward
to this wedding day.

-Do y'all have any velvet?
-I do have this.


I like that.

This has been absolutely astounding.

[chuckles] Wow.

I think she would... she would lose her mind

if I wore something this flashy.

-What did she say?
-Black or navy.

Black or navy? Yeah.

Yeah, she didn't want me going
any outside of those lines.


So she's trying on wedding gowns today.

It's gonna be super emotional for her

because her mom and dad
aren't gonna be there for it, and so...

Yeah, that's a big moment.

[Cole] And her sister's
not gonna be able to make it

to our wedding now because of flights.

So she's super emotional about that.

So yeah, I'm gonna stick
to the navy or the black

'cause I don't wanna make this day
any more stressful.

[ethereal pop music plays]

♪ It's a brand new day... ♪

[Zanab] I don't think I like that one.
This one is so pretty.

[Beverly] So how's it been going?

[Zanab] I feel like we turned a corner,
and so it's nice to be in that headspace

to do this today
because I feel much more like,

"Yes, I want to put on
a bridal dress for him."

Okay, which one is your fave?
'Cause I'll put on one for you.

[Beverly] I don't know.
Which do you think your mum would like?

[emotional piano music plays]

[Zanab] I've gotten really sad about that.

[Beverly] I know.

[Zanab] I don't know. I don't know
which one she would like, Mom.

-[Beverly] She would like them all.
-I know she would. She would, right?

-She would like them all. [chuckles]
-She would like them all.

[Zanab] I lost my parents at a young age,

so today is
one of those bittersweet moments

where I'm absolutely thinking about my mum
and I'm really missing my sister.

Whenever I've pictured this day,
I've absolutely included it

with the most important women in my life,

so it's hard not having
either of them here today.

Um, but I know my mum's with me,
and we'll get my sister on a video call

so she can see my dress.

-[cell phone rings, chimes]
-[distorted audio]

[Beverly] Okay, she's in there
changing right now.

Okay. It's exciting. I'm excited.

I know.

[soft guitar music plays]


[all exclaiming]

[Raven] Pretty!

-What do you think? Does she see?
-She sees.

[Beverly chuckles]

-[Nancy] Oh my God.

[Nancy] Your body...

-Is the booty poppin'?
-The booty is popping.

[Zanab] Sakina? What do you think?

It's really cool. I really like it.
It makes your bum look good.

It makes your bum look good.

-Oh, it makes my bum look good. Um...
-[all laughing]

I picked it 'cause it's really sparkly

and I thought it'd be the one
you liked the most.

Well, I think it looks lovely.
You look great.

-Thanks, sis.
You really look good.[/i]

I feel pretty. Uh...

Yet I'm, like, shaking
and sweating all at the same time.

Do you want a veil?

[Zanab] Okay.
Is this the veil for this dress?

-[woman] It could be.
-[Zanab] Okay.

Let me see.

Yes. Now you look like a bride.

Would you guys marry me?

-Ah! Yes!
-Oh my God, in a heartbeat.

[Erendira] Look at you.

[takes a deep breath]

I think Mum would love it.

-Oh, is she crying? [laughing]

-Don't cry, Sakina.
-[Beverly chuckles]

I think Mum would love it too.

I just... It's just a day that Mum and Dad
should be here for, you know?

[voice breaking] And it's just not cool
that they're not here.

-But they... they will be, you know?
-[Zanab] I know. [sobs]

But I would love Mum
to be here, like, cheer...

You know she would be cheering
for this dress.


And Dad would be like,
"For the love of God,

go put something else on."


But I... I just... I hate...
I hate that they're missing this.

They're not.

I know they're not,
but I just wish they were here to see it.

Physically, you'd love to have them here.

Yeah. It would just be really great
to have them here.

[Zanab sniffles]

And it's just one of those obvious days
that they'll miss out on, you know?


-["Page I" plays]
This is a story I've never ♪[/i]

♪ I never wanted to live ♪

♪ Stare at myself in the mirror... ♪


I loved Zanab from the moment I met her.

I know that her mom and dad
would want to be here.


To not have that together is...
you've lost a part of your body.

So it's very important for me to see
Zanab be happy and fulfilled.

[Zanab sniffles]

-That's enough emotion in this dress.
-[Beverly] Okay. [sniffles]


[sighs deeply]

-My girls like it.
-I love it.

-[Alexa] You look gorgeous, baby.
-[Zanab] Okay. All right. Thanks, guys.

[sniffles, sighs]

-Well, that was heartbreaking.
-[Erendira] I mean...

You know, this makes you
appreciate your family here.

-[Nancy] So much, yeah.

♪ Stare at myself in the mirror ♪

♪ When will it all end? ♪

[Raven] Thank you, baby.

[SK] You're welcome.

Oh. So fancy.

[SK] How was... dress fitting?

-Did you get measured and stuff?
-Dress shopping.

-It's not fitting.
-Dress shopping. Dress shopping.

I feel like you, like, don't think
that dress shopping

is as big of a deal as it is.

[chuckles] Yeah, maybe I don't.

I can tell that you don't. I'm like,
"You know it's a really big deal, right?"

[SK] Oh yeah?

You know I'm in the wedding too, right?

-[SK chuckles] Oh!
-[Raven chuckles]

How was it fabric shopping with my mom?

[chill music playing]

It was good. It was fine.

Was she helpful?

She had a lot to say. [laughs]


They said the number one piece of advice

is to, like, always keep stew
in your house.

-[SK laughs heartily]
-And I was like, "What?"

I didn't expect that to be
their first piece of advice.

-[SK] Uh-huh, uh-huh.
-I was like, "What?"

I want you to know
that I really appreciate, like,

how involved you've gotten with, like,

just trying to integrate the culture.

-Thank you.
-And making my family feel comfortable.

Making them feel like you accept,
you know, and you're ready to get into,

you know, all the Nigerian-ness
going on in this wedding.

[Raven] But I am really trying.
Like, I want...

to make a relationship with your mom.

It's like, I want to try to do it.

I think one of my mom's
biggest concerns currently

is about the fact that, you know,

none of your family members
are gonna be at the wedding.

[tense music plays]

[SK] I pretty much
just had to try to, like,

make that case for her that,
you know, this is...

It's different in America, you know?

'Cause for us, that's, like,
almost unheard of.

I have a very small family.

I don't have

to represent me.

I have zero.


My mom does not want to participate.

You talked to her. She's fine.

She likes you.

My grandma's not gonna participate.
She's sick.

My grandfather just passed.

My mom only has one brother,

and I have, like, one close uncle,

and he's about to have a baby. It's like...

If these three people in my life
that are my "blood family"...

-[SK] Mm-hmm.
-...are choosing not to come,

what does your mom want me to do?

Not have the wedding,
just because it's not her way?

[SK] You're an American girl,
not a Yoruba girl.

Things would've been done differently.

I feel like y'all are picking at me,
and I'm like,

"What more do you want me to give?"
I'm giving y'all exactly what y'all want.

Everything you want for the wedding,
I'm doing. You know what I'm saying?

There's a lot of stuff
that I wouldn't have this way,

but I want your mom to be comfortable.
I want your brothers to enjoy themselves.

I want your family to like it.

And y'all still want to, like,
find a problem with what I'm doing.

Like, back me

Don't make me feel like
I'm messing it up for y'all.

We're just having...
fundamental differences on family,

and the importance of family

in your marital relationship.

Because to me, I'm like, I'm marrying you.

I'm not marrying your mom or your brother
or XYZ, you know what I'm saying?

But to you, it's like, they are
so a part of your identity that, like...

It's kind of similar to,
like, the name thing.

How I said, like, I would still be
my person without my same name,

and you were like, "I couldn't be me
without this specific name."

-Remember we had that talk?

I'm me regardless of what my... my name is.

-[SK] Mm-hmm.
-I'm me regardless of who my family is.

I'm gonna make my own decision
at the end of the day.

[tense music swells, fades]

-[tense music resumes]
-[heartbeat thumping]

[SK] I can, you know,
make my own decisions,

but we do have fundamental differences

when it comes to the role
that family plays in a marriage.

For me, it is very important for me
to have my family on board.

It is very crucial for me
to have their backing in this

when it comes to, like,
finding someone and settling down.

But... I'm not gonna throw away,

you know, the happiness that I found
because of that.

[tense music swells, fades]

[dramatic theme music playing]